bool ToggleWindow( CPrinter* pActiveWnd, int key ) { if (!pActiveWnd) return false; if (key == WXK_F5) // f5, maximize, minimize toggle { MyFrame *pFrame = dynamic_cast<MyFrame*>(wxTheApp->GetTopWindow()); if (!pFrame) return false; wxAuiPaneInfo& pane = pFrame->m_mgr.GetPane(pActiveWnd); if (pFrame->IsMaximized()) { pFrame->Restore(); } else { pFrame->Maximize(); } return true; } if (key == WXK_F6) // f6, toggle active panel { static bool isMinimized = true; MyFrame *pFrame = dynamic_cast<MyFrame*>(wxTheApp->GetTopWindow()); if (!pFrame) return false; wxAuiPaneInfo& activePane = pFrame->m_mgr.GetPane(pActiveWnd); wxAuiPaneInfoArray &panes = pFrame->m_mgr.GetAllPanes(); if (isMinimized) { for (u_int i=0; i < panes.size(); ++i) { if (panes[ i].window != pActiveWnd) panes[ i].Show(false); } } else { for (u_int i=0; i < panes.size(); ++i) { panes[ i].Show(true); } } isMinimized = !isMinimized; pFrame->m_mgr.Update(); return true; } return false; }
bool MyPicsApp::OnInit() { wxImage::AddHandler( new wxJPEGHandler ); wxImage::AddHandler( new wxICOHandler ); // extract the applications resources to files, so we can use them. // we could have just put all // the resources in the .zip file, but then how would i have // demostrated the other ExtractXXX functions? :) // extract all resources of same type (in this case imagess // pecified as type "image" in the .rc file),in one call, // u can specify any type you want, but if you // use a number, make shure its an unsigned int OVER 255. // Also note that the exCount param passed here is optional. int exCount=0; bool resOk = m_Resources.ExtractResources(wxT("image"), &exCount); if(resOk) { wxLogDebug(wxT("%d files extracted to %s using ExtractResources()"), exCount, m_Resources.GetResourceDir()); } // extract a single resource file "wxmswres.h" of type "txtfile" // note that the resource name sould be the same in the .rc file // as the desired extracted file name INCLUDING EXTENSION, same // goes for ExtractResources() resOk = resOk && m_Resources.ExtractResource(wxT("wxmswres.h"), wxT("txtfile")); if(resOk) { wxLogDebug(wxT("resource file wxmswres.h extracted to %s using ExtractResource()"), m_Resources.GetResourceDir()); } // extract resources contained in a zip file, in this case, the .mo // catalog files, compressed to reduce .exe size exCount=0; resOk = resOk && m_Resources.ExtractZipResources(wxT("langcats"), wxT("zipfile"), &exCount); if(resOk) { wxLogDebug(wxT("%d files extracted to %s using ExtractZipResources()"), exCount, m_Resources.GetResourceDir()); } // if the ExtractXXX functions returned true, the resources were // extracted successfully, but still you can check if some // resource is actually there using this function if(m_Resources.RcExtracted(wxT(""))) wxLogDebug(wxT("guess what??, was extracted successfully")); if(!resOk) { // oops! something went wrong, we better quit here wxMessageBox(_("Failed to extract the app´s resources.\nTerminating app..."), _("Fatal Error"), wxOK | wxCENTRE | wxICON_ERROR); return false; } // ask user for application language DlgLang dlg(NULL); wxString langName = dlg.GetSelLanguage(); // now set the locale & load the app & standar wxWidgets catalogs // (previously extracted), but only if selected language was spanish, // since wxWidgets & strings in source code are in english // set lookup path to our resource dir first!! , or wxLocale // will NOT find the catalogs & fail! m_Locale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(m_Resources.GetResourceDir()); bool iInitOk = false; bool cInitOk = false; int langId = langName==_("Spanish") ? wxLANGUAGE_SPANISH_MODERN : wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US; iInitOk= m_Locale.Init(langId, wxLOCALE_CONV_ENCODING); if(!iInitOk) wxLogDebug(wxT("Failed to initialize locale!")); if(iInitOk && langId == wxLANGUAGE_SPANISH_MODERN) { cInitOk = m_Locale.AddCatalog(wxT("wx_es")); cInitOk = cInitOk && m_Locale.AddCatalog(wxT("mypics_es")); } if(!cInitOk) wxLogDebug(wxT("Failed to load one or more catalogs!")); // create the app´s main window (go look at MyFrame´s creation code) MyFrame* pFrame = new MyFrame(NULL); pFrame->Maximize(); pFrame->Show(); SetTopWindow(pFrame); return true; }