Пример #1
TEST(TinyMatrix, LookAt) {
  // Simple orthogonality check.
  Vec3 e; e[0]= 1; e[1] = 2; e[2] = 3;
  Mat3 R = LookAt(e);
  Mat3 I = Mat3::Identity();
  Mat3 RRT = R*R.transpose();
  Mat3 RTR = R.transpose()*R;

Пример #2
TEST(TinyMatrix, LookAt) {
  // 简单的正交验证
  Vec3 e; e[0]= 1; e[1] = 2; e[2] = 3;
  Mat3 R = LookAt(e);//这个R是旋转矩阵,则R为正交矩阵,R与R的转置相乘为单位阵
  Mat3 I = Mat3::Identity();
  Mat3 RRT = R*R.transpose();
  Mat3 RTR = R.transpose()*R;

Пример #3
   const Mat3 & K = Mat3::Identity(),
   const Mat3 & R = Mat3::Identity(),
   const Vec3 & t = Vec3::Zero())
   : _K(K), _R(R), _t(t)
   _C = -R.transpose() * t;
   P_From_KRt(_K, _R, _t, &_P);
Пример #4
   double focal,
   double ppx,
   double ppy,
   const Mat3 & R = Mat3::Identity(),
   const Vec3 & t = Vec3::Zero(),
   double k1 = 0.0,
   double k2 = 0.0,
   double k3 = 0.0)
   : _R(R), _t(t), _f(focal), _ppx(ppx), _ppy(ppy),
   _k1(k1), _k2(k2), _k3(k3)
   _C = -R.transpose() * t;
   _K << _f, 0, _ppx,
         0, _f, _ppy,
         0, 0,  1;
   P_From_KRt(_K, _R, _t, &_P);
bool robustRelativePose(
  const Mat3 & K1, const Mat3 & K2,
  const Mat & x1, const Mat & x2,
  RelativePose_Info & relativePose_info,
  const std::pair<size_t, size_t> & size_ima1,
  const std::pair<size_t, size_t> & size_ima2,
  const size_t max_iteration_count)
  // Use the 5 point solver to estimate E
  typedef openMVG::essential::kernel::FivePointKernel SolverType;
  // Define the AContrario adaptor
  typedef ACKernelAdaptorEssential<

  KernelType kernel(x1, size_ima1.first, size_ima1.second,
                    x2, size_ima2.first, size_ima2.second, K1, K2);

  // Robustly estimation of the Essential matrix and it's precision
  std::pair<double,double> acRansacOut = ACRANSAC(kernel, relativePose_info.vec_inliers,
    max_iteration_count, &relativePose_info.essential_matrix, relativePose_info.initial_residual_tolerance, false);
  relativePose_info.found_residual_precision = acRansacOut.first;

  if (relativePose_info.vec_inliers.size() < 2.5 * SolverType::MINIMUM_SAMPLES )
    return false; // no sufficient coverage (the model does not support enough samples)

  // estimation of the relative poses
  Mat3 R;
  Vec3 t;
  if (!estimate_Rt_fromE(
    K1, K2, x1, x2,
    relativePose_info.essential_matrix, relativePose_info.vec_inliers, &R, &t))
    return false; // cannot find a valid [R|t] couple that makes the inliers in front of the camera.

  // Store [R|C] for the second camera, since the first camera is [Id|0]
  relativePose_info.relativePose = geometry::Pose3(R, -R.transpose() * t);
  return true;
// Generates all necessary inputs and expected outputs for EuclideanResection.
void CreateCameraSystem(const Mat3& KK,
                        const Mat3X& x_image,
                        const Vec& X_distances,
                        const Mat3& R_input,
                        const Vec3& T_input,
                        Mat2X *x_camera,
                        Mat3X *X_world,
                        Mat3  *R_expected,
                        Vec3  *T_expected) {
  int num_points = x_image.cols();

  Mat3X x_unit_cam(3, num_points);
  x_unit_cam = KK.inverse() * x_image;

  // Create normalized camera coordinates to be used as an input to the PnP
  // function, instead of using NormalizeColumnVectors(&x_unit_cam).
  *x_camera = x_unit_cam.block(0, 0, 2, num_points);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i){

