void SHit::Read_Packet (NET_Packet Packet) { u16 type_dummy; Packet.r_begin (type_dummy); Packet.r_u32 (Time); Packet.r_u16 (PACKET_TYPE); Packet.r_u16 (DestID); Read_Packet_Cont (Packet); };
CSE_Abstract* game_sv_GameState::spawn_end (CSE_Abstract* E, ClientID id) { NET_Packet P; u16 skip_header; E->Spawn_Write (P,TRUE); P.r_begin (skip_header); CSE_Abstract* N = m_server->Process_spawn (P,id); F_entity_Destroy (E); return N; }
u16 GetSpawnInfo(NET_Packet &P, u16 &parent_id) { u16 dummy16, id; P.r_begin(dummy16); shared_str s_name; P.r_stringZ(s_name); CSE_Abstract* E = F_entity_Create(*s_name); E->Spawn_Read(P); if (E->s_flags.is(M_SPAWN_UPDATE)) E->UPDATE_Read(P); id = E->ID; parent_id = E->ID_Parent; F_entity_Destroy(E); P.r_pos = 0; return id; }
void CALifeSimulatorBase::create(CSE_ALifeDynamicObject *&i, CSE_ALifeDynamicObject *j, const _SPAWN_ID &tSpawnID) { CSE_Abstract *tpSE_Abstract = F_entity_Create(*j->s_name); R_ASSERT3 (tpSE_Abstract,"Cannot find item with section",*j->s_name); i = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeDynamicObject*>(tpSE_Abstract); R_ASSERT2 (i,"Non-ALife object in the 'game.spawn'"); NET_Packet tNetPacket; j->Spawn_Write (tNetPacket,TRUE); i->Spawn_Read (tNetPacket); tNetPacket.w_begin (M_UPDATE); j->UPDATE_Write (tNetPacket); u16 id; tNetPacket.r_begin (id); i->UPDATE_Read (tNetPacket); R_ASSERT3 (!(i->used_ai_locations()) || (i->m_tNodeID != u32(-1)),"Invalid vertex for object ",i->name_replace()); i->m_tSpawnID = tSpawnID; if (!graph().actor() && smart_cast<CSE_ALifeCreatureActor*>(i)) i->ID = 0; else i->ID = server().PerformIDgen(0xffff); register_object (i,true); i->m_bALifeControl = true; CSE_ALifeMonsterAbstract *monster = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeMonsterAbstract*>(i); if (monster) graph().assign (monster); CSE_ALifeGroupAbstract *group = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeGroupAbstract*>(i); if (group) { group->m_tpMembers.resize(group->m_wCount); OBJECT_IT I = group->m_tpMembers.begin(); OBJECT_IT E = group->m_tpMembers.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { CSE_Abstract *object = create (group,j); *I = object->ID; } } else i->spawn_supplies (); i->on_spawn (); }
void message_filter::msg_type_subtype_t::import(NET_Packet& packet) { packet.r_begin (msg_type); msg_subtype = 0; switch (msg_type) { case M_EVENT: { u16 tmp_subtype; packet.r_u32 (msg_receive_time); packet.r_u16 (tmp_subtype); packet.r_u16 (dest_obj_id); msg_subtype = static_cast<u32>(tmp_subtype); }break; case M_GAMEMESSAGE: { packet.r_u32 (msg_subtype); }break; };//switch (msg_type) }
void xrServer::OnBuildVersionRespond ( IClient* CL, NET_Packet& P ) { u16 Type; P.r_begin( Type ); u64 _our = FS.auth_get(); u64 _him = P.r_u64(); #ifdef DEBUG Msg("_our = %d", _our); Msg("_him = %d", _him); #endif // DEBUG if ( _our != _him ) { SendConnectResult( CL, 0, 0, "Data verification failed. Cheater? [3]" ); } else { bool bAccessUser = false; string512 res_check; if ( !CL->flags.bLocal ) { bAccessUser = Check_ServerAccess( CL, res_check ); } if( CL->flags.bLocal || bAccessUser ) { Check_BuildVersion_Success( CL ); } else { Msg( res_check ); strcat_s( res_check, "Invalid login/password. Client \"" ); strcat_s( res_check, CL->name.c_str() ); strcat_s( res_check, "\" disconnected." ); SendConnectResult( CL, 0, 2, res_check ); } } };
CSE_Abstract *CALifeSimulatorBase::create(CSE_ALifeGroupAbstract *tpALifeGroupAbstract, CSE_ALifeDynamicObject *j) { NET_Packet tNetPacket; LPCSTR S = pSettings->r_string(tpALifeGroupAbstract->base()->s_name,"monster_section"); CSE_Abstract *l_tpAbstract = F_entity_Create(S); R_ASSERT2 (l_tpAbstract,"Can't create entity."); CSE_ALifeDynamicObject *k = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeDynamicObject*>(l_tpAbstract); R_ASSERT2 (k,"Non-ALife object in the 'game.spawn'"); j->Spawn_Write (tNetPacket,TRUE); k->Spawn_Read (tNetPacket); tNetPacket.w_begin (M_UPDATE); j->UPDATE_Write (tNetPacket); u16 id; tNetPacket.r_begin (id); k->UPDATE_Read (tNetPacket); k->s_name = S; k->m_tSpawnID = j->m_tSpawnID; k->ID = server().PerformIDgen(0xffff); k->m_bDirectControl = false; k->m_bALifeControl = true; string256 s_name_replace; strcpy_s (s_name_replace,*k->s_name); if (k->ID < 1000) strcat (s_name_replace,"0"); if (k->ID < 100) strcat (s_name_replace,"0"); if (k->ID < 10) strcat (s_name_replace,"0"); string16 S1; strcat (s_name_replace,itoa(k->ID,S1,10)); k->set_name_replace (s_name_replace); register_object (k,true); k->spawn_supplies (); k->on_spawn (); return (k); }
