Пример #1
	Sudoku(const SizeOptions& opt) : x(*this, 9 * 9, 1, 9) {

		Matrix<IntVarArray> m(x, 9, 9);

		for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
			distinct(*this, m.row(i), opt.icl());
			distinct(*this, m.col(i), opt.icl());

		for (int i = 0; i < 9; i += 3) {
			for (int j = 0; j < 9; j += 3) {
				distinct(*this, m.slice(i, i + 3, j, j + 3), opt.icl());

		for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
				if (int v = sudokuField(board, i, j)) {
					//Here the m(i, j) is the element in colomn i and row j.
					rel(*this, m(i, j), IRT_EQ, v);

		branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
Пример #2
  Coins3(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, n, 0, 99),
    num_coins(*this, 0, 99)

    // values of the coins
    int _variables[] = {1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50}; 
    IntArgs variables(n, _variables); 

    // sum the number of coins
    linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, num_coins, opt.icl());

    // This is the "main loop":
    // Checks that all changes from 1 to 99 can be made
    for(int j = 0; j < 99; j++) {
      IntVarArray tmp(*this, n, 0, 99);
      linear(*this, variables, tmp, IRT_EQ, j, opt.icl());
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        rel(*this, tmp[i] <= x[i], opt.icl());

    // set the number of coins (via opt.size())
    // don't forget 
    //  -search dfs
    if (num_coins_val) {
      rel(*this, num_coins == num_coins_val, opt.icl());

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN()); 

Пример #3
  /// Actual model
  OrthoLatinSquare(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : Script(opt),
      x1(*this,n*n,1,n), x2(*this,n*n,1,n) {
    const int nn = n*n;
    IntVarArgs z(*this,nn,0,n*n-1);

    distinct(*this, z, opt.icl());
    // Connect
      IntArgs mod(n*n);
      IntArgs div(n*n);
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
          mod[i*n+j] = j+1;
          div[i*n+j] = i+1;
      for (int i = nn; i--; ) {
        element(*this, div, z[i], x2[i]);
        element(*this, mod, z[i], x1[i]);

    // Rows
    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      IntVarArgs ry(n);
      for (int j = n; j--; )
        ry[j] = y1(i,j);
      distinct(*this, ry, opt.icl());
      for (int j = n; j--; )
        ry[j] = y2(i,j);
      distinct(*this, ry, opt.icl());
    for (int j = n; j--; ) {
      IntVarArgs cy(n);
      for (int i = n; i--; )
        cy[i] = y1(i,j);
      distinct(*this, cy, opt.icl());
      for (int i = n; i--; )
        cy[i] = y2(i,j);
      distinct(*this, cy, opt.icl());

    for (int i = 1; i<n; i++) {
      IntVarArgs ry1(n);
      IntVarArgs ry2(n);
      for (int j = n; j--; ) {
        ry1[j] = y1(i-1,j);
        ry2[j] = y2(i,j);
      rel(*this, ry1, IRT_GQ, ry2);

    branch(*this, z, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
Пример #4
  /// Actual model
  TSP(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : p(ps[opt.size()]),
      succ(*this, p.size(), 0, p.size()-1),
      total(*this, 0, p.max()) {
    int n = p.size();

    // Cost matrix
    IntArgs c(n*n, p.d());

    for (int i=n; i--; )
      for (int j=n; j--; )
        if (p.d(i,j) == 0)
          rel(*this, succ[i], IRT_NQ, j);

    // Cost of each edge
    IntVarArgs costs(*this, n, Int::Limits::min, Int::Limits::max);

    // Enforce that the succesors yield a tour with appropriate costs
    circuit(*this, c, succ, costs, total, opt.icl());

    // Just assume that the circle starts forwards
      IntVar p0(*this, 0, n-1);
      element(*this, succ, p0, 0);
      rel(*this, p0, IRT_LE, succ[0]);

    // First enumerate cost values, prefer those that maximize cost reduction
    branch(*this, costs, INT_VAR_REGRET_MAX_MAX(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());

    // Then fix the remaining successors
    branch(*this, succ,  INT_VAR_MIN_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #5
  /// Actual model
  Photo(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    spec(opt.size() == 0 ? p_small : p_large),
    pos(*this,spec.n_names, 0, spec.n_names-1),
    // Map preferences to violation
    BoolVarArgs viol(spec.n_prefs);
    for (int i=0; i<spec.n_prefs; i++) {
      int pa = spec.prefs[2*i+0];
      int pb = spec.prefs[2*i+1];
      viol[i] = expr(*this, abs(pos[pa]-pos[pb]) > 1);
    rel(*this, violations == sum(viol));

    distinct(*this, pos, opt.icl());

