bool StylePersistence::scanDataSingleStyle(VStyle* style, QDomNode &rootNode) { bool isOk = true ; mapTokens.clear(); int nodi = rootNode.childNodes().count(); //D(printf("sono in assegna con %d nodi\n", nodi)); for(int i = 0 ; i < nodi ; i ++) { QDomNode childNode = rootNode.childNodes().item(i) ; if(childNode.isElement()) { QDomElement element = childNode.toElement(); //QString name = element.attribute("name", ""); //QString description = element.attribute("description", ""); QString nameSpace = element.attribute("namespace", ""); if(!nameSpace.isEmpty()) { style->setNamespace(nameSpace); } if(STYLE_ROOT_ELEMENT == element.tagName()) { if(!scanStyleData(style, element)) { isOk = false; } } if(isOk) { completeStyle(style); } } }//for return isOk ; }//scanData()
bool StylePersistence::scanStyleData(VStyle *style, QDomNode &rootNode) { bool isOk = true ; int nodi = rootNode.childNodes().count(); for(int i = 0 ; i < nodi ; i ++) { QDomNode childNode = rootNode.childNodes().item(i) ; if(childNode.isElement()) { QDomElement element = childNode.toElement(); QDomNodeList childs = element.childNodes(); if(STYLESETENTRY_TAGNAME == element.tagName()) { if(!collectStyles(style, childs)) { isOk = false; } } else if(KEYWORDSETENTRY_TAGNAME == element.tagName()) { if(!collectKeywords(style, childs)) { isOk = false; } } else if(IDS_TAGNAME == element.tagName()) { if(!collectIds(style, childs)) { isOk = false; } } }//if }//for return isOk ; }//scanStyleData()
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: ApiInterface::ApiInterface() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ApiInterface::ApiInterface(QDomNode& node) : nameGroup_(node), apiType_(), dependencyDir_(DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER), defaultPos_() { for (int i = 0; i < node.childNodes().count(); ++i) { QDomNode childNode = node.childNodes().at(i); if (childNode.isComment()) { continue; } if (childNode.nodeName() == "kactus2:apiType") { apiType_ = VLNV::createVLNV(childNode, VLNV::APIDEFINITION); } else if (childNode.nodeName() == "kactus2:dependencyDirection") { dependencyDir_ = str2DependencyDirection(childNode.childNodes().at(0).nodeValue(), DEPENDENCY_PROVIDER); } else if (childNode.nodeName() == "kactus2:position") { defaultPos_.setX(childNode.attributes().namedItem("x").nodeValue().toInt()); defaultPos_.setY(childNode.attributes().namedItem("y").nodeValue().toInt()); } } }
// the constructor ComponentGenerator::ComponentGenerator(QDomNode &generatorNode): Generator(generatorNode), scope_(ComponentGenerator::INSTANCE), groups_() { QDomNamedNodeMap attributeMap = generatorNode.attributes(); // get the spirit scope attribute QString scope = attributeMap.namedItem(QString("spirit:scope")).nodeValue(); if (scope == QString("entity")) { scope_ = ComponentGenerator::ENTITY; } else { scope_ = ComponentGenerator::INSTANCE; } // go through all the child nodes of the component generator for (int i = 0; i < generatorNode.childNodes().count(); ++i) { QDomNode tempNode = generatorNode.childNodes().at(i); if (tempNode.nodeName() == QString("spirit:group")) { QString groupName = tempNode.childNodes().at(0).nodeValue(); groupName = XmlUtils::removeWhiteSpace(groupName); groups_.append(groupName); } } }
void MainWindow::heightXML(QDomNode doc, int *height) { if(!doc.isNull()) { int heightCurrentNode = 0; QDomNode docParent = doc; while(!docParent.parentNode().isNull()) { docParent = docParent.parentNode(); heightCurrentNode++; } if(heightCurrentNode > *height) { *height = heightCurrentNode; } if(!doc.childNodes().isEmpty() && (doc.firstChild().toElement().tagName() != "" || doc.firstChild().isComment())) { QDomNodeList nodeList = doc.childNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.length(); i++) { heightXML(, height); } } } }
void QQMlDom::removeDefaultNode(QDomElement nDocument, QString element) { QDomNodeList removeList = nDocument.elementsByTagName(element); QDomNode rUrl =; qDebug() << "is there a child node ?" << rUrl.hasChildNodes() <<" " << rUrl.childNodes().at(0).nodeName() ; rUrl.removeChild(rUrl.childNodes().at(0)); }