void CLevel::ProcessGameEvents () { // Game events { NET_Packet P; u32 svT = timeServer()-NET_Latency; /* if (!game_events->queue.empty()) Msg("- d[%d],ts[%d] -- E[svT=%d],[evT=%d]",Device.dwTimeGlobal,timeServer(),svT,game_events->queue.begin()->timestamp); */ #ifdef SPAWN_ANTIFREEZE while (spawn_events->available(svT)) { u16 ID, dest, type; spawn_events->get(ID, dest, type, P); game_events->insert(P); } u32 avail_time = 5; u32 elps = Device.frame_elapsed(); if (elps < 30) avail_time = 33 - elps; u32 work_limit = elps + avail_time; #endif while (game_events->available(svT)) { u16 ID,dest,type; game_events->get (ID,dest,type,P); #ifdef SPAWN_ANTIFREEZE // не отправлять события не заспавненным объектам if (g_bootComplete && M_EVENT == ID && PostponedSpawn(dest)) { spawn_events->insert(P); continue; } if (g_bootComplete && M_SPAWN == ID && Device.frame_elapsed() > work_limit) // alpet: позволит плавнее выводить объекты в онлайн, без заметных фризов { u16 parent_id; GetSpawnInfo(P, parent_id); //------------------------------------------------- if (parent_id < 0xffff) // откладывать спавн только объектов в контейнеры { //if (!spawn_events->available(svT)) //Msg("* ProcessGameEvents, spawn event postponed. Events rest = %d", game_events->queue.size()); spawn_events->insert(P); continue; } } #endif switch (ID) { case M_SPAWN: { u16 dummy16; P.r_begin(dummy16); cl_Process_Spawn(P); }break; case M_EVENT: { cl_Process_Event(dest, type, P); }break; case M_MOVE_PLAYERS: { u8 Count = P.r_u8(); for (u8 i=0; i<Count; i++) { u16 ID = P.r_u16(); Fvector NewPos, NewDir; P.r_vec3(NewPos); P.r_vec3(NewDir); CActor* OActor = smart_cast<CActor*>(Objects.net_Find (ID)); if (0 == OActor) break; OActor->MoveActor(NewPos, NewDir); }; NET_Packet PRespond; PRespond.w_begin(M_MOVE_PLAYERS_RESPOND); Send(PRespond, net_flags(TRUE, TRUE)); }break; case M_STATISTIC_UPDATE: { if (GameID() != eGameIDSingle) Game().m_WeaponUsageStatistic->OnUpdateRequest(&P); }break; case M_FILE_TRANSFER: { if (m_file_transfer) //in case of net_Stop m_file_transfer->on_message(&P); }break; case M_GAMEMESSAGE: { Game().OnGameMessage(P); }break; default: { VERIFY(0); }break; } } } if (OnServer() && GameID()!= eGameIDSingle) Game().m_WeaponUsageStatistic->Send_Check_Respond(); }
BOOL CSE_Abstract::Spawn_Read (NET_Packet &tNetPacket) { u16 dummy16; // generic tNetPacket.r_begin (dummy16); R_ASSERT (M_SPAWN==dummy16); tNetPacket.r_stringZ (s_name ); string256 temp; tNetPacket.r_stringZ (temp); set_name_replace (temp); tNetPacket.r_u8 (s_gameid ); tNetPacket.r_u8 (s_RP ); tNetPacket.r_vec3 (o_Position ); tNetPacket.r_vec3 (o_Angle ); tNetPacket.r_u16 (RespawnTime ); tNetPacket.r_u16 (ID ); tNetPacket.r_u16 (ID_Parent ); tNetPacket.r_u16 (ID_Phantom ); tNetPacket.r_u16 (s_flags.flags ); // dangerous!!!!!!!!! if (s_flags.is(M_SPAWN_VERSION)) tNetPacket.r_u16 (m_wVersion); if (0==m_wVersion) { tNetPacket.r_pos -= sizeof(u16); m_wVersion = 0; return FALSE; } if (m_wVersion > 69) m_script_version = tNetPacket.r_u16(); // read specific data //client object custom data serialization LOAD if (m_wVersion > 70) { u16 client_data_size = (m_wVersion > 93) ? tNetPacket.r_u16() : tNetPacket.r_u8(); //не может быть больше 256 байт if (client_data_size > 0) { // Msg ("SERVER:loading:load:%d bytes:%d:%s",client_data_size,ID,s_name_replace ? s_name_replace : ""); client_data.resize (client_data_size); tNetPacket.r (&*client_data.begin(),client_data_size); } else client_data.clear (); } else client_data.clear (); if (m_wVersion > 79) tNetPacket.r (&m_tSpawnID, sizeof(m_tSpawnID)); if (m_wVersion < 112) { if (m_wVersion > 82) tNetPacket.r_float ();//m_spawn_probability); if (m_wVersion > 83) { tNetPacket.r_u32 ();//m_spawn_flags.assign(tNetPacket.r_u32()); xr_string temp; tNetPacket.r_stringZ (temp);//tNetPacket.r_stringZ(m_spawn_control); tNetPacket.r_u32 ();//m_max_spawn_count); // this stuff we do not need even in case of uncomment tNetPacket.r_u32 ();//m_spawn_count); tNetPacket.r_u64 ();//m_last_spawn_time); } if (m_wVersion > 84) { tNetPacket.r_u64 ();//m_min_spawn_interval); tNetPacket.r_u64 ();//m_max_spawn_interval); } } u16 size; tNetPacket.r_u16 (size); // size R_ASSERT3 ((m_tClassID == CLSID_SPECTATOR) || (size > sizeof(size)),"cannot read object, which is not successfully saved :(",name_replace()); STATE_Read (tNetPacket,size); return TRUE; }
