Пример #1
bool Bundle_Adjustment_Ceres::Adjust
  SfM_Data & sfm_data,     // the SfM scene to refine
  const Optimize_Options options
  // Add camera parameters
  // - intrinsics
  // - poses [R|t]

  // Create residuals for each observation in the bundle adjustment problem. The
  // parameters for cameras and points are added automatically.

  ceres::Problem problem;

  // Data wrapper for refinement:
  Hash_Map<IndexT, std::vector<double> > map_intrinsics;
  Hash_Map<IndexT, std::vector<double> > map_poses;

  // Setup Poses data & subparametrization
 for (Poses::const_iterator itPose = sfm_data.poses.begin(); itPose != sfm_data.poses.end(); ++itPose)
    const IndexT indexPose = itPose->first;

    const Pose3 & pose = itPose->second;
    const Mat3 R = pose.rotation();
    const Vec3 t = pose.translation();

    double angleAxis[3];
    ceres::RotationMatrixToAngleAxis((const double*)R.data(), angleAxis);
    // angleAxis + translation
    map_poses[indexPose] = {angleAxis[0], angleAxis[1], angleAxis[2], t(0), t(1), t(2)};

    double * parameter_block = &map_poses[indexPose][0];
    problem.AddParameterBlock(parameter_block, 6);
    if (options.extrinsics_opt == Extrinsic_Parameter_Type::NONE)
      // set the whole parameter block as constant for best performance
    else  // Subset parametrization
      std::vector<int> vec_constant_extrinsic;
      // If we adjust only the translation, we must set ROTATION as constant
      if (options.extrinsics_opt == Extrinsic_Parameter_Type::ADJUST_TRANSLATION)
        // Subset rotation parametrization
      // If we adjust only the rotation, we must set TRANSLATION as constant
      if (options.extrinsics_opt == Extrinsic_Parameter_Type::ADJUST_ROTATION)
        // Subset translation parametrization
      if (!vec_constant_extrinsic.empty())
        ceres::SubsetParameterization *subset_parameterization =
          new ceres::SubsetParameterization(6, vec_constant_extrinsic);
        problem.SetParameterization(parameter_block, subset_parameterization);

  // Setup Intrinsics data & subparametrization
  for (Intrinsics::const_iterator itIntrinsic = sfm_data.intrinsics.begin();
    itIntrinsic != sfm_data.intrinsics.end(); ++itIntrinsic)
    const IndexT indexCam = itIntrinsic->first;

    if (isValid(itIntrinsic->second->getType()))
      map_intrinsics[indexCam] = itIntrinsic->second->getParams();

      double * parameter_block = &map_intrinsics[indexCam][0];
      problem.AddParameterBlock(parameter_block, map_intrinsics[indexCam].size());
      if (options.intrinsics_opt == Intrinsic_Parameter_Type::NONE)
        // set the whole parameter block as constant for best performance
        const std::vector<int> vec_constant_intrinsic =
        if (!vec_constant_intrinsic.empty())
          ceres::SubsetParameterization *subset_parameterization =
            new ceres::SubsetParameterization(
              map_intrinsics[indexCam].size(), vec_constant_intrinsic);
          problem.SetParameterization(parameter_block, subset_parameterization);
      std::cerr << "Unsupported camera type." << std::endl;

  // Set a LossFunction to be less penalized by false measurements
  //  - set it to NULL if you don't want use a lossFunction.
  ceres::LossFunction * p_LossFunction = new ceres::HuberLoss(Square(4.0));
  // TODO: make the LOSS function and the parameter an option

  // For all visibility add reprojections errors:
  for (Landmarks::iterator iterTracks = sfm_data.structure.begin();
    iterTracks!= sfm_data.structure.end(); ++iterTracks)
    const Observations & obs = iterTracks->second.obs;

    for (Observations::const_iterator itObs = obs.begin();
      itObs != obs.end(); ++itObs)
      // Build the residual block corresponding to the track observation:
      const View * view = sfm_data.views.at(itObs->first).get();

