Пример #1
  LatinSquares(const SizeOptions& opt) 
    x(*this, n*n, 1, n) {

    // Matrix wrapper for the x grid
    Matrix<IntVarArray> m(x, n, n);

    latin_square(*this, m, opt.icl());

    // Symmetry breaking. 0 is upper left column
    if (opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_MIN) {
      rel(*this, x[0] == 1, opt.icl());

    branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_RANGE_MAX());

Пример #2
  /// Actual model
  AllInterval(const SizeOptions& opt) :
    x(*this, opt.size(), 0, 66) { // 66 or opt.size() - 1
		const int n = x.size();
		IntVarArgs d(n-1);
		IntVarArgs dd(66);
		IntVarArgs xx_(n); // pitch class for AllInterval Chords 
		IntVar douze;
        Rnd r(1U);
	if ((opt.model() == MODEL_SET) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SET_CHORD) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD) ||(opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_SET)) // Modele original : serie
			// Set up variables for distance
			for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
				d[i] = expr(*this, abs(x[i+1]-x[i]), opt.ipl());
			// Constrain them to be between 1 and n-1
			dom(*this, d, 1, n-1); 
			dom(*this, x, 0, n-1); 
			if((opt.model() == MODEL_SET_CHORD) || (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD))
				// Set up variables for distance
				for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
					 expr(*this, dd[i+1] == (dd[i]+d[i])%12, opt.icl());
				// Constrain them to be between 1 and n-1
				dom(*this, dd,0, n-1); 
				distinct(*this, dd, opt.icl());
				rel(*this, abs(x[0]-x[n-1]) == 6, opt.ipl());
				// Break mirror symmetry (renversement)
				rel(*this, x[0], IRT_LE, x[1]);
				// Break symmetry of dual solution (retrograde de la serie) -> 1928 solutions pour accords de 12 sons
				rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);
			//series symetriques
			if ((opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_SET)|| (opt.model() == MODEL_SSET_CHORD))
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
			for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
				xx_[j] = expr(*this, x[j] % 12);
			dom(*this, xx_, 0, 11);
			distinct(*this, xx_, opt.ipl());
			for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
				d[i] =  expr(*this,x[i+1] - x[i],opt.ipl());
			dom(*this, d, 1, n-1); 
			dom(*this, x, 0, n * (n - 1) / 2.); 
			//d'autres choses dont on est certain (contraintes redondantes) :
			rel(*this, x[0] == 0);
			rel(*this, x[n-1] ==  n * (n - 1) / 2.);
			//  break symmetry of dual solution (renversement de l'accord) 
				rel(*this, d[0], IRT_GR, d[n-2]);
			//accords symetriques
			if (opt.model() == MODEL_SYMMETRIC_CHORD)
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
			if (opt.model() == MODEL_PARALLEL_CHORD)
				rel (*this, d[n/2 - 1] == 6); // pivot = triton
				for (int i=0; i<(n/2)-2; i++)
					rel(*this,d[i]+d[n/2 + i]==12);

		distinct(*this, x, opt.ipl());
		distinct(*this, d, opt.ipl());
#if 0		
		IntVarArray counter(*this,12,0,250);
		IntVar testcounter(*this,0,250);
		for (int i=1; i<11; i++) {
			count(*this, d, i,IRT_EQ,testcounter,opt.icl()); // OK
		count(*this, d, counter,opt.icl()); // OK
		if(opt.branching() == 0)
			branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN());
			branch(*this, x, INT_VAR_RND(r), INT_VAL_RND(r));		
Пример #3
  /// The actual model
  GraphColor(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : IntMinimizeScript(opt),
      g(opt.size() == 1 ? g2 : g1),
      m(*this,0,g.n_v-1) {
    rel(*this, v, IRT_LQ, m);
    for (int i = 0; g.e[i] != -1; i += 2)
      rel(*this, v[g.e[i]], IRT_NQ, v[g.e[i+1]]);

