bool TestBaseLine::isDeepEqual(const QDomNode &n1, const QDomNode &n2) { if(n1.nodeType() != n2.nodeType()) return false; switch(n1.nodeType()) { case QDomNode::CommentNode: /* Fallthrough. */ case QDomNode::TextNode: { return static_cast<const QDomCharacterData &>(n1).data() == static_cast<const QDomCharacterData &>(n2).data(); } case QDomNode::ProcessingInstructionNode: { return n1.nodeName() == n2.nodeName() && n1.nodeValue() == n2.nodeValue(); } case QDomNode::DocumentNode: return isChildrenDeepEqual(n1.childNodes(), n2.childNodes()); case QDomNode::ElementNode: { return n1.localName() == n2.localName() && n1.namespaceURI() == n2.namespaceURI() && n1.nodeName() == n2.nodeName() && /* Yes, this one is needed in addition to localName(). */ isAttributesEqual(n1.attributes(), n2.attributes()) && isChildrenDeepEqual(n1.childNodes(), n2.childNodes()); } /* Fallthrough all these. */ case QDomNode::EntityReferenceNode: case QDomNode::CDATASectionNode: case QDomNode::EntityNode: case QDomNode::DocumentTypeNode: case QDomNode::DocumentFragmentNode: case QDomNode::NotationNode: case QDomNode::BaseNode: case QDomNode::CharacterDataNode: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "An unsupported node type was encountered."); return false; } case QDomNode::AttributeNode: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "This should never happen. QDom doesn't allow us to compare DOM attributes " "properly."); return false; } default: { Q_ASSERT_X(false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Unhandled QDom::NodeType value."); return false; } } }
void KScoringManager::createInternalFromXML( QDomNode n ) { static KScoringRule *cR = 0; // the currentRule // the XML file was parsed and now we simply traverse the resulting tree if ( !n.isNull() ) { kDebug(5100) <<"inspecting node of type" << n.nodeType() << "named" << n.toElement().tagName(); switch ( n.nodeType() ) { case QDomNode::DocumentNode: { // the document itself break; } case QDomNode::ElementNode: { // Server, Newsgroup, Rule, Expression, Action QDomElement e = n.toElement(); QString s = e.tagName(); if ( s == "Rule" ) { cR = new KScoringRule( e.attribute( "name" ) ); cR->setLinkMode( e.attribute( "linkmode" ) ); cR->setExpire( e.attribute( "expires" ) ); addRuleInternal( cR ); } else if ( s == "Group" ) { Q_CHECK_PTR( cR ); cR->addGroup( e.attribute( "name" ) ); } else if ( s == "Expression" ) { cR->addExpression( new KScoringExpression( e.attribute( "header" ), e.attribute( "type" ), e.attribute( "expr" ), e.attribute( "neg" ) ) ); } else if ( s == "Action" ) { Q_CHECK_PTR( cR ); cR->addAction( ActionBase::getTypeForName( e.attribute( "type" ) ), e.attribute( "value" ) ); } break; } default: ; } QDomNodeList nodelist = n.childNodes(); int cnt = nodelist.count(); for ( int i=0; i<cnt; ++i ) { createInternalFromXML( nodelist.item( i ) ); } } }
PackageMetainfo PackageMetainfo::fromXML(const QByteArray& data){ QDomDocument dom; dom.setContent(data); QDomElement eleInfo = dom.documentElement(); QDomNodeList nodeList = eleInfo.childNodes(); PackageMetainfo info; for(int i=0;i<nodeList.count();++i){ QDomNode node =; qDebug()<<"name : "<<node.nodeName() <<" type: "<<node.nodeType() <<" text: "<<node.toElement().text(); if(node.nodeName() == "gameid"){ info.setGameId(node.toElement().text().toInt()); }else if(node.nodeName() == "name"){ info.setName(node.toElement().text()); }else if(node.nodeName() == "version"){ info.setVersion(node.toElement().text()); }else if(node.nodeName() == "author"){ info.setAuthor(node.toElement().text()); }else if(node.nodeName() == "organization"){ info.setOrganization(node.toElement().text()); }else if(node.nodeName() == "introduction"){ info.setIntroduction(node.toElement().text()); }else if(node.nodeName() == "os"){ info.setOsStr(node.toElement().text()); }else if(node.nodeName() == "runfilepath"){ info.setRunFilePath(node.toElement().text()); } } return info; }