      // Each Residual block takes a point and a camera as input and outputs a 2
      // dimensional residual. Internally, the cost function stores the observed
      // image location and compares the reprojection against the observation.
      ceres::CostFunction* cost_function =
        IntrinsicsToCostFunction(sfm_data.intrinsics[view->id_intrinsic].get(), itObs->second.x);

      if (cost_function)
    if (options.structure_opt == Structure_Parameter_Type::NONE)

  if (options.control_point_opt.bUse_control_points)
    // Use Ground Control Point:
    // - fixed 3D points with weighted observations
    for (Landmarks::iterator iterGCPTracks = sfm_data.control_points.begin();
      iterGCPTracks!= sfm_data.control_points.end(); ++iterGCPTracks)
      const Observations & obs = iterGCPTracks->second.obs;

      for (Observations::const_iterator itObs = obs.begin();
        itObs != obs.end(); ++itObs)
        // Build the residual block corresponding to the track observation:
        const View * view = sfm_data.views.at(itObs->first).get();

        // Each Residual block takes a point and a camera as input and outputs a 2
        // dimensional residual. Internally, the cost function stores the observed
        // image location and compares the reprojection against the observation.
        ceres::CostFunction* cost_function =

        if (cost_function)
      // Set the 3D point as FIXED (it's a GCP)

  // Configure a BA engine and run it
  //  Make Ceres automatically detect the bundle structure.
  ceres::Solver::Options ceres_config_options;
  ceres_config_options.preconditioner_type = ceres_options_.preconditioner_type_;
  ceres_config_options.linear_solver_type = ceres_options_.linear_solver_type_;
  ceres_config_options.sparse_linear_algebra_library_type = ceres_options_.sparse_linear_algebra_library_type_;
  ceres_config_options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = false;
  ceres_config_options.logging_type = ceres::SILENT;
  ceres_config_options.num_threads = ceres_options_.nb_threads_;
  ceres_config_options.num_linear_solver_threads = ceres_options_.nb_threads_;
  ceres_config_options.parameter_tolerance = ceres_options_.parameter_tolerance_;

  // Solve BA
  ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
  ceres::Solve(ceres_config_options, &problem, &summary);
  if (ceres_options_.bCeres_summary_)
    std::cout << summary.FullReport() << std::endl;

  // If no error, get back refined parameters
  if (!summary.IsSolutionUsable())
    if (ceres_options_.bVerbose_)
      std::cout << "Bundle Adjustment failed." << std::endl;
    return false;
  else // Solution is usable
    if (ceres_options_.bVerbose_)
      // Display statistics about the minimization
      std::cout << std::endl
        << "Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):\n"
        << " #views: " << sfm_data.views.size() << "\n"
        << " #poses: " << sfm_data.poses.size() << "\n"
        << " #intrinsics: " << sfm_data.intrinsics.size() << "\n"
        << " #tracks: " << sfm_data.structure.size() << "\n"
        << " #residuals: " << summary.num_residuals << "\n"
        << " Initial RMSE: " << std::sqrt( summary.initial_cost / summary.num_residuals) << "\n"
        << " Final RMSE: " << std::sqrt( summary.final_cost / summary.num_residuals) << "\n"
        << " Time (s): " << summary.total_time_in_seconds << "\n"
        << std::endl;

    // Update camera poses with refined data
    if (options.extrinsics_opt != Extrinsic_Parameter_Type::NONE)
      for (Poses::iterator itPose = sfm_data.poses.begin();
        itPose != sfm_data.poses.end(); ++itPose)
        const IndexT indexPose = itPose->first;

        Mat3 R_refined;
        ceres::AngleAxisToRotationMatrix(&map_poses[indexPose][0], R_refined.data());
        Vec3 t_refined(map_poses[indexPose][3], map_poses[indexPose][4], map_poses[indexPose][5]);
        // Update the pose
        Pose3 & pose = itPose->second;
        pose = Pose3(R_refined, -R_refined.transpose() * t_refined);

