TGraph *MarcosExclusionLine(TH2F *exclusionshape, int scantype) { // write_warning(__FUNCTION__,"USING MARIAS ALGORITHM..."); // return get_exclusion_line(exclusionshape); TH2F *fakehisto = flipth2f(exclusionshape); TGraph *fakegraph = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(fakehisto, scantype); TGraph *realgraph = new TGraph(fakegraph->GetN()); double x,y; float last_x=0; float last_y=0; int counter=0; for(int i=0;i<fakegraph->GetN();i++) { fakegraph->GetPoint(i,x,y); if(scantype==PlottingSetup::SMS) { if(y-x<75) { realgraph->SetPoint(counter,last_x,last_y); counter++; continue; } } realgraph->SetPoint(counter,y,x); last_x=y; last_y=x; counter++; } realgraph->SetLineColor(TColor::GetColor("#151515")); //nice black realgraph->SetLineWidth(2); //realgraph->SetLineWidth(4);//paper style delete fakegraph; return realgraph; }
void plotSignificance(const char* filename, const char* channel, double min_=0., double max_=7., bool log_=false, std::string dataset_="CMS Preliminary, H#rightarrow#tau#tau, 4.9 fb^{-1} at 7 TeV, 19.4 fb^{-1} at 8 TeV", std::string xaxis_="m_{H} [GeV]", std::string yaxis_="Significance", bool mssm_=false) { TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename); // retrieve TGraphs from file TGraph* expected = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/expected").c_str()); TGraph* observed = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/observed").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* innerBand = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/innerBand").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* outerBand = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/outerBand").c_str()); // set up styles SetStyle(); // create the unit lines TGraph* unit3 = new TGraph(); TGraph* unit5 = new TGraph(); for(int imass=0, ipoint=0; imass<expected->GetN(); ++imass){ unit3->SetPoint(ipoint, expected->GetX()[imass], 3.); unit5->SetPoint(ipoint, expected->GetX()[imass], 5.); ++ipoint; } // set proper maximum float max = maximum(expected, max_); // do the plotting TCanvas canv = TCanvas("canv", "Limits", 600, 600); // do the plotting plottingSignificance(canv, innerBand, outerBand, expected, observed, unit3, unit5, xaxis_, yaxis_, min_, max, log_, mssm_); /// setup the CMS Preliminary CMSPrelim(dataset_.c_str(), "", 0.145, 0.835); // write results to files canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_significance").append(".png").c_str()); canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_significance").append(".pdf").c_str()); canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_significance").append(".eps").c_str()); return; }
void ButkevichDrawer::adjust_graph(TGraph& graph) { for (int iPoint=0;iPoint<graph.GetN();iPoint++) { double x,y; graph.GetPoint(iPoint,x,y); graph.SetPoint(iPoint,x,y*1.0e-38); } }
void getStartFinFrom(const TGraph& gr, Double_t& start, Double_t& fin, const Bool_t filterZero=kTRUE) { // get a nice time axis for the domain of the graph start = fin = 0; const Int_t n = gr.GetN(); Bool_t first = kTRUE; const Double_t* y = gr.GetX(); for (Int_t i=0; i<n; ++i, ++y) { if (filterZero && ((*y)==0)) { continue; } else { if (first) { start = fin = *y; first = kFALSE; } else { if ( (*y) < start ) { start = *y; } if ( (*y) > fin ) { fin = *y; } } } } }
void plotMaxLikelihood(const char* filename, const char* channel, double min_=0., double max_=-1., bool log_=false, std::string dataset_="CMS Preliminary, H#rightarrow#tau#tau, 4.9 fb^{-1} at 7 TeV, 19.4 fb^{-1} at 8 TeV", std::string xaxis_="m_{H} [GeV]", std::string yaxis_="best fit for #sigma/#sigma_{SM}", bool mssm_=false) { TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename); // retrieve TGraphs from file TGraph* expected = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/expected").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* innerBand = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/innerBand").c_str()); // set up styles SetStyle(); // create the unit line TGraph* unit = 0; if(!mssm_){ unit = new TGraph(); for(int imass=0, ipoint=0; imass<expected->GetN(); ++imass){ unit->SetPoint(ipoint, expected->GetX()[imass], 1.); ++ipoint; } } // set proper maximum float max = maximum(expected, max_); // do the plotting TCanvas canv = TCanvas("canv", "Limits", 600, 600); plottingLimit(canv, innerBand, 0, expected, 0, unit, xaxis_, yaxis_, min_, max, log_, "BESTFIT", "", mssm_); // setup CMS Preliminary CMSPrelim(dataset_.c_str(), "", 0.145, 0.835); // write results to files canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_").append("bestfit").append(".png").c_str()); canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_").append("bestfit").append(".pdf").c_str()); canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_").append("bestfit").append(".eps").c_str()); return; }
TGraph* autogain152(TH1 *hist) { hist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(200.,16000.); TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(); Int_t nfound = s->Search(hist,6,"",0.08); //This will be dependent on the source used. printf("Found %d candidate peaks to fit\n",nfound); if(nfound > 6) nfound = 6; std::vector<float> vec; for(int x=0;x<nfound;x++) vec.push_back(s->GetPositionX()[x]); std::sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()); Float_t energies[] = {121.7830, 244.6920, 344.276, 778.903, 964.131, 1408.011}; TGraph* slopefit = new TGraph(nfound, &(vec[0]), energies); printf("Now fitting: Be patient\n"); slopefit->Fit("pol1"); if(slopefit->GetFunction("pol1")->GetChisquare() > 10.) { slopefit->RemovePoint(slopefit->GetN()-1); slopefit->Fit("pol1"); } TChannel *chan = 0; slopefit->Draw("AC*"); return slopefit; }
void readValues(){ TFile *f = new TFile("L1L2Eff_final.root"); // TDirectory *d = (TDirectory*)f->Get("tpTree/BMuQualSoft_pt_eta_Mu5_Track2/fit_eff_plots"); // if(!d) std::cout << "directory not available" << std::endl; int N = 0; //string name; //name.Format("gEff_DATA_PT_AETA%i",N); TGraph *g = (TGraph*)f->Get("gEff_DATA_PT_AETA0"); if(!g)std::cout << "TGraph is sunbathing." << std::endl; int n = g->GetN(); std::cout << n << " points in graph" << std::endl; const char title = g->GetTitle(); //const char savename = "Effplots/"+title+".C"; //std::cout<<savename<<std::endl; g->SaveAs("grph"); // put loop over points here // for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ // check which bin the pt is in // } //iPT f->Close(); }
void Calculation(){ gStyle->SetOptStat("neRMI"); Int_t CalibrationNumber = 0; TFile* tf = new TFile(Form("CalibrationData/Calibration_4231_%d.root",CalibrationNumber)); const int nCSI = 2716; TH1D* hisCalFactor[nCSI]; int nCal[nCSI]; double CalFactor[nCSI]; double CalRMS[nCSI]; TH1D* hisCalDistrib = new TH1D("hisCalDistrib","",200,0,2); TH1D* hisRMSDistrib = new TH1D("hisRMSDistrib","",100,0,0.1); TH1D* hisHitDistrib = new TH1D("hisHitDistrib","",100,0,100); TGraph* grChannel = new TGraph(); std::ofstream ofs(Form("Data/CalibrationFactor%d.txt",CalibrationNumber+1)); for( int i = 0; i< nCSI; i++){ hisCalFactor[i] = (TH1D*)tf->Get(Form("his_Calibration_%04d",i)); nCal[i] = hisCalFactor[i]->Integral(); if( hisCalFactor[i]->Integral() < 20 ){ continue; } hisCalFactor[i]->Fit("gaus","Q",""); TF1* calFunction= hisCalFactor[i]->GetFunction("gaus"); CalFactor[i] = hisCalFactor[i]->GetMean(); CalRMS[i] = hisCalFactor[i]->GetRMS(); //CalFactor[i] = calFunction->GetParameter(1); //CalRMS[i] = calFunction->GetParameter(2); hisCalDistrib->Fill(CalFactor[i]); hisHitDistrib->Fill(nCal[i]); grChannel->SetPoint(grChannel->GetN(),i,nCal[i]); if( nCal[i] != 0){ hisRMSDistrib->Fill(CalRMS[i]/CalFactor[i]); } ofs << i << "\t" << CalFactor[i] << std::endl; } ofs.close(); TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("can","",1200,1200); can->Divide(2,2); can->cd(1); hisCalDistrib->Draw(); can->cd(2); hisRMSDistrib->Draw(); can->cd(3); hisHitDistrib->Draw(); can->cd(4); grChannel->SetMarkerStyle(4); grChannel->Draw("AP"); }