void GoogleCalendar::dataDownloadComplete(QNetworkReply *rep) { if ((rep->error() != 0) && (rep->error() != QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError)) { fprintf(stderr, QString("HTTP error %1\n").arg(rep->error()).toStdString().c_str()); return; } QString content = rep->readAll(); QDomDocument *xml = new QDomDocument("feed"); if (!xml->setContent(content)) { fprintf(stderr, ("Unable to open gcal XML from:\n"+webpath.toString()+"\n").toStdString().c_str()); qDebug() << content; return; } events.clear(); qDebug() << QString("Loading %1 entries").arg(xml->documentElement().elementsByTagName("entry").count()); for (int i = 0; i < xml->documentElement().elementsByTagName("entry").count(); ++i) { QDomNode event = xml->documentElement().elementsByTagName("entry").at(i); QString title = event.firstChildElement("title").text(); QString content = event.firstChildElement("content").text(); for (int x = 0; x < event.childNodes().count(); ++x) { if (event.childNodes().at(x).nodeName() == "gd:when") { QDateTime start = RFC3339::fromString(event.childNodes().at(x).attributes().namedItem("startTime").nodeValue()); QDateTime end = RFC3339::fromString(event.childNodes().at(x).attributes().namedItem("endTime").nodeValue()); events.append(new CalendarEvent(title, start, end, content)); } } } qSort(events.begin(), events.end(), CalendarEventComparator()); purgePast(); emit refreshComplete(); delete xml; }
bool Lvk::Clue::ScriptParser::parseHeader(QDomElement &header, Clue::Script &script) { bool hasCharacter = false; for (int i = 0; i < header.childNodes().size(); ++i) { QDomNode node = header.childNodes().item(i); if (node.childNodes().isEmpty()) { continue; } QString name = node.nodeName().toLower(); QString value = node.childNodes().at(0).nodeValue().trimmed(); if (name == "character") { script.character = value; hasCharacter = true; } else if (name == "scriptnumber") { script.number = value.toInt(); } else { m_errMsg = QObject::tr("Unknown tag '%1'").arg(name); return false; } } return hasCharacter; }
void MainWindow::getTagAttributes(QList<QStandardItem*> *list, QDomNode doc) { //add the tag's name in the list QStandardItem *newItem = new QStandardItem(doc.toElement().tagName()); newItem->setFlags(newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); list->append(newItem); //if the node doesn't have any children, it means there is a value inside the node, we add this value in the list here if((!doc.childNodes().item(0).isElement() && doc.hasChildNodes()) && !doc.childNodes().item(0).isComment()) { newItem = new QStandardItem(doc.toElement().text()); newItem->setFlags(newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); list->append(newItem); } //if the node have at least one child, there is no value inside the node so we just had an empty string to the list else { newItem = new QStandardItem(""); newItem->setFlags(newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); list->append(newItem); } //add all the attributes to the list for(int i = 0; i < doc.attributes().length(); i++) { newItem = new QStandardItem(doc.attributes().item(i).toAttr().name() + " : " + doc.attributes().item(i).toAttr().value()); newItem->setFlags(newItem->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEditable); list->append(newItem); } }
bool TestBaseLine::isDeepEqual(const QDomNode &n1, const QDomNode &n2) { if(n1.nodeType() != n2.nodeType()) return false; switch(n1.nodeType()) { case QDomNode::CommentNode: /* Fallthrough. */ case QDomNode::TextNode: { return static_cast<const QDomCharacterData &>(n1).data() == static_cast<const QDomCharacterData &>(n2).data(); } case QDomNode::ProcessingInstructionNode: { return n1.nodeName() == n2.nodeName() && n1.nodeValue() == n2.nodeValue(); } case QDomNode::DocumentNode: return isChildrenDeepEqual(n1.childNodes(), n2.childNodes()); case QDomNode::ElementNode: { return n1.localName() == n2.localName() && n1.namespaceURI() == n2.namespaceURI() && n1.nodeName() == n2.nodeName() && /* Yes, this one is needed in addition to localName(). */ isAttributesEqual(n1.attributes(), n2.attributes()) && isChildrenDeepEqual(n1.childNodes(), n2.childNodes()); } /* Fallthrough all these. */ case QDomNode::EntityReferenceNode: case QDomNode::CDATASectionNode: case QDomNode::EntityNode: case QDomNode::DocumentTypeNode: case QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode: case QDomNode::NotationNode: case QDomNode::BaseNode: case QDomNode::CharacterDataNode: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "An unsupported node type was encountered."); return false; } case QDomNode::AttributeNode: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "This should never happen. QDom doesn't allow us to compare DOM attributes " "properly."); return false; } default: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Unhandled QDom::NodeType value."); return false; } } }