  // Create the 3D points in the camera system.
  Mat X_camera(3, num_points);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) {
    X_camera.col(i) = X_distances(i) * x_unit_cam.col(i);

  // Apply the transformation to the camera 3D points
  Mat translation_matrix(3, num_points);

  *X_world = R_input * X_camera + translation_matrix;

  // Create the expected result for comparison.
  *R_expected = R_input.transpose();
  *T_expected = *R_expected * ( - T_input);
Пример #7
void KRt_From_P(const Mat34 &P, Mat3 *Kp, Mat3 *Rp, Vec3 *tp) {
  // Decompose using the RQ decomposition HZ A4.1.1 pag.579.
  Mat3 K = P.block(0, 0, 3, 3);

  Mat3 Q;

  // Set K(2,1) to zero.
  if (K(2,1) != 0) {
    double c = -K(2,2);
    double s = K(2,1);
    double l = sqrt(c * c + s * s);
    c /= l; s /= l;
    Mat3 Qx;
    Qx << 1, 0, 0,
          0, c, -s,
          0, s, c;
    K = K * Qx;
    Q = Qx.transpose() * Q;
  // Set K(2,0) to zero.
  if (K(2,0) != 0) {
    double c = K(2,2);
    double s = K(2,0);
    double l = sqrt(c * c + s * s);
    c /= l; s /= l;
    Mat3 Qy;
    Qy << c, 0, s,
          0, 1, 0,
         -s, 0, c;
    K = K * Qy;
    Q = Qy.transpose() * Q;
  // Set K(1,0) to zero.
  if (K(1,0) != 0) {
    double c = -K(1,1);
    double s = K(1,0);
    double l = sqrt(c * c + s * s);
    c /= l; s /= l;
    Mat3 Qz;
    Qz << c,-s, 0,
          s, c, 0,
          0, 0, 1;
    K = K * Qz;
    Q = Qz.transpose() * Q;

  Mat3 R = Q;

  //Mat3 H = P.block(0, 0, 3, 3);
  // RQ decomposition
  //Eigen::HouseholderQR<Mat3> qr(H);
  //Mat3 K = qr.matrixQR().triangularView<Eigen::Upper>();
  //Mat3 R = qr.householderQ();

  // Ensure that the diagonal is positive and R determinant == 1.
  if (K(2,2) < 0) {
    K = -K;
    R = -R;
  if (K(1,1) < 0) {
    Mat3 S;
    S << 1, 0, 0,
         0,-1, 0,
         0, 0, 1;
    K = K * S;
    R = S * R;
  if (K(0,0) < 0) {
    Mat3 S;
    S << -1, 0, 0,
          0, 1, 0,
          0, 0, 1;
    K = K * S;
    R = S * R;

  // Compute translation.
  Eigen::PartialPivLU<Mat3> lu(K);
  Vec3 t = lu.solve(P.col(3));

  if(R.determinant()<0) {
    R = -R;
    t = -t;

  // scale K so that K(2,2) = 1
  K = K / K(2,2);

  *Kp = K;
  *Rp = R;
  *tp = t;
Пример #8
void MainWindow::registerProject()
  if (m_doc._sfm_data.control_points.size() < 3)
    QMessageBox msgBox;
    msgBox.setText("At least 3 control points are required.");

  // Assert that control points can be triangulated
  for (Landmarks::const_iterator iterL = m_doc._sfm_data.control_points.begin();
    iterL != m_doc._sfm_data.control_points.end(); ++iterL)
    if (iterL->second.obs.size() < 2)
      QMessageBox msgBox;
      msgBox.setText("Each control point must be defined in at least 2 pictures.");