void KVIDentifier::CopyGraph(const TGraph& graph) { // Copy coordinates of points from the TGraph Double_t x, y; //change number of points Set(graph.GetN()); for (int i = 0; i < GetN(); i++) { graph.GetPoint(i, x, y); SetPoint(i, x, y); } }
TGraph* ContourGraph( TH2F* hist,double xmin=16, double xmax=90) { //temporary canvas TCanvas* MOO = new TCanvas( TString::Format("dummy_canvas_%s", hist->GetName()), "A scan of m_{0} versus m_{12}", 0, 0, 650,640); MOO->cd(); TGraph* gr0 = new TGraph(); TH2F* h = (TH2F*)hist->Clone(); TGraph* gr = (TGraph*)gr0->Clone(TString::Format("gr_%s", h->GetName())); cout << "==> Will dumb histogram: " << h->GetName() << " into a graph" <<endl; h->SetContour( 1 ); //h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(250,1200); h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xmin, xmax); //h->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(2,50); double pval = CombinationGlob::cl_percent[1]; std::cout << pval << std::endl; double signif = TMath::NormQuantile(1-pval); h->SetContourLevel( 0, signif ); h->Draw("CONT LIST"); h->SetDirectory(0); gPad->Update(); TObjArray *contours = (TObjArray*) gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); Int_t ncontours = contours->GetSize(); cout << "Found " << ncontours << " contours " << endl; TList *list = (TList*)contours->At(0); contours->Print("v"); if(!list) return NULL; gr = (TGraph*)list->First(); if(!gr) return NULL; gr->SetName(TString::Format("gr_%s", hist->GetName())); //gr->SetName(hist->GetName()); int N = gr->GetN(); double x0, y0; for(int j=0; j<N; j++) { gr->GetPoint(j,x0,y0); cout << j << " : " << x0 << " : "<<y0 << endl; } // // gr->SetMarkerSize(2.0); //gr->Draw("ALP"); delete MOO; cout << "Generated graph " << gr << " with name " << gr->GetName() << endl; return gr; }
TGraph *PeakFit::GetComponentVsAngle(unsigned int state, double scale, const Float_t barAngles[][2]) { std::vector< int > barMap = GetBarMap(barAngles); TGraph *gr = new TGraph(); for (unsigned int barIndex = 0; barIndex < GetNumBars(); barIndex++) { int bar = barMap[barIndex]; gr->SetPoint(gr->GetN(), barAngles[bar][0], components_[bar][state] * scale); } gr->SetLineColor(kRed); gr->SetLineWidth(2); return gr; }
void plotTanb(const char* filename, const char* channel, bool draw_injected_=false, double min_=0., double max_=60., bool log_=false, std::string dataset_="CMS Preliminary, H#rightarrow#tau#tau, 4.9 fb^{-1} at 7 TeV, 19.8 fb^{-1} at 8 TeV", std::string xaxis_="m_{A} [GeV]", std::string yaxis_="#bf{tan#beta}") { TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename); // retrieve TGraphs from file TGraph* expected = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/expected").c_str()); TGraph* expected_low = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/expected_low").c_str()); TGraph* observed = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/observed").c_str()); TGraph* observed_low = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/observed_low").c_str()); TGraph* upperLEP = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/upperLEP").c_str()); TGraph* lowerLEP = (TGraph*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/lowerLEP").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* innerBand = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/innerBand").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* innerBand_low = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/innerBand_low").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* outerBand = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/outerBand").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* outerBand_low = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/outerBand_low").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* plain = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/plain").c_str()); TGraphAsymmErrors* plain_low = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)file->Get(std::string(channel).append("/plain_low").c_str()); // this is new for injected plot TGraph* injected = 0;; if(draw_injected_) {injected = (TGraph*)file->Get("injected/observed");} if(draw_injected_){ for( int i=0; i<expected->GetN(); i++){ double shift = injected->GetY()[i]-expected->GetY()[i]; innerBand->SetPoint(i, innerBand->GetX()[i], innerBand->GetY()[i]+shift); outerBand->SetPoint(i, outerBand->GetX()[i], outerBand->GetY()[i]+shift); } } // this functionality is not yet supported std::map<double, TGraphAsymmErrors*> higgsBands; // this functionality is not yet supported std::map<std::string, TGraph*> comparisons; // set up styles SetStyle(); // do the plotting TCanvas canv = TCanvas("canv", "Limits", 600, 600); // do the plotting plottingTanb(canv, plain, plain_low, innerBand, innerBand_low, outerBand, outerBand_low, expected, expected_low, observed, observed_low, lowerLEP, upperLEP, higgsBands, comparisons, xaxis_, yaxis_, injected, min_, max_, log_); /// setup the CMS Preliminary CMSPrelim(dataset_.c_str(), "", 0.145, 0.835); // write results to files canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_tanb").append(".png").c_str()); canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_tanb").append(".pdf").c_str()); canv.Print(std::string(channel).append("_tanb").append(".eps").c_str()); return; }
void BoundaryFinder::StoreDataFromGraph(const TGraph &gr) { Double_t *x = gr.GetX(); Double_t *y = gr.GetY(); ComputeCenter(gr); Double_t xr=0, yr=0; for (UInt_t i=0; i<gr.GetN(); i++) { xr = x[i]-fCenter.first; yr = y[i]-fCenter.second; point_t p = {::sqrt(xr*xr + yr*yr), i}; fSortedVals.insert(std::make_pair(::atan2(yr,xr),p)); } }
void BoundaryFinder::ComputeCenter(const TGraph& gr) { Double_t *x = gr.GetX(); Double_t *y = gr.GetY(); UInt_t n = gr.GetN(); Double_t sum_x = 0; Double_t sum_y = 0; for (UInt_t i=0; i<n; i++) { sum_x += x[i]; sum_y += y[i]; } fCenter.first = sum_x/n; fCenter.second = sum_y/n; }
void drawtext() { Int_t i,n; Double_t x,y; TLatex *l; TGraph *g = (TGraph*)gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject("Graph"); n = g->GetN(); for (i=1; i<n; i++) { g->GetPoint(i,x,y); l = new TLatex(x,y+0.2,Form("%4.2f",y)); l->SetTextSize(0.025); l->SetTextFont(42); l->SetTextAlign(21); l->Paint(); } }
TGraph* ContourGraph( TH2F* hist) { TGraph* gr0 = new TGraph(); TH2F* h = (TH2F*)hist->Clone(); gr = (TGraph*)gr0->Clone(h->GetName()); // cout << "==> Will dumb histogram: " << h->GetName() << " into a graph" <<endl; h->SetContour( 1 ); double pval = CombinationGlob::cl_percent[1]; double signif = TMath::NormQuantile(1-pval); h->SetContourLevel( 0, signif ); h->Draw("CONT LIST"); h->SetDirectory(0); gPad->Update(); TObjArray *contours = gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); Int_t ncontours = contours->GetSize(); TList *list = (TList*)contours->At(0); Int_t number_of_lists = list->GetSize(); gr = (TGraph*)list->At(0); TGraph* grTmp = new TGraph(); for (int k = 0 ; k<number_of_lists ; k++){ grTmp = (TGraph*)list->At(k); Int_t N = gr->GetN(); Int_t N_tmp = grTmp->GetN(); if(N < N_tmp) gr = grTmp; // mg->Add((TGraph*)list->At(k)); } gr->SetName(hist->GetName()); int N = gr->GetN(); double x0, y0; // for(int j=0; j<N; j++) { // gr->GetPoint(j,x0,y0); // cout << j << " : " << x0 << " : "<<y0 << endl; // } // // gr->SetMarkerSize(2.0); // gr->SetMarkerSize(2.0); // gr->SetMarkerStyle(21); // gr->Draw("LP"); // cout << "Generated graph " << gr << " with name " << gr->GetName() << endl; return gr; }
TGraph *PeakFit::GetFitVsAngle(double *scales, const Float_t barAngles[][2]) { std::vector< int > barMap = GetBarMap(barAngles); TGraph *gr = new TGraph(); for (unsigned int barIndex = 0; barIndex < GetNumBars(); barIndex++) { int bar = barMap[barIndex]; double value = 0; for (unsigned int state = 0; state < GetNumStates(bar); state++) { value += components_[bar][state] * scales[state]; } std::cout << "Bar Index: " << barIndex << " Bar " << bar << " value " << value << "\n"; gr->SetPoint(gr->GetN(), barAngles[bar][0], value); } gr->SetLineColor(kBlue); gr->SetLineWidth(2); return gr; }
