Пример #1
// to check if shape is connected, simply test for the common shape inputs, nurbs: create mesh: inMesh
bool MayaObject::isShapeConnected()
	MStatus stat;
	bool returnValue = false;
	MPlug inPlug;
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(this->mobject, &stat);
		MFn::Type type = this->mobject.apiType();
		case MFn::kMesh:
			inPlug = depFn.findPlug(MString("inMesh"), &stat);
			if( stat)
				if( inPlug.isConnected())
					returnValue = true;
		case MFn::kNurbsSurface:
			inPlug = depFn.findPlug(MString("create"), &stat);
			if( stat)
				if( inPlug.isConnected())
					returnValue = true;
		case MFn::kNurbsCurve:
			inPlug = depFn.findPlug(MString("create"), &stat);
			if( stat)
				if( inPlug.isConnected())
					returnValue = true;

	return returnValue;
Пример #2
MString getConnectedFileTexturePath(const MString& plugName, MFnDependencyNode& depFn)
    MStatus stat;
    MString path = "";
    MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
    if (!stat)
        return path;
    if (plug.isConnected())
        MPlugArray parray;
        plug.connectedTo(parray, true, false, &stat);
        if (!stat)
            return path;

        if (parray.length() == 0)
            return path;

        MPlug destPlug = parray[0];
        MObject fileNode = destPlug.node();
        if (!fileNode.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture))
            return path;

        MFnDependencyNode fileDepFn(fileNode);
        MPlug ftn = fileDepFn.findPlug("fileTextureName", &stat);

        if (!stat)
            return path;
        path = ftn.asString();
    return path;
Пример #3
MObject getConnectedInNode(const MObject& thisObject, const char *attrName)
    MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
    MString indexStr, base;
    int index = -1;
    if (getArrayIndex(attrName, indexStr, base))
        index = indexStr.asInt();
        attrName = base.asChar();
    MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject);
    MPlug inPlug = depFn.findPlug(attrName);
    if (index > -1)
        inPlug = inPlug[index];
    MString plugname = inPlug.name();

    if (!inPlug.isConnected())
        return result;

    MPlugArray connectedPlugs;
    inPlug.connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
    if (connectedPlugs.length() == 0)
        return result;

    return connectedPlugs[0].node();
Пример #4
MObject getConnectedFileTextureObject(MString& plugName, MFnDependencyNode& depFn)
	MStatus stat;
	MString path = "";
	MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
	if( !stat )
		return MObject::kNullObj;
	if( plug.isConnected())
		MPlugArray parray;
		plug.connectedTo(parray, true, false, &stat);
		if( !stat )
			return MObject::kNullObj;

		if( parray.length() == 0 )
			return MObject::kNullObj;

		MPlug destPlug = parray[0];
		MObject fileNode = destPlug.node();	
		if( !fileNode.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture) )
			return MObject::kNullObj;
			return fileNode;

	return MObject::kNullObj;
Пример #5
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void polyModifierCmd::collectNodeState()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	MStatus status;

	// Collect node state information on the given polyMeshShape
	// - HasHistory (Construction History exists)
	// - HasTweaks
	// - HasRecordHistory (Construction History is turned on)
	MObject meshNodeShape = fDagPath.node();

	MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn;
	depNodeFn.setObject( meshNodeShape );

	MPlug inMeshPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh" );
	fHasHistory = inMeshPlug.isConnected();

	// Tweaks exist only if the multi "pnts" attribute contains plugs
	// which contain non-zero tweak values. Use false, until proven true
	// search algorithm.
	fHasTweaks = false;
	MPlug tweakPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );
	if( !tweakPlug.isNull() )
		// ASSERT: tweakPlug should be an array plug!
		MAssert( (tweakPlug.isArray()),
				 "tweakPlug.isArray() -- tweakPlug is not an array plug" );

		MPlug tweak;
		MFloatVector tweakData;
		int i;
		int numElements = tweakPlug.numElements();

		for( i = 0; i < numElements; i++ )
			tweak = tweakPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( i, &status );
			if( status == MS::kSuccess && !tweak.isNull() )
				getFloat3PlugValue( tweak, tweakData );
				if( 0 != tweakData.x ||
					0 != tweakData.y ||
					0 != tweakData.z )
					fHasTweaks = true;

	int result;
	MGlobal::executeCommand( "constructionHistory -q -tgl", result );
	fHasRecordHistory = (0 != result);
Пример #6
	// check if the index element of spceified Attr/ Plug is connected 
	bool isPlugConnect( MObject& inAttr, unsigned idx )
		MObject thisNode = thisMObject();	// Get this actual plugin node's MObject
		MPlug plugAttr( thisNode, inAttr );	// Get the attribute on this node

		if ( idx > plugAttr.numElements()-1 )  
			return false;

		MPlug subPlugAttr = plugAttr[idx];

		return subPlugAttr.isConnected();
Пример #7
MObject getConnectedInNode(MPlug& inPlug)
    MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
    if (!inPlug.isConnected())
        return result;

    MPlugArray connectedPlugs;
    inPlug.connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
    if (connectedPlugs.length() == 0)
        return result;

    return connectedPlugs[0].node();
Пример #8
bool getConnectedFileTexturePath(MString& plugName, MString& nodeName, MString& value, MObject& outFileNode)
	MStatus stat;
	MObject obj = objectFromName(nodeName);
	if( obj == MObject::kNullObj)
		return false;

	MFnDependencyNode depFn(obj);
	MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
	if( !stat )
		return false;
	//MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("is plug connected: ") + plug.name());
	if( !plug.isConnected())
		//MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("plug is NOT connected: ") + plug.name());
		return false;
	MPlugArray parray;
	plug.connectedTo(parray, true, false, &stat);
	if( !stat )
		return false;

	if( parray.length() == 0 )
		return false;

	MPlug destPlug = parray[0];
	MObject fileNode = destPlug.node();
	std::cout << "filenode: " << getObjectName(fileNode).asChar() << " plug name " << destPlug.name() << "\n";
	if( !fileNode.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture) )
		std::cout << "node is not from type fileTexture.\n";
		return false;

	MFnDependencyNode fileDepFn(fileNode);
	MPlug ftn = fileDepFn.findPlug("fileTextureName", &stat);

		std::cout << "fileTextureName not found at fileTexNode.\n";
		return false;
	MString fileTextureName = ftn.asString();
	std::cout << "fileTextureName value: " << fileTextureName.asChar() <<"\n";
	value = fileTextureName;
	outFileNode = fileNode;
	return true;
Пример #9
MObject getConnectedInNode(MObject& thisObject, const char *attrName)
	MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject);
	MPlug inPlug = depFn.findPlug(attrName);
	if( !inPlug.isConnected())
		return result;

