Пример #1
NumericVector inclusionProb(const NumericVector& prob, const int& size) {
//	prob ... vector of initial probability weights
//	size ... sample size

	// check initial result
    int i;						// index for loops
    int nneg = 0;				// number of negative values
    int N = prob.size();		// number of observations
    double sum = 0.0;			// sum of probability weights
    NumericVector result(N);	// inclusion probabilities
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        if(prob[i] < 0.0) {
            result[i] = 0.0;	// set negative values to 0
            nneg++;  			// count negative values
        } else {
        	result[i] = prob[i];
        	if(prob[i] > 0.0) {
        		sum += prob[i];  // add current element to sum
    if(nneg > 0) warning("negative probability weights are set to 0");

    // compute inclusion probabilities
    if(sum > 0.0) {
        int ngeq1 = 0;	// number of values >= 1
        for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            if(result[i] > 0.0) {
                result[i] = result[i] * size / sum;	// initial adjustment
                if(result[i] >= 1.0) ngeq1++;  // count values >= 1
        // values >= 1 are set to 1 and the others are readjusted
        if(ngeq1 > 0) {
            int nset = 0;	// ???
        	// I think this results in an infinite loop
            while(ngeq1 != nset) {
                // compute sum of values less than 1
                sum = 0.0;	// reset sum
                for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                    if(result[i] > 0.0 && result[i] < 1.0) {
                        sum += result[i];  // add current element to sum
                // readjust values
                if(sum > 0.0) {
                    for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                        if(result[i] > 0.0 && result[i] < 1.0) {
                            result[i] = result[i] * (size-ngeq1) / sum;
                nset = ngeq1;
                // recount values >= 1 and set them to 1
                ngeq1 = 0;
                for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
                    if(result[i] >= 1.0) {
                        result[i] = 1.0;
                        ngeq1++;  // count values >= 1

    return result;
Пример #2
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double sample_beta_scalar(NumericVector y, List x, NumericMatrix groups,
                   NumericMatrix beta, List gamma, NumericVector delta,
                   NumericMatrix z, double alpha, double sigma2,
                   List bs_beta, double s2_beta, int p_id, int k_id) {
  double out;
  NumericVector params(2);
  double sum_term = 0.0;
  double sum_term2 = 0.0;
  double sum_term2a = 0.0;
  double sum_term2b = 0.0;
  double sum_term3 = 0.0;
  double sum_term4 = 0.0;
  NumericMatrix x_tmp = x(k_id);
  NumericMatrix bs_beta_tmp = bs_beta(k_id);
  for (int i = 0; i < y.size(); i++) {
    double term = 0.0;
    for (int j = 0; j < x_tmp.ncol(); j++) {
      term += bs_beta_tmp(j, p_id) * x_tmp(i, j);
    sum_term += term * term;
    sum_term2 += y[i] * term;
    sum_term2a += alpha * term;
    for (int k = 0; k < z.ncol(); k++) {
      sum_term2b += term * delta[k] * z(i, k);
    for (int q = 0; q < gamma.size(); q++) {
      NumericVector gamma_q = gamma[q];
      int group_set = groups(i, q);
      sum_term3 += gamma_q[group_set] * term;
    for (int k2 = 0; k2 < beta.nrow(); k2++) {
      NumericMatrix bs_beta_k = bs_beta[k2];
      NumericMatrix x_k = x[k2];
      if (k2 != k_id) {
        for (int s = 0; s < beta.ncol(); s++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < x_k.ncol(); j++) {
            sum_term4 += term * beta(k2, s) * bs_beta_k(j, s) * x_k(i, j);
      } else {
        for (int s = 0; s < beta.ncol(); s++) {
          if (s != p_id) {
            for (int j = 0; j < x_k.ncol(); j++) {
              sum_term4 += term * beta(k2, s) * bs_beta_k(j, s) * x_k(i, j);
  //Calculate params[1]
  params[1] = (sigma2 * s2_beta) / (s2_beta * sum_term + sigma2);
  //Calculate params[0]
  params[0] = params[1] * (-1.0 / (2.0 * sigma2)) * (-2.0 * sum_term2 + 2.0 * sum_term2a +
                                                     2.0 * sum_term2b + 2.0 * sum_term4 +
                                                     2.0 * sum_term3);

  //Calculate loglik
  out = rnorm(1, params[0], sqrt(params[1]))[0];
  return out;
Пример #3
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List naive_cluster(NumericVector D, IntegerVector K, double threshold) {
    int M = K.size();
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > result(M);
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > result_distances(M);
    std::vector<pair_dist> dst(D.size());
    std::map<int, std::set<topic_index> > clusters;

    // initialization
    int c = 0;
    for (int m = 0; m < M; ++m) {
        for (int k = 0; k < K[m]; ++k) {
            result[m][k] = c;
            clusters[c].insert(topic_index(m, k));

    // brute force: we'll just write down which index in D
    // corresponds to which pair of topics, copying over D like space
    // is cheap or something. D is assumed to go block-by-block row-wise
    // along a block-upper-triangular matrix whose (I, J) block is the
    // K_I x K_J matrix of distances between topics in models I and J.
    // Within each block D runs rowwise along the block.
    // Zero blocks are omitted.
    int d = 0; // runs along D
    for (int m1 = 0; m1 < M - 1; ++m1) {
        for (int m2 = m1 + 1; m2 < M; ++m2) {
            for (int k1 = 0; k1 < K[m1]; ++k1) {
                for (int k2 = 0; k2 < K[m2]; ++k2) {
                    if (d >= dst.size()) {
                        stop("The length of D is not consistent with K");
                    dst[d].d = D[d];
                    dst[d].t1.first = m1;
                    dst[d].t1.second = k1;
                    dst[d].t2.first = m2;
                    dst[d].t2.second = k2;
                    d += 1;
    if (d != D.size()) {
        stop("The length of D is not consistent with K");

    pair_dist_cmp pdc;
    std::sort(dst.begin(), dst.end(), pdc);

    int r1, r2;
    std::set<int> sect;
    bool allow;
    for (std::vector<pair_dist>::iterator d = dst.begin();
            d != dst.end(); ++d) {
        if (d->d > threshold) { // then we're done

        Rcout << d->t1.first << " ";
        Rcout << d->t1.second << " | ";
        Rcout << d->t2.first << " ";
        Rcout << d->t2.second << " [";
        Rcout << d->d << "]";

        // get current cluster assignments
        r1 = result[d->t1.first][d->t1.second];
        r2 = result[d->t2.first][d->t2.second];
        if (r1 == r2) {
            Rcout << "...already merged." << std::endl;
            continue; // they're already merged
        if (r1 > r2) {
            std::swap(r1, r2);  // guarantee r1 < r2
        std::set<topic_index> &c1 = clusters[r1];
        std::set<topic_index> &c2 = clusters[r2];

        if (c1.size() == M || c2.size() == M) {
            // if either cluster is full, merge is impossible
            Rcout << "...cluster full." << std::endl;
        // Check whether the two clusters share topics from the same model
        allow = true;
        Rcout << " c1 " << "(" << r1 << "):";
        for (std::set<topic_index>::iterator t = c1.begin();
                t != c1.end(); ++t) {
            Rcout <<  " " << t->first;
        Rcout << " c2:" << "(" << r2 << "):";
        for (std::set<topic_index>::iterator t = c2.begin();
                    t != c2.end() && allow; ++t) {
            // if same model: cluster disallowed
            Rcout << " " << t->first;
            allow = (sect.count(t->first) == 0);
        if (!allow) {
            Rcout << "...disallowed." << std::endl;

        Rcout << "...merge." << std::endl;
        // otherwise: merge
        for (std::set<topic_index>::iterator t = c2.begin();
                t != c2.end(); ++t) {
            result[t->first][t->second] = r1;
            result_distances[t->first][t->second] = d->d;
        clusters.erase(r2); // also deletes the associated set object

    return List::create(
        _["clusters"] = wrap(result),
        _["distances"] = wrap(result_distances)
Пример #4
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List SDP_single_foreq(int tmax, NumericVector res_bs, int cons_bs, int xc, NumericVector rep_gain, 
NumericMatrix f_m, NumericVector mort, List dec_ls, NumericVector rho_vec, NumericMatrix c_learn, 
NumericVector g_forage, NumericVector c_forage, List W_nr, List istar_nr, int N_init, int tsim, 
double alpha, double beta, double comp) {
   //Here, state variables are in standard format
   double xc_state = (double) xc; //state
   //To use a state variable X as an INDEX, it must be an INTEGER, and X=X-1
   xc = xc - 1; //Index
   //Establish iniital variables required for the SDP
   int num_res = res_bs.size();
   //How many decisions? Count columns on first decision matrix
   NumericMatrix dec_ex = dec_ls(0);
   //int num_dec = dec_ex.ncol();
   int max_enc = f_m.nrow(); //Rows = encounters; Columns = resources
   //This is a state, not an index, so should equal cons_bs
   double xmax = (double) cons_bs;
   //Vectors for output
   IntegerVector pop_size(tsim);
   IntegerVector recruit_size(tsim);
   //Number of starting individuals
   int N = N_init;
   //Initialize the record-keeping of states
   //Record the state vector for each individual
   //Which of these individuals are alive (they all start out alive)
   IntegerVector alive(N);
   for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
     alive(n) = 1;
   int num_alive = sum(alive); //so num_alive = N at first
   //This records the energetic state of each individual... values will change over time
   IntegerVector state_v(N);
   for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
     state_v(i) = xmax; //The initial state is full health
   //Record the time vector for each individual
   IntegerVector time_v(N);
   for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
     time_v(i) = 1; //tmax-1;
   //Record the current resource for each individual
   IntegerVector res_v(N);
   for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    NumericVector rdraw_v = runif(1);
    double rdraw = as<double>(rdraw_v);
    //The initial resource is randomly drawn for each individual
    //Random draw is between 0 and num_res-1... so already 'indexed'
    res_v(i) = (int) floor(rdraw*(num_res)); 
   //What are the optimal decisions for the current individual-level states?
   IntegerVector dec_v(N);
   for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
     //res_v is already indexed
     //state_v and time_v are states, not indices, so alter by -1
     IntegerMatrix istar_t = istar_nr(res_v(i)); //Grab the istar for the focal resource
     dec_v(i) = istar_t(state_v(i)-1,time_v(i)-1); //Grab the decision for a given state and time t=0;
   //Record initial pop size
   pop_size(0) = num_alive;
   recruit_size(0) = 0;
   List trophic_int(tsim);
   List energetic_state(tsim);
   List temporal_state(tsim);
   List decision_state(tsim);
   List fitness(tsim);
   trophic_int(0) = res_v;
   energetic_state(0) = state_v;
   temporal_state(0) = time_v;
   decision_state(0) = dec_v;
   NumericVector ind_fit(N);
   for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
     NumericMatrix W_matrix = W_nr(res_v(i));
     ind_fit(i) = W_matrix(state_v(i)-1,time_v(i)-1);
   fitness(0) = ind_fit;
   Rcpp::Rcout << "I got here " << num_alive << std::endl;
   //Begin time iteration (this is the simulation time)
   //Sim time iterations stop at tsim - 1
   for (int t=0; t<(tsim-1); t++) {
     //Rcpp::Rcout << "tsim = " << t << std::endl;
     //Reset metrics (first iteration will be repetitive, but oh well)
     //How many individuals are currently alive?
     int N = num_alive;
     //Create vector to record reproductive events (1,0)
     IntegerVector rep_success(N);
     //To save the spawning stock biomass
     IntegerVector SSB_v(N);
     //To save the 'next' values for the energetic vector
     NumericVector x_next_rd(N);
     //To save the 'next' resouce consumed
     IntegerVector res_next(N);
     //To save the 'next' values for the time vector
     //IntegerVector t_next(N);
     //Individual fitness values
     NumericVector ind_fit(N);
     //Begin Individual iterations... Note: N will change with each t
     for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {

       //Rcpp::Rcout << "N = " << n << std::endl;
       //Define states for the individual
       //Current energetic state (state)
       int ind_x = state_v(n);
       //Current temporal state (state)
       //int ind_t = time_v(n);
       //Current (focal) resource (index)
       int ind_r = res_v(n);
       //Decision matrix associated with current resource (state)
       int ind_d = dec_v(n);
       //Rcpp::Rcout << "n = " << n << std::endl;
       //Rcpp::Rcout << "ind_r = " << ind_r << std::endl;
       //Rcpp::Rcout << "ind_d = " << ind_d << std::endl;
       //Rcpp::Rcout << "ind_x = " << ind_x << std::endl;
       //What is the probability that the individual will reproduce?
       double rep_prob = rep_gain(ind_x-1);
       //Does the individual reproduce in this timestep?
       //Take care of reproduction after n iterations... to include density dependence
       NumericVector rdraw_v = runif(1);
       double rdraw = as<double>(rdraw_v);
       if (rdraw < rep_prob) {
         rep_success(n) = 1;
         SSB_v(n) = ind_x;
       } else {
         rep_success(n) = 0;
         SSB_v(n) = 0;
       //Longevity mortality + Stochastic mortality
       //If the individual has not reached it's max longevity
       int stochmort;
       if (time_v(n) < tmax-1) {
         double pr_stochmort = mort(ind_r); //ind_r is index already
         NumericVector rdraw_stochmort_v = runif(1);
         double rdraw_stochmort = as<double>(rdraw_stochmort_v);
         if (rdraw_stochmort < pr_stochmort) {
           //Individual dies
           stochmort = 1;
         } else {
           //Individual survives
           stochmort = 0;
       } else {
         stochmort = 1; //All individuals that reach tmax die
       //The following steps are only relevant for surviving individuals
       if (stochmort == 0) {
         //Choose next resource as a function of the preference probability distribution
         NumericMatrix pref_prob_m = dec_ls(ind_r); //ind_r is index already
         NumericVector pref_prob(num_res);
         IntegerVector pref_num(num_res);
         IntegerVector num_prob(num_res);
         for (int i=0;i<num_res; i++) {
           pref_prob(i) = pref_prob_m(i,ind_d-1);
           //The number of each 'resource index' to choose across
           //Zeros will screw this up
           pref_num(i) = (int) floor(pref_prob(i)*1000) + 1; //+1 to ensure no zeros
         int tot_num = sum(pref_num);
         //The p_bin starts at 0 and ends at num_res-1... so it is already an index
         IntegerVector p_bin(tot_num);
         int tic = 0;
         for (int i=0; i<num_res; i++) {
           int num = pref_num(i);
           for (int j=0; j<num; j++) {
             p_bin(tic) = i;
             tic = tic + 1;
         NumericVector rdraw_v = runif(1);
         double rdraw = as<double>(rdraw_v);
         //Random draw between 0 and tot_num...
         int draw = (int) floor(rdraw*(tot_num));
         //This defines the next resource (the index for the next resource)
         //NOTE: this is an index, as it has been for res
         res_next(n) = p_bin(draw);
         //How many of this resource is found?
         NumericVector k_prob(max_enc+1);
         IntegerVector k_num(max_enc+1);
         for (int i=0; i<(max_enc+1); i++) { //there are max_enc+1 indices
           k_prob(i) = f_m(i,res_next(n)); //res_next is already an index
           //Zeros will screw this up
           k_num(i) = (int) floor(k_prob(i)*1000) + 1; //+1 to ensure no zeros
         tot_num = sum(k_num);
         IntegerVector k_bin(tot_num);
         tic = 0;
         //These k values are not 'k', but the k index
         //This index will grab the appropriate value in the rho vector
         for (int i=0; i<(max_enc+1); i++) {
           int num = k_num(i);
           for (int j=0; j<num; j++) {
             k_bin(tic) = i;
             tic = tic + 1;
         rdraw_v = runif(1);
         rdraw = as<double>(rdraw_v);
         draw = (int) floor(rdraw*tot_num);
         //This defines the index for the resource amt / rho
         int k = k_bin(draw);
         //What is the probability of catching the resource: rho_vec(k)
         //Rcpp::Rcout << "k= " << k << std::endl;
         //Must be k-1 because k is a state, and needs to be used as an index
         double rho = rho_vec(k-1);
         //Is the prey capture successfull?
         //Energetic dynamics
         rdraw_v = runif(1);
         double x_next; //state
         double d_ind_x = (double) ind_x; //double current state
         rdraw = as<double>(rdraw_v);
         if (rdraw < rho) {
           //If food is captured (res_next is an index)
           x_next = d_ind_x + g_forage(res_next(n)) - c_forage(res_next(n));
         } else {
           //If food is not captured
           x_next = d_ind_x - c_forage(res_next(n));
         //Turn state x_next into nearest integer
         x_next_rd(n) = (double) round(x_next);
         //Boundary conditions and determine whether individual dies
         if (x_next_rd(n) < xc_state) {
           x_next_rd(n) = 0;
           alive(n) = 0;
         //Rcpp::Rcout << "Made it here; t = " << t << std::endl;
         if (x_next_rd(n) > xmax) {
           x_next_rd(n) = xmax;
           alive(n) = 1;
         //If individual suffers stochastic mortality
       } else { 
         x_next_rd(n) = 0;
         alive(n) = 0;
       } //end stochmort if statement
       //Record individual fitness value
       NumericMatrix W_matrix = W_nr(res_next(n));
       ind_fit(n) = W_matrix(x_next_rd(n)-1,time_v(n)-1);
       //Next individual time integer
       //Shouldn't matter if we advance time for dead individuals. Culling occurs later
       //t_next(n) = time_v(n) + 1;
     } //end individual iterations
     num_alive = sum(alive);
     //Density-dependent Reproduction :: TODO
     //Must add on new individuals to the current state vectors
     //This is the sum of biomass that is reproducing in this timestep
     //Regardless of mortality
     double SSB = sum(SSB_v); 
     double recruitB = (alpha*SSB) / (1 + beta*pow(SSB,1/comp));
     //The number of new individuals: Recruit biomass / mass of individual
     int num_recruits = (int) round(recruitB/xmax);
     //int num_recruits = 0;

     //Total individual count = surviving individuals + recruits
     int new_N = num_alive + num_recruits;
     //Rcpp::Rcout << "num_alive = " << num_alive << std::endl;
     //Rcpp::Rcout << "recruit = " << num_recruits << std::endl;
     //Rcpp::Rcout << "Total = " << new_N << std::endl;
     //Add on new individuals
     IntegerVector new_alive(new_N);
     IntegerVector new_state_v(new_N);
     IntegerVector new_res_v(new_N);
     IntegerVector new_dec_v(new_N);
     IntegerVector new_time_v(new_N);
     NumericVector new_ind_fit(new_N);
     //Transcribe over values for states at NEXT time interval
     if (num_alive > 0) {
       int tic = 0;
       for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
         //only do this for surviving individuals
         if (alive(i) == 1) {
           new_alive(tic) = alive(i);
           new_state_v(tic) = x_next_rd(i); //state
           new_res_v(tic) = res_next(i); //index
           new_time_v(tic) = time_v(i) + 1; //advance time interval
           IntegerMatrix istar_t = istar_nr(new_res_v(tic)); //Grab the istar for the focal resource
           new_dec_v(tic) = istar_t(new_state_v(tic)-1,new_time_v(tic)-1);
           new_ind_fit(tic) = ind_fit(i);
           tic = tic + 1;
     //Export metrics :: These are for surviving individuals (not counting recruits)
     //Distribution of individuals consuming each resource at time t
     trophic_int(t+1) = new_res_v;
     //Distribution of individual energetic states over time (distribution)
     energetic_state(t+1) = new_state_v;
     //Distribution of individuals at each ind_timestep at time t (distribution)
     temporal_state(t+1) = new_time_v;
     //Distribution of decisions at time t
     decision_state(t+1) = new_dec_v;
     //Distribution of fitness values at time t
     fitness(t+1) = new_ind_fit;
     //Initiate new values for recruits
     if (num_recruits > 0) {
       int tic = 0; //just for the rdraw_v index
       for (int i=num_alive; i<new_N; i++) {
         new_alive(i) = 1; //Recruits are all alive
         new_state_v(i) = xmax; //Initial energetic state is xmax
         new_time_v(i) = 1;
         //Randomly draw initial resource
         NumericVector rdraw_v = runif(1);
         double rdraw = as<double>(rdraw_v); 
         new_res_v(i) = (int) floor(rdraw*(num_res));
         IntegerMatrix istar_t = istar_nr(new_res_v(i)); //Grab the istar for the focal resource
         new_dec_v(i) = istar_t(new_state_v(i)-1,new_time_v(i)-1); //Grab the decision for a given state and time t=0;
         tic = tic + 1;
     //How many individuals are there?
     num_alive = sum(new_alive);
     //Redefine states only for alive individuals
     state_v = new_state_v;
     time_v = new_time_v;
     res_v = new_res_v;
     dec_v = new_dec_v;
     alive = new_alive;
     //Save variables
     pop_size(t+1) = num_alive;
     recruit_size(t+1) = num_recruits;
   } //end simulation time iterations
   List output(7);
   output(0) = pop_size;
   output(1) = energetic_state;
   output(2) = temporal_state;
   output(3) = decision_state;
   output(4) = trophic_int;
   output(5) = fitness;
   output(6) = recruit_size;
   //output(1) = ;
   return output;
Пример #5
/* Function to run breadth-first search, returning only sets of connected 
   components that reside on the boundary of the districts */
List bsearch_boundary(List aList,
		      arma::vec boundary)

  /* Inputs to function:
     aList: adjacency list

     boundary: vector of boundary element indicators (as arma)

  // Get indices of boundary units
  arma::uvec boundary_indices = find(boundary == 1);

  // Container - outputted of breadth search, a list
  List bsearch;

  // Container - partition vector, gets added to bsearch when queue is empty
  NumericVector partition;

  // Set mark vector - ledger of which indices have been reached
  NumericVector mark(aList.size());

  // Set queue vector
  NumericVector q;

  // Initialize breadth search with first element in boundary_indices
  mark(boundary_indices(0)) = boundary_indices(0);
  q = aList(boundary_indices(0));

  // Initialize objects inside loop
  int u; bool in_part; NumericVector adj_u; int i; int v; 

  // Begin do{} loop - run until number of elements in boundary_indices is 0

    // Begin while{} loop - run until q is empty
    while(q.size() > 0){
      // Dequeue first element in queue
      u = q(0);

      // Mark that element in ledger
      mark(u) = u;

      // Check if element is in the partition - add to partition if false
      in_part = is_true(any(partition == u));
      if(in_part == false){
      // Get adjacency vector for unit u
      adj_u = aList(u);

      // Loop through elements of adj_u, add to queue and mark if not reached
      if(adj_u.size() > 0){
	// Start loop
	for(i = 0; i < adj_u.size(); i++){
	  // Reach element v
	  v = adj_u(i);

	  /* Check if already reached - if false, mark, add to partition, and
	     add to queue */
	  if(is_true(any(mark == v)) == FALSE){
	    mark(v) = v;



      // Erase dequeued element from queue when done searching


    // Handling an empty queue
    if(q.size() == 0){

      /* First, find boundary units that are in the reached partition and
	 remove them from boundary_units vector */
      for(i = boundary_indices.n_elem - 1; i >= 0; i--){
	if(is_true(any(partition == boundary_indices(i))) == TRUE){
      // Store the partition, clear partition vector
      partition.erase(partition.begin(), partition.end());

      // Re-initialize breadth search from new starting value if nonempty
      if(boundary_indices.n_elem > 0){
	q = aList(boundary_indices(0));
	mark(boundary_indices(0)) = boundary_indices(0);


  }while(boundary_indices.n_elem > 0);

  // Get breadth search size
  int bsearch_size = bsearch.size();

  // Get weight_boundary vector
  double weight_boundary = (double)countpartitions(aList) / bsearch_size;

  List out;
  out["bsearch"] = bsearch;
  out["npartitions"] = bsearch_size;
  out["weight_boundary"] = weight_boundary;

  return out;

Пример #6
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double g(NumericVector x) {
  return x.size();
Пример #7
// just an R interface to the coxfit routine, for regression testing purposes.
cpp_coxfit(SEXP R_interface)
    // ---------------
    // get R objects:

    // extract survival times
    R_interface = CDR(R_interface);
    SEXP R_survTimes = CAR(R_interface);

