Пример #1
bool ReadAstro::open(const char *path)
    m_ncfile = new NcFile(path, NcFile::ReadOnly);
    if (!m_ncfile->is_valid())
        sendError("failed to open NetCDF file %s", path);
        return false;

    if (m_ncfile->get_format() == NcFile::BadFormat)
        sendError("bad NetCDF file");
        return false;

    fprintf(stderr, "dims=%d, vars=%d, attrs=%d\n",
            m_ncfile->num_dims(), m_ncfile->num_vars(), m_ncfile->num_atts());

    for (int i = 0; i < m_ncfile->num_dims(); ++i)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: %ld\n",

    for (int i = 0; i < m_ncfile->num_vars(); ++i)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: dims=%d atts=%d vals=%ld type=%d\n",
        //int dims = m_ncfile->get_var(i)->num_dims();
        NcVar *var = m_ncfile->get_var(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < var->num_dims(); ++j)
            fprintf(stderr, "   %s: %ld edge=%ld\n",

    for (int i = 0; i < m_ncfile->num_atts(); ++i)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", m_ncfile->get_att(i)->name());

    return true;
Пример #2
    const bool read( const std::string filename )
        if ( m_file ) delete m_file;

        m_filename = filename;
        m_file = new NcFile( filename.c_str(), NcFile::ReadOnly );
        if ( !m_file ) return( false );
        if ( !m_file->is_valid() ) return( false );

        const int ndims = m_file->num_dims();
        for ( int i = 0; i < ndims; i++ )
            m_dims.push_back( new Dim( m_file->get_dim(i) ) );

        const int nvars = m_file->num_vars();
        for ( int i = 0; i < nvars; i++ )
            m_vars.push_back( new Var( m_file->get_var(i) ) );

        return( true );
Пример #3
void netcdf_mpas_report ( string filename )

//  Purpose:
//    NETCDF_MPAS_REPORT reads an MPAS NETCDF grid file and reports.
//  Discussion:
//    In this example, we want to extract all the information from a file
//    of unknown type.
//    Here, we are pretending we have no idea what's in the file, so we
//    have to go step by step, making inquiries to NETCDF.
//    As we go, we print out what we have discovered.  We don't attempt
//    to return any of the data.
//  Licensing:
//    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
//  Modified:
//    29 December 2010
//  Author:
//    John Burkardt
//  Reference:
//    Russ Rew, Glenn Davis, Steve Emmerson, Harvey Davies, Ed Hartne,
//    The NETCDF User's Guide,
//    Unidata Program Center, March 2009.
//  Parameters:
//    Input, string FILENAME, the name of the NETCDF file to examine.
  NcAtt *att;
  NcDim *dim;
  int i;
  int j;
  long int len;

  NcToken name;
  int num_atts;
  int num_dims;
  int num_vars;
  NcType type;
  NcDim *unlimdimid;
  NcVar *var;

  cout << "\n";
  cout << "NETCDF_MPAS_REPORT:\n";
  cout << "  Report the information stored in a NETCDF\n";
  cout << "  file.  Although we wish to examine a file containing\n";
  cout << "  grid data generated by MPAS, we will assume we do not\n";
  cout << "  have any idea of what is in the file.  So we just read,\n";
  cout << "  inquire, and print out.\n";

  cout << "\n";
  cout << "  The name of the file is \"" << filename << "\"\n";
//  Open the file.
  NcFile ncid ( filename.c_str ( ), NcFile::ReadOnly );
//  Return information about the NETCDF file.
  num_dims = ncid.num_dims ( );
  num_vars = ncid.num_vars ( );
  num_atts = ncid.num_atts ( );
  unlimdimid = ncid.rec_dim ( );

  cout << "\n";
  cout << "PRIMARY PARAMETERS:\n";
  cout << "\n";
  cout << "  The number of dimensions         NUM_DIMS   = " << num_dims << "\n";
  cout << "  The number of variables          NUM_VARS   = " << num_vars << "\n";
  cout << "  The number of global attributes  NUM_ATTS   = " << num_atts << "\n";
  cout << "  The unlimited dimension (if any) UNLIMDIMID = \"" << (*unlimdimid).name ( ) << "\"\n";
//  Retrieve global attributes.
//  First, we must evaluate the constant "NC_GLOBAL".
//  nc_global = netcdf.getConstant ( 'NC_GLOBAL' );

  cout << "\n";
  cout << "GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES:\n";
  cout << " Att  --------Name--------  Type   Len\n";
  cout << "\n";
  for ( i = 0; i < num_atts; i++ )
    att = ncid.get_att ( i );
    name = (*att).name ( );
    type = (*att).type ( );
    len = (*att).num_vals ( );
    cout << "  " << setw(2) << i
         << "  \"" << setw(18) << name << "\""
         << "  " << setw(4) << type
         << "  " << setw(4) << len << "\n";
//  Determine names and extents of dimensions.
//  Since each NAME is a char array, we make a cell array to hold them.
  cout << "\n";
  cout << "DIMENSIONS:\n";
  cout << " Dim  --------Name--------  Extent\n";
  cout << "\n";