	MPlugArray connectedPlugs;
	inPlug.connectedTo(connectedPlugs, true, false);
	if( connectedPlugs.length() == 0)
		return result;
	return connectedPlugs[0].node();
Пример #10
void getDirectConnectedPlugs(const char *attrName, MFnDependencyNode& depFn, bool dest, MPlugArray& thisNodePlugs, MPlugArray& otherSidePlugs)
	MPlug thisPlug = depFn.findPlug(attrName);
	if (!thisPlug.isArray())
		if (thisPlug.isConnected())
			otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(thisPlug, dest));
	for (uint i = 0; i < thisPlug.numElements(); i++)
		if (thisPlug.isCompound())
			// we only support simple compounds like colorListEntry
			if (MString(attrName) == MString("colorEntryList"))
				MPlug element = thisPlug[i];
				if (element.child(0).isConnected())
					MPlug connectedPlug = element.child(0);
					otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));
				if (element.child(1).isConnected())
					MPlug connectedPlug = element.child(1);
					otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));
			if (!thisPlug[i].isConnected())
			MPlug connectedPlug = thisPlug[i];
			otherSidePlugs.append(getDirectConnectedPlug(connectedPlug, dest));

    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    void SceneGraph::addForcedNodes ( const MDagPath& dagPath )
        MFnMesh meshFn ( dagPath );

        // Iterate upstream finding all the nodes which affect the mesh.
        MStatus stat;
        MPlug plug = meshFn.findPlug ( ATTR_IN_MESH );
        if ( plug.isConnected() )
            MItDependencyGraph dependGraphIter ( plug,
                                                 &stat );

            if ( stat == MS::kSuccess )
                for ( ; ! dependGraphIter.isDone(); dependGraphIter.next() )
                    MObject thisNode = dependGraphIter.thisNode();
                    MFn::Type type = thisNode.apiType();

                    if ( thisNode.apiType() == MFn::kSkinClusterFilter )
                        MFnSkinCluster clusterFn ( thisNode );
                        MDagPathArray jointPaths;
                        clusterFn.influenceObjects ( jointPaths, &stat );
                        if ( stat == MS::kSuccess )
                            uint count = jointPaths.length();
                            for ( uint i = 0; i < count; ++i ) appendForcedNodeToList ( jointPaths[i] );
                    else if ( thisNode.apiType() == MFn::kJointCluster )
                        MObject joint = DagHelper::getNodeConnectedTo ( thisNode, ATTR_MATRIX );
                        MDagPath jointPath = MDagPath::getAPathTo ( joint );
                        appendForcedNodeToList ( jointPath );
Пример #12
bool getConnectedFileTexturePath(const MString& plugName, MString& nodeName, MString& value, MObject& outFileNode)
    MStatus stat;
    MObject obj = objectFromName(nodeName);
    if (obj == MObject::kNullObj)
        return false;

    MFnDependencyNode depFn(obj);
    MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
    if (!stat)
        return false;

    if (!plug.isConnected())
        return false;
    MPlugArray parray;
    plug.connectedTo(parray, true, false, &stat);
    if (!stat)
        return false;

    if (parray.length() == 0)
        return false;

    MPlug destPlug = parray[0];
    MObject fileNode = destPlug.node();

    if (!fileNode.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture))
        return false;

    MFnDependencyNode fileDepFn(fileNode);
    MPlug ftn = fileDepFn.findPlug("fileTextureName", &stat);

    if (!stat)
        return false;

    MString fileTextureName = ftn.asString();
    value = fileTextureName;
    outFileNode = fileNode;
    return true;
Пример #13
bool getMsgObj(const char *plugName, MFnDependencyNode& dn, MObject& value)
	value = MObject::kNullObj;
	MDGContext ctx = MDGContext::fsNormal;
	MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
	bool result = false;
	MPlug plug = dn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
	if( !stat )
		return false;
		return false;
	MPlugArray inConnections;
	plug.connectedTo(inConnections, true, false, &stat);
	if( !stat )
		return false;
	value = inConnections[0].node();
	return true;
Пример #14
MObject getOtherSideNode(MString& plugName, MObject& thisObject, MString& otherSidePlugName)
	MStatus stat;
	MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject, &stat);	if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
	MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);	if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess)return result;
	if( !plug.isConnected() )
		return result;
	MPlugArray plugArray;
	plug.connectedTo(plugArray, 1, 0, &stat);if( stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
	if( plugArray.length() == 0)
		return result;
	MPlug otherSidePlug = plugArray[0];
	result = otherSidePlug.node();
	otherSidePlugName = otherSidePlug.name();
	otherSidePlugName = otherSidePlug.partialName(false, false, false, false, false, true);
	return result;
Пример #15
void EntityNode::GetImportNodes( MObjectArray& objects )
    MPlug plug(thisMObject(), m_ImportNodes);
    u32 num = plug.numElements();
    for( u32 i = 0; i < num; ++i )
        MPlug elementPlug = plug.elementByLogicalIndex( i );
        if( elementPlug.isConnected() )
            MPlugArray plugs;
            elementPlug.connectedTo( plugs, true, false );

            //should be one and only one
            HELIUM_ASSERT( plugs.length() == 1 );
            objects.append ( plugs[0].node() );
Пример #16
// check if the node or any of its parents has a animated visibility
bool  MayaObject::isVisiblityAnimated()
	MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
	bool visibility = true;
	MDagPath dp = this->dagPath;
	while (stat == MStatus::kSuccess)
		MFnDependencyNode depFn(dp.node());
		MPlug vplug = depFn.findPlug("visibility");
			Logging::debug(MString("Object: ") + vplug.name() + " has animated visibility");
			return true;
		stat = dp.pop();

	return false;	
Пример #17
// the postConstructor() function is called immediately after the objects
// constructor. It is not safe to call MPxNode member functions from the
// constructor, instead they should be called here.
void inSpecular::postConstructor( )
	MStatus stat;
    // setMPSafe indicates that this shader can be used for multiprocessor
    // rendering. For a shading node to be MP safe, it cannot access any
    // shared global data and should only use attributes in the datablock
    // to get input data and store output data.
    setMPSafe( true );

	MDGModifier modifier;