TGraph* GetContour(TGraph2D *g, TString name){ TGraph *gnew; //cout << g->GetName() << " " << g->GetN() << endl; TH2D *temp = (TH2D*)g->GetHistogram();//need this for list to work? //g->Draw("alp");//need this for list to work? TList *glist = (TList*)g->GetContourList(1.0); if(glist == nullptr) return gnew; int max_points = -1; int nn = glist->GetSize(); //cout << "number of entries in list " << nn << endl; for(int i = 0; i<glist->GetSize(); ++i){ TGraph *gtemp = (TGraph*)glist->At(i); int Npoints = gtemp->GetN(); if(Npoints>max_points){ gnew = (TGraph*)gtemp->Clone(name); max_points = Npoints; } } return gnew; }
std::vector<double> GetCrossings(TGraph const& g, double cross) { std::vector<double> result; unsigned n = g.GetN(); double x1 = 0; double y1 = 0; double x2 = 0; double y2 = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < (n-1); ++i) { g.GetPoint(i, x1, y1); g.GetPoint(i+1, x2, y2); if ( (y2-cross)*(y1-cross) < 0.0 ) { double m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1); double c = (y1 - m * x1); double xc = (cross - c) / m; result.push_back(xc); std::cout << "Crossing at " << xc << std::endl; } } return result; }
//______________________________________________________________________________ void Draw(TFile* f, const char* gname, TLegend* l, Bool_t normalized) { if (!f) return; TGraph* g = static_cast<TGraph*>(f->Get(gname)); if (!g) return; if ( normalized ) { g = static_cast<TGraph*>(g->Clone()); for ( Int_t i = 0; i < g->GetN(); ++i ) { Double_t y = g->GetY()[i]; g->SetPoint(i,g->GetX()[i],y/NTOTALNUMBEROFPADS); } } g->Draw("lp"); g->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); g->GetXaxis()->SetNoExponent(); if (l) l->AddEntry(g,gname,"LP"); }
void drawCMSresponse() { // New style settings // #include "tdrstyle_mod14.C" setTDRStyle(); // call cmsPrel(iPeriod, iPos); // int iPeriod = 2; // 1=7TeV, 2=8TeV, 3=7+8TeV, 7=7+8+13TeV // second parameter in example_plot is iPos, which drives the position of the CMS logo in the plot // iPos=11 : top-left, left-aligned // iPos=33 : top-right, right-aligned // iPos=22 : center, centered // mode generally : // iPos = 10*(alignement 1/2/3) + position (1/2/3 = left/center/right) if (!_jec) { const char *sd = "CondFormats/JetMETObjects/data"; //const char *st = "Winter14_V5_MC"; //const char *st = "Winter14_V8_MC"; // 2012 //const char *st = "Winter14_V8_DATA"; //const char *st = "Summer15_25nsV3_DATA"; //const char *st = "Summer15_25nsV6_DATA"; //const char *st = "Summer15_25nsV7_DATA"; //const char *st = "Fall15_25nsV1_DATA"; //const char *st = "Spring16_25nsV3_MC"; //const char *st = "Summer16_23Sep2016GV3_DATA"; // 2017 //const char *st = "Summer16_03Feb2017G_V3_DATA"; // 2017 03FebV3 const char *st = "Summer16_03Feb2017BCD_V7_DATA"; // 2017 03FebV7 const char *s; //s = Form("%s/%s_L1FastJet_AK5PFchs.txt",sd,st); cout << s << endl; //JetCorrectorParameters *l1 = new JetCorrectorParameters(s); s = Form("%s/%s_L1FastJet_AK4PFchs.txt",sd,st); cout << s << endl; JetCorrectorParameters *l1 = new JetCorrectorParameters(s); //s = Form("%s/%s_L2Relative_AK5PFchs.txt",sd,st); cout << s << endl; s = Form("%s/%s_L2Relative_AK4PFchs.txt",sd,st); cout << s << endl; JetCorrectorParameters *l2 = new JetCorrectorParameters(s); //s = Form("%s/%s_L3Absolute_AK5PFchs.txt",sd,st); cout << s << endl; s = Form("%s/%s_L3Absolute_AK4PFchs.txt",sd,st); cout << s << endl; JetCorrectorParameters *l3 = new JetCorrectorParameters(s); s = Form("%s/%s_L2L3Residual_AK4PFchs.txt",sd,st); cout << s << endl; JetCorrectorParameters *l2l3 = new JetCorrectorParameters(s); vector<JetCorrectorParameters> v; v.push_back(l1); v.push_back(*l2); v.push_back(*l3); v.push_back(*l2l3); _jec = new FactorizedJetCorrector(v); } if (!_jecpt) { _jecpt = new TF1("jecpt",fJECPt,0,6500,3); } //double ergs[] = {30, 60, 110, 400, 2000}; //const int ne = sizeof(ergs)/sizeof(ergs[0]); double pts[] = {10, 30, 100, 400, 2000}; const int npt = sizeof(pts)/sizeof(pts[0]); const int neta = 48;//52; const int jeta = TMath::Pi()*0.4*0.4; const int mu = 0; TGraph *gs[npt]; //for (int ie = 0; ie != ne; ++ie) { for (int ipt = 0; ipt != npt; ++ipt) { //double energy = ergs[ie]; double pt = pts[ipt]; TGraph *g = new TGraph(0); gs[ipt] = g; for (int ieta = 0; ieta != neta; ++ieta) { double eta = (ieta+0.5)*0.1; //double pt = energy / cosh(eta); double energy = pt * cosh(eta); if (pt >= 10. && energy < 6500.) { // 13 TeV double jes = getResp(pt, eta, jeta, mu); int n = g->GetN(); g->SetPoint(n, eta, jes); } } // for ie } // for ieta // Draw results //TH1D *h = new TH1D("h",";Jet |#eta|;Simulated jet response",40,0,4.8); //TH1D *h = new TH1D("h",";Jet |#eta|;Data jet response",40,0,4.8); TH1D *h = new TH1D("h",";Jet |#eta|;Data response+offset",40,0,4.8); h->SetMaximum(1.25); h->SetMinimum(0.5); extraText = "Simulation"; //extraText = "Simulation Preliminary"; //extraText = "Preliminary"; lumi_8TeV = ""; lumi_13TeV = ""; //lumi_13TeV = "2.1 fb^{-1}"; //TCanvas *c1 = tdrCanvas("c1",h,2,0,kSquare); TCanvas *c1 = tdrCanvas("c1",h,4,0,kSquare); TLegend *leg1 = tdrLeg(0.25,0.25,0.55,0.30); TLegend *leg2 = tdrLeg(0.25,0.20,0.55,0.25); TLegend *leg3 = tdrLeg(0.25,0.15,0.55,0.20); TLegend *leg4 = tdrLeg(0.55,0.25,0.85,0.30); TLegend *leg5 = tdrLeg(0.55,0.20,0.85,0.25); TLegend *legs[npt] = {leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4, leg5}; int colors[] = {kGreen+2, kBlack, kOrange+1, kBlue, kRed+1}; int markers[] = {kFullCircle, kOpenCircle, kFullSquare, kOpenSquare, kFullTriangleUp}; for (int ipt = 0; ipt != npt; ++ipt) { TGraph *g = gs[ipt]; g->SetMarkerColor(colors[ipt]); g->SetMarkerStyle(markers[ipt]); g->Draw("SAMEP"); //TLegend *leg = (ie<3 ? leg1 : leg2); TLegend *leg = legs[ipt]; leg->SetTextColor(colors[ipt]); //leg->AddEntry(g, Form("E = %1.0f GeV",ergs[ie]), "P"); leg->AddEntry(g, Form("p_{T} = %1.0f GeV",pts[ipt]), "P"); } TLatex *tex = new TLatex(); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextSize(0.045); TLine *l = new TLine(); l->DrawLine(1.3,0.7,1.3,1.1); l->DrawLine(2.5,0.7,2.5,1.1); l->DrawLine(3.0,0.7,3.0,1.1); l->DrawLine(4.5,0.7,4.5,1.1); l->SetLineStyle(kDashed); l->DrawLine(3.2,0.7,3.2,1.1); //tex->DrawLatex(0.23,0.86,"2012 JES: Anti-k_{t} R = 0.5, PF+CHS"); //tex->DrawLatex(0.30,0.86,"53X JES: Anti-k_{t} R = 0.5, PF+CHS"); //tex->DrawLatex(0.30,0.86,"74X JES: Anti-k_{t} R = 0.4, PF+CHS"); //tex->DrawLatex(0.30,0.86,"76X JES: Anti-k_{t} R = 0.4, PF+CHS"); //tex->DrawLatex(0.23,0.86,"2016 JES: Anti-k_{T} R=0.4, PF+CHS"); tex->DrawLatex(0.23,0.86,"2017 JES: Anti-k_{t} R = 0.4, PF+CHS"); //tex->DrawLatex(0.23,0.86,"2017 03FebV3: Anti-k_{t} R = 0.4, PF+CHS"); tex->DrawLatex(0.19,0.78,"Barrel"); tex->DrawLatex(0.47,0.78,"Endcap"); //0.42 tex->DrawLatex(0.73,0.78,"Forward"); tex->DrawLatex(0.21,0.73,"BB"); tex->DrawLatex(0.43,0.73,"EC1"); tex->DrawLatex(0.57,0.73,"EC2"); tex->DrawLatex(0.77,0.73,"HF"); c1->SaveAs("pdf/drawCMSresponse.pdf"); } // drawCMSresponse