  // registration (coarse):
  // - compute the 3D points corresponding to the control point observation for the SfM scene
  // - compute a coarse registration between the controls points & the triangulated point
  // - transform the scene according the found transformation
  std::map<IndexT, Vec3> vec_control_points, vec_triangulated;
  std::map<IndexT, double> vec_triangulation_errors;
  for (Landmarks::iterator iterCP = m_doc._sfm_data.control_points.begin();
    iterCP != m_doc._sfm_data.control_points.end(); ++iterCP)
    Landmark & landmark = iterCP->second;
    //Triangulate the point:
    Triangulation trianObj;
    const Observations & obs = landmark.obs;
    for(Observations::const_iterator itObs = obs.begin();
      itObs != obs.end(); ++itObs)
      const View * view = m_doc._sfm_data.views.at(itObs->first).get();
      if (!m_doc._sfm_data.IsPoseAndIntrinsicDefined(view))
      const openMVG::cameras::IntrinsicBase * cam = m_doc._sfm_data.GetIntrinsics().at(view->id_intrinsic).get();
      const openMVG::geometry::Pose3 pose = m_doc._sfm_data.GetPoseOrDie(view);
    // Compute the 3D point
    const Vec3 X = trianObj.compute();
    if (trianObj.minDepth() > 0) // Keep the point only if it have a positive depth
      vec_triangulated[iterCP->first] = X;
      vec_control_points[iterCP->first] = landmark.X;
      vec_triangulation_errors[iterCP->first] = trianObj.error()/(double)trianObj.size();
      std::cout << "Invalid triangulation" << std::endl;

  if (vec_control_points.size() < 3)
    QMessageBox msgBox;
    msgBox.setText("Insufficient number of triangulated control points.");

  // compute the similarity
    // data conversion to appropriate container
    Mat x1(3, vec_control_points.size()),
        x2(3, vec_control_points.size());
    for (int i=0; i < vec_control_points.size(); ++i)
      x1.col(i) = vec_triangulated[i];
      x2.col(i) = vec_control_points[i];

      << "Control points observation triangulations:\n"
      << x1 << std::endl << std::endl
      << "Control points coords:\n"
      << x2 << std::endl << std::endl;

    Vec3 t;
    Mat3 R;
    double S;
    if (openMVG::geometry::FindRTS(x1, x2, &S, &t, &R))
      std::cout << "Found transform:\n"
        << " scale: " << S << "\n"
        << " rotation:\n" << R << "\n"
        << " translation: "<< t.transpose() << std::endl;

      // Encode the transformation as a 3D Similarity transformation matrix // S * R * X + t
      const openMVG::geometry::Similarity3 sim(geometry::Pose3(R, -R.transpose() * t/S), S);

      // Apply the found transformation

      // Transform the landmark positions
      for (Landmarks::iterator iterL = m_doc._sfm_data.structure.begin();
        iterL != m_doc._sfm_data.structure.end(); ++iterL)
        iterL->second.X = sim(iterL->second.X);

      // Transform the camera positions
      for (Poses::iterator iterP = m_doc._sfm_data.poses.begin();
        iterP != m_doc._sfm_data.poses.end(); ++iterP)
        geometry::Pose3 & pose = iterP->second;
        pose = sim(pose);

      // Display some statistics:
      std::stringstream os;
      for (Landmarks::const_iterator iterL = m_doc._sfm_data.control_points.begin();
        iterL != m_doc._sfm_data.control_points.end(); ++iterL)
        const IndexT CPIndex = iterL->first;
        // If the control point has not been used, continue...
        if (vec_triangulation_errors.find(CPIndex) == vec_triangulation_errors.end())

          << "CP index: " << CPIndex << "\n"
          << "CP triangulation error: " << vec_triangulation_errors[CPIndex] << " pixel(s)\n"
          << "CP registration error: "
          << (sim(vec_triangulated[CPIndex]) - vec_control_points[CPIndex]).norm() << " user unit(s)"<< "\n\n";
      std::cout << os.str();

      QMessageBox msgBox;
      msgBox.setText(QString::fromStdString(string_pattern_replace(os.str(), "\n", "<br>")));
      QMessageBox msgBox;
      msgBox.setText("Registration failed. Please check your Control Points coordinates.");
Пример #9
 // Inverse
 Pose3 inverse() const
   return Pose3(_rotation.transpose(),  -(_rotation * _center));
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    unsigned int rigid_registration_method = RIGID_REGISTRATION_ALL_POINTS;