	MPlug sourcePlug = MPlug(this->thisMObject(), emission);
	MPlug destPlug = MPlug(this->thisMObject(), aIncandescence);
	if( !destPlug.isConnected() )
		stat = modifier.connect(sourcePlug, destPlug);

	stat = modifier.doIt();
Пример #18
    MObject DagHelper::getSourceNodeConnectedTo ( const MObject& node, const MString& attribute )
        MStatus status;
        MFnDependencyNode dgFn ( node );
        MPlug plug = dgFn.findPlug ( attribute, &status );
        if ( status == MS::kSuccess && plug.isConnected() )
            // Get the connection - there can be at most one input to a plug
            MPlugArray connections;
            plug.connectedTo ( connections, true, false );
            size_t length = connections.length();
            if ( connections.length() > 0 )
                return connections[0].node();

        return MObject::kNullObj;
Пример #19
MObject getOtherSideNode(const MString& plugName, MObject& thisObject, MStringArray& otherSidePlugNames)
    MStatus stat;
    MObject result = MObject::kNullObj;
    MFnDependencyNode depFn(thisObject, &stat);
    if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
    MPlug plug = depFn.findPlug(plugName, &stat);
    if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess)return result;
    if (!plug.isConnected())
        int numChildConnects = plug.numConnectedChildren();
        if (numChildConnects == 0)
            return result;
            for (int i = 0; i < numChildConnects; i++)
                MPlug child = plug.child(i);
                MString otherSidePlugName;
                MObject childObj = getOtherSideNode(child.partialName(false), thisObject, otherSidePlugName);
                if (childObj != MObject::kNullObj)
                    result = childObj;
                } else
        MPlugArray plugArray;
        plug.connectedTo(plugArray, 1, 0, &stat);
        if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess) return result;
        if (plugArray.length() == 0)
            return result;
        MPlug otherSidePlug = plugArray[0];
        result = otherSidePlug.node();
    return result;
/* override */
MStatus NuiMayaDeviceGrabber::connectionBroken( const MPlug& plug,
												 const MPlug& otherPlug,
												 bool asSrc )
// Description
//    Whenever a connection to this node is broken, this method
//    will get called.
	bool bHasConnected = plug.isConnected();
		if ( plug == aOutputPointCloud ) {
			m_cacheFlags = ~(~m_cacheFlags | NuiDeviceBufferImpl::ECache_CLData);
		else if ( plug == aOutputSkeleton ) {
			m_cacheFlags = ~(~m_cacheFlags | NuiDeviceBufferImpl::ECache_Skeleton);
		else if ( plug == aOutputGesture ) {
			m_cacheFlags = ~(~m_cacheFlags | NuiDeviceBufferImpl::ECache_Gesture);
		else if ( plug == aOutputFacialModel ) {
			m_cacheFlags = ~(~m_cacheFlags | NuiDeviceBufferImpl::ECache_Face);

	// When aOutputPointCloud connection lost, we should unlock any graphic/compute shared memory
	if (plug == aOutputMappable)
		std::shared_ptr<NuiCLMappableData> clData =
			NuiMayaMappableData::findData(thisMObject(), aOutputMappable);

		if (clData) {
	return MPxNode::connectionBroken( plug, otherPlug, asSrc );
Пример #21
    bool DagHelper::getPlugConnectedTo ( const MObject& node, const String& attribute, MPlug& connectedPlug )
        MStatus status;
        MFnDependencyNode dgFn ( node );
        MPlug plug = dgFn.findPlug ( attribute.c_str(), &status );

        if ( status == MS::kSuccess && plug.isConnected() )
            // Get the connection - there can be at most one input to a plug
            MPlugArray connections;
            plug.connectedTo ( connections, true, true );

            if ( connections.length() > 0 )
                connectedPlug = connections[0];
                return true;

        return false;
Пример #22
// Figures out the material path name from the maya shading group
MString ValveMaya::GetMaterialPath(
	const MObject &shadingGroupObj,
	MObject *pFileObj,
	MObject *pPlace2dTextureObj,
	MObject *pVmtObj,
	bool *pbTransparent,
	MString *pDebugWhy )
	MString materialPath( "debug/debugEmpty" );

	const MObject surfaceShaderObj( FindInputNode( shadingGroupObj, "surfaceShader" ) );
	if ( surfaceShaderObj.isNull() )
		if ( pDebugWhy )
			*pDebugWhy = MString( "Can't find surfaceShader node from shadingGroup: No input to " ) +
				MFnDependencyNode( shadingGroupObj ).name() + ".surfaceShader";

		return materialPath;

	if ( MFnDependencyNode( surfaceShaderObj ).typeName() == "vsVmt" )
		MPlug vmtP = MFnDependencyNode( surfaceShaderObj ).findPlug( "vmtPath" );
		if ( !vmtP.isNull() )
			vmtP.getValue( materialPath );
			return materialPath;

	const MObject fileObj( FindInputNodeOfType( surfaceShaderObj, "file", "color" ) );
	if ( fileObj.isNull() )
		if ( pDebugWhy )
			*pDebugWhy = MString( "Can't find file texture node from surfaceShader: No input to " ) +
				MFnDependencyNode( surfaceShaderObj ).name() + ".color";

		return materialPath;

	if ( pFileObj )
		*pFileObj = fileObj;

	if ( pbTransparent )
		const MObject transObj( FindInputNodeOfType( surfaceShaderObj, "file", "transparency" ) );
		if ( fileObj == transObj )
			*pbTransparent = true;

	if ( pPlace2dTextureObj )
		MObject place2dTextureObj( FindInputNodeOfType( fileObj, "place2dTexture", "uvCoord" ) );
		if ( !place2dTextureObj.isNull() )
			const MPlug uvCoordP( MFnDependencyNode( place2dTextureObj ).findPlug( "uvCoord" ) );
			if ( !( uvCoordP.isNull() || uvCoordP.isConnected() || uvCoordP.isLocked() ) )
				*pPlace2dTextureObj = place2dTextureObj;

	// Check to see if a vsVmtToTex node is driving the filename
	const MObject vsVmtToTexObj = FindInputNodeOfType( fileObj, "vsVmtToTex" );
	if ( !vsVmtToTexObj.isNull() )
		if ( pVmtObj )
			*pVmtObj = vsVmtToTexObj;

		const MPlug materialPathP = MFnDependencyNode( vsVmtToTexObj ).findPlug( "materialPath" );
		if ( !materialPathP.isNull() )
			materialPathP.getValue( materialPath );
			if ( materialPath.length() )
				return materialPath;

	// Otherwise do path munging to figure out 
	MString fileTexture;
	int fLen( 0 );

	const MFnDependencyNode fileFn( fileObj );
	const MPlug fileP( fileFn.findPlug( "fileTextureName" ) );
	fileP.getValue( fileTexture );
	fLen = fileTexture.length();
	if ( fLen == 0 )
		if ( pDebugWhy )
			*pDebugWhy = MString( "No texture filename specified on file texture node: " ) +
				MFnDependencyNode( fileObj ).name() + ".fileTextureName is empty";

		return materialPath;

	MStringArray path;
	const uint pLen( SplitPath( StripExtension( fileTexture ), path ) );

	if ( pLen == 0 )
		return fileTexture.asChar();

	materialPath = path[ pLen - 1 ];
	// Make the path into a relative path
	for ( int i = pLen - 2; i >= 0; --i )
		if ( i > 1 && ( !stricmp( path[ i - 1 ].asChar(), "game" ) || !stricmp( path[ i - 1 ].asChar(), "content" ) ) )

		if ( !stricmp( path[ i ].asChar(), "materials" ) || !stricmp( path[ i ].asChar(), "materialsrc" ) )

		materialPath = path[ i ] + "/" + materialPath;

	return materialPath;
Пример #23
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MStatus polyModifierCmd::processTweaks( modifyPolyData& data )
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