    // censoring status
    R_interface = CDR(R_interface);
    SEXP R_censInd = CAR(R_interface);

    // offsets
    R_interface = CDR(R_interface);
    SEXP R_offsets = CAR(R_interface);

    // design matrix
    R_interface = CDR(R_interface);
    SEXP R_X= CAR(R_interface);

    // and the tie method
    R_interface = CDR(R_interface);
    SEXP R_method = CAR(R_interface);

    // ---------------
    // unpack R objects:

    // survival times
    const NumericVector n_survTimes = R_survTimes;
    //const AVector survTimes(n_survTimes.begin(), n_survTimes.size(),
    //                      false);
    // errors with const and stuff... what if we copy into new memory?
    const AVector survTimes(n_survTimes.begin(), n_survTimes.size());

    // censoring status
    const IntVector censInd = as<IntVector>(R_censInd);

    // offsets
    const AVector offsets = as<NumericVector>(R_offsets);

    // design matrix
    const NumericMatrix n_X = R_X;
    //const AMatrix X(n_X.begin(), n_X.nrow(),
    //                n_X.ncol(), false);
    //Same issue as above L717:721
    const AMatrix X(n_X.begin(), n_X.nrow(),

    // tie method
    const int method = as<int>(R_method);

    // ---------------
    // assign remaining arguments for Coxfit

    const int nObs = survTimes.size();

    const AVector weights = arma::ones<AVector>(nObs);

    // ---------------

    // get new Coxfit object
    Coxfit cox(survTimes,

    // do the fitting
    const int nIter = cox.fit();

    // get results: need to do that first!
    CoxfitResults fit = cox.finalizeAndGetResults();

    // check results

    // pack results into R list and return that
    return List::create(_["coef"] = fit.coefs,
                        _["imat"] = fit.imat,
                        _["loglik"] = fit.loglik,
                        _["nIter"] = nIter);

Пример #8
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cumsum3(NumericVector x) {
  NumericVector res(x.size());
  std::partial_sum(x.begin(), x.end(), res.begin());
  return res;
Пример #9
List  quasiTR(NumericVector start,
	      Function fn,
	      Function gr,
	      const List control) {
  using Eigen::VectorXi;
  using Eigen::Map;

  typedef MatrixXd optHessType;
  typedef LLT<optHessType> optPrecondType;
  int nvars = start.size();
  double rad = as<double>(control["start.trust.radius"]);
  const double min_rad = as<double>(control["stop.trust.radius"]);
  const double tol = as<double>(control["cg.tol"]);
  const double prec = as<double>(control["prec"]);
  const int report_freq = as<int>(control["report.freq"]);
  const int report_level = as<int>(control["report.level"]);
  const int report_precision = as<int>(control["report.precision"]);
  const int maxit = as<int>(control["maxit"]);
  const double contract_factor = as<double>(control["contract.factor"]);
  const double expand_factor = as<double>(control["expand.factor"]);
  const double contract_threshold = as<double>(control["contract.threshold"]);
  const double expand_threshold_rad = as<double>(control["expand.threshold.radius"]);
  const double expand_threshold_ap = as<double>(control["expand.threshold.ap"]);
  const double function_scale_factor = as<double>(control["function.scale.factor"]);
  const int precond_refresh_freq = as<int>(control["precond.refresh.freq"]);
  const int precond_ID = as<int>(control["preconditioner"]);
  const int quasi_newton_method = as<int>(control["quasi.newton.method"]);
  const int trust_iter = as<int>(control["trust.iter"]);
  std::string method_string;
  if (quasi_newton_method==1) {
    method_string = "SR1";
  } else {
    method_string = "BFGS";
  Rfunc func(nvars, fn, gr);
  Map<VectorXd> startX(start.begin(),nvars); 
  // Control parameters for optimizer
  Trust_CG_Optimizer<Map<VectorXd>, Rfunc,
		     optHessType, optPrecondType> opt(func,
						      startX, rad, min_rad, tol,
						      prec, report_freq,
						      maxit, contract_factor,
  // collect results and return
  VectorXd P(nvars);
  VectorXd grad(nvars);
  // return sparse hessian information in CSC format
  double fval, radius;
  int iterations;
  MB_Status status;
  status = opt.get_current_state(P, fval, grad,
				 iterations, radius);
  List res;
  res = List::create(Rcpp::Named("fval") = Rcpp::wrap(fval),
		     Rcpp::Named("solution") = Rcpp::wrap(P),
		     Rcpp::Named("gradient") = Rcpp::wrap(grad),	
		     Rcpp::Named("iterations") = Rcpp::wrap(iterations),
		     Rcpp::Named("status") = Rcpp::wrap((std::string) MB_strerror(status)),
		     Rcpp::Named("trust.radius") = Rcpp::wrap(radius),
		     Rcpp::Named("method") = Rcpp::wrap(method_string),
		     Rcpp::Named("hessian.update.method") = Rcpp::wrap(quasi_newton_method)
NumericVector sqrtCpp(const NumericVector & orig) {
  NumericVector vec(orig.size());     // create a target vector of the same size
  std::transform(orig.begin(), orig.end(), vec.begin(), sqrt_double);

Пример #11
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List wasserstein_auto_(NumericVector p_, NumericVector q_, NumericMatrix cost_matrix_,
                  double epsilon, double desired_alpha){
  // compute distance between p and q
  // p corresponds to the weights of a N-sample
  // each q corresponds to the weights of a M-sample
  // Thus cost_matrix must be a N x M cost matrix
  // epsilon is a regularization parameter, equal to 1/lambda in some references
  int N = p_.size();
  int M = q_.size();
  Map<VectorXd> p(as<Map<VectorXd> >(p_));
  Map<VectorXd> q(as<Map<VectorXd> >(q_));
  Map<MatrixXd> cost_matrix(as<Map<MatrixXd> >(cost_matrix_));
  // avoid to take exp(k) when k is less than -500,
  // as K then contains zeros, and then the upcoming computations divide by zero
  MatrixXd K = (cost_matrix.array() * (-1./epsilon)); // K =  exp(- M / epsilon)
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < M; j++){
      if (K(i,j) < -500){
        K(i,j) = exp(-500);
      } else {
        K(i,j) = exp(K(i,j));
  MatrixXd K_transpose = K.transpose();
  MatrixXd K_tilde = p.array().inverse().matrix().asDiagonal() * K; // diag(1/p) %*% K
  VectorXd u = VectorXd::Constant(N, 1./N);
  VectorXd marginal1, marginal2;
  MatrixXd transportmatrix;
  VectorXd v;
  double alpha = 0;
  double beta = 0;
  int niterations_max = 1000;
  int iteration = 0;
  // for (int iteration = 0; iteration < niterations; iteration ++){
  while ((iteration < niterations_max) and (alpha < desired_alpha)){
    iteration ++;
    u = 1. / (K_tilde * (q.array() / (K_transpose * u).array()).matrix()).array();
    if (iteration % 10 == 1){
      // check if criterion is satisfied
      v = q.array() / (K_transpose * u).array();
      transportmatrix = u.col(0).asDiagonal() * K * v.col(0).asDiagonal();
      marginal1 = transportmatrix.rowwise().sum();
      marginal2 = transportmatrix.colwise().sum();
      alpha = 10;
      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
        beta = std::min(p(i) / marginal1(i), q(i) / marginal2(i));
        alpha = std::min(alpha, beta);
      // cerr << "alpha = " << alpha << endl;
  v = q.array() / (K_transpose * u).array();
  // compute the optimal transport matrix between p and the first q
  transportmatrix = u.col(0).asDiagonal() * K * v.col(0).asDiagonal();
  // MatrixXd uXIv = u.array() * ((K.array() * cost_matrix.array()).matrix() * v).array();
  // NumericVector d = wrap(uXIv.colwise().sum());
  return List::create(Named("transportmatrix") = wrap(transportmatrix),
                      Named("u") = wrap(u),
                      Named("v") = wrap(v),
                      Named("iteration") = iteration);
Пример #12
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List inseq(mat M, bool adjust=true)
  int i, m, trun;
  mat mu=mean(M);
  //center the rows
  M.each_row() -= mu;
  int n=M.n_rows, p=M.n_cols;
  //Dtm is the vector of det(Sig)'s
  NumericVector Dtm;
  //gam_0 and gam_1 are for gam_2m and gam_2m+1, resp.
  mat gam0(p,p), gam1(p,p), Gam(p,p), Sig(p,p), Sig1(p,p), Gamadj(p,p), eigvec(p,p);
  //for adjustment, set initial increment in Gam=0
  //store the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of each Gam
  vec eigval(p),eigvalneg(p);
  double dtm;
  int sn= n/2; 
  for (m=0; m<n/2; m++)
    gam0.zeros(); gam1.zeros();
    //calculate gam_2m (gam0) and gam_2m+1 (gam1)
    for(i=0; i<(n-2*m);i++) gam0+=trans(M.row(i))*M.row(i+2*m);
    for(i=0; i<(n-2*m-1);i++) gam1+=trans(M.row(i))*M.row(i+2*m+1);
    //Gam_m=gam_2m+gam_2m+1, then symmetrize
    Gam=gam0+gam1; Gam=(Gam+Gam.t())/2;
    if (m==0) Sig=-gam0+2*Gam;
    else Sig=Sig+2*Gam;
    if (eig_sym(Sig)(0)>0)
  if (sn>n/2-1) 
    stop("Not enough samples.");
  for (m=sn+1; m<n/2; m++)
    gam0.zeros(); gam1.zeros();
    //calculate gam_2m (gam0) and gam_2m+1 (gam1)
    for(i=0; i<(n-2*m);i++) gam0+=trans(M.row(i))*M.row(i+2*m);
    for(i=0; i<(n-2*m-1);i++) gam1+=trans(M.row(i))*M.row(i+2*m+1);
    //Gam_m=gam_2m+gam_2m+1, then symmetrize
    Gam=gam0+gam1; Gam=(Gam+Gam.t())/2;
    //if dtm1>dtm, continue
    if (dtm<=Dtm(m-sn-1)) break;
    //update Sig
    //record dtm

    //to adjust the original Sig, subtract the negative part of Gam
    if (adjust) 
      //calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Gam
  trun = Dtm.size()-1+sn;
  List res; res["Sig"]=Sig; res["Dtm"]=Dtm; res["trunc"]= trun; res["sn"]=sn;
  if (adjust) res["Sigadj"]=Sig+2*Gamadj;
  return res;
Пример #13
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List rocUtilsPerfsAllC(NumericVector thresholds, NumericVector controls, NumericVector cases, std::string direction) {
  NumericVector se(thresholds.size());
  NumericVector sp(thresholds.size());
  long tp, tn;
  long i; // iterator over cases & controls
  if (direction == ">") {
    for (long t = 0; t < thresholds.size(); t++) {
      if (t % 100 == 0) Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();
      double threshold = thresholds(t);
        tp = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < cases.size(); i++) {
          if (cases(i) <= threshold) {
      se(t) = (double)tp / cases.size();
      tn = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++) {
        if (controls(i) > threshold) {
      sp(t) = (double)tn / controls.size();
 else {
    for (long t = 0; t < thresholds.size(); t++) {
      if (t % 100 == 0) Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();
      double threshold = thresholds(t);
      tp = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < cases.size(); i++) {
        if (cases(i) >= threshold) {
      se(t) = (double)tp / cases.size();
      long tn = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++) {
        if (controls(i) < threshold) {
      sp(t) = (double)tn / controls.size();
  List ret;
  ret["se"] = se;
  ret["sp"] = sp;
Пример #14
cpp_sampleGlm(SEXP r_interface)
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // extract arguments
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_model(CAR(r_interface));

    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_data(CAR(r_interface));

    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_fpInfos(CAR(r_interface));

    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_ucInfos(CAR(r_interface));
    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_fixInfos(CAR(r_interface));
    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_distribution(CAR(r_interface));

    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_searchConfig(CAR(r_interface));

    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_options(CAR(r_interface));

    r_interface = CDR(r_interface);
    List rcpp_marginalz(CAR(r_interface));

