bool EditFiles::checkDebugger() { bool ok = false; NameValueFile projFile(Project::getProjectFilePath()); OovStatus status = projFile.readFile(); if(!status.ok()) { OovString str = "Unable to get project file to get debugger: "; str += Project::getProjectFilePath();, str); } getDebugger().setDebuggerFilePath(projFile.getValue(OptToolDebuggerPath)); getDebugger().setDebuggee(mEditOptions.getValue(OptEditDebuggee)); getDebugger().setDebuggeeArgs(mEditOptions.getValue(OptEditDebuggeeArgs)); getDebugger().setWorkingDir(mEditOptions.getValue(OptEditDebuggerWorkingDir)); //Gui::messageBox("Debugging is not recommended. It is very unstable."); std::string debugger = getDebugger().getDebuggerFilePath(); std::string debuggee = getDebugger().getDebuggeeFilePath(); if(debugger.length() > 0) { if(debuggee.length() > 0) { // The debugger could be on the path. // if(fileExists(debugger)) { if(FileIsFileOnDisk(debuggee, status)) { ok = true; } else { Gui::messageBox("Component to debug in Edit/Preferences does not exist"); } if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to check debuggee status"); } } // else // { // Gui::messageBox("Debugger in Oovaide Analysis/Settings does not exist"); // } } else { Gui::messageBox("Component to debug must be set in Edit/Preferences"); } } else { Gui::messageBox("Debugger tool path must be set in Oovaide Analysis/Settings"); } return ok; }
static bool makeCoverageComponentTypesFile(OovStringRef const srcFn, OovStringRef const dstFn) { ComponentTypesFile file; OovStatus status = file.readTypesOnly(srcFn); if(status.ok()) { // Define a static library that contains the code that stores // the coverage counts that is compiled into exectuables. static OovStringRef const covLibName = Project::getCovLibName(); CompoundValue names = file.getComponentNames(); if(names.find(covLibName) == CompoundValue::npos) { names.push_back(covLibName); file.setComponentNames(names.getAsString()); file.setComponentType(covLibName, ComponentTypesFile::getShortComponentTypeName( ComponentTypesFile::CT_StaticLib)); } status = file.writeTypesOnly(dstFn); } if(status.needReport()) { OovString err = "Unable to make component types file "; err += srcFn;, err); } return status.ok(); }
void ComponentGraph::updateGraph(const ComponentDrawOptions &options) { ComponentTypesFile compFile; OovStatus status =; if(status.ok()) { mNodes.clear(); for(auto const &name : compFile.getComponentNames()) { ComponentTypesFile::eCompTypes ct = compFile.getComponentType(name); if(ct != ComponentTypesFile::CT_Unknown) { mNodes.push_back(ComponentNode(name, ComponentNode::CNT_Component, ct)); } } BuildPackages buildPkgs(true); std::vector<Package> packages = buildPkgs.getPackages(); for(auto const &pkg : packages) { mNodes.push_back(ComponentNode(pkg.getPkgName(), ComponentNode::CNT_ExternalPackage)); } updateConnections(compFile, options); } if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to update component graph"); } }
void CoverageCountsReader::read(OovStringRef const fn) { File file; OovStatus status =, "r"); mInstrCounts.clear(); if(status.ok()) { char buf[100]; int lineCounter = 0; while(file.getString(buf, sizeof(buf), status)) { lineCounter++; int val; if(sscanf(buf, "%d", &val) == 1) { if(lineCounter == 1) { mNumInstrumentedLines = val; } else { mInstrCounts.push_back(val); } } } } if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to read coverage counts"); } }
void BuildSettingsDialog::saveScreen() { saveFromScreen(mLastCompName); OovStatus status = mComponentFile.writeFile(); if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to save build settings"); } }
