Пример #1
Rotates the node around an arbitrary point. The 'axis' and 'point' parameter
are relative to the space described by 'relativeTo'.
void SLNode::rotateAround(const SLVec3f& point, SLVec3f& axis,
                          SLfloat angleDeg, SLTransformSpace relativeTo)
    SLVec3f localPoint = point;
    SLVec3f localAxis = axis;

    if (relativeTo == TS_world && _parent)
        localPoint = _parent->updateAndGetWMI() * point;
        localAxis = _parent->updateAndGetWMI().mat3() * axis;

    SLMat4f rot;
    rot.rotate(angleDeg, localAxis);

    if (relativeTo == TS_object)
        _om.setMatrix(_om * rot);
        _om.setMatrix(rot * _om);

Пример #2
//! Gets called whenever the mouse is moved.
SLbool SLCamera::onMouseMove(const SLMouseButton button, 
                             const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod)
    if (button == ButtonLeft) //================================================
        // new vars needed
        SLVec3f position = this->translation();
        SLVec3f forward =  this->forward();
        SLVec3f right =    this->right();
        SLVec3f up =       this->up();

        // The lookAt point
        SLVec3f laP = position + _focalDist * forward;

        // Determine rotation point as the center of the AABB of the hitNode
        SLVec3f rtP;
        if (_lookAtRay.length < FLT_MAX && _lookAtRay.hitNode)
             rtP = _lookAtRay.hitNode->aabb()->centerWS();
        else rtP = laP;
        // Determine rot angles around x- & y-axis
        SLfloat dY = (y-_oldTouchPos1.y) * _rotFactor;
        SLfloat dX = (x-_oldTouchPos1.x) * _rotFactor;

        if (_camAnim==turntableYUp) //.......................................
            SLMat4f rot;
            rot.rotate(-dX, SLVec3f(0,1,0));
            rot.rotate(-dY, right);
            _om.setMatrix(rot * _om);
        else if (_camAnim==turntableZUp) //..................................
            SLMat4f rot;
            rot.rotate(dX, SLVec3f(0,0,1));
            rot.rotate(dY, right);
            _om.setMatrix(rot * _om);
        else if (_camAnim==walkingYUp) //....................................
            dY *= 0.5f; 
            dX *= 0.5f; 
            SLMat4f rot;
            rot.rotate(-dX, SLVec3f(0, 1, 0));
            rot.rotate(-dY, right);

            lookAt(position + forward);
        else if (_camAnim==walkingZUp) //....................................
            dY *= 0.5f; 
            dX *= 0.5f; 
            SLMat4f rot;
            rot.rotate(-dX, SLVec3f(0, 0, 1));
            rot.rotate(-dY, right);

            lookAt(position + forward, SLVec3f(0, 0, 1));
    if (button == ButtonMiddle) //==============================================
    {   if (_camAnim==turntableYUp || _camAnim==turntableZUp)
            // Calculate the fraction delta of the mouse movement
            SLVec2f dMouse(x-_oldTouchPos1.x, _oldTouchPos1.y-y);
            dMouse.x /= (SLfloat)_scrW;
            dMouse.y /= (SLfloat)_scrH;
            // Scale the mouse delta by the lookAt distance
            SLfloat lookAtDist;
            if (_lookAtRay.length < FLT_MAX)
                lookAtDist = _lookAtRay.length;
            else lookAtDist = _focalDist;

            // scale factor depending on the space sice at focal dist
            SLfloat spaceH = tan(SL_DEG2RAD*_fov/2) * lookAtDist * 2.0f;
            SLfloat spaceW = spaceH * _aspect;

            dMouse.x *= spaceW;
            dMouse.y *= spaceH;
            if (mod==KeyCtrl)
                translate(SLVec3f(-dMouse.x, 0, dMouse.y), TS_Object);

            } else
                translate(SLVec3f(-dMouse.x, -dMouse.y, 0), TS_Object);
    } //========================================================================
    return true;
Пример #3
onPaint does all the rendering for one frame from scratch with OpenGL (in core
bool onPaint()
    // Clear the color & depth buffer

    // View transform: move the coordinate system away from the camera
    _viewMatrix.translate(0, 0, _camZ);

    // View transform: rotate the coordinate system increasingly by the mouse
    _viewMatrix.rotate(_rotX + _deltaX, 1,0,0);
    _viewMatrix.rotate(_rotY + _deltaY, 0,1,0);

    // Transform light position & direction into view space
    SLVec3f lightPosVS = _viewMatrix * _lightPos;

    // The light dir is not a position. We only take the rotation of the mv matrix.
    SLMat3f viewRot    = _viewMatrix.mat3();
    SLVec3f lightDirVS = viewRot * _lightDir;

    // Rotate the model so that we see the square from the front side
    // or the earth from the equator.
    _modelMatrix.rotate(90, -1,0,0);

    // Build the combined model-view and model-view-projection matrix
    SLMat4f mvp(_projectionMatrix);
    SLMat4f mv(_viewMatrix * _modelMatrix);

    // Build normal matrix
    SLMat3f nm(mv.inverseTransposed());

    // Pass the matrix uniform variables
    glUniformMatrix4fv(_mvMatrixLoc,  1, 0, (float*)&mv);
    glUniformMatrix3fv(_nMatrixLoc,   1, 0, (float*)&nm);
    glUniformMatrix4fv(_mvpMatrixLoc, 1, 0, (float*)&mvp);