    // Update camera intrinsics with refined data
    if (options.intrinsics_opt != Intrinsic_Parameter_Type::NONE)
      for (Intrinsics::iterator itIntrinsic = sfm_data.intrinsics.begin();
        itIntrinsic != sfm_data.intrinsics.end(); ++itIntrinsic)
        const IndexT indexCam = itIntrinsic->first;

        const std::vector<double> & vec_params = map_intrinsics[indexCam];
    // Structure is already updated directly if needed (no data wrapping)
    return true;
Пример #2
bool Bundle_Adjustment_Ceres::Adjust(
  SfM_Data & sfm_data,     // the SfM scene to refine
  bool bRefineRotations,   // tell if pose rotations will be refined
  bool bRefineTranslations,// tell if the pose translation will be refined
  bool bRefineIntrinsics,  // tell if the camera intrinsic will be refined
  bool bRefineStructure)   // tell if the structure will be refined
  // Add camera parameters
  // - intrinsics
  // - poses [R|t]

  // Create residuals for each observation in the bundle adjustment problem. The
  // parameters for cameras and points are added automatically.

  ceres::Problem problem;

  // Data wrapper for refinement:
  Hash_Map<IndexT, std::vector<double> > map_intrinsics;
  Hash_Map<IndexT, std::vector<double> > map_poses;

  // Setup Poses data & subparametrization
  for (Poses::const_iterator itPose = sfm_data.poses.begin(); itPose != sfm_data.poses.end(); ++itPose)
    const IndexT indexPose = itPose->first;

    const Pose3 & pose = itPose->second;
    const Mat3 R = pose.rotation();
    const Vec3 t = pose.translation();

    double angleAxis[3];
    ceres::RotationMatrixToAngleAxis((const double*)R.data(), angleAxis);
    map_poses[indexPose].reserve(6); //angleAxis + translation

    double * parameter_block = &map_poses[indexPose][0];
    problem.AddParameterBlock(parameter_block, 6);
    if (!bRefineTranslations && !bRefineIntrinsics)
      //set the whole parameter block as constant for best performance.
    else  {
      // Subset parametrization
      std::vector<int> vec_constant_extrinsic;
      if (!vec_constant_extrinsic.empty())
        ceres::SubsetParameterization *subset_parameterization =
          new ceres::SubsetParameterization(6, vec_constant_extrinsic);
        problem.SetParameterization(parameter_block, subset_parameterization);

  // Setup Intrinsics data & subparametrization
  for (Intrinsics::const_iterator itIntrinsic = sfm_data.intrinsics.begin();
    itIntrinsic != sfm_data.intrinsics.end(); ++itIntrinsic)
    const IndexT indexCam = itIntrinsic->first;

    if (isValid(itIntrinsic->second->getType()))
      map_intrinsics[indexCam] = itIntrinsic->second->getParams();

      double * parameter_block = &map_intrinsics[indexCam][0];
      problem.AddParameterBlock(parameter_block, map_intrinsics[indexCam].size());
      if (!bRefineIntrinsics)
        //set the whole parameter block as constant for best performance.
      std::cerr << "Unsupported camera type." << std::endl;

  // Set a LossFunction to be less penalized by false measurements
  //  - set it to NULL if you don't want use a lossFunction.
  ceres::LossFunction * p_LossFunction = new ceres::HuberLoss(Square(4.0));
  // TODO: make the LOSS function and the parameter an option

  // For all visibility add reprojections errors:
  for (Landmarks::iterator iterTracks = sfm_data.structure.begin();
    iterTracks!= sfm_data.structure.end(); ++iterTracks)
    const Observations & obs = iterTracks->second.obs;

    for (Observations::const_iterator itObs = obs.begin();
      itObs != obs.end(); ++itObs)
      // Build the residual block corresponding to the track observation:
      const View * view = sfm_data.views[itObs->first].get();