void integrated_lumi(Bool_t goodOnly=0){ nGoodRuns+= nGoodRuns15f; nGoodRuns+= nGoodRuns15h; nGoodRuns+= nGoodRuns15i; nGoodRuns+= nGoodRuns15j; nGoodRuns+= nGoodRuns15l; Int_t j=0; for (Int_t i=0;i<nGoodRuns15f;i++) goodRuns[j++]=goodRuns15f[i]; for (Int_t i=0;i<nGoodRuns15h;i++) goodRuns[j++]=goodRuns15h[i]; // for (Int_t i=0;i<nGoodRuns15i_badIR;i++) goodRuns[j++]=goodRuns15i_badIR[i]; // for (Int_t i=0;i<nGoodRuns15i_badSPD;i++) goodRuns[j++]=goodRuns15i_badSPD[i]; for (Int_t i=0;i<nGoodRuns15i;i++) goodRuns[j++]=goodRuns15i[i]; for (Int_t i=0;i<nGoodRuns15j;i++) goodRuns[j++]=goodRuns15j[i]; for (Int_t i=0;i<nGoodRuns15l;i++) goodRuns[j++]=goodRuns15l[i]; gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.01); gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.01); gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.06); gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.13); TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(3); gStyle->SetOptTitle(1); gStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.6,"Y"); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TLatex* latex = new TLatex(); latex->SetTextSize(0.05); latex->SetTextFont(42); latex->SetTextAlign(11); latex->SetNDC(); t = new TChain("trending"); t->AddFile("trending.root"); classes = new TObjArray(); partition = new TObjString(); lhcState = new TObjString(); lhcPeriod = new TObjString(); activeDetectors = new TObjString(); t->SetBranchAddress("run",&run); t->SetBranchAddress("fill",&fill); t->SetBranchAddress("classes",&classes); t->SetBranchAddress("class_l2a",&class_l2a); t->SetBranchAddress("class_lumi",&class_lumi); t->SetBranchAddress("timeStart",&timeStart); t->SetBranchAddress("timeEnd",&timeEnd); t->SetBranchAddress("partition",&partition); t->SetBranchAddress("lhcState",&lhcState); t->SetBranchAddress("lhcPeriod",&lhcPeriod); t->SetBranchAddress("activeDetectors",&activeDetectors); TGraph* gINT = GetStat("CINT7-B-NOPF-CENT",1,goodOnly); TGraph* gMUL = GetStat("CMUL7-B-NOPF-MUFAST",1,goodOnly); TGraph* gV0M = GetStat("CVHMV0M-B-NOPF-CENTNOTRD",1,goodOnly); TGraph* gSH2 = GetStat("CVHMSH2-B-NOPF-CENTNOTRD",1,goodOnly); TGraph* gStatINT = GetStat("CINT7-B-NOPF-CENT",0,goodOnly); TGraph* gStatV0M = GetStat("CVHMV0M-B-NOPF-CENTNOTRD",0,goodOnly); TGraph* gStatSH2 = GetStat("CVHMSH2-B-NOPF-CENTNOTRD",0,goodOnly); TGraph* gStatEMC = GetStat("CEMC7-B-NOPF-CENTNOTRD",0,goodOnly,"PHYSICS_2"); TGraph* gStatDMC = GetStat("CDMC7-B-NOPF-CENTNOTRD",0,goodOnly,"PHYSICS_2"); gMUL->SetLineColor(kBlack); gINT->SetLineColor(kBlue); gV0M->SetLineColor(kMagenta); gSH2->SetLineColor(kRed); gStatV0M->SetLineColor(kMagenta); gStatSH2->SetLineColor(kRed); gStatEMC->SetLineColor(kGray); gStatDMC->SetLineColor(kGreen-2); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",800,700); Double_t xminLumi = gMUL->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t xmaxLumi = gMUL->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); Double_t ymaxLumi = gMUL->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()*1.1; TH1F* f1 = gPad->DrawFrame(xminLumi,0,xmaxLumi,ymaxLumi); SetFrame(f1); f1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Integrated luminosity, pb^{-1}"); f1->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); f1->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d %b"); Double_t y = 0.94; latex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.94,"ALICE Performance, pp #sqrt{s} = 13 TeV"); latex->SetTextColor(gINT->GetLineColor()); latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("MB triggers: L = %.3f pb^{-1}",gINT->GetY()[gINT->GetN()-1])); latex->SetTextColor(gV0M->GetLineColor()); latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("V0 HM triggers: L = %.3f pb^{-1}",gV0M->GetY()[gV0M->GetN()-1])); latex->SetTextColor(gSH2->GetLineColor()); latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("SPD HM triggers: L = %.3f pb^{-1}",gSH2->GetY()[gSH2->GetN()-1])); latex->SetTextColor(gMUL->GetLineColor()); latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("Dimuon triggers: L = %.3f pb^{-1}",gMUL->GetY()[gMUL->GetN()-1])); gMUL->Draw(); gINT->Draw(); gV0M->Draw(); gSH2->Draw(); gPad->Print("lumi_dimuon_triggers.png"); TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas("c2","",800,700); Double_t xminEvents = gStatINT->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t xmaxEvents = gStatINT->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); Double_t ymaxEvents = gStatINT->GetYaxis()->GetXmax()*1.1; TH1F* f2 = gPad->DrawFrame(xminEvents,0,xmaxEvents,ymaxEvents); SetFrame(f2); f2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Recorded triggers, 10^{6}"); f2->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1); f2->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%d %b"); gStatINT->Draw(); gStatV0M->Draw(); gStatSH2->Draw(); // gStatDMC->Draw(); // gStatEMC->Draw(); latex->SetTextColor(1); latex->DrawLatex(0.18,0.94,"ALICE Performance, pp #sqrt{s} = 13 TeV"); y = 0.94; latex->SetTextColor(gStatINT->GetLineColor()); latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("MB triggers: %.0fM",gStatINT->GetY()[gStatINT->GetN()-1])); latex->SetTextColor(gStatV0M->GetLineColor()); latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("V0 HM triggers: %.0fM",gStatV0M->GetY()[gStatV0M->GetN()-1])); latex->SetTextColor(gStatSH2->GetLineColor()); latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("SPD HM triggers: %.0fM",gStatSH2->GetY()[gStatSH2->GetN()-1])); // latex->SetTextColor(gStatEMC->GetLineColor()); // latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("EMCAL triggers: %.0fM",gStatEMC->GetY()[gStatDMC->GetN()-1])); // latex->SetTextColor(gStatDMC->GetLineColor()); // latex->DrawLatex(0.18,y-=0.07,Form("DCAL triggers: %.0fM",gStatDMC->GetY()[gStatDMC->GetN()-1])); gPad->Print("stat_mb_triggers.png"); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { setTDRStyle(); gStyle -> SetOptFit(0000); int nFib = 64; int nCryst = 9; std::string inFileName(argv[1]); //---------- // open file TFile* inFile = TFile::Open(Form("ntuples/tot_capture_%s.root",inFileName.c_str())); TTree* tree = (TTree*)( inFile->Get("tree") ); //--------------------- // set branch addresses std::map<int,std::vector<int>*> t_waveform; std::map<int,std::vector<int>*> t_crystWaveform; for(int fibIt = 0; fibIt < nFib; ++fibIt) { t_waveform[fibIt] = new std::vector<int>; tree -> SetBranchAddress(Form("fib%02d_waveform",fibIt),&t_waveform[fibIt]); } for(int crystIt = 0; crystIt < nCryst; ++crystIt) { t_crystWaveform[crystIt] = new std::vector<int>; tree -> SetBranchAddress(Form("cryst%01d_waveform",crystIt),&t_crystWaveform[crystIt]); } //------------- // define plots std::map<int,int> n_waveform_fib; TGraph** g_waveform_fib = new TGraph*[nFib]; std::map<int,int> n_waveform_cut_fib; TGraph** g_waveform_cut_fib = new TGraph*[nFib]; TH1F** h_ped_fib = new TH1F*[nFib]; TH1F* h_ped_fib_all = new TH1F("h_ped_fib_all","",100,80.,120.); TH1F** h_maximum_fib = new TH1F*[nFib]; TH1F* h_maximum_fib_all = new TH1F("h_maximum_fib_all","",1000,0.,2500.); for(int fibIt = 0; fibIt < nFib; ++fibIt) { g_waveform_fib[fibIt] = new TGraph(); g_waveform_cut_fib[fibIt] = new TGraph(); h_ped_fib[fibIt] = new TH1F(Form("h_ped_fib%02d",fibIt),"",100,80.,120.); h_maximum_fib[fibIt] = new TH1F(Form("h_maximum_fib%02d",fibIt),"",1000,0.,2500.); } TProfile2D* p_fibAveInt = new TProfile2D("p_fibAveInt","",17,-0.5,16.5,18,-0.5,17.5); TProfile2D* p_fibAveMax = new TProfile2D("p_fibAveMax","",17,-0.5,16.5,18,-0.5,17.5); TProfile2D* p_crystAveMax = new TProfile2D("p_crystAveMax","",3,-0.5,2.5,3,-0.5,2.5); TH1F* h_tot_integral = new TH1F("h_tot_integral","",1000,0.,100000.); TH1F* h_tot_maximum = new TH1F("h_tot_maximum", "",1000,0.,1000.); //------------------ // loop over entries for(int entry = 0; entry < tree->GetEntries(); ++entry) { std::cout << ">>> reading entry " << entry << " / " << tree->GetEntries() << "\r" << std::flush; tree -> GetEntry(entry); float tot_integral = 0.; float tot_maximum = 0.; for(int fibIt = 0; fibIt < nFib; ++fibIt) { ++n_waveform_fib[fibIt]; AddWaveform(g_waveform_fib[fibIt],t_waveform[fibIt]); float ped, integral, maximum; CalculateAmplitude(t_waveform[fibIt],ped,integral,maximum); h_ped_fib[fibIt] -> Fill(ped); h_ped_fib_all -> Fill(ped); h_maximum_fib[fibIt] -> Fill(maximum); h_maximum_fib_all -> Fill(maximum); int x = 16-2*int(fibIt/8); int y = (x/2)%2 == 0 ? 