    CmdLine cmd;
    cmd.add(make_option('i', sSfM_Data_Filename_In, "input_file"));
    cmd.add(make_option('o', sSfM_Data_Filename_Out, "output_file"));
    cmd.add(make_option('m', rigid_registration_method, "method"));

        if (argc == 1) throw std::string("Invalid command line parameter.");
        cmd.process(argc, argv);
    catch(const std::string& s)
                << "Usage: " << argv[0] << '\n'
                << " GPS registration of a SfM Data scene,\n"
                << "[-i|--input_file] path to the input SfM_Data scene\n"
                << "[-o|--output_file] path to the output SfM_Data scene\n"
                << "[-m|--method] method to use for the rigid registration\n"
                << "\t0 => registration is done using a robust estimation,\n"
                << "\t1 (default)=> registration is done using all points.\n"
                << std::endl;

        std::cerr << s << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (sSfM_Data_Filename_In.empty() || sSfM_Data_Filename_Out.empty())
        std::cerr << "Invalid input or output filename." << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Load a SfM scene
    // For each valid view (pose & intrinsic defined)
    //  - iff a GPS position can be parsed
    //    - store corresponding camera pose & GPS position
    // - Compute the registration between the selected camera poses & GPS positions

    // Load input SfM_Data scene
    SfM_Data sfm_data;
    if (!Load(sfm_data, sSfM_Data_Filename_In, ESfM_Data(ALL)))
                << "\nThe input SfM_Data file \"" << sSfM_Data_Filename_In
                << "\" cannot be read." << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Init the EXIF reader (will be used for GPS data reading)
    std::unique_ptr<Exif_IO> exifReader(new Exif_IO_EasyExif);
    if (!exifReader)
        std::cerr << "Cannot instantiate the EXIF metadata reader." << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // List corresponding poses (SfM - GPS)
    std::vector<Vec3> vec_sfm_center, vec_gps_center;

    for (const auto & view_it : sfm_data.GetViews() )
        if (!sfm_data.IsPoseAndIntrinsicDefined(view_it.second.get()))

        const std::string view_filename =
            stlplus::create_filespec(sfm_data.s_root_path, view_it.second->s_Img_path);

        // Try to parse EXIF metada & check existence of EXIF data
        if (! (exifReader->open( view_filename ) &&
                exifReader->doesHaveExifInfo()) )

        // Check existence of GPS coordinates
        double latitude, longitude, altitude;
        if ( exifReader->GPSLatitude( &latitude ) &&
                exifReader->GPSLongitude( &longitude ) &&
                exifReader->GPSAltitude( &altitude ) )
            // Add ECEF XYZ position to the GPS position array
            vec_gps_center.push_back( lla_to_ecef( latitude, longitude, altitude ) );
            const openMVG::geometry::Pose3 pose(sfm_data.GetPoseOrDie(view_it.second.get()));
            vec_sfm_center.push_back( pose.center() );

    if ( vec_sfm_center.empty() )
        std::cerr << "No valid corresponding GPS data found for the used views." << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    std::cout << std::endl
              << "Registration report:\n"
              << " #corresponding SFM - GPS data: " << vec_sfm_center.size() << "\n"
              << std::endl;

    // Export the corresponding poses (for debugging & see the transformation)
    plyHelper::exportToPly( vec_gps_center,
                            stlplus::create_filespec(stlplus::folder_part(sSfM_Data_Filename_Out), "GPS_position", "ply"));
    plyHelper::exportToPly( vec_sfm_center,
                            stlplus::create_filespec(stlplus::folder_part(sSfM_Data_Filename_Out), "SFM_position", "ply"));

        // Convert positions to the appropriate data container
        const Mat X_SfM = Eigen::Map<Mat>(vec_sfm_center[0].data(), 3, vec_sfm_center.size());
        const Mat X_GPS = Eigen::Map<Mat>(vec_gps_center[0].data(), 3, vec_gps_center.size());

        openMVG::geometry::Similarity3 sim;

        // Compute the registration:
        // - using a rigid scheme (using all points)
        // - using a robust scheme (using partial points - robust estimation)
        switch (rigid_registration_method)
            using namespace openMVG::robust;
            using namespace openMVG::geometry;

            geometry::kernel::Similarity3_Kernel kernel(X_SfM, X_GPS);
            const double lmeds_median = LeastMedianOfSquares
            std::cout << "LMeds found a model with an upper bound of: " <<  sqrt(lmeds_median) << " user units."<< std::endl;