CLevelGameGraph ( LPCSTR graph_file_name, LPCSTR raw_cross_table_file_name, CGameGraph::SLevel *tLevel, LPCSTR S, u32 dwOffset, u32 dwLevelID, CInifile *Ini ) { m_tLevel = *tLevel; m_dwOffset = dwOffset; m_tpLevelPoints.clear (); FILE_NAME caFileName; // loading graph strcpy_s (caFileName,graph_file_name); m_tpGraph = new CGameGraph(caFileName); strcpy_s (caFileName,raw_cross_table_file_name); CGameLevelCrossTable *l_tpCrossTable = new CGameLevelCrossTable(caFileName); CLevelGraph *l_tpAI_Map = new CLevelGraph(S); VERIFY2 (l_tpCrossTable->header().level_guid() == l_tpAI_Map->header().guid(), "cross table doesn't correspond to the AI-map, rebuild graph!"); VERIFY2 (l_tpCrossTable->header().game_guid() == m_tpGraph->header().guid(), "cross table doesn't correspond to the graph, rebuild graph!"); VERIFY2 (m_tpGraph->header().level(GameGraph::_LEVEL_ID(0)).guid() == l_tpAI_Map->header().guid(), "cross table doesn't correspond to the AI-map, rebuild graph!"); VERIFY (l_tpAI_Map->header().vertex_count() == l_tpCrossTable->header().level_vertex_count()); VERIFY (m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count() == l_tpCrossTable->header().game_vertex_count()); tLevel->m_guid = l_tpAI_Map->header().guid(); { for (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID i=0, n = m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count(); i<n; ++i) if ((!l_tpAI_Map->valid_vertex_id(m_tpGraph->vertex(i)->level_vertex_id()) || (l_tpCrossTable->vertex(m_tpGraph->vertex(i)->level_vertex_id()).game_vertex_id() != i) || !l_tpAI_Map->inside(m_tpGraph->vertex(i)->level_vertex_id(),m_tpGraph->vertex(i)->level_point()))) { Msg ("! Graph doesn't correspond to the cross table"); R_ASSERT2 (false,"Graph doesn't correspond to the cross table"); } } m_tpVertices.resize (m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count()); GRAPH_VERTEX_IT B = m_tpVertices.begin(); GRAPH_VERTEX_IT I = B; GRAPH_VERTEX_IT E = m_tpVertices.end(); for ( ; I != E; I++) { (*I).tLocalPoint = m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->level_point(); (*I).tGlobalPoint.add (m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->game_point(),m_tLevel.offset()); (*I).tLevelID = dwLevelID; (*I).tNodeID = m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->level_vertex_id(); Memory.mem_copy ((*I).tVertexTypes,m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->vertex_type(),GameGraph::LOCATION_TYPE_COUNT*sizeof(GameGraph::_LOCATION_ID)); (*I).tNeighbourCount = m_tpGraph->vertex(int(I - B))->edge_count(); CGameGraph::const_iterator b,i,e; m_tpGraph->begin (int(I - B),i,e); (*I).tpaEdges = (CGameGraph::CEdge*)xr_malloc((*I).tNeighbourCount*sizeof(CGameGraph::CEdge)); b = i; for ( ; i != e; ++i) { GameGraph::CEdge &edge = (*I).tpaEdges[i - b]; edge = *i; VERIFY ((edge.vertex_id() + dwOffset) < (u32(1) << (8*sizeof(GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)))); edge.m_vertex_id = (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)(edge.m_vertex_id + dwOffset); } (*I).dwPointOffset = 0; vfGenerateDeathPoints (int(I - B),l_tpCrossTable,l_tpAI_Map,(*I).tDeathPointCount); } xr_delete (l_tpCrossTable); xr_delete (l_tpAI_Map); // updating cross-table { strcpy_s (caFileName,raw_cross_table_file_name); CGameLevelCrossTable *tpCrossTable = new CGameLevelCrossTable(caFileName); xr_vector<CGameLevelCrossTable::CCell> tCrossTableUpdate; tCrossTableUpdate.resize(tpCrossTable->header().level_vertex_count()); for (int i=0; i<(int)tpCrossTable->header().level_vertex_count(); i++) { tCrossTableUpdate[i] = tpCrossTable->vertex(i); VERIFY (u32(tCrossTableUpdate[i].tGraphIndex) < tpCrossTable->header().game_vertex_count()); tCrossTableUpdate[i].tGraphIndex = tCrossTableUpdate[i].tGraphIndex + (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)dwOffset; } CGameLevelCrossTable::CHeader tCrossTableHeader; tCrossTableHeader.dwVersion = XRAI_CURRENT_VERSION; tCrossTableHeader.dwNodeCount = tpCrossTable->m_tCrossTableHeader.dwNodeCount; tCrossTableHeader.dwGraphPointCount = tpCrossTable->m_tCrossTableHeader.dwGraphPointCount; tCrossTableHeader.m_level_guid = tpCrossTable->m_tCrossTableHeader.m_level_guid; tCrossTableHeader.m_game_guid = tGraphHeader.m_guid; xr_delete (tpCrossTable); m_cross_table.w(&tCrossTableHeader,sizeof(tCrossTableHeader)); for (int i=0; i<(int)tCrossTableHeader.dwNodeCount; i++) m_cross_table.w(&(tCrossTableUpdate[i]),sizeof(tCrossTableUpdate[i])); } // fill vertex map { string_path fName; strconcat (sizeof(fName),fName,S,"level.spawn"); IReader *F = FS.r_open(fName); u32 id; IReader *O = F->open_chunk_iterator(id); for (int i=0; O; O = F->open_chunk_iterator(id,O)) { NET_Packet P; P.B.count = O->length(); O->r (P.B.data,P.B.count); u16 ID; P.r_begin (ID); R_ASSERT (M_SPAWN==ID); P.r_stringZ (fName); CSE_Abstract *E = F_entity_Create(fName); R_ASSERT3 (E,"Can't create entity.",fName); // E->Spawn_Read (P); CSE_ALifeGraphPoint *tpGraphPoint = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeGraphPoint*>(E); if (tpGraphPoint) { E->Spawn_Read (P); Fvector tVector; tVector = tpGraphPoint->o_Position; GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID tGraphID = GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID(-1); float fMinDistance = 1000000.f; { GRAPH_VERTEX_IT B = m_tpVertices.begin(); GRAPH_VERTEX_IT I = B; GRAPH_VERTEX_IT E = m_tpVertices.end(); for ( ; I != E; I++) { float fDistance = (*I).tLocalPoint.distance_to(tVector); if (fDistance < fMinDistance) { fMinDistance = fDistance; tGraphID = GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID(I - B); if (fMinDistance < EPS_L) break; } } } if (fMinDistance < EPS_L) { SConnectionVertex T; LPSTR S; S = xr_strdup(tpGraphPoint->name_replace()); T.caConnectName = xr_strdup(*tpGraphPoint->m_caConnectionPointName); T.dwLevelID = dwfGetIDByLevelName(Ini,*tpGraphPoint->m_caConnectionLevelName); // T.tGraphID = (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)i; // T.tOldGraphID = tGraphID; T.tOldGraphID = (GameGraph::_GRAPH_ID)i; T.tGraphID = tGraphID; bool ok = true; VERTEX_MAP::const_iterator II = m_tVertexMap.begin(); VERTEX_MAP::const_iterator EE = m_tVertexMap.end(); for ( ; II != EE; ++II) if (T.tOldGraphID == (*II).second.tOldGraphID) { ok = false; Msg ("Graph point %s is removed,because it has the same position as some another graph point",E->name_replace()); break; } if (ok) { m_tVertexMap.insert (mk_pair(S,T)); i++; } } } F_entity_Destroy (E); } if (i != m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count()) Msg ("Graph for the level %s doesn't correspond to the graph points from Level Editor! (%d : %d)",*m_tLevel.name(),i,m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count()); VERTEX_MAP::const_iterator I = m_tVertexMap.begin(); VERTEX_MAP::const_iterator E = m_tVertexMap.end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { R_ASSERT3 (!xr_strlen((*I).second.caConnectName) || ((*I).second.tGraphID < m_tpVertices.size()),"Rebuild graph for the level",*m_tLevel.name()); } // VERIFY3 (i == m_tpGraph->header().vertex_count(), "Rebuild graph for the level ",m_tLevel.name()); O->close (); FS.r_close (F); } };
void CLevel::ClientReceive() { Demo_StartFrame(); Demo_Update(); m_dwRPC = 0; m_dwRPS = 0; for (NET_Packet* P = net_msg_Retreive(); P; P=net_msg_Retreive()) { //----------------------------------------------------- m_dwRPC++; m_dwRPS += P->B.count; //----------------------------------------------------- u16 m_type; u16 ID; P->r_begin (m_type); switch (m_type) { case M_MAP_SYNC: { shared_str map_name; P->r_stringZ(map_name); shared_str _name = net_Hosts.size() ? net_Hosts.front().dpSessionName:""; if(_name.size() && _name!=map_name && OnClient()) { Msg("!!! map sync failed. current is[%s] server is[%s]",m_name.c_str(), map_name.c_str()); Engine.Event.Defer ("KERNEL:disconnect"); Engine.Event.Defer ("KERNEL:start",m_caServerOptions.size() ? size_t( xr_strdup(*m_caServerOptions)) : 0, m_caClientOptions.size() ? size_t(xr_strdup(*m_caClientOptions)) : 0); } }break; case M_SPAWN: { if (!m_bGameConfigStarted || !bReady) { Msg ("Unconventional M_SPAWN received : cgf[%s] | bReady[%s]", (m_bGameConfigStarted) ? "true" : "false", (bReady) ? "true" : "false"); break; } /*/ cl_Process_Spawn(*P); /*/ game_events->insert (*P); if (g_bDebugEvents) ProcessGameEvents(); //*/ } break; case M_EVENT: game_events->insert (*P); if (g_bDebugEvents) ProcessGameEvents(); break; case M_EVENT_PACK: NET_Packet tmpP; while (!P->r_eof()) { tmpP.B.count = P->r_u8(); P->r(&tmpP.B.data, tmpP.B.count); tmpP.timeReceive = P->timeReceive; game_events->insert (tmpP); if (g_bDebugEvents) ProcessGameEvents(); }; break; case M_UPDATE: { game->net_import_update (*P); //------------------------------------------- if (OnServer()) break; //------------------------------------------- }; // ни в коем случае нельзя здесь ставить break, т.