    // Break some symmetries
    rel(*this, pos[0] < pos[1]);

    if (opt.branching() == BRANCH_NONE) {
      branch(*this, pos, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    } else {
      branch(*this, pos, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(),INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN()),
  /// Actual model
  GolombRuler(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : IntMinimizeScript(opt),
        (opt.size() < 31) ? (1 << (opt.size()-1))-1 : Int::Limits::max) {

    // Assume first mark to be zero
    rel(*this, m[0], IRT_EQ, 0);

    // Order marks
    rel(*this, m, IRT_LE);

    // Number of marks and differences
    const int n = m.size();
    const int n_d = (n*n-n)/2;

    // Array of differences
    IntVarArgs d(n_d);

    // Setup difference constraints
    for (int k=0, i=0; i<n-1; i++)
      for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++, k++)
        // d[k] is m[j]-m[i] and must be at least sum of first j-i integers
        rel(*this, d[k] = expr(*this, m[j]-m[i]),
                   IRT_GQ, (j-i)*(j-i+1)/2);

    distinct(*this, d, opt.icl());

    // Symmetry breaking
    if (n > 2)
      rel(*this, d[0], IRT_LE, d[n_d-1]);

    branch(*this, m, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #7
 /// Post a distinct-linear constraint on variables \a x with sum \a c
 void distinctlinear(Cache& dc, const IntVarArgs& x, int c,
                     const SizeOptions& opt) {
   int n=x.size();
   if (opt.model() == MODEL_DECOMPOSE) {
     if (n < 8)
       linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, c, opt.icl());
     else if (n == 8)
       rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9*(9+1)/2 - c);
     distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
   } else {
     switch (n) {
     case 0:
     case 1:
       rel(*this, x[0], IRT_EQ, c);
     case 8:
       // Prune the single missing digit
       rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9*(9+1)/2 - c);
     case 9:
       if (c == n*(n+1)/2) {
         // sum has unique decomposition: 1 + ... + n
         rel(*this, x, IRT_LQ, n);
       } else if (c == n*(n+1)/2 + 1) {
         // sum has unique decomposition: 1 + ... + n-1 + n+1
         rel(*this, x, IRT_LQ, n+1);
         rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, n);
       } else if (c == 9*(9+1)/2 - (9-n)*(9-n+1)/2) {
         // sum has unique decomposition: (9-n+1) + (9-n+2) + ... + 9
         rel(*this, x, IRT_GQ, 9-n+1);
       } else if (c == 9*(9+1)/2 - (9-n)*(9-n+1)/2 + 1) {
         // sum has unique decomposition: (9-n) + (9-n+2) + ... + 9
         rel(*this, x, IRT_GQ, 9-n);
         rel(*this, x, IRT_NQ, 9-n+1);
       } else {
         extensional(*this, x, dc.get(n,c));
     distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
Пример #8
  LatinSquares(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, n*n, 1, n) {

    // Matrix wrapper for the x grid
    Matrix<IntVarArray> m(x, n, n);

    latin_square(*this, m, opt.icl());

    // Symmetry breaking. 0 is upper left column
    if (opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_MIN) {
      rel(*this, x[0] == 1, opt.icl());

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_RANGE_MAX());

Пример #9
  /// Actual model
  AllInterval(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    x(*this, opt.size(), 0, opt.size()-1),
    d(*this, opt.size()-1, 1, opt.size()-1) {
    const int n = x.size();

    // Set up variables for distance
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
      rel(*this, d[i] == abs(x[i+1]-x[i]), opt.icl());

    distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
    distinct(*this, d, opt.icl());

