TGraph* autogain152(TH1 *hist) { hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(200.,16000.); TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(); Int_t nfound = s->Search(hist,6,"",0.08); //This will be dependent on the source used. printf("Found %d candidate peaks to fit\n",nfound); if(nfound > 6) nfound = 6; std::vector<float> vec; for(int x=0;x<nfound;x++) vec.push_back(s->GetPositionX()[x]); std::sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); Float_t energies[] = {121.7830, 244.6920, 344.276, 778.903, 964.131, 1408.011}; TGraph* slopefit = new TGraph(nfound, &(vec[0]), energies); printf("Now fitting: Be patient\n"); slopefit->Fit("pol1"); if(slopefit->GetFunction("pol1")->GetChisquare() > 10.) { slopefit->RemovePoint(slopefit->GetN()-1); slopefit->Fit("pol1"); } TChannel *chan = 0; slopefit->Draw("AC*"); return slopefit; }
void fitSys(char *infname = "background_PbPb.dat") { TGraph *g = new TGraph(infname); TF1 *f = new TF1("f","[0]+[1]/(x)+[2]/x/x+[3]*x"); g->Draw("ap"); g->Fit("f"); g->Fit("f"); g->Fit("f"); }
double get_correctionFactorbb(){ double xx[5] = {39, 62.4, 200, 2760, 5000}; double yy[5] = {0.00944, 0.0709, 1.81, 94.92, 180}; TGraph *g = new TGraph(5); for(int i=0; i<5; i++){ g->SetPoint(i,xx[i],yy[i]); } TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","c",600,450); g->SetMarkerStyle(20); g->Draw("AP"); c->SetLogy(); c->SetLogx(); TF1 *f = new TF1("f","[0]+[1]*x+[2]*x*x",0,300); //TF1 *f = new TF1("f","[0]*pow(x,[1])",0,5500); //f->SetParameters(0,-5); g->Fit(f,"R"); double corr = (f->Eval(193))/(f->Eval(200)); return corr; }
/*============================================================================*/ void gaus1peakfit(Char_t *s, Float_t x1, Float_t x2, Float_t x3, Float_t x4) { Double_t par[5],epar[5],x[4],y[4]; TH1 *hist; hist = (TH1 *) gROOT->FindObject(s); setcanvas(1); TCanvas *c1=(TCanvas*) gROOT->FindObject("c1"); if(c1==NULL)setcanvas(1); c1->Clear(); hist->SetAxisRange(x1-30,x4+30); hist->Draw(); //--**-- Linear background estimation --**--// x[0] = x1; x[1] = x2; x[2] = x3; x[3] = x4; Int_t bin1 = hist->FindBin(x1); y[0] = hist->GetBinContent(bin1); Int_t bin2 = hist->FindBin(x2); y[1] = hist->GetBinContent(bin2); Int_t bin3 = hist->FindBin(x3); y[2] = hist->GetBinContent(bin3); Int_t bin4 = hist->FindBin(x4); y[3] = hist->GetBinContent(bin4); TGraph *g = new TGraph(4,x,y); TF1 *fpol1 = new TF1("POL1","pol1",x1,x4); g->Fit(fpol1,"RQN"); par[3]=fpol1->GetParameter(0); par[4]=fpol1->GetParameter(1); //--**-- Gaussian Peak estimation without background --**--// TF1 *fgaus = new TF1("GAUS","gaus",x2,x3); hist->Fit(fgaus,"RQN"); fgaus->GetParameters(&par[0]); //--**-- Final Peak Fit with Background --**--// TF1 *func = new TF1("FGAUS","gaus(0)+pol1(3)",x1,x4); func->SetParameters(par); hist->Fit(func,"R+QN"); func->GetParameters(par); epar[0]=func->GetParError(0); epar[1]=func->GetParError(1); epar[2]=func->GetParError(2); Double_t fwhm = par[2]*TMath::Sqrt(8*TMath::Log(2)); Double_t efwhm = epar[2]*TMath::Sqrt(8*TMath::Log(2)); Double_t N0 = par[0]*(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi())*par[2]); Double_t r0 = epar[0]/par[0]; Double_t r2 = epar[2]/par[2]; Double_t eN0= N0*TMath::Sqrt(r0*r0+r2*r2); printf("Peak = %f +- %f; FFHM = %f +- %f; Area = %f +- %f\n", par[1],epar[1],fwhm,efwhm,N0,eN0); //printf("%11.4f %11.4f %11.0f %11.0f\n", // par[1],epar[1],N0,eN0); func->SetLineWidth(0.5); func->SetLineStyle(1); func->SetLineColor(4); func->SetFillColor(4); func->Draw("same"); }
TGraph* autogain(TH1 *hist,TNucleus *nuc) { //Display The fits on a TPad if(!hist || !nuc) return 0; nuc->SetSourceData(); if(nuc->GetA() == 152) { return autogain152(hist); } // Search hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(200.,16000.); TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(); Int_t nfound = s->Search(hist,6,"",0.1); //This will be dependent on the source used. printf("Found %d candidate peaks to fit\n",nfound); // Match nuc->TransitionList.Sort(); std::vector<float> engvec; TIter iter(&(nuc->TransitionList)); TObject* obj; while(obj = iter.Next()) { if(!obj->InheritsFrom("TGRSITransition")) continue; TGRSITransition *tran = (TGRSITransition*)obj; engvec.push_back(static_cast<float>(tran->energy)); if(engvec.size() == nfound) break; } if(nfound != engvec.size()) return 0; Float_t *posPeaks = s->GetPositionX(); Float_t *energies = &(engvec[0]); for(int x=0;x<nfound;x++) { printf("posPeaks[%i] = %f\t\tenrgies[%i] = %f\n",x,posPeaks[x],x,energies[x]); } TGraph *slopefit = new TGraph(nfound,posPeaks,energies ); printf("Now fitting: Be patient\n"); slopefit->Fit("pol1"); slopefit->Draw("AC*"); return slopefit; }
Double_t beta2_for_5sigma(const Int_t fNPts, const Double_t fRangeMin, const Double_t fRangeMax, const Double_t fN_sig_100, const Double_t fN_bkg_100, const Double_t fSigma_N_bkg, const string& fTitle) { Double_t x[fNPts], y[fNPts]; Double_t step = (fRangeMax - fRangeMin)/(fNPts-1); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNPts; i++) { x[i] = fRangeMin + step*i; y[i] = ScP(x[i], fN_sig_100, fN_bkg_100, fSigma_N_bkg); } TCanvas *c_temp = new TCanvas("c_temp","",1120,800); c_temp->cd(); string title = fTitle + ";#beta^{2};S_{cP}"; TH2F *bg_temp = new TH2F("bg_temp",title.c_str(), 100, fRangeMin, fRangeMax, 100, 0.8*y[0], 1.2*y[fNPts-1]); bg_temp->SetStats(kFALSE); bg_temp->SetTitleOffset(1.,"X"); bg_temp->SetTitleOffset(1.,"Y"); bg_temp->Draw(); TGraph *scP = new TGraph(fNPts, x, y); scP->SetMarkerSize(1.); scP->SetMarkerStyle(24); scP->SetMarkerColor(kRed); scP->Draw("P"); scP->Fit("pol2"); TF1 *fit = (TF1*)scP->GetFunction("pol2"); Double_t beta2 = fit->GetX(5); Double_t N_sig = beta2*fN_sig_100; Double_t N_s_b = N_sig + fN_bkg_100; cout<<">> beta2 for 5 sigma discovery for "<<fTitle<<" = "<<beta2<<"\n"; cout<<">> ** N_sig = "<<N_sig<<"\n"; cout<<">> ** N_bkg = "<<fN_bkg_100<<"\n"; cout<<">> ** N_s_b = "<<N_s_b<<"\n"; if(fSigma_N_bkg != 0) c_temp->SaveAs((fTitle + "_significance_beta_sys.png").c_str()); else c_temp->SaveAs((fTitle + "_significance_beta.png").c_str()); delete scP; delete bg_temp; delete c_temp; return beta2; }
Double_t beta2_for_exclusion(const Int_t fNPts, const Double_t fxsTh, const Double_t fRangeMin, const Double_t fRangeMax, const Double_t fSigma_L, const Double_t fS_eff, const Double_t fSigma_S_eff, const Double_t fN_bkg_100, const Double_t fSigma_N_bkg, const string& fTitle) { Double_t x[fNPts], y[fNPts]; Double_t step = (fRangeMax - fRangeMin)/(fNPts-1); for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNPts; i++) { x[i] = fRangeMin + step*i; y[i] = CLA(100, 100*fSigma_L, fS_eff*x[i], fS_eff*x[i]*fSigma_S_eff, fN_bkg_100, fN_bkg_100*fSigma_N_bkg); } TCanvas *c_temp = new TCanvas("c_temp","",1120,800); c_temp->cd(); string title = fTitle + ";#beta^{2};95% C.L. upper limit on #sigma [pb]"; TH2F *bg_temp = new TH2F("bg_temp",title.c_str(), 100, fRangeMin, fRangeMax, 100, 0.8*y[fNPts-1], 1.2*y[0]); bg_temp->SetStats(kFALSE); bg_temp->SetTitleOffset(1.,"X"); bg_temp->SetTitleOffset(1.,"Y"); bg_temp->Draw(); TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1","[0]+[1]/pow(x,[2])",fRangeMin,fRangeMax); f1->SetParameters(0.,1.,1.); f1->SetParLimits(2, 0.45, 1.1); TGraph *xsection = new TGraph(fNPts, x, y); xsection->SetMarkerSize(1.); xsection->SetMarkerStyle(24); xsection->SetMarkerColor(kRed); xsection->Draw("P"); xsection->Fit("f1"); Double_t beta2 = f1->GetX(fxsTh); cout<<">> beta^2 for 95% CL exclusion of "<<fTitle<<" = "<<beta2<<"\n"; if(fSigma_N_bkg != 0) c_temp->SaveAs((fTitle + "_exclusion_sys.png").c_str()); else c_temp->SaveAs((fTitle + "_exclusion.png").c_str()); delete xsection; delete f1; delete bg_temp; delete c_temp; return beta2; }
TF1* computeFunctionFit(TrialDataSet& eSimData) { TF1 * func = new TF1("fittingFunction", this->fittingFunction, -39, 200, 3); //func->SetParameters(eSimData.startingTime - subtractedTime, 1.0); // Convert digital readout values to floats float floatReadoutValues[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i){floatReadoutValues[i] = eSimData.digitalReadoutValues[i];} TGraph *gr = new TGraph(7, eSimData.measurementTimes, floatReadoutValues); gr->Fit(func, "QN"); return func; }
void TrPdf::FitLogLog(double min, double max) { TGraph* FluxLogLogTmp = new TGraph(GetGraph()->GetN()); FluxLogLogTmp->SetName("spectrumloglogtmp"); FluxLogLogTmp->SetTitle("spectrumloglogtmp"); for (int ii=0; ii<Graph->GetN(); ii++) { double a,b; GetGraph()->GetPoint(ii,a,b); FluxLogLogTmp->SetPoint(ii,log10(a),log10(b)); } TF1* LinFitTmp = new TF1("linfittmp","[0]+[1]*x+[2]*pow(x,2.)+[3]*pow(x,3.)+[4]*pow(x,4.)+[5]*pow(x,5.)",-2.,5.); FluxLogLogTmp->Fit(LinFitTmp,"EQR","",log10(min),log10(max)); LogLog = new TF1(Form("LogLog_%s",GetName().Data()), "pow(10.,[0]+[1]*log10(x)+[2]*pow(log10(x),2.)+[3]*pow(log10(x),3.)+[4]*pow(log10(x),4.)+[5]*pow(log10(x),5.))",1.e-2,1.e5); for (int i=0; i<6; i++) LogLog->SetParameter(i,LinFitTmp->GetParameter(i)); delete LinFitTmp; delete FluxLogLogTmp; }
void GraphCrdcPads(int num=0,int CRDCNum=0){ //This script will look at the Raw root trees //and plot a single crdc pad distribution S800Event * event= new S800Event(); rawtree->SetBranchAddress("s800event",&event); rawtree->GetEntry(num); // cout<<"Size of samples "<<event->GetS800()->GetCrdc(0)->GetSample().size()<<endl; // cout<<"Size of data "<<event->GetS800()->GetCrdc(0)->GetData().size()<<endl; // cout<<"Size of channels "<<event->GetS800()->GetCrdc(0)->GetChannels().size()<<endl; int size = event->GetS800()->GetCrdc(CRDCNum)->GetChannels().size(); TString install =gSystem->Getenv("R00TLeInstall"); TString calfile = install+"/prm/crdccalNone.dat"; TString pedfile = install+"/prm/crdcpedestals.dat"; S800Calibration calibration;//new S800Settings(install+"/prm/Raw2Cal.dat")); calibration.ReadCrdcCalibration(calfile,pedfile); //calibration.SetCrdc(event->GetS800()->GetCrdc(0)->GetChannels(),event->GetS800()->GetCrdc(0)->GetData(),0,0,0); calibration.CrdcCal(event->GetS800()->GetCrdc(CRDCNum)->GetChannels(),event->GetS800()->GetCrdc(CRDCNum)->GetData(),0); int size2=calibration.GetCRDCCal().size(); TGraph * graph = new TGraph(); for (int i=0;i<size2;i++){ if (TMath::IsNaN(calibration.GetCRDCCal()[i])){ graph->SetPoint(i,i,0); }else { graph->SetPoint(i,i,calibration.GetCRDCCal()[i]); } } graph->Fit("gaus"); graph->Draw("A*"); return; }
