Пример #1
void VectorPlot::setupPlot(const QwtDoubleRect &rect) {
	QwtScaleDiv *hDiv = plot->axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::xBottom);
	QwtScaleDiv *vDiv = plot->axisScaleDiv(QwtPlot::yLeft);
// In earlier qwt version some member function names are different from newer version
#if QWT_VERSION <= 0x050101
	double lLimit = std::min(hDiv->lBound(), rect.left());
	double rLimit = std::max(hDiv->hBound(), rect.right());
	double bLimit = std::min(vDiv->lBound(), rect.bottom());
	double tLimit = std::max(vDiv->hBound(), rect.top());
	double lLimit = std::min(hDiv->lowerBound(), rect.left());
	double rLimit = std::max(hDiv->upperBound(), rect.right());
	double bLimit = std::min(vDiv->lowerBound(), rect.bottom());
	double tLimit = std::max(vDiv->upperBound(), rect.top());
	plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, lLimit, rLimit);
	plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, bLimit, tLimit);

	double xMargin = plot->invTransform(QwtPlot::xBottom, plot->margin());
	double yMargin = plot->invTransform(QwtPlot::yLeft, plot->margin());
	mBoundingRect = QwtDoubleRect(QwtDoublePoint(lLimit - xMargin, tLimit + yMargin),
								  QwtDoublePoint(rLimit + xMargin, bLimit - yMargin));

	qDebug() << "xMargin:" << xMargin;
	qDebug() << "yMargin:" << yMargin;
	qDebug() << "mBoundingRect:" << mBoundingRect;
//	mBoundingRect = rect;
Пример #2
void Spectrogram::showColorScale(int axis, bool on)
  if (hasColorScale() == on && color_axis == axis)

  QwtPlot *plot = this->plot();
  if (!plot)

  QwtScaleWidget *colorAxis = plot->axisWidget(color_axis);

  color_axis = axis;

  // We must switch main and the color scale axes and their respective scales
  int xAxis = this->xAxis();
  int yAxis = this->yAxis();
  int oldMainAxis = yAxis;
  if (axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::xTop)
    oldMainAxis = xAxis;
    xAxis = 5 - color_axis;
  else if (axis == QwtPlot::yLeft || axis == QwtPlot::yRight)
    oldMainAxis = yAxis;
    yAxis = 1 - color_axis;

  // First we switch axes
  setAxis(xAxis, yAxis);

  // Next we switch axes scales
  QwtScaleDiv *scDiv = plot->axisScaleDiv(oldMainAxis);
  if (axis == QwtPlot::xBottom || axis == QwtPlot::xTop)
    plot->setAxisScale(xAxis, scDiv->lBound(), scDiv->hBound());
  else if (axis == QwtPlot::yLeft || color_axis == QwtPlot::yRight)
    plot->setAxisScale(yAxis, scDiv->lBound(), scDiv->hBound());

  colorAxis = plot->axisWidget(color_axis);
  plot->setAxisScale(color_axis, data().range().minValue(), data().range().maxValue());
  colorAxis->setColorMap(data().range(), colorMap());
  if (!plot->axisEnabled(color_axis))
Пример #3
  * Set the scale of the horizontal axis
  * @param from :: Minimum value
  * @param to :: Maximum value
void OneCurvePlot::setXScale(double from, double to)
  QFontMetrics fm(axisFont(QwtPlot::xBottom));
  int n = from != 0.0 ? abs(static_cast<int>(floor(log10(fabs(from))))) : 0;
  int n1 = to != 0.0 ? abs(static_cast<int>(floor(log10(fabs(to))))) : 0;
  if (n1 > n) n = n1;
  n += 4;
  // approxiamte width of a tick label in pixels
  int labelWidth = n * fm.width("0");
  // calculate number of major ticks
  int nMajorTicks = this->width() / labelWidth;
  if ( nMajorTicks > 6 ) nMajorTicks = 6;
  // try creating a scale
  const QwtScaleDiv div = axisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::xBottom)->divideScale(from,to,nMajorTicks,nMajorTicks);
  // Major ticks are placed at round numbers so the first or last tick could be missing making
  // scale look ugly. Trying to fix it if possible
  bool rescaled = false;
  // get actual tick positions
  const QwtValueList& ticks = div.ticks(QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick);
  if (!ticks.empty() && ticks.size() < nMajorTicks)
    // how much first tick is shifted from the lower bound
    double firstShift = ticks.front() - div.lBound();
    // how much last tick is shifted from the upper bound
    double lastShift = div.hBound() - ticks.back();
    // range of the scale
    double range = fabs(div.hBound() - div.lBound());
    // we say that 1st tick is missing if first tick is father away from its end of the scale
    // than the last tick is from its end
    bool isFirstMissing =  fabs(firstShift) > fabs(lastShift) ;
    // if first tick is missing
    if (isFirstMissing)
      // distance between nearest major ticks
      double tickSize = 0;
      if (ticks.size() == 1)
        // guess the tick size in case of only one visible
        double tickLog = log10(firstShift);
        tickLog = tickLog > 0 ? ceil(tickLog) : floor(tickLog);
        tickSize = pow(10.,tickLog);
      else if (ticks.size() > 1)
        // take the difference between the two first ticks
        tickSize = ticks[1] - ticks[0];
      // claculate how much lower bound must be moved to make the missing tick visible
      double shift = (ticks.front() - tickSize) - from;
      // if the shift is not very big rescale the axis
      if (fabs(shift/range) < 0.1)
        from += shift;
        const QwtScaleDiv updatedDiv = axisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::xBottom)->divideScale(from,to,nMajorTicks,nMajorTicks);
        rescaled = true;
    else // last tick is missing
      // distance between nearest major ticks
      double tickSize = 0;
      if (ticks.size() == 1)
        // guess the tick size in case of only one visible
        double tickLog = log10(lastShift);
        tickLog = tickLog > 0 ? ceil(tickLog) : floor(tickLog);
        tickSize = pow(10.,tickLog);
      else if (ticks.size() > 1)
        // take the difference between the two first ticks
        tickSize = ticks[1] - ticks[0];
      // claculate how much upper bound must be moved to make the missing tick visible
      double shift = (ticks.back() + tickSize) - to;
      // if the shift is not very big rescale the axis
      if (fabs(shift/range) < 0.1)
        to += shift;
        const QwtScaleDiv updatedDiv = axisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::xBottom)->divideScale(from,to,nMajorTicks,nMajorTicks);
        rescaled = true;