    // Break mirror symmetry
    rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, x[1]);
    // Break symmetry of dual solution
    rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
Пример #10
  // Actual model
  AllEqual(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, n, 0, 6)

    all_equal(*this, x, n, opt.icl());
    // branching
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #11
 /// The actual problem
 Queens(const SizeOptions& opt)
   : q(*this,opt.size(),0,opt.size()-1) {
   const int n = q.size();
   switch (opt.propagation()) {
   case PROP_BINARY:
     for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
       for (int j = i+1; j<n; j++) {
         rel(*this, q[i] != q[j]);
         rel(*this, q[i]+i != q[j]+j);
         rel(*this, q[i]-i != q[j]-j);
   case PROP_MIXED:
     for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
       for (int j = i+1; j<n; j++) {
         rel(*this, q[i]+i != q[j]+j);
         rel(*this, q[i]-i != q[j]-j);
     distinct(*this, q, opt.icl());
     distinct(*this, IntArgs::create(n,0,1), q, opt.icl());
     distinct(*this, IntArgs::create(n,0,-1), q, opt.icl());
     distinct(*this, q, opt.icl());
   switch(opt.branching()) {
   case BRANCH_MIN:
       branch(*this, q, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
   case BRANCH_MID:
     branch(*this, q, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
     branch(*this, q, INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN());
     branch(*this, q, INT_VAR_MIN_MIN(), INT_VAL_MED());
Пример #12
  SetCovering(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, num_cities, 0, 1),
    z(*this, 0, num_cities)

    // distance between the cities
    int distance[] =
       10, 0,25,35,20,10,
       20,25, 0,15,30,20,
       30,35,15, 0,15,25,
       30,20,30,15, 0,14,
       20,10,20,25,14, 0

    // z = sum of placed fire stations
    linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, z, opt.icl());

    // ensure that all cities are covered by at least one fire station
    for(int i = 0; i < num_cities; i++) {

      IntArgs in_distance(num_cities);  // the cities within the distance
      for(int j = 0; j < num_cities; j++) {
        if (distance[i*num_cities+j] <= min_distance) {
          in_distance[j] = 1;
        } else {
          in_distance[j] = 0;

      linear(*this, in_distance, x, IRT_GQ, 1, opt.icl());
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN()); 

  /// Actual model
  AllInterval(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    x(*this, opt.size(), 0, opt.size() - 1) {
    const int n = x.size();

    IntVarArgs d(n-1);

    // Set up variables for distance
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
      d[i] = expr(*this, abs(x[i+1]-x[i]), opt.icl());

    // Constrain them to be between 1 and n-1
    dom(*this, d, 1, n-1);

    distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
    distinct(*this, d, opt.icl());

    // Break mirror symmetry
    rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, x[1]);
    // Break symmetry of dual solution
    rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN);
Пример #14
  /// Post constraints
  MagicSquare(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : n(opt.size()), x(*this,n*n,1,n*n) {
    // Number of fields on square
    const int nn = n*n;

    // Sum of all a row, column, or diagonal
    const int s  = nn*(nn+1) / (2*n);

    // Matrix-wrapper for the square
    Matrix<IntVarArray> m(x, n, n);

    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      linear(*this, m.row(i), IRT_EQ, s, opt.icl());
      linear(*this, m.col(i), IRT_EQ, s, opt.icl());
    // Both diagonals must have sum s
      IntVarArgs d1y(n);
      IntVarArgs d2y(n);
      for (int i = n; i--; ) {
        d1y[i] = m(i,i);
        d2y[i] = m(n-i-1,i);
      linear(*this, d1y, IRT_EQ, s, opt.icl());
      linear(*this, d2y, IRT_EQ, s, opt.icl());

    // All fields must be distinct
    distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());

    // Break some (few) symmetries
    rel(*this, m(0,0), IRT_GR, m(0,n-1));
    rel(*this, m(0,0), IRT_GR, m(n-1,0));

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN);
Пример #15
  // Actual model
  AlldifferentCst(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, n, 1, 9),
    cst(*this, n, 0, 9)

    int _cst1[] = {0,1,0,4};
    IntArgs cst1(n, _cst1);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      rel(*this, cst[i] == cst1[i]);

    alldifferent_cst(*this, x, cst, n, opt.icl());

    // branching
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #16
  // Actual model
  AlldifferentModulo(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, n, 1, 25),
    m(*this, 1, 5)

    int _tmp[] = {25,1,14,3};
    IntArgs tmp(n, _tmp);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      rel(*this, x[i] == tmp[i]);

    alldifferent_modulo(*this, x, n, m, opt.icl());
    // rel(*this, m==5);

    // branching
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    branch(*this, m, INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #17
  /// Actual model
  Partition(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : x(*this,opt.size(),1,2*opt.size()),
      y(*this,opt.size(),1,2*opt.size()) {
    const int n = opt.size();

    // Break symmetries by ordering numbers in each group
    rel(*this, x, IRT_LE);
    rel(*this, y, IRT_LE);

    rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, y[0]);

