Пример #1
void TSShapeInstance::listMeshes( const String &state ) const
   if ( state.equal( "All", String::NoCase ) )
      for ( U32 i = 0; i < mMeshObjects.size(); i++ )
         const MeshObjectInstance &mesh = mMeshObjects[i];
         Con::warnf( "meshidx %3d, %8s, %s", i, ( mesh.forceHidden ) ? "Hidden" : "Visible", mShape->getMeshName(i).c_str() );         
   else if ( state.equal( "Hidden", String::NoCase ) )
      for ( U32 i = 0; i < mMeshObjects.size(); i++ )
         const MeshObjectInstance &mesh = mMeshObjects[i];
         if ( mesh.forceHidden )
            Con::warnf( "meshidx %3d, %8s, %s", i, "Visible", mShape->getMeshName(i).c_str() );         
   else if ( state.equal( "Visible", String::NoCase ) )
      for ( U32 i = 0; i < mMeshObjects.size(); i++ )
         const MeshObjectInstance &mesh = mMeshObjects[i];
         if ( !mesh.forceHidden )
            Con::warnf( "meshidx %3d, %8s, %s", i, "Hidden", mShape->getMeshName(i).c_str() );         
      Con::warnf( "TSShapeInstance::listMeshes( %s ) - only All/Hidden/Visible are valid parameters." );
Пример #2
Error lookup_programmer(String name, MPSSEConfig * config)
    if      (name.equal("um232h"))      *config = um232h_config;
    else if (name.equal("bus_blaster")) *config = bus_blaster_config;
    else return Err::failure;

    return Err::success;
Пример #3
  void test_time_strftime() {
    Fixnum* sec = Fixnum::from(8);
    Fixnum* min = Fixnum::from(10);
    Fixnum* hour = Fixnum::from(12);
    Fixnum* day = Fixnum::from(18);
    Fixnum* mon = Fixnum::from(9);
    Fixnum* year = Fixnum::from(74);
    Fixnum* isdst = Fixnum::from(1);

    Array* ary = Array::create(state, 11);
    ary->set(state, 0, sec);
    ary->set(state, 1, min);
    ary->set(state, 2, hour);
    ary->set(state, 3, day);
    ary->set(state, 4, mon);
    ary->set(state, 5, year);
    ary->set(state, 6, Fixnum::from(0));
    ary->set(state, 7, Fixnum::from(0));
    ary->set(state, 8, isdst);
    ary->set(state, 9, Fixnum::from(-7));
    ary->set(state, 10, String::create(state, ""));

    String* format = String::create(state, "%A, %e %B %G %I:%M:%S %p");
    String* expected = String::create(state, "Sunday, 18 October 1973 12:10:08 PM");
    Time* t = Time::create(state);
    String* actual = t->strftime(state, ary, format);
    TS_ASSERT(actual->equal(state, expected));
Пример #4
  void test_lookup_with_empty_string() {
    String* str = String::create(state, "");

    Symbol* sym = symbols->lookup(state, str);
    String* str2 = symbols->lookup_string(state, sym);
    TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(cTrue, str->equal(state, str2));
Пример #5
void ShaderGen::initShaderGen()
   if (mInit)

   const GFXAdapterType adapterType = GFX->getAdapterType();
   if (!mInitDelegates[adapterType])

   mFeatureInitSignal.trigger( adapterType );
   mInit = true;

   String shaderPath = Con::getVariable( "$shaderGen::cachePath");
#if defined(TORQUE_SHADERGEN) && ( defined(TORQUE_OS_XENON) || defined(TORQUE_OS_PS3) )
   // If this is a console build, and TORQUE_SHADERGEN is defined 
   // (signifying that new shaders should be generated) then clear the shader
   // path so that the MemFileSystem is used instead.

   if (!shaderPath.equal( "shadergen:" ) && !shaderPath.isEmpty() )
      // this is necessary, especially under Windows with UAC enabled
      if (!Torque::FS::VerifyWriteAccess(shaderPath))
         // we don't have write access so enable the virtualized memory store
         Con::warnf("ShaderGen: Write permission unavailable, switching to virtualized memory storage");


   if ( shaderPath.equal( "shadergen:" ) || shaderPath.isEmpty() )
      // If we didn't get a path then we're gonna cache the shaders to
      // a virtualized memory file system.
      mMemFS = new Torque::Mem::MemFileSystem( "shadergen:/" ); 
      Torque::FS::Mount( "shadergen", mMemFS );
      Torque::FS::Mount( "shadergen", shaderPath + "/" );