static void RecursiveFetch(QDomNode node, QList<QDomElement> *list) { list->append(node.toElement()); int index = 0; while (index < node.childNodes().count()) { QDomNode nx = node.childNodes().at(index++); RecursiveFetch(nx, list); } }
/** * @brief XmlEditWidgetPrivate::findDomNodeScan find the nearest match to a position * @param node * @param nodeTarget * @param lineSearched * @param columnSearched * @param lastKnownNode: last known "good" position * @return */ bool XmlEditWidgetPrivate::findDomNodeScan(QDomNode node, QDomNode nodeTarget, const int lineSearched, const int columnSearched, FindNodeWithLocationInfo &info) { int row = node.lineNumber(); int col = node.columnNumber(); if(!node.isDocument()) { if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched == col)) { info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ; return true ; } if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched == col)) { info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ; return true ; } if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched < col)) { info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ; return true ; } if((lineSearched < row)) { info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ; return true ; } if((lineSearched <= row)) { info.lastKnownNode = nodeTarget ; } if(node.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) { QDomElement element = node.toElement(); QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = element.attributes(); int numAttrs = attributes.length(); for(int i = 0 ; i < numAttrs ; i++) { QDomNode node = attributes.item(i); QDomAttr attr = node.toAttr(); if(findDomNodeScan(attr, nodeTarget, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) { return true; } } // for } } int nodes = node.childNodes().count(); for(int i = 0 ; i < nodes ; i ++) { QDomNode childNode = node.childNodes().item(i) ; if(childNode.isText() || childNode.isCDATASection()) { if(findDomNodeScan(childNode, nodeTarget, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) { return true; } } else { if(findDomNodeScan(childNode, childNode, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) { return true ; } } } return false ; }
void treubug::print_dom(QDomNode in, int ind){ QString a=""; for(int i=0; i<ind; i++) a+="--------"; qDebug("%s%s(%s)", a.ascii(), in.toElement().tagName().ascii(), in.toElement().text().ascii()); if(in.childNodes().length()==1) return; for(unsigned int i=0 ; i<in.childNodes().length(); i++){ print_dom(in.childNodes().item(i), ind+1); } }
void btFactory::initNodeType(QDomNode xmlNode) { QDomNamedNodeMap nodeTypeAttributes = xmlNode.attributes(); btNode* nodeType = btFactory::instance()->getRegisteredNodeType(nodeTypeAttributes.namedItem("className").nodeValue()); if(!nodeType) { nodeType = new btNode(); nodeType->setType(btNode::UnusableNodeType); btFactory::instance()->registerNodeType(nodeType, nodeTypeAttributes.namedItem("className").nodeValue()); } else { QString typeCategory = nodeTypeAttributes.namedItem("category").nodeValue(); if(typeCategory == "action") { nodeType->setType(btNode::ActionNodeType); } else if(typeCategory == "condition") { nodeType->setType(btNode::ConditionNodeType); } else if(typeCategory == "composite") { nodeType->setType(btNode::CompositeNodeType); } else if(typeCategory == "decorator") { nodeType->setType(btNode::DecoratorNodeType); } else if(typeCategory == "reference") { nodeType->setType(btNode::ReferenceNodeType); } else { nodeType->setType(btNode::UnusableNodeType); } } nodeType->setName(nodeTypeAttributes.namedItem("name").nodeValue()); nodeType->setDescription(nodeTypeAttributes.namedItem("description").nodeValue()); nodeType->setClassName(nodeTypeAttributes.namedItem("className").nodeValue()); for(int j = 0; j < xmlNode.childNodes().count(); j++) { QDomNode currentProperty = xmlNode.childNodes().at(j); QDomNamedNodeMap propertyAttributes = currentProperty.attributes(); nodeType->setProperty(propertyAttributes.namedItem("name").nodeValue().toUtf8(), propertyAttributes.namedItem("datatype").nodeValue()); } }