    // Pass lighting uniforms variables
    glUniform4fv(_globalAmbiLoc,     1, (float*)&_globalAmbi);
    glUniform3fv(_lightPosVSLoc,     1, (float*)&lightPosVS);
    glUniform3fv(_lightDirVSLoc,     1, (float*)&lightDirVS);
    glUniform4fv(_lightAmbientLoc,   1, (float*)&_lightAmbient);
    glUniform4fv(_lightDiffuseLoc,   1, (float*)&_lightDiffuse);
    glUniform4fv(_lightSpecularLoc,  1, (float*)&_lightSpecular);
    glUniform4fv(_matAmbientLoc,     1, (float*)&_matAmbient);
    glUniform4fv(_matDiffuseLoc,     1, (float*)&_matDiffuse);
    glUniform4fv(_matSpecularLoc,    1, (float*)&_matSpecular);
    glUniform4fv(_matEmissiveLoc,    1, (float*)&_matEmissive);
    glUniform1f (_matShininessLoc,   _matShininess);
    glUniform1i (_texture0Loc,       0);
    // Draw with 2 VBOs //

    // Enable all of the vertex attribute arrays

    // Activate VBOs
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, _vboV);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, _vboI);

    // Activate Texture
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, _textureID);

    // For VBO only offset instead of data pointer
    GLsizei stride  = sizeof(VertexPNT);
    GLsizei offsetN = sizeof(SLVec3f);
    GLsizei offsetT = sizeof(SLVec3f) + sizeof(SLVec3f);
    glVertexAttribPointer(_pLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, 0);
    glVertexAttribPointer(_nLoc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (void*)offsetN);
    glVertexAttribPointer(_tLoc, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, (void*)offsetT);
    // Draw cube model triangles by indexes
    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, _numI, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

    // Deactivate buffers
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

    // Disable the vertex arrays

    // Check for errors from time to time

    // Fast copy the back buffer to the front buffer. This is OS dependent.

    // Calculate frames per second
    char title[255];
    static float lastTimeSec = 0;
    float timeNowSec = (float)glfwGetTime();
    float fps = calcFPS(timeNowSec-lastTimeSec);
    sprintf(title, "Sphere, %d x %d, fps: %4.0f", _resolution, _resolution, fps);
    glfwSetWindowTitle(window, title);
    lastTimeSec = timeNowSec;

    // Return true to get an immediate refresh
    return true;
Пример #4
//! Gets called whenever the mouse is moved.
SLbool SLCamera::onMouseMove(const SLMouseButton button, 
                             const SLint x, const SLint y, const SLKey mod)
   SLScene* s = SLScene::current;
   SLSceneView* sv = s->activeSV();
   if (button == ButtonLeft) //================================================
      // Get camera vectors: eye pos., lookAt, lookUp, lookRight
      SLVec3f eye, LA, LU, LR;
      _vm.lookAt(&eye, &LA, &LU, &LR);
      // The lookAt and lookUp point in VS
      SLVec3f laP = eye + _focalDist * LA;
      // Determine rotation point as the center of the AABB of the hitShape
      SLVec3f rtP;
      if (_lookAtRay.length < FLT_MAX && _lookAtRay.hitShape)
           rtP = _lookAtRay.hitShape->aabb()->centerWS();
      else rtP = laP;
      // Determine rot angles around x- & y-axis
      SLfloat dY = (_oldTouchPos1.y-y) * _rotFactor;
      SLfloat dX = (_oldTouchPos1.x-x) * _rotFactor;

      if (_camAnim==turntableYUp) //.......................................
         // Apply rotation around the lookAt point
         SLMat4f rot;
         rot.rotate(-dY, LR);
         rot.rotate(-dX, SLVec3f(0,1,0));
         _vm *= rot;
      else if (_camAnim==turntableZUp) //..................................
         // Apply rotation around the lookAt point
         SLMat4f rot;
         rot.rotate(-dY, LR);
         rot.rotate(-dX, SLVec3f(0,0,1));
         _vm *= rot;
      else if (_camAnim==walkingYUp) //....................................
         dY *= 0.5f;
         dX *= 0.5f;

         // Apply rotation around the lookRight and the Y-axis
         SLMat4f rot;
         rot.rotate(-dY, LR);
         rot.rotate(-dX, SLVec3f(0,1,0));
         // rotate eye position
         _vm.lookAt(eye, eye+LA*_focalDist, SLVec3f(0,1,0));
      else if (_camAnim==walkingZUp) //....................................
         dY *= 0.5f;
         dX *= 0.5f;

         // Apply rotation around the lookRight and the Z-axis
         SLMat4f rot;
         rot.rotate(-dY, LR);
         rot.rotate(-dX, SLVec3f(0,0,1));

         // rotate eye position
         _vm.lookAt(eye, eye+LA*_focalDist, SLVec3f(0,0,1));
      return true;
   if (button == ButtonMiddle) //==============================================
   {  if (_camAnim==turntableYUp || _camAnim==turntableZUp)
         // Calculate the fraction delta of the mouse movement
         SLVec2f dMouse(x-_oldTouchPos1.x, _oldTouchPos1.y-y);
         dMouse.x /= (SLfloat)sv->scrW();
         dMouse.y /= (SLfloat)sv->scrH();
         // Scale the mouse delta by the lookAt distance
         SLfloat lookAtDist;
         if (_lookAtRay.length < FLT_MAX)
              lookAtDist = _lookAtRay.length;
         else lookAtDist = _focalDist;

         // scale factor depending on the space sice at focal dist
         SLfloat spaceH = tan(SL_DEG2RAD*_fov/2) * lookAtDist * 2.0f;
         SLfloat spaceW = spaceH * sv->scrWdivH();

         dMouse.x *= spaceW;
         dMouse.y *= spaceH;
         if (mod==KeyCtrl)
         {  _vm.translation(_vm.m(12) + dMouse.x,
                            _vm.m(14) + dMouse.y);
         } else
         {  _vm.translation(_vm.m(12) + dMouse.x,
                            _vm.m(13) + dMouse.y,
         return true;
   } //========================================================================
   return false;