  for ( i = 0; i < num_dims; i++ )
    dim = ncid.get_dim ( i );
    name = (*dim).name ( );
    len = (*dim).size ( );
    cout << "  " << setw(2) << i
         << "  \"" << setw(18) << name << "\""
         << "  " << setw(6) << len << "\n";
//  Get variable names, types, dimensions, number of attributes.
  cout << "\n";
  cout << "VARIABLES:\n";
  cout << " Var  --------Name--------  Type Natts Ndims  Dims\n";
  cout << "\n";

  for ( i = 0; i < num_vars; i++ )
    var = ncid.get_var ( i );
    name = (*var).name ( );
    type = (*var).type ( );
    num_dims = (*var).num_dims ( );
    num_atts = (*var).num_atts ( );
    cout << "  " << setw(2) << i
         << "  \"" << setw(18) << name << "\""
         << "  " << setw(4) << type
         << "  " << setw(4) << num_atts
         << "  " << setw(4) << num_dims
         << "  ";
    for ( j = 0; j < num_dims; j++ )
      dim = (*var).get_dim ( j );
      if ( j == 0 )
        cout << "[";
      cout << (*dim).name ( );
      if ( j < num_dims - 1 )
        cout <<",";
        cout << "]";
    cout << "\n";
//  Close the file.
  ncid.close ( );

Пример #4
void size_read ( string filename, int *dim, int *vertices, int *edges,
  int *triangles, int *quadrilaterals, int *tetrahedrons, int *hexahedrons )

//  Purpose:
//    SIZE_READ reads ICE sizes from a NETCDF file.
//  Licensing:
//    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
//  Modified:
//    30 November 2010
//  Author:
//    John Burkardt
//  Reference:
//    Pascal Frey,
//    MEDIT: An interactive mesh visualization software,
//    Technical Report RT-0253,
//    Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique,
//    03 December 2001.
//  Parameters:
//    Input, string FILENAME, the name of the file to be read.
//    Ordinarily, the name should include the extension ".nc".
//    Output, int *DIM, the spatial dimension, which should be 2 or 3.
//    Output, int *VERTICES, the number of vertices.
//    Output, int *EDGES, the number of edges (may be 0).
//    Output, int *TRIANGLES, the number of triangles (may be 0).
//    Output, int *QUADRILATERALS, the number of quadrilaterals (may be 0).
//    Output, int *TETRAHEDRONS, the number of tetrahedrons (may be 0).
//    Output, int *HEXAHEDRONS, the number of hexahedrons (may be 0).
  NcDim *dim_dimension;
  NcDim *dim_edges;
  NcDim *dim_eight;
  NcDim *dim_four;
  NcDim *dim_hexahedrons;
  NcToken dim_name;
  int dim_num;
  NcDim *dim_quadrilaterals;
  NcDim *dim_tetrahedrons;
  NcDim *dim_three;
  NcDim *dim_triangles;
  NcDim *dim_two;
  NcDim *dim_vertices;
  NcDim *dim_pointer;
  int i;
//  Initialize everything to nothing.
  *dim = 0;
  *vertices = 0;
  *edges = 0;
  *triangles = 0;
  *quadrilaterals = 0;
  *tetrahedrons = 0;
  *hexahedrons = 0;
//  Open the file in "read only" mode.
  NcFile dataFile ( filename.c_str ( ), NcFile::ReadOnly );

  if ( !dataFile.is_valid ( ) )
    cout << "\n";
    cout << "SIZE_READ: Fatal error!\n";
    cout << "  Could not open file.\n";
    exit ( 1 );
//  Get the dimension information.
//  I would much prefer to write "0" as the size of certain dimensions, but I am not
//  allowed to, so I simply omit them from the file.
//  Therefore, when I open the file and try to determine dimensions, some dimensions
//  are "missing", which I would have presumed I could discover painlessly by asking
//  for pointers to them, and getting NULLs back.  But that doesn't seem to work either.
//  So my bonehead backup is simply to read all the dimensions by index, retrieve
//  their names, and see what I find.
  dim_num = dataFile.num_dims ( );

  for ( i = 0; i < dim_num; i++ )
    dim_pointer = dataFile.get_dim ( i );
    dim_name = dim_pointer->name ( );

    if ( !strcmp ( dim_name, "Dimension" ) )
      *dim = dim_pointer->size ( );
    else if ( !strcmp ( dim_name, "Vertices" ) )
      *vertices = dim_pointer->size ( );
    else if ( !strcmp ( dim_name, "Edges" ) )
      *edges = dim_pointer->size ( );
    else if ( !strcmp ( dim_name, "Triangles" ) )
      *triangles = dim_pointer->size ( );
    else if ( !strcmp ( dim_name, "Quadrilaterals" ) )
      *quadrilaterals = dim_pointer->size ( );
    else if ( !strcmp ( dim_name, "Tetrahedrons" ) )
      *tetrahedrons = dim_pointer->size ( );
    else if ( !strcmp ( dim_name, "Hexahedrons" ) )
      *hexahedrons = dim_pointer->size ( );
      cout << "  Ignoring information about dimension \"" << dim_name << "\".\n";
//  Close the file.
  dataFile.close ( );