DomItem *DomItem::child(int i) { if (childItems.contains(i)) return childItems[i]; if (i >= 0 && i < domNode.childNodes().count()) { QDomNode childNode = domNode.childNodes().item(i); DomItem *childItem = new DomItem(childNode, i, this); childItems[i] = childItem; return childItem; } return 0; }
bool TestCase::loadXmlInformation() { QDomNodeList nodeList = xmlNode.childNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.count(); i++){ QDomNode nd =; if(nd.childNodes().count() > 0){ if(nd.nodeName() == "Name") testName = nd.firstChild().nodeValue(); else if(nd.nodeName() == "InterfaceHeader") iheader = getTestFileFolder() + "/" + nd.firstChild().nodeValue(); else if(nd.nodeName() == "CompareHeader") header = getTestFileFolder() + "/" + nd.firstChild().nodeValue(); else if(nd.nodeName() == "ExpectedResult"){ QDomNodeList chnodeList = nd.childNodes(); for(int b = 0; b < chnodeList.count(); b++){ QDomNode chnd =; if(chnd.childNodes().size() > 0) expectedResult << chnd.firstChild().nodeValue(); } } } } // check if we have all informations QTextStream out(&errorMsg); if(testName.size() <= 0) out << "No test name defined. Error in Test.xml file!" << endl; if(iheader.size() <= 0) out << "No interface header defined. Error in Test.xml file!" << endl; if(header.size() <= 0) out << "No compare header defined. Error in Test.xml file!" << endl; if(errorMsg.size() > 0) return false; //check if the headers are available QFile ichfile(iheader); if (!ichfile.exists()){ out << iheader << " file not found on drive." << endl; } QFile chfile(header); if (!chfile.exists()){ out << header << " file not found on drive." << endl; } if(errorMsg.size() > 0) return false; return true; }
void classepub::getChild(QDomNode node,QTreeWidgetItem *item) { int count= node.childNodes().count(); if(count<1)return; QDomElement itemElement=node.toElement(); int i=itemElement.childNodes().count(); QTreeWidgetItem *itemChild=new QTreeWidgetItem(item); QString titleE; QString idE; for(int r=0;r< i;r++){ QDomNode item=itemElement.childNodes().item(r); if( item.toElement().nodeName()=="navLabel"){ titleE=(item.toElement().text()); } if( item.toElement().nodeName()=="content"){ idE=item.toElement().attribute("src").section("#",0,0); } if( item.toElement().nodeName()=="navPoint"){ QDomNode itemCild=item.toElement(); getChild( itemCild,itemChild); } } // m_listEpub.append(titleE+"|"+idE+"|"+QString::number(lvl)); QFileInfo fi(m_tocPath); itemChild->setText(0,titleE); itemChild->setData(0,1,fi.path()+"/"+idE); }
/** * Constructs stream-error object from a DOM element. * * @param element \<stream:error/\> DOM element. */ StreamError::StreamError(const QDomElement& element) : d(new Private) { QDomNode root = d->doc.importNode(element, true); d->doc.appendChild(root); QDomNodeList childs = root.childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < childs.count(); ++i) { QDomElement element = childs.item(i).toElement(); if (element.namespaceURI() == NS_STREAMS) { int condition = Private::stringToCondition(element.tagName() ); if ( condition != -1 ) { d->errorCondition = element; break; } } } QDomElement eText = root.firstChildElement("text"); if (eText.namespaceURI() == NS_STREAMS) { d->text = eText; } for (int i = 0; i < childs.count(); ++i) { QDomElement element = childs.item(i).toElement(); /* first element outside NS_STREAMS ns will be an app-specific error condition */ if (element.namespaceURI() != NS_STREAMS) { d->appSpec = element; } } }
void AView::read(QDomNode &element) { QDomNodeList nodeList = element.childNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < nodeList.count(); ++i) { QDomNode node = nodeList.item(i); if(!node.isElement()) continue; QDomElement element = node.toElement(); QString name = node.nodeName(); AView* newView = createView(name, this); if(!newView) continue; childs.append(newView); newView->read(element); } QDomElement e = element.toElement(); id = e.attribute("android:id"); id = explodeName(id); id = captializeName(id); width = QString::number(atof(qPrintable(e.attribute("android:layout_width")))); height = QString::number(atof(qPrintable(e.attribute("android:layout_height")))); }
