bool MyApp::OnInit() { MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(L"发票凑整", wxPoint(-1, -1), wxSize(-1, -1)); frame->SetMinSize(wxSize(640, 480)); frame->Show(true); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; #if wxUSE_LIBPNG wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler); #endif #if wxUSE_LIBJPEG wxImage::AddHandler(new wxJPEGHandler); #endif #if wxUSE_GIF wxImage::AddHandler(new wxGIFHandler); #endif MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(_("Printing test"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(640, 480)); // Show it frame->Show(true); // success: wxApp::OnRun() will be called which will enter the main message // loop and the application will run. If we returned false here, the // application would exit immediately. return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(_T("coLinux Console")); frame->Show(true); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { #if wxUSE_LIBPNG wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler ); #endif wxImage image; if (image.LoadFile(_T("backgrnd.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) { m_background = wxBitmap(image); } MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(); wxString rootName(_T("shape0")); int i; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { wxString filename; filename.Printf(wxT("%s%d.png"), (const wxChar*)rootName, i); /* For some reason under wxX11, the 2nd LoadFile in this loop fails, with a BadMatch inside CreateFromImage (inside ConvertToBitmap). This happens even if you copy the first file over the second file. */ if (image.LoadFile(filename, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)) { DragShape* newShape = new DragShape(wxBitmap(image)); newShape->SetPosition(wxPoint(i*50, i*50)); if (i == 2) newShape->SetDragMethod(SHAPE_DRAG_TEXT); else if (i == 3) newShape->SetDragMethod(SHAPE_DRAG_ICON); else newShape->SetDragMethod(SHAPE_DRAG_BITMAP); frame->GetCanvas()->GetDisplayList().Append(newShape); } } #if 0 // Under Motif or GTK, this demonstrates that // wxScreenDC only gets the root window content. // We need to be able to copy the overall content // for full-screen dragging to work. int w, h; wxDisplaySize(& w, & h); wxBitmap bitmap(w, h); wxScreenDC dc; wxMemoryDC memDC; memDC.SelectObject(bitmap); memDC.Blit(0, 0, w, h, & dc, 0, 0); memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); m_background = bitmap; #endif frame->Show( true ); return true; }
bool BasicApplication::OnInit(){ wxInitAllImageHandlers(); MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(_T("Basic Frame"), 50, 50, 1024, 768); frame->Show(TRUE); SetTopWindow(frame); return TRUE; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( NULL, -1, wxT("Minimal"), wxPoint(20,20), wxSize(500,340) ); frame->Show( TRUE ); return TRUE; }
// `Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; // Create the main application window MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(wxT("Dial-up wxWidgets demo"), wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340)); // Show it frame->Show(true); // Init dial up manager m_dial = wxDialUpManager::Create(); if ( !m_dial->IsOk() ) { wxLogError(wxT("The sample can't run on this system.")); #if wxUSE_LOG wxLog::GetActiveTarget()->Flush(); #endif // wxUSE_LOG // do it here, OnExit() won't be called delete m_dial; return false; } #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR frame->SetStatusText(GetDialer()->IsAlwaysOnline() ? wxT("LAN") : wxT("No LAN"), 2); #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { char path1[100]; char path2[100]; // path to data sprintf_s(path1, 100, "."); if (argc > 1) { wxString s(argv[1]); strncpy_s( path1, 100, (const char*)s.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 100 ); std::cout << "OnInit: data path is " << path1 << std::endl; } // Specifying a file to load at the command line is optional // and is otherwise done through File->Load in the UI sprintf_s(path2, 100, "NO FILE"); if (argc > 2) { wxString s(argv[2]); strncpy_s( path2, 100, (const char*)s.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 100 ); std::cout << "OnInit: default path is " << path2 << std::endl; } MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( _T("Stick'em Up"), wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(640,480), std::string(path1), std::string(path2) ); frame->Show(TRUE); SetTopWindow(frame); return TRUE; }
virtual bool OnInit(){ g_logger.config.stream_type = 3; g_logger.reset(); MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(wxT("ZKS Sudoku Beta"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); frame->Show(true); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("Hello World", wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340)); frame->Show(true); return true; }
// 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; #if wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY // Note: JAWS for Windows will only speak the context-sensitive // help if you use this help provider: // wxHelpProvider::Set(new wxHelpControllerHelpProvider(m_helpController)). // JAWS does not seem to be getting the help text from // the wxAccessible object. wxHelpProvider::Set(new wxSimpleHelpProvider()); // create the main application window MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(wxT("AccessTest wxWidgets App"), wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340)); // and show it (the frames, unlike simple controls, are not shown when // created initially) frame->Show(true); // success: wxApp::OnRun() will be called which will enter the main message // loop and the application will run. If we returned false here, the // application would exit immediately. return true; #else wxMessageBox( wxT("This sample has to be compiled with wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY"), wxT("Building error"), wxOK); return false; #endif // wxUSE_ACCESSIBILITY }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { MyFrame * frame = new MyFrame(wxT("APPLICATION")); frame->Show(); return true;; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( _("Hello World"), wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(500, 500) ); frame->Show(true); SetTopWindow(frame); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { wxString title; int size = 0; wxStockGDI& s = wxStockGDI::instance(); const wxFont* f1 = s.GetFont(wxStockGDI::FONT_NORMAL); const wxFont* f2 = wxStockGDI::instance().GetFont(wxStockGDI::FONT_NORMAL); const wxFont* f3 = wxNORMAL_FONT; printf("%p %p %p\n", f1, f2, f3); size = wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(); title.Printf(_T("Hello, World! %d"), size); MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(title, wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(450,340) ); frame->Show(TRUE); SetTopWindow(frame); FILE* fp = fopen("c:\\output.txt", "w"); wxLog::SetActiveTarget(new wxLogStderr(fp)); wxLogMessage(wxT("test log message")); wxLogError(wxT("this is an error")); return TRUE; }