            // Compute & display fitting errors
                const Vec vec_fitting_errors_eigen(
                    geometry::kernel::Similarity3ErrorSquaredMetric::ErrorVec(sim, X_SfM, X_GPS).array().sqrt());
                std::cout << "\n3D Similarity fitting error using all points (in target coordinate system units):";
                    vec_fitting_errors_eigen.data() + vec_fitting_errors_eigen.rows() );
            // INLIERS only
                std::vector<float> vec_fitting_errors;
                for (Mat::Index i = 0; i < X_SfM.cols(); ++i)
                    if (geometry::kernel::Similarity3ErrorSquaredMetric::Error(sim, X_SfM.col(i), X_GPS.col(i)) < lmeds_median)
                        vec_fitting_errors.push_back((X_GPS.col(i) - sim(X_SfM.col(i))).norm());
                std::cout << "\nFound: " << vec_fitting_errors.size() << " inliers"
                          << " from " << X_SfM.cols() << " points." << std::endl;
                std::cout << "\n3D Similarity fitting error using only the fitted inliers (in target coordinate system units):";
                minMaxMeanMedian<float>( vec_fitting_errors.begin(), vec_fitting_errors.end() );
            Vec3 t;
            Mat3 R;
            double S;
            if (!openMVG::geometry::FindRTS(X_SfM, X_GPS, &S, &t, &R))
                std::cerr << "Failed to comute the registration" << std::endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

                    << "Found transform:\n"
                    << " scale: " << S << "\n"
                    << " rotation:\n" << R << "\n"
                    << " translation: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(9)
                    << t.transpose() << std::endl;

            // Encode the transformation as a 3D Similarity transformation matrix // S * R * X + t
            sim = openMVG::geometry::Similarity3(geometry::Pose3(R, -R.transpose()* t/S), S);

            // Compute & display fitting errors
                const Vec vec_fitting_errors_eigen(
                    geometry::kernel::Similarity3ErrorSquaredMetric::ErrorVec(sim, X_SfM, X_GPS).array().sqrt());
                std::cout << "\n3D Similarity fitting error (in target coordinate system units):";
                    vec_fitting_errors_eigen.data() + vec_fitting_errors_eigen.rows() );
            std::cerr << "Unknow rigid registration method" << std::endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

        // Apply the found transformation to the SfM Data Scene
        openMVG::sfm::ApplySimilarity(sim, sfm_data);

    // Export the SfM_Data scene in the expected format
    if (Save(
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
                << std::endl
                << "An error occured while trying to save \""
                << sSfM_Data_Filename_Out << "\"." << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
Пример #11
void DecomposeProjectionMatrix(const Mat& P, Mat3* K, Mat3* R, Vec3* t)
    // This is a modified version of the function "KRt_From_P", found in libmv and openMVG.
    // It is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0, a copy of the MPL
    // can be found under "license.openMVG"

    // Decompose using the RQ decomposition HZ A4.1.1 pag.579.
    Mat3 Kp = P.block(0, 0, 3, 3);
    Mat3 Q; Q.setIdentity();

    // Set K(2, 1) to zero.
    if (Kp(2, 1) != 0)
        double c = -Kp(2, 2);
        double s =  Kp(2, 1);
        double l = sqrt(c * c + s * s);
        c /= l; s /= l;
        Mat3 Qx;
        Qx <<  1,  0,  0,
               0,  c, -s,
               0,  s,  c;
        Kp = Kp * Qx;
        Q = Qx.transpose() * Q;

    // Set K(2, 0) to zero.
    if (Kp(2, 0) != 0)
        double c = Kp(2, 2);
        double s = Kp(2, 0);
        double l = sqrt(c * c + s * s);
        c /= l; s /= l;
        Mat3 Qy;
        Qy <<  c,  0,  s,
               0,  1,  0,
              -s,  0,  c;
        Kp = Kp * Qy;
        Q = Qy.transpose() * Q;

    // Set K(1, 0) to zero.
    if (Kp(1, 0) != 0)
        double c = -Kp(1, 1);
        double s =  Kp(1, 0);
        double l = sqrt(c * c + s * s);
        c /= l; s /= l;
        Mat3 Qz;
        Qz <<  c, -s,  0,
               s,  c,  0,
               0,  0,  1;
        Kp = Kp * Qz;
        Q = Qz.transpose() * Q;