void classepub::epubGetChild( QDomNode item,int lvl) { int count= item.childNodes().count(); if(count<1)return; lvl++; QDomElement itemElement=item.toElement(); int i=itemElement.childNodes().count(); QString titleE; QString idE; for(int r=0;r< i;r++){ QDomNode item=itemElement.childNodes().item(r); if( item.toElement().nodeName()=="navLabel"){ titleE=(item.toElement().text()); } if( item.toElement().nodeName()=="content"){ idE=item.toElement().attribute("src").section("#",0,0); } if( item.toElement().nodeName()=="navPoint"){ QDomNode itemCild=item.toElement(); epubGetChild( itemCild,lvl); } } m_listEpub.append(titleE+"|"+idE+"|"+QString::number(lvl)); }
bool ReturnInstruction::setAsXMLNode(QDomNode& node) { if (node.hasChildNodes()) { QDomNodeList nodeList = node.childNodes(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodeList.length(); i++) { QDomElement e = nodeList.item(i).toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "text") { QDomNode t = e.firstChild(); setContents(t.nodeValue()); } else if (e.tagName() == "comment") { QDomNode t = e.firstChild(); setComment(t.nodeValue()); } } } } else { // tekst, komentarz i pixmapa puste } validateContents(); return true; }
QStringList OsdParser::parseStructureNames() { QStringList ret; QDomNode rootElem = mDocument.firstChildElement(QLatin1String("data")); QDomNodeList nodes = rootElem.childNodes(); for (uint i = 0; i < nodes.length(); ++i) { QDomElement elem =; // try to convert the node to an element. if (!elem.isNull()) { // kDebug() << "element tag: " << elem.tagName(); //e is element QString tag = elem.tagName(); if (tag == QLatin1String("struct") || tag == QLatin1String("array") || tag == QLatin1String("bitfield") || tag == QLatin1String("primitive") || tag == QLatin1String("union") || tag == QLatin1String("enum") || tag == QLatin1String("flags") || tag == QLatin1String("string")) ret.append(elem.attribute(QLatin1String("name"), QLatin1String("<invalid name>"))); } } return ret; }
void Xaman::listToPlaylist(int index) { //Enviar toda la lista predefinida a la reproduccion actual QDomDocument playlist; QFile file (QDir::currentPath() + "/PlayList/ListasdeReproduccion.xml"); if(! | QIODevice::Text)){ //return -1; }else{ if(!playlist.setContent(&file)){ //return -1; } file.close(); } QDomElement root = playlist.firstChildElement(); QDomNodeList items= root.elementsByTagName("List"); QDomNode itm =; QDomNodeList child = itm.childNodes(); //SE obtienen los item de la lista y se recorren de manera individual for (int i = 0; i<child.count(); i++){ QDomNode node =; if(node.isElement()){ QDomElement element = node.toElement(); //Se inserta el item en la lista actual de reproduccion ui->widget->player->playlist()->addMedia(QUrl::fromLocalFile(element.attribute("href"))); if(ui->widget->player->playlist()->isEmpty()){ ui->widget->player->play(); ui->widget->player->pause(); } } } }
void parseNode(QDomNode &node,QMap<QString, QString> *retmap) { if (node.isNull() || !node.isElement()) { return; } QDomElement elem = node.toElement(); if(node.firstChild().isElement()) { QDomNodeList children=node.childNodes(); int c=children.count(); for(int i=0;i<c;i++) { QDomNode cn=children.item(i); parseNode(cn,retmap); } return; } QString tagname=node.toElement().tagName(); int pos=tagname.indexOf(":"); if(pos >=0) { tagname=tagname.right(tagname.length() - pos - 1); } retmap->insert(tagname,node.toElement().text()); }
QDomNodeList QDomNodeProto:: childNodes() const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->childNodes(); return QDomNodeList(); }