	// Clear tweak undo information (to be rebuilt)

	// Extract the tweaks and place them into a polyTweak node. This polyTweak node
	// will be placed ahead of the modifier node to maintain the order of operations.
	// Special care must be taken into recreating the tweaks:
	//		1) Copy tweak info (including connections!)
	//		2) Remove tweak info from both meshNode and a duplicate meshNode (if applicable)
	//		3) Cache tweak info for undo operations
	//if( fHasTweaks && fHasHistory && !speedupTweakProcessing())
	if( fHasTweaks && fHasHistory )
		// Declare our function sets
		MFnDependencyNode depNodeFn;

		// Declare our attributes and plugs
		MPlug	meshTweakPlug;
		MPlug	upstreamTweakPlug;
		MObject tweakNodeTweakAttr;

		// Declare our tweak processing variables
		MPlug				tweak;
		MPlug				tweakChild;
		MObject				tweakData;
		MObjectArray		tweakDataArray;
		MFloatVector		tweakVector;

		MIntArray			tweakSrcConnectionCountArray;
		MPlugArray			tweakSrcConnectionPlugArray;
		MIntArray			tweakDstConnectionCountArray;
		MPlugArray			tweakDstConnectionPlugArray;

		MPlugArray			tempPlugArray;

		unsigned i;
		unsigned j;
		unsigned k;

		// Create the tweak node and get its attributes
		data.tweakNode = fDGModifier.MDGModifier::createNode( "polyTweak" );
		depNodeFn.setObject( data.tweakNode );
		data.tweakNodeSrcAttr = depNodeFn.attribute( "output" );
		data.tweakNodeDestAttr = depNodeFn.attribute( "inputPolymesh" );
		tweakNodeTweakAttr = depNodeFn.attribute( "tweak" );

		depNodeFn.setObject( data.meshNodeShape );
		meshTweakPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );

		// ASSERT: meshTweakPlug should be an array plug!
		MStatusAssert( (meshTweakPlug.isArray()),
					   "meshTweakPlug.isArray() -- meshTweakPlug is not an array plug" );
		unsigned numElements = meshTweakPlug.numElements();

		// Gather meshTweakPlug data
		for( i = 0; i < numElements; i++ )
			// MPlug::numElements() only returns the number of physical elements
			// in the array plug. Thus we must use elementByPhysical index when using
			// the index i.
			tweak = meshTweakPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(i);

			// If the method fails, the element is NULL. Only append the index
			// if it is a valid plug.
			if( !tweak.isNull() )
				// Cache the logical index of this element plug
				unsigned logicalIndex = tweak.logicalIndex();

				// Collect tweak data and cache the indices and float vectors
				tweak.getValue( tweakData );
				tweakDataArray.append( tweakData );
				getFloat3PlugValue( tweak, tweakVector );
				fTweakIndexArray.append( logicalIndex );
				fTweakVectorArray.append( tweakVector );

				// Collect tweak connection data
				// Parse down to the deepest level of the plug tree and check
				// for connections - look at the child nodes of the element plugs.
				// If any connections are found, record the connection and disconnect
				// it.

				// ASSERT: The element plug should be compound!
				MStatusAssert( (tweak.isCompound()),
							   "tweak.isCompound() -- Element tweak plug is not compound" );

				unsigned numChildren = tweak.numChildren();
				for( j = 0; j < numChildren; j++ )
					tweakChild = tweak.child(j);
					if( tweakChild.isConnected() )
						// Get all connections with this plug as source, if they exist
						if( tweakChild.connectedTo( tempPlugArray, false, true ) )
							unsigned numSrcConnections = tempPlugArray.length();
							tweakSrcConnectionCountArray.append( numSrcConnections );

							for( k = 0; k < numSrcConnections; k++ )
								tweakSrcConnectionPlugArray.append( tempPlugArray[k] );
								fDGModifier.disconnect( tweakChild, tempPlugArray[k] );

						// Get the connection with this plug as destination, if it exists
						if( tweakChild.connectedTo( tempPlugArray, true, false ) )
							// ASSERT: tweakChild should only have one connection as destination!
							MStatusAssert( (tempPlugArray.length() == 1),
										   "tempPlugArray.length() == 1 -- 0 or >1 connections on tweakChild" );

							tweakDstConnectionPlugArray.append( tempPlugArray[0] );
							fDGModifier.disconnect( tempPlugArray[0], tweakChild );

		// Apply meshTweakPlug data to our polyTweak node
		MPlug polyTweakPlug( data.tweakNode, tweakNodeTweakAttr );
		unsigned numTweaks = fTweakIndexArray.length();
		int srcOffset = 0;
		int dstOffset = 0;
		//Progress initialisieren
		progressBar progress("Processing Tweaks", numTweaks);

		for( i = 0; i < numTweaks; i++ )
			// Apply tweak data
			tweak = polyTweakPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( fTweakIndexArray[i] );
			tweak.setValue( tweakDataArray[i] );

			// ASSERT: Element plug should be compound!
			MStatusAssert( (tweak.isCompound()),
						   "tweak.isCompound() -- Element plug, 'tweak', is not compound" );

			unsigned numChildren = tweak.numChildren();
			for( j = 0; j < numChildren; j++ )
				tweakChild = tweak.child(j);

				// Apply tweak source connection data
				if( 0 < tweakSrcConnectionCountArray[i*numChildren + j] )
					for( k = 0;
						 k < (unsigned) tweakSrcConnectionCountArray[i*numChildren + j];
						 k++ )
						fDGModifier.connect( tweakChild,
											 tweakSrcConnectionPlugArray[srcOffset] );
				// Apply tweak destination connection data
				if( 0 < tweakDstConnectionCountArray[i*numChildren + j] )
					fDGModifier.connect( tweakDstConnectionPlugArray[dstOffset],
										 tweakChild );

			if(i%50 == 0)


		// Now, set the tweak values on the meshNode(s) to zero (History dependent)
		MFnNumericData numDataFn;
		MObject nullVector;

		// Create a NULL vector (0,0,0) using MFnNumericData to pass into the plug
		numDataFn.create( MFnNumericData::k3Float );
		numDataFn.setData( 0, 0, 0 );
		nullVector = numDataFn.object();

		for( i = 0; i < numTweaks; i++ )
			// Access using logical indices since they are the only plugs guaranteed
			// to hold tweak data.
			tweak = meshTweakPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( fTweakIndexArray[i] );
			tweak.setValue( nullVector );