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // unpack the R objects
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // data:
    const NumericMatrix n_x = rcpp_data["x"];
    const AMatrix x(n_x.begin(), n_x.nrow(),

    const NumericMatrix n_xCentered = rcpp_data["xCentered"];
    const AMatrix xCentered(n_xCentered.begin(), n_xCentered.nrow(),

    const NumericVector n_y = rcpp_data["y"];
    const AVector y(n_y.begin(), n_y.size());

    const IntVector censInd = as<IntVector>(rcpp_data["censInd"]);

    // FP configuration:

    // vector of maximum fp degrees
    const PosIntVector fpmaxs = as<PosIntVector>(rcpp_fpInfos["fpmaxs"]);
    // corresponding vector of fp column indices
    const PosIntVector fppos = rcpp_fpInfos["fppos"];
    // corresponding vector of power set cardinalities
    const PosIntVector fpcards = rcpp_fpInfos["fpcards"];
    // names of fp terms
    const StrVector fpnames = rcpp_fpInfos["fpnames"];

    // UC configuration:

    const PosIntVector ucIndices = rcpp_ucInfos["ucIndices"];
    List rcpp_ucColList = rcpp_ucInfos["ucColList"];

    std::vector<PosIntVector> ucColList;
    for (R_len_t i = 0; i != rcpp_ucColList.length(); ++i)
    // fixed covariate configuration:
    const PosIntVector fixIndices = rcpp_fixInfos["fixIndices"];
    List rcpp_fixColList = rcpp_fixInfos["fixColList"];
    std::vector<PosIntVector> fixColList;
    for (R_len_t i = 0; i != rcpp_fixColList.length(); ++i)

    // distributions info:

    const double nullModelLogMargLik = as<double>(rcpp_distribution["nullModelLogMargLik"]);
    const double nullModelDeviance = as<double>(rcpp_distribution["nullModelDeviance"]);
    S4 rcpp_gPrior = rcpp_distribution["gPrior"];
    List rcpp_family = rcpp_distribution["family"];
    const bool tbf = as<bool>(rcpp_distribution["tbf"]);
    const bool doGlm = as<bool>(rcpp_distribution["doGlm"]);
    const double empiricalMean = as<double>(rcpp_distribution["yMean"]);
    const bool empiricalgPrior = as<bool>(rcpp_distribution["empiricalgPrior"]);
    // model search configuration:
    const bool useFixedc = as<bool>(rcpp_searchConfig["useFixedc"]);
    // options:

    const bool estimateMargLik = as<bool>(rcpp_options["estimateMargLik"]);
    const bool verbose = as<bool>(rcpp_options["verbose"]);
    const bool debug = as<bool>(rcpp_options["debug"]);
    const bool isNullModel = as<bool>(rcpp_options["isNullModel"]);
    const bool useFixedZ = as<bool>(rcpp_options["useFixedZ"]);
    const double fixedZ = as<double>(rcpp_options["fixedZ"]);
#ifdef _OPENMP
    const bool useOpenMP = as<bool>(rcpp_options["useOpenMP"]);

    S4 rcpp_mcmc = rcpp_options["mcmc"];
    const PosInt iterations = rcpp_mcmc.slot("iterations");
    const PosInt burnin = rcpp_mcmc.slot("burnin");
    const PosInt step = rcpp_mcmc.slot("step");

    // z density stuff:

    const RFunction logMarginalZdens(as<SEXP>(rcpp_marginalz["logDens"]));
    const RFunction marginalZgen(as<SEXP>(rcpp_marginalz["gen"]));

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // further process arguments
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // data:

     // only the intercept is always included, that is fixed, in the model
     IntSet fixedCols;

     // totalnumber is set to 0 because we do not care about it.
     const DataValues data(x, xCentered, y, censInd, 0, fixedCols);

     // FP configuration:
     const FpInfo fpInfo(fpcards, fppos, fpmaxs, fpnames, x);

     // UC configuration:

     // determine sizes of the UC groups, and the total size == maximum size reached together by all
     // UC groups.
     PosIntVector ucSizes;
     PosInt maxUcDim = 0;
     for (std::vector<PosIntVector>::const_iterator cols = ucColList.begin(); cols != ucColList.end(); ++cols)
         PosInt thisSize = cols->size();

         maxUcDim += thisSize;
     const UcInfo ucInfo(ucSizes, maxUcDim, ucIndices, ucColList);

     // fix configuration:  
     // determine sizes of the fix groups, and the total size == maximum size reached together by all
     // UC groups.
     PosIntVector fixSizes;
     PosInt maxFixDim = 0;
     for (std::vector<PosIntVector>::const_iterator cols = fixColList.begin(); cols != fixColList.end(); ++cols)
       PosInt thisSize = cols->size();
       maxFixDim += thisSize;
     const FixInfo fixInfo(fixSizes, maxFixDim, fixIndices, fixColList);
     // model configuration:
     GlmModelConfig config(rcpp_family, nullModelLogMargLik, nullModelDeviance, exp(fixedZ), rcpp_gPrior,
                           data.response, debug, useFixedc, empiricalMean, empiricalgPrior);

     // model config/info:
     const Model thisModel(ModelPar(rcpp_model["configuration"],

     // the options
     const Options options(estimateMargLik,

     // marginal z stuff
     const MarginalZ marginalZ(logMarginalZdens,

     // use only one thread if we do not want to use openMP.
#ifdef _OPENMP
     if(! useOpenMP)
     } else {

     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // prepare the sampling
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Fitter fitter;
     int nCoefs;

         // construct IWLS object, which can be used for all IWLS stuff,
         // and also contains the design matrix etc
         fitter.iwlsObject = new Iwls(thisModel.par,

         nCoefs = fitter.iwlsObject->nCoefs;

         // check that we have the same answer about the null model as R
         //assert(fitter.iwlsObject->isNullModel == options.isNullModel);
         if(fitter.iwlsObject->isNullModel != options.isNullModel){
           Rcpp::stop("sampleGlm.cpp:cpp_sampleGlm: isNullModel != options.isNullModel");
         AMatrix design = getDesignMatrix(thisModel.par, data, fpInfo, ucInfo, fixInfo, false);
         fitter.coxfitObject = new Coxfit(data.response,

         // the number of coefficients (here it does not include the intercept!!)
         nCoefs = design.n_cols;

         // check that we do not have a null model here:
         // assert(nCoefs > 0);
         if(nCoefs <= 0){
           Rcpp::stop("sampleGlm.cpp:cpp_sampleGlm: nCoefs <= 0");

     // allocate sample container
     Samples samples(nCoefs, options.nSamples);

     // count how many proposals we have accepted:
     PosInt nAccepted(0);

     // at what z do we start?
     double startZ = useFixedZ ? fixedZ : thisModel.info.zMode;

     // start container with current things
     Mcmc now(marginalZ, data.nObs, nCoefs);

         // get the mode for beta given the mode of the approximated marginal posterior as z
         // if TBF approach is used, this will be the only time the IWLS is used,
         // because we only need the MLE and the Cholesky factor of its
         // precision matrix estimate, which do not depend on z.
         PosInt iwlsIterations = fitter.iwlsObject->startWithNewLinPred(40,
                                                                        // this is the corresponding g
                                                                        // and the start value for the linear predictor is taken from the Glm model config

         // echo debug-level message?
             Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Initial IWLS for high density point finished after %d iterations",

         // this is the current proposal info:
         now.proposalInfo = fitter.iwlsObject->getResults();

         // and this is the current parameters sample:
         now.sample = Parameter(now.proposalInfo.coefs,

             // we will not compute this in the TBF case:
             now.logUnPosterior = R_NaReal;

             // start to compute the variance of the intercept parameter:

             // here the inverse cholesky factor of the precision matrix will
             // be stored. First, it's the identity matrix.
             AMatrix inverseQfactor = arma::eye(now.proposalInfo.qFactor.n_rows,

             // do the inversion

             // now we can compute the variance of the intercept estimate:
             const AVector firstCol = inverseQfactor.col(0);
             const double interceptVar = arma::dot(firstCol, firstCol);

             // ok, now alter the qFactor appropriately to reflect the
             // independence assumption between the intercept estimate
             // and the other coefficients estimates
             now.proposalInfo.qFactor.col(0) = arma::zeros<AVector>(now.proposalInfo.qFactor.n_rows);
             now.proposalInfo.qFactor(0, 0) = sqrt(1.0 / interceptVar);
             // compute the (unnormalized) log posterior of the proposal
             now.logUnPosterior = fitter.iwlsObject->computeLogUnPosteriorDens(now.sample);
         PosInt coxfitIterations = fitter.coxfitObject->fit();
         CoxfitResults coxResults = fitter.coxfitObject->finalizeAndGetResults();

         // echo debug-level message?
             Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Cox fit finished after %d iterations",

         // we will not compute this in the TBF case:
         now.logUnPosterior = R_NaReal;

         // compute the Cholesky factorization of the covariance matrix
         int info = potrf(false,

         // check that all went well
         if(info != 0)
             std::ostringstream stream;
             stream << "dpotrf(coxResults.imat) got error code " << info << "in sampleGlm";
             throw std::domain_error(stream.str().c_str());

         // compute the precision matrix, using the Cholesky factorization
         // of the covariance matrix
         now.proposalInfo.qFactor = arma::eye(now.proposalInfo.qFactor.n_rows,
         info = potrs(false,

         // check that all went well
         if(info != 0)
             std::ostringstream stream;
             stream << "dpotrs(coxResults.imat, now.proposalInfo.qFactor) got error code " << info << "in sampleGlm";
             throw std::domain_error(stream.str().c_str());

         // compute the Cholesky factorization of the precision matrix
         info = potrf(false,

         // check that all went well
         if(info != 0)
             std::ostringstream stream;
             stream << "dpotrf(now.proposalInfo.qFactor) got error code " << info << "in sampleGlm";
             throw std::domain_error(stream.str().c_str());

         // the MLE of the coefficients
         now.proposalInfo.coefs = coxResults.coefs;

     // so the parameter object "now" is then also the high density point
     // required for the marginal likelihood estimate:
     const Mcmc highDensityPoint(now);

     // we accept this starting value, so initialize "old" with the same ones
     Mcmc old(now);

     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // start sampling
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     // echo debug-level message?
             Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Starting MC simulation");
             Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Starting MCMC loop");

     // i_iter starts at 1 !!
     for(PosInt i_iter = 1; i_iter <= options.iterations; ++i_iter)
         // echo debug-level message?
             Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Starting iteration no. %d", i_iter);

         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         // store the proposal
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         // sample one new log covariance factor z (other arguments than 1 are not useful
         // with the current setup of the RFunction wrapper class)
         now.sample.z = marginalZ.gen(1);

                 // note that we do not encounter this in the Cox case
                 // assert(options.doGlm);
                   Rcpp::stop("sampleGlm.cpp:cpp_sampleGlm: options.doGlm should be TRUE");

                 // draw the proposal coefs, which is here just the intercept
                 now.sample.coefs = drawNormalVector(now.proposalInfo.coefs,

             {   // here we have at least one non-intercept coefficient

                 // get vector from N(0, I)
                 AVector w = drawNormalVariates(now.proposalInfo.coefs.n_elem,

                 // then solve L' * ret = w, and overwrite w with the result:

                 // compute the shrinkage factor t = g / (g + 1)
                 const double g = exp(now.sample.z);
                //Previously used g directly, but if g=inf we need to use the limit
                 // const double shrinkFactor = g / (g + 1.0);
                const double shrinkFactor = isinf(g) ? 1 : g / (g + 1.0);
                 // scale the variance of the non-intercept coefficients
                 // with this factor.
                 // In the Cox case: no intercept present, so scale everything
                 int startCoef = options.doGlm ? 1 : 0;

                 w.rows(startCoef, w.n_rows - 1) *= sqrt(shrinkFactor);

                 // also scale the mean of the non-intercept coefficients
                 // appropriately:
                 // In the Cox case: no intercept present, so scale everything
                 now.sample.coefs = now.proposalInfo.coefs;
                 now.sample.coefs.rows(startCoef, now.sample.coefs.n_rows - 1) *= shrinkFactor;

                 // so altogether we have:
                 now.sample.coefs += w;
         else // the generalized hyper-g prior case
             // do 1 IWLS step, starting from the last linear predictor and the new z
             // (here the return value is not very interesting, as it must be 1)

             // get the results
             now.proposalInfo = fitter.iwlsObject->getResults();