    IntVarArgs xy(2*n);
    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      xy[i] = x[i]; xy[n+i] = y[i];
    distinct(*this, xy, opt.icl());

    IntArgs c(2*n);
    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      c[i] = 1; c[n+i] = -1;
    linear(*this, c, xy, IRT_EQ, 0);

    // Array of products
    IntVarArgs sxy(2*n), sx(n), sy(n);

    for (int i = n; i--; ) {
      sx[i] = sxy[i] =   expr(*this, sqr(x[i]));
      sy[i] = sxy[n+i] = expr(*this, sqr(y[i]));
    linear(*this, c, sxy, IRT_EQ, 0);

    // Redundant constraints
    linear(*this, x, IRT_EQ, 2*n*(2*n+1)/4);
    linear(*this, y, IRT_EQ, 2*n*(2*n+1)/4);
    linear(*this, sx, IRT_EQ, 2*n*(2*n+1)*(4*n+1)/12);
    linear(*this, sy, IRT_EQ, 2*n*(2*n+1)*(4*n+1)/12);

    branch(*this, xy, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #18
  /// The actual model
  GraphColor(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : g(opt.size() == 1 ? g2 : g1),
      m(*this,0,g.n_v) {
    rel(*this, v, IRT_LQ, m);
    for (int i = 0; g.e[i] != -1; i += 2)
      rel(*this, v[g.e[i]], IRT_NQ, v[g.e[i+1]]);

    const int* c = g.c;
    for (int i = *c++; i--; c++)
      rel(*this, v[*c], IRT_EQ, i);
    while (*c != -1) {
      int n = *c;
      IntVarArgs x(n); c++;
      for (int i = n; i--; c++)
        x[i] = v[*c];
      distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
      if (opt.model() == MODEL_CLIQUE)
        rel(*this, m, IRT_GQ, n-1);
    branch(*this, m, INT_VAL_MIN);
    switch (opt.branching()) {
    case BRANCH_SIZE:
      branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, INT_VAL_MIN);
      branch(*this, v, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX,INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN),
      branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_DEGREE_MIN, INT_VAL_MIN);
      branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_AFC_MIN, INT_VAL_MIN);
  // Actual model
  AlldifferentOnIntersection(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, m, 1, 9),
    y(*this, n, 1, 9)

    int _xtmp[] = {5,9,1,5};
    IntArgs xtmp(m, _xtmp);
    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      rel(*this, x[i] == xtmp[i]);

    int _ytmp[] = {2, 1, 6, 9, 6, 2};
    IntArgs ytmp(n, _ytmp);
    for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      rel(*this, y[j] == ytmp[j]);

    alldifferent_on_intersection(*this, x, m, y, n, opt.icl());

    // branching
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
    branch(*this, y, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #20
  /// Setup model
  SportsLeague(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    home(*this, periods() * teams, 1, weeks()),
    away(*this, periods() * teams, 2, weeks()+1),
    game(*this, weeks()*periods(), 2, teams*weeks())
    // Initialize round robin schedule
    RRS r(teams);

    // Domain for gamenumber of period
    for (int w=0; w<weeks(); w++) {
      IntArgs rh(periods()), ra(periods()), rg(periods());
      IntVarArgs n(*this,periods(),0,periods()-1);

      distinct(*this, n, opt.icl());


      for (int p=0; p<periods(); p++) {
        element(*this, rh, n[p], h(p,w));
        element(*this, ra, n[p], a(p,w));
        element(*this, rg, n[p], g(p,w));

    /// (h,a) and (a,h) are the same game, focus on home (that is, h<a)
    for (int p=0; p<periods(); p++)
      for (int w=0; w<teams; w++)
        rel(*this, h(p,w), IRT_LE, a(p,w));

    // Home teams in first week are ordered
      IntVarArgs h0(periods());
      for (int p=0; p<periods(); p++)
        h0[p] = h(p,0);
      rel(*this, h0, IRT_LE);

    // Fix first pair
    rel(*this, h(0,0), IRT_EQ, 1);
    rel(*this, a(0,0), IRT_EQ, 2);

    /// Column constraint: each team occurs exactly once
    for (int w=0; w<teams; w++) {
      IntVarArgs c(teams);
      for (int p=0; p<periods(); p++) {
        c[2*p] = h(p,w); c[2*p+1] = a(p,w);
      distinct(*this, c, opt.icl());