16-2*(fibIt%8) : 16-2*(fibIt%8)-1; p_fibAveInt -> Fill(x,y,integral); p_fibAveMax -> Fill(x,y,maximum); if( maximum+ped > 120. ) { tot_integral += integral; tot_maximum += maximum; ++n_waveform_cut_fib[fibIt]; AddWaveform(g_waveform_cut_fib[fibIt],t_waveform[fibIt]); } } for(int crystIt = 0; crystIt < nCryst; ++crystIt) { float ped, integral, maximum; CalculateAmplitude(t_waveform[crystIt],ped,integral,maximum); p_crystAveMax -> Fill(crystIt%3,2-crystIt/3,maximum); } h_tot_integral -> Fill(tot_integral); h_tot_maximum -> Fill(tot_maximum); } TCanvas* c_waveform_fib_all = new TCanvas(); int plotIt = 0; float min = +999999.; float max = -999999.; for(int fibIt = 0; fibIt < nFib; ++fibIt) { TGraph* g = g_waveform_fib[fibIt]; if( g->GetN() == 0 ) continue; NormalizeGraph(g,n_waveform_fib[fibIt]); if( GetMinimum(g) < min ) min = GetMinimum(g); if( GetMaximum(g) > max ) max = GetMaximum(g); } for(int fibIt = 0; fibIt < nFib; ++fibIt) { TGraph* g = g_waveform_fib[fibIt]; if( g->GetN() == 0 ) continue; TCanvas* c_waveform_fib = new TCanvas(); g -> SetMinimum(min-0.05*fabs(max-min)); g -> SetMaximum(max+0.05*fabs(max-min)); g -> SetLineWidth(2); g -> SetLineColor(fibIt+1); g -> SetMarkerSize(0.2); g -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("sample time (ns)"); g -> Draw("APL"); c_waveform_fib -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str(),fibIt),"png"); c_waveform_fib_all -> cd(); if( plotIt == 0 ) g -> Draw("APL"); else g -> Draw("PL,same"); ++plotIt; } c_waveform_fib_all -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); TCanvas* c_waveform_cut_fib_all = new TCanvas(); plotIt = 0; min = +999999.; max = -999999.; for(int fibIt = 0; fibIt < nFib; ++fibIt) { TGraph* g = g_waveform_cut_fib[fibIt]; if( g->GetN() == 0 ) continue; NormalizeGraph(g,n_waveform_cut_fib[fibIt]); if( GetMinimum(g) < min ) min = GetMinimum(g); if( GetMaximum(g) > max ) max = GetMaximum(g); } for(int fibIt = 0; fibIt < nFib; ++fibIt) { TGraph* g = g_waveform_cut_fib[fibIt]; if( g->GetN() == 0 ) continue; //g -> SetMinimum(min-0.05*fabs(max-min)); //g -> SetMaximum(max+0.05*fabs(max-min)); g -> SetLineWidth(2); g -> SetLineColor(fibIt+1); g -> SetMarkerSize(0.2); g -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("sample time (ns)"); g -> Draw("APL"); c_waveform_cut_fib_all -> cd(); if( plotIt == 0 ) g -> Draw("APL"); else g -> Draw("PL,same"); ++plotIt; } c_waveform_cut_fib_all -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); for(int fibIt = 0; fibIt < nFib; ++fibIt) { TH1F* h = h_ped_fib[fibIt]; TCanvas* c_ped_fib = new TCanvas(); c_ped_fib -> SetLogy(); h -> SetLineWidth(2); h -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("max sample"); h -> Draw(); h -> Fit("gaus","Q"); TLatex* latex1 = new TLatex(0.60,0.90,Form("RMS = %.1f",h->GetRMS())); latex1 -> SetNDC(); latex1 -> SetTextFont(42); latex1 -> SetTextSize(0.04); latex1 -> Draw("same"); TLatex* latex2 = new TLatex(0.60,0.85,Form("#sigma = %.1f",h->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2))); latex2 -> SetNDC(); latex2 -> SetTextFont(42); latex2 -> SetTextSize(0.04); latex2 -> Draw("same"); c_ped_fib -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str(),fibIt),"png"); h = h_maximum_fib[fibIt]; TCanvas* c_maximum_fib = new TCanvas(); c_maximum_fib -> SetLogy(); h -> SetLineWidth(2); h -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("max sample"); h -> Draw(); c_maximum_fib -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str(),fibIt),"png"); } TCanvas* c_ped_fib_all = new TCanvas(); c_ped_fib_all -> SetLogy(); h_ped_fib_all -> SetLineWidth(2); h_ped_fib_all -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("pedestal"); h_ped_fib_all -> Draw(); h_ped_fib_all -> Fit("gaus","Q"); TLatex* latex1 = new TLatex(0.60,0.90,Form("RMS = %.1f",h_ped_fib_all->GetRMS())); latex1 -> SetNDC(); latex1 -> SetTextFont(42); latex1 -> SetTextSize(0.04); latex1 -> Draw("same"); TLatex* latex2 = new TLatex(0.60,0.85,Form("#sigma = %.1f",h_ped_fib_all->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2))); latex2 -> SetNDC(); latex2 -> SetTextFont(42); latex2 -> SetTextSize(0.04); latex2 -> Draw("same"); c_ped_fib_all -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); TCanvas* c_maximum_fib_all = new TCanvas(); c_maximum_fib_all -> SetLogy(); h_maximum_fib_all -> SetLineWidth(2); h_maximum_fib_all -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle("max sample"); h_maximum_fib_all -> Draw(); c_maximum_fib_all -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); TCanvas* c_fibAveInt = new TCanvas(); p_fibAveInt -> Draw("COLZ"); c_fibAveInt -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); TCanvas* c_fibAveMax = new TCanvas(); p_fibAveMax -> Draw("COLZ"); c_fibAveMax -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); TCanvas* c_crystAveMax = new TCanvas(); p_crystAveMax -> Draw("COLZ"); c_crystAveMax -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); TCanvas* c_tot_integral = new TCanvas(); c_tot_integral -> SetLogy(); h_tot_integral -> Draw(); c_tot_integral -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); TCanvas* c_tot_maximum = new TCanvas(); c_tot_maximum -> SetLogy(); h_tot_maximum -> Draw(); c_tot_maximum -> Print(Form("/afs/",inFileName.c_str()),"png"); }
void plotMSSM(const TString& what="(ggA+bbA)*BRAZh*BRhbb"){ const double BRZll=0.06726; const double fb2pb=1000; //TString scale(Form("*%f*%f",BRZll,fb2pb)); TString scale(""); TString cname(what); cname.ReplaceAll("*","x"); cname.ReplaceAll("(","U"); cname.ReplaceAll(")","U"); cname+="_MSSM_mhmax"; // TString goodName(what); goodName.ReplaceAll("mh","m_{h}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("ggA","#sigma_{gg#rightarrowA}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("bbA","#sigma_{bb#rightarrowA}"); goodName.ReplaceAll("BRAZh","B(A#rightarrowZh)"); goodName.ReplaceAll("BRhbb","B(h#rightarrowbb)"); //goodName+=("*B(Z#rightarrowll)"); //goodName+=("[pb] "); goodName+=("[GeV] "); TString goodType("MSSM m_{h}^{max}"); //goodName=("#sigma*B(pp#rightarrowA#rightarrowZh#rightarrowllbb) [fb]"); //goodName=("#sigma*B(pp#rightarrowA) [fb]"); //goodName=("BR(A#rightarrowZh)"); //goodName=("BR(h#rightarrowbb)"); //if (m>0) mass=(Form(" * (mA==%d)",m)); //TString ok(" * validity * stability * perturbativity * unitarity "); //TString ok(" * unitarity"); TString ok(""); TChain* ch=new TChain("TreeMSSM"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M225_20636539/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M250_20636540/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M275_20636541/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M300_20636542/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M325_20636543/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M350_20636544/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M400_20636545/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M500_20636546/parameter_MSSM.root"); ch->Add("lsf_working_dir_M600_20636547/parameter_MSSM.root"); //double tanbeta[30]={1,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,10000}; //double tanbeta[51]={0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,480,500,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000}; double tanbeta[51]={0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300,320,340,360,380,400,420,440,460,500,550,580,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000}; Double_t bin_tb[50]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<50; i++) { bin_tb[i]=0.005*(tanbeta[i]+tanbeta[i+1]); //cout << "bin_tb[" << i << "]=" << bin_tb[i] << " " << tanbeta[i+1]/100. << endl; } double mA[11]={200,225,250,275,300,325,350,400,500,600,700}; Double_t bin_mA[10]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<=10; ++i) { bin_mA[i]=0.5*(mA[i]+mA[i+1]); //cout << "bin_mA["<<i<<"]=" << bin_mA[i] << endl; } bin_mA[10]=650; TH2F* hggA=new TH2F("hggA","ggA cross section vs tan#beta,m_{A}; m_{A} GeV; tan#beta",9,bin_mA,49,bin_tb); hggA->Sumw2(); //hggA->Draw(); TString cut=what+scale+ok; cout << "CUT: " << cut << endl; ch->Project("hggA","tb:mA",cut); TStyle *tdrStyle = gROOT->GetStyle("tdrStyle"); // Double_t level[15]={.01,.02,.05,.1,.2,.5,1.,2.,5.,10.,20.,50.,100.,200.,500.