   // Delete the auto-generated conditioner include file.
   Torque::FS::Remove( "shadergen:/" + ConditionerFeature::ConditionerIncludeFileName );
Пример #6
Value parse_logical_pathname_directory(AbstractString * s)
  Value result;
  unsigned long i;
  if (s->length() > 1 && s->char_at(0) == ';')
      result = make_cons(K_relative);
      i = 1;
      result = make_cons(K_absolute);
      i = 0;
  const unsigned long limit = s->length();
  while (i < limit)
      String * token = new String();
      while (i < limit)
          char c = s->char_at(i++);
          if (is_separator_char(c))
      Value value;
      if (token->equal("*"))
        value = K_wild;
      else if (token->equal("**"))
        value = K_wild_inferiors;
      else if (token->equal(".."))
          if (stringp(car(result)))
              result = cdr(result);
          value = K_up;
        value = make_value(token);
      result = make_cons(value, result);
  return CL_nreverse(result);
Пример #7
void TSMaterialManager::mapMaterial(const String & textureName, const String & materialName)
   if (getMapEntry(textureName).isNotEmpty())
      if (!textureName.equal("unmapped_mat", String::NoCase))
         Log::warnf(LogEntry::General, "Warning, overwriting material for: %s", textureName.c_str());
   mMaterialMap[String::ToLower(textureName)] = materialName;
Пример #8
  VALUE rb_str_equal(VALUE self, VALUE other) {
    if(self == other) {
      return Qtrue;
    NativeMethodEnvironment* env = NativeMethodEnvironment::get();
    String* string = capi_get_string(env, self);
    String* other_str = capi_get_string(env, other);

    return env->get_handle(string->equal(env->state(), other_str));
Пример #9
FileSystemRef MountSystem::_removeMountFromList(String root)
   for (Vector<MountFS>::iterator itr = mMountList.begin(); itr != mMountList.end(); itr++)
      if (root.equal( itr->root, String::NoCase ))
         FileSystemRef fs = itr->fileSystem;
         return fs;
   return NULL;
Пример #10
void CmdVariable::PrintVariable(DebuggerClient &client, CStrRef varName) {
  CmdVariable cmd;
  cmd.m_frame = client.getFrame();
  CmdVariablePtr rcmd = client.xend<CmdVariable>(&cmd);
  if (!rcmd->m_variables.empty()) {
    for (ArrayIter iter(rcmd->m_variables); iter; ++iter) {
      String name = iter.first().toString();
      if (!name.equal(varName)) continue;
      String value = DebuggerClient::FormatVariable(iter.second(), 200);
      client.print("%s", value.data());
Пример #11
void CmdVariable::PrintVariable(DebuggerClient &client, const String& varName) {
  CmdVariable cmd(client.isStackTraceAsync()
                  ? KindOfVariableAsync : KindOfVariable);
  auto charCount = client.getDebuggerClientShortPrintCharCount();
  cmd.m_frame = client.getFrame();
  auto rcmd = client.xend<CmdVariable>(&cmd);
  if (rcmd->m_version == 2) {
    // Using the new protocol. rcmd contains a list of variables only.
    // Fetch value of varName only, so that we can recover nicely when its
    // value is too large to serialize.
    cmd.m_varName = varName;
    cmd.m_version = 2;
    rcmd = client.xend<CmdVariable>(&cmd);
    if (rcmd->m_variables.empty()) {
      // Perhaps the value is too large? See recvImpl.
      // Retry the command with version 1, in which case values are omitted.
      cmd.m_version = 1;
      rcmd = client.xend<CmdVariable>(&cmd);
      if (!rcmd->m_variables.empty()) {
        // It's there without values, and gone with values, so it is too large.
  if (!rcmd->m_variables.empty()) {
    for (ArrayIter iter(rcmd->m_variables); iter; ++iter) {
      String name = iter.first().toString();
      if (!name.equal(varName)) continue;
      String value = DebuggerClient::FormatVariable(iter.second(), -1);
      auto excess = value.length() - charCount;
      if (charCount <= 0 || excess <= 0) {
        client.output("%s", value.data());
      } else {
        client.output("%s", value.substr(0, charCount).data());
        if (client.ask("There are %d more characters. Continue? [y/N]", excess)
            == 'y') {
          client.output("%s", value.substr(charCount).data());
          client.tutorial("You can use 'set cc n' to increase the character"
              " limit. 'set cc -1' will remove the limit.");
Пример #12
// Sets the specified material in the list to the specified texture.  also 
// remaps mat instances based on the new texture name.  Returns false if 
// the specified texture is not valid.
bool TSMaterialList::renameMaterial(U32 i, const String& newName)
   if (i > size() || newName.isEmpty())
      return false;