к. в случае если все объекты не влазят в пакет M_UPDATE, // они досылаются через M_UPDATE_OBJECTS case M_UPDATE_OBJECTS: { Objects.net_Import (P); if (OnClient()) UpdateDeltaUpd(timeServer()); IClientStatistic pStat = Level().GetStatistic(); u32 dTime = 0; if ((Level().timeServer() + pStat.getPing()) < P->timeReceive) { dTime = pStat.getPing(); } else dTime = Level().timeServer() - P->timeReceive + pStat.getPing(); u32 NumSteps = ph_world->CalcNumSteps(dTime); SetNumCrSteps(NumSteps); }break; // case M_UPDATE_OBJECTS: // { // Objects.net_Import (P); // }break; //----------- for E3 ----------------------------- case M_CL_UPDATE: { if (OnClient()) break; P->r_u16 (ID); u32 Ping = P->r_u32(); CGameObject* O = smart_cast<CGameObject*>(Objects.net_Find (ID)); if (0 == O) break; O->net_Import(*P); //--------------------------------------------------- UpdateDeltaUpd(timeServer()); if (pObjects4CrPr.empty() && pActors4CrPr.empty()) break; if (O->CLS_ID != CLSID_OBJECT_ACTOR) break; u32 dTime = 0; if ((Level().timeServer() + Ping) < P->timeReceive) { #ifdef DEBUG // Msg("! TimeServer[%d] < TimeReceive[%d]", Level().timeServer(), P->timeReceive); #endif dTime = Ping; } else dTime = Level().timeServer() - P->timeReceive + Ping; u32 NumSteps = ph_world->CalcNumSteps(dTime); SetNumCrSteps(NumSteps); O->CrPr_SetActivationStep(u32(ph_world->m_steps_num) - NumSteps); AddActor_To_Actors4CrPr(O); }break; case M_MOVE_PLAYERS: { u8 Count = P->r_u8(); for (u8 i=0; i<Count; i++) { u16 ID = P->r_u16(); Fvector NewPos, NewDir; P->r_vec3(NewPos); P->r_vec3(NewDir); CActor* OActor = smart_cast<CActor*>(Objects.net_Find (ID)); if (0 == OActor) break; OActor->MoveActor(NewPos, NewDir); }; NET_Packet PRespond; PRespond.w_begin(M_MOVE_PLAYERS_RESPOND); Send(PRespond, net_flags(TRUE, TRUE)); }break; //------------------------------------------------ case M_CL_INPUT: { P->r_u16 (ID); CObject* O = Objects.net_Find (ID); if (0 == O) break; O->net_ImportInput(*P); }break; //--------------------------------------------------- case M_SV_CONFIG_NEW_CLIENT: InitializeClientGame(*P); break; case M_SV_CONFIG_GAME: game->net_import_state (*P); break; case M_SV_CONFIG_FINISHED: game_configured = TRUE; Msg("- Game configuring : Finished "); break; case M_MIGRATE_DEACTIVATE: // TO: Changing server, just deactivate { P->r_u16 (ID); CObject* O = Objects.net_Find (ID); if (0 == O) break; O->net_MigrateInactive (*P); if (bDebug) Log("! MIGRATE_DEACTIVATE",*O->cName()); } break; case M_MIGRATE_ACTIVATE: // TO: Changing server, full state { P->r_u16 (ID); CObject* O = Objects.net_Find (ID); if (0 == O) break; O->net_MigrateActive (*P); if (bDebug) Log("! MIGRATE_ACTIVATE",*O->cName()); } break; case M_CHAT: { char buffer[256]; P->r_stringZ(buffer); Msg ("- %s",buffer); } break; case M_GAMEMESSAGE: { if (!game) break; Game().OnGameMessage(*P); }break; case M_RELOAD_GAME: case M_LOAD_GAME: case M_CHANGE_LEVEL: { if(m_type==M_LOAD_GAME) { string256 saved_name; P->r_stringZ (saved_name); if(xr_strlen(saved_name) && ai().get_alife()) { CSavedGameWrapper wrapper(saved_name); if (wrapper.level_id() == ai().level_graph().level_id()) { Engine.Event.Defer ("Game:QuickLoad", size_t(xr_strdup(saved_name)), 0); break; } } } Engine.Event.Defer ("KERNEL:disconnect"); Engine.Event.Defer ("KERNEL:start",size_t(xr_strdup(*m_caServerOptions)),size_t(xr_strdup(*m_caClientOptions))); }break; case M_SAVE_GAME: { ClientSave (); }break; case M_GAMESPY_CDKEY_VALIDATION_CHALLENGE: { OnGameSpyChallenge(P); }break; case M_AUTH_CHALLENGE: { OnBuildVersionChallenge(); }break; case M_CLIENT_CONNECT_RESULT: { OnConnectResult(P); }break; case M_CHAT_MESSAGE: { if (!game) break; Game().OnChatMessage(P); }break; case M_CLIENT_WARN: { if (!game) break; Game().OnWarnMessage(P); }break; case M_REMOTE_CONTROL_AUTH: case M_REMOTE_CONTROL_CMD: { Game().OnRadminMessage(m_type, P); }break; case M_CHANGE_LEVEL_GAME: { Msg("- M_CHANGE_LEVEL_GAME Received"); if (OnClient()) { Engine.Event.Defer ("KERNEL:disconnect"); Engine.Event.Defer ("KERNEL:start",m_caServerOptions.size() ? size_t( xr_strdup(*m_caServerOptions)) : 0,m_caClientOptions.size() ? size_t(xr_strdup(*m_caClientOptions)) : 0); } else { const char* m_SO = m_caServerOptions.c_str(); // const char* m_CO = m_caClientOptions.c_str(); m_SO = strchr(m_SO, '/'); if (m_SO) m_SO++; m_SO = strchr(m_SO, '/'); string128 LevelName = ""; string128 GameType = ""; P->r_stringZ(LevelName); P->r_stringZ(GameType); string4096 NewServerOptions = ""; sprintf_s(NewServerOptions, "%s/%s", LevelName, GameType); if (m_SO) strcat(NewServerOptions, m_SO); m_caServerOptions = NewServerOptions; Engine.Event.Defer ("KERNEL:disconnect"); Engine.Event.Defer ("KERNEL:start",size_t(xr_strdup(*m_caServerOptions)),size_t(xr_strdup(*m_caClientOptions))); }; }break; case M_CHANGE_SELF_NAME: { net_OnChangeSelfName(P); }break; case M_BULLET_CHECK_RESPOND: { if (!game) break; if (GameID() != GAME_SINGLE) Game().m_WeaponUsageStatistic->On_Check_Respond(P); }break; case M_STATISTIC_UPDATE: { if (!game) break; if (GameID() != GAME_SINGLE) Game().m_WeaponUsageStatistic->OnUpdateRequest(P); }break; case M_STATISTIC_UPDATE_RESPOND: { if (!game) break; if (GameID() != GAME_SINGLE) Game().m_WeaponUsageStatistic->OnUpdateRespond(P); }break; case M_BATTLEYE: { #ifdef BATTLEYE battleye_system.ReadPacketClient( P ); #endif // BATTLEYE }break; } net_msg_Release(); } // if (!g_bDebugEvents) ProcessGameSpawns(); }