      // Each Residual block takes a point and a camera as input and outputs a 2
      // dimensional residual. Internally, the cost function stores the observed
      // image location and compares the reprojection against the observation.
      ceres::CostFunction* cost_function =
        IntrinsicsToCostFunction(sfm_data.intrinsics[view->id_intrinsic].get(), itObs->second.x);

      if (cost_function)
          iterTracks->second.X.data()); //Do we need to copy 3D point to avoid false motion, if failure ?
    if (!bRefineStructure)

  // Configure a BA engine and run it
  //  Make Ceres automatically detect the bundle structure.
  ceres::Solver::Options options;
  options.preconditioner_type = _openMVG_options._preconditioner_type;
  options.linear_solver_type = _openMVG_options._linear_solver_type;
  options.sparse_linear_algebra_library_type = _openMVG_options._sparse_linear_algebra_library_type;
  options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = false;
  options.logging_type = ceres::SILENT;
  options.num_threads = _openMVG_options._nbThreads;
  options.num_linear_solver_threads = _openMVG_options._nbThreads;

  // Solve BA
  ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
  ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary);
  if (_openMVG_options._bCeres_Summary)
    std::cout << summary.FullReport() << std::endl;

  // If no error, get back refined parameters
  if (!summary.IsSolutionUsable())
    if (_openMVG_options._bVerbose)
      std::cout << "Bundle Adjustment failed." << std::endl;
    return false;
  else // Solution is usable
    if (_openMVG_options._bVerbose)
      // Display statistics about the minimization
      std::cout << std::endl
        << "Bundle Adjustment statistics (approximated RMSE):\n"
        << " #views: " << sfm_data.views.size() << "\n"
        << " #poses: " << sfm_data.poses.size() << "\n"
        << " #intrinsics: " << sfm_data.intrinsics.size() << "\n"
        << " #tracks: " << sfm_data.structure.size() << "\n"
        << " #residuals: " << summary.num_residuals << "\n"
        << " Initial RMSE: " << std::sqrt( summary.initial_cost / summary.num_residuals) << "\n"
        << " Final RMSE: " << std::sqrt( summary.final_cost / summary.num_residuals) << "\n"
        << std::endl;

    // Update camera poses with refined data
    for (Poses::iterator itPose = sfm_data.poses.begin();
      itPose != sfm_data.poses.end(); ++itPose)
      const IndexT indexPose = itPose->first;

      Mat3 R_refined;
      ceres::AngleAxisToRotationMatrix(&map_poses[indexPose][0], R_refined.data());
      Vec3 t_refined(map_poses[indexPose][3], map_poses[indexPose][4], map_poses[indexPose][5]);
      // Update the pose
      Pose3 & pose = itPose->second;
      pose = Pose3(R_refined, -R_refined.transpose() * t_refined);

    // Update camera intrinsics with refined data
    for (Intrinsics::iterator itIntrinsic = sfm_data.intrinsics.begin();
      itIntrinsic != sfm_data.intrinsics.end(); ++itIntrinsic)
      const IndexT indexCam = itIntrinsic->first;

      const std::vector<double> & vec_params = map_intrinsics[indexCam];
    return true;
Пример #3
/// Save SfM_Data in an ASCII BAF (Bundle Adjustment File).
// --Header
// #Intrinsics
// #Poses
// #Landmarks
// --Data
// Intrinsic parameters [foc ppx ppy, ...]
// Poses [angle axis, camera center]
// Landmarks [X Y Z #observations id_intrinsic id_pose x y ...]
//- Export also a _imgList.txt file with View filename and id_intrinsic & id_pose.
// filename id_intrinsic id_pose
// The ids allow to establish a link between 3D point observations & the corresponding views
// Export missing poses as Identity pose to keep tracking of the original id_pose indexes
static bool Save_BAF(
  const SfM_Data & sfm_data,
  const std::string & filename,
  ESfM_Data flags_part)
  std::ofstream stream(filename.c_str());
  if (!stream.is_open())
    return false;