             // draw the proposal coefs:
             now.sample.coefs = drawNormalVector(now.proposalInfo.coefs,

             // compute the (unnormalized) log posterior of the proposal
             now.logUnPosterior = fitter.iwlsObject->computeLogUnPosteriorDens(now.sample);

             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             // get the reverse jump normal density
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             // copy the old Mcmc object
             Mcmc reverse(old);

             // do again 1 IWLS step, starting from the sampled linear predictor and the old z

             // get the results for the reverse jump Gaussian:
             // only the proposal has changed in contrast to the old container,
             // the sample stays the same!
             reverse.proposalInfo = fitter.iwlsObject->getResults();

             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             // compute the proposal density ratio
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             // first the log of the numerator, i.e. log(f(old | new)):
             double logProposalRatioNumerator = reverse.computeLogProposalDens();

             // second the log of the denominator, i.e. log(f(new | old)):
             double logProposalRatioDenominator = now.computeLogProposalDens();

             // so the log proposal density ratio is
             double logProposalRatio = logProposalRatioNumerator - logProposalRatioDenominator;

             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             // compute the posterior density ratio
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             double logPosteriorRatio = now.logUnPosterior - old.logUnPosterior;

             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             // accept or reject proposal
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             double acceptanceProb = exp(logPosteriorRatio + logProposalRatio);

             if(unif() < acceptanceProb)
                 old = now;

                 now = old;

         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         // store the sample?
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         // if the burnin was passed and we are at a multiple of step beyond that, then store
         // the sample.
         if((i_iter > options.burnin) &&
            (((i_iter - options.burnin) % options.step) == 0))
             // echo debug-level message
                 Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Storing samples of iteration no. %d", i_iter);

             // store the current parameter sample

             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             // compute marginal likelihood terms
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

             // compute marginal likelihood terms and save them?
             // (Note that the tbf bool is just for safety here,
             // the R function sampleGlm will set estimateMargLik to FALSE
             // when tbf is TRUE.)
             if(options.estimateMargLik && (! options.tbf))
                 // echo debug-level message?
                     Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Compute marginal likelihood estimation terms");

                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 // compute next term for the denominator
                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                 // draw from the high density point proposal distribution
                 Mcmc denominator(highDensityPoint);
                 denominator.sample.z = marginalZ.gen(1);


                 denominator.proposalInfo = fitter.iwlsObject->getResults();

                 denominator.sample.coefs = drawNormalVector(denominator.proposalInfo.coefs,

                 // get posterior density of the sample
                 denominator.logUnPosterior = fitter.iwlsObject->computeLogUnPosteriorDens(denominator.sample);

                 // get the proposal density at the sample
                 double denominator_logProposalDensity = denominator.computeLogProposalDens();

                 // then the reverse stuff:
                 // first we copy again the high density point
                 Mcmc revDenom(highDensityPoint);

                 // but choose the new sampled coefficients as starting point
                 revDenom.proposalInfo = fitter.iwlsObject->getResults();

                 // so the reverse proposal density is
                 double revDenom_logProposalDensity = revDenom.computeLogProposalDens();

                 // so altogether the next term for the denominator is the following acceptance probability
                 double denominatorTerm = denominator.logUnPosterior - highDensityPoint.logUnPosterior +
                                          revDenom_logProposalDensity - denominator_logProposalDensity;
                 denominatorTerm = exp(fmin(0.0, denominatorTerm));

                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 // compute next term for the numerator
                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                 // compute the proposal density of the current sample starting from the high density point
                 Mcmc numerator(now);

                 numerator.proposalInfo = fitter.iwlsObject->getResults();

                 double numerator_logProposalDensity = numerator.computeLogProposalDens();

                 // then compute the reverse proposal density of the high density point when we start from the current
                 // sample
                 Mcmc revNum(highDensityPoint);

                 revNum.proposalInfo = fitter.iwlsObject->getResults();

                 double revNum_logProposalDensity = revNum.computeLogProposalDens();

                 // so altogether the next term for the numerator is the following guy:
                 double numeratorTerm = exp(fmin(revNum_logProposalDensity,
                                                 highDensityPoint.logUnPosterior - now.logUnPosterior +

                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 // finally store both terms
                 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                 samples.storeMargLikTerms(numeratorTerm, denominatorTerm);


         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         // echo progress?
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         // echo debug-level message?
             Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Finished iteration no. %d", i_iter);

         if((i_iter % std::max(static_cast<int>(options.iterations / 100), 1) == 0) &&
             // display computation progress at each percent

         } // end echo progress

     } // end MCMC loop

     // echo debug-level message?
             Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Finished MC simulation");
             Rprintf("\ncpp_sampleGlm: Finished MCMC loop");

     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // build up return list for R and return that.
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     return List::create(_["samples"] = samples.convert2list(),
                         _["nAccepted"] = nAccepted,
                         _["highDensityPointLogUnPosterior"] = highDensityPoint.logUnPosterior);

} // end cpp_sampleGlm
Пример #15
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List or_gdp_em(NumericVector ryo, NumericMatrix rxo, SEXP ralpha, SEXP reta){

	//Define Variables//
	int p=rxo.ncol();
	int no=rxo.nrow();
	double eta=Rcpp::as<double >(reta);
	double alpha=Rcpp::as<double >(ralpha);

	//Create Data//
	arma::mat xo(rxo.begin(), no, p, false);
	arma::colvec yo(ryo.begin(), ryo.size(), false);

	Col<double> xoyo=xo.t()*yo;
	Col<double> B=xoyo/no;
	Col<double> Babs=abs(B);
	Mat<double> xoxo=xo.t()*xo;
	Mat<double> D=eye(p,p);
	Mat<double> Ip=eye(p,p);
	double yoyo=dot(yo,yo);
	double deltaB;
	double deltaphi;
	double phi=no/dot(yo-xo*B,yo-xo*B);
	double lp;

	//Create Trace Matrices
	Mat<double> B_trace(p,20000);
	Col<double> phi_trace(20000);
	Col<double> lpd_trace(20000);

	//Run EM Algorithm//
	cout << "Beginning EM Algorithm" << endl;
	int t=0;



		//Store Values//

	} while((deltaB>0.00001 || deltaphi>0.00001) && t<19999);
	cout << "EM Algorithm Converged in " << t << " Iterations" << endl;

	//Resize Trace Matrices//

	return Rcpp::List::create(
			Rcpp::Named("B") = B,
			Rcpp::Named("B_trace") = B_trace,
			Rcpp::Named("phi") = phi,
			Rcpp::Named("phi_trace") = phi_trace,
			Rcpp::Named("lpd_trace") = lpd_trace
			) ;

Пример #16
List sparseTR(NumericVector start,
	      Function fn,
	      Function gr,
	      Function hs,
	      const List control) {

  // use this version when the user supplies his own Hessian function.
  //  Hessian function must return a Matrix of class dgCMatrix
  using Eigen::VectorXi;
  using Eigen::Map;
  typedef SparseMatrix<double> optHessType;
  typedef SimplicialLLT<optHessType> optPrecondType; 

  int nvars = start.size();
  if (nvars<=0) throw MyException("Number of variables (starting values) must be positive\n",__FILE__, __LINE__);
    // Control parameters for optimizer

    double rad = as<double>(control["start.trust.radius"]);
    const double min_rad = as<double>(control["stop.trust.radius"]);
    const double tol = as<double>(control["cg.tol"]);
    const double prec = as<double>(control["prec"]);
    const int report_freq = as<int>(control["report.freq"]);
    const int report_level = as<int>(control["report.level"]);
    const int report_precision = as<int>(control["report.precision"]);
    const int maxit = as<int>(control["maxit"]);
    const double contract_factor = as<double>(control["contract.factor"]);
    const double expand_factor = as<double>(control["expand.factor"]);
    const double contract_threshold = as<double>(control["contract.threshold"]);
    const double expand_threshold_rad = as<double>(control["expand.threshold.radius"]);
    const double expand_threshold_ap = as<double>(control["expand.threshold.ap"]);
    const double function_scale_factor = as<double>(control["function.scale.factor"]);
    const int precond_refresh_freq = as<int>(control["precond.refresh.freq"]);
    const int precond_ID = as<int>(control["preconditioner"]);
    const int trust_iter = as<int>(control["trust.iter"]);

    Map<VectorXd> startX(start.begin(),nvars); 
    Rcpp::S4 sh_  = hs(startX);
    Map<SparseMatrix<double> > sh = Rcpp::as<Map<SparseMatrix<double>>>(sh_);
    int nnz = (sh.nonZeros() + nvars)/2;

    RfuncHess func(nvars, nnz, fn, gr, hs);
    Trust_CG_Sparse<Map<VectorXd>, RfuncHess,optHessType, optPrecondType> 
	opt(func, startX, rad, min_rad, tol, prec,
	    report_freq, report_level, report_precision,
	    maxit, contract_factor, expand_factor,
	    contract_threshold, expand_threshold_rad,
	    expand_threshold_ap, function_scale_factor,
	    precond_refresh_freq, precond_ID, trust_iter);


    // collect results and return

    VectorXd P(nvars);
    VectorXd grad(nvars);
    optHessType hess(nvars,nvars);

    double fval, radius;
    int iterations;
    MB_Status status;

    status = opt.get_current_state(P, fval, grad, hess, iterations, radius);

    List res;
    res = List::create(Rcpp::Named("fval") = Rcpp::wrap(fval),
		       Rcpp::Named("solution") = Rcpp::wrap(P),
		       Rcpp::Named("gradient") = Rcpp::wrap(grad),	
		       Rcpp::Named("hessian") = Rcpp::wrap(hess),
		       Rcpp::Named("iterations") = Rcpp::wrap(iterations),
		       Rcpp::Named("status") = Rcpp::wrap((std::string) MB_strerror(status)),
		       Rcpp::Named("trust.radius") = Rcpp::wrap(radius),
		       Rcpp::Named("nnz") = Rcpp::wrap(nnz),
		       Rcpp::Named("method") = Rcpp::wrap("Sparse")
Пример #17
//' Simulates the model when it is written as a C++ function using stl containers
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix ida_Cpp_stl(NumericVector times, NumericVector states_, 
                          NumericVector derivatives_,
                        NumericVector parameters_, List forcings_data_, 
                        List settings, SEXP model_, SEXP jacobian_) {
  // Wrap the pointer to the model function with the correct signature                        
  dae_in_Cpp_stl* model =  (dae_in_Cpp_stl *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(model_);
  // Wrap the pointer to the jacobian function with the correct signature                        
  jac_in_Cpp_stl* jacobian =  nullptr;
  if(as<int>(settings["jacobian"]) == 1) 
      jacobian = (jac_in_Cpp_stl *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(jacobian_);
  // Store all inputs in the data struct, prior conversion to stl and Armadillo classes
  int neq = states_.size();
  vector<double> parameters{as<vector<double>>(parameters_)};
  vector<double> states{as<vector<double>>(states_)};
  vector<double> derivatives{as<vector<double>>(derivatives_)};
  vector<mat> forcings_data(forcings_data_.size());
  if(forcings_data_.size() > 0) 
    for(int i = 0; i < forcings_data_.size(); i++)
      forcings_data[i] = as<mat>(forcings_data_[i]);
  data_ida_Cpp_stl data_model{parameters, forcings_data, neq, model, jacobian};
   Initialize IDA and pass all initial inputs
  N_Vector y = nullptr;
  y = N_VNew_Serial(neq);
  for(int i = 0; i < neq; i++) {
    NV_Ith_S(y,i) = states[i];
  N_Vector yp = nullptr;
  yp = N_VNew_Serial(neq);
  for(int i = 0; i < neq; i++) {
    NV_Ith_S(yp,i) = derivatives[i];
  void *ida_mem = IDACreate();
  // Shut up Sundials (errors not printed to the screen)
  int flag = IDASetErrFile(ida_mem, NULL);
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetErrFile function");  
  // Initialize the Sundials solver. Here we pass initial N_Vector, the interface function and the initial time
  flag = IDAInit(ida_mem, ida_to_Cpp_stl, times[0], y, yp);
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDAInit function"); 
  // Tell Sundials the tolerance settings for error control
  flag = IDASStolerances(ida_mem, settings["rtol"], settings["atol"]);
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);}     
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASStolerances function");