void CGameGraphBuilder::load_graph_point (NET_Packet &net_packet) { string256 section_id; u16 id; net_packet.r_begin (id); R_ASSERT (M_SPAWN == id); net_packet.r_stringZ (section_id); // if (xr_strcmp("graph_point",section_id)) // return; CSE_Abstract *entity = F_entity_Create(section_id); if (!entity) { Msg ("Cannot create entity from section %s, skipping",section_id); return; } CSE_ALifeGraphPoint *graph_point = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeGraphPoint*>(entity); if (!graph_point) { F_entity_Destroy (entity); return; } entity->Spawn_Read (net_packet); vertex_type vertex; vertex.tLocalPoint = graph_point->o_Position; // check for duplicate graph point positions { graph_type::const_vertex_iterator I = graph().vertices().begin(); graph_type::const_vertex_iterator E = graph().vertices().end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { if ((*I).second->data().tLocalPoint.distance_to_sqr(vertex.tLocalPoint) < EPS_L) { Msg ("! removing graph point [%s][%f][%f][%f] because it is too close to the another graph point",entity->name_replace(),VPUSH(entity->o_Position)); return; } } } vertex.tGlobalPoint = graph_point->o_Position; vertex.tNodeID = level_graph().valid_vertex_position(vertex.tLocalPoint) ? level_graph().vertex_id(vertex.tLocalPoint) : u32(-1); if (!level_graph().valid_vertex_id(vertex.tNodeID)) { Msg ("! removing graph point [%s][%f][%f][%f] because it is outside of the AI map",entity->name_replace(),VPUSH(entity->o_Position)); return; } { graph_type::const_vertex_iterator I = graph().vertices().begin(); graph_type::const_vertex_iterator E = graph().vertices().end(); for ( ; I != E; ++I) { if ((*I).second->data().tNodeID == vertex.tNodeID) { Msg ("! removing graph point [%s][%f][%f][%f] because it has the same AI node as another graph point",entity->name_replace(),VPUSH(entity->o_Position)); return; } } } vertex.tNeighbourCount = 0; Memory.mem_copy (vertex.tVertexTypes,graph_point->m_tLocations,GameGraph::LOCATION_TYPE_COUNT*sizeof(GameGraph::_LOCATION_ID)); vertex.tLevelID = 0; vertex.tDeathPointCount = 0; vertex.dwPointOffset = 0; graph().add_vertex (vertex,graph().vertices().size()); F_entity_Destroy (entity); }
void CLevel::ProcessGameEvents () { // Game events { NET_Packet P; u32 svT = timeServer()-NET_Latency; /* if (!game_events->queue.empty()) Msg("- d[%d],ts[%d] -- E[svT=%d],[evT=%d]",Device.dwTimeGlobal,timeServer(),svT,game_events->queue.begin()->timestamp); */ #ifdef SPAWN_ANTIFREEZE while (spawn_events->available(svT)) { u16 ID,dest,type; spawn_events->get (ID,dest,type,P); game_events->insert (P); } u32 avail_time = 5; u32 elps = Device.frame_elapsed(); if (elps < 30) avail_time = 33 - elps; u32 work_limit = elps + avail_time; #endif while (game_events->available(svT)) { u16 ID,dest,type; game_events->get (ID,dest,type,P); #ifdef SPAWN_ANTIFREEZE // не отправлять события не заспавненным объектам if (g_bootComplete && M_EVENT == ID && PostponedSpawn(dest)) { spawn_events->insert(P); continue; } if (g_bootComplete && M_SPAWN == ID && Device.frame_elapsed() > work_limit) // alpet: позволит плавнее выводить объекты в онлайн, без заметных фризов { u16 parent_id; GetSpawnInfo(P, parent_id); //------------------------------------------------- if (parent_id < 0xffff) // откладывать спавн только объектов в контейнеры { if (!spawn_events->available(svT)) Msg("* ProcessGameEvents, spawn event postponed. Events rest = %d", game_events->queue.size()); spawn_events->insert(P); continue; } } #endif switch (ID) { case M_SPAWN: { u16 dummy16; P.r_begin(dummy16); cl_Process_Spawn(P); }break; case M_EVENT: { cl_Process_Event(dest, type, P); }break; default: { VERIFY(0); }break; } } } if (OnServer() && GameID()!= GAME_SINGLE) Game().m_WeaponUsageStatistic->Send_Check_Respond(); }
