Пример #1
LabelImage RandomForestImage::predict(const RGBDImage& image,
         cuv::ndarray<float, cuv::host_memory_space>* probabilities, const bool onGPU, bool useDepthImages) const {

    LabelImage prediction(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

    const LabelType numClasses = getNumClasses();

    if (treeData.size() != ensemble.size()) {
        throw std::runtime_error((boost::format("tree data size: %d, ensemble size: %d. histograms normalized?")
                % treeData.size() % ensemble.size()).str());

    cuv::ndarray<float, cuv::host_memory_space> hostProbabilities(

    if (onGPU) {
        cuv::ndarray<float, cuv::dev_memory_space> deviceProbabilities(
        cudaSafeCall(cudaMemset(deviceProbabilities.ptr(), 0, static_cast<size_t>(deviceProbabilities.size() * sizeof(float))));

            utils::Profile profile("classifyImagesGPU");
            for (const boost::shared_ptr<const TreeNodes>& data : treeData) {
                classifyImage(treeData.size(), deviceProbabilities, image, numClasses, data, useDepthImages);


        cuv::ndarray<LabelType, cuv::dev_memory_space> output(image.getHeight(), image.getWidth(),
        determineMaxProbabilities(deviceProbabilities, output);

        hostProbabilities = deviceProbabilities;
        cuv::ndarray<LabelType, cuv::host_memory_space> outputHost(image.getHeight(), image.getWidth(),

        outputHost = output;

            utils::Profile profile("setLabels");
            for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); ++y) {
                for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); ++x) {
                    prediction.setLabel(x, y, static_cast<LabelType>(outputHost(y, x)));
    } else {
        utils::Profile profile("classifyImagesCPU");

        tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, image.getHeight()),
                [&](const tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range) {
                    for(size_t y = range.begin(); y != range.end(); y++) {
                        for(int x=0; x < image.getWidth(); x++) {

                            for (LabelType label = 0; label < numClasses; label++) {
                                hostProbabilities(label, y, x) = 0.0f;

                            for (const auto& tree : ensemble) {
                                const auto& t = tree->getTree();
                                PixelInstance pixel(&image, 0, x, y);
                                const auto& hist = t->classifySoft(pixel);
                                assert(hist.size() == numClasses);
                                for(LabelType label = 0; label<hist.size(); label++) {
                                    hostProbabilities(label, y, x) += hist[label];

                            double sum = 0.0f;
                            for (LabelType label = 0; label < numClasses; label++) {
                                sum += hostProbabilities(label, y, x);
                            float bestProb = -1.0f;
                            for (LabelType label = 0; label < numClasses; label++) {
                                hostProbabilities(label, y, x) /= sum;
                                float prob = hostProbabilities(label, y, x);
                                if (prob > bestProb) {
                                    prediction.setLabel(x, y, label);
                                    bestProb = prob;

    if (probabilities) {
        *probabilities = hostProbabilities;

    return prediction;
Пример #2
LabelImage RandomForestImage::improveHistograms(const RGBDImage& image, const LabelImage& labelImage, const bool onGPU, bool useDepthImages) const {

    LabelImage prediction(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

    const LabelType numClasses = getNumClasses();

    if (treeData.size() != ensemble.size()) {
        throw std::runtime_error((boost::format("tree data size: %d, ensemble size: %d. histograms normalized?")
                % treeData.size() % ensemble.size()).str());

    cuv::ndarray<float, cuv::host_memory_space> hostProbabilities(

    //These offsets should have been used instead of traversing to the leaf again
/*	cuv::ndarray<unsigned int, cuv::dev_memory_space> nodeOffsets(

    if (onGPU) {
        cuv::ndarray<float, cuv::dev_memory_space> deviceProbabilities(
        cudaSafeCall(cudaMemset(deviceProbabilities.ptr(), 0, static_cast<size_t>(deviceProbabilities.size() * sizeof(float))));

            utils::Profile profile("classifyImagesGPU");
            for (const boost::shared_ptr<const TreeNodes>& data : treeData) {
                classifyImage(treeData.size(), deviceProbabilities, image, numClasses, data, useDepthImages);
                bool found_tree = false;
				//should be change to parallel for and add lock
				for (size_t treeNr = 0; treeNr < ensemble.size(); treeNr++) {
					if (data->getTreeId() == ensemble[treeNr]->getId()) {
						found_tree  =true;
						const boost::shared_ptr<RandomTree<PixelInstance, ImageFeatureFunction> >& tree = ensemble[treeNr]->getTree();
						//this should have been used and done before trying to classify the images, since it doesn't change
						//std::vector<size_t> leafSet;
						for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++)
							for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); x++) {
								LabelType label = labelImage.getLabel(x,y);
									if (!shouldIgnoreLabel(label)) {
										PixelInstance pixel(&image, label, x, y);
										//This should be changed. When classifying the image, the nodeoffsets should be returned and those used directly
										//instead of traversing again to the leaves. As a test, can check if the nodeoffset is the same as the one returned
										//by travertoleaf
					if (found_tree)

    //should also add the CPU code!
    return prediction;