Пример #1
RichardsMultiphaseProblem::updateSolution(NumericVector<Number>& vec_solution, NumericVector<Number>& ghosted_solution)
  bool updatedSolution = false;  // this gets set to true if we needed to enforce the bound at any node

  unsigned int sys_num = getNonlinearSystem().number();

  // For parallel procs i believe that i have to use local_nodes_begin, rather than just nodes_begin
  // _mesh comes from SystemBase (_mesh = getNonlinearSystem().subproblem().mesh(), and subproblem is this object)
  MeshBase::node_iterator nit = _mesh.getMesh().local_nodes_begin();
  const MeshBase::node_iterator nend = _mesh.getMesh().local_nodes_end();

  for ( ; nit != nend; ++nit)
    const Node & node = *(*nit);

    // dofs[0] is the dof number of the bounded variable at this node
    // dofs[1] is the dof number of the lower variable at this node
    std::vector<unsigned int> dofs(2);
    dofs[0] = node.dof_number(sys_num, _bounded_var_num, 0);
    dofs[1] = node.dof_number(sys_num, _lower_var_num, 0);

    // soln[0] is the value of the bounded variable at this node
    // soln[1] is the value of the lower variable at this node
    std::vector<Number> soln(2);
    vec_solution.get(dofs, soln);

    // do the bounding
    if (soln[0] < soln[1])
      dof_id_type nd = node.id();
      Moose::out << "nd = " << nd << " dof_bounded = " << dofs[0] << " dof_lower = " << dofs[1] << "\n";
      Moose::out << " bounded_value = " << soln[0] << " lower_value = " << soln[1] << "\n";
      vec_solution.set(dofs[0], soln[1]); // set the bounded variable equal to the lower value
      updatedSolution = true;


  // The above vec_solution.set calls potentially added "set" commands to a queue
  // The following actions the queue (doing MPI commands if necessary), so
  // vec_solution will actually be modified by this following command

  // if any proc updated the solution, all procs will know about it

  if (updatedSolution)
    ghosted_solution = vec_solution;

  return updatedSolution;