		// Only have to clear the tweaks off the duplicate mesh if we do not have history
		// and we want history.
		if( !fHasHistory && fHasRecordHistory )
			depNodeFn.setObject( data.upstreamNodeShape );
			upstreamTweakPlug = depNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );

			if( !upstreamTweakPlug.isNull() )
				for( i = 0; i < numTweaks; i++ )
					tweak = meshTweakPlug.elementByLogicalIndex( fTweakIndexArray[i] );
					tweak.setValue( nullVector );
		fHasTweaks = false;

	return status;
Пример #24
void CoronaRenderer::defineMaterial(Corona::IInstance* instance, std::shared_ptr<MayaObject> mobj)
	std::shared_ptr<mtco_MayaObject> obj = std::static_pointer_cast<mtco_MayaObject>(mobj);
	getObjectShadingGroups(obj->dagPath, obj->perFaceAssignments, obj->shadingGroups, false);

	if( obj->shadingGroups.length() > 0)
		for (uint sgId = 0; sgId < obj->shadingGroups.length(); sgId++)
			MObject shadingGroup = obj->shadingGroups[sgId];
			Logging::debug(MString("---------- Check shading group: ") + getObjectName(shadingGroup) + " for existence on object named " +  obj->fullName);
			if (assingExistingMat(shadingGroup, obj))

			MObject surfaceShader = getConnectedInNode(shadingGroup, "surfaceShader");

			// check obj set overrides
			MObject connectedSet = getConnectedObjSet(obj->dagPath);
			if (connectedSet != MObject::kNullObj)
				MFnDependencyNode setFn(connectedSet);
				Logging::debug(MString("Found connected object set:") + setFn.name());
				MPlug shaderOverride = setFn.findPlug("mtco_mtlOverride");
				if (!shaderOverride.isNull())

					MObject connectedObject = getConnectedInNode(shaderOverride);
					if (connectedObject != MObject::kNullObj)
						surfaceShader = connectedObject;

			// raytype shader is a special case. Here a material set gets different materials, so I have to call defineCoronaMaterial several times
			MFnDependencyNode shaderMat(surfaceShader);
			Corona::SharedPtr<Corona::IMaterial> base = nullptr;
			Corona::SharedPtr<Corona::IMaterial> reflect = nullptr;
			Corona::SharedPtr<Corona::IMaterial> refract = nullptr;
			Corona::SharedPtr<Corona::IMaterial> direct = nullptr;
			if (shaderMat.typeName() == "CoronaRaytype")
				MPlug basePlug = shaderMat.findPlug("base");
				MPlug reflectPlug = shaderMat.findPlug("reflect");
				MPlug refractPlug = shaderMat.findPlug("refract");
				MPlug directPlug = shaderMat.findPlug("direct");
				if (basePlug.isConnected())
					MObject inNode = getConnectedInNode(basePlug);
					base = defineCoronaMaterial(inNode, nullptr);
				if (reflectPlug.isConnected())
					MObject inNode = getConnectedInNode(reflectPlug);
					reflect = defineCoronaMaterial(inNode, nullptr);
				if (refractPlug.isConnected())
					MObject inNode = getConnectedInNode(refractPlug);
					refract = defineCoronaMaterial(inNode, nullptr);
				if (directPlug.isConnected())
					MObject inNode = getConnectedInNode(directPlug);
					direct = defineCoronaMaterial(inNode, nullptr);
				base = defineCoronaMaterial(surfaceShader, obj);

			Corona::IMaterialSet ms = Corona::IMaterialSet(base);
			ms.overrides.direct = direct;
			ms.overrides.reflect = reflect;
			ms.overrides.refract = refract;
			setRenderStats(ms, obj);
		Corona::SharedPtr<Corona::IMaterial> mat = defineCoronaMaterial(MObject::kNullObj, nullptr);
		Corona::IMaterialSet ms = Corona::IMaterialSet(mat);
		setRenderStats(ms, obj);
Пример #25
MString defineTexture(MFnDependencyNode& shader, MString& attributeName)
    boost::shared_ptr<AppleseedRenderer> appleRenderer = boost::static_pointer_cast<AppleseedRenderer>(getWorldPtr()->mRenderer);
    assert(appleRenderer != 0);
    renderer::Scene* scene = getSceneFromProject(appleRenderer->getProjectPtr());
    foundation::SearchPaths &searchPaths = appleRenderer->getProjectPtr()->search_paths();

    MStatus stat;
    MString textureDefinition("");
    MPlug plug = shader.findPlug(attributeName, &stat);
    if (stat != MStatus::kSuccess)
        return textureDefinition;
    if (!plug.isConnected())
        return textureDefinition;
    MObject connectedNode = getConnectedInNode(plug);

    if (!connectedNode.hasFn(MFn::kFileTexture))
        return textureDefinition;

    MFnDependencyNode fileTextureNode(connectedNode, &stat);
    MString textureName = fileTextureNode.name() + "_texture";
    MString fileTextureName = "";
    getString(MString("fileTextureName"), fileTextureNode, fileTextureName);
    if (!pystring::endswith(fileTextureName.asChar(), ".exr") || (fileTextureName.length() == 0))
        if (fileTextureName.length() == 0)
            Logging::warning(MString("FileTextureName has no content."));
            Logging::warning(MString("FileTextureName does not have an .exr extension. Other filetypes are not yet supported, sorry."));
        return textureDefinition;


    MString colorProfile = "srgb";

    renderer::ParamArray params;
    Logging::debug(MString("Now inserting file name: ") + fileTextureName);
    params.insert("filename", fileTextureName.asChar());      // OpenEXR only for now. The param is called filename but it can be a path
    params.insert("color_space", colorProfile.asChar());

    foundation::auto_release_ptr<renderer::Texture> textureElement(
            searchPaths));    // the project holds a set of search paths to find textures and other assets

    bool alphaIsLuminance = false;
    getBool(MString("alphaIsLuminance"), fileTextureNode, alphaIsLuminance);
    renderer::ParamArray tInstParams;
    tInstParams.insert("addressing_mode", "clamp");
    tInstParams.insert("filtering_mode", "bilinear");
    if (alphaIsLuminance)
        tInstParams.insert("alpha_mode", "luminance");