/// used in display_beamprofile() : not working ! void getEllipseParameters(const float * x_data, const float * y_data, const unsigned int N, float& x_width, float& y_width, float& angle) { // In order to fit a good ellipse on the scattered plot : // 1) The TH2 is copied into a TGraph, to fit it with y(x) = ax => to retrieve the angle // 2) Rotation of the Graph to get the RMS in X and Y // 3) Creation of the final ellipse, with the good widths and angle TCanvas * ca0 = new TCanvas; ca0->Divide(2,1); ca0->cd(1); TGraph * draft = new TGraph(N,x_data,y_data); draft->Draw("AP"); draft->Fit("pol1","Q"); TF1 * pol1 = draft->GetFunction("pol1"); pol1->Draw("same"); // gets the angle [rad] angle = asin(1.) - atan(pol1->GetParameter(1)); double x_datarot[N], y_datarot[N]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) { x_datarot[i]= x_data[i]*cos(angle) - y_data[i]*sin(angle); y_datarot[i]= x_data[i]*sin(angle) + y_data[i]*cos(angle); } ca0->cd(2); TGraph * draft2 = new TGraph(N,x_datarot,y_datarot); draft2->Draw("AP"); x_width = draft2->GetRMS(1); y_width = draft2->GetRMS(2); angle = 180-90*angle/asin(1.); // draft->Draw("AP"); ca0->cd(1); TEllipse * ell = new TEllipse(draft->GetMean(1),draft2->GetMean(2),x_width*3,y_width*3); ell->SetTheta(angle); ell->Draw("same"); //cout << "x = " << x_width << "\t y = " << y_width << "\t angle = " << angle << endl; // delete draft2; // delete draft; // delete ca0; return; }
void rootFit(){ TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",600,600); c1->Divide(1,2); TNtuple *T = new TNtuple("T","","x:y:z"); T->ReadFile("histogramData.dat"); T->Draw("y:x"); Double_t *X = T->GetV1(); Double_t *Y = T->GetV2(); for(int loop = 0; loop < 120; loop++){ cout << X[loop] << " " << Y[loop] << endl; } c1->Clear(); TGraph *graphT = new TGraph(120,Y,X); TGraph *graphB = new TGraph(120,Y,X); c1->cd(1); graphT->Draw("APL"); graphT->Fit("gaus+pol2","RME"); }
void calc(TFile *file1, TFile *file2, const char* basename, int projnumb) { TH1D *hp5_1 = (TH1D *)file1->Get(Form("%s_VMIN_SIPM1_meanHistSub_hproj_%d",basename,projnumb)); TH1D *hp5_2 = (TH1D *)file2->Get(Form("%s_VMIN_SIPM2_meanHistSub_hproj_%d",basename,projnumb)); if(hp5_1==NULL) {cout<<"cannot find hp5_1"<<endl; return;} if(hp5_2==NULL) {cout<<"cannot find hp5_2"<<endl; return;} int nbins = hp5_1->GetNbinsX(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --- one of the preamps was broken, so we only had measurements from 1 SiPM // --- I made this fake data part to help in the code development while waiting // --- for new data with both SiPMs to be available // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool makefakedata = false; if(makefakedata) { for(int i=0; i<nbins; i++) { hp5_2->SetBinContent(i+1,hp5_1->GetBinContent(nbins-i)); } } double max1 = hp5_1->GetMaximum(); double max2 = hp5_2->GetMaximum(); hp5_1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance (cm)"); hp5_2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance (cm)"); hp5_1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of photoelectrons"); hp5_2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of photoelectrons"); if(max1>=max2) { // case 1 hp5_1->Draw(); hp5_2->Draw("same"); } else { // case 2 hp5_2->Draw(); hp5_1->Draw("same"); } hp5_1->SetLineColor(kBlue); hp5_2->SetLineColor(kRed); hp5_1->SetLineWidth(2); hp5_2->SetLineWidth(2); // legend coordinates may occasionally need to be relocated TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.4,0.2,0.6,0.4); leg->AddEntry(hp5_1,"SiPM1","l"); leg->AddEntry(hp5_2,"SiPM2","l"); leg->SetFillStyle(0); leg->Draw(); // generalize c1->Print(Form("Figures/ATOGETHER_%s_p%d.png",basename,projnumb)); c1->Print(Form("Figures/ATOGETHER_%s_p%d.pdf",basename,projnumb)); ofstream fout(Form("Data/Text/Asymmetry/%s_asymmetry_p%d.txt",basename,projnumb)); TH1D *hp5_asymm = (TH1D *)hp5_1->Clone(); double x[58]; double y[58]; double y1[58]; double y2[58]; TH1D *h1 = new TH1D("h1","",50,0,25); TH1D *h2 = new TH1D("h2","",50,0,25); for(int i=0; i<nbins; i++) { double A = hp5_1->GetBinContent(i+1); double B = hp5_2->GetBinContent(i+1); double content = (B-A)/(B+A); hp5_asymm->SetBinContent(i+1,content); hp5_asymm->SetBinError(i+1,0); // --- x[i] = hp5_1->GetBinCenter(i+1); y[i] = content; y1[i] = A; y2[i] = B; x[i] -= 2.0; // offset for off-panel part of scan, needs manual adjustment if(i>3&&i<54) { // offset for off-panel, needs manual adjustment h1->SetBinContent(i-3,A); h2->SetBinContent(i-3,B); h1->SetBinError(i-3,0); h2->SetBinError(i-3,0); } // --- fout<<hp5_asymm->GetBinCenter(i+1)<<" " <<hp5_asymm->GetBinContent(i+1)<<endl; } fout.close(); hp5_asymm->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); hp5_asymm->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); hp5_asymm->Draw("ex0p"); hp5_asymm->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Asymmetry of light yields"); hp5_asymm->SetMinimum(-1); hp5_asymm->SetMaximum(1); TLine line(0.0,0.0,29.0,0.0); line.SetLineStyle(2); line.SetLineWidth(2); line.Draw(); // generalize c1->Print(Form("Figures/ASYMMETRY_%s_p%d.png",basename,projnumb)); c1->Print(Form("Figures/ASYMMETRY_%s_p%d.pdf",basename,projnumb)); // --- h1->SetLineColor(kBlue); h2->SetLineColor(kRed); h1->SetLineWidth(2); h2->SetLineWidth(2); h1->SetMinimum(0); h2->SetMinimum(0); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance (cm)"); h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance (cm)"); h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of photoelectrons"); h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of photoelectrons"); TGraph *tgy1 = new TGraph(58,x,y1); TGraph *tgy2 = new TGraph(58,x,y2); tgy1->SetLineColor(kBlue); tgy2->SetLineColor(kRed); tgy1->SetLineWidth(2); tgy2->SetLineWidth(2); tgy1->SetMinimum(0); tgy2->SetMinimum(0); tgy1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance (cm)"); tgy2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance (cm)"); tgy1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of photoelectrons"); tgy2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of photoelectrons"); double maxx = 0; if(max1>=max2) { // case 1 maxx = max1; h1->Draw(); h2->Draw("same"); } else { // case 2 maxx = max2; h2->Draw(); h1->Draw("same"); } TF1 *funx1 = new TF1("funx1","[0]+[1]*TMath::Exp(-x/[2])",0,25); funx1->SetLineColor(kBlue); funx1->SetParameter(0,5.0); // number of photoelectrons in core funx1->SetParameter(1,5.0); // number of photoelectrons in clad funx1->FixParameter(2,cld); // clad decay constant tgy1->Fit(funx1,"","",1,24); // need to use TGraph here, fitting h1 produces "Warning in <Fit>: Fit data is empty" // I don't know why this happening, probably some dumb mistake I'm making TF1 *funx2 = new TF1("funx2","[0]+[1]*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[2])",0,25); funx2->SetLineColor(kRed); funx2->SetParameter(0,5.0); // number of photoelectrons in core funx2->SetParameter(1,5.0); // number of photoelectrons in clad funx2->FixParameter(2,cld); // clad decay constant tgy2->Fit(funx2,"","",1,24); // need to use TGraph here, fitting h2 produces "Warning in <Fit>: Fit data is empty" // I don't know why this happening, probably some dumb mistake I'm making // tgy1->Draw("same"); // looks cool but distracting // tgy2->Draw("same"); // looks cool but distracting funx1->Draw("same"); funx2->Draw("same"); double numcore1 = funx1->GetParameter(0); double numclad1 = funx1->GetParameter(1); double numcore2 = funx2->GetParameter(0); double numclad2 = funx2->GetParameter(1); double Enumcore1 = funx1->GetParError(0); double Enumclad1 = funx1->GetParError(1); double Enumcore2 = funx2->GetParError(0); double Enumclad2 = funx2->GetParError(1); double fracore1 = (numcore1)/(numcore1+numclad1); double fracore2 = (numcore2)/(numcore2+numclad2); // --- double partB; partB = sqrt(Enumcore1**2+Enumclad2**2); double Efracore1 = fracore1*sqrt((Enumcore1/numcore1)**2+(partB/(numcore1+numclad1))**2); partB = sqrt(Enumcore2**2+Enumclad2**2); double Efracore2 = fracore2*sqrt((Enumcore2/numcore2)**2+(partB/(numcore2+numclad2))**2); TLatex *texAC1 = new TLatex(2,0.27*maxx,Form("f_{core} = %.3f #pm %.3f",fracore1,Efracore1)); texAC1->SetTextColor(kBlue); texAC1->Draw(); TLatex *texAC2 = new TLatex(15,0.27*maxx,Form("f_{core} = %.3f #pm %.3f",fracore2,Efracore2)); texAC2->SetTextColor(kRed); texAC2->Draw(); // --- TLatex *texAA1 = new TLatex(2,0.18*maxx,Form("N_{core} = %.3f #pm %.3f",numcore1,Enumcore1)); texAA1->SetTextColor(kBlue); texAA1->Draw(); TLatex *texAA2 = new TLatex(15,0.18*maxx,Form("N_{core} = %.3f #pm %.3f",numcore2,Enumcore2)); texAA2->SetTextColor(kRed); texAA2->Draw(); TLatex *texAB1 = new TLatex(2,0.1*maxx,Form("N_{clad} = %.3f #pm %.3f",numclad1,Enumclad1)); texAB1->SetTextColor(kBlue); texAB1->Draw(); TLatex *texAB2 = new TLatex(15,0.1*maxx,Form("N_{clad} = %.3f #pm %.3f",numclad2,Enumclad2)); texAB2->SetTextColor(kRed); texAB2->Draw(); // --- c1->Print(Form("Figures/FITATOGETHER_%s_p%d.png",basename,projnumb)); c1->Print(Form("Figures/FITATOGETHER_%s_p%d.pdf",basename,projnumb)); // --- // define a function to describe the data // this function defines and asymmetry B-A/A+B // it assumes the light yield has two components, core and cladding TF1 *fun = new TF1("fun","(([0]*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[1])+(1-[0])*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[2]))-([0]*TMath::Exp(-x/[1])+(1-[0])*TMath::Exp(-x/[2])))/(([0]*TMath::Exp(-x/[1])+(1-[0])*TMath::Exp(-x/[2]))+([0]*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[1])+(1-[0])*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[2])))",0,29); fun->SetParameter(0,0.5); // light fraction in fiber core fun->FixParameter(1,350); // decay constant in fiber core fun->FixParameter(2,cld); // decay constant in fiber cladding TF1 *fun2 = new TF1("fun2","[3]+(([0]*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[1])+(1-[0])*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[2]))-([0]*TMath::Exp(-x/[1])+(1-[0])*TMath::Exp(-x/[2])))/(([0]*TMath::Exp(-x/[1])+(1-[0])*TMath::Exp(-x/[2]))+([0]*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[1])+(1-[0])*TMath::Exp((x-25)/[2])))",0,29); fun2->SetParameter(0,0.5); // light