void InternetServerPlatform::readVariables( QDomNode node ) { Logging::logInfo( this, "readVariables()" ); if( node.isNull() ) return; QDomNode variable = node.firstChild(); while( false == variable.isNull() ) { if( QDomNode::CommentNode != variable.nodeType() ) { QString variableName = variable.nodeName(); if( _variableList.contains(variableName) ) continue; QString variableValue = variable.attributes().namedItem("value").nodeValue(); replaceVariables( variableValue ); _variableList.insert( variableName, variableValue ); Logging::logInfo( this, QString("%1 = %2").arg(variableName).arg(variableValue) ); variable = variable.nextSibling(); } } }
int QDomNodeProto::nodeType() const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->nodeType(); return 0; }
CContextMenuConfig* CConfiguration::createContextMenuEntry(const QString& nodeName, const QDomElement& element) { QString itemName; QString commandLine; QDomNode currentNode = element.firstChild(); while(!currentNode.isNull()) { if(QDomNode::ElementNode == currentNode.nodeType()) { if(currentNode.toElement().tagName() == QString(g_CMDTag)) { commandLine = currentNode.toElement().text(); } else if(currentNode.toElement().tagName() == QString(g_NameTag)) { itemName = currentNode.toElement().text(); } else { QMessageBox::critical(0, "Error!", "Found unknown tag in config file: " + currentNode.toElement().tagName()); } } currentNode = currentNode.nextSibling(); } CContextMenuConfig* node = new CContextMenuConfig(m_CanvasWidget, nodeName, itemName, commandLine); return node; }
QString getTextFromNode(QDomNode* nodePtr) { QDomNode childNode = nodePtr->firstChild(); while (!childNode.isNull()) { if (childNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) { return childNode.toText().data().trimmed(); } childNode = childNode.nextSibling(); } return ""; }
void DomParser::_parseEntry(const QDomElement &element, int &l) { if(ready2Parse==FALSE) return; QDomNode node = element.firstChild(); // Block: only save *complete* o-t pairs // Drawback: o must be the first element of e. Is that a problem? We'll see. if (node.toElement().tagName() == "o") { QDomNode c = node.firstChild(); if (c.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) { l++; } } while (!node.isNull()) { if (node.toElement().tagName() == "e") { _parseEntry(node.toElement(), l); } else if (node.toElement().tagName() == "o") { QDomNode childNode = node.firstChild(); while (!childNode.isNull()) { if (childNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) { iTitles[l] = QString(childNode.toText().data()); break; } childNode = childNode.nextSibling(); } } else if (node.toElement().tagName() == "t") { QDomNode childNode = node.firstChild(); while (!childNode.isNull()) { if (childNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode && !iTitles[l].isEmpty()) { iTexts[l] = QString(childNode.toText().data()); break; } childNode = childNode.nextSibling(); } } node = node.nextSibling(); } }
/** * @brief XmlEditWidgetPrivate::findDomNodeScan find the nearest match to a position * @param node * @param nodeTarget * @param lineSearched * @param columnSearched * @param lastKnownNode: last known "good" position * @return */ bool XmlEditWidgetPrivate::findDomNodeScan(QDomNode node, QDomNode nodeTarget, const int lineSearched, const int columnSearched, FindNodeWithLocationInfo &info) { int row = node.lineNumber(); int col = node.columnNumber(); if(!node.isDocument()) { if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched == col)) { info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ; return true ; } if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched == col)) { info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ; return true ; } if((lineSearched == row) && (columnSearched < col)) { info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ; return true ; } if((lineSearched < row)) { info.matchedNode = nodeTarget ; return true ; } if((lineSearched <= row)) { info.lastKnownNode = nodeTarget ; } if(node.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) { QDomElement element = node.toElement(); QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = element.attributes(); int numAttrs = attributes.length(); for(int i = 0 ; i < numAttrs ; i++) { QDomNode node = attributes.item(i); QDomAttr attr = node.toAttr(); if(findDomNodeScan(attr, nodeTarget, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) { return true; } } // for } } int nodes = node.childNodes().count(); for(int i = 0 ; i < nodes ; i ++) { QDomNode childNode = node.childNodes().item(i) ; if(childNode.isText() || childNode.isCDATASection()) { if(findDomNodeScan(childNode, nodeTarget, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) { return true; } } else { if(findDomNodeScan(childNode, childNode, lineSearched, columnSearched, info)) { return true ; } } } return false ; }