  // Tell Sundials the number of state variables, so that I can allocate memory for the Jacobian
  flag = IDADense(ida_mem, neq);
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDADense function");
  // Give Sundials a pointer to the struct where all the user data is stored. It will be passed (untouched) to the interface as void pointer
  flag = IDASetUserData(ida_mem, &data_model);
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetUserData function");

  // Correct initial values
  flag = IDACalcIC(ida_mem, IDA_Y_INIT, times[1]);
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDACalcIC function");  

  // Set maximum number of steps
  flag = IDASetMaxNumSteps(ida_mem, settings["maxsteps"]);
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetMaxNumSteps function");
  // Set maximum order of the integration
  flag = IDASetMaxOrd(ida_mem, settings["maxord"]); 
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetMaxOrd function");
  // Set the initial step size
  flag = IDASetInitStep(ida_mem, settings["hini"]);  
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetInitStep function");
  // Set the maximum step size
  flag = IDASetMaxStep(ida_mem, settings["hmax"]);  
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetMaxStep function");  
  // Set the maximum number of error test fails
  flag = IDASetMaxErrTestFails(ida_mem, settings["maxerr"]);  
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetMaxErrTestFails function");  
  // Set the maximum number of nonlinear iterations per step
  flag = IDASetMaxNonlinIters(ida_mem, settings["maxnonlin"]);  
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetMaxNonlinIters function");  
  // Set the maximum number of convergence failures
  flag = IDASetMaxConvFails(ida_mem, settings["maxconvfail"]);   
  if(flag < 0.0) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("Error in the IDASetMaxConvFails function");
   Make a first call to the model to check that everything is ok and retrieve the number of observed variables
  vector<double> forcings(forcings_data.size());
  if(forcings_data.size() > 0) forcings = interpolate_list(forcings_data, times[0]);
  std::array<vector<double>, 2> first_call;
  try {
    first_call = model(times[0], states, derivatives, parameters, forcings); 
  } catch(std::exception &ex) {
      if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
      if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
  } catch(...) { 
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    ::Rf_error("c++ exception (unknown reason)"); 

  // Check length of time derivatives against the information passed through settings
  if(first_call[0].size() != neq) {
    if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
    if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);}     
    ::Rf_error("Length of time derivatives returned by the model does not coincide with the number of state variables.");     
   Fill up the output matrix with the values for the initial time
  vector<double> observed;
  int nder = 0;
  if(first_call.size() == 2) {
    vector<double> temp =  first_call[1];
    observed = temp;
    nder = observed.size();
  vector<int> extract_states = as<vector<int>>(settings["which_states"]);
  vector<int> extract_observed = as<vector<int>>(settings["which_observed"]);
  mat output(times.size(), extract_states.size() + extract_observed.size() + 1);
  output.at(0,0) = times[0];
  //for(auto i = 0; i < neq; i++) {
  //    output(0,i+1) = states[i];
  for(auto it = extract_states.begin(); it != extract_states.end(); it++) {
    if(*it > NV_LENGTH_S(y)) {
      Rcout << "The index " << *it << " exceeds the number of state variables of the model" << '\n';
      if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
      if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
      ::Rf_error("Simulation exited because of error in extracting state variables");
    output.at(0,*it) = NV_Ith_S(y,*it - 1);
  if(extract_observed.size()  > 0) {
      //for(auto i = 0; i < nder; i++)  
      //    output(0,i + 1 + neq) = observed[i];
      for(auto it = extract_observed.begin(); it != extract_observed.end(); it++) {
        if(*it > observed.size()) {
          Rcout << "The index " << *it << " exceeds the number of observed variables returned by the model" << '\n';
          if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
          if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
          ::Rf_error("Simulation exited because of error in extracting observed variables");
        output.at(0,*it + extract_states.size()) = observed[*it - 1];
   Main time loop. Each timestep call cvode. Handle exceptions and fill up output
  double t = times[0];
  for(unsigned i = 1; i < times.size(); i++) {
    try {
      flag = IDASolve(ida_mem, times[i], &t, y, yp, IDA_NORMAL);
      for(auto h = 0; h < neq; h++) {
        if(as<bool>(settings["positive"])) {
           if(NV_Ith_S(y,h) < as<double>(settings["minimum"])) {
             Rcout << "The state variable at positon " << h << " became smaller than minimum: " << NV_Ith_S(y,h) << '\n';
             if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
             if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);}  
             ::Rf_error("At least one of the states became smaller than minimum"); 
      if(flag < 0.0) {
        switch(flag) {
          case -1:
            throw std::runtime_error("The solver took mxstep internal steps but could not reach tout."); break;
          case -2:
            throw std::runtime_error("The solver could not satisfy the accuracy demanded by the user for some internal step"); break;  
          case -3:
            throw std::runtime_error("Error test failures occured too many times during one internal time step or minimum step size was reached"); break;    
          case -4:
            throw std::runtime_error("Convergence test failures occurred too many times during one internal time step or minimum step size was reached."); break;  
          case -5:
            throw std::runtime_error("The linear solver’s initialization function failed."); break; 
          case -6:
            throw std::runtime_error("The linear solver’s setup function failed in an unrecoverable manner"); break; 
          case -7:
            throw std::runtime_error("The linear solver’s solve function failed in an unrecoverable manner"); break;  
          case -8:
            throw std::runtime_error("The right hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner"); break;
          case -9:
            throw std::runtime_error("The right-hand side function failed at the first call."); break;    
          case -10:
            throw std::runtime_error("The right-hand side function had repeated recoverable errors."); break;   
          case -11:
            throw std::runtime_error("The right-hand side function had a recoverable errors but no recovery is possible."); break; 
          case -25:
            throw std::runtime_error("The time t is outside the last step taken."); break; 
          case -26:
            throw std::runtime_error("The output derivative vector is NULL."); break;   
          case -27:
            throw std::runtime_error("The output and initial times are too close to each other."); break;              
    } catch(std::exception &ex) {
      if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
      if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
    } catch(...) { 
      if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
      if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
      ::Rf_error("c++ exception (unknown reason)"); 

     // Write to the output matrix the new values of state variables and time
    output.at(i,0) = times[i];
    //for(auto h = 0; h < neq; h++) output(i,h + 1) = NV_Ith_S(y,h);
    for(auto it = extract_states.begin(); it != extract_states.end(); it++) {
      output.at(i,*it) = NV_Ith_S(y,*it - 1);
  // If we have observed variables we call the model function again
  if(extract_observed.size() > 0 && flag >= 0.0) {
    for(unsigned i = 1; i < times.size(); i++) {
      // Get forcings values at time 0.
      if(forcings_data.size() > 0) forcings = interpolate_list(forcings_data, times[i]);
      // Get the simulate state variables
      for(auto j = 0; j < neq; j++) states[j] = output(i,j + 1);
      // Call the model function to retrieve total number of outputs and initial values for derived variables
      std::array<vector<double>, 2> model_call  = model(times[i], states, derivatives, parameters, forcings); 
      observed =  model_call[1];
      // Derived variables already stored by the interface function
      //for(auto j = 0; j < nder; j++)  output(i,j + 1 + neq) = observed[j]; 
      for(auto it = extract_observed.begin(); it != extract_observed.end(); it++) {
        output.at(i,*it + extract_states.size()) = observed[*it - 1];
  // De-allocate the N_Vector and the ida_mem structures
  if(y == nullptr) {free(y);} else {N_VDestroy_Serial(y);}
  if(ida_mem == nullptr) {free(ida_mem);} else {IDAFree(&ida_mem);} 
  return wrap(output);
Пример #18
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector pdistC2(double x, NumericVector ys) {
  NumericVector ans(ys.size());
  ans = sqrt(pow(x - ys, 2));  
  return ans;
Пример #19
NumericVector dbinom_glmb( NumericVector x, NumericVector N, NumericVector means, int lg){
    int n = x.size() ;
    NumericVector res(n) ;
    for( int i=0; i<n; i++) res[i] = R::dbinom( round(x[i]*N[i]),round(N[i]), means[i], lg ) ;
    return res ;
Пример #20
List EnelmC(List PITEMLL, List NODW, List Yl, List NU1) {
   // PITEMLL - item parameter estimates
   // NODW - quadrature nodes and weights
   // Yl - response matrices for each group in List
   // NU1 - null1 matrices for each group in List
   int ngru = PITEMLL.size();
   // create return list
   List riqv_querG(ngru);
   List fiqG(ngru);
   // the group loop
   for(int gru = 0; gru < ngru; gru++)
    // extract everything out of the Lists 
    List PITEML = PITEMLL[gru];
    List nodeswei = NODW[gru];
    Rcpp::IntegerMatrix Y = Yl[gru];
    Rcpp::IntegerMatrix nu1m = NU1[gru]; 
    NumericVector nodes =  nodeswei[0];
    NumericVector weights =  nodeswei[1];
   int listlength = PITEML.size(); // number of items
   int ysi = Y.nrow(); // number of observations per item (including NA's)
   int lno = nodes.size(); // number of quadrature nodes
   // create matrix outside the loop
   Rcpp::NumericMatrix ENDm(lno,ysi); // matrix with proper dimensions for multiplication
   ENDm.fill(1); // write 1 in each cell
   for(int l = 0; l < listlength; l++)
     { // loops all items
    Rcpp::NumericVector PITEM = PITEML[l]; // take out parameters for the l-th item
    IntegerVector y = Y(_,l); // response vector of l-th items
    int lpi = PITEM.size()/2; // number of categories
    int lpim1 = lpi - 1; 
     //arma::mat x(lno,lpi);
     Rcpp::NumericMatrix x(lno,lpi);
     // das hier ist zeile 40 bis 44 des nrm Estep
     for(int o = 0; o < lno; o++)
        double gessum = 0;
        double z2plv = 0;
        double tplf = 0;
       for(int q = 0; q < lpi; q++)
         int lpi2 = q+lpi;
         if(q == 0)
         { // hier muss jetzt das 2pl Modell rein
         // exp(Km %*% abpar) / (1 + exp(Km %*% abpar)) 
        // x(o,q) = exp(PITEM(q) + nodes(o)*PITEM(lpi2)) / ( 1+ exp(PITEM(q) + nodes(o)*PITEM(lpi2))); // 2pl
        z2plv = exp(PITEM(q) + nodes(o)*PITEM(lpi2)) / ( 1+ exp(PITEM(q) + nodes(o)*PITEM(lpi2)));
        tplf = 1 - z2plv; // 1-P
        //std::cout << "Return" << tplf << " \n ";
         } else {
                x(o,q) = exp(PITEM(q) + nodes(o)*PITEM(lpi2)) * tplf; // mit 1-P multiplizieren
                gessum += exp(PITEM(q) + nodes(o)*PITEM(lpi2)); // new
        x(o,_) = x(o,_) / gessum;
        x(o,0) = z2plv;
        //std::cout << "z2plv:" << z2plv << " \n ";
        //std::cout << "inmattrix:  " << x(o,0) << " \n ";
     Rcpp::NumericMatrix z(lno,ysi);
     for(int i = 0; i < ysi; i++)
        int whichE = y(i);
        // if there is NOT a missing value, make standard procedure
        // else (missing value is there) multiply with 1 - that means make a copy of what was there before
            z(_,i) = x(_,whichE) * ENDm(_,i); // at the end ENDm will be the product again
          } else {
                  z(_,i) =  ENDm(_,i);
      ENDm = z;       
    NumericVector colmw; 
     for(int col = 0; col < ysi; col++)
       colmw = ENDm(_,col) * weights;
       ENDm(_,col) = colmw / sum(colmw); // normalize
       } // das muss ja fiq sein

    arma::mat Anu1m = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(nu1m);
    arma::mat AENDm = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(ENDm);
    //arma::mat riqv_quer = Anu1m * trans(AENDm); 
    arma::mat riqv_quer = trans(Anu1m) * trans(AENDm); 
    riqv_querG[gru] = riqv_quer; // save in list
    //NumericVector fiq(lno);
    // calculate fiq which is the expected number of persons on each node
    IntegerMatrix fivor(ysi,listlength);
    // write 0 if missing value, 1 if valid response
    for(int ww = 0; ww < listlength; ww++)
      fivor(_,ww) = ifelse(is_na(Y(_,ww)),0,1);  
    arma::mat Afivor = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(fivor);
    arma::mat fiq = AENDm * Afivor;
    fiqG[gru] = fiq;