fraction in fiber core fun2->FixParameter(1,350); // decay constant in fiber core fun2->FixParameter(2,cld); // decay constant in fiber cladding fun2->SetParameter(3,0.01); TGraph *tg = new TGraph(58,x,y); tg->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle); tg->Draw("ap"); tg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Asymmetry of light yields"); tg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Distance (cm)"); tg->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0,25); double scale = 0.4; tg->SetMinimum(-1*scale); tg->SetMaximum(1*scale); tg->Fit("fun2","","",0,25); TLine line2(0.0,0.0,25.0,0.0); line2.SetLineStyle(2); line2.SetLineWidth(2); line2.Draw(); // get the fit parameters double frac = fun2->GetParameter(0); double core = fun2->GetParameter(1); double clad = fun2->GetParameter(2); double Efrac = fun2->GetParError(0); double off = fun2->GetParameter(3); double Eoff = fun2->GetParError(3); // use the fit parameters to put text boxes with fit information on the plt TLatex *tex1 = new TLatex(15,-0.30*scale,Form("f_{core} = %.3f #pm %.3f",frac,Efrac)); tex1->SetTextColor(kGreen+2); tex1->Draw(); TLatex *tex2 = new TLatex(15,-0.45*scale,Form("#lambda_{core} = %.1f (FIXED)",core)); tex2->SetTextColor(kBlack); tex2->Draw(); TLatex *tex3 = new TLatex(15,-0.60*scale,Form("#lambda_{clad} = %.1f (FIXED)",clad)); tex3->SetTextColor(kBlack); tex3->Draw(); TLatex *texX = new TLatex(15,-0.75*scale,Form("offset = %.3f #pm %.3f",off,Eoff)); texX->SetTextColor(kGreen+2); texX->Draw(); // generalize c1->Print(Form("Figures/FITASYMMETRY_%s_p%d.png",basename,projnumb)); c1->Print(Form("Figures/FITASYMMETRY_%s_p%d.pdf",basename,projnumb)); // --- frac1[projnumb] = fracore1; frac2[projnumb] = fracore2; fracAv[projnumb] = (fracore1+fracore2)/2.0; fracAs[projnumb] = frac; delete h1; delete h2; }
void test() { //Illustrates TVirtualFitter::GetConfidenceIntervals //This method computes confidence intervals for the fitted function //Author: Anna Kreshuk TCanvas *myc = new TCanvas("myc", "Confidence intervals on the fitted function",1200, 500); myc->Divide(3,1); /////1. A graph //Create and fill a graph Int_t ngr = 100; TGraph *gr = new TGraph(ngr); gr->SetName("GraphNoError"); Double_t x, y; Int_t i; for (i=0; i<ngr; i++){ x = gRandom->Uniform(-1, 1); y = -1 + 2*x + gRandom->Gaus(0, 1); gr->SetPoint(i, x, y); } //Create the fitting function TF1 *fpol = new TF1("fpol", "pol1", -1, 1); fpol->SetLineWidth(2); gr->Fit(fpol, "Q"); //Create a TGraphErrors to hold the confidence intervals TGraphErrors *grint = new TGraphErrors(ngr); grint->SetTitle("Fitted line with .95 conf. band"); for (i=0; i<ngr; i++) grint->SetPoint(i, gr->GetX()[i], 0); //Compute the confidence intervals at the x points of the created graph (TVirtualFitter::GetFitter())->GetConfidenceIntervals(grint); //Now the "grint" graph contains function values as its y-coordinates //and confidence intervals as the errors on these coordinates //Draw the graph, the function and the confidence intervals myc->cd(1); grint->SetLineColor(kRed); grint->Draw("ap"); gr->SetMarkerStyle(5); gr->SetMarkerSize(0.7); gr->Draw("psame"); /////2. A histogram myc->cd(2); //Create, fill and fit a histogram Int_t nh=5000; TH1D *h = new TH1D("h", "Fitted gaussian with .95", 100, -3, 3); h->FillRandom("gaus", nh); TF1 *f = new TF1("fgaus", "gaus", -3, 3); f->SetLineWidth(2); h->Fit(f, "Q"); h->Draw(); //Create a histogram to hold the confidence intervals TH1D *hint = new TH1D("hint", "Fitted gaussian with .95", 100, -3, 3); (TVirtualFitter::GetFitter())->GetConfidenceIntervals(hint); //Now the "hint" histogram has the fitted function values as the //bin contents and the confidence intervals as bin errors hint->SetStats(kFALSE); hint->SetFillColor(2); hint->Draw("e3 same"); /////3. A 2d graph //Create and fill the graph Int_t ngr2 = 100; Double_t z, rnd, e=0.3; TGraph2D *gr2 = new TGraph2D(ngr2); gr2->SetName("Graph2DNoError"); TF2 *f2 = new TF2("f2", "1000*(([0]*sin(x)/x)*([1]*sin(y)/y))+250",-6,6,-6,6); f2->SetParameters(1,1); for (i=0; i<ngr2; i++){ f2->GetRandom2(x,y); // Generate a random number in [-e,e] rnd = 2*gRandom->Rndm()*e-e; z = f2->Eval(x,y)*(1+rnd); gr2->SetPoint(i,x,y,z); } //Create a graph with errors to store the intervals TGraph2DErrors *grint2 = new TGraph2DErrors(ngr2); for (i=0; i<ngr2; i++) grint2->SetPoint(i, gr2->GetX()[i], gr2->GetY()[i], 0); //Fit the graph f2->SetParameters(0.5,1.5); gr2->Fit(f2, "Q"); //Compute the confidence intervals (TVirtualFitter::GetFitter())->GetConfidenceIntervals(grint2); //Now the "grint2" graph contains function values as z-coordinates //and confidence intervals as their errors //draw myc->cd(3); f2->SetNpx(30); f2->SetNpy(30); f2->SetFillColor(kBlue); f2->Draw("surf4"); grint2->SetNpx(20); grint2->SetNpy(20); grint2->SetMarkerStyle(24); grint2->SetMarkerSize(0.7); grint2->SetMarkerColor(kRed); grint2->SetLineColor(kRed); grint2->Draw("E0 same"); grint2->SetTitle("Fitted 2d function with .95 error bars"); myc->cd(); }
PMTCalibration(){ // Variable declarations // NOTE - Make sure the number of elements in Voltage is correct. If its not, this will // confuse the forloop. float Voltage[19] = {1.432,1.434,1.436,1.438,1.440,1.442,1.444,1.446,1.448,1.450,1.452,1.454, 1.456, 1.458, 1.460, 1.462, 1.464, 1.466, 1.468}; // LED Voltages float PedestalFitMin = -6e-12; // Minimum for pedestal fitting range float PedestalFitMax = 2e-8; // Maximum for pedestal fitting range float SignalNorm = 100; // Normalization for signal fitting float SignalMean = 5e-10; // Mean of signal distribution float SignalWidth = 1e-10; // Width of signal distribution float MaxADCforPlot = 7e-10; // Maximum of x-axis for linearity plot float MaxNPEforPlot = 60; // Maximum of y-axis for linearity plot string IsPedestalFit; // String for user interface string IsFullADCFit; // String for user interface string IsPlotPretty; // String for user interface int dummy; // Dummy variable used in sprintf stuff char filename[50]; // Array of filenames char plotname[50]; // Array of ADC plot names // Ntuple for storing the derived quantities at each voltage TNtuple *ntuple = new TNtuple("ntuple","data for each voltage","V:mean:sigma:meanerr:sigmaerr"); // Begin loop over all files/voltages for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(Voltage)/sizeof(Voltage[0]); i++) { // To learn about sprintf: // // To learn about "%.3f": // dummy=sprintf(filename,"F3squarepmt_1300v_%.3fv00000.txt",Voltage[i]); dummy=sprintf(plotname,"F3squarepmt_1300v_%.3fv00000.pdf",Voltage[i]); cout<<"filename: "<<filename<<endl; // Put contents of text file into TGraph TGraph *OrignalADC = new TGraph(filename); OrignalADC->Draw("A*"); // While-loop to continue iterating over the fit until the user approves it // To learn about cin and cout: // IsPedestalFit = "N"; while (IsPedestalFit != "Y") { // Fit a gaussian over the pedestal only. Use fit output to shift ADC plot. // The 'gpad' lines are necessary so that the plot continues to display while waiting // for user input ( PedestalFit = new TF1("h1","gaus",PedestalFitMin,PedestalFitMax); OrignalADC->Fit(PedestalFit,"R"); OrignalADC->Draw("A*"); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); cout << "Is the pedestal fit correctly?"<< endl; cout << "Return Y for yes and N for no."<< endl; cin >> IsPedestalFit; // If pedestal fit is incorrect, change pedestal fit range and try again if (IsPedestalFit != "Y") { cout << "Enter the minimum fit range for the pedestal (ie -2e10)"<<endl; cin >> PedestalFitMin; cout << "Enter the minimum fit range for the pedestal (ie 2e10)"<<endl; cin >> PedestalFitMax; } } // Define a New TGraph with x-axis rescaled using the function below TGraph *ModifiedADC = rescaleaxis(OrignalADC,-1.0,-1.0*PedestalFit->GetParameter(1)); // Use another while loop to assure that the pedestal plus signal fit is good IsFullADCFit = "N"; while (IsFullADCFit != "Y") { // Fit with two gaussians. 0-2 are signal. 3-5 are pedestal. The 'FixParameter' keeps the pedestal gaussian fixed at 0. TF1 *FullADCFit = new TF1("FullADCFit","([0]*exp(-0.5*((x-[1])/[2])^2))+([3]*exp(-0.5*((x-[4])/[5])^2))",-1,1); FullADCFit->SetParameters(SignalNorm,SignalMean,SignalWidth,PedestalFit->GetParameter(0), 0.0, PedestalFit->GetParameter(2)); FullADCFit->FixParameter(4,0); ModifiedADC->Fit(FullADCFit,"R"); ModifiedADC->Draw("A*"); gPad->Modified(); gPad->Update(); cout << "Is the full ADC distribution fit correctly?"<< endl; cout << "Return Y for yes and N for no."<< endl; cin >> IsFullADCFit; // If ADC isn't fit correctly, give the user a chance to change the inital values of the signal fit. if (IsFullADCFit != "Y") { cout << "Enter a new initial value for the signal normalization (ie 100)"<<endl; cin >> SignalNorm; cout << "Enter a new initial value for the signal mean (ie 5e10)"<<endl; cin >> SignalMean; cout << "Enter a new initial value for the standard deviation (ie 1e10)"<<endl; cin >> SignalWidth; } }
TF1 *GausBF::Bfit(TGraph *gr) { TF1 *func = new TF1("func", FB(), -200, 200); gr->Fit("gaus", "q0"); TF1 *fg0 = gr->GetFunction("gaus"); Int_t ip = 3; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) func->SetParameter(i, fg0->GetParameter(i)); TGraph gd; TGraph gm; Double_t min = 0, max = 0; Double_t xmn = gr->GetY()[0]; Double_t xmx = gr->GetY()[0]; Double_t xb = gr->GetX()[0]; Double_t db = 0; Double_t mmin = 0.002; for (Int_t i = 0; i < gr->GetN(); i++) { Double_t x = gr->GetX()[i]; Double_t y = gr->GetY()[i]; Double_t d = y-func->Eval(x); gd.SetPoint(i, x, d); gm.SetPoint(i, x, -d); if (db*d < 0) { if ((d > 0 && min < -mmin) || (d < 0 && max > mmin)) { Double_t xm = (d > 0) ? xmn : xmx; Double_t w1 = x-xm; Double_t w2 = xm-xb; Double_t w = (w1 > w2) ? w2 : w1; Double_t par[3]; if (d < 0) { gd.Fit("gaus", "q0", "", xm-w, xm+w); TF1 *fg = gd.GetFunction("gaus"); for (Int_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) par[j] = fg->GetParameter(j); } else { gm.Fit("gaus", "q0", "", xm-w, xm+w); TF1 *fg = gm.GetFunction("gaus"); for (Int_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) par[j] = fg->GetParameter(j); par[0] = -par[0]; } for (Int_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) func->SetParameter(ip+j, par[j]); ip += 3; } xb = x; if (d < 0) min = 0; if (d > 0) max = 0; } db = d; if (d < min) { min = d; xmn = x; } if (d > max) { max = d; xmx = x; } } for (Int_t i = ip; i < Np; i++) func->FixParameter(i, (i%3 == 2) ? 1 : 0); gr->Fit(func, "q0"); return func; }