    Mat3 Rp = Q;

    // Ensure that the diagonal is positive and R determinant == 1
    if (Kp(2, 2) < 0)
        Kp = -Kp;
        Rp = -Rp;

    if (Kp(1, 1) < 0)
        Mat3 S;
        S <<  1,  0,  0,
              0, -1,  0,
              0,  0,  1;
        Kp = Kp * S;
        Rp = S  * Rp;

    if (Kp(0, 0) < 0)
        Mat3 S;
        S << -1,  0,  0,
              0,  1,  0,
              0,  0,  1;
        Kp = Kp * S;
        Rp = S  * Rp;

    // Compute translation.
    Vec3 tp = Kp.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(P.col(3));

    if(Rp.determinant() < 0)
        Rp = -Rp;
        tp = -tp;

    // Scale K so that K(2, 2) = 1
    Kp = Kp / Kp(2, 2);

    *K = Kp;
    *R = Rp;
    *t = tp;
Пример #12
bool FindExtrinsics(const Mat3& E, const Point2Vec& pts1, const Point2Vec& pts2, Mat3* R, Vec3* t)
    const auto num_correspondences = pts1.size();

    // Put first camera at origin
    Mat3 R0;    R0.setIdentity();
    Vec3 t0;    t0.setZero();

    // Find the SVD of E
    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Mat3> svd{E, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV};
    Mat3 U  = svd.matrixU();
    Mat3 Vt = svd.matrixV().transpose();

    // Find R and t
    Mat3 D;
    D << 0,  1,  0,
        -1,  0,  0,
         0,  0,  1;

    Mat3 Ra = U * D * Vt;
    Mat3 Rb = U * D.transpose() * Vt;

    if (Ra.determinant() < 0.0) Ra *= -1.0;
    if (Rb.determinant() < 0.0) Rb *= -1.0;

    Vec3 tu = U.col(2);

    // Figure out which configuration is correct using the supplied points
    int c1_pos = 0, c2_pos = 0, c1_neg = 0, c2_neg = 0;

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_correspondences; i++)
        const Point3 Q = Triangulate(Observations{Observation{pts1[i], R0, t0}, Observation{pts2[i], Ra, tu}});
        const Point3 PQ = (Ra * Q) + tu;

        if (Q.z() > 0)  c1_pos++;
        else            c1_neg++;
        if (PQ.z() > 0) c2_pos++;
        else            c2_neg++;

    if (c1_pos < c1_neg && c2_pos < c2_neg)
        *R =  Ra;
        *t =  tu;
    } else if (c1_pos > c1_neg && c2_pos > c2_neg)
        *R =  Ra;
        *t = -tu;
    } else
        // Triangulate again
        c1_pos = c1_neg = c2_pos = c2_neg = 0;

        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_correspondences; i++)
            const Point3 Q = Triangulate(Observations{Observation{pts1[i], R0, t0}, Observation{pts2[i], Rb, tu}});
            const Point3 PQ = (Rb * Q) + tu;

            if (Q.z() > 0)  c1_pos++;
            else            c1_neg++;
            if (PQ.z() > 0) c2_pos++;
            else            c2_neg++;

        if (c1_pos < c1_neg && c2_pos < c2_neg)
            *R =  Rb;
            *t =  tu;
        } else if (c1_pos > c1_neg && c2_pos > c2_neg)
            *R =  Rb;
            *t = -tu;
        } else
            std::cerr << "[FindExtrinsics] Error: no case found!";
            return false;

    return true;
Пример #13
		// Denormalize the results. See HZ page 109.
		void UnnormalizerT::Unnormalize(const Mat3 &T1, const Mat3 &T2, Mat3 *H)  {
			*H = T2.transpose() * (*H) * T1;
Пример #14
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) {
	if (argc < 4) {
		printf("./match_g2o pose_stamped.txt key.match map_point.txt\n");
		return 1;
	Rcl << 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,-1,0;
	Tcl << 0,0.06,0;

