Пример #1
void CKeyBindingHelpDialog::PopulateList()

	int i, j;

	CUtlVector< ListInfo_t > maps;
	vgui2::Panel *pPanel = m_hPanel;
	while ( pPanel->IsKeyBindingChainToParentAllowed() )
		PanelKeyBindingMap *map = pPanel->GetKBMap();
		while ( map )
			int k;
			int c = maps.Count();
			for ( k = 0; k < c; ++k )
				if ( maps[k].m_pMap == map )
			if ( k == c )
				int mapIndex = maps.AddToTail( );
				maps[mapIndex].m_pMap = map;
				maps[mapIndex].m_pPanel = pPanel;
			map = map->baseMap;

		pPanel = pPanel->GetParent();
		if ( !pPanel )

	CUtlRBTree< KeyValues *, int >	sorted( 0, 0, BindingLessFunc );

	// add header item
	int c = maps.Count();
	for ( i = 0; i < c; ++i )
		PanelKeyBindingMap *m = maps[ i ].m_pMap;
		Panel *pMapPanel = maps[i].m_pPanel;
		Assert( m );

		int bindings = m->boundkeys.Count();
		for ( j = 0; j < bindings; ++j )
			BoundKey_t *kbMap = &m->boundkeys[ j ];
			Assert( kbMap );

			// Create a new: blank item
			KeyValues *item = new KeyValues( "Item" );
			// Fill in data
			char loc[ 128 ];
			Q_snprintf( loc, sizeof( loc ), "#%s", kbMap->bindingname );

			char ansi[ 256 ];
			AnsiText( loc, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );

			item->SetString( "Action", ansi );
			item->SetWString( "Binding", Panel::KeyCodeModifiersToDisplayString( (KeyCode)kbMap->keycode, kbMap->modifiers ) );

			// Find the binding
			KeyBindingMap_t *bindingMap = pMapPanel->LookupBinding( kbMap->bindingname );
			if ( bindingMap && 
				 bindingMap->helpstring )
				AnsiText( bindingMap->helpstring, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );
				item->SetString( "Description", ansi );
			item->SetPtr( "Item", kbMap );			

			sorted.Insert( item );

		// Now try and find any "unbound" keys...
		int mappings = m->entries.Count();
		for ( j = 0; j < mappings; ++j )
			KeyBindingMap_t *kbMap = &m->entries[ j ];

			// See if it's bound
			CUtlVector< BoundKey_t * > list;
			pMapPanel->LookupBoundKeys( kbMap->bindingname, list );
			if ( list.Count() > 0 )

			// Not bound, add a placeholder entry
			// Create a new: blank item
			KeyValues *item = new KeyValues( "Item" );
			// fill in data
			char loc[ 128 ];
			Q_snprintf( loc, sizeof( loc ), "#%s", kbMap->bindingname );

			char ansi[ 256 ];
			AnsiText( loc, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );

			item->SetString( "Action", ansi );
			item->SetWString( "Binding", L"" );
			if ( kbMap->helpstring )
				AnsiText( kbMap->helpstring, ansi, sizeof( ansi ) );
				item->SetString( "Description", ansi );

			item->SetPtr( "Unbound", kbMap );						

			sorted.Insert( item );

	for ( j = sorted.FirstInorder() ; j != sorted.InvalidIndex(); j = sorted.NextInorder( j ) )
		KeyValues *item = sorted[ j ];

		// Add to list
		m_pList->AddItem( item, 0, false, false );