void TreeModel::recursiveRead(QDomNode dNode, TreeItem *item) { do { int totalOfChilds = dNode.childNodes().size(); if (dNode.nodeType() != QDomNode::CommentNode) { if (totalOfChilds == 0) { if (dNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) item->setValue(dNode.nodeValue()); else { TreeItem *subItem = new TreeItem(dNode.nodeName()); for (int i = 0; i < dNode.attributes().size(); i++) subItem->addAttribute(dNode.attributes().item(i).nodeName(), dNode.attributes().item(i).nodeValue()); item->appendRow(subItem); } } else { TreeItem *item2 = new TreeItem(dNode.nodeName()); for (int i = 0; i < dNode.attributes().size(); i++) item->addAttribute(dNode.attributes().item(i).nodeName(), dNode.attributes().item(i).nodeValue()); for (int i = 0; i < totalOfChilds; i++) if (dNode.childNodes().size() > 0 and i == 0) recursiveRead(dNode.childNodes().at(i), item2); item->appendRow(item2); } } dNode = dNode.nextSibling(); } while (!dNode.isNull()); }
void Xml::htmlToString(QDomElement e, int level, QString* s) { *s += QString("<%1").arg(e.tagName()); QDomNamedNodeMap map = e.attributes(); int n = map.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { QDomAttr a = map.item(i).toAttr(); *s += QString(" %1=\"%2\"").arg(; } *s += ">"; ++level; for (QDomNode ee = e.firstChild(); !ee.isNull(); ee = ee.nextSibling()) { if (ee.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) htmlToString(ee.toElement(), level, s); else if (ee.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) *s += Qt::escape(ee.toText().data()); } *s += QString("</%1>").arg(e.tagName()); --level; }
void Platform::processNode(const QDomNode &node) { if (node.isNull()) return; // vc_dbg << "Node Name: " << node.nodeName(); // vc_dbg << "Node type: " << node.nodeType(); if (node.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) processNodeAttributes(node.toElement()); }
QString QDomNodeProto::toString() const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return QString("[QDomNode(%1=%2, %3, %4)]") .arg(item->nodeName()) .arg(item->nodeValue()) .arg(item->nodeType()) .arg(item->hasChildNodes() ? "has children" : "leaf node"); return QString("[QDomNode(unknown)]"); }
void QtXmlWrapper::getparstr(const std::string &name, char *par, int maxstrlen) const { ZERO(par, maxstrlen); QDomNode tmp = findElement( d->m_node, "string", "name", name.c_str() ); if( tmp.isNull() || !tmp.hasChildNodes() ) { return; } tmp = tmp.firstChild(); if( tmp.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode ) { snprintf(par, maxstrlen, "%s", tmp.toElement().tagName().toUtf8().constData() ); return; } if( tmp.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode ) { snprintf(par, maxstrlen, "%s", tmp.toText().data().toUtf8().constData() ); return; } }
std::string QtXmlWrapper::getparstr(const std::string &name, const std::string &defaultpar) const { QDomNode tmp = findElement( d->m_node, "string", "name", name.c_str() ); if( tmp.isNull() || !tmp.hasChildNodes() ) { return defaultpar; } tmp = tmp.firstChild(); if( tmp.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode && !tmp.toElement().tagName().isEmpty() ) { return tmp.toElement().tagName().toUtf8().constData(); } if( tmp.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode && !tmp.toText().data().isEmpty() ) { return tmp.toText().data().toUtf8().constData(); } return defaultpar; }