/// Copy a single source file and make a comment that contains the hit count /// for each instrumented line. static void updateCovSourceCounts(OovStringRef const relSrcFn, std::vector<int> &counts) { FilePath srcFn(Project::getCoverageSourceDirectory(), FP_Dir); srcFn.appendFile(relSrcFn); FilePath dstFn(Project::getCoverageProjectDirectory(), FP_Dir); dstFn.appendFile(relSrcFn); File srcFile; OovStatus status =, "r"); if(status.ok()) { status = FileEnsurePathExists(dstFn); if(status.ok()) { File dstFile; status =, "w"); if(status.ok()) { char buf[1000]; size_t instrCount = 0; while(srcFile.getString(buf, sizeof(buf), status)) { if(strstr(buf, "COV_IN(")) { if(instrCount < counts.size()) { OovString countStr = " // "; countStr.appendInt(counts[instrCount]); OovString newStr = buf; size_t pos = newStr.find('\n'); newStr.insert(pos, countStr); if(newStr.length() < sizeof(buf)-1) { strcpy(buf, newStr.getStr()); } } instrCount++; } status = dstFile.putString(buf); if(!status.ok()) { break; } } } } } if(status.needReport()) { OovString err = "Unable to transfer coverage "; err += srcFn; err += " "; err += dstFn;, err); } }
void CoverageHeader::write(SharedFile &outDefFile, OovStringRef const /*srcFn*/, int numInstrLines) { std::string fnDef = getFileDefine(); mInstrDefineMap[fnDef] = numInstrLines; int totalCount = 0; for(auto const &defItem : mInstrDefineMap) { totalCount += defItem.second; } if(outDefFile.isOpen()) { OovString buf; static char const *lines[] = { "// Automatically generated file by OovCovInstr\n", "// This file should not normally be edited manually.\n", "#define COV_IN(fileIndex, instrIndex) gCoverage[fileIndex+instrIndex]++;\n", }; for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof(lines)/sizeof(lines[0]); i++) { buf += lines[i]; } buf += "#define COV_TOTAL_INSTRS "; buf.appendInt(totalCount); buf += "\n"; buf += "extern unsigned short gCoverage[COV_TOTAL_INSTRS];\n"; int coverageCount = 0; for(auto const &defItem : mInstrDefineMap) { OovString def = "#define "; def += defItem.first; def += " "; def.appendInt(coverageCount); coverageCount += defItem.second; def += " // "; def.appendInt(defItem.second); def += "\n"; buf += def; } outDefFile.truncate(); OovStatus status = outDefFile.seekBegin(); if(status.ok()) { status = outDefFile.write(&buf[0], static_cast<int>(buf.size())); } if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to write coverage source"); } } }
OovStatusReturn ComponentTypesFile::writeFile() { OovStatus status = mCompTypesFile.writeFile(); if(status.needReport()) { OovString str = "Unable to write component types file: "; str += mCompTypesFile.getFilename();, str); } if(status.ok()) { status = mCompSourceListFile.writeFile(); if(status.needReport()) { OovString str = "Unable to write source list file: "; str += mCompSourceListFile.getFilename();, str); } } return status; }
FilePath Project::getOutputDir() { FilePath fp(Project::getProjectDirectory(), FP_Dir); fp.appendDir("output"); OovStatus status = FileEnsurePathExists(fp); if(status.needReport()) { OovString err = "Unable to create directory "; err += fp;, fp); } return fp; }
void EditOptions::saveScreenSize(int width, int height) { if(getFilename().length() > 0) { setScreenCoord("ScreenWidth", width); setScreenCoord("ScreenHeight", height); OovStatus status = writeFile(); if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to write edit options"); } } }
bool makeCoverageStats() { bool success = false; SharedFile covHeaderFile; OovString covHeaderFn = CoverageHeaderReader::getFn( Project::getCoverageSourceDirectory()); eOpenStatus stat =, M_ReadShared, OE_Binary); if(stat == OS_Opened) { CoverageHeaderReader covHeaderReader; OovStatus status =; if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to read coverage header"); } int headerInstrLines = covHeaderReader.getNumInstrumentedLines(); if(headerInstrLines > 0) { success = true; FilePath covCountsFn(Project::getCoverageProjectDirectory(), FP_Dir); covCountsFn.appendDir("out-Debug"); static char const covCountsFnStr[] = "OovCoverageCounts.txt"; covCountsFn.appendFile(covCountsFnStr); CoverageCountsReader covCounts;; int covInstrLines = covCounts.getNumInstrumentedLines(); if(headerInstrLines == covInstrLines) { makeCoverageStats(covHeaderReader, covCounts); updateCovSourceCounts(covHeaderReader, covCounts); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Number of OovCoverage.h lines %d don't match %s lines %d\n", headerInstrLines, covCountsFnStr, covInstrLines); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "No lines are instrumented in %s\n", covHeaderFn.getStr()); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open file %s\n", covHeaderFn.getStr()); } return success; }
