Пример #1
bool QgsTransectSample::closestSegmentPoints( const QgsGeometry& g1, const QgsGeometry& g2, double& dist, QgsPoint& pt1, QgsPoint& pt2 )
  QgsWkbTypes::Type t1 = g1.wkbType();
  if ( t1 != QgsWkbTypes::LineString && t1 != QgsWkbTypes::LineString25D )
    return false;

  QgsWkbTypes::Type t2 = g2.wkbType();
  if ( t2 != QgsWkbTypes::LineString && t2 != QgsWkbTypes::LineString25D )
    return false;

  QgsPolyline pl1 = g1.asPolyline();
  QgsPolyline pl2 = g2.asPolyline();

  if ( pl1.size() < 2 || pl2.size() < 2 )
    return false;

  QgsPoint p11 = pl1.at( 0 );
  QgsPoint p12 = pl1.at( 1 );
  QgsPoint p21 = pl2.at( 0 );
  QgsPoint p22 = pl2.at( 1 );

  double p1x = p11.x();
  double p1y = p11.y();
  double v1x = p12.x() - p11.x();
  double v1y = p12.y() - p11.y();
  double p2x = p21.x();
  double p2y = p21.y();
  double v2x = p22.x() - p21.x();
  double v2y = p22.y() - p21.y();

  double denominatorU = v2x * v1y - v2y * v1x;
  double denominatorT = v1x * v2y - v1y * v2x;

  if ( qgsDoubleNear( denominatorU, 0 ) || qgsDoubleNear( denominatorT, 0 ) )
    //lines are parallel
    //project all points on the other segment and take the one with the smallest distance
    QgsPoint minDistPoint1;
    double d1 = p11.sqrDistToSegment( p21.x(), p21.y(), p22.x(), p22.y(), minDistPoint1 );
    QgsPoint minDistPoint2;
    double d2 = p12.sqrDistToSegment( p21.x(), p21.y(), p22.x(), p22.y(), minDistPoint2 );
    QgsPoint minDistPoint3;
    double d3 = p21.sqrDistToSegment( p11.x(), p11.y(), p12.x(), p12.y(), minDistPoint3 );
    QgsPoint minDistPoint4;
    double d4 = p22.sqrDistToSegment( p11.x(), p11.y(), p12.x(), p12.y(), minDistPoint4 );

    if ( d1 <= d2 && d1 <= d3 && d1 <= d4 )
      dist = sqrt( d1 );
      pt1 = p11;
      pt2 = minDistPoint1;
      return true;
    else if ( d2 <= d1 && d2 <= d3 && d2 <= d4 )
      dist = sqrt( d2 );
      pt1 = p12;
      pt2 = minDistPoint2;
      return true;
    else if ( d3 <= d1 && d3 <= d2 && d3 <= d4 )
      dist = sqrt( d3 );
      pt1 = p21;
      pt2 = minDistPoint3;
      return true;
      dist = sqrt( d4 );
      pt1 = p21;
      pt2 = minDistPoint4;
      return true;

  double u = ( p1x * v1y - p1y * v1x - p2x * v1y + p2y * v1x ) / denominatorU;
  double t = ( p2x * v2y - p2y * v2x - p1x * v2y + p1y * v2x ) / denominatorT;

  if ( u >= 0 && u <= 1.0 && t >= 0 && t <= 1.0 )
    dist = 0;
    pt1.setX( p2x + u * v2x );
    pt1.setY( p2y + u * v2y );
    pt2 = pt1;
    dist = 0;
    return true;

  if ( t > 1.0 )
    pt1.setX( p12.x() );
    pt1.setY( p12.y() );
  else if ( t < 0.0 )
    pt1.setX( p11.x() );
    pt1.setY( p11.y() );
  if ( u > 1.0 )
    pt2.setX( p22.x() );
    pt2.setY( p22.y() );
  if ( u < 0.0 )
    pt2.setX( p21.x() );
    pt2.setY( p21.y() );
  if ( t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0 )
    //project pt2 onto g1
    pt2.sqrDistToSegment( p11.x(), p11.y(), p12.x(), p12.y(), pt1 );
  if ( u >= 0.0 && u <= 1.0 )
    //project pt1 onto g2
    pt1.sqrDistToSegment( p21.x(), p21.y(), p22.x(), p22.y(), pt2 );

  dist = sqrt( pt1.sqrDist( pt2 ) );
  return true;