    /// Row constraint: no team appears more than twice
    for (int p=0; p<periods(); p++) {
      IntVarArgs r(2*teams);
      for (int t=0; t<teams; t++) {
        r[2*t]   = h(p,t);
        r[2*t+1] = a(p,t);
      IntArgs values(teams);
      for (int i=1; i<=teams; i++)
        values[i-1] = i;
      count(*this, r, IntSet(2,2), values, opt.icl());

    // Redundant constraint
    for (int p=0; p<periods(); p++)
      for (int w=0; w<weeks(); w ++)
        rel(*this, teams * h(p,w) + a(p,w) - g(p,w) == teams);

    distinct(*this, game, opt.icl());

    branch(*this, game, INT_VAR_NONE(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
Пример #21
  /// The model of the problem
  CrowdedChess(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : n(opt.size()),
      s(*this, n*n, 0, PMAX-1),
      queens(*this, n, 0, n-1),
      rooks(*this, n, 0, n-1),
      knights(*this, n*n, 0, 1) {
    const int nkval = sizeof(kval)/sizeof(int);
    const int nn = n*n, q = n, r = n, b = (2*n)-2,
      k = n <= nkval ? kval[n-1] : kval[nkval-1];
    const int e = nn - (q + r + b + k);

    assert(nn == (e + q + r + b + k));

    Matrix<IntVarArray> m(s, n);

    // ***********************
    // Basic model
    // ***********************

    count(*this, s, E, IRT_EQ, e, opt.icl());
    count(*this, s, Q, IRT_EQ, q, opt.icl());
    count(*this, s, R, IRT_EQ, r, opt.icl());
    count(*this, s, B, IRT_EQ, b, opt.icl());
    count(*this, s, K, IRT_EQ, k, opt.icl());

    // Collect rows and columns for handling rooks and queens
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      IntVarArgs aa = m.row(i), bb = m.col(i);

      count(*this, aa, Q, IRT_EQ, 1, opt.icl());
      count(*this, bb, Q, IRT_EQ, 1, opt.icl());
      count(*this, aa, R, IRT_EQ, 1, opt.icl());
      count(*this, bb, R, IRT_EQ, 1, opt.icl());

      // Connect (queens|rooks)[i] to the row it is in
      element(*this, aa, queens[i], Q, ICL_DOM);
      element(*this, aa,  rooks[i], R, ICL_DOM);

    // N-queens constraints
    distinct(*this, queens, ICL_DOM);
    distinct(*this, IntArgs::create(n,0,1), queens, ICL_DOM);
    distinct(*this, IntArgs::create(n,0,-1), queens, ICL_DOM);

    // N-rooks constraints
    distinct(*this,  rooks, ICL_DOM);

    // Collect diagonals for handling queens and bishops
    for (int l = n; l--; ) {
      const int il = (n-1) - l;
      IntVarArgs d1(l+1), d2(l+1), d3(l+1), d4(l+1);
      for (int i = 0; i <= l; ++i) {
        d1[i] = m(i+il, i);
        d2[i] = m(i, i+il);
        d3[i] = m((n-1)-i-il, i);
        d4[i] = m((n-1)-i, i+il);

      count(*this, d1, Q, IRT_LQ, 1, opt.icl());
      count(*this, d2, Q, IRT_LQ, 1, opt.icl());
      count(*this, d3, Q, IRT_LQ, 1, opt.icl());
      count(*this, d4, Q, IRT_LQ, 1, opt.icl());
      if (opt.propagation() == PROP_DECOMPOSE) {
        count(*this, d1, B, IRT_LQ, 1, opt.icl());
        count(*this, d2, B, IRT_LQ, 1, opt.icl());
        count(*this, d3, B, IRT_LQ, 1, opt.icl());
        count(*this, d4, B, IRT_LQ, 1, opt.icl());
    if (opt.propagation() == PROP_TUPLE_SET) {
      IntVarArgs b(s.size());
      for (int i = s.size(); i--; )
        b[i] = channel(*this, expr(*this, (s[i] == B)));
      extensional(*this, b, bishops, EPK_DEF, opt.icl());

    // Handle knigths
    // Connect knigths to board
    for(int i = n*n; i--; )
      knights[i] = expr(*this, (s[i] == K));

    // ***********************
    // Redundant constraints
    // ***********************

    // Queens and rooks not in the same place
    // Faster than going through the channelled board-connection
    for (int i = n; i--; )
      rel(*this, queens[i], IRT_NQ, rooks[i]);