   // Check if already using this name
   if (newName.equal(mMaterialNames[i], String::NoCase))
      // same material, return true since we aren't changing it
      return true;

   // Allow the rename if the new name is mapped, or if there is a diffuse texture
   // available (for which a simple Material can be generated in mapMaterial)
   String mappedName = MATMGR->getMapEntry(newName);
   if (mappedName.isEmpty())
      // TOFIX GFXTexHandle texHandle;
      if (mLookupPath.isEmpty())
         //texHandle.set( newName, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile, avar("%s() - handle (line %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) );
         String fullPath = String::ToString( "%s/%s", mLookupPath.c_str(), newName.c_str() );
         //texHandle.set( fullPath, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile, avar("%s() - handle (line %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) );
      //if (!texHandle.isValid())
      //   return false;

   // change material name
   mMaterialNames[i] = newName;

   // Dump the old mat instance and remap the material.
   if( mMatInstList[ i ] )
      SAFE_DELETE( mMatInstList[ i ] );
   mapMaterial( i );

   return true;
Пример #13
void TSShapeInstance::reSkin( String newBaseName, String oldBaseName )
   if( newBaseName.isEmpty() )
      newBaseName = "base";
   if( oldBaseName.isEmpty() )
      oldBaseName = "base";

   if ( newBaseName.equal( oldBaseName, String::NoCase ) )

   const U32 oldBaseNameLength = oldBaseName.length();

   // Make our own copy of the materials list from the resource if necessary
   if (ownMaterialList() == false)

   TSMaterialList* pMatList = getMaterialList();
   pMatList->setTextureLookupPath( mShapeResource.getPath().getPath() );

   // Cycle through the materials
   const Vector<String> &materialNames = pMatList->getMaterialNameList();
   for ( S32 i = 0; i < materialNames.size(); i++ )
      // Try changing base
      const String &pName = materialNames[i];
      if ( pName.compare( oldBaseName, oldBaseNameLength, String::NoCase ) == 0 )
         String newName( pName );
         newName.replace( 0, oldBaseNameLength, newBaseName );
         pMatList->renameMaterial( i, newName );

   // Initialize the material instances
Пример #14
bool BtPlugin::createWorld( const String &worldName )
   Map<StringNoCase, PhysicsWorld*>::Iterator iter = mPhysicsWorldLookup.find( worldName );
   PhysicsWorld *world = NULL;
   iter != mPhysicsWorldLookup.end() ? world = (*iter).value : world = NULL; 

   if ( world ) 
      Con::errorf( "BtPlugin::createWorld - %s world already exists!", worldName.c_str() );
      return false;

   world = new BtWorld();
   if ( worldName.equal( smClientWorldName, String::NoCase ) )
      world->initWorld( false, ClientProcessList::get() );
      world->initWorld( true, ServerProcessList::get() );

   mPhysicsWorldLookup.insert( worldName, world );