  bool bOk = false;
      << sfm_data.GetIntrinsics().size() << '\n'
      << sfm_data.GetViews().size() << '\n'
      << sfm_data.GetLandmarks().size() << '\n';

    const Intrinsics & intrinsics = sfm_data.GetIntrinsics();
    for (Intrinsics::const_iterator iterIntrinsic = intrinsics.begin();
      iterIntrinsic != intrinsics.end(); ++iterIntrinsic)
      //get params
      const std::vector<double> intrinsicsParams = iterIntrinsic->second.get()->getParams();
      std::copy(intrinsicsParams.begin(), intrinsicsParams.end(),
        std::ostream_iterator<double>(stream, " "));
      stream << '\n';

    const Poses & poses = sfm_data.GetPoses();
    for (Views::const_iterator iterV = sfm_data.GetViews().begin();
      iterV != sfm_data.GetViews().end();
      ++ iterV)
      const View * view = iterV->second.get();
      if (!sfm_data.IsPoseAndIntrinsicDefined(view))
        const Mat3 R = Mat3::Identity();
        const double * rotation = R.data();
        std::copy(rotation, rotation+9, std::ostream_iterator<double>(stream, " "));
        const Vec3 C = Vec3::Zero();
        const double * center = C.data();
        std::copy(center, center+3, std::ostream_iterator<double>(stream, " "));
        stream << '\n';
        // [Rotation col major 3x3; camera center 3x1]
        const double * rotation = poses.at(view->id_pose).rotation().data();
        std::copy(rotation, rotation+9, std::ostream_iterator<double>(stream, " "));
        const double * center = poses.at(view->id_pose).center().data();
        std::copy(center, center+3, std::ostream_iterator<double>(stream, " "));
        stream << '\n';

    const Landmarks & landmarks = sfm_data.GetLandmarks();
    for (Landmarks::const_iterator iterLandmarks = landmarks.begin();
      iterLandmarks != landmarks.end();
      // Export visibility information
      // X Y Z #observations id_cam id_pose x y ...
      const double * X = iterLandmarks->second.X.data();
      std::copy(X, X+3, std::ostream_iterator<double>(stream, " "));
      const Observations & obs = iterLandmarks->second.obs;
      stream << obs.size() << " ";
      for (Observations::const_iterator iterOb = obs.begin();
        iterOb != obs.end(); ++iterOb)
        const IndexT id_view = iterOb->first;
        const View * v = sfm_data.GetViews().at(id_view).get();
          << v->id_intrinsic << ' '
          << v->id_pose << ' '
          << iterOb->second.x(0) << ' ' << iterOb->second.x(1) << ' ';
      stream << '\n';

    bOk = stream.good();

  // Export View filenames & ids as an imgList.txt file
    const std::string sFile = stlplus::create_filespec(
      stlplus::folder_part(filename), stlplus::basename_part(filename) + std::string("_imgList"), "txt");

    if (!stream.is_open())
      return false;
    for (Views::const_iterator iterV = sfm_data.GetViews().begin();
      iterV != sfm_data.GetViews().end();
      ++ iterV)
      const std::string sView_filename = stlplus::create_filespec(sfm_data.s_root_path,
        << sView_filename
        << ' ' << iterV->second->id_intrinsic
        << ' ' << iterV->second->id_pose << "\n";
    bOk = stream.good();
  return bOk;
Пример #4
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
	if (argc < 4) {
		printf("./match_g2o pose_stamped.txt key.match map_point.txt\n");
		return 1;
	Rcl << 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1,0;
	Tcl << 0,0.06,0;

