Пример #1
static void addBreakPointInUnit(BreakPointInfoPtr bp, Unit* unit) {
  OffsetRangeVec offsets;
  if (!unit->getOffsetRanges(bp->m_line1, offsets) || offsets.size() == 0) {
    bp->m_bindState = BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeInvalid;
  bp->m_bindState = BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;
  TRACE(3, "Add to breakpoint filter for %s:%d, unit %p:\n",
      unit->filepath()->data(), bp->m_line1, unit);
  phpAddBreakPointRange(unit, offsets);
Пример #2
// Looks up the offset range in the given unit, of the given breakpoint.
// If the offset cannot be found, the breakpoint is marked as invalid.
// Otherwise it is marked as valid and the offset is added to the
// breakpoint filter and the offset range is black listed for the JIT.
static void addBreakPointInUnit(Eval::BreakPointInfoPtr bp, Unit* unit) {
  OffsetRangeVec offsets;
  if (!unit->getOffsetRanges(bp->m_line1, offsets) || offsets.size() == 0) {
    bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeInvalid;
  bp->m_bindState = Eval::BreakPointInfo::KnownToBeValid;
  TRACE(3, "Add to breakpoint filter for %s:%d, unit %p:\n",
      unit->filepath()->data(), bp->m_line1, unit);
  getBreakPointFilter()->addRanges(unit, offsets);
  if (RuntimeOption::EvalJit) {
    blacklistRangesInJit(unit, offsets);
Пример #3
bool phpAddBreakPointLine(const Unit* unit, int line) {
  // Grab the unit offsets
  OffsetRangeVec offsets;
  if (!unit->getOffsetRanges(line, offsets)) {
    return false;

  // Add to the breakpoint filter and the line filter
  phpAddBreakPointRange(unit, offsets);
  assertx(offsets.size() > 0);
  auto pc = unit->at(offsets[0].base);
  return true;
Пример #4
bool Unit::getOffsetRanges(int line, OffsetRangeVec& offsets) const {
  ASSERT(offsets.size() == 0);
  if (m_repoId == RepoIdInvalid) {
    return false;
  UnitRepoProxy& urp = Repo::get().urp();
  if (urp.getSourceLocPastOffsets(m_repoId).get(m_sn, line, offsets)) {
    return false;
  for (OffsetRangeVec::iterator it = offsets.begin(); it != offsets.end();
       ++it) {
    if (urp.getSourceLocBaseOffset(m_repoId).get(m_sn, *it)) {
      return false;
  return true;