   return world != NULL;
Пример #15
Variant binary_deserialize(int8_t thrift_typeID, PHPInputTransport& transport,
                           const Array& fieldspec) {
  Variant ret;
  switch (thrift_typeID) {
    case T_STOP:
    case T_VOID:
      return init_null();
    case T_STRUCT: {
      Variant val;
      if ((val = fieldspec.rvalAt(PHPTransport::s_class)).isNull()) {
        throw_tprotocolexception("no class type in spec", INVALID_DATA);
        skip_element(T_STRUCT, transport);
        return init_null();
      String structType = val.toString();
      ret = createObject(structType);
      if (ret.isNull()) {
        // unable to create class entry
        skip_element(T_STRUCT, transport);
        return init_null();
      Variant spec = HHVM_FN(hphp_get_static_property)(structType, s_TSPEC,
      if (!spec.is(KindOfArray)) {
        char errbuf[128];
        snprintf(errbuf, 128, "spec for %s is wrong type: %d\n",
                 structType.data(), ret.getType());
        throw_tprotocolexception(String(errbuf, CopyString), INVALID_DATA);
        return init_null();
      binary_deserialize_spec(ret.toObject(), transport, spec.toArray());
      return ret;
    } break;
    case T_BOOL: {
      uint8_t c;
      transport.readBytes(&c, 1);
      return c != 0;
  //case T_I08: // same numeric value as T_BYTE
    case T_BYTE: {
      uint8_t c;
      transport.readBytes(&c, 1);
      return Variant((int8_t)c);
    case T_I16: {
      uint16_t c;
      transport.readBytes(&c, 2);
      return Variant((int16_t)ntohs(c));
    case T_I32: {
      uint32_t c;
      transport.readBytes(&c, 4);
      return Variant((int32_t)ntohl(c));
    case T_U64:
    case T_I64: {
      uint64_t c;
      transport.readBytes(&c, 8);
      return Variant((int64_t)ntohll(c));
    case T_DOUBLE: {
      union {
        uint64_t c;
        double d;
      } a;
      transport.readBytes(&(a.c), 8);
      a.c = ntohll(a.c);
      return a.d;
    case T_FLOAT: {
      union {
        uint32_t c;
        float d;
      } a;
      transport.readBytes(&(a.c), 4);
      a.c = ntohl(a.c);
      return a.d;
    //case T_UTF7: // aliases T_STRING
    case T_UTF8:
    case T_UTF16:
    case T_STRING: {
      uint32_t size = transport.readU32();
      if (size && (size + 1)) {
        String s = String(size, ReserveString);
        char* strbuf = s.mutableData();
        transport.readBytes(strbuf, size);
        return s;
      } else {
        return empty_string_variant();
    case T_MAP: { // array of key -> value
      uint8_t types[2];
      transport.readBytes(types, 2);
      uint32_t size = transport.readU32();

      Array keyspec = fieldspec.rvalAt(PHPTransport::s_key,
      Array valspec = fieldspec.rvalAt(PHPTransport::s_val,
      String format = fieldspec.rvalAt(PHPTransport::s_format,
      if (format.equal(PHPTransport::s_collection)) {
        ret = newobj<c_Map>();
        for (uint32_t s = 0; s < size; ++s) {
          Variant key = binary_deserialize(types[0], transport, keyspec);
          Variant value = binary_deserialize(types[1], transport, valspec);
          collectionSet(ret.getObjectData(), key.asCell(), value.asCell());
      } else {
        ret = Array::Create();
        for (uint32_t s = 0; s < size; ++s) {
          Variant key = binary_deserialize(types[0], transport, keyspec);
          Variant value = binary_deserialize(types[1], transport, valspec);
          ret.toArrRef().set(key, value);
      return ret; // return_value already populated
    case T_LIST: { // array with autogenerated numeric keys
      int8_t type = transport.readI8();
      uint32_t size = transport.readU32();
      Variant elemvar = fieldspec.rvalAt(PHPTransport::s_elem,
      Array elemspec = elemvar.toArray();
      String format = fieldspec.rvalAt(PHPTransport::s_format,

      if (format.equal(PHPTransport::s_collection)) {
        auto const pvec = newobj<c_Vector>();
        ret = pvec;
        for (uint32_t s = 0; s < size; ++s) {
          Variant value = binary_deserialize(type, transport, elemspec);
      } else {
        PackedArrayInit pai(size);
        for (auto s = uint32_t{0}; s < size; ++s) {
          pai.append(binary_deserialize(type, transport, elemspec));
        ret = pai.toArray();

      return ret;
    case T_SET: { // array of key -> TRUE
      uint8_t type;
      uint32_t size;
      transport.readBytes(&type, 1);
      transport.readBytes(&size, 4);
      size = ntohl(size);
      Variant elemvar = fieldspec.rvalAt(PHPTransport::s_elem,
      Array elemspec = elemvar.toArray();
      String format = fieldspec.rvalAt(PHPTransport::s_format,
      if (format.equal(PHPTransport::s_collection)) {
        auto set_ret = makeSmartPtr<c_Set>();

