Пример #1
   \brief Calculate a scale division

   \param x1 First interval limit 
   \param x2 Second interval limit 
   \param maxMajSteps Maximum for the number of major steps
   \param maxMinSteps Maximum number of minor steps
   \param stepSize Step size. If stepSize == 0, the scaleEngine
                   calculates one.

   \sa QwtScaleEngine::stepSize(), QwtScaleEngine::subDivide()
QwtScaleDiv QwtLinearScaleEngine::divideScale(double x1, double x2,
    int maxMajSteps, int maxMinSteps, double stepSize) const
    QwtDoubleInterval interval = QwtDoubleInterval(x1, x2).normalized();
    if (interval.width() <= 0 )
        return QwtScaleDiv();

    stepSize = qwtAbs(stepSize);
    if ( stepSize == 0.0 )
        if ( maxMajSteps < 1 )
            maxMajSteps = 1;

        stepSize = divideInterval(interval.width(), maxMajSteps);

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv;

    if ( stepSize != 0.0 )
        QwtValueList ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes];
        buildTicks(interval, stepSize, maxMinSteps, ticks);

        scaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv(interval, ticks);

    if ( x1 > x2 )

    return scaleDiv;
   \brief Calculate a scale division

   \param x1 First interval limit
   \param x2 Second interval limit
   \param maxMajSteps Maximum for the number of major steps
   \param maxMinSteps Maximum number of minor steps
   \param stepSize Step size. If stepSize == 0, the scaleEngine
                   calculates one.
QwtScaleDiv ProbabilityScaleEngine::divideScale(double x1, double x2,
    int, int, double stepSize) const
    QwtDoubleInterval interval = QwtDoubleInterval(x1, x2).normalized();
    interval = interval.limited(1e-4, 99.999);

    if (interval.width() <= 0 )
        return QwtScaleDiv();

    stepSize = fabs(qRound(stepSize));
    if ( stepSize == 0.0 )
        stepSize = 1.0;

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv;
    if ( stepSize != 0.0 ){
        QwtValueList ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes];
		buildTicks(interval, stepSize, ticks);
        scaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv(interval, ticks);

    if ( x1 > x2 )

    return scaleDiv;
Пример #3
  \return A scale division with inverted boundaries and ticks
  \sa invert()
QwtScaleDiv QwtScaleDiv::inverted() const
    QwtScaleDiv other = *this;

    return other;
Пример #4
   \brief Calculate a scale division for an interval

   \param x1 First interval limit
   \param x2 Second interval limit
   \param maxMajorSteps Maximum for the number of major steps
   \param maxMinorSteps Maximum number of minor steps
   \param stepSize Step size. If stepSize == 0, the engine
                   calculates one.

   \return Calculated scale division
QwtScaleDiv QwtLogScaleEngine::divideScale( double x1, double x2,
    int maxMajorSteps, int maxMinorSteps, double stepSize ) const
    QwtInterval interval = QwtInterval( x1, x2 ).normalized();
    interval = interval.limited( LOG_MIN, LOG_MAX );

    if ( interval.width() <= 0 )
        return QwtScaleDiv();

    const double logBase = base();

    if ( interval.maxValue() / interval.minValue() < logBase )
        // scale width is less than one decade -> build linear scale

        QwtLinearScaleEngine linearScaler;
        linearScaler.setAttributes( attributes() );
        linearScaler.setReference( reference() );
        linearScaler.setMargins( lowerMargin(), upperMargin() );

        if ( stepSize != 0.0 )
            if ( stepSize < 0.0 )
                stepSize = -qPow( logBase, -stepSize );
                stepSize = qPow( logBase, stepSize );

        return linearScaler.divideScale( x1, x2,
            maxMajorSteps, maxMinorSteps, stepSize );

    stepSize = qAbs( stepSize );
    if ( stepSize == 0.0 )
        if ( maxMajorSteps < 1 )
            maxMajorSteps = 1;

        stepSize = divideInterval( 
            qwtLogInterval( logBase, interval ).width(), maxMajorSteps );
        if ( stepSize < 1.0 )
            stepSize = 1.0; // major step must be >= 1 decade

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv;
    if ( stepSize != 0.0 )
        QList<double> ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes];
        buildTicks( interval, stepSize, maxMinorSteps, ticks );

        scaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv( interval, ticks );

    if ( x1 > x2 )

    return scaleDiv;
Пример #5
   \brief Calculate a scale division for a date/time interval

   \param x1 First interval limit
   \param x2 Second interval limit
   \param maxMajorSteps Maximum for the number of major steps
   \param maxMinorSteps Maximum number of minor steps
   \param stepSize Step size. If stepSize == 0, the scaleEngine
                   calculates one.
   \return Calculated scale division
QwtScaleDiv QwtDateScaleEngine::divideScale( double x1, double x2,
    int maxMajorSteps, int maxMinorSteps, double stepSize ) const
    if ( maxMajorSteps < 1 )
        maxMajorSteps = 1;

    const double min = qMin( x1, x2 );
    const double max = qMax( x1, x2 );

    const QDateTime from = toDateTime( min );
    const QDateTime to = toDateTime( max );

    if ( from == to )
        return QwtScaleDiv();

    stepSize = qAbs( stepSize );
    if ( stepSize > 0.0 )
        // as interval types above hours are not equidistant
        // ( even days might have 23/25 hours because of daylight saving )
        // the stepSize is used as a hint only

        maxMajorSteps = qCeil( ( max - min ) / stepSize );

    const QwtDate::IntervalType intvType = 
        intervalType( from, to, maxMajorSteps );