/** Make Va1 response @param n @param B @param dc @param errors @ingroup simple_script */ void VA1Response(Int_t n=4, Float_t B=6, Float_t dc=.01, Bool_t errors=kFALSE, Bool_t doFit=kFALSE) { gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(0); gStyle->SetLabelFont(132, "xyz"); gStyle->SetTitleFont(132, "xyz"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.08, "y"); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.5, "y"); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.06, "x"); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(0.7, "x"); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 800, 500); c->SetFillColor(0); c->SetBorderMode(0); c->SetBorderSize(0); c->SetTopMargin(0.05); c->SetRightMargin(0.05); c->SetGridx(); c->SetGridy(); TF1* response = new TF1("response", "[0] * (1 - exp(-[1] * x))", 0, 1.4); response->SetParameters(1, B); response->SetParNames("A", "B"); response->SetLineColor(2); TGraph* graph = 0; if (n >= 2) { if (errors) graph = new TGraphErrors(n); else graph = new TGraph(n); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { Float_t t = Float_t(i + 1) / n; Float_t q = gRandom->Gaus(response->Eval(t), dc); graph->SetPoint(i, t, q); if (errors) ((TGraphErrors*)graph)->SetPointError(i, 0, dc); } } response->Draw(); response->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.05); response->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 1.1); response->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(6, kTRUE); response->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(10, kTRUE); response->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("t"); response->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle(Form("1-e^{-%3.1f t}", B)); if (graph) { graph->Draw("P*"); TString fitOpt("E"); if (!errors) fitOpt.Append("W"); if (doFit) { TF1* fit = new TF1("fit", "[0] * (1 - exp(-[1] * x))", 0, 1); fit->SetParameters(.5, B/2); fit->SetParNames("A", "B"); fit->SetLineColor(3); graph->Fit("fit", fitOpt.Data()); graph->Fit("fit", fitOpt.Data()); std::cout << "Chi^2/NDF = " << fit->GetChisquare() << "/" << fit->GetNDF() << " = " << std::flush; if (fit->GetNDF() == 0) std::cout << " undefined!" << std::endl; else std::cout << (fit->GetChisquare() / fit->GetNDF()) << std::endl; std::cout << "f(t) = " << fit->GetParameter(0) << "+/-" << fit->GetParError(0) << " * (1 - exp(" << fit->GetParameter(1) << "+/-" << fit->GetParError(1) << " * t))" << std::endl; } } c->Modified(); c->Update(); c->cd(); c->SaveAs("va1_response.png"); }
//***************************************************************************** void fitter::ComputeMomFromParabola(const Trajectory& traj, int nplanes, int firsthit, EVector& V){ //***************************************************************************** //Some catchers for pointless returns. int fitcatch; // int nfit, sign; int fitRange[3]; const int fitpoints = nplanes - firsthit; double xpos[fitpoints], ypos[fitpoints], zpos[fitpoints]; double upos[fitpoints], vpos[fitpoints]; int pos = 0; EVector currentpos = EVector(3,0); EVector currentB = EVector(3,0); EVector z = EVector(3,0); z[2] = 1; double Bmean=0; for( int ipoint=firsthit; ipoint < nplanes; ipoint ++ ){ xpos[pos] = traj.node(ipoint).measurement().position()[0]; ypos[pos] = traj.node(ipoint).measurement().position()[1]; zpos[pos] = traj.node(ipoint).measurement().position()[2] - traj.node(firsthit).measurement().position()[2]; currentpos[0] = traj.node(ipoint).measurement().position()[0]; currentpos[1] = traj.node(ipoint).measurement().position()[1]; currentpos[2] = 0.; currentB = _geom.getBField(currentpos); upos[pos] = xpos[pos] > 0 ? asin(ypos[pos]/currentpos.norm()) : -asin(ypos[pos]/currentpos.norm()); vpos[pos] = dot(currentpos,crossprod(z,currentB))/currentB.norm(); Bmean += currentB.norm(); ++pos; } Bmean /= pos; Bmean /= tesla; if (fitpoints <= 15) { nfit = 1; fitRange[0] = fitpoints;} else if (fitpoints <= 40) { nfit = 2; fitRange[0] = 15; fitRange[1] = (int)(0.7*fitpoints); } else if (fitpoints > 40) { nfit = 3; fitRange[0] = 15; fitRange[1] = (int)(fitpoints/2); fitRange[2] = (int)(0.7*fitpoints); } for (int ifit = 0;ifit < nfit;ifit++) { TGraph *trajFitXZ = new TGraph(fitRange[ifit],zpos, xpos); TGraph *trajFitYZ = new TGraph(fitRange[ifit],zpos, ypos); TGraph *trajFitUZ = new TGraph(fitRange[ifit],zpos, upos); TGraph *trajFitVZ = new TGraph(fitRange[ifit],zpos, vpos); TF1 *func = new TF1("fit",fitf2,-3,3,3); func->SetParameters(0.,0.,0.001,0.0001,0.0001); func->SetParNames("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"); TF1 *func2 = new TF1("fit2",fitf2,-3,3,3); func2->SetParameters(0.,0.,0.001,0.0001,0.0001); func2->SetParNames("f", "g", "h", "i", "j"); TF1 *func3 = new TF1("fit3",fitf2,-3,3,3); func->SetParameters(0.,0.,0.001,0.0001,0.0001); func->SetParNames("a1", "b1", "c1", "d1", "e1"); TF1 *func4 = new TF1("fit4",fitf2,-3,3,3); func2->SetParameters(0.,0.,0.001,0.0001,0.0001); func2->SetParNames("f1", "g1", "h1", "i1", "j1"); fitcatch = trajFitXZ->Fit("fit", "QN"); fitcatch = trajFitYZ->Fit("fit2", "QN"); fitcatch = trajFitUZ->Fit("fit3", "QN"); fitcatch = trajFitVZ->Fit("fit4", "QN"); double b = func->GetParameter(1); double c = func->GetParameter(2); double g = func2->GetParameter(1); /*double f = func2->GetParameter(0); double a = func->GetParameter(0); double h = func2->GetParameter(2); double a1 = func3->GetParameter(0); double b1 = func3->GetParameter(1); double c1 = func3->GetParameter(2); double f1 = func4->GetParameter(0);*//// double g1 = func4->GetParameter(1); double h1 = func4->GetParameter(2); if (ifit == 0) { V[4] = g; //func2->GetParameter(1); V[3] = b; if (h1!=0) { V[5] = 1./(-0.3*Bmean*pow((1+g1*g1),3./2.)/ (2*h1)*0.01); V[5] /= GeV; sign = (int)( V[5]/fabs( V[5] )); } else V[5] = 0; } else { if ((int)(-c/fabs(c)) == sign) { V[4] = g; V[3] = b; V[5] = 1/(-0.3*Bmean*pow((1+g1*g1),3./2.)/(2*h1)*0.01); V[5] /= GeV; } else break; } delete trajFitXZ; delete trajFitYZ; delete trajFitUZ; delete trajFitVZ; delete func; delete func2; delete func3; delete func4; } //std::cout<<"Momentum guess from polynomial fit: p/q = "<<1./V[5]<<std::endl; }
void view_SMEvents_3D_from_Hits() { /*** Displays an 3D occupancy plot for each SM Event. (stop mode event) Can choose which SM event to start at. (find "CHOOSE THIS" in this script) Input file must be a Hits file (_interpreted_Hits.root file). ***/ gROOT->Reset(); // Setting up file, treereader, histogram TFile *f = new TFile("/home/pixel/pybar/tags/2.0.2_new/pyBAR-master/pybar/module_202_new/101_module_202_new_stop_mode_ext_trigger_scan_interpreted_Hits.root"); if (!f) { // if we cannot open the file, print an error message and return immediately cout << "Error: cannot open the root file!\n"; //return; } TTreeReader *reader = new TTreeReader("Table", f); TTreeReaderValue<UInt_t> h5_file_num(*reader, "h5_file_num"); TTreeReaderValue<Long64_t> event_number(*reader, "event_number"); TTreeReaderValue<UChar_t> tot(*reader, "tot"); TTreeReaderValue<UChar_t> relative_BCID(*reader, "relative_BCID"); TTreeReaderValue<Long64_t> SM_event_num(*reader, "SM_event_num"); TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> x(*reader, "x"); TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> y(*reader, "y"); TTreeReaderValue<Double_t> z(*reader, "z"); // Initialize the canvas and graph TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","3D Occupancy for Specified SM Event", 1000, 10, 900, 550); c1->SetRightMargin(0.25); TGraph2D *graph = new TGraph2D(); // Variables used to loop the main loop bool endOfReader = false; // if reached end of the reader bool quit = false; // if pressed q int smEventNum = 1; // the current SM-event CHOOSE THIS to start at desired SM event number // Main Loop (loops for every smEventNum) while (!endOfReader && !quit) { // Variables used in this main loop int startEntryNum = 0; int endEntryNum = 0; string histTitle = "3D Occupancy for SM Event "; string inString = ""; bool fitFailed = false; // true if the 3D fit failed bool lastEvent = false; // Declaring some important output values for the current graph and/or line fit int numEntries = 0; double sumSquares = 0; // Get startEntryNum and endEntryNum startEntryNum = getEntryNumWithSMEventNum(reader, smEventNum); endEntryNum = getEntryNumWithSMEventNum(reader, smEventNum + 1); if (startEntryNum == -2) { // can't find the smEventNum cout << "Error: There should not be any SM event numbers that are missing." << "\n"; } else if (startEntryNum == -3) { endOfReader = true; break; } else if (endEntryNum == -3) { // assuming no SM event nums are skipped endEntryNum = reader->GetEntries(false); lastEvent = true; } // Fill TGraph with points and set title and axes graph = new TGraph2D(); // create a new TGraph to refresh reader->SetEntry(startEntryNum); for (int i = 0; i < endEntryNum - startEntryNum; i++) { graph->SetPoint(i, (*x - 0.001), (*y + 0.001), (*z - 0.001)); endOfReader = !