void Editor::findInFiles(char const * const srchStr, char const * const path, bool caseSensitive, bool sourceOnly, GtkTextView *view) { FindFiles findFiles(srchStr, caseSensitive, sourceOnly, view); OovStatus status = findFiles.recurseDirs(path); if(status.needReport()) { OovString err = "Unable to search path "; err += path;, err); } OovString matchStr = "Found "; matchStr.appendInt(findFiles.getNumMatches()); matchStr += " matches"; Gui::appendText(view, matchStr); }
OovStringRef const Project::getSrcRootDirectory() { if(sSourceRootDirectory.length() == 0) { NameValueFile file(getProjectFilePath()); OovStatus status = file.readFile(); if(status.needReport()) { OovString str = "Unable to read project file to get source: "; str += getProjectFilePath();, str); } sSourceRootDirectory = file.getValue(OptSourceRootDir); } return sSourceRootDirectory; }
eDupReturn createDuplicatesFile(/*OovStringRef const projDir,*/ std::string &outFn) { eDupReturn ret = DR_NoDupFilesFound; DuplicateOptions options; std::vector<DuplicateLineInfo> dupLineInfo; if(getDuplicateLineInfo(options, dupLineInfo)) { FilePath outPath(Project::getProjectDirectory(), FP_Dir); outPath.appendDir(DupsDir); outPath.appendFile("Dups.txt"); File outFile; OovStatus status =, "w"); if(status.ok()) { outFn = outPath; for(auto const &lineInfo : dupLineInfo) { OovString str = "lines "; str.appendInt(lineInfo.mTotalDupLines); str += " : "; str += lineInfo.mFile1; str += " "; str.appendInt(lineInfo.mFile1StartLine); str += " : "; str += lineInfo.mFile2; str += " "; str.appendInt(lineInfo.mFile2StartLine); str += "\n"; status = outFile.putString(str); if(!status.ok()) { break; } } ret = DR_Success; } else { ret = DR_UnableToCreateDirectory; } if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to write to duplicates file"); } } return ret; }
/// Make a stats file that contains the percentage of instrumented /// lines that have been executed for each source file. static void makeCoverageStats(CoverageHeaderReader const &covHeader, CoverageCountsReader const &covCounts) { FilePath statFn(Project::getCoverageProjectDirectory(), FP_Dir); statFn.appendFile("oovCovStats.txt"); File statFile; OovStatus status =, "w"); if(status.ok()) { size_t countIndex = 0; std::vector<int> const &counts = covCounts.getCounts(); for(auto const &mapItem : covHeader.getMap()) { int count = mapItem.second; int hits = 0; for(int i=0; i<count; i++) { if(countIndex < counts.size()) { if(counts[countIndex++]) { hits++; } } } int percent = 0; if(count > 0) { percent = (hits * 100) / count; } else { percent = 100; } OovString covFn = makeOrigCovFn(mapItem.first); fprintf(statFile.getFp(), "%s %d\n", covFn.getStr(), percent); } } if(status.needReport()) { OovString err = "Unable to open file "; err += statFn;, err); } }
void CoverageHeader::update(OovStringRef const outDefFn, OovStringRef const srcFn, int numInstrLines) { SharedFile outDefFile; eOpenStatus stat =, M_ReadWriteExclusive, OE_Binary); if(stat == OS_Opened) { OovStatus status = read(outDefFile); if(status.ok()) { write(outDefFile, srcFn, numInstrLines); } if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to update coverage file"); } } }
static bool makeCoverageProjectFile(OovStringRef const srcFn, OovStringRef const dstFn, OovStringRef const covSrcDir) { NameValueFile file(srcFn); OovStatus status = file.readFile(); if(status.ok()) { file.setFilename(dstFn); file.setNameValue(OptSourceRootDir, covSrcDir); status = file.writeFile(); } if(status.needReport()) { OovString err = "Unable to make project file "; err += srcFn;, err); } return status.ok(); }