void xrServer::SLS_Default () { if (game->custom_sls_default()) { game->sls_default (); return; } #ifdef USE_DESIGNER_KEY bool _designer = !!strstr(Core.Params,"-designer"); CSE_ALifeCreatureActor *_actor = 0; #endif string256 fn_spawn; if (FS.exist(fn_spawn, "$level$", "level.spawn")) { IReader* SP = FS.r_open(fn_spawn); NET_Packet P; u32 S_id; for (IReader *S = SP->open_chunk_iterator(S_id); S; S = SP->open_chunk_iterator(S_id,S)) { P.B.count = S->length(); S->r (P.B.data,P.B.count); u16 ID; P.r_begin (ID); R_ASSERT (M_SPAWN==ID); ClientID clientID;clientID.set(0); #ifdef USE_DESIGNER_KEY CSE_Abstract *entity = #endif Process_spawn(P,clientID); #ifdef USE_DESIGNER_KEY if (_designer) { CSE_ALifeCreatureActor *actor = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeCreatureActor*>(entity); if (actor) _actor = actor; } #endif } FS.r_close (SP); } #ifdef USE_DESIGNER_KEY if (!_designer) return; if (_actor) return; _actor = smart_cast<CSE_ALifeCreatureActor*>(entity_Create("actor")); _actor->o_Position = Fvector().set(0.f,0.f,0.f); _actor->set_name_replace("designer"); _actor->s_flags.flags |= M_SPAWN_OBJECT_ASPLAYER; NET_Packet packet; packet.w_begin (M_SPAWN); _actor->Spawn_Write (packet,TRUE); u16 id; packet.r_begin (id); R_ASSERT (id == M_SPAWN); ClientID clientID; clientID.set (0); Process_spawn (packet,clientID); #endif }
u32 xrServer::OnMessage (NET_Packet& P, ClientID sender) // Non-Zero means broadcasting with "flags" as returned { if (g_pGameLevel && Level().IsDemoSave()) Level().Demo_StoreServerData(P.B.data, P.B.count); u16 type; P.r_begin (type); csPlayers.Enter (); VERIFY (verify_entities()); xrClientData* CL = ID_to_client(sender); switch (type) { case M_UPDATE: { Process_update (P,sender); // No broadcast VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_SPAWN: { // R_ASSERT(CL->flags.bLocal); if (CL->flags.bLocal) Process_spawn (P,sender); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_EVENT: { Process_event (P,sender); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_EVENT_PACK: { NET_Packet tmpP; while (!P.r_eof()) { tmpP.B.count = P.r_u8(); P.r (&tmpP.B.data, tmpP.B.count); OnMessage (tmpP, sender); }; }break; case M_CL_UPDATE: { xrClientData* CL = ID_to_client (sender); if (!CL) break; CL->net_Ready = TRUE; if (!CL->net_PassUpdates) break; //------------------------------------------------------------------- u32 ClientPing = CL->stats.getPing(); P.w_seek(P.r_tell()+2, &ClientPing, 4); //------------------------------------------------------------------- if (SV_Client) SendTo (SV_Client->ID, P, net_flags(TRUE, TRUE)); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_MOVE_PLAYERS_RESPOND: { xrClientData* CL = ID_to_client (sender); if (!CL) break; CL->net_Ready = TRUE; CL->net_PassUpdates = TRUE; }break; //------------------------------------------------------------------- case M_CL_PING_CHALLENGE: { P.r_u32(); u32 id = sender.value(); P.w_seek( P.r_tell(), &(id), 4); if (SV_Client) SendTo (SV_Client->ID, P, net_flags(FALSE)); }break; case M_CL_PING_CHALLENGE_RESPOND: { P.r_u32(); u32 id = P.r_u32(); ClientID clientID; clientID.set(id); u32 clLastPing = P.r_u32(); xrClientData* pCL = ID_to_client(clientID); pCL->ps->Rping = u16(clLastPing); SendTo (clientID, P, net_flags(FALSE)); }break; //------------------------------------------------------------------- case M_CL_INPUT: { xrClientData* CL = ID_to_client (sender); if (CL) CL->net_Ready = TRUE; if (SV_Client) SendTo (SV_Client->ID, P, net_flags(TRUE, TRUE)); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_GAMEMESSAGE: { ClientID clientID;clientID.setBroadcast(); SendBroadcast (clientID,P,net_flags(TRUE,TRUE)); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_CLIENTREADY: { xrClientData* CL = ID_to_client(sender); if (CL) { CL->net_Ready = TRUE; CL->ps->DeathTime = Device.dwTimeGlobal; game->OnPlayerConnectFinished(sender); }; game->signal_Syncronize (); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_SWITCH_DISTANCE: { game->switch_distance (P,sender); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_CHANGE_LEVEL: { if (game->change_level(P,sender)){ ClientID clientID;clientID.setBroadcast(); SendBroadcast (clientID,P,net_flags(TRUE,TRUE)); } VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_SAVE_GAME: { game->save_game (P,sender); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_LOAD_GAME: { game->load_game (P,sender); ClientID clientID;clientID.setBroadcast(); SendBroadcast (clientID,P,net_flags(TRUE,TRUE)); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_RELOAD_GAME: { ClientID