  } // end of group loop
   // ENDm nachher wieder entfernen! es wird nur das letzte rausgeschrieben!
    return List::create(_["riqv_querG"] = riqv_querG, _["fiqG"] = fiqG);
     //return riqv_querG;
Пример #21
arma::vec armaU(int n){
  NumericVector x = runif(n,0,1);
  arma::vec out(x.begin(), x.size(), false);
  return out;
Пример #22
IntegerVector cleanNA(NumericVector x) {
  int n = x.size();
  IntegerVector y = seq_len(n);//(x.begin(), x.end());
  IntegerVector z = y[is_na(x)];
  return z;
Пример #23
NumericVector RcppSample(NumericVector sample, int n)
return sample[round(runif(n)*(sample.size()-1.0), 0)];
Пример #24
// simulate genotypes given observed marker data
// [[Rcpp::export(".sim_geno")]]
IntegerVector sim_geno(const String& crosstype,
                       const IntegerMatrix& genotypes, // columns are individuals, rows are markers
                       const IntegerMatrix& founder_geno, // columns are markers, rows are founder lines
                       const bool is_X_chr,
                       const LogicalVector& is_female, // length n_ind
                       const IntegerMatrix& cross_info, // columns are individuals
                       const NumericVector& rec_frac,   // length nrow(genotypes)-1
                       const IntegerVector& marker_index, // length nrow(genotypes)
                       const double error_prob,
                       const int n_draws) // number of imputations
    const int n_ind = genotypes.cols();
    const int n_pos = marker_index.size();
    const int n_mar = genotypes.rows();

    QTLCross* cross = QTLCross::Create(crosstype);

    // check inputs
    if(is_female.size() != n_ind)
        throw std::range_error("length(is_female) != ncol(genotypes)");
    if(cross_info.cols() != n_ind)
        throw std::range_error("ncols(cross_info) != ncol(genotypes)");
    if(rec_frac.size() != n_pos-1)
        throw std::range_error("length(rec_frac) != length(marker_index)-1");

    if(error_prob < 0.0 || error_prob > 1.0)
        throw std::range_error("error_prob out of range");

    for(int i=0; i<rec_frac.size(); i++) {
        if(rec_frac[i] < 0 || rec_frac[i] > 0.5)
            throw std::range_error("rec_frac must be >= 0 and <= 0.5");
    if(!cross->check_founder_geno_size(founder_geno, n_mar))
        throw std::range_error("founder_geno is not the right size");
    // end of checks

    const int mat_size = n_pos*n_draws;
    IntegerVector draws(mat_size*n_ind); // output object

    for(int ind=0; ind<n_ind; ind++) {

        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // possible genotypes for this individual
        IntegerVector poss_gen = cross->possible_gen(is_X_chr, is_female[ind], cross_info(_,ind));
        const int n_poss_gen = poss_gen.size();
        NumericVector probs(n_poss_gen);

        // backward equations
        NumericMatrix beta = backwardEquations(cross, genotypes(_,ind), founder_geno, is_X_chr, is_female[ind],
                                               cross_info(_,ind), rec_frac, marker_index, error_prob,

        // simulate genotypes
        for(int draw=0; draw<n_draws; draw++) {
            // first draw
            // calculate first prob (on log scale)
            probs[0] = cross->init(poss_gen[0], is_X_chr, is_female[ind], cross_info(_,ind)) + beta(0,0);
            if(marker_index[0] >= 0)
                probs[0] += cross->emit(genotypes(marker_index[0],ind), poss_gen[0], error_prob,
                                        founder_geno(_, marker_index[0]), is_X_chr, is_female[ind], cross_info(_,ind));
            double sumprobs = probs[0]; // to contain log(sum(probs))

            // calculate rest of probs
            for(int g=1; g<n_poss_gen; g++) {
                probs[g] = cross->init(poss_gen[g], is_X_chr, is_female[ind], cross_info(_,ind)) + beta(g,0);
                if(marker_index[0] >= 0)
                    probs[g] += cross->emit(genotypes(marker_index[0],ind), poss_gen[g], error_prob,
                                            founder_geno(_, marker_index[0]), is_X_chr, is_female[ind], cross_info(_,ind));
                sumprobs = addlog(sumprobs, probs[g]);

            // re-scale probs
            for(int g=0; g<n_poss_gen; g++)
                probs[g] = exp(probs[g] - sumprobs);

            // make draw, returns a value from 1, 2, ..., n_poss_gen
            int curgeno = random_int(probs);
            draws[draw*n_pos + ind*mat_size] = poss_gen[curgeno];

            // move along chromosome
            for(int pos=1; pos<n_pos; pos++) {

                // calculate probs
                for(int g=0; g<n_poss_gen; g++) {
                    probs[g] = cross->step(poss_gen[curgeno], poss_gen[g], rec_frac[pos-1],
                                           is_X_chr, is_female[ind], cross_info(_,ind)) +
                        beta(g,pos) - beta(curgeno, pos-1);
                    if(marker_index[pos] >= 0)
                        probs[g] += cross->emit(genotypes(marker_index[pos],ind), poss_gen[g], error_prob,
                                                founder_geno(_, marker_index[pos]), is_X_chr, is_female[ind], cross_info(_,ind));
                    probs[g] = exp(probs[g]);

                // make draw
                curgeno = random_int(probs);

                draws[pos + draw*n_pos + ind*mat_size] = poss_gen[curgeno];

            } // loop over positions
        } // loop over draws
    } // loop over individuals

    draws.attr("dim") = Dimension(n_pos, n_draws, n_ind);
    delete cross;
    return draws;
Пример #25
/* Function to count number of valid partitions to swap */
int count_valid(List aList, List boundarypart, NumericVector cdvec){

  int cd_boundary; arma::vec part; int j; int i;
  arma::uvec find_cds; int counter = 0;

  for(i = 0; i < boundarypart.size(); i++){
    // Get the partition
    part = as<arma::vec>(boundarypart(i));
    // Get the congressional district of the boundary
    cd_boundary = cdvec(part(0));
    // Find indices within that congressional district
    find_cds = find(as<arma::vec>(cdvec) == cd_boundary);
    // Remove elements in the partition from that cd
    NumericVector cd_less_boundary;
    for(j = 0; j < find_cds.n_elem; j++){
      if(any(part == find_cds(j)) == false){

    // If cd_less_boundary empty, then continue
    // Eliminates district so invalid partition
    if(cd_less_boundary.size() == 0){
    // Create new adjacency list
    List newadj(cd_less_boundary.size());
    for(j = 0; j < newadj.size(); j++){
      // Extract vector from adjacency list
      NumericVector getadjvec = aList(cd_less_boundary(j));
      // Subset down to elements in cd_less_boundary
      NumericVector getadjvec_sub;
      for(int k = 0; k < getadjvec.size(); k++){
	if(any(as<arma::vec>(cd_less_boundary) == getadjvec(k))){
      // Change indices
      NumericVector getadjvec_new;
      for(int k = 0; k < getadjvec_sub.size(); k++){
	arma::uvec ind = find(as<arma::vec>(cd_less_boundary) ==
      // Add to newadj
      newadj(j) = getadjvec_new;
    // Calculate number of partitions
    int nparts = countpartitions(newadj);
    if(nparts == 1){
  return counter;
Пример #26
//' Compute most probable path with extended Viterbi algorithm.
//' Viterbi algorithm for Hidden Markov Model with duration
//' @param aa_sample \code{character} vector representing single aminoacid sequence.
//' @param pipar probabilities of initial state in Markov Model.
//' @param tpmpar matrix of transition probabilities between states.
//' @param od matrix of response probabilities. Eg. od[1,2] is a probability of signal 2 in state 1.
//' @param params matrix of probability distribution for duration. Eg. params[10,2] is probability of duration of time 10 in state 2.
//' @export
//' @return A list of length four:
//' \itemize{
//'  \item{path}{ a vector of most probable path}
//'  \item{viterbi}{ values of probability in all intermediate points,}
//'  \item{psi}{ matrix that gives for every signal and state the previous state in viterbi path,}
//'  \item{duration}{ matrix that gives for every signal and state gives the duration in that state on viterbi path.}
//'  }
//' @note All computations are on logarithms of probabilities.
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List duration_viterbi(NumericVector aa_sample, NumericVector pipar, NumericMatrix tpmpar, NumericMatrix od, NumericMatrix params) {
    int maxDuration = params.nrow();
    int nstates = pipar.length();

//  for(int i=0; i<nstates; i++){
//      Rprintf("%f ", pipar(i));
//  }
//  Rprintf("\n");
//  for(int i=0; i<tpmpar.nrow(); i++){
//    for(int j=0; j<tpmpar.ncol(); j++){
//      Rprintf("%f ", tpmpar(i, j));
//    }
//    Rprintf("\n");
//  }
//  for(int i=0; i<params.nrow(); i++){
//    for(int j=0; j<params.ncol(); j++){
//      Rprintf("%f ", params[i, j]);
//    }
//    Rprintf("\n");
//  }

    NumericMatrix viterbi(aa_sample.length(), nstates); //probabiliy values for viterbi path that ends in specific state and signal
    NumericMatrix psi(aa_sample.length(), nstates); //the previous state for viterbi path that ends in specific state and signal
    NumericMatrix dura(aa_sample.length(), nstates); //the current duration for viterbi path that ends in specific state and signal

    //first signal is treated seperately
    for(unsigned int j=0; j<nstates; j++) {
        viterbi(0,j) = log(pipar(j)) + log( od(j,aa_sample(0)) );
        psi(0,j) = 0;
        dura(0,j) = 0;

    double previous;
    double transition = 0.0;

    for(int i=1; i<aa_sample.length(); i++) {
        //For each state we will compute the probability of the viterbi path that ends in that state
        for(int j=0; j<nstates; j++) {
            double max = R_NegInf;
            int maxInd = 0; //previous state that is maximising probability
            int maximDura = 0;  //duration that is maximising probability
            for(int k=0; k<nstates; k++) {
                int dMax=std::min(maxDuration-1, i);
                for(int d=0; d<=dMax; d++) {
                    // for every possible previous state, and for every possible duration in current state
                    if (i-d==0) { //if duration is as long as number of signal considered
                        if(j == 0) { //only first state is accepted
                            previous = 1.0;
                            transition = 1.0;
                        } else { //other states are discarded with log-probability -Inf
                            previous = R_NegInf;
                            transition = 1.0;
                    } else { //there is some previous state
                        previous = viterbi(i-d-1, k); //previous probability on this viterbi path
                        transition = log(tpmpar(k, j)); //probability of transition to current state from prevois state
                    double duration = log(params(d, j)); //probability of duration that lasts time d
                    double responses = 0; //probability of generating d signal in current state
                    for(int l=i-d; l<=i; l++) {
                        responses += log(od(j, aa_sample[l]));
//          if(j==1){
//            Rprintf("i %d k %d d %d \n", i,k,d);
//            Rprintf("The value of previous is %f\n", previous);
//            Rprintf("The value of transition is %f\n", transition );
//            Rprintf("The value of duration is %f\n", duration );
//            Rprintf("The value of responses is %f\n", responses );
//          }
                    if(previous + transition + duration + responses > max) {
                        //if that path is better than the best yet found store it
                        max = previous + transition + duration + responses;
                        maxInd = k;
                        maximDura = d;

            //assign information about the best path that ends on signal i and state j
            viterbi(i, j) = max;
            psi(i, j) = maxInd;
            dura(i, j) = maximDura;

    //now we extract information about the path. We look for the most probable path
    IntegerVector path(aa_sample.size());
    //the last state
    int seqLength = aa_sample.length();
    NumericVector prob_path = viterbi(seqLength-1,_);