    // Place bishops in two corners (from Schimpf and Hansens solution)
    // Avoids some symmetries of the problem
    rel(*this, m(n-1,   0), IRT_EQ, B);
    rel(*this, m(n-1, n-1), IRT_EQ, B);

    // ***********************
    // Branching
    // ***********************
    // Place each piece in turn
    branch(*this, s, INT_VAR_MIN_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #22
  // Actual model
  Strimko(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, prob_size()*prob_size(), 1, prob_size())

    int n = prob_size();
    std::cout << "Problem " << opt.size() << " size: " << n << std::endl;

    // get data for this problem
    int s = 1; // we have already taken n (the size)

    // streams
    int streams[n*n];
    std::cout << "streams: " << std::endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        streams[i*n+j] = prob[s++];
        std::cout << streams[i*n+j] << " ";        
      std::cout << std::endl;
    // placed
    int num_placed = prob[s++];// 5;
    int placed[num_placed*3];
    std::cout << "\nplaced: " << std::endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < num_placed; i++) {
      for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        placed[i*3+j] = prob[s++];
        std::cout << placed[i*3+j] << " " ;
      std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    Matrix<IntVarArray> x_m(x, n, n);

     * Constraints

    // Latin Square
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      distinct(*this, x_m.row(i), opt.icl());
      distinct(*this, x_m.col(i), opt.icl());

    // Streams
    for(int st = 1; st <= n; st++) {
      IntVarArgs stream;
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          if (streams[i*n+j] == st) {
            // stream << x[i*n+j]; // direct on x
            stream << x_m(j,i); // matrix access
      distinct(*this, stream, opt.icl());

    // Placed hints
    for(int i = 0; i < num_placed; i++) {
      int pi  = placed[i*3]-1;
      int pi1 = placed[i*3+1]-1;
      int pi2 = placed[i*3+2];
      // rel(*this, x[pi*n+pi1] == pi2, opt.icl()); // direct on x
      rel(*this, x_m(pi1,pi) == pi2, opt.icl()); // matrix access

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());

Пример #23
  /// Actual model
  AllInterval(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    x(*this, opt.size(), 0, 66) { // 66 or opt.size() - 1
		const int n = x.size();
		IntVarArgs d(n-1);
		IntVarArgs dd(66);
		IntVarArgs xx_(n); // pitch class for AllInterval Chords 
		IntVar douze;
        Rnd r(1U);
	if ((opt.model() == MODEL_SET) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SET_CHORD) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD) ||(opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_SET)) // Modele original : serie
			// Set up variables for distance
			for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
				d[i] = expr(*this, abs(x[i+1]-x[i]), opt.ipl());
			// Constrain them to be between 1 and n-1
			dom(*this, d, 1, n-1); 
			dom(*this, x, 0, n-1); 
			if((opt.model() == MODEL_SET_CHORD) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD))
				// Set up variables for distance
				for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
					 expr(*this, dd[i+1] == (dd[i]+d[i])%12, opt.icl());
				// Constrain them to be between 1 and n-1
				dom(*this, dd,0, n-1); 
				distinct(*this, dd, opt.icl());
				rel(*this, abs(x[0]-x[n-1]) == 6, opt.ipl());
				// Break mirror symmetry (renversement)
				rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, x[1]);
				// Break symmetry of dual solution (retrograde de la serie) -> 1928 solutions pour accords de 12 sons
				rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);
			//series symetriques
			if ((opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_SET)|| (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD))
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
			for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
				xx_[j] = expr(*this, x[j] % 12);
			dom(*this, xx_, 0, 11);
			distinct(*this, xx_, opt.ipl());
			for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
				d[i] =  expr(*this,x[i+1] - x[i],opt.ipl());
			dom(*this, d, 1, n-1); 
			dom(*this, x, 0, n * (n - 1) / 2.); 
			//d'autres choses dont on est certain (contraintes redondantes) :
			rel(*this, x[0] == 0);
			rel(*this, x[n-1] ==  n * (n - 1) / 2.);
			//  break symmetry of dual solution (renversement de l'accord) 
				rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);
			//accords symetriques
			if (opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_CHORD)
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
			if (opt.model() == MODEL_PARALLEL_CHORD)
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
					rel(*this,d[i]+d[n/2 + i]==12);

		distinct(*this, x, opt.ipl());
		distinct(*this, d, opt.ipl());
#if 0		
		IntVarArray counter(*this,12,0,250);
		IntVar testcounter(*this,0,250);
		for (int i=1; i<11; i++) {
			count(*this, d, i,IRT_EQ,testcounter,opt.icl()); // OK
		count(*this, d, counter,opt.icl()); // OK
		if(opt.branching() == 0)
			branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
			branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_RND(r), INT_VAL_RND(r));		
Пример #24
  // Actual model
  Speakers(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    x(*this, n, 1, n)