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv;

    if ( intvType == QwtDate::Millisecond )
        // for milliseconds and below we can use the decimal system
        scaleDiv = QwtLinearScaleEngine::divideScale( min, max,
            maxMajorSteps, maxMinorSteps, stepSize );
        const QDateTime minDate = QwtDate::floor( from, intvType );
        const QDateTime maxDate = QwtDate::ceil( to, intvType );

        scaleDiv = buildScaleDiv( minDate, maxDate, 
            maxMajorSteps, maxMinorSteps, intvType );

        // scaleDiv has been calculated from an extended interval
        // adjusted to the step size. We have to shrink it again.

        scaleDiv = scaleDiv.bounded( min, max );

    if ( x1 > x2 )

    return scaleDiv;
   \brief Calculate a scale division

   \param x1 First interval limit 
   \param x2 Second interval limit 
   \param maxMajSteps Maximum for the number of major steps
   \param maxMinSteps Maximum number of minor steps
   \param stepSize Step size. If stepSize == 0, the scaleEngine
                   calculates one.

   \sa QwtScaleEngine::stepSize, LogTimeScaleEngine::subDivide
QwtScaleDiv LogTimeScaleEngine::divideScale(double x1, double x2,
    int maxMajSteps, int maxMinSteps, double stepSize) const
    QwtDoubleInterval interval = QwtDoubleInterval(x1, x2).normalized();
    interval = interval.limited(LOG_MIN, LOG_MAX);

    if (interval.width() <= 0 )
        return QwtScaleDiv();

    if (interval.maxValue() / interval.minValue() < 10.0)
        // scale width is less than one decade -> build linear scale
        QwtLinearScaleEngine linearScaler;
                                #if (QWT_VERSION >= 0x050200)
				lowerMargin(), upperMargin()
				loMargin(), hiMargin()

        return linearScaler.divideScale(x1, x2, 
            maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize);

    stepSize = qwtAbs(stepSize);
    if ( stepSize == 0.0 )
        if ( maxMajSteps < 1 )
            maxMajSteps = 1;

        stepSize = divideInterval(log10(interval).width(), maxMajSteps);
        if ( stepSize < 1.0 )
            stepSize = 1.0; // major step must be >= 1 decade

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv;
    if ( stepSize != 0.0 )
        QwtValueList ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes];
        buildTicks(interval, stepSize, maxMinSteps, ticks);

        scaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv(interval, ticks);

    if ( x1 > x2 )

    return scaleDiv;
   \brief Calculate a scale division

   \param x1 First interval limit
   \param x2 Second interval limit
   \param maxMajSteps Maximum for the number of major steps
   \param maxMinSteps Maximum number of minor steps
   \param stepSize Step size. If stepSize == 0, the scaleEngine
                   calculates one.
QwtScaleDiv Log2ScaleEngine::divideScale(double x1, double x2,
    int maxMajSteps, int maxMinSteps, double stepSize) const
    QwtDoubleInterval interval = QwtDoubleInterval(x1, x2).normalized();
    interval = interval.limited(LOG_MIN, LOG_MAX);

    if (interval.width() <= 0 )
        return QwtScaleDiv();

    if (interval.maxValue() / interval.minValue() < 2){
        // scale width is less than 2 -> build linear scale
        QwtLinearScaleEngine linearScaler;
        linearScaler.setMargins(lowerMargin(), upperMargin());

        return linearScaler.divideScale(x1, x2,
            maxMajSteps, maxMinSteps, stepSize);

    stepSize = qwtAbs(stepSize);
    if ( stepSize == 0.0 ){
        if ( maxMajSteps < 1 )
            maxMajSteps = 1;

		stepSize = ceil(log2(interval).width()/double(maxMajSteps));

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv;
    if ( stepSize != 0.0 ){
        QwtValueList ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes];
		buildTicks(interval, stepSize, maxMinSteps, ticks);
        scaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv(interval, ticks);

    if ( x1 > x2 )

    return scaleDiv;
Пример #8
   \brief Calculate a scale division for an interval

   \param x1 First interval limit
   \param x2 Second interval limit
   \param maxMajorSteps Maximum for the number of major steps
   \param maxMinorSteps Maximum number of minor steps
   \param stepSize Step size. If stepSize == 0, the engine
                   calculates one.

   \return Calculated scale division
QwtScaleDiv QwtLinearScaleEngine::divideScale( double x1, double x2,
    int maxMajorSteps, int maxMinorSteps, double stepSize ) const
    QwtInterval interval = QwtInterval( x1, x2 ).normalized();

    if ( qwtIntervalWidthL( interval ) > std::numeric_limits<double>::max() )
        qWarning() << "QwtLinearScaleEngine::divideScale: overflow";
        return QwtScaleDiv();

    if ( interval.width() <= 0 )
        return QwtScaleDiv();

    stepSize = qAbs( stepSize );
    if ( stepSize == 0.0 )
        if ( maxMajorSteps < 1 )
            maxMajorSteps = 1;

        stepSize = QwtScaleArithmetic::divideInterval( 
            interval.width(), maxMajorSteps, base() );

    QwtScaleDiv scaleDiv;

    if ( stepSize != 0.0 )
        QList<double> ticks[QwtScaleDiv::NTickTypes];
        buildTicks( interval, stepSize, maxMinorSteps, ticks );

        scaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv( interval, ticks );

    if ( x1 > x2 )

    return scaleDiv;