	//read pose file
	FILE* pose_stamped = fopen(argv[1],"r");
	if (!pose_stamped)
		return 1;
	char buffer[2048];
	std::vector<Mat3> rotations;
	std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> translations;
	while (fgets(buffer,2048,pose_stamped)) {
		double t,x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw;
		if (sscanf(buffer,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",&t,&x,&y,&z,&qw,&qx,&qy,&qz)==8) {
			double r[9];
			Mat3 Rwl;
			Eigen::Vector3d Twl(x,y,z);
			rotations.push_back(Rcl * Rwl.transpose());
			translations.push_back(- Rcl * Rwl.transpose() * Twl + Tcl);
		} else {
			printf("Error parsing: %s\n",buffer);

	struct timespec start,end;
	int count_points = 0;
	double RMSE = 0;
	FILE* key_match = fopen(argv[2],"r");
	FILE* map_point = fopen(argv[3],"w");
	if (!(key_match && map_point))
		return 1;
	while (fgets(buffer,2048,key_match)) {
		printf("key.match: %s",buffer);
		int id;
		char* tok = strtok(buffer," ");
		std::vector<double> uc,vc;
		std::vector<int> index;
		while (tok) {
			id = atoi(tok);
			tok = strtok(NULL," \n");
			double u = atof(tok);
			tok = strtok(NULL," \n");
			double v = atof(tok);
			tok = strtok(NULL," \n");
			uc.push_back(u - cx);
			vc.push_back(cy - v);

		Eigen::Vector3d bestEstimate, x1, x2;
		double leastError = -1;
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<index.size()-1;i++) {
			for (unsigned int j=i+1;j<index.size();j++) {
				double u1 = uc[i], v1 = vc[i];
				double u2 = uc[j], v2 = vc[j];
				Mat3 R1 = rotations[index[i]], R2 = rotations[index[j]];
				Eigen::Vector3d T1 = translations[index[i]], T2 = translations[index[j]];
				Mat3 Rcc = R2 * R1.transpose();
				Eigen::Vector3d Tcc = T1 - R1 * R2.transpose() * T2;
				Eigen::Vector3d r1 = Rcc.row(0), r2 = Rcc.row(1), r3 = Rcc.row(2);
				Eigen::Vector3d uv(-u1/fx,-v1/fy,1);
				Eigen::Vector3d mult_u = r1 + u2/fx * r3;
				Eigen::Vector3d mult_v = r2 + v2/fy * r3;
				double z_est[2] = {mult_u.dot(Tcc) / mult_u.dot(uv),
								mult_v.dot(Tcc) / mult_v.dot(uv) } ;
				for (int k=0;k<1;k++) {
					x1 << -u1*z_est[k]/fx, -v1*z_est[k]/fy, z_est[k];
					x2 = Rcc * (x1 - Tcc);
					if (x1(2) >= 0 || x2(2) >= 0)
					double u_est = -fx * x2(0) / x2(2);
					double v_est = -fy * x2(1) / x2(2);
					double error = (u_est-u2) * (u_est-u2) + (v_est-v2) * (v_est-v2);
					if (leastError < 0 || error < leastError) {
						leastError = error;
						bestEstimate = R1.transpose() * (x1 - T1);
		//record result
		RMSE += leastError;
		printf("reprojection: ");
		char* c = buffer;
		c += sprintf(c,"transformation:\n");
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<index.size();i++) {
			id = index[i];
			Eigen::Vector3d xc = rotations[id] * bestEstimate + translations[id];
			double u = - fx * xc(0) / xc(2);
			double v = - fy * xc(1) / xc(2);
			printf("%d %f %f ",id,u+cx,cy-v);
			c += sprintf(c,"%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n",
			c += sprintf(c,"[%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f]\n",translations[id](0),translations[id](1),translations[id](2));
		printf("estimate: %f %f %f %lu %f\n",bestEstimate(0),bestEstimate(1),bestEstimate(2),index.size(),leastError);
		fprintf(map_point,"%f %f %f %lu %f\n",bestEstimate(0),bestEstimate(1),bestEstimate(2),index.size(),leastError);
	double dt = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + 0.000000001 * (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec);
	RMSE = sqrt(RMSE / count_points);
	printf("Optimized %d map points (%fs, RMSE = %f)\n",count_points, dt, RMSE);

	return 0;