(reader->Next()); } histTitle.append(to_string(smEventNum)); graph->SetTitle(histTitle.c_str()); graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x (mm)"); graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y (mm)"); graph->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("z (mm)"); graph->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(0, 20); // ROOT is buggy, x and y use setlimits() graph->GetYaxis()->SetLimits(-16.8, 0); // but z uses setrangeuser() graph->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0, 40.96); c1->SetTitle(histTitle.c_str()); // 3D Fit, display results, draw graph and line fit, only accept "good" events, get input if (!endOfReader || lastEvent) { // Display some results numEntries = graph->GetN(); cout << "Current SM Event Number: " << smEventNum << "\n"; cout << "Number of entries: " << numEntries << "\n"; // Starting the fit. First, get decent starting parameters for the fit - do two 2D fits (one for x vs z, one for y vs z) TGraph *graphZX = new TGraph(); TGraph *graphZY = new TGraph(); reader->SetEntry(startEntryNum); for (int i = 0; i < endEntryNum - startEntryNum; i++) { graphZX->SetPoint(i, (*z - 0.001), (*x + 0.001)); graphZY->SetPoint(i, (*z - 0.001), (*y + 0.001)); reader->Next(); } TFitResultPtr fitZX = graphZX->Fit("pol1", "WQS"); // w for ignore error of each pt, q for quiet (suppress results output), s for return a tfitresultptr TFitResultPtr fitZY = graphZY->Fit("pol1", "WQS"); Double_t param0 = fitZX->GetParams()[0]; Double_t param1 = fitZX->GetParams()[1]; Double_t param2 = fitZY->GetParams()[0]; Double_t param3 = fitZY->GetParams()[1]; // // Draw the lines for the two 2D fits // int n = 2; // TPolyLine3D *lineZX = new TPolyLine3D(n); // TPolyLine3D *lineZY = new TPolyLine3D(n); // lineZX->SetPoint(0, param0, 0, 0); // lineZX->SetPoint(1, param0 + param1 * 40.96, 0, 40.96); // lineZX->SetLineColor(kBlue); // lineZX->Draw("same"); // lineZY->SetPoint(0, 0, param2, 0); // lineZY->SetPoint(1, 0, param2 + param3 * 40.96, 40.96); // lineZY->SetLineColor(kGreen); // lineZY->Draw("same"); // 3D FITTING CODE (based on line3Dfit.C), draw graph and line fit ROOT::Fit::Fitter fitter; SumDistance2 sdist(graph); #ifdef __CINT__ ROOT::Math::Functor fcn(&sdist,4,"SumDistance2"); #else ROOT::Math::Functor fcn(sdist,4); #endif // set the function and the initial parameter values double pStart[4] = {param0,param1,param2,param3}; fitter.SetFCN(fcn,pStart); // set step sizes different than default ones (0.3 times parameter values) for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) fitter.Config().ParSettings(i).SetStepSize(0.01); bool ok = fitter.FitFCN(); if (!ok) { Error("line3Dfit","Line3D Fit failed"); fitFailed = true; } else { const ROOT::Fit::FitResult & result = fitter.Result(); const double * fitParams = result.GetParams(); sumSquares = result.MinFcnValue(); std::cout << "Sum of distance squares: " << sumSquares << std::endl; std::cout << "Sum of distance squares divided by numEntries: " << sumSquares/numEntries << std::endl; std::cout << "Theta : " << TMath::ATan(sqrt(pow(fitParams[1], 2) + pow(fitParams[3], 2))) << std::endl; // result.Print(std::cout); // (un)suppress results output // Draw the graph graph->SetMarkerStyle(8); graph->SetMarkerSize(0.5); graph->Draw("pcol"); // Draw the fitted line int n = 1000; double t0 = 0; // t is the z coordinate double dt = 40.96; TPolyLine3D *l = new TPolyLine3D(n); for (int i = 0; i <n;++i) { double t = t0+ dt*i/n; double x,y,z; line(t,fitParams,x,y,z); l->SetPoint(i,x,y,z); } l->SetLineColor(kRed); l->Draw("same"); // Access fit params and minfcnvalue // cout << "FIT1: " << fitParams[1] << "\n"; // cout << "FIT2: " << result.MinFcnValue() << "\n"; } // Criteria to be a good event (if not good entry, then don't show) bool isGoodEvent = false; // the following block of code finds the mean X, Y ans Z values double meanX = 0; double meanY = 0; double meanZ = 0; reader->SetEntry(startEntryNum); for (int i = 0; i < endEntryNum - startEntryNum; i++) { meanX += graph->GetX()[i]; meanY += graph->GetY()[i]; meanZ += graph->GetZ()[i]; reader->Next(); } meanX /= endEntryNum - startEntryNum; meanY /= endEntryNum - startEntryNum; meanZ /= endEntryNum - startEntryNum; // the following code block calculates the fraction of the hits in the smEvent that are inside a sphere, centered at the mean XYZ, of radius 'radius' (larger fraction means the track is less like a long streak and more like a dense blob) double radius = 1; // length in mm double fractionInsideSphere = 0; reader->SetEntry(startEntryNum); for (int i = 0; i < endEntryNum - startEntryNum; i++) { double distanceFromMeanXYZ = sqrt(pow(graph->GetX()[i] - meanX, 2) + pow(graph->GetY()[i] - meanY, 2) + pow(graph->GetZ()[i] - meanZ, 2)); if (distanceFromMeanXYZ <= 2) { fractionInsideSphere += 1; } reader->Next(); } fractionInsideSphere /= endEntryNum - startEntryNum; cout << "fraction inside sphere: " << fractionInsideSphere << "\n"; // if (numEntries >= 50 // && sumSquares/numEntries < 2.0 // && fractionInsideSphere < 0.8) { // isGoodEvent = true; // } isGoodEvent = true; if (isGoodEvent) { // won't show drawings or ask for input unless its a good event c1->Update(); // show all the drawings // handle input bool inStringValid = false; do { cout << "<Enter>: next event; 'b': previous SM event; [number]: specific SM event number; 'q': quit.\n"; getline(cin, inString); // Handles behavior according to input if (inString.empty()) { // <Enter> // leave things be inStringValid = true; } else if ("b") == 0) { smEventNum -= 2; // because it gets incremented once at the end of this do while loop inStringValid = true; } else if ("q") == 0 ||".q") == 0) { quit = true; inStringValid = true; } else if (canConvertStringToPosInt(inString)) { smEventNum = convertStringToPosInt(inString) - 1; // -1 because it gets incremented once at the end of this do while loop inStringValid = true; } // else, leave inStringValid as false, so that it asks for input again } while (!inStringValid); } else { cout << "\n"; } } smEventNum++; } cout << "Exiting program.\n"; }
void dumpProfile() { std::string fileName_ = "Profile_SM10.root"; TFile *shapeFile_ = TFile::Open(fileName_.c_str(),"old"); TProfile* PROF_704 = (TProfile*) shapeFile_->Get("SHAPE_XTAL_704"); ofstream out;"dat.txt"); int nBinsHisto_ = 250; std::vector<double> shapeArray(nBinsHisto_,0.0); double max = -999; int imax = 0; for(int ibin=0; ibin < nBinsHisto_; ++ibin) { out << "shapeArray[" << ibin << "] = " << PROF_704->GetBinContent(ibin+1) << " ; \n"; shapeArray[ibin] = PROF_704->GetBinContent(ibin); std::cout << "Original shape, ns = " << ibin << " shape = " << shapeArray[ibin] << std::endl; if ( shapeArray[ibin] > max ) { max = shapeArray[ibin]; imax = ibin; } }//loop out.close(); double xMinHisto_ = -1.; double xMaxHisto_ = 9.; double binw = (xMaxHisto_ - xMinHisto_)/(shapeArray.size()); int nbins = shapeArray.size()/10; float low = xMinHisto_+(double)(imax-nbins/2+0.5)*binw; float up = xMinHisto_+(double)(imax+nbins/2+0.5)*binw; double* x = new double[nbins]; double* y = new double[nbins]; for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) { x[i] = xMinHisto_ + (double)(imax - nbins/2 + i + 0.5)*binw; y[i] = shapeArray[imax - nbins/2 + i]; std::cout << " x,y = " << x[i] << " " << y[i] << " " << (double)(imax - nbins/2 + i + 0.5) << std::endl; } TGraph* graph = new TGraph(nbins, x, y); graph->Fit("pol3", "V");//"Q 0"); TF1* fFit = graph->GetFunction("pol3"); double tMax = fFit->GetMaximumX(); std:;cout << "Maxiumum = " << tMax << std::endl; gStyle->SetOptFit(1111); TCanvas *MyC = new TCanvas("MyC","Test canvas",1); MyC->Divide(2,1); MyC->cd(1); PROF_704->Draw(); MyC->cd(2); fFit->Draw(); MyC->SaveAs("PROF_704.jpg"); }
int RAAweighting() { gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(0000); gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(0); gStyle->SetTextSize(0.05); gStyle->SetTextFont(42); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.043); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.18); gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.1); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.145); gStyle->SetTitleX(.0f); ifstream getdata("theoryRAA/Magdalena.dat"); if(!getdata.is_open()) { cout<<" ERROR: Opening the file fails"<<endl; return 1; } Int_t nbin=0; while(!getdata.eof()) { getdata>>fpt[nbin]>>fRAA[nbin]; cout<<fpt[nbin]<<" "<<fRAA[nbin]<<endl; nbin++; } TGraph* gRAA = new TGraph(nbin,fpt,fRAA); gRAA->SetMarkerSize(0.8); gRAA->SetMarkerStyle(20); gRAA->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); TCanvas* cRAA = new TCanvas("cRAA","",600,600); TH2F* hempty = new TH2F("hempty","",20,0.,55.,10.,0.3,0.8); hempty->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("B^{+} p_{T} (GeV/c)"); hempty->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R_{AA}"); hempty->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); hempty->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); hempty->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3); hempty->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.8); hempty->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.045); hempty->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.045); hempty->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(42); hempty->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(42); hempty->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42); hempty->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42); hempty->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); hempty->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04); hempty->Draw(); gRAA->Draw("samep"); TF1* fRAA = new TF1("fRAA","exp([0]+[1]*x+[2]*x*x+[3]*x*x*x)+[4]"); fRAA->SetLineWidth(2); gRAA->Fit("fRAA","","",4.8,50.5); gRAA->Fit("fRAA","","",4.8,50.5); cout<<endl; cout<<" exp("<<fRAA->GetParameter(0)<<"+"<<fRAA->GetParameter(1)<<"*x+"<<fRAA->GetParameter(2)<<"*x*x+"<<fRAA->GetParameter(3)<<"*x*x*x)+"<<fRAA->GetParameter(4)<<endl; cout<<endl; TLatex* texCms = new TLatex(0.18,0.93, "#scale[1.25]{CMS} #bf{#it{Preliminary}}"); texCms->SetNDC(); texCms->SetTextAlign(12); texCms->SetTextSize(0.04); texCms->SetTextFont(42); texCms->Draw(); TLatex* texCol = new TLatex(0.96,0.93, Form("%s #sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV","PbPb")); texCol->SetNDC(); texCol->SetTextAlign(32); texCol->SetTextSize(0.04); texCol->SetTextFont(42); texCol->Draw(); TLatex* texTheory = new TLatex(0.55,0.80, "Theory"); texTheory->SetNDC(); texTheory->SetTextAlign(12); texTheory->SetTextSize(0.04); texTheory->SetTextFont(42); texTheory->Draw(); TLatex* texArxiv = new TLatex(0.55,0.75, "arXiv:1601.07852"); texArxiv->SetNDC(); texArxiv->SetTextAlign(12); texArxiv->SetTextSize(0.04); texArxiv->SetTextFont(42); texArxiv->Draw(); TString tper = "%"; TLatex* texCent = new TLatex(0.55,0.70, Form("Cent. 0-10%s",tper.Data())); texCent->SetNDC(); texCent->SetTextAlign(12); texCent->SetTextSize(0.04); texCent->SetTextFont(42); texCent->Draw(); cRAA->SaveAs("plots/RAAweighting.pdf"); return 0; }