void SvgView::updateField(QDomNode &e, QString tag, QString value) { if ( e.nodeType() == QDomNode::TextNode) { if (e.nodeValue() == tag) e.setNodeValue(value); } else { for(QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) updateField(n, tag, value); } }
void ItemDefinitionGroup::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &nodeElement) { // process attributes QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = nodeElement.attributes(); QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(0); if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) { QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr(); if ( == QLatin1String("Condition")) m_condition = domElement.value(); } }
/** Sets the layout attributes for the given report section */ void MReportEngine::setSectionAttributes(MReportSection *section, QDomNode *report) { // Get the attributes for the section QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = report->attributes(); // Get the section attributes section->setHeight(attributes.namedItem("Height").nodeValue().toInt()); section->setPrintFrequency(attributes.namedItem("PrintFrequency").nodeValue().toInt()); if (attributes.contains("SectionId")) section->setIdSec(attributes.namedItem("SectionId").nodeValue().toUInt()); // Process the sections labels QDomNodeList children = report->childNodes(); int childCount = children.length(); // For each label, extract the attr list and add the new label // to the sections's label collection for (int j = 0; j < childCount; j++) { QDomNode child = children.item(j); if (child.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) { if (child.nodeName() == "Line") { QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = child.attributes(); MLineObject *line = new MLineObject(); setLineAttributes(line, &attributes); section->addLine(line); } else if (child.nodeName() == "Label") { QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = child.attributes(); MLabelObject *label = new MLabelObject(); setLabelAttributes(label, &attributes); section->addLabel(label); } else if (child.nodeName() == "Special") { QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = child.attributes(); MSpecialObject *field = new MSpecialObject(); setSpecialAttributes(field, &attributes); section->addSpecialField(field); } else if (child.nodeName() == "CalculatedField") { QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = child.attributes(); MCalcObject *field = new MCalcObject(); setCalculatedFieldAttributes(field, &attributes); section->addCalculatedField(field); } } } }
void DebuggerTool::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &element) { QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = element.attributes(); for (int i = 0; i < namedNodeMap.size(); ++i) { QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(i); if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) { QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr(); m_anyAttribute.insert(, domElement.value()); // vc_dbg << "Any AttributeNode: name: " << << " value: " << domElement.value(); } } }
void OnError::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &nodeElement) { // process attributes QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = nodeElement.attributes(); QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(0); if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) { QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr(); if ( == QLatin1String("Condition")) m_condition = domElement.value(); else if ( == QLatin1String("ExecuteTargets")) m_executeTargets = domElement.value().split(QLatin1Char(';')); } }
void Platform::processNodeAttributes(const QDomElement &element) { QDomNamedNodeMap namedNodeMap = element.attributes(); if (namedNodeMap.size() == 1) { QDomNode domNode = namedNodeMap.item(0); if (domNode.nodeType() == QDomNode::AttributeNode) { QDomAttr domElement = domNode.toAttr(); if ( == QString("Name")) { m_name = domElement.value(); // vc_dbg << "AttributeNode: name: " << << " value: " << domElement.value(); } } } }