        for (uint32_t s = 0; s < size; ++s) {
          Variant key = binary_deserialize(type, transport, elemspec);

          if (key.isInteger()) {
          } else {

        ret = Variant(std::move(set_ret));
      } else {
        ArrayInit init(size, ArrayInit::Mixed{});
        for (uint32_t s = 0; s < size; ++s) {
          Variant key = binary_deserialize(type, transport, elemspec);
          if (key.isInteger()) {
            init.set(key, true);
          } else {
            init.setKeyUnconverted(key, true);
        ret = init.toArray();
      return ret;

  char errbuf[128];
  sprintf(errbuf, "Unknown thrift typeID %d", thrift_typeID);
  throw_tprotocolexception(String(errbuf, CopyString), INVALID_DATA);
  return init_null();
void ProcessedCustomMaterial::_setStageData()
   // Only do this once
   if ( mHasSetStageData ) 
   mHasSetStageData = true;   

   ShaderRenderPassData* rpd = _getRPD(0);   

   // Loop through all the possible textures, set the right flags, and load them if needed
   for(U32 i=0; i<CustomMaterial::MAX_TEX_PER_PASS; i++ )
      rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::NoTexture;   // Set none as the default in case none of the cases below catch it.
      String filename = mCustomMaterial->mTexFilename[i];


      if(filename.equal(String("$dynamiclight"), String::NoCase))
         rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::DynamicLight;
         mMaxTex = i+1;

      if(filename.equal(String("$dynamiclightmask"), String::NoCase))
         rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::DynamicLightMask;
         mMaxTex = i+1;

      if(filename.equal(String("$lightmap"), String::NoCase))
         rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::Lightmap;
         mMaxTex = i+1;

      if(filename.equal(String("$cubemap"), String::NoCase))
         if( mCustomMaterial->mCubemapData )
            rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::Cube;
            mMaxTex = i+1;
            mCustomMaterial->logError( "Could not find CubemapData - %s", mCustomMaterial->mCubemapName.c_str());

      if(filename.equal(String("$dynamicCubemap"), String::NoCase))
         rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::SGCube;
         mMaxTex = i+1;

      if(filename.equal(String("$backbuff"), String::NoCase))
         rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::BackBuff;
         mMaxTex = i+1;

      if(filename.equal(String("$reflectbuff"), String::NoCase))
         rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::ReflectBuff;
         mMaxTex = i+1;

      if(filename.equal(String("$miscbuff"), String::NoCase))
         rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::Misc;
         mMaxTex = i+1;

      // Check for a RenderTexTargetBin assignment
      if (filename.substr( 0, 1 ).equal("#"))
         String texTargetBufferName = filename.substr(1, filename.length() - 1);
         NamedTexTarget *texTarget = NamedTexTarget::find( texTargetBufferName ); 
         rpd->mTexSlot[i].texTarget = texTarget;

         // Get the conditioner macros.
         if ( texTarget )
            texTarget->getShaderMacros( &mConditionerMacros );

         rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::TexTarget;
         mMaxTex = i+1;

      rpd->mTexSlot[i].texObject = _createTexture( filename, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile );
      if ( !rpd->mTexSlot[i].texObject )
         mMaterial->logError("Failed to load texture %s", _getTexturePath(filename).c_str());
      rpd->mTexType[i] = Material::Standard;
      mMaxTex = i+1;

   // We only get one cubemap
   if( mCustomMaterial->mCubemapData )
      rpd->mCubeMap = mMaterial->mCubemapData->mCubemap; // BTRTODO ?
      if ( !rpd->mCubeMap )
         mMaterial->logError("Failed to load cubemap");

   // If this has a output target defined, it may be writing 
   // to a tex target bin with a conditioner, so search for 
   // one and add its macros.
   if ( mCustomMaterial->mOutputTarget.isNotEmpty() )
      NamedTexTarget *texTarget = NamedTexTarget::find( mCustomMaterial->mOutputTarget );
      if ( texTarget )
         texTarget->getShaderMacros( &mConditionerMacros );

   // Copy the glow state over.
   mHasGlow = mCustomMaterial->mGlow[0];