  if (!rescaled)
Пример #4
void QwtPolarGrid::updateScaleDiv( const QwtScaleDiv &azimuthScaleDiv,
                                   const QwtScaleDiv &radialScaleDiv, const QwtDoubleInterval &interval )
  GridData &radialGrid = d_data->gridData[QwtPolar::Radius];

  const QwtPolarPlot *plt = plot();
  if ( plt && testGridAttribute( AutoScaling ) )
    const QwtScaleEngine *se = plt->scaleEngine( QwtPolar::Radius );
    radialGrid.scaleDiv = se->divideScale(
                            interval.minValue(), interval.maxValue(),
                            plt->scaleMaxMajor( QwtPolar::Radius ),
                            plt->scaleMaxMinor( QwtPolar::Radius ), 0 );
    if ( radialGrid.scaleDiv != radialScaleDiv )
      radialGrid.scaleDiv = radialScaleDiv;

  GridData &azimuthGrid = d_data->gridData[QwtPolar::Azimuth];
  if ( azimuthGrid.scaleDiv != azimuthScaleDiv )
    azimuthGrid.scaleDiv = azimuthScaleDiv;

  bool hasOrigin = false;
  for ( int axisId = 0; axisId < QwtPolar::AxesCount; axisId++ )
    AxisData &axis = d_data->axisData[axisId];
    if ( axis.isVisible && axis.scaleDraw )
      if ( axisId == QwtPolar::AxisAzimuth )
        axis.scaleDraw->setScaleDiv( azimuthGrid.scaleDiv );
        if ( testDisplayFlag( SmartScaleDraw ) )
            QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks, !azimuthGrid.isVisible );
        QwtScaleDiv sd = radialGrid.scaleDiv;

        QwtValueList &ticks =
          ( QwtValueList & )sd.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );

        if ( testDisplayFlag( SmartOriginLabel ) )
          bool skipOrigin = hasOrigin;
          if ( !skipOrigin )
            if ( axisId == QwtPolar::AxisLeft
                 || axisId == QwtPolar::AxisRight )
              if ( d_data->axisData[QwtPolar::AxisBottom].isVisible )
                skipOrigin = true;
              if ( d_data->axisData[QwtPolar::AxisLeft].isVisible )
                skipOrigin = true;
#if QWT_VERSION < 0x050200
          if ( ticks.size() > 0 && ticks.first() == sd.lBound() )
          if ( ticks.size() > 0 && ticks.first() == sd.lowerBound() )
            if ( skipOrigin )
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
              hasOrigin = true;

        if ( testDisplayFlag( HideMaxRadiusLabel ) )
#if QWT_VERSION < 0x050200
          if ( ticks.size() > 0 && ticks.last() == sd.hBound() )
          if ( ticks.size() > 0 && ticks.last() == sd.upperBound() )
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000

        axis.scaleDraw->setScaleDiv( sd );

        if ( testDisplayFlag( SmartScaleDraw ) )
            QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Ticks, !radialGrid.isVisible );

Пример #5
  Change the scale division
  \param sd New scale division
void QwtAbstractScaleDraw::setScaleDiv(const QwtScaleDiv &sd)
    d_data->scldiv = sd;
    d_data->map.setScaleInterval(sd.lBound(), sd.hBound());