void AssemblyReference_Private::processNode(const QDomNode &node) { if (node.isNull()) return; // vc_dbg << "Node Name: " << node.nodeName(); // vc_dbg << "Node type: " << node.nodeType(); if (node.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) processNodeAttributes(node.toElement()); if (node.hasChildNodes()) { QDomNode firstChild = node.firstChild(); if (!firstChild.isNull()) processReferenceConfig(firstChild); } }
bool InternetServerPlatform::readSockets( QDomNode node ) { Logging::logInfo( this, "readSockets()" ); if( node.isNull() ) return false; QString applicationPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(); QDomNode socket = IspComponents::Dom::getChildNodeByName( node, "socket" ); while( false == socket.isNull() ) { if( QDomNode::CommentNode != socket.nodeType() ) { SocketSettings* socketSettings = new SocketSettings(); // read the logfile read on socketSettings->_on = socket.attributes().namedItem( "on" ).nodeValue(); // read the daemon socketSettings->_daemon = socket.attributes().namedItem( "daemon" ).nodeValue(); socketSettings->_daemon = socketSettings->_daemon.startsWith("/") ? socketSettings->_daemon : QString( "%1/%2" ).arg( applicationPath ).arg( socketSettings->_daemon ); // read the logfile QDomNode logFile = IspComponents::Dom::getChildNodeByName( socket, "logFile" ); socketSettings->_logFile = logFile.attributes().namedItem("value").nodeValue(); socketSettings->_logFile = socketSettings->_logFile.startsWith("/") ? socketSettings->_logFile : QString( "%1/%2" ).arg( applicationPath ).arg( socketSettings->_logFile ); // read the block-from QDomNode blockFrom = IspComponents::Dom::getChildNodeByName( socket, "blockFrom" ); readBlockFrom( blockFrom, socketSettings->_blockFrom ); _socketSettingsList.append( socketSettings ); } socket = socket.nextSibling(); } return true; }
void mafPluginConfigurator::parseDocument(QDomNode current) { mafEventBus::mafEventArgumentsList argList; mafCore::mafPluggedObjectsHash pluginHash; QByteArray ba = current.nodeName().toAscii(); char *name =; QDomNodeList dnl = current.childNodes(); for (int n=0; n < dnl.count(); ++n) { QDomNode node = dnl.item(n); if (node.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) { QDomElement ce = node.toElement(); QDomNamedNodeMap attributes = ce.attributes(); QString elem_name = ce.tagName(); if (elem_name == "plug") { QString label = attributes.namedItem("label").nodeValue(); QString classType = attributes.namedItem("classtype").nodeValue(); QString baseClass = attributes.namedItem("baseclass").nodeValue(); mafCore::mafPluggedObjectInformation plugInfo(label, classType); pluginHash.insertMulti(baseClass, plugInfo); } else if (elem_name == "codec") { argList.clear(); QString encodeType = attributes.namedItem("encodetype").nodeValue(); QString codec = attributes.namedItem("classtype").nodeValue(); argList.append(mafEventArgument(QString, encodeType)); argList.append(mafEventArgument(QString, codec)); mafEventBusManager::instance()->notifyEvent("maf.local.serialization.plugCodec", mafEventTypeLocal, &argList); } else if (elem_name == "serializer") { argList.clear(); QString schemaType = attributes.namedItem("schematype").nodeValue(); QString serializer = attributes.namedItem("classtype").nodeValue(); argList.append(mafEventArgument(QString, schemaType)); argList.append(mafEventArgument(QString, serializer)); mafEventBusManager::instance()->notifyEvent("maf.local.serialization.plugSerializer", mafEventTypeLocal, &argList); } else { qWarning() << mafTr("Unrecognized element named: ") << elem_name; } } } if (pluginHash.size() != 0) { argList.clear(); argList.append(mafEventArgument(mafCore::mafPluggedObjectsHash, pluginHash)); mafEventBusManager::instance()->notifyEvent("maf.local.resources.plugin.registerLibrary", mafEventTypeLocal, &argList); } }
/** * Removes all QDomComment objects from the specified node and all its children. */ static void removeDOMComments( QDomNode &node ) { QDomNode n = node.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { if ( n.nodeType() == QDomNode::CommentNode ) { QDomNode tmp = n; n = n.nextSibling(); node.removeChild( tmp ); } else { QDomNode tmp = n; n = n.nextSibling(); removeDOMComments( tmp ); } } }