KReportItemCheckBox::KReportItemCheckBox(const QDomNode &element) { createProperties(); QDomNodeList nl = element.childNodes(); QString n; QDomNode node; nameProperty()->setValue(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:name"))); m_controlSource->setValue(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:item-data-source"))); setZ(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:z-index")).toDouble()); m_foregroundColor->setValue(QColor(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("fo:foreground-color")))); m_checkStyle->setValue(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:check-style"))); m_staticValue->setValue(QVariant(element.toElement().attribute(QLatin1String("report:value"))).toBool()); parseReportRect(element.toElement()); for (int i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++) { node = nl.item(i); n = node.nodeName(); if (n == QLatin1String("report:line-style")) { KReportLineStyle ls; if (parseReportLineStyleData(node.toElement(), &ls)) { m_lineWeight->setValue(ls.width()); m_lineColor->setValue(ls.color()); m_lineStyle->setValue(QPen(ls.penStyle())); } } else { kreportpluginWarning() << "while parsing check element encountered unknow element: " << n; } } }
void ViElement::fromDom(QDomNode &dom) { setName(dom.toElement().tagName()); QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = dom.attributes(); for(int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); ++i) { addAttribute(ViAttribute(attributes.item(i).nodeName(), attributes.item(i).nodeValue())); } QDomNodeList children = dom.childNodes(); if(children.size() > 0) { for(int i = 0; i < children.size(); ++i) { if(children.item(i).isText()) { setValue(children.item(i).nodeValue()); } else { ViElement child; QDomNode node = children.item(i); child.fromDom(node); addChild(child); } } } else { setValue(dom.nodeValue()); } }
void ReportSection::initFromXML(QDomNode & section) { QDomNodeList nl = section.childNodes(); QDomNode node; QString n; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++) { node = nl.item(i); n = node.nodeName(); if(n == "height") { double h = node.firstChild().nodeValue().toDouble() / 100.0; h *= dpiY; canvas->resize(canvas->width(),(int)h); } else if(n == "label") { (new ReportEntityLabel(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "field") { (new ReportEntityField(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "text") { (new ReportEntityText(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "line") { (new ReportEntityLine(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "barcode") { (new ReportEntityBarcode(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "image") { (new ReportEntityImage(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "graph") { (new ReportEntityGraph(node, canvasview->document(), canvas))->setVisible(TRUE); } else if(n == "key" || n == "firstpage" || n == "lastpage" || n == "odd" || n == "even") { // these are all handled elsewhere but we don't want to show errors // because they are expected sometimes } else { qDebug("Encountered unknown node while parsing section: %s", n.latin1()); } } }
QString TextFormatter::getFormattedSection(QDomNode sectionNode) { QDomNodeList itemChildNodes = sectionNode.childNodes(); QString formattedSection = ""; for(int i = 0; i < itemChildNodes.length(); i++) { QDomNode currentNode =; QString nodeName = currentNode.nodeName(); if("header") == 0) { formattedSection += getFormattedHeader(currentNode); } else if("description") == 0) { formattedSection += getFormattedDescription(currentNode); } else if("list") == 0) { formattedSection += getFormattedList(currentNode); } } formattedSection.append("<br/>"); return formattedSection; }
KoReportItemMaps::KoReportItemMaps(QDomNode & element) { myDebug() << "======" << this; createProperties(); QDomNodeList nl = element.childNodes(); QString n; QDomNode node; m_name->setValue(element.toElement().attribute("report:name")); m_controlSource->setValue(element.toElement().attribute("report:item-data-source")); //m_resizeMode->setValue(element.toElement().attribute("report:resize-mode", "stretch")); Z = element.toElement().attribute("report:z-index").toDouble(); parseReportRect(element.toElement(), &m_pos, &m_size); myDebug() << "====== childgren:"; for (int i = 0; i < nl.count(); i++) { node = nl.item(i); n = node.nodeName(); // if (n == "report:Maps-data") { // // setInlineImageData(node.firstChild().nodeValue().toLatin1()); // } else { kDebug() << "====== while parsing image element encountered unknow element: " << n; // } } m_mapImage = new QImage(m_size.toScene().toSize(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); m_mapImage->fill(QColor(200, 150, 5).rgb()); }