	//read pose file
	FILE* pose_stamped = fopen(argv[1],"r");
	if (!pose_stamped)
		return 1;
	char buffer[2048];
	std::vector<Mat3> rotations;
	std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> translations;
	while (fgets(buffer,2048,pose_stamped)) {
		double t,x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw;
		if (sscanf(buffer,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",&t,&x,&y,&z,&qw,&qx,&qy,&qz)==8) {
			double r[9];
			Mat3 Rwl;
			Eigen::Vector3d Twl(x,y,z);
			rotations.push_back(Rcl * Rwl.transpose());
			translations.push_back(- Rcl * Rwl.transpose() * Twl + Tcl);
		} else {
			printf("Error parsing: %s\n",buffer);

	struct timespec start,end;
	int count_points = 0;
	double RMSE = 0;
	FILE* key_match = fopen(argv[2],"r");
	FILE* map_point = fopen(argv[3],"w");
	if (!(key_match && map_point))
		return 1;
	while (fgets(buffer,2048,key_match)) {
		printf("key.match: %s",buffer);
		int id;
		char* tok = strtok(buffer," ");
		std::vector<double> uc,vc;
		std::vector<int> index;
		while (tok) {
			id = atoi(tok);
			tok = strtok(NULL," \n");
			double u = atof(tok);
			tok = strtok(NULL," \n");
			double v = atof(tok);
			tok = strtok(NULL," \n");
			uc.push_back(u - cx);
			vc.push_back(cy - v);

		Eigen::Vector3d bestEstimate, x1, x2;
		double leastError = -1;
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<index.size()-1;i++) {
			for (unsigned int j=i+1;j<index.size();j++) {
				double u1 = uc[i], v1 = vc[i];
				double u2 = uc[j], v2 = vc[j];
				Mat3 R1 = rotations[index[i]], R2 = rotations[index[j]];
				Eigen::Vector3d T1 = translations[index[i]], T2 = translations[index[j]];
				Mat3 Rcc = R2 * R1.transpose();
				Eigen::Vector3d Tcc = T1 - R1 * R2.transpose() * T2;
				Eigen::Vector3d r1 = Rcc.row(0), r2 = Rcc.row(1), r3 = Rcc.row(2);
				Eigen::Vector3d uv(-u1/fx,-v1/fy,1);
				Eigen::Vector3d mult_u = r1 + u2/fx * r3;
				Eigen::Vector3d mult_v = r2 + v2/fy * r3;
				double z_est[2] = {mult_u.dot(Tcc) / mult_u.dot(uv),
								mult_v.dot(Tcc) / mult_v.dot(uv) } ;
				for (int k=0;k<1;k++) {
					x1 << -u1*z_est[k]/fx, -v1*z_est[k]/fy, z_est[k];
					x2 = Rcc * (x1 - Tcc);
					if (x1(2) >= 0 || x2(2) >= 0)
					double u_est = -fx * x2(0) / x2(2);
					double v_est = -fy * x2(1) / x2(2);
					double error = (u_est-u2) * (u_est-u2) + (v_est-v2) * (v_est-v2);
					if (leastError < 0 || error < leastError) {
						leastError = error;
						bestEstimate = R1.transpose() * (x1 - T1);
		//record result
		RMSE += leastError;
		printf("reprojection: ");
		char* c = buffer;
		c += sprintf(c,"transformation:\n");
		for (unsigned int i=0;i<index.size();i++) {
			id = index[i];
			Eigen::Vector3d xc = rotations[id] * bestEstimate + translations[id];
			double u = - fx * xc(0) / xc(2);
			double v = - fy * xc(1) / xc(2);
			printf("%d %f %f ",id,u+cx,cy-v);
			c += sprintf(c,"%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f\n",
			c += sprintf(c,"[%4.2f %4.2f %4.2f]\n",translations[id](0),translations[id](1),translations[id](2));
		printf("estimate: %f %f %f %lu %f\n",bestEstimate(0),bestEstimate(1),bestEstimate(2),index.size(),leastError);
		fprintf(map_point,"%f %f %f %lu %f\n",bestEstimate(0),bestEstimate(1),bestEstimate(2),index.size(),leastError);
	double dt = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec + 0.000000001 * (end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec);
	RMSE = sqrt(RMSE / count_points);
	printf("Optimized %d map points (%fs, RMSE = %f)\n",count_points, dt, RMSE);

	return 0;