bool Configurator::loadSection( QDomNode section ) { // make some checks if( false == section.hasChildNodes() ) return false; if( section.nodeName() != c_sectionNodeName ) return false; QDomNamedNodeMap sectionAttributes = section.attributes(); if( false == sectionAttributes.contains(c_attributeName) ) return false; if( false == sectionAttributes.contains(c_attributeText) ) return false; // we have all the attribbutes for this section, now build it usign GUI controls QString sectionName = sectionAttributes.namedItem(c_attributeName).nodeValue(); QString sectionText = sectionAttributes.namedItem(c_attributeText).nodeValue(); // build the UI QListWidget* listWidget = new QListWidget(); listWidget->setObjectName( sectionName ); listWidget->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows ); connect( listWidget, SIGNAL (currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*,QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT (currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*,QListWidgetItem*)) ); _sections->addItem( listWidget, sectionText ); // adding items for this section QDomNode sectionItem = section.firstChild(); while( false == sectionItem.isNull() ) { if( QDomNode::CommentNode != section.nodeType() ) if( false == loadSectionItem(sectionItem,*listWidget) ) return false; sectionItem = sectionItem.nextSibling(); } return true; }
bool Configurator::loadSettingsFile() { // check if we can read the file QFile configurationFile( _configurationFileName ); if( false == ) return false; // loading settings file into memory if( false == _domDocument.setContent(&configurationFile) ) { configurationFile.close(); return false; } configurationFile.close(); // validating the root node QDomNode configurator = _domDocument.documentElement(); if( configurator.isNull() ) return false; if( configurator.nodeName() != c_configuratorNodeName ) return false; if( false == configurator.hasChildNodes() ) return false; // set title text QDomNamedNodeMap configuratorAttributes = configurator.attributes(); setWindowTitle( configuratorAttributes.namedItem(c_attributeTitleText).nodeValue() ); // validating and adding the sections nodes QDomNode section = configurator.firstChild(); while( false == section.isNull() ) { if( QDomNode::CommentNode != section.nodeType() ) if( false == loadSection(section) ) return false; section = section.nextSibling(); } return true; }
bool StylePersistence::collectIds(VStyle *style, QDomNodeList &nodes) { bool isOk = true ; int nodi = nodes.count(); for(int i = 0 ; i < nodi ; i ++) { QDomNode childNode = nodes.item(i) ; D(printf("K1 trovato %d %s=%s\n", childNode.nodeType(), childNode.nodeName().toAscii().data(), childNode.nodeValue().toAscii().data())); if(childNode.isElement()) { QDomElement element = childNode.toElement(); if(IDATTRS_TAGNAME == element.tagName()) { if(!collectAnId(style, &element)) { isOk = false; } } } } return isOk ; } // collectIds
bool StylePersistence::collectStyles(VStyle *style, QDomNodeList &nodes) { bool isOk = true ; int nodi = nodes.count(); for(int i = 0 ; i < nodi ; i ++) { QDomNode childNode = nodes.item(i) ; D(printf("K1 trovato %d %s=%s\n", childNode.nodeType(), childNode.nodeName().toAscii().data(), childNode.nodeValue().toAscii().data())); if(childNode.isElement()) { QDomElement element = childNode.toElement(); if(STYLE_TAGNAME == element.tagName()) { if(!collectAStyle(style, &element)) { isOk = false; } } else if(STYLE_TAGDEFAULT == element.tagName()) { collectDefault(style, element.childNodes()); }// default } } return isOk ; } // collectStyles
void Filter::processNode(const QDomNode &node) { if (node.isNull()) return; // vc_dbg << "Node Name: " << node.nodeName(); // vc_dbg << "Node type: " << node.nodeType(); if (node.nodeType() == QDomNode::ElementNode) processNodeAttributes(node.toElement()); if (node.hasChildNodes()) { QDomNode firstChild = node.firstChild(); if (!firstChild.isNull()) { if (firstChild.nodeName() == QString("Filter")) processFilter(firstChild); else if (firstChild.nodeName() == QString("File")) processFile(firstChild); } } }