    MString textureInstanceName = textureName + "_texInst";
    foundation::auto_release_ptr<renderer::TextureInstance> tinst = renderer::TextureInstanceFactory().create(


    return textureInstanceName;
Пример #26
MStatus CmpMeshModifierCmd::doIt( const MDagPath &dagPath, const MTypeId &meshModType )
	MStatus stat;
	meshShapePath = dagPath;
	if( !meshShapePath.isValid() )
		displayError( "Invalid mesh shape path: " + meshShapePath.fullPathName() );
		return MS::kFailure;
	meshModifierNodeType = meshModType;
	// Get the current state of the history
	MFnDagNode origShapeNodeFn( meshShapePath );
	// Determine if the mesh has history
	MPlug inMeshOrigPlug = origShapeNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh" );
	hasHistory = inMeshOrigPlug.isConnected();
	// Determine if the mesh has tweaks
	hasInternalTweaks = false;
	MPlug tweaksPlug = origShapeNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );
	if( !tweaksPlug.isNull() )
		MObject obj;
		MPlug tweakPlug;
		MFloatVector tweak;
		unsigned int i;
		unsigned int nTweaks = tweaksPlug.numElements();
		for( i=0; i < nTweaks; i++ )
			tweakPlug = tweaksPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( i, &stat );
			if( stat && !tweakPlug.isNull() )
				tweakPlug.getValue( obj );
				MFnNumericData numDataFn( obj );
				numDataFn.getData( tweak[0], tweak[1], tweak[2] );
				if( tweak[0] != 0.0f || tweak[1] != 0.0f || tweak[2] != 0.0f )
					hasInternalTweaks = true;
	int res;
	MGlobal::executeCommand( "constructionHistory -query -toggle", res );
	genHistory = res != 0;
	//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("resulting: ") + hasHistory + " " + hasInternalTweaks + " " + genHistory + "\n" );
	// When there is no existing history
	// cache the mesh data for later undoing
	if( !hasHistory )
		MPlug meshPlug = origShapeNodeFn.findPlug( hasInternalTweaks ? "cachedInMesh" : "outMesh" );
		meshPlug.getValue( origMeshData );
	// Create the modifier node
	MObject modNode = dagMods[0].MDGModifier::createNode( meshModifierNodeType, &stat );
	// Create tweak node
	MObject tweakNode = dagMods[0].MDGModifier::createNode( "polyTweak", &stat );
	// Execute DAG modifier to ensure that the nodes actually exist
	// Check that the inMesh and outMesh attributes exist in the modifier node
	MFnDependencyNode nodeFn( modNode );
	if( nodeFn.attribute( "inMesh" ).isNull() || nodeFn.attribute( "outMesh" ).isNull() )
		displayError( "Invalid modifier node. It doesn't have inMesh and/or outMesh attributes" );
		return MS::kFailure;

	// Let the derived command class initialize the modifier node
	initModifierNode( modNode, dagMods[1] );
	MFnDependencyNode modNodeFn( modNode );
	// Get plug that is the start of the new stream
	MPlug newStreamInMeshPlug = modNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh" );
	// Get the plug connecting into original shape's inMesh
	MPlugArray inPlugs;
	inMeshOrigPlug.connectedTo( inPlugs, true, false );
	MPlug oldStreamOutMeshPlug;
	// N.B. For meshes without construction history
	// there won't be incoming connection
	if( inPlugs.length() )
		oldStreamOutMeshPlug = inPlugs[0];		
		// Disconnect the connection into the mesh shape's inMesh attribute.
		// The outMesh of the modifier node will later connect into this.
		dagMods[1].disconnect( oldStreamOutMeshPlug, inMeshOrigPlug );
	if( hasInternalTweaks )
		// Transfer tweaks from the mesh shape to the tweak node
		transferTweaks( meshShapePath, tweakNode, dagMods[1] );
		MFnDependencyNode tweakNodeFn( tweakNode );
		newStreamInMeshPlug = tweakNodeFn.findPlug( "inputPolymesh" );
		// Connect output of tweak node into modifier node		
		MPlug inMeshModPlug = modNodeFn.findPlug( "inMesh" );
		MPlug outMeshTweakPlug = tweakNodeFn.findPlug( "output" );
		dagMods[1].connect( outMeshTweakPlug, inMeshModPlug );

	copyTransform = MObject::kNullObj;
	// Generate history for shape that doesn't have one
	if( !hasHistory ) //&& genHistory )
		// Duplicate the mesh shape node
		copyTransform = origShapeNodeFn.duplicate();
		MFnDagNode copyTransformFn( copyTransform );
		MObject copyShapeNode = copyTransformFn.child(0);
		MFnDagNode copyShapeNodeFn( copyShapeNode );
		//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString("copy: transform: ") + copyTransformFn.fullPathName() + " shape name: " + copyShapeNodeFn.fullPathName() + "\n" );
		// Set it to be an intermediate object
		dagMods[2].commandToExecute( "setAttr " + copyShapeNodeFn.fullPathName() + ".intermediateObject true" );
		// Set output plug of old stream to be the outMesh of the duplicated shape
		oldStreamOutMeshPlug = copyShapeNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh" );
		// Rename the duplicate
		dagMods[2].renameNode( copyShapeNode, copyShapeNodeFn.name() + "Orig" );
		// Reparent the shape
		MObject origTransform = meshShapePath.transform();
		dagMods[2].reparentNode( copyShapeNode, origTransform );
		// Remove the now orphaned transform
		// N.B. calling deleteNode( transformCopy ) causes the shape node to
		// also be deleted, even though it has been reparented to the original mesh.
		// As such, the MEL command "delete" was used instead.
		// The deleteNode() method does some
		// preparation work before it enqueues itself in the MDagModifier list
		// of operations, namely, it looks at it's parents and children and
		// deletes them as well if they are the only parent/child of the node
		// scheduled to be deleted.
		dagMods[2].commandToExecute( "delete " + copyTransformFn.fullPathName() );
	if( !oldStreamOutMeshPlug.isNull() )
		// Connect output mesh of the previous stream the input of the new stream
		dagMods[2].connect( oldStreamOutMeshPlug, newStreamInMeshPlug );
	// Connect output of the mesh modifier node to the input of the original mesh shape
	MPlug outMeshModPlug = modNodeFn.findPlug( "outMesh" );
	dagMods[2].connect( outMeshModPlug, inMeshOrigPlug );
	if( !hasHistory && !genHistory )
		// Collapse the history
		dagMods[2].commandToExecute( MString("delete -constructionHistory ") + meshShapePath.fullPathName() );
	return MS::kSuccess;
Пример #27
void MayaObject::initialize()
	this->isInstancerObject = false;
	this->instancerParticleId = -1;
	this->instanceNumber = 0;
	this->attributes = nullptr;
	this->origObject = nullptr;
	this->shortName = getObjectName(mobject);
	this->fullName = this->dagPath.fullPathName();
	this->fullNiceName = makeGoodString(this->fullName);
	this->instanceNumber = dagPath.instanceNumber();
	MFnDependencyNode depFn(mobject);
	this->motionBlurred = true;
	this->geometryMotionblur = false;
	bool mb = true;
	if( getBool(MString("motionBlur"), depFn, mb) )
		this->motionBlurred = mb;
	// cameras have motionBlur attribute but it is set to false by default and it is not accessible via UI
	// but we want to have a blurred camera by default. 
	if( this->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kCamera))
		this->motionBlurred = true;
	this->perObjectTransformSteps = 1;
	this->perObjectDeformSteps = 1;
	this->index = -1;
	this->shapeConnected = false;
	this->lightExcludeList = true; // In most cases only a few lights are ignored, so the list is shorter with excluded lights
	this->shadowExcludeList = true; // in most cases only a few objects ignore shadows, so the list is shorter with ignoring objects
	this->animated = this->isObjAnimated();
	this->shapeConnected = this->isShapeConnected();
	this->parent = nullptr;
	this->visible = true;
	this->hasInstancerConnection = false;
	MDagPath dp;
	dp = dagPath;
	MFnDagNode dagNode(this->mobject);
	if (!IsVisible(dagNode) || IsTemplated(dagNode) || !IsInRenderLayer(dp) || !IsPathVisible(dp) || !IsLayerVisible(this->dagPath))
		this->visible = false;

