Пример #1
bool FileIsDirOnDisk(OovStringRef const path, OovStatus &status)
    struct OovStat32 statval;
    int statRet = OovStat32(path, &statval);
    // Indicate there is an error only if the error is not ENOENT.
    status.set((statRet == 0) || (errno == ENOENT), SC_File);
    // Only indicate the directory exists if there was no error, and it is a directory.
    return((statRet == 0) && S_ISDIR(statval.st_mode));
Пример #2
bool FileIsFileOnDisk(OovStringRef const path, OovStatus &status)
    OovString tempPath = path;
    FilePathRemovePathSep(tempPath, tempPath.size()-1);
    struct OovStat32 statval;
    int statRet = OovStat32(tempPath.getStr(), &statval);
    // Indicate there is an error only if the error is not ENOENT.
    status.set((statRet == 0) || (errno == ENOENT), SC_File);
    // Only indicate the file exists if there was no error, and it is a file.
    return((statRet == 0) && !S_ISDIR(statval.st_mode));