void L1PrescalesSimulator::run(int nevs) { cout << "Start..." << endl; lumiSectTimeNs_ = 23.31; l_ = new TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.85, 0.9); Hbits_ = new TH1D("Hbits","",192,0.,192.); Hbits2_ = new TH1D("Hbits2","",192,0.,192.); gStyle->SetOptTitle(kFALSE); Hbits_->SetTitle(""); Hbits_->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Bit"); Hbits2_->SetTitle(""); Hbits2_->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Bit"); // clear buffers lumiSec2Lumi_.clear(); lumiSec2rate_.clear(); lumiSec2ratePrescaled_.clear(); rateVecs_.clear(); bit2prescale_.clear(); bxMultiplicatorVec_.clear(); lumiVec_.ResizeTo(0); bitMaskVec_.clear(); cout << "Open config file: " << tb_.getMacroDir() << "conf/PrescalesSimulator.conf" << endl; tb_.readConfigFile(tb_.getMacroDir() + "conf/PrescalesSimulator.conf", parameterMap_); // fill parameters numberOfBunches_ = toolbox::convertFromString<int>(parameterMap_["nOfBunches"]); commonPrescale_ = toolbox::convertFromString<int>(parameterMap_["commonPrescale"]); xMin_ = toolbox::convertFromString<float>(parameterMap_["xMin"]); xMax_ = toolbox::convertFromString<float>(parameterMap_["xMax"]); xFitMin_ = toolbox::convertFromString<float>(parameterMap_["xFitMin"]); xFitMax_ = toolbox::convertFromString<float>(parameterMap_["xFitMax"]); yMax_ = toolbox::convertFromString<int>(parameterMap_["yMax"]); int tmp = 1; std::map<string, string>::iterator itr; do { ostringstream oss; oss << tmp; itr = parameterMap_.find(oss.str()); if (itr != parameterMap_.end()) bxMultiplicatorVec_.push_back(toolbox::convertFromString<float>(itr->second)); tmp++; } while (itr != parameterMap_.end()); tmp = 1; tb_.readConfigFile(tb_.getMacroDir() + "conf/bitmasks.dat", parameterMap_); cout << "Bit masks: " << endl; do { ostringstream oss; oss << "m" << tmp; itr = parameterMap_.find(oss.str()); if (itr != parameterMap_.end()) { cout << (itr->second) << endl; bitMaskVec_.push_back(toolbox::convertFromString<ULong64_t>(itr->second, 16)); } tmp++; } while (itr != parameterMap_.end()); // original luminosity and prescaled luminosity + bx multiplicator nOfPlots_ = 2 + bxMultiplicatorVec_.size(); if (nevs) { hreset(); getPrescales(); getLuminosities(); loop(bit2prescale_); } TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "", 900, 700); c2->GetEvent(); Hbits_->Draw(); Hbits2_->SetLineColor(2); Hbits2_->Draw("same"); // draw the graphs TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "", 900, 700); c1->SetGrid(1, 1); TGraph* g = new TGraph(lumiVec_, rateVecs_[0]); g->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(xMin_, xMax_); g->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Luminosity per bunch [10^{30} Hz/cm^{2}]"); g->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Rate [Hz]"); g->Fit("pol2", "", "", xFitMin_, xFitMax_); g->SetMaximum(yMax_); g->Draw("A*"); gStyle->SetOptTitle(kFALSE); g->SetTitle(); ostringstream buf, buf2; buf << numberOfBunches_ << " (original rate)"; buf2 << numberOfBunches_ << "b"; l_->AddEntry(g, tb_.toCStr(buf), "l"); TGraph* g2 = new TGraph(lumiVec_, rateVecs_[1]); g2->SetMarkerStyle(21); g2->SetLineColor(2); g2->Fit("pol2", "", "", xFitMin_, xFitMax_); TF1* fitFkt = g2->GetFunction("pol2"); fitFkt->SetLineColor(2); l_->AddEntry(g2, tb_.toCStr(buf2), "l"); g2->Draw("*"); addGraphsForSimulatedNOfBx(); l_->Draw(); }
void Calibrate() { TCanvas *mycan1 = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("mycan1"); if(!mycan1) { mycan1 = new TCanvas("mycan1","",1200,1000); mycan1->Divide(4,4,0.0000001,0.0000001); } float energy[2][32][5] = {0.}; float peak[2][32][5] = {0.}; ifstream file("SiCalibPoints.txt"); if(!file.is_open()) { cout << "No Si Calib Data" << endl; return; } ofstream out(""); int itele = -1; int istrip = -1; for(int i = 0;i<64;i++) { file >> itele >> istrip; itele = itele-6; file >>energy[itele][istrip][0]; file >> energy[itele][istrip][1] >> energy[itele][istrip][2]; file >> energy[itele][istrip][3] >> energy[itele][istrip][4]; file >> peak[itele][istrip][0] >> peak[itele][istrip][1]; file >> peak[itele][istrip][2] >> peak[itele][istrip][3]; file >> peak[itele][istrip][4]; } float slope = 0.; float inter = 0.; for(int i = 0;i<16;i++) { mycan1->cd(i+1); TGraph *mygraph = new TGraph(5,peak[0][i],energy[0][i]); mygraph->SetMarkerStyle(20); mygraph->Draw("AP"); TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit","pol1",0,500); mygraph->Fit("fit","RQ"); slope = fit->GetParameter(1); inter = fit->GetParameter(0); cout << istrip <<" Slope = " << slope; cout << " inter = " << inter << endl; out << 0 << " " << i << " " << slope << " " << inter << endl; } TCanvas *mycan2 = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("mycan2"); if(!mycan2) { mycan2 = new TCanvas("mycan2","",1200,1000); mycan2->Divide(4,4,0.0000001,0.0000001); } for(int i = 0;i<16;i++) { int istrip = i+16; mycan2->cd(i+1); TGraph *mygraph = new TGraph(5,peak[0][istrip],energy[0][istrip]); mygraph->SetTitle(Form("Strip %i",istrip)); mygraph->SetMarkerStyle(20); mygraph->Draw("AP"); TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit","pol1",0,500); mygraph->Fit("fit","RQ"); cout << istrip << " Slope = " << fit->GetParameter(1); cout << " inter = " << fit->GetParameter(0) << endl; slope = fit->GetParameter(1); inter = fit->GetParameter(0); out << 0 << " " << istrip << " " << slope << " " << inter << endl; } TCanvas *mycan3 = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("mycan3"); if(!mycan3) { mycan3 = new TCanvas("mycan3","",1200,1000); mycan3->Divide(4,4,0.0000001,0.0000001); } for(int i = 0;i<16;i++) { int istrip = i; mycan3->cd(i+1); TGraph *mygraph = new TGraph(5,peak[1][istrip],energy[1][istrip]); mygraph->SetTitle(Form("Strip %i",istrip)); mygraph->SetMarkerStyle(20); mygraph->Draw("AP"); TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit","pol1",0,500); mygraph->Fit("fit","RQ"); cout << istrip << " Slope = " << fit->GetParameter(1); cout << " inter = " << fit->GetParameter(0) << endl; slope = fit->GetParameter(1); inter = fit->GetParameter(0); out << 1 << " " << istrip << " " << slope << " " << inter << endl; } TCanvas *mycan4 = (TCanvas*)gROOT->FindObject("mycan4"); if(!mycan4) { mycan4 = new TCanvas("mycan4","",1200,1000); mycan4->Divide(4,4,0.0000001,0.0000001); } for(int i = 0;i<16;i++) { int istrip = i+16; mycan4->cd(i+1); TGraph *mygraph = new TGraph(5,peak[1][istrip],energy[1][istrip]); mygraph->SetTitle(Form("Strip %i",istrip)); mygraph->SetMarkerStyle(20); mygraph->Draw("AP"); TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit","pol1",0,500); mygraph->Fit("fit","RQ"); cout << istrip << " Slope = " << fit->GetParameter(1); cout << " inter = " << fit->GetParameter(0) << endl; slope = fit->GetParameter(1); inter = fit->GetParameter(0); out << 1 << " " << istrip << " " << slope << " " << inter << endl; } return; }
void CV(const char* fileName, const char* type, double A, double v1, double v2, double v3, double v4, double &vdepl, double &evdepl, double &neff, double &eneff, double &w, double &ew, bool savePlots=false) { TString simsstring("SIMU"); TString datastring("DATA"); int NMAX = 1001; if ( ! (simsstring.EqualTo(type) || datastring.EqualTo(type) ) ) { std::cerr << "type must be either SIMU or DATA, not -> " << type << "\n"; exit(2); } double *C = new double[NMAX]; double *V = new double[NMAX]; double *logC = new double[NMAX]; double *logV = new double[NMAX]; double *C2 = new double[NMAX]; double c,v; int i = 0; std::ifstream file;; if ( !file.good() ) { std::cerr << "Problems opening file " << fileName << "\n"; std::cerr << "rdstate = " << file.rdstate() << "\n"; exit(3); } while(1) { file >> v >> c; if (file.eof()) break; if (! (c>0) ) continue; c=fabs(c); v=fabs(v); C[i]=c; V[i]=v; logC[i]=TMath::Log10(c); logV[i]=TMath::Log10(v); C2[i]=1./c/c; i++; if ( i > NMAX ) { std::cerr << "Too many lines: " << i << "\n"; std::cerr << "Maximum is : " << NMAX << "\n"; exit(4); } } TGraph* grCV = new TGraph(i,V,C); grCV->SetName("grCV"); grCV->SetTitle(""); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",2000,1000); c1->cd(); grCV->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); grCV->SetMarkerStyle(24); grCV->SetMarkerSize(1.2); grCV->SetLineColor(kBlue); grCV->Draw("AP"); grCV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("C [F]"); grCV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("V_{bias} [V]"); c1->SetTicks(1); c1->SetGrid(1,1); TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","",2000,1000); c2->cd(); TGraph* grlogClogV = new TGraph(i,logV,logC); grlogClogV->SetName("grlogClogV"); grlogClogV->SetTitle(""); grlogClogV->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); grlogClogV->SetMarkerStyle(24); grlogClogV->SetMarkerSize(1.2); grlogClogV->SetLineColor(kBlack); grlogClogV->Draw("AP"); grlogClogV->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10}(C/F)"); grlogClogV->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("log_{10}(V_{bias}/V)"); c2->SetTicks(1); c2->SetGrid(1,1); double logv1 = TMath::Log10(v1); double logv2 = TMath::Log10(v2); double logv3 = TMath::Log10(v3); double logv4 = TMath::Log10(v4); TF1 *loglin1 = new TF1("loglin1","[0]+[1]*x",logv1,logv2); TF1 *loglin2 = new TF1("loglin2","[0]+[1]*x",logv3,logv4); loglin1->SetLineColor(kRed); loglin2->SetLineColor(kBlue); grlogClogV->Fit("loglin1","R","",logv1,logv2); grlogClogV->Fit("loglin2","R+","",logv3,logv4); double logq1 = loglin1->GetParameter(0); double logq2 = loglin2->GetParameter(0); double logm1 = loglin1->GetParameter(1); double logm2 = loglin2->GetParameter(1); double elogq1 = loglin1->GetParError(0); double elogq2 = loglin2->GetParError(0); double elogm1 = loglin1->GetParError(1); double elogm2 = loglin2->GetParError(1); assert((logm1-logm2)!=0); double logvdep = (logq1-logq2)/(logm2-logm1); vdepl = TMath::Power(10.,logvdep); double Deltam = sqrt(TMath::Power(elogm1,2.)+TMath::Power(elogm2,2.)); double Deltaq = sqrt(TMath::Power(elogq1,2.)+TMath::Power(elogq2,2.)); evdepl = sqrt(TMath::Power(Deltaq,2.)/TMath::Power((logm2-logm1),2.) + TMath::Power(Deltam,2.)*TMath::Power((logq1-logq2),2.)