void BuildSettingsDialog::enterScreen() { ScannedComponentInfo scannedCompInfo; OovStatus status = scannedCompInfo.readScannedInfo(); if(status.ok()) { GtkComboBoxText *typeBox = GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT(Builder::getBuilder()->getWidget( "ComponentTypeComboboxtext")); Gui::clear(typeBox); Gui::setSelected(GTK_COMBO_BOX(typeBox), -1); Gui::appendText(typeBox, ComponentTypesFile::getLongComponentTypeName( CT_Unknown)); Gui::appendText(typeBox, ComponentTypesFile::getLongComponentTypeName( CT_StaticLib)); Gui::appendText(typeBox, ComponentTypesFile::getLongComponentTypeName( CT_SharedLib)); Gui::appendText(typeBox, ComponentTypesFile::getLongComponentTypeName( CT_Program)); Gui::appendText(typeBox, ComponentTypesFile::getLongComponentTypeName( CT_JavaJarLib)); Gui::appendText(typeBox, ComponentTypesFile::getLongComponentTypeName( CT_JavaJarProg)); mComponentTree.clear(); for(auto const &name : scannedCompInfo.getComponentNames()) { if(mLastCompName.length() == 0) { mLastCompName = name; } mComponentTree.appendText(getParent(name), ComponentTypesFile::getComponentChildName(name)); } } if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to read component settings file"); } GuiTreePath path("0"); gtk_tree_view_set_cursor(mComponentTree.getTreeView(), path.getPath(), nullptr, false); }
void ComponentGraph::removeNode(const ComponentNode &node, const ComponentDrawOptions &options) { for(size_t i=0; i<mNodes.size(); i++) { if(&node == &mNodes[i]) { mNodes.erase(mNodes.begin() + i); break; } } ComponentTypesFile compFile; OovStatus status =; if(status.needReport()) {, "Unable to read components file to update connections"); } if(status.ok()) { updateConnections(compFile, options); } mModified = true; }
bool EditOptions::getScreenSize(int &width, int &height) { bool gotPos = false; OovStatus status = readFile(); if(status.ok()) { int tempWidth; if(getScreenCoord("ScreenWidth", tempWidth)) { int tempHeight; if(getScreenCoord("ScreenHeight", tempHeight)) { width = tempWidth; height = tempHeight; gotPos = true; } } } else {, "Unable to get screen size"); } return gotPos; }
void EditFiles::viewFile(OovStringRef const fn, int lineNum) { FilePath fp; fp.getAbsolutePath(fn, FP_File); auto iter = std::find_if(mFileViews.begin(), mFileViews.end(), [fp](std::unique_ptr<ScrolledFileView> const &fv) -> bool { return fv->mFilename.comparePaths(fp) == 0; }); if(iter == mFileViews.end()) { GtkNotebook *book = nullptr; if(putInMainWindow(fn)) book = mSourceBook; else book = mHeaderBook; if(book) { GtkWidget *scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new(nullptr, nullptr); GtkWidget *editView = gtk_text_view_new(); /// @todo - use make_unique when supported. ScrolledFileView *scrolledView = new ScrolledFileView(mDebugger); scrolledView->mFileView.init(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(editView), this); OovStatus status = scrolledView->mFileView.openTextFile(fp); if(status.needReport()) { OovString err = "Unable to open file "; err += fp;, err); } scrolledView->mScrolled = GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled); scrolledView->mFilename = fp; gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scrolled), editView); Gui::appendPage(book, scrolled, newTabLabel(fp.getName(), scrolledView->getViewTopParent())); gtk_widget_show_all(scrolled); scrolledView->mLeftMargin.setupMargin(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(editView)); // Set up the windows to draw the line numbers in the left margin. // GTK has changed, and different setups are required for different // versions of GTK. // This is not allowed for a text view // gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(editView, true); #if(USE_DRAW_LAYER) overrideDrawLayer(editView); // If the left window is not created, errors display, "Attempt to // convert text buffer coordinates to coordinates for a nonexistent // buffer or private child window of GtkTextView". So create a // window that is only one pixel wide, and draw the line numbers // on the main text view window. gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(editView), GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_LEFT, 1); gtk_text_view_set_left_margin(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(editView), scrolledView->mLeftMargin.getMarginWidth()); #else // The margin is drawn on the border