clientID;clientID.setBroadcast(); SendBroadcast (clientID,P,net_flags(TRUE,TRUE)); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_SAVE_PACKET: { Process_save (P,sender); VERIFY (verify_entities()); }break; case M_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONNECTION_DATA: { xrClientData* CL = ID_to_client (sender); OnCL_Connected (CL); }break; case M_CHAT_MESSAGE: { xrClientData *l_pC = ID_to_client(sender); OnChatMessage (&P, l_pC); }break; case M_CHANGE_LEVEL_GAME: { ClientID CID; CID.set (0xffffffff); SendBroadcast (CID,P,net_flags(TRUE,TRUE)); }break; case M_CL_AUTH: { game->AddDelayedEvent (P,GAME_EVENT_PLAYER_AUTH, 0, sender); }break; case M_PAUSE_GAME: { ClientID clientID;clientID.setBroadcast(); SendBroadcast (clientID,P,net_flags(TRUE,TRUE)); }break; case M_STATISTIC_UPDATE: { ClientID clientID;clientID.setBroadcast(); if (SV_Client) SendBroadcast (SV_Client->ID,P,net_flags(TRUE,TRUE)); else SendBroadcast (clientID,P,net_flags(TRUE,TRUE)); }break; case M_STATISTIC_UPDATE_RESPOND: { if (SV_Client) SendTo (SV_Client->ID, P, net_flags(TRUE, TRUE)); }break; case M_PLAYER_FIRE: { if (game) game->OnPlayerFire(sender, P); }break; } VERIFY (verify_entities()); csPlayers.Leave (); return IPureServer::OnMessage(P, sender); }
void xrServer::Update () { NET_Packet Packet; u32 position; csPlayers.Enter (); VERIFY (verify_entities()); // game update game->ProcessDelayedEvent(); game->Update (); // spawn queue u32 svT = Device.TimerAsync(); while (!(q_respawn.empty() || (svT<q_respawn.begin()->timestamp))) { // get svs_respawn R = *q_respawn.begin(); q_respawn.erase (q_respawn.begin()); // CSE_Abstract* E = ID_to_entity(R.phantom); E->Spawn_Write (Packet,FALSE); u16 ID; Packet.r_begin (ID); R_ASSERT(M_SPAWN==ID); ClientID clientID; clientID.set(0xffff); Process_spawn (Packet,clientID); } // for (u32 client=0; client<net_Players.size(); ++client) { // Initialize process and check for available bandwidth xrClientData* Client = (xrClientData*) net_Players [client]; if (!Client->net_Ready) continue; if (!HasBandwidth(Client) #ifdef DEBUG && !g_sv_SendUpdate #endif ) continue; // Send relevant entities to client // CSE_Abstract* Base = Client->owner; u16 PacketType = M_UPDATE; Packet.w_begin (PacketType); // GameUpdate ++(Client->game_replicate_id); u32 g_it = (Client->game_replicate_id % client_Count()); // u32 g_id = net_Players[g_it]->ID; ClientID g_id = net_Players[g_it]->ID; game->net_Export_Update (Packet,Client->ID,g_id); // if (!Client->flags.bLocal) game->net_Export_GameTime(Packet); if (!Client->flags.bLocal || client_Count() == 1) { #ifdef DEBUG if (g_Dump_Update_Write) Msg("---- UPDATE_Write to %s --- ", *(Client->Name)); #endif // Entities NET_Packet tmpPacket; xrS_entities::iterator I=entities.begin(),E=entities.end(); for (; I!=E; ++I) { CSE_Abstract& Test = *(I->second); if (0==Test.owner) continue; // Phantom(?) if (!Test.net_Ready) continue; if (Test.owner == Client && Client->flags.bLocal) continue; // Can't be relevant if (Test.s_flags.is(M_SPAWN_OBJECT_PHANTOM)) continue; // Surely: phantom tmpPacket.B.count = 0; // write specific data { tmpPacket.w_u16 (Test.ID ); tmpPacket.w_chunk_open8 (position ); Test.UPDATE_Write (tmpPacket ); #ifdef DEBUG if (g_Dump_Update_Write) Msg("* %s : %d", Test.name(), u32(tmpPacket.w_tell()-position)-sizeof(u8)); #endif tmpPacket.w_chunk_close8 (position ); if (Packet.B.count + tmpPacket.B.count < NET_PacketSizeLimit) { Packet.w(tmpPacket.B.data, tmpPacket.B.count); } else { if (Packet.B.count > 2) { // if (!Client->flags.bLocal) // Msg ("- Server Update[%d] to Client : %d", PacketType, Packet.B.count); SendTo (Client->ID,Packet,net_flags(FALSE,TRUE)); } PacketType = M_UPDATE_OBJECTS; Packet.w_begin(PacketType); } } } #ifdef DEBUG if (g_Dump_Update_Write) Msg("----------------------- "); #endif }; if (Packet.B.count > 2) { // if (!Client->flags.bLocal) // Msg ("- Server Update[%d] to Client : %d", PacketType, Packet.B.count); SendTo (Client->ID,Packet,net_flags(FALSE,TRUE)); } } #ifdef DEBUG g_sv_SendUpdate = 0; #endif if (game->sv_force_sync) Perform_game_export(); VERIFY (verify_entities()); //----------------------------------------------------- //Remove any of long time disconnected players for (u32 DI = 0; DI<net_Players_disconnected.size(); DI++) { IClient* CL = net_Players_disconnected[DI]; if (CL->dwTime_LastUpdate+g_sv_Client_Reconnect_Time*60000<Device.dwTimeGlobal) client_Destroy(CL); } //----------------------------------------------------- csPlayers.Leave (); }