/TMath::Power((logm2-logm1),2.)); evdepl = TMath::Power(10.,evdepl); TF1 *flog1 = new TF1("flog1","[0]+[1]*x",logv1*0.8,logv2*1.2); TF1 *flog2 = new TF1("flog2","[0]+[1]*x",logv3*0.8,logv4*1.2); flog1->SetParameters(logq1,logm1); flog2->SetParameters(logq2,logm2); flog1->SetLineStyle(7); flog1->SetLineColor(loglin1->GetLineColor()); flog2->SetLineStyle(kDashed); flog2->SetLineColor(loglin2->GetLineColor()); grlogClogV->Draw("AP"); flog1->Draw("same"); flog2->Draw("same"); loglin1->Draw("same"); loglin2->Draw("same"); TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","",2000,1000); c3->cd(); TGraph *grC2V = new TGraph(i,V,C2); grC2V->SetName("grC2V"); grC2V->SetTitle(""); grC2V->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); grC2V->SetMarkerStyle(24); grC2V->SetMarkerSize(1.2); grC2V->SetLineColor(kBlue); grC2V->Draw("AP"); grC2V->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("C^{-2} [F^{-2}]"); grC2V->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("V_{bias} [V]"); c3->SetTicks(1); c3->SetGrid(1,1); grC2V->Fit("pol1","R","",v1,v2); TF1 *lin = (TF1*)gROOT->GetFunction("pol1"); lin->SetLineColor(kRed); double C2der = lin->GetParameter(1); double eC2der = lin->GetParError(1); neff = 2./A/A/q0/eR/e0/C2der; eneff = 2./A/A/q0/eR/e0/C2der/C2der*eC2der; w = TMath::Power(2.*eR*e0*vdepl/q0/neff,0.5); double ewA = 2*eR*e0/q0; ewA = TMath::Power(ewA,0.5); double ewNeff = 0.5*ewA*TMath::Power(vdepl,0.5)*TMath::Power(neff,-1.5)*eneff; double ewV = 0.5*ewA*TMath::Power(vdepl,-0.5)*TMath::Power(neff,-0.5)*evdepl; ew = TMath::Sqrt(ewNeff*ewNeff+ewV*ewV); std::cout << "v1 = " << v1 << " V\n"; std::cout << "v2 = " << v2 << " V\n"; std::cout << "v3 = " << v3 << " V\n"; std::cout << "v4 = " << v4 << " V\n"; std::cout << "vdepl = " << vdepl << " V \n"; std::cout << "evdepl = " << evdepl << " V \n"; std::cout << "neff = " << neff << " 1./cm^3\n"; std::cout << "eneff = " << eneff << " 1./cm^3\n"; std::cout << "w = " << w*1e+4 << " um\n"; std::cout << "ew = " << ew*1e+4 << " um\n"; file.close(); if ( savePlots == true ) { std::cout << "I will save plots\n"; TString saveFile(fileName); TString cvFile = saveFile; cvFile.ReplaceAll(".dat","_CV.png"); TString c2vFile = saveFile; c2vFile.ReplaceAll(".dat","_C2V.png"); TString logclogvFile = saveFile; logclogvFile.ReplaceAll(".dat","_logClogV.png"); c1->Draw(); c1->SaveAs(cvFile.Data()); c2->Draw(); c2->SaveAs(logclogvFile.Data()); c3->Draw(); c3->SaveAs(c2vFile.Data()); } }
/*============================================================================*/ void gaus2peakfit(Char_t *s, Float_t x1, Float_t x2, Float_t x3, Float_t x4) { Double_t par[8],epar[8],x[2],y[2]; TH1 *hist; hist = (TH1 *) gROOT->FindObject(s); TCanvas *c1=(TCanvas*) gROOT->FindObject("c1"); if(c1==NULL)setcanvas(1); c1->Clear(); hist->SetAxisRange(x1-30,x4+30); hist->Draw(); //--**-- Linear background estimation --**--// x[0] = x1; x[1] = x4; Int_t bin1 = hist->FindBin(x1); y[0] = hist->GetBinContent(bin1); Int_t bin2 = hist->FindBin(x4); y[1] = hist->GetBinContent(bin2); TGraph *g = new TGraph(2,x,y); TF1 *fpol1 = new TF1("POL1","pol1",x1,x4); g->Fit(fpol1,"RQN"); par[6]=fpol1->GetParameter(0); par[7]=fpol1->GetParameter(1); //--**-- Two Gaussian Peak estimation without background --**--// fgaus1 = new TF1("m1","gaus",x1,x2); fgaus2 = new TF1("m2","gaus",x3,x4); hist->Fit(fgaus1,"R+QN"); hist->Fit(fgaus2,"R+QN"); fgaus1->GetParameters(&par[0]); fgaus2->GetParameters(&par[3]); //--**-- Final Peak Fit with Background --**--// func = new TF1("m","gaus(0)+gaus(3)+pol1(6)",x1,x4); func->SetParameters(par); hist->Fit(func,"R+QN"); func->SetLineWidth(0.5); func->SetLineStyle(1); func->SetLineColor(4); func->SetFillColor(4); func->Draw("same"); func->GetParameters(par); epar[0]=func->GetParError(0); epar[1]=func->GetParError(1); epar[2]=func->GetParError(2); epar[3]=func->GetParError(3); epar[4]=func->GetParError(4); epar[5]=func->GetParError(5); Double_t fwhm1 = par[2]*TMath::Sqrt(8*TMath::Log(2)); Double_t efwhm1 = epar[2]*TMath::Sqrt(8*TMath::Log(2)); Double_t N10 = par[0]*(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi())*par[2]); Double_t r10 = epar[0]/par[0]; Double_t r12 = epar[2]/par[2]; Double_t eN10= N10*TMath::Sqrt(r10*r10+r12*r12); Double_t fwhm2 = par[5]*TMath::Sqrt(8*TMath::Log(2)); Double_t efwhm2 = epar[5]*TMath::Sqrt(8*TMath::Log(2)); Double_t N20 = par[3]*(TMath::Sqrt(TMath::TwoPi())*par[5]); Double_t r20 = epar[3]/par[3]; Double_t r22 = epar[5]/par[5]; Double_t eN20= N20*TMath::Sqrt(r20*r20+r22*r22); //printf("Peak = %f +- %f; FFHM = %f +- %f; Area = %f +- %f\n", // par[1],epar[1],fwhm1,efwhm1,N10,eN10); //printf("Peak = %f +- %f; FFHM = %f +- %f; Area = %f +- %f\n", // par[4],epar[4],fwhm2,efwhm2,N20,eN20); printf("%11.4f %11.4f %11.0f %11.0f\n", par[1],epar[1],N10,eN10); printf("%11.4f %11.4f %11.0f %11.0f\n", par[4],epar[4],N20,eN20); }
void WaveformAna3Tcell::analyze3TCellWaveform(bool &hit, float &stepSize, float &timeConstant, float &hitDetectionTime, float &offset, float &slope, float &chi2) { if(!_wave) return; // filter data if (!_wave->isFiltered()) _wave->applyLowPassFilter(_avgBufLen); // check for hit _hit = checkForHit(_cutSimpleThreshold); int hitStartTime = 0; if(_hit){ hitStartTime = getHitStartTime(_cutTime, _cutTimeThreshold); if(!_hit && (hitStartTime == 0)) { //no hit, go out! return; } else { stepSize = 0; timeConstant = 0; // cout << "\tDetected " << hitCnt << " hits" << endl; stepSize = 0.04; timeConstant = hitStartTime; //showWaveform(_waveOrig); //Fit parameters: double par[5]; par[0]= _wave->getAmpl()[hitStartTime]; //Offset of linear w/o hit --> Charge collected by leakage current par[1]= -0.000001; //(_wave->getAmpl()[_avgBufLen*10] - _wave->getAmpl()[hitStartTime])/(double)(_wave->getTime()[hitStartTime]-_wave->getTime()[_avgBufLen*10]); //Slope without hit --> Leakage current par[2]= 100.0; //Time Constant of exp --> Charge collection time par[3]= (double)_wave->getTime()[hitStartTime]; //Start time of step --> Time of particle detection par[4]= abs(_wave->getAmpl()[_wave->getSize() - _avgBufLen*10] - _wave->getAmpl()[hitStartTime]); //Step Amplitude --> Collected charge //cout << "Parameters: " << par[0] << ", " << par[1] << ", " << par[2] << ", " << par[3] << ", " << par[4] << endl; //due to possible resets, fit range needs to be defined dynamically outside reset range double min = _wave->getTime()[_avgBufLen*10]; double max = _wave->getTime()[_wave->getSize()-_avgBufLen*5]; if (hitStartTime > _resetEnd){ min = _wave->getTime()[_resetEnd]; max = _wave->getTime()[_wave->getSize()-_avgBufLen*5]; } else if ((hitStartTime < _resetStart) && (_resetStart > 0)){ min = _wave->getTime()[_avgBufLen*10]; max = _wave->getTime()[_resetStart]; } //Initiate function TF1 *expStep = new TF1("expStep", this, &WaveformAna3Tcell::expstep, min, max, 5, "WaveformAna3Tcell", "expstep"); expStep->SetParameter(0, par[0]); expStep->SetParameter(1, par[1]); expStep->SetParameter(2, par[2]); expStep->SetParameter(3, par[3]); expStep->SetParameter(4, par[4]); //showWaveform(_wave, expStep); TGraph *wavegraph = new TGraph(_wave->getSize(), _wave->getTime(), _wave->getAmpl()); TFitResultPtr ptr = wavegraph->Fit("expStep", "SQ", "", min, max); if (_showPulse) showWaveform(_wave, expStep); //Check and assign invalid, if needed. Need to define invalid conditions if((ptr->Chi2() > _cutChi2) || (expStep->GetParameter(3) < _cutMinHitDetectionTime) || (expStep->GetParameter(3) > _cutMaxHitDetectionTime)) _isInvalid = true; //fill the results into the given parameters offset = expStep->GetParameter(0); slope = expStep->GetParameter(1); timeConstant = expStep->GetParameter(2); hitDetectionTime = expStep->GetParameter(3); stepSize = expStep->GetParameter(4); chi2 = ptr->Chi2(); hit = _hit; //For online histogram of amplitude _stepAmplitude = expStep->GetParameter(4); if(expStep) delete expStep; if(wavegraph) delete wavegraph; } } }
TF1* calibration_plot(float displacement = 0., int color = 1, char el_name[50] = "\"MQM.9R5.B1\"", string file = "data/lpair_mumu_2gev.root") { vector<float> rec_e; vector<float> x_rp; H_BeamLine* beam1 = new H_BeamLine( 1,500); beam1->fill("data/LHCB1IR5_v6.500.tfs"); H_RomanPot* rp = new H_RomanPot("RP",420.,3500.); beam1->add(rp); beam1->alignElement(el_name,displacement,0); // reading yanwen file TF1 * fake = new TF1("fake","1",0,1); // in case of trouble TFile* calfile = new TFile(file.c_str()); if(calfile->IsZombie()) {cout << "Can not open the file : " << file << endl; return fake;} TTree* caltree = (TTree*) calfile->Get("h101"); if(!caltree) {cout << "Can not open the tree.\n"; return fake;} delete fake; // forget about it float phep[4][5]; caltree->SetBranchAddress("Phep",phep); /* phep[0] & phep[3] = protons * phep[1] & phep[2] = muons */ TLorentzVector mu1, mu2, cms; float m_mumu, pz_mumu; float gammae_1_central, gammae_2_central; float rho; int nentries = caltree->GetEntriesFast(); for (int jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { caltree->GetEntry(jentry); mu1.SetXYZM(phep[1][0],phep[1][1],phep[1][2],0); mu2.SetXYZM(phep[2][0],phep[2][1],phep[2][2],0); cms = mu1; cms += mu2; m_mumu = cms.M(); pz_mumu = cms.Pz(); rho = sqrt(m_mumu*m_mumu + pz_mumu*pz_mumu); gammae_1_central = ( pz_mumu + rho)/2.; gammae_2_central = ( -pz_mumu + rho)/2.; H_BeamParticle p1; p1.smearPos(); p1.smearAng(); p1.setE(phep[0][3]); p1.computePath(beam1,1); if(p1.stopped(beam1)) { if(p1.getStoppingElement()->getName()>="RP") { p1.propagate(420); rec_e.push_back(gammae_1_central); x_rp.push_back(p1.getX()/1000.); } } } const int npoints = rec_e.size(); float rece[npoints]; float xrp[npoints]; for(int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { rece[i] = rec_e[i]; xrp[i] = x_rp[i]; } TGraph* correl = new TGraph(npoints,xrp,rece); char title[100]; sprintf(title,"Calibration of roman pots from central objects variables - %d events",npoints); correl->SetTitle(title); correl->SetMarkerColor(color); correl->Draw("ap"); sort(x_rp.begin(),x_rp.end()); TF1* fit1 = new TF1("fit1","[0] + [1] * x + [2] * x * x",x_rp[0],x_rp[npoints-1]); correl->Fit("fit1","Q"); // correl->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Photon energy from central state (GeV)"); // correl->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X position of proton at RP (mm)"); TCanvas * raoul = new TCanvas(); correl->Draw("ap"); return fit1; }