	// get instancer connection
	MStatus stat;
	MPlug matrixPlug = depFn.findPlug(MString("matrix"), &stat);
	if( !stat)
		Logging::debug(MString("Could not find matrix plug"));
		MPlugArray outputs;
		if( matrixPlug.isConnected())
			matrixPlug.connectedTo(outputs, false, true);
			for( uint i = 0; i < outputs.length(); i++)
				MObject otherSide = outputs[i].node();
				Logging::debug(MString("matrix is connected to ") + getObjectName(otherSide));
				if( otherSide.hasFn(MFn::kInstancer))
					Logging::debug(MString("other side is instancer"));
					this->hasInstancerConnection = true;

	if( this->mobject.hasFn(MFn::kWorld))
		this->shortName = this->fullName = this->fullNiceName = "world";
Пример #28
MStatus	CmpMeshModifierCmd::transferTweaks( const MDagPath &shapePath,
										    MObject &tweakNode, 
											MDagModifier &dagMod )
	// Get the tweaks from the mesh shape and apply them to the 
	// to the tweak node
	MFnDagNode shapeNodeFn( shapePath );
	MPlug srcTweaksPlug = shapeNodeFn.findPlug( "pnts" );
	MFnDependencyNode tweakNodeFn( tweakNode );
	MPlug dstTweaksPlug = tweakNodeFn.findPlug( "tweak" );
	//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString( "storing tweaks from " ) + shapePath.fullPathName() + "\n" );
	MPlugArray plugs;
	MPlug srcTweakPlug;
	MPlug dstTweakPlug;
	MObject dataObj;
	MFloatVector tweak;
	unsigned int nTweaks = srcTweaksPlug.numElements();
	unsigned int i, j, ci, logicalIndex;
	for( i=0; i < nTweaks; i++ )
		srcTweakPlug = srcTweaksPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( i );
		if( !srcTweakPlug.isNull() )
			logicalIndex = srcTweakPlug.logicalIndex();
			// Set tweak node tweak element
			srcTweakPlug.getValue( dataObj );			
			MFnNumericData numDataFn( dataObj );
			numDataFn.getData( tweak[0], tweak[1], tweak[2] );
			dagMod.commandToExecute( MString( "setAttr " ) + tweakNodeFn.name() + ".tweak[" + logicalIndex + "] " + 
									 tweak[0] + " " + tweak[1] + " " + tweak[2] );

			// Handle transfer of incoming and outgoing connections to "pnts" elements
			dstTweakPlug = dstTweaksPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(logicalIndex);

			if( srcTweakPlug.isConnected() )
				// As source, transfer source to tweak node tweak
				srcTweakPlug.connectedTo( plugs, false, true );
				for( j=0; j < plugs.length(); j++ )
					dagMod.disconnect( srcTweakPlug, plugs[j] );
					dagMod.connect( dstTweakPlug, plugs[j] );
				// As destination, transfer destination to tweak node tweak
				srcTweakPlug.connectedTo( plugs, true, false );
				if( plugs.length() == 1 ) // There can only be one input connection
					dagMod.disconnect( plugs[0], srcTweakPlug );
					dagMod.connect( plugs[0], dstTweakPlug );
			else // Check children
				MPlug srcTweakChildPlug;
				MPlug dstTweakChildPlug;
				for( ci=0; ci < srcTweakPlug.numChildren(); ci++ )
					srcTweakChildPlug = srcTweakPlug.child(ci);
					dstTweakChildPlug = dstTweakPlug.child(ci);
					if( srcTweakChildPlug.isConnected() )
						// As souce, transfer source to tweak node tweak
						srcTweakChildPlug.connectedTo( plugs, false, true );
						for( j=0; j < plugs.length(); j++ )
							dagMod.disconnect( srcTweakChildPlug, plugs[j] );
							dagMod.connect( dstTweakChildPlug, plugs[j] );
						// As destination, transfer destination to tweak node tweak
						srcTweakChildPlug.connectedTo( plugs, true, false );
						if( plugs.length() == 1 ) // There can only be one input connection
							dagMod.disconnect( plugs[0], srcTweakChildPlug );
							dagMod.connect( plugs[0], dstTweakChildPlug );
			// With the tweak values and any connections now transferred to
			// the tweak node's tweak element, this source element can be reset
			dagMod.commandToExecute( MString( "setAttr " ) + shapePath.fullPathName() + ".pnts[" + logicalIndex + "] 0 0 0" );									
			//MGlobal::displayInfo( MString(" tweak: ") + tweakIndices[i] + ": " + tweaks[i].x + ", " + tweaks[i].y + ", " + tweaks[i].z + "\n" );

	return MS::kSuccess;
Пример #29
Corona::SharedPtr<Corona::Abstract::Map> getOslTexMap(MString& attributeName, MFnDependencyNode& depFn, ShadingNetwork& sn)
	MStatus status;
	OSL::OSLShadingNetworkRenderer *oslRenderer;
	MayaTo::MayaToWorld::WorldRenderType rType = MayaTo::getWorldPtr()->getRenderType();
	if ((rType == MayaTo::MayaToWorld::WorldRenderType::SWATCHRENDER))
		oslRenderer = (OSL::OSLShadingNetworkRenderer *)MayaTo::getObjPtr("oslSwatchRenderer");
		oslRenderer = (OSL::OSLShadingNetworkRenderer *)MayaTo::getObjPtr("oslRenderer");

	size_t numNodes = sn.shaderList.size();
	MString OSLInterfaceName = depFn.name() + "_" + attributeName + "_OSLInterface";
	MString shaderGroupName = depFn.name() + "_" + attributeName + "_OSLShadingGroup";
	OSL::ShaderGroupRef shaderGroup = oslRenderer->shadingsys->ShaderGroupBegin(shaderGroupName.asChar());

	MObject thisMObject = depFn.object();
	MString outPlugName;
	MString connectedObjectName = getObjectName(getOtherSideSourceNode(attributeName, thisMObject, true, outPlugName));