//  for(int i=0; i<prob_path.length(); i++){
//    Rprintf("%f ", prob_path(i));
//  }
//  Rprintf("\n %d \n", which_max(viterbi(seqLength-1,_)));

    path(seqLength-1) = which_max(viterbi(seqLength-1,_));
    int i = seqLength-2;
    int last = seqLength-1;
    while(i > 0) {
        if(last - i <= dura(last, path[last])) { //we are still in the same state
            path(i) = path(last);
        else { //time to change the state for the previous, stored in matrix psi
            path(i) = psi(last, path(last));
            last = i;
        i -= 1;
    path(0) = 0;

    return List::create(
               _["path"] = path,
               _["viterbi"] = viterbi,
               _["psi"] = psi,
               _["duration"] = dura
Пример #27
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix calc_bs_scalar(NumericVector x, NumericVector knots, int degree, NumericVector boundary_knots) {
  int nk = knots.size();
  int len_x = x.size();
  double x_val, term, saved;
  int order = degree + 1;
  NumericMatrix basis(len_x, nk + degree);
  NumericMatrix basis_j(len_x, order);
  int kk_size = 2 * order + nk;
  NumericVector kk(kk_size);
  NumericVector rdel(degree);
  NumericVector ldel(degree);
  for (int k = 0; k < order; k++) {
    kk[k] = boundary_knots[0];
    kk[k + order + nk] = boundary_knots[1];
  for (int k = 0; k < nk; k++) {
    kk[k + order] = knots[k];
  for (int j = 0; j < len_x; j++) {
    x_val = x[j];
    //calculate cursor point
    int curs = -1;
    for (int k = 0; k < kk_size; k++) {
      if (kk[k] >= x_val) curs = k;
      if (kk[k] > x_val) break;
    if (curs > (kk_size - order)) {
      int lastLegit = kk_size - order;
      if (x_val == kk[lastLegit]) {
        curs = lastLegit;
    //calculate rdel and ldel
    for (int k = 0; k < degree; k++) {
      rdel[k] = kk[curs + k] - x_val;
      ldel[k] = x_val - kk[curs - k - 1];
    basis_j(j, 0) = 1.0;
    for (int k = 1; k < order; k++) {
      saved = 0.0;
      for (int r = 0; r < k; r++) {
        term = basis_j(j, r) / (rdel[r] + ldel[k - 1 - r]);
        basis_j(j, r) = saved + rdel[r] * term;
        saved = ldel[k - 1 - r] * term;
      basis_j(j, k) = saved;
    //convert basis_j to the correct size matrix
    int offset = curs - order - 1;
    for (int k = 0; k < order; k++) {
      if ((k + offset) >= 0) {
        basis(j, k + offset) = basis_j(j, k);
Пример #28
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List SDP_single(int tmax, NumericVector res_bs, int cons_bs, int xc, NumericVector rep_gain, 
NumericMatrix f_m, NumericVector mort, List dec_ls, NumericVector rho_vec, NumericMatrix c_learn, NumericVector g_forage, NumericVector c_forage) {
   //Establish iniital variables required for the SDP
   int num_res = res_bs.size();
   //How many decisions? Count columns on first decision matrix
   NumericMatrix dec_ex = dec_ls(0);
   int num_dec = dec_ex.ncol();
   int max_enc = f_m.nrow(); //Rows = encounters; Columns = resources
   double cons_bs_state = (double) cons_bs;
   //Define xc_state as a double. This variable will be used for energetic calculations
   double xc_state = (double) xc;
   //Define xc, which will be used to locate the critical value in a matrix. 
   //Subtract one, because Cpp indices start at zero.
   xc = xc - 1;
   //Build Fitness List, Istar List, and terminal fitness values
   List W_nr(num_res);
   List istar_nr(num_res);
   NumericMatrix W_xt(cons_bs,tmax);
   //NumericMatrix istar_xt(cons_bs,tmax-1);
   //Initiate terminal fitness values in W_xt matrix
   //Don't forget that the matrix index BEGINS at 0.
   for (int i=xc; i<cons_bs; i++) {
     W_xt(i,tmax-1) = rep_gain(i); //tmax-1 because index starts at zero. So tmax-1 is the terminal time, as t=0 is initial time
   //Place fitness matrix into each list element for future updating
   for (int i=0; i<num_res; i++) {
     W_nr(i) = W_xt;
     //istar_nr(i) = istar_xt;
   //Begin Backwards Equation
   for (int r=0; r<num_res; r++) {
     Rcpp::Rcout << "r = " << r << std::endl;
     NumericMatrix dec_m = dec_ls(r);
     NumericMatrix W_r = W_nr(r);
     IntegerMatrix istar_r(cons_bs,tmax-1);
     //Begin backwards calculations... start at tmax-1
     for (int t=(tmax-1); t --> 0;) {
       //Rcpp::Rcout << "t = " << t << std::endl;
       //int t_state = t - 1;
       for (int x=xc; x<cons_bs; x++) {
         //Define the energetic state to be used in calculations
         //Added one because the index starts at zero... but we care about the true energetic state, not the index
         double x_state = (double) x;
         x_state = x_state + 1;
         NumericVector value(num_dec);
         for (int i=0; i<num_dec; i++) {
           //Build preference vector for ith decision
           NumericVector pref_vec(num_res);
           for (int j=0; j<num_res; j++) {
             pref_vec(j) = dec_m(j,i);
           //Loop over the changes in energetic reserves via consumption of different (t+1) resources
           NumericMatrix xp(num_res,max_enc);
           //xp high and low must be integers, because they are used as indices of the fitness matrices
           IntegerMatrix xp_high(num_res,max_enc); 
           IntegerMatrix xp_low(num_res,max_enc);
           //But these are not integer matrices
           NumericMatrix q(num_res,max_enc);
           NumericMatrix W(num_res,max_enc);
           NumericVector Wk(num_res);
           double Fx = 0; //Initialized at zero. Will be added/multiplied as dot product below
           for (int rr=0; rr<num_res; rr++) {
             for (int k=0; k<max_enc; k++) {
               //Change in Energetic state
               xp(rr,k) = x_state + rho_vec(k)*(g_forage(rr) - (c_forage(rr) + c_learn(r,rr))) - (1-rho_vec(k))*(c_forage(rr) + c_learn(r,rr));
               //Establish Boundary conditions en route
               //Lower boundary condition at x-critical
               if (xp(rr,k) < xc_state) {xp(rr,k) = xc_state;}
               //Higher boundary condition at xmax = cons_bs
               if (xp(rr,k) > cons_bs_state) {xp(rr,k) = cons_bs_state;}
               //Build xp_high, xp_low, and q matrices en route
               //Estabish Fitness en route
               if ((xp(rr,k) < cons_bs_state) && (xp(rr,k) > xc_state)) {
                 xp_low(rr,k) = (int) floor(xp(rr,k));
                 xp_high(rr,k) = (int) xp_low(rr,k) + 1;
                 //Make sure that we do not have an (integer - double)
                 double xp_h = (double) xp_high(rr,k);
                 q(rr,k) = xp_h - xp(rr,k);
                 //Prep for indexing
                 //Adjust xp_low and xp_high to signify indices rather than energetic values
                 xp_low(rr,k) = xp_low(rr,k) - 1;
                 xp_high(rr,k) = xp_high(rr,k) - 1;
                 W(rr,k) = q(rr,k)*W_r(xp_low(rr,k),t+1) + (1-q(rr,k))*W_r(xp_high(rr,k),t+1);
               if (xp(rr,k) == xc_state) {
                 xp_low(rr,k) = (int) xc_state;
                 xp_high(rr,k) = (int) xc_state+1;
                 q(rr,k) = 1;
                 //Prep for indexing
                 //Adjust xp_low and xp_high to signify indices rather than energetic values
                 xp_low(rr,k) = xp_low(rr,k) - 1;
                 xp_high(rr,k) = xp_high(rr,k) - 1;
                 W(rr,k) = q(rr,k)*W_r(xp_low(rr,k),t+1) + (1-q(rr,k))*W_r(xp_high(rr,k),t+1);
               if (xp(rr,k) == cons_bs_state) {
                 xp_low(rr,k) = (int) cons_bs_state - 1;
                 xp_high(rr,k) = (int) cons_bs_state;
                 q(rr,k) = 0;
                 //Prep for indexing
                 //Adjust xp_low and xp_high to signify indices rather than energetic values
                 xp_low(rr,k) = xp_low(rr,k) - 1;
                 xp_high(rr,k) = xp_high(rr,k) - 1;
                 W(rr,k) = q(rr,k)*W_r(xp_low(rr,k),t+1) + (1-q(rr,k))*W_r(xp_high(rr,k),t+1);
               //Vector multiplication: fitness vector (over k) and probability of finding k resources (over k)
               //Note that the values for the W and f.m matrices are transposed relative to each other
               double vec = W(rr,k) * f_m(k,rr);
               Wk(rr) += vec; // The same as Wk(rr) = Wk(rr) + vec
             } // end k
             //Vector multiplication over preference probabilities and Wk ** over rr **
             double vec2 = pref_vec(rr) * (rep_gain(x) + (1-mort(rr))*Wk(rr));
             Fx += vec2;
             //Rcpp::Rcout << "Fx = " << Fx << std::endl;
           } // end rr
           //Record fitness value for decision i
           value(i) = Fx;
         } // end i (decision loop)
         //Find maximum value
         int istar = which_max(value);
         istar_r(x,t) = istar + 1; //The +1 is there because we are going from 'index' to 'decision number'
         W_r(x,t) = value(istar);
       } //End x iterations
     } //End t iterations
     //Replace updated W_nr
     //Update istar_nr list
     W_nr(r) = W_r;
     istar_nr(r) = istar_r;
   } //End r iterations
   List output(2);
   output(0) = W_nr;
   output(1) = istar_nr;
   return (output);
} //End cpp function
Пример #29
void v_glogis(NumericVector x)
  for(int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
Пример #30
//' Update the parameter F (M-step in the EM-algorithm)
//' @param vTheta theparameter Theta (converted to a vector)
//' @param vG the matrix of mutation feature data
//' @param fdim a vector specifying the number of possible values for each mutation signature
//' @param signatureNum the number of mutation signatures
//' @param sampleNum the number of cancer genomes
//' @param patternNum the number of possible combinations of all the mutation features
//' @param isBackground the logical value showing whether a background mutaiton features is included or not
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector updateMstepFC(NumericVector vTheta, NumericVector vG,NumericVector fdim, int signatureNum, int sampleNum, int patternNum, bool isBackground) {

  int variableSigNum;
  if (isBackground) {
    variableSigNum = signatureNum - 1;
  } else {
    variableSigNum = signatureNum;
  NumericVector vF(variableSigNum * fdim.size() * max(fdim)); 
  IntegerVector currentDigits(fdim.size());
  NumericVector vG_Theta_sum(signatureNum * patternNum);
  for (int m = 0; m < patternNum; m++) {
    for (int n = 0; n < sampleNum; n++) {
      for (int k = 0; k < signatureNum; k++) {
        vG_Theta_sum[k + m * signatureNum] = vG_Theta_sum[k + m * signatureNum] + vG[n + m * sampleNum] * vTheta[n + k * sampleNum + m * sampleNum * signatureNum];
  for (int l = 0; l < fdim.size(); l++) {
    currentDigits[l] = 0;

  for (int m = 0; m < patternNum; m++) {

    for (int l = 0; l < fdim.size(); l++) {
      for (int k = 0; k < variableSigNum; k++) {
        vF[k + l * variableSigNum + currentDigits[l] * variableSigNum * fdim.size()] = vF[k + l * variableSigNum + currentDigits[l] * variableSigNum * fdim.size()] + vG_Theta_sum[k + m * signatureNum];
    int tl = 0;
    while(tl < fdim.size() and currentDigits[tl] + 1 >= fdim[tl]) {
      currentDigits[tl] = 0;
      tl = tl + 1;
    if (tl < fdim.size()) {
      currentDigits[tl] = currentDigits[tl] + 1;
  double tempSum;
  double invTempSum;
  for (int k = 0; k < variableSigNum; k++) {
    for (int l = 0; l < fdim.size(); l++) {
      tempSum = 0;
      for (int ll = 0; ll < max(fdim); ll++) {
        tempSum = tempSum + vF[k + l * variableSigNum + ll * variableSigNum * fdim.size()];
      invTempSum = 1 / tempSum;
      for (int ll = 0; ll < max(fdim); ll++) {
        vF[k + l * variableSigNum + ll * variableSigNum * fdim.size()] = vF[k + l * variableSigNum + ll * variableSigNum * fdim.size()] * invTempSum;