int PCFilter::addRanges(const Unit* unit, const OffsetRangeVec& offsets) { int counter = 0; for (OffsetRangeVec::const_iterator it = offsets.begin(); it != offsets.end(); ++it) { for (PC pc = unit->at(it->m_base); pc < unit->at(it->m_past); pc += instrLen((Opcode*)pc)) { addPC(pc); counter++; } } return counter; }
// Ensure we interpret all code at the given offsets. This sets up a guard for // each piece of tranlated code to ensure we punt ot the interpreter when the // debugger is attached. static void blacklistRangesInJit(const Unit* unit, const OffsetRangeVec& offsets) { for (OffsetRangeVec::const_iterator it = offsets.begin(); it != offsets.end(); ++it) { for (PC pc = unit->at(it->m_base); pc < unit->at(it->m_past); pc += instrLen((Opcode*)pc)) { transl()->addDbgBLPC(pc); } } if (!transl()->addDbgGuards(unit)) { Logger::Warning("Failed to set breakpoints in Jitted code"); } }
bool Unit::getOffsetRanges(int line, OffsetRangeVec& offsets) const { ASSERT(offsets.size() == 0); if (m_repoId == RepoIdInvalid) { return false; } UnitRepoProxy& urp = Repo::get().urp(); if (urp.getSourceLocPastOffsets(m_repoId).get(m_sn, line, offsets)) { return false; } for (OffsetRangeVec::iterator it = offsets.begin(); it != offsets.end(); ++it) { if (urp.getSourceLocBaseOffset(m_repoId).get(m_sn, *it)) { return false; } } return true; }
// Ensure we interpret all code at the given offsets. This sets up a guard for // each piece of translated code to ensure we punt to the interpreter when the // debugger is attached. static void blacklistRangesInJit(const Unit* unit, const OffsetRangeVec& offsets) { for (OffsetRangeVec::const_iterator it = offsets.begin(); it != offsets.end(); ++it) { for (PC pc = unit->at(it->m_base); pc < unit->at(it->m_past); pc += instrLen((Opcode*)pc)) { transl()->addDbgBLPC(pc); } } if (!transl()->addDbgGuards(unit)) { Logger::Warning("Failed to set breakpoints in Jitted code"); } // In this case, we may be setting a breakpoint in a tracelet which could // already be jitted, and present on the stack. Make sure we don't return // to it so we have a chance to honor breakpoints. g_vmContext->preventReturnsToTC(); }
static void addBreakPointsInFile(Eval::DebuggerProxy* proxy, Eval::PhpFile* efile) { Eval::BreakPointInfoPtrVec bps; proxy->getBreakPoints(bps); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bps.size(); i++) { Eval::BreakPointInfoPtr bp = bps[i]; if (bp->m_line1 == 0 || bp->m_file.empty()) { // invalid breakpoint for file:line continue; } if (!Eval::BreakPointInfo::MatchFile(bp->m_file, efile->getFileName(), efile->getRelPath())) { continue; } Unit* unit = efile->unit(); OffsetRangeVec offsets; if (!unit->getOffsetRanges(bp->m_line1, offsets)) { continue; } if (!g_vmContext->m_breakPointFilter) { g_vmContext->m_breakPointFilter = new PCFilter(); } if (debug && Trace::moduleEnabled(Trace::bcinterp, 5)) { for (OffsetRangeVec::const_iterator it = offsets.begin(); it != offsets.end(); ++it) { Trace::trace("file:line break %s:%d : unit %p offset [%d, %d)\n", efile->getFileName().c_str(), bp->m_line1, unit, it->m_base, it->m_past); } } g_vmContext->m_breakPointFilter->addRanges(unit, offsets); if (RuntimeOption::EvalJit) { blacklistRangesInJit(unit, offsets); } } }