    // available slots:

    // First solution: populate from a integer array 
    // where the first number represents the number of items
    int __available[] = {
    // size: available  // Reasoning. Step# : reason
      4,  3,4,5,6,      // #2: the only one with 6 after speaker F -> 1
      2,  3,4,          // #5: 3 or 4
      4,  2,3,4,5,      // #3: only with 5 after F -> 1 and A -> 6
      3,  2,3,4,        // #4: only with 2 after C -> 5 and F -> 1 
      2,  3,4,          // #5: 3 or 4
      6,  1,2,3,4,5,6   // #1: the only with 1

    // convert to IntSet
    IntSet _available[n];
    int s = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      int num = __available[s++];
      IntArgs tmp;
      for(int j = 0; j < num; j++) {
        tmp << __available[s++];
      _available[i] = IntSet(tmp);
    // and then to IntSetArgs
    IntSetArgs available(n, _available);

    // Oh, this is much easier, at least for this small example
    IntSetArgs available(n);
    available[0] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6 );
    available[1] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 3 << 4 );
    available[2] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 );
    available[3] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 2 << 3 << 4 );
    available[4] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 3 << 4 );
    available[5] = IntSet( IntArgs() << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6 );

    distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());

    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      // From Modeling and Programming in Gecode, 
      // section 5.2.2, Relation constraints:
      // """
      // If x is a set variable and y is an integer variable, then
      //     rel(home, x, SRT_SUP, y);
      // constrains x to be a superset of the singleton set {y}, 
      // which means that y must be an element of x.
      // """
      // corresponds to: forall(i in 1..n) (x[i] in available[i])
      // rel(*this, SetVar(*this, available[i],available[i]), SRT_SUP, x[i]);
      // this is easier:
      rel(*this, singleton(x[i]) <= available[i]);

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
Пример #25
  /// The actual model
  GraphColor(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : IntMinimizeScript(opt),
      g(opt.size() == 1 ? g2 : g1),
      m(*this,0,g.n_v-1) {
    rel(*this, v, IRT_LQ, m);
    for (int i = 0; g.e[i] != -1; i += 2)
      rel(*this, v[g.e[i]], IRT_NQ, v[g.e[i+1]]);

    const int* c = g.c;
    for (int i = *c++; i--; c++)
      rel(*this, v[*c], IRT_EQ, i);
    while (*c != -1) {
      int n = *c;
      IntVarArgs x(n); c++;
      for (int i = n; i--; c++)
        x[i] = v[*c];
      distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
      if (opt.model() == MODEL_CLIQUE)
        rel(*this, m, IRT_GQ, n-1);
    /// Branching on the number of colors
    branch(*this, m, INT_VAL_MIN());
    if (opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_NONE) {
       /// Branching without symmetry breaking
       switch (opt.branching()) {
          case BRANCH_SIZE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(),INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN()),
          case BRANCH_SIZE_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_DEGREE_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_SIZE_AFC:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_SIZE_ACTIVITY:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_ACTIVITY_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
    } else { // opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_LDSB
       /// Branching while considering value symmetry breaking
       /// (every permutation of color values gives equivalent solutions)
       Symmetries syms;
       syms << ValueSymmetry(IntArgs::create(g.n_v,0));
       switch (opt.branching()) {
          case BRANCH_SIZE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(),INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN()),
                   INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_DEGREE_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_AFC:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_ACTIVITY:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_ACTIVITY_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
Пример #26
  DriveYaNuts(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, m*n, 1, n),
    pos(*this, m, 0, m-1),
    pos_inv(*this, m, 0, m-1),
    start_ix(*this, m, 0, n-1)

    // data

    // in base 1 (fixed below)
    int _connections[] =  {  
      //nuts    sides to be equal
      1,2,       3,6,
      2,3,       4,1,
      3,4,       5,2,
      4,5,       6,3,
      5,6,       1,4,
      6,1,       2,5,
      7,1,       1,4,
      7,2,       2,5,
      7,3,       3,6,
      7,4,       4,1,
      7,5,       5,2,
      7,6,       6,3,
    IntArgs connections(num_connections*4, _connections);