    const int* c = g.c;
    for (int i = *c++; i--; c++)
      rel(*this, v[*c], IRT_EQ, i);
    while (*c != -1) {
      int n = *c;
      IntVarArgs x(n); c++;
      for (int i = n; i--; c++)
        x[i] = v[*c];
      distinct(*this, x, opt.icl());
      if (opt.model() == MODEL_CLIQUE)
        rel(*this, m, IRT_GQ, n-1);
    /// Branching on the number of colors
    branch(*this, m, INT_VAL_MIN());
    if (opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_NONE) {
       /// Branching without symmetry breaking
       switch (opt.branching()) {
          case BRANCH_SIZE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(),INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN()),
          case BRANCH_SIZE_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_DEGREE_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_SIZE_AFC:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
          case BRANCH_SIZE_ACTIVITY:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_ACTIVITY_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN());
    } else { // opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_LDSB
       /// Branching while considering value symmetry breaking
       /// (every permutation of color values gives equivalent solutions)
       Symmetries syms;
       syms << ValueSymmetry(IntArgs::create(g.n_v,0));
       switch (opt.branching()) {
          case BRANCH_SIZE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN(), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, tiebreak(INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX(),INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN()),
                   INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_DEGREE:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_DEGREE_SIZE_MAX(), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_AFC:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_AFC_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
          case BRANCH_SIZE_ACTIVITY:
             branch(*this, v, INT_VAR_ACTIVITY_SIZE_MAX(opt.decay()), INT_VAL_MIN(), syms);
Пример #4
  /// Construction of the model.
  Pentominoes(const SizeOptions& opt)
    : spec(examples[opt.size()]),
      width(spec[0].width+1), // Add one for extra row at end.
      ntiles(compute_number_of_tiles(spec+1, nspecs)),
      board(*this, width*height, filled,ntiles+1) {
    spec += 1; // No need for the specification-part any longer

    // Set end-of-line markers
    for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h) {
      for (int w = 0; w < width-1; ++w)
	rel(*this, board[h*width + w], IRT_NQ, ntiles+1);
      rel(*this, board[h*width + width - 1], IRT_EQ, ntiles+1);

    // Post constraints
    if (opt.propagation() == PROPAGATION_INT) {
      int tile = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < nspecs; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < spec[i].amount; ++j) {
          // Color
          int col = tile+1;
          // Expression for color col
          REG mark(col);
          // Build expression for complement to color col
          REG other;
          bool first = true;
          for (int j = filled; j <= ntiles; ++j) {
            if (j == col) continue;
            if (first) {
              other = REG(j);
              first = false;
            } else {
              other |= REG(j);
          // End of line marker
          REG eol(ntiles+1);
          extensional(*this, board, get_constraint(i, mark, other, eol));
    } else { // opt.propagation() == PROPAGATION_BOOLEAN
      int ncolors = ntiles + 2;
      // Boolean variables for channeling
      BoolVarArgs p(*this,ncolors * board.size(),0,1);

      // Post channel constraints
      for (int i=board.size(); i--; ) {
        BoolVarArgs c(ncolors);
        for (int j=ncolors; j--; )
        channel(*this, c, board[i]);

      // For placing tile i, we construct the expression over
      // 0/1-variables and apply it to the projection of
      // the board on the color for the tile.
      REG other(0), mark(1);
      int tile = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < nspecs; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < spec[i].amount; ++j) {
          int col = tile+1;
          // Projection for color col
          BoolVarArgs c(board.size());

          for (int k = board.size(); k--; ) {
            c[k] = p[k*ncolors+col];

          extensional(*this, c, get_constraint(i, mark, other, other));

    if (opt.symmetry() == SYMMETRY_FULL) {
      // Remove symmetrical boards
      IntVarArgs orig(board.size()-height), symm(board.size()-height);
      int pos = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < board.size(); ++i) {
        if ((i+1)%width==0) continue;
        orig[pos++] = board[i];

      int w2, h2;
      bsymmfunc syms[] = {flipx, flipy, flipd1, flipd2, rot90, rot180, rot270};
      int symscnt = sizeof(syms)/sizeof(bsymmfunc);
      for (int i = 0; i < symscnt; ++i) {
        syms[i](orig, width-1, height, symm, w2, h2);
        if (width-1 == w2 && height == h2)
          rel(*this, orig, IRT_LQ, symm);

    // Install branching
    branch(*this, board, INT_VAR_NONE, INT_VAL_MIN);