	Logging::debug(MString("getOslTexMap: ") + connectedObjectName + "." + outPlugName + " is connected with " + depFn.name() + "." + attributeName);
	MPlug shaderPlug = depFn.findPlug(attributeName);


	for (int shadingNodeId = 0; shadingNodeId < numNodes; shadingNodeId++)
		ShadingNode snode = sn.shaderList[shadingNodeId];
		Logging::debug(MString("ShadingNode Id: ") + shadingNodeId + " ShadingNode name: " + snode.fullName);

		if (snode.fullName == connectedObjectName.asChar())
			MAYATO_OSL::createOSLHelperNodes(sn.shaderList[sn.shaderList.size() - 1]);
			Logging::debug(MString("connected node found: ") + snode.fullName + " search output attr.");

			for (size_t outId = 0; outId < snode.outputAttributes.size(); outId++)
				ShaderAttribute& sa = snode.outputAttributes[outId];
				if (MString(sa.name.c_str()) == outPlugName)
					Logging::debug(MString("connected out attr found: ") + sa.name.c_str() + " ");

					MString destParam;
					MString sourceParam = outPlugName;
					MString sourceNode = connectedObjectName;
					if ((sa.type == "color") || (sa.type == "vector"))
						// lets see if we have a color helper node
						MString helperNodeName = MAYATO_OSL::createPlugHelperNodeName(attributeName.asChar(), thisMObject, false);
						Logging::debug(MString("Interface connection - color/vector attribute ") + sa.name.c_str() + " search for helper node " + helperNodeName);
						if (MAYATO_OSL::doesOSLNodeAlreadyExist(helperNodeName))
							Logging::debug(MString("Found helper node name."));
							sourceParam = "outputValue";
							sourceNode = helperNodeName;
						destParam = "inVector";
					if (sa.type == "float")
						destParam = "inFloat";
					if (sa.type == "int")
						destParam = "inInt";
					if (sa.type == "bool")
						destParam = "inBool";

					if (sourceParam == "output")
						sourceParam = "outOutput";

					// if we have a color/vector input, try to find a multiplier attribute
					MString multiplierName = attributeName + "Multiplier";
					MPlug multiplierAttribute = depFn.findPlug(multiplierName, true, &status);
					if (status)
						Logging::debug(MString("Found multiplier attribute: ") + multiplierName);
						float multiplier = multiplierAttribute.asFloat();
						float offset = 0.0f;
						if ((attributeName == "refractionIndex") || (attributeName == "reflectionIor"))
							offset = -1.0f;
						oslRenderer->shadingsys->Parameter("multiplier", OSL::TypeDesc::TypeFloat, &multiplier);
						oslRenderer->shadingsys->Parameter("offset", OSL::TypeDesc::TypeFloat, &offset);
					Logging::debug(MString("creating OSLInterface shader ") + OSLInterfaceName);
					bool success = oslRenderer->shadingsys->Shader("surface", "OSLInterface", OSLInterfaceName.asChar());
					Logging::debug(MString("connecting ") + sourceNode + "." + sourceParam + " -> " + OSLInterfaceName + "." + destParam);
					success = oslRenderer->shadingsys->ConnectShaders(sourceNode.asChar(), sourceParam.asChar(), OSLInterfaceName.asChar(), destParam.asChar());
	if (!oslRenderer->shadingsys->ShaderGroupEnd())
		Logging::debug("Problem finishing shader group");
	std::string serialized;
	oslRenderer->shadingsys->getattribute(shaderGroup.get(), "pickle", serialized);
	Logging::debug(MString("Serialized: ") + serialized.c_str());

	Corona::SharedPtr<Corona::Abstract::Map> oslMapp = new OSLMap;
	OSLMap *oslMap = (OSLMap *)oslMapp.getReference();

	oslMap->oslRenderer = oslRenderer;
	oslMap->shaderGroup = shaderGroup;
	if (depFn.object().hasFn(MFn::kLight))
		oslMap->isLightMap = true;

	if (attributeName == "normalCamera")
		oslMap->bumpType = OSLMap::NONE;
		// we only support direct bumpmap connections
		MPlug ncPlug = depFn.findPlug("normalCamera");
		if (ncPlug.isConnected())
			MPlugArray pa;
			ncPlug.connectedTo(pa, true, false);
			if (pa.length() > 0)
				for (uint pId = 0; pId < pa.length(); pId++)
					if (pa[pId].node().hasFn(MFn::kBump) || pa[pId].node().hasFn(MFn::kBump3d))
						MFnDependencyNode bumpFn(pa[pId].node());
						MPlug interpPlug = bumpFn.findPlug("bumpInterp");
						if (interpPlug.asInt() == 0)
							oslMap->bumpType = OSLMap::BUMP;
						if (interpPlug.asInt() == 1)
							oslMap->bumpType = OSLMap::NORMALTANGENT;
						if (interpPlug.asInt() == 2)
							oslMap->bumpType = OSLMap::NORMALOBJECT;
						if (pa[pId].node().hasFn(MFn::kBump3d))
							oslMap->bumpType = OSLMap::BUMP3D;
	return oslMapp;
Пример #30
// returns 0 if static, 1 if sampled, and 2 if a curve
int util::getSampledType(const MPlug& iPlug)
    MPlugArray conns;

    iPlug.connectedTo(conns, true, false);

    // it's possible that only some element of an array plug or
    // some component of a compound plus is connected
    if (conns.length() == 0)
        if (iPlug.isArray())
            unsigned int numConnectedElements = iPlug.numConnectedElements();
            for (unsigned int e = 0; e < numConnectedElements; e++)
                int retVal = getSampledType(iPlug.connectionByPhysicalIndex(e));
                if (retVal > 0)
                    return retVal;
        else if (iPlug.isCompound() && iPlug.numConnectedChildren() > 0)
            unsigned int numChildren = iPlug.numChildren();
            for (unsigned int c = 0; c < numChildren; c++)
                int retVal = getSampledType(iPlug.child(c));
                if (retVal > 0)
                    return retVal;
        return 0;

    MObject ob;
    MFnDependencyNode nodeFn;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < conns.length(); i++)
        ob = conns[i].node();
        MFn::Type type = ob.apiType();

        switch (type)
            case MFn::kAnimCurveTimeToAngular:
            case MFn::kAnimCurveTimeToDistance:
            case MFn::kAnimCurveTimeToTime:
            case MFn::kAnimCurveTimeToUnitless:
                MPlug incoming = nodeFn.findPlug("i", true);

                // sampled
                if (incoming.isConnected())
                    return 1;

                // curve
                    return 2;

            case MFn::kMute:
                MPlug mutePlug = nodeFn.findPlug("mute", true);

                // static
                if (mutePlug.asBool())
                    return 0;
                // curve
                   return 2;


    return 1;