// Forward Declarations
SoSeparator* startUpScene(SoNode* avatar)

  // ================  STARTING WORLD STRUCTURE ==================
  //                 Separator (root0)
  //                        |
  //                Selection Node (root)__ ----> selection_callback
  //                        |______________ ----> un_select_callback
  //                        |
  //                  Camera Node
  //                        |
  //                World Skeleton & Floor 
  //                 from external files
  //                        |
  //                 Avatar ( Separator )
  //                        |
  //     Event Callback Node (for keyboard) -->kbd_callback function
  //                        |
  //        One Shot sensor ( repeat keyboard status check )
  //   _____________________|_________________________________
  //   |                |               |                   |
  // Separator       Separator       Separator          Separator
  //(sciences area) (bioSciences)   (Arts Area)  (Unassigned area)
  //   |                |               |                   |
  // Translation     Translation     Translation         Translation

  // callbacks for selecting objects 
  SoSelection* root = new SoSelection;
  selection = root;

  root->addSelectionCallback( made_selection, (void *)1L );
  root->addDeselectionCallback( made_selection, (void *)0L );
  root->policy = SoSelection::TOGGLE;

  camera = new SoPerspectiveCamera();
  camera->nearDistance = 4;
  camera->farDistance = 4096;
  root->addChild( camera );

  root->addChild( get_scene_graph_from_file("/usr/local/share/l3dclient/world.wrl") );
  root->addChild( get_scene_graph_from_file("/usr/local/share/l3dclient/grass.wrl") );
  root->addChild( avatar );

  ////////// move camera and avatar with directional keys
  // keyboard handling
  SoEventCallback *cb = new SoEventCallback;
  cb->addEventCallback(SoKeyboardEvent::getClassTypeId(), keyboardEvent_cb, NULL);
  root->insertChild(cb, 0);

  // sensor for infinite processing of simulationStep
  SoOneShotSensor *sensor = new SoOneShotSensor(simulationStep, NULL);

  SoSeparator* scienceArea = new SoSeparator;
  SoTranslation* sciTransl = new SoTranslation;
  sciTransl->translation.setValue(150, 0 ,150 );
  root->addChild( scienceArea );
  scienceArea->addChild( sciTransl );
  scienceArea->addChild( get_scene_graph_from_file("/usr/local/share/l3dclient/flag_sci.wrl") ); 

  SoSeparator* bioArea = new SoSeparator;
  SoTranslation* bioTransl = new SoTranslation;
  bioTransl->translation.setValue(-150, 0 ,150 );
  root->addChild( bioArea );
  bioArea->addChild( bioTransl );
  bioArea->addChild( get_scene_graph_from_file("/usr/local/share/l3dclient/flag_bio.wrl") ); 

  SoSeparator* artsArea = new SoSeparator;
  SoTranslation* artsTransl = new SoTranslation;
  artsTransl->translation.setValue(150, 0 ,-150 );
  root->addChild( artsArea );
  artsArea->addChild( artsTransl );
  artsArea->addChild( get_scene_graph_from_file("/usr/local/share/l3dclient/flag_arts.wrl") ); 

  SoSeparator* freeArea = new SoSeparator;
  SoTranslation* freeTransl = new SoTranslation;
  freeTransl->translation.setValue(-150, 0 ,-150 );
  root->addChild( freeArea );
  freeArea->addChild( freeTransl );
  freeArea->addChild( get_scene_graph_from_file("/usr/local/share/l3dclient/flag_free.wrl") ); 

  // load resources from server


  return root;
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    // Initialize Inventor and Qt
    QWidget *myWindow = SoQt::init(argv[0]);
    if (myWindow == NULL) exit(1);

    SmartPtr<Named_interface> ni_cmaps =
                                        colormap_manager );
    Manager* dir = dynamic_cast<Manager*>( ni_cmaps.raw_ptr() );

    if( !dir ) {
        GsTLlog << "could not create directory "
                << colormap_manager << "\n";
        return 1;
    dir->factory( "colormap", Color_scale::create_new_interface );
    Root::instance()->new_interface( "colormap://rainbow.map",
                                     colormap_manager + "/rainbow" );
    Root::instance()->new_interface( "colormap://cyan_red.map",
                                     colormap_manager + "/cyan_red" );

    Root::instance()->list_all( cout );

    int nx=5;
    int ny=3;
    int nz=6;

    Cartesian_grid grid;
    grid.set_dimensions( nx, ny, nz, 1, 1, 1 );
    grid.origin( GsTLPoint( -0.5, -0.5, -0.5 ) );
    GsTLGridProperty* prop = grid.add_property( "toto", typeid( float ) );
    for( int i=0; i < nx*ny*nz; i ++ )
        prop->set_value( i, i );

    Oinv_cgrid oinv_grid;
    oinv_grid.init( &grid );
    oinv_grid.set_property( "toto" );
    oinv_grid.oinv_node()->visible = true;

    cout << "Setting up oinv scene" << endl;

    SoSelection* root = new SoSelection;

    SoSeparator* line_sep = new SoSeparator;
    SoLightModel* light_model = new SoLightModel;
    light_model->model = SoLightModel::BASE_COLOR;
    line_sep->addChild( light_model );
    SoMaterial* material = new SoMaterial;
    material->diffuseColor.setValue( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    line_sep->addChild( material );
    SoDrawStyle* draw_style = new SoDrawStyle;
    draw_style->style = SoDrawStyle::LINES;
    draw_style->lineWidth = 2;
    line_sep->addChild( draw_style );
    oinv_grid.property_display_mode( Oinv::NOT_PAINTED );
    line_sep->addChild( oinv_grid.oinv_node() );

    root->addChild( line_sep );

    SoSeparator* filled_sep = new SoSeparator;
    SoDrawStyle* draw_style_filled = new SoDrawStyle;
    draw_style_filled->style = SoDrawStyle::FILLED;
    filled_sep->addChild( draw_style_filled );
    oinv_grid.property_display_mode( Oinv::PAINTED );
    filled_sep->addChild( oinv_grid.oinv_node() );

    root->addChild( filled_sep );

    SoQtGsTLViewer* myViewer = new SoQtGsTLViewer( (QWidget*) myWindow, "camera" );
    //SoQtExaminerViewer *myViewer = new SoQtExaminerViewer(myWindow);