window. gtk_text_view_set_border_window_size(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(editView), GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_LEFT, scrolledView->mLeftMargin.getMarginWidth()); g_signal_connect(editView, "draw", G_CALLBACK(onTextViewDraw), scrolledView); #endif g_signal_connect(editView, "focus_in_event", G_CALLBACK(on_EditFiles_focus_in_event), NULL); g_signal_connect(editView, "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK(on_EditFiles_key_press_event), NULL); g_signal_connect(editView, "button_press_event", G_CALLBACK(on_EditFiles_button_press_event), NULL); mFileViews.push_back(std::unique_ptr<ScrolledFileView>(scrolledView)); #if(DBG_EDITF) sDbgFile.printflush("viewFile count %d, line %d\n", mFileViews.size(), lineNum); #endif iter = mFileViews.end()-1; } } GtkNotebook *notebook = (*iter)->getBook(); if(notebook) { int pageIndex = getPageNumber(notebook, (*iter)->getTextView()); Gui::setCurrentPage(notebook, pageIndex); // focus is set after the screen is displayed by onIdle // gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET((*iter).getTextView())); #if(DBG_EDITF) sDbgFile.printflush("viewFile %d\n", pageIndex); #endif if(lineNum > 1) { (*iter)->mDesiredLine = lineNum; } } }
/* class OovMonitorWriter { public: OovMonitorWriter(): mFp(0) {} ~OovMonitorWriter() { fclose(mFp); } void append(int fileIndex, int instrIndex) { if(!mFp) { mFp = fopen("OovMonitor.txt", "a"); } { // std::lock_guard<std::mutex> writeMutexLock(mWriteMutex); std::stringstream id; id << std::this_thread::get_id(); fprintf(mFp, "%s %d %d\n", id.str().c_str(), fileIndex, instrIndex); fflush(mFp); } } private: FILE *mFp; // std::mutex mWriteMutex; }; OovMonitorWriter sOovMonitor; void OovMonitor(int fileIndex, int instrIndex) { sOovMonitor.append(fileIndex, instrIndex); } */ void CppInstr::updateCoverageSource(OovStringRef const /*fn*/, OovStringRef const covDir) { FilePath outFn(covDir, FP_Dir); outFn.appendDir("covLib"); OovStatus status = FileEnsurePathExists(outFn); if(status.ok()) { outFn.appendFile("OovCoverage.cpp"); if(!FileIsFileOnDisk(outFn, status)) { File file; status =, "w"); static char const *lines[] = { "// Automatically generated file by OovCovInstr\n", "// This appends coverage data to either a new or existing file,\n" "// although the number of instrumented lines in the project must match.\n" "// This file must be compiled and linked into the project.\n", "#include <stdio.h>\n", "#include \"OovCoverage.h\"\n", "\n", "unsigned short gCoverage[COV_TOTAL_INSTRS];\n", "\n", "class cCoverageOutput\n", " {\n", " public:\n", " cCoverageOutput()\n", " {\n", " // Initialize because some compilers may not initialize statics (TI)\n", " for(int i=0; i<COV_TOTAL_INSTRS; i++)\n", " gCoverage[i] = 0;\n", " }\n", " ~cCoverageOutput()\n", " {\n", " update();\n", " }\n", " void update()\n", " {\n", " read();\n", " write();\n", " }\n", "\n", " private:\n", " int getFirstIntFromLine(FILE *fp)\n", " {\n", " char buf[80];\n", " fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp);\n", " unsigned int tempInt = 0;\n", " sscanf(buf, \"%u\", &tempInt);\n", " return tempInt;\n", " }\n", " void read()\n", " {\n", " FILE *fp = fopen(\"OovCoverageCounts.txt\", \"r\");\n", " if(fp)\n", " {\n", " int numInstrs = getFirstIntFromLine(fp);\n", " if(numInstrs == COV_TOTAL_INSTRS)\n", " {\n", " for(int i=0; i<COV_TOTAL_INSTRS; i++)\n", " {\n", " gCoverage[i] += getFirstIntFromLine(fp);\n", " }\n", " }\n", " fclose(fp);\n", " }\n", " }\n", " void write()\n", " {\n", " FILE *fp = fopen(\"OovCoverageCounts.txt\", \"w\");\n", " if(fp)\n", " {\n", " fprintf(fp, \"%d # Number of instrumented lines\\n\", COV_TOTAL_INSTRS);\n", " for(int i=0; i<COV_TOTAL_INSTRS; i++)\n", " {\n", " fprintf(fp, \"%u\", gCoverage[i]);\n", " gCoverage[i] = 0;\n", " fprintf(fp, \"\\n\");\n", " }\n", " fclose(fp);\n", " }\n", " }\n", " };\n", "\n", "cCoverageOutput coverageOutput;\n" "\n", "void updateCoverage()\n", " { coverageOutput.update(); }\n" }; for(size_t i=0; i<sizeof(lines)/sizeof(lines[0]) && status.ok(); i++) { status = file.putString(lines[i]); if(!status.ok()) { break; } } } } if(!status.ok()) { OovString err = "Unable to update coverage source "; err += outFn;, err); } }