//***************************************************************************** void fitter::ComputeMomFromRange(const Trajectory& traj, int nplanes, int firsthit, EVector& V){ //***************************************************************************** //Some catchers for pointless returns. int fitcatch; // /// int nfit; /// int fitRange[3]; const int fitpoints = nplanes - firsthit; ///double meanchange = 0; double xpos[fitpoints], ypos[fitpoints], zpos[fitpoints]; double upos[fitpoints];/// wpos[fitpoints]; std::vector<EVector> dr; std::vector<EVector> B; bool isContained = true, cuspfound = false; double Xmax = _geom.getPlaneX() - 1*cm; double Ymax = _geom.getPlaneY() - 1*cm; /// double Zmax = _geom.getPlaneZ() - 1*cm; //double dx[fitpoints-1], dy[fitpoints-1], dz[fitpoints-1]; // double ax[fitpoints-2], ay[fitpoints-2], az[fitpoints-2]; // double bx[fitpoints-2], by[fitpoints-2], bz[fitpoints-2]; ///double ds0=0, ds1=0; double Bmean=0; double pathlength=0; int Npts=0; ///double initR = 0; double sumDR = 0; int minindex = nplanes - firsthit; ///double minR = 999999.9999; double pdR = 0.0; EVector Z = EVector(3,0); Z[2] = 1; for (int ipoint=firsthit;ipoint < nplanes;ipoint++){ xpos[ipoint-firsthit] = traj.node(ipoint).measurement().position()[0]; ypos[ipoint-firsthit] = traj.node(ipoint).measurement().position()[1]; zpos[ipoint-firsthit] = traj.node(ipoint).measurement().position()[2] - traj.node(firsthit).measurement().position()[2]; if(fabs(xpos[ipoint-firsthit]) > Xmax || fabs(ypos[ipoint-firsthit]) > Ymax) isContained = false; else if(fabs(ypos[ipoint-firsthit]) > (1 + tan(atan(1.)/2.)) * Xmax - fabs(xpos[ipoint-firsthit])) isContained = false; EVector pos0 = EVector(3,0); pos0[0] = xpos[ipoint-firsthit]; pos0[1] = ypos[ipoint-firsthit]; pos0[2] = zpos[ipoint-firsthit]; EVector B0 = _geom.getBField(pos0); B.push_back(B0); Bmean += B0.norm(); upos[ipoint-firsthit] = // sqrt(pos0[0]*pos0[0] + pos0[1]*pos0[1]); dot(pos0,crossprod(Z, B0))/crossprod(Z, B0).norm(); //if(!cuspfound) // if(ipoint == firsthit) initR = upos[ipoint-firsthit]; // else { //sumDR += initR - upos[ipoint-firsthit]; //initR = upos[ipoint - firsthit]; // } Npts++; if ( ipoint > firsthit){ EVector drtemp = EVector(3,0); drtemp[0] = xpos[ipoint-firsthit] - xpos[ipoint-firsthit-1]; drtemp[1] = ypos[ipoint-firsthit] - ypos[ipoint-firsthit-1]; drtemp[2] = zpos[ipoint-firsthit] - zpos[ipoint-firsthit-1]; dr.push_back(drtemp); pathlength += drtemp.norm(); if ( ipoint > firsthit + 1 ) { int k = ipoint-firsthit-1; EVector dr0 = dr[k-1]; EVector dr1 = dr[k]; EVector ddr = dr1 + dr0; EVector Ddr = dr1 - dr0; EVector pos = EVector(3,0); pos[0] = xpos[k-1]; pos[1] = ypos[k-1]; pos[2] = zpos[k-1]; EVector B = _geom.getBField(pos); double dR = dot(ddr, crossprod(Z, B0))/ (crossprod(Z,B0).norm()); double DR = dot(Ddr, crossprod(Z, B0))/ (crossprod(Z,B0).norm()); if(pdR != 0.0){ if(!cuspfound && DR/fabs(DR) == pdR/fabs(pdR)){ // sumDR += fabs(dR) > 0.0 ? dR/fabs(dR):0.0; sumDR += dR; // pdR = dR; pdR = dR; } else if(dR/fabs(dR) != pdR/fabs(pdR)){ // cuspfound = true; minindex = ipoint - firsthit - 1; pdR = dR; // std::cout<<"At cusp, sumDR = "<<sumDR<<std::endl; } } else if(!cuspfound && fabs(dR) > 0){ // sumDR += fabs(DR) > 0.0 ? DR/fabs(DR) : 0.0; sumDR += dR; pdR = dR; } /* if(pdR != 0){ if(minR < upos[ipoint - firsthit - 1] && (xpos[ipoint-firsthit]/fabs(xpos[ipoint-firsthit]) != xpos[ipoint-firsthit-1]/fabs(xpos[ipoint-firsthit-1])) || (ypos[ipoint-firsthit]/fabs(ypos[ipoint-firsthit]) != ypos[ipoint-firsthit-1]/fabs(ypos[ipoint-firsthit-1])) && !cuspfound){ minR = upos[ipoint - firsthit - 1]; minindex = ipoint - firsthit - 1; cuspfound = true; } }*/ } } } Bmean /=Npts; double wFe = _geom.get_Fe_prop(); double p = (wFe*(0.017143*GeV/cm * pathlength - 1.73144*GeV) + (1- wFe)*(0.00277013*GeV/cm * pathlength + 1.095511*GeV)); double meansign = 1; if(sumDR != 0) { //std::cout<<"sumDR = "<<sumDR<<std::endl; meansign = sumDR/fabs(sumDR); } ///double planesep = fabs(zpos[1] - zpos[0]); // Assume that the magnetic field does not change very much over 1 metre // (terrible assumption by the way) const int sample = minindex < 20 ? (const int)minindex: 20; int pi3=0, pi4=0; while([2] == 0.0) pi3++; while([2] == 0.0) pi4++; V[3] =[0]/[2]; V[4] =[1]/[2]; if(isContained && p != 0) V[5] = meansign/fabs(p); else{ // meansign = 0; // Consider a fit to a subset of points at the begining of the track //for(int j=0; j<fitpoints-2; j++){ TGraph* localcurveUW = new TGraph(sample, zpos, upos); TF1 *func = new TF1("fit",fitf2,-30,30,4); func->SetParameters(0.,0.,0.001,0.0001,0.0001); func->SetParNames("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"); fitcatch = localcurveUW->Fit("fit", "QN"); double b = func->GetParameter(1); double c = func->GetParameter(2); p = 300.0 * B[1].norm() * pow(1. + b*b,3./2.) /2./c; //double wt = TMath::Gaus(fabs(pt), p, 0.25*p, true); // std::cout<<pt<<std::endl; // meansign += wt * pt/fabs(pt); delete localcurveUW; delete func; if(p!=0){ meansign = p/fabs(p); V[5] = 1./p; } } int sign = 1; if(meansign==meansign){ if(meansign!=0) sign = int(meansign/fabs(meansign)); else sign = 0; } else sign = 1; // std::cout<<"Pathlength is "<<pathlength // <<" or "<<pathlength0 // <<" with charge "<<meansign<<std::endl; _initialqP = V[5]; // _m.message("_initialqP ="<<_initialqP,bhep::VERBOSE); }
void FindConstant::drawChi2AndFitPol2(const std::vector<double>& res, const std::vector<double>& chi2) { TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); std::stringstream streamForEResExtraction; streamForEResExtraction << scintillatorID << "_beta_" << energyResolution; std::vector<double> Chi2ToFit, ResToFit; for (size_t i = 0; i < chi2.size(); i++) { if (chi2[i] < bestChi2 + 50.0) { std::cout << chi2[i] << std::endl; Chi2ToFit.push_back( chi2[i] ); ResToFit.push_back( res[i] ); } } TMultiGraph* m = new TMultiGraph(); TGraph* gr = new TGraph(Chi2ToFit.size(), &ResToFit[0], &Chi2ToFit[0]); gr->SetTitle("Chi2 vs #beta"); gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta (#sqrt{keV})"); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Chi2 for best fit"); gr->SetLineColor(2); gr->SetLineWidth(4); gr->SetMarkerColor(4); gr->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr->Draw("AP"); gStyle->SetOptFit(1); quadraticFit = new TF1("quadraticFit", "[0]* (x - [1])**2 + [2]", ResToFit[0], ResToFit[ ResToFit.size() - 1 ] ); quadraticFit->SetParName(0, "a"); quadraticFit->SetParName(1, "x_min"); quadraticFit->SetParName(2, "y_min"); quadraticFit->SetParameter(1, energyResolution); quadraticFit->SetParameter(2, bestChi2); gr->Fit(quadraticFit, "R"); quadraticFit->Draw("same"); std::stringstream buf; buf << sourcePosition; c1->SaveAs( ("FitResults" + filePath + buf.str() + "/Chi2Plot_strip_fitRegion_" + streamForEResExtraction.str() + expHistoTitle + ".png") ); m->Add(gr); energyResolution = quadraticFit->GetParameter(1); TGraph* grFull = new TGraph(chi2.size(), &res[0], &chi2[0]); grFull->SetTitle("Chi2 vs #beta"); grFull->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#beta (#sqrt{keV})"); grFull->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Chi2 for best fit"); grFull->SetLineColor(2); grFull->SetLineWidth(4); grFull->SetMarkerColor(4); grFull->SetMarkerStyle(21); m->Add(grFull); m->Draw("AP"); c1->SaveAs( ("FitResults" + filePath + buf.str() + "/Chi2Plot_strip_" + streamForEResExtraction.str() + expHistoTitle + ".png") ); delete gr; delete c1; }
int AngOptimize() { ifstream infile("angSNR.dat"); ofstream outfile("OptAng.dat",ios::app); istringstream iss; char line[1000]; cout<<"aaaaaaaa"<<endl; const int nene=21; const int nep = 28; double epn[nene][nep]; double sigN[nene][nep]; double bckN[nene][nep]; double snr[nene][nep]; int iene=-1; int iep=-1; double enes[nene]; double opteps[nene]; char title[nene][1000]; TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit","[0]*(x-[2])+[1]/(x-[2])+[3]",178,179.6); fit->SetParameter(0,1.5); fit->SetParameter(1,1); fit->SetParameter(2,180); fit->SetParLimits(2,180,180) fit->SetParameter(3,40); bool start=0; if (!infile.is_open()) return -1; while (!infile.eof()){ //cout<<"b"<<endl; infile.getline(line,1000); if (line[0]!='K') { if (!start) continue; if (line[0]=='#' || line[0]==' ') continue; } else { iep=-1; start=1; iene++; if (iene>=21) break; string tit; iss.clear(); iss.str(line); iss >> tit; std::cout<<tit<<endl; sprintf(title[iene],"%s",tit.c_str()); continue; } iep++; //cout<<line<<endl; iss.clear(); iss.str(line); double ratio,signal,background; iss >> ratio >> signal >> background; // 3 sigma //iss >> signal >> background; // 5 sigma epn[iene][iep] = ratio; sigN[iene][iep] = signal; bckN[iene][iep] = background; if (sigN[iene][iep]==0) snr[iene][iep] = 0; else snr[iene][iep] = sigN[iene][iep]/sqrt(sigN[iene][iep]+bckN[iene][iep]); //cout<< epn[iene][i]<<sigN[iene][i]<<bckN[iene][i]<<endl; } for (iene=0;iene<nene;iene++){ TGraph *graph = new TGraph(nep,epn[iene],snr[iene]); graph->SetTitle(title[iene]); graph->SetMarkerStyle(25); graph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("S/#sqrt{S+N}"); graph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta"); TCanvas *ca1 = new TCanvas(title[iene], title[iene]); graph->Draw("AP"); //graph->Fit("pol4","","",178,179.9); ////////TF1 *fpol2 = graph->GetFunction("pol2"); ////////fit->SetParameter(0,fpol2->GetParameter(0)); ////////fit->SetParameter(1,fpol2->GetParameter(1)); ////////fit->SetParameter(2,fpol2->GetParameter(2)); //graph->Fit(fit,"","",178,179.6); graph->Fit(fit,"","",172.0+iene*6.0/21.0,179.9); double optep = fit->GetMaximumX(176,179.6); outfile<<"Optmized theta at "<< title[iene] << " is "<<optep<<std::endl; enes[iene] = atof(&title[iene][3])/10000.; opteps[iene] = optep; char ofname[1000]; sprintf(ofname,"output/Angopt_%s.pdf",title[iene]); ca1->Print(ofname); } TGraph* gep = new TGraph(iene,enes,opteps); gep->SetTitle("Optimized #theta"); gep->SetMarkerStyle(25); gep->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("S/#sqrt{S+N}"); gep->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta"); TCanvas *ca1 = new TCanvas("gep","Optimized #theta"); gep->Draw("AP"); gep->Fit("pol1"); ca1->Print("output/Angopt.pdf"); double c0 = gep->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(0); double c1 = gep->GetFunction("pol1")->GetParameter(1); //double c2 = gep->GetFunction("pol2")->GetParameter(2); outfile << "Theta = "<< c0 << " + " << c1 << "*x + " <<std::endl; std::cout << "Theta = "<< c0 << " + " << c1 << "*x + "<<std::endl; return 0; }