// 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; #ifdef __WXMSW__ if ( argc == 2 && !wxStricmp(argv[1], wxT("/dx")) ) { wxSystemOptions::SetOption(wxT("msw.display.directdraw"), 1); } #endif // __WXMSW__ // create the main application window MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(_("Display wxWidgets Sample"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); // and show it (the frames, unlike simple controls, are not shown when // created initially) frame->Show(); // success: wxApp::OnRun() will be called which will enter the main message // loop and the application will run. If we returned false here, the // application would exit immediately. return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( _T("Hello World"), wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(450,340) ); frame->Show(TRUE); SetTopWindow(frame); return TRUE; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame(wxT("Min wxWidgets app")); frame->Connect(wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnQuit)); frame->Connect(wxID_ABOUT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MyFrame::OnAbout)); frame->Show(true); return true; // event handling loop starts after }
bool MiniWxApp::OnInit() { wxString title; title.Printf(wxT("Onega’s mini wxWidgets application pid:%d "), getpid()); MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( title, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); frame->Show(true); SetTopWindow (frame); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { auto title = wxString::Format("Hello %s (pid %lu)", wxVERSION_STRING, wxGetProcessId()); MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame(title, wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340)); frame->Show(true); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { //MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("Hello World", wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450, 340)); MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("Hello World", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); frame->Show(true); SetTopWindow(frame); return true; }
// 'Main program' equivalent: the program execution "starts" here bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("wxWidgets TCP Server"); frame->Show(true); return true; }
HoeEditor::BaseEditor * Hoe2DEditApp::CreateEditor() { MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame(); SetTopWindow(frame); frame->Show(); return frame; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { // Create and display the main frame window. MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, wxT("Validator Test"), 50, 50, 300, 250); frame->Show(true); SetTopWindow(frame); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit(void) { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; wxInitAllImageHandlers(); // init global objects // ------------------- g_printData = new wxPrintData; // You could set an initial paper size here #if 0 g_printData->SetPaperId(wxPAPER_LETTER); // for Americans g_printData->SetPaperId(wxPAPER_A4); // for everyone else #endif g_pageSetupData = new wxPageSetupDialogData; // copy over initial paper size from print record (*g_pageSetupData) = *g_printData; // Set some initial page margins in mm. g_pageSetupData->SetMarginTopLeft(wxPoint(15, 15)); g_pageSetupData->SetMarginBottomRight(wxPoint(15, 15)); // init local GUI objects // ---------------------- #if 0 wxImage image( wxT("test.jpg") ); image.SetAlpha(); int i,j; for (i = 0; i < image.GetWidth(); i++) for (j = 0; j < image.GetHeight(); j++) image.SetAlpha( i, j, 50 ); m_bitmap = image; #endif m_angle = 30; m_testFont.Create(10, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL); // Create the main frame window // ---------------------------- MyFrame* frame = new MyFrame((wxFrame *) NULL, wxT("wxWidgets Printing Demo"), wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(400, 400)); frame->Centre(wxBOTH); frame->Show(); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { SetVendorName(_T("Free world")); SetAppName(_T("wxEdit")); MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("wxEdit"), wxPoint(20,20), wxSize(500,340) ); frame->Show( true ); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { if(!wxApp::OnInit()) { return false; } // if MyFrame* MainFrame = new MyFrame(wxT("Hello World"), wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(450,340)); MainFrame->Show(); return true; } // MyApp::OnInit
bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame; frame->Show(true); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { if ( !wxApp::OnInit() ) return false; MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame("wxClipboard sample"); frame->Show(true); return true; }
bool MyApp::OnInit(void) { // Create the main frame window MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, _T("wxWidgets Native Dialog Sample"), wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(300, 250)); #if wxUSE_STATUSBAR // Give it a status line frame->CreateStatusBar(2); #endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR // Make a menubar wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu; file_menu->Append(RESOURCE_TEST1, _T("&Dialog box test"), _T("Test dialog box resource")); file_menu->Append(RESOURCE_QUIT, _T("E&xit"), _T("Quit program")); wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar; menu_bar->Append(file_menu, _T("&File")); // Associate the menu bar with the frame frame->SetMenuBar(menu_bar); // Make a panel frame->panel = new wxWindow(frame, wxID_ANY, wxPoint(0, 0), wxSize(400, 400), 0, _T("MyMainFrame")); frame->Show(true); // Return the main frame window SetTopWindow(frame); return true; }
// `Main program' equivalent, creating windows and returning main app frame bool MyApp::OnInit() { // Create the main frame window MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(NULL, wxT("wxWidgets OpenGL Penguin Sample"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); /* Make a menubar */ wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu; fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, wxT("E&xit")); wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar; menuBar->Append(fileMenu, wxT("&File")); frame->SetMenuBar(menuBar); frame->SetCanvas( new TestGLCanvas(frame, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 200), wxSUNKEN_BORDER) ); /* Load file wiht mesh data */ frame->GetCanvas()->LoadLWO( wxT("penguin.lwo") ); /* Show the frame */ frame->Show(true); return true; }