    // This is the nuts in the solution order.
    // 1,4,6,2,3,5, 1,4,6,2,3,5, // 1 
    // 1,6,5,3,2,4, 1,6,5,3,2,4, // 2 
    // 1,4,3,6,5,2, 1,4,3,6,5,2, // 3
    // 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,3,4,5,6, // 4
    // 1,6,4,2,5,3, 1,6,4,2,5,3, // 5
    // 1,6,5,4,3,2, 1,6,5,4,3,2, // 6 
    // 1,6,2,4,5,3, 1,6,2,4,5,3, // 7 // center nut

    // Note that pos_inv for the shown solution is the permutation 
    // [4,3,1,7,5,2,6]
    int _nuts[] = {
      1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,2,3,4,5,6, // 4 (row 4 in the solution order)
      1,4,3,6,5,2, 1,4,3,6,5,2, // 3
      1,4,6,2,3,5, 1,4,6,2,3,5, // 1 
      1,6,2,4,5,3, 1,6,2,4,5,3, // 7 [center nut]
      1,6,4,2,5,3, 1,6,4,2,5,3, // 5
      1,6,5,3,2,4, 1,6,5,3,2,4, // 2 
      1,6,5,4,3,2, 1,6,5,4,3,2, // 6 

    IntArgs nuts1(m*n*2, _nuts);
    Matrix<IntArgs> nuts(nuts1, n*2, m);

    Matrix<IntVarArray> xm(x, n, m);

    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      distinct(*this, xm.row(i), opt.icl());

      IntVar k(*this, 0, n-1);
      IntVar p(*this, 0, m-1);

      rel(*this, start_ix[i] == k);
      rel(*this, pos[i] == p);

      for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        // x[i,j] == nuts[p, j+k]
        // Using matrix element
        IntVar jk(*this, 0, n*2-1);
        rel(*this, jk == j+k);
        element(*this, nuts, jk, p, xm(j,i));

        // Using plain element
        IntVar pjk(*this, 0, 2*n*m);
        rel(*this, pjk == p*n*2+j+k);
        element(*this, nuts1, pjk, xm(j,i));


    distinct(*this, pos, opt.icl());
    channel(*this, pos, pos_inv);

    // check the connections
    for(int c = 0; c < num_connections; c++) {
      // note: xm(col, row)
          xm(connections[c*4+2]-1,connections[c*4+0]-1) ==

    // symmetry breaking:
    // We pick the solution where the center nut (nut 7) start with 1.
    rel(*this, start_ix[m-1] == 0);

    branch(*this, pos, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN()); 
    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN()); 
    branch(*this, start_ix, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN()); 

Пример #27
  /// Actual model
  Calculs(const SizeOptions& opt) : 
    X(*this, N, -N, N),
    X_abs(*this, N, 0, N),
    x_max(*this, 0, N),

      a(X[ 0]), b(X[ 1]), c(X[ 2]), e(X[ 4]), f(X[ 5]),
      g(X[ 6]), h(X[ 7]), i(X[ 8]), j(X[ 9]), k(X[10]),
      l(X[11]), m(X[12]), n(X[13]), o(X[14]), p(X[15]),
      q(X[16]), r(X[17]), s(X[18]), t(X[19]), u(X[20]),
      v(X[21]), w(X[22]), x(X[23]), y(X[24]), z(X[25]);

    // x_max is the max value of abs(X)   
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)  {
      abs(*this, X[i], X_abs[i], opt.icl());
    max(*this, X_abs, x_max, opt.icl());

    rel(*this, z+e+r+o     == 0, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, o+n+e       == 1, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, t+w+o       == 2, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, t+h+r+e+e   == 3, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, f+o+u+r     == 4, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, f+i+v+e     == 5, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, s+i+x       == 6, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, s+e+v+e+n   == 7, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, e+i+g+h+t   == 8, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, n+i+n+e     == 9, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, t+e+n       == 10, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, e+l+e+v+e+n == 11, opt.icl());
    rel(*this, t+w+e+l+f   == 12, opt.icl());

    distinct(*this, X, opt.icl());

    // for showing all solutions (there are many)
    if (show_all) {
      rel(*this, x_max == 16, opt.icl());

    branch(*this, X, INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN());