}; // hggA->SetContour(14,level); // hggA->SetMinimum(level[0]); // //Double_t level[10]={1.,5.,10.,20.,50.,100.,200.,500.,800.,1000.}; // for x-section //Double_t level[10]={100,105,110.,115.,120.,123,125.7,127,130.,135.}; // for mh Double_t level[10]={1,2,3.,4.,120.,123,125.7,127,130.,135.}; // for mh //Double_t level[10]={.01,.1,.2,0.5,0.6,0.65,0.7,0.75,0.8,0.9}; // for BR //Double_t level[10]={.01,.02,.05,.07,.1,.15,0.2,0.5,0.75,1.}; // for BR hggA->SetContour(9,level); hggA->SetMinimum(level[0]); Double_t level[7]={122.7.,123.7,125.4,126.0,127.7,128.7.,150}; // for mh hggA->SetContour(6,level); hggA->SetMinimum(90); Int_t colors[7] = {kWhite,kGreen,kGreen+2,kBlack,kGreen+2,kGreen,kWhite}; tdrStyle->SetPalette((sizeof(colors)/sizeof(Int_t)), colors); // DRAW tdrStyle->SetOptStat(0); // tdrStyle->SetPadGridX(true); // tdrStyle->SetPadGridY(true); // tdrStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.05); // tdrStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.13); tdrStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.3); tdrStyle->SetTitleXOffset(1.6); tdrStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.3,"Z"); // tdrStyle->SetOptLogz(1); // tdrStyle->SetOptLogy(1); tdrStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.14); //tdrStyle->SetPalette(1); tdrStyle->cd(); gROOT->ForceStyle(); cout << "Creating canvas " << cname << endl; TCanvas* c1=new TCanvas(cname,goodName,1200,600); cout << " done " << c1->GetName() << endl; c1->Divide(2); c1->cd(1); hggA->DrawCopy("lego2"); gPad->SetLogz(); gPad->SetLogy(); //gPad->SetPhi(120); gPad->SetPhi(-150); //gPad->SetTheta(30); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); TLatex tl; tl.SetTextSize(0.04); tl.SetNDC(); tl.DrawLatex(0.1,0.95,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.1,0.89,goodType); c1->cd(2); // tdrStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.25); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); hggA->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(100); //hggA->Smooth(); gPad->SetLogy(kFALSE); hggA->DrawCopy("zcont1"); tl.DrawLatex(0.15,0.97,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.2,0.9,goodType); TCanvas* ctmp=new TCanvas(cname,goodName,600,600); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.1,10.); hggA->DrawCopy("zcont1"); tl.DrawLatex(0.83,0.97,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(11); tl.DrawLatex(0.2,0.9,goodType); pCan(ctmp,cname+"_Lin"); // TH1F* test=new TH1F("test","ggA cross section vs tan#beta; tan#beta",27,bin_tb); // ch->Project("test","tb",what); // test->Draw(); TCanvas* c2=new TCanvas(cname+"Obs",goodName,800,800); gPad->UseCurrentStyle(); gPad->Update(); hggA->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hggA->DrawCopy("cont list"); gPad->Update(); //return; // Get Contours TObjArray *conts = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); TList* contLevel = NULL; TGraph* curv = NULL; TGraph* gc = NULL; Int_t nGraphs = 0; Int_t TotalConts = 0; if (conts == NULL){ printf("*** No Contours Were Extracted!\n"); TotalConts = 0; return; } else { TotalConts = conts->GetSize(); } printf("TotalConts = %d\n", TotalConts); for(i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); printf("Contour %d has %d Graphs\n", i, contLevel->GetSize()); nGraphs += contLevel->GetSize(); } nGraphs = 0; TH2F *hr = new TH2F("hr", ";m_{A};tan#beta", 2, 225, 600, 2, 0.1, 100); hr->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); hr->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(200,650); hr->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); hr->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(110,kFALSE); hr->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(20205,kFALSE); hr->Draw(); Double_t x0, y0, z0; TLatex l; l.SetTextSize(0.03); l.SetTextAlign(32); char val[20]; for(i = 0; i < TotalConts; i++){ contLevel = (TList*)conts->At(i); z0 = level[i]; printf("Z-Level Passed in as: Z = %f\n", z0); // Get first graph from list on curves on this level curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->First(); for(j = 0; j < contLevel->GetSize(); j++){ // last point //curv->GetPoint(curv->GetN()-1, x0, y0); // first point curv->GetPoint(2, x0, y0); // if (z0<0) curv->SetLineColor(kRed); // if (z0>0) curv->SetLineColor(kBlue); nGraphs ++; printf("\tGraph: %d -- %d Elements\n", nGraphs,curv->GetN()); // Draw clones of the graphs to avoid deletions in case the 1st // pad is redrawn. gc = (TGraph*)curv->Clone(); gc->Draw("C"); if (z0>=.01) sprintf(val,"%0.2f",z0); if (z0>=.1) sprintf(val,"%0.2f",z0); if (z0>=1) sprintf(val,"%0.0f",z0); l.DrawLatex(x0*0.99,y0,val); curv = (TGraph*)contLevel->After(curv); // Get Next graph } } gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetGridx(); gPad->SetGridy(); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.05); gPad->SetTopMargin(0.10); c2->Update(); printf("\n\n\tExtracted %d Contours and %d Graphs \n", TotalConts, nGraphs ); tl.SetTextAlign(31); tl.DrawLatex(0.8,0.85,goodName); tl.SetTextAlign(31); tl.DrawLatex(0.8,0.77,goodType); pCan(c2,cname+"_BW"); c1->cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); gPad->SetLogz(); c1->cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); c1->Update(); pCan(c1,cname); }
void laserCalibration( char* filename = "frascatirun", //input file int filenum = 1081, //file number int channel = 3, //trace channel int flagChannel = 5, //laser flag channel Double_t entriesN = 10, //number of entries for prcessing int sleep = 10, //sleep time between 2 processed entries, helpful for viewing traces bool gui = true //enable or disable trace visualization ) { caen_5742 caen; Int_t nbins = 1024; Double_t entries = entriesN; Int_t bin; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","frascatirun",900,700); c1->Divide(1,2); c1->cd(1); TGraph* g = new TGraph(); TH1F* lmPeaks = new TH1F("lm","Peaks Ratio", 1000, 0, 5000); TH1F* d = new TH1F("d","",nbins,0,nbins); TH1F* back = new TH1F("Back","",nbins,0,nbins); // input file char fname[100]=0; sprintf(fname,"%s_0%i.root",filename,filenum); TFile* infile = new TFile(fname); TTree *t = (TTree*) infile->Get("t"); t->SetBranchAddress("caen_5742", &caen.system_clock); t->Print(); if(entriesN<=0) entries = t->GetEntries(); //out file char foutname[100]=0; int lm=0; if (channel ==3)lm=1; if (channel ==4)lm=2; sprintf(foutname,"./calibration/LM%i_out_0%i.root",lm,filenum); outfile = new TFile(foutname,"RECREATE"); outTree = new TTree("LM","frascatirun output"); calibTree = new TTree("LM_cal","frascatirun output"); outTree->Branch("LM_PX1",&fPositionX1,"PX1/D"); outTree->Branch("LM_PX2",&fPositionX2,"PX2/D"); outTree->Branch("LM_PY1",&fPositionY1,"PY1/D"); outTree->Branch("LM_PY2",&fPositionY2,"PY2/D"); //outTree->Branch("baseline",baseline,"baseline[1024]/F"); outTree->Branch("time",&timeline,"time/D"); outTree->Branch("LM_P2_Integral",&integralP2,"IP2/D"); calibTree->Branch("LM_P2_Integral_mean",&integralP2_mean,"IP2_mean/D"); calibTree->Branch("LM_P2_Integral_mean_error",&integralP2_mean_error,"IP2_mean_error/D"); calibTree->Branch("LM_P2_Integral_sigma",&integralP2_sigma,"IP2_sigma/D"); calibTree->Branch("LM_P2_Integral_sigma_error",&integralP2_sigma_error,"IP2_sigma_error/D"); /************************************** * read entries ************************************** */ for (int j = 0; j < entries; ++j){ gSystem->Sleep (sleep); t->GetEntry(j); //TRIGGER SELECTION if(caen.trace[flagChannel][400]>1000 && caen.trace[flagChannel][800]<3000){ timeline = caen.system_clock; /************************************** * Peaks estimation ************************************** */ for (int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i){ g->SetPoint(i, i, caen.trace[channel][i]); } Double_t y_max = TMath::MaxElement(g->GetN(),g->GetY()); Float_t * source = new Float_t[nbins]; Float_t * dest = new Float_t[nbins]; for (int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i){ source[i]=y_max-caen.trace[channel][i]; g->SetPoint(i, i, source[i]); } //Use TSpectrum to find the peak candidates TSpectrum *s = new TSpectrum(); Int_t nfound = s->SearchHighRes(source, dest, nbins, 3, 2, kTRUE, 2, kFALSE, 5); /************************************** * Background estimation ************************************** */ Int_t ssize = nbins; Int_t numberIterations = 20; Int_t direction = s->kBackIncreasingWindow; Int_t filterOrder = s->kBackOrder2; bool smoothing = kFALSE; Int_t smoothWindow = s->kBackSmoothing3; bool compton = kFALSE; for (int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i) baseline[i] = source[i]; s->Background(baseline, ssize, numberIterations, direction, filterOrder, smoothing, smoothWindow, compton); /************************************** * Peaks and integral estimation ************************************** */ Double_t px[2], py[2]; for (int i = 0; i < nbins; ++i) dest[i] = source[i]-baseline[i]; if(nfound==2){ bin = s->GetPositionX()[0]; fPositionX1 = bin; fPositionY1 = dest[bin]; px[0] = bin; py[0] = dest[bin]; bin = s->GetPositionX()[1]; fPositionX2 = bin; fPositionY2 = dest[bin]; px[1] = bin; py[1] = dest[bin]; } int posxa=6; int posxb=9; switch (filenum){ case 1081: posxa=6; posxb=9; break; case 1082: posxa=5; posxb=7; break; case 1083: posxa=5; posxb=8; break; case 1084: posxa=5; posxb=7; break; case 1085: posxa=5; posxb=7; break; case 1086: posxa=5; posxb=5; break; case 1087: posxa=4; posxb=4; break; case 1088: posxa=3; posxb=4; break; case 1089: posxa=3; posxb=3; break; default: posxa=6; posxb=9; } integralP2 = g->Integral (fPositionX2-posxa,fPositionX2+posxb); /************************************** * print and update the canvas ************************************** */ if(gui==true){ TH1F* gh = g->GetHistogram(); gh->FillN(nbins,g->GetX(),g->GetY()); g->Draw(); TPolyMarker* pm = (TPolyMarker*)gh->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("TPolyMarker"); if (pm) { gh->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(pm); delete pm; } pm = new TPolyMarker(nfound, px, py); gh->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(pm); pm->SetMarkerStyle(23); pm->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); pm->SetMarkerSize(1.3); for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) d->SetBinContent(i,dest[i]); d->SetLineColor(kRed); d->Draw("SAME"); for (i = 0; i < nbins; i++) back->SetBinContent(i,baseline[i]); back->SetLineColor(kGreen); back->Draw("SAME"); c1->Update(); } /************************************** * Fill tree and peaks data Histogram ************************************** */ if(nfound==2) { lmPeaks->Fill(integralP2); outTree->Fill(); } //printf("time= %d, posx1= %d, posy1= %d\n",time, fPositionX1, fPositionY1); //printf("time= %d, posx2= %d, posy2= %d\n",time, fPositionX2, fPositionY2); //for (int i=0;i<nbins;i++) printf("time = %d\n",baseline[i]); } } /************************************** * switch to the bottom pan and Draw Histogram ************************************** */ c1->cd(2); //lmPeaks->SetAxisRange(TMath::MinElement(entries,binmin),TMath::MaxElement(entries,binmax)+100); //lmPeaks->SetAxisRange(0,3000); lmPeaks->Fit("gaus"); integralP2_mean = lmPeaks->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1); integralP2_sigma = lmPeaks->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2); integralP2_mean_error = lmPeaks->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(1); integralP2_sigma_error = lmPeaks->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParError(2); //printf("mean = %f\n",integralP2_mean); //printf("sigma = %f\n",integralP2_sigma); calibTree->Fill(); lmPeaks->Draw(); c1->Update(); outfile->cd(); gROOT->GetList()->Write(); outTree->Write(); calibTree->Write(); outfile->Close(); }
void draw_mSUGRA_exclusion(TH2F *ocrosssection, TH2F *oFilterEfficiency, TH2F *oabsXS, TH2F *limitmap, TH2F *expmap, TH2F *expplusmap, TH2F *expminusmap, TH2F *exp2plusmap, TH2F *exp2minusmap, bool isobserved) { TH2F *crosssection = (TH2F*)ocrosssection->Clone("crosssection"); // TH2F *limitmap = (TH2F*)olimitmap->Clone(((string)olimitmap->GetName()+"clone").c_str()); TH2F *cleanhisto = (TH2F*)limitmap->Clone("clean"); for(int ix=1;ix<=cleanhisto->GetNbinsX();ix++) { for(int iy=1;iy<=cleanhisto->GetNbinsY();iy++) { cleanhisto->SetBinContent(ix,iy,0); } } TH2F *FilterEfficiency; TH2F *absXS; write_warning(__FUNCTION__,"You'll want to switch off 'wrongwaytodothis')"); if(wrongwaytodothis) { //this part is the one you want to remove. TFile *Efficiencies = new TFile("FilterEfficiencyv3.root"); FilterEfficiency = cast_into_shape((TH2F*) Efficiencies->Get("FilterEfficiency"),limitmap); assert(FilterEfficiency); assert(crosssection); absXS=(TH2F*)crosssection->Clone("absXS"); crosssection->Multiply(FilterEfficiency); } else { //this part is the one you want to keep! FilterEfficiency=(TH2F*)oFilterEfficiency->Clone("FilterEfficiency"); absXS=(TH2F*)oabsXS->Clone("absXS"); } TH2F *limits = (TH2F*)limitmap->Clone("limits"); set_range(limits,true,false); limitmap->Divide(crosssection); expminusmap->Divide(crosssection); expplusmap->Divide(crosssection); exp2minusmap->Divide(crosssection); exp2plusmap->Divide(crosssection); expmap->Divide(crosssection); TGraph *observed = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(limitmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); observed->SetLineColor(kRed); TGraph *expminus = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(expminusmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); TGraph *expplus = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(expplusmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); TGraph *exp2minus; if(draw2sigma) exp2minus = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(exp2minusmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); TGraph *exp2plus; if(draw2sigma) exp2plus = get_mSUGRA_exclusion_line(exp2plusmap, PlottingSetup::mSUGRA); TGraph *expected = new TGraph(expminus->GetN()+expplus->GetN()); TGraph *expected2; if(draw2sigma) expected2 = new TGraph(exp2minus->GetN()+exp2plus->GetN()); for(int i=0;i<=expminus->GetN();i++) { Double_t x,y; expminus->GetPoint(i,x,y); expected->SetPoint(i,x,y); } for(int i=0;i<=exp2minus->GetN();i++) { Double_t x,y; exp2minus->GetPoint(i,x,y); expected2->SetPoint(i,x,y); } for(int i=exp2plus->GetN()-1;i>=0;i--) { Double_t x,y; exp2plus->GetPoint(i,x,y); expected2->SetPoint(exp2minus->GetN()+(exp2plus->GetN()-i),x,y); } for(int i=expplus->GetN()-1;i>=0;i--) { Double_t x,y; expplus->GetPoint(i,x,y); expected->SetPoint(expminus->GetN()+(expplus->GetN()-i),x,y); } expected->SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor("#9FF781")); if(draw2sigma) expected2->SetFillColor(TColor::GetColor("#F3F781")); smooth_line(observed); smooth_line(expected); if(draw2sigma) smooth_line(expected2); TCanvas *te = new TCanvas("te","te"); te->SetRightMargin(standardmargin); // decorate_mSUGRA(cleanhisto,te,expected,expected2,observed); TH2F *noh = new TH2F("noh","noh",1,1,2,1,1,2); SugarCoatThis(te,10,noh,observed); // expected->Draw("c"); // observed->Draw("c"); stringstream saveas; if((int)((string)limitmap->GetName()).find("limitmap")>0) { saveas << "Limits/"; if(!isobserved) saveas << "expected/expected_"; saveas << "final_exclusion_for_JZB_geq_" << ((string)limitmap->GetName()).substr(((string)limitmap->GetName()).find("limitmap")+8,10); } else { saveas << "Limits/"; if(!isobserved) saveas << "expected/expected"; saveas << "final_exclusion_for_bestlimits"; } CompleteSave(te,saveas.str()); delete te; TCanvas *overview = new TCanvas("overview","overview",1500,1000); set_range(crosssection,true,false); set_range(limits,true,false); set_range(limitmap,true,false); overview->Divide(3,2); overview->cd(1); overview->cd(1)->SetLogz(1); absXS->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001,100); absXS->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title0 = write_title("Cross Section"); title0->Draw("same"); overview->cd(2); FilterEfficiency->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.01,0.7); FilterEfficiency->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title0aa = write_title("Filter #epsilon"); title0aa->Draw("same"); overview->cd(3); overview->cd(3)->SetLogz(1); crosssection->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.0001,100); crosssection->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title0a = write_title("Filter #epsilon x Cross Section"); title0a->Draw("same"); overview->cd(4); overview->cd(4)->SetLogz(1); limits->GetZaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.01,100); limits->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title1 = write_title("Cross Section Upper Limit"); title1->Draw("same"); overview->cd(5); limitmap->Draw("COLZ"); TText *title2 = write_title("UL/XS"); title2->Draw("same"); observed->Draw("c"); overview->cd(6); overview->cd(6)->SetRightMargin(standardmargin); // decorate_mSUGRA(cleanhisto,overview->cd(4),expected,expected2,observed); SugarCoatThis(overview->cd(6),10,noh,observed); // observed->Draw("c"); stringstream saveas2; if((int)((string)limitmap->GetName()).find("limitmap")>0) { saveas2 << "Limits/"; if(!isobserved) saveas << "expected/expected_"; saveas2 << "exclusion_overview_for_JZB_geq_" << ((string)limitmap->GetName()).substr(((string)limitmap->GetName()).find("limitmap")+8,10); } else { saveas2 << "Limits/"; if(!isobserved) saveas << "expected/expected_"; saveas2 << "exclusion_overview_for_bestlimits"; } CompleteSave(overview,saveas2.str()); delete overview; delete noh; delete crosssection; delete absXS; delete FilterEfficiency; }
void buildFakeAngTree(const Char_t* outtag, const Float_t timereso, // ns const UInt_t simevts=1, const Float_t thetaOpt=400, // deg const Float_t phiOpt=400, // deg const Float_t coneOpt=400, // deg const UInt_t rseed=23192, const Float_t norm=100.0, // mV const Float_t noise=20.0, // mV const Char_t* outdir="/data/users/cjreed/work/simEvts", const Char_t* infn="/w2/arianna/jtatar/nt.sigtemps.root", const Char_t* geofn="/data/users/cjreed/work/" "BounceStudy/Stn10/" "CampSiteGeometry.root") { // if any of the angles (thetaOpt, phiOpt, coneOpt) > 360, a random // value will be used instead // // expect angles in the Templates tree to be in degrees // // expect the waveforms in the Templates tree to have amplitude 1 TRandom3 rnd(rseed); geof = TFile::Open(geofn); gg = dynamic_cast<TGeoManager*>(geof->Get("CampSite2013")); site = dynamic_cast<const TSnGeoStnSite*>(gg->GetTopVolume()); TVector3 pos[NSnConstants::kNchans], nvec[NSnConstants::kNchans]; for (UChar_t ch=0; ch<NSnConstants::kNchans; ++ch) { site->SetLPDAPosition(ch, pos[ch]); site->SetLPDANormalVec(ch, nvec[ch]); Printf("pos ch%d:",ch); pos[ch].Print(); Printf("normal ch%d:",ch); nvec[ch].Print(); } TArrayD zeros(6); inf = TFile::Open(infn); nnt = dynamic_cast<TTree*>(inf->Get("Templates")); TString infns(infn); TString indir; Int_t fl(0); if (infns.Contains('/')) { fl = infns.Last('/') + 1; indir = infns(0, fl-1); } TString plaininfn = infns(fl, infns.Length()-fl); TString outfn = Form("%s/FakeEvts.%s.%s", outdir, outtag, plaininfn.Data()); outf = TFile::Open(outfn.Data(),"recreate"); outf->cd(); TParameter<Float_t> trp("TimeResolution", timereso); trp.Write(); TParameter<Float_t> nmp("Normalization", norm); nmp.Write(); TParameter<Float_t> nop("NoiseRMS", noise); nop.Write(); TParameter<UInt_t> rsp("RandomSeed", rseed); rsp.Write(); TSnCalWvData* wave = new TSnCalWvData; Float_t eang(0), hang(0), hpf(0), limiter(0), coneang(0); Bool_t bice(kFALSE); nnt->SetBranchAddress("wave.",&wave); nnt->SetBranchAddress("EAng",&eang); nnt->SetBranchAddress("HAng",&hang); nnt->SetBranchAddress("hpf",&hpf); nnt->SetBranchAddress("limiter",&limiter); nnt->SetBranchAddress("coneAng",&coneang); nnt->SetBranchAddress("bIce",&bice); // to look up waveform for EAng, HAng nnt->BuildIndex("EAng + (1000*HAng)","coneAng"); // find the max angles Printf("finding allowed angles..."); std::set<Float_t> Eangs, Hangs, Cangs; const Long64_t nnents = nnt->GetEntries(); for (Long64_t i=0; i<nnents; ++i) { nnt->GetEntry(i); Eangs.insert(eang); Hangs.insert(hang); Cangs.insert(coneang); } #ifdef DEBUG std::set<Float_t>::const_iterator ang, end = Eangs.end(); Printf("EAngs:"); for (ang=Eangs.begin(); ang!=end; ++ang) { Printf("%g",*ang); } Printf("HAngs:"); for (ang=Hangs.begin(), end=Hangs.end(); ang!=end; ++ang) { Printf("%g",*ang); } Printf("ConeAngs:"); for (ang=Cangs.begin(), end=Cangs.end(); ang!=end; ++ang) { Printf("%g",*ang); } #endif Float_t theta(0), phi(0), cone(0); Float_t EAng[NSnConstants::kNchans], HAng[NSnConstants::kNchans]; Float_t CAng(0); TSnCalWvData* evdat = new TSnCalWvData; TSnEventMetadata* meta = new TSnEventMetadata; TSnEventHeader* hdr = new TSnEventHeader; //ot = nnt->CloneTree(0); //ot->SetName("SimTemplEvts"); ot = new TTree("SimTemplEvts","simulated events from templates",1); ot->SetDirectory(outf); ot->Branch("EventMetadata.",&meta); ot->Branch("EventHeader.",&hdr); ot->Branch("EAng",&(EAng[0]),Form("EAng[%hhu]/F",NSnConstants::kNchans)); ot->Branch("HAng",&(HAng[0]),Form("HAng[%hhu]/F",NSnConstants::kNchans)); ot->Branch("CAng",&CAng,"CAng/F"); ot->Branch("theta",&theta,"theta/F"); ot->Branch("phi",&phi,"phi/F"); ot->Branch("NuData.",&evdat); // some useful aliases TString an; for (UChar_t ch=0; ch<NSnConstants::kNchans; ++ch) { // to use as a cut for a particular channel: an = Form("Ch%d",ch); ot->SetAlias(an.Data(), Form("(Iteration$>=(%hhu*%hhu)) && (Iteration$<(%hhu*%hhu))", NSnConstants::kNsamps, ch, NSnConstants::kNsamps, static_cast<UChar_t>(ch+1))); // to use as a variable showing the sample number [0,127] for any chan an = Form("SmpCh%d",ch); ot->SetAlias(an.Data(), Form("Iteration$-%u", static_cast<UInt_t>(ch) *static_cast<UInt_t>(NSnConstants::kNsamps))); // e.g. Draw("RawData.fData:SmpCh2","EventHeader.fNum==21 && Ch2","l") } Printf("generating events..."); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); for (UInt_t i=0; i<simevts; ++i) { if ( (i%1000)==0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Processing %u/%u ... \r",i,simevts); } // choose angles theta = (thetaOpt>360.) ? TMath::ACos( rnd.Uniform(-1.0, 0.0) ) : thetaOpt * TMath::DegToRad(); phi = (phiOpt>360.) ? rnd.Uniform(0.0, TMath::TwoPi()) : phiOpt * TMath::DegToRad(); cone = (coneOpt>360.) ? rnd.Uniform(*(Cangs.begin()), *(Cangs.rbegin())) : coneOpt; // leave this one in degrees (as in the tree) CAng = findNearestAllowedAngle(Cangs, cone); #ifdef DEBUG Printf("--- theta=%g, phi=%g, cone=%g", theta*TMath::RadToDeg(), phi*TMath::RadToDeg(), cone); #endif // calculate channel shifts TArrayD pwdt = NSnChanCorl::GetPlaneWaveOffsets(theta, phi, zeros, pos, kNgTopFirn); TVector3 dir; dir.SetMagThetaPhi(1.0, theta, phi); #ifdef DEBUG TObjArray graphs; graphs.SetOwner(kTRUE); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",800,700); c1->Divide(2,2); #endif for (UChar_t ch=0; ch<NSnConstants::kNchans; ++ch) { // look up the EAng, fhang for this antenna Float_t feang(0), fhang(0); findEangHang(nvec[ch], dir, feang, fhang); feang = TMath::Abs(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(feang)); fhang = TMath::Abs(TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(fhang)); feang *= TMath::RadToDeg(); fhang *= TMath::RadToDeg(); // find closest allowed angle EAng[ch] = findNearestAllowedAngle(Eangs, feang); HAng[ch] = findNearestAllowedAngle(Hangs, fhang); const Long64_t ni = nnt->GetEntryNumberWithIndex(EAng[ch] + (1000*HAng[ch]), CAng); #ifdef DEBUG Printf("EAng=%g (%g), HAng=%g (%g), CAng=%g, ni=%lld", EAng[ch],feang,HAng[ch],fhang,CAng,ni); #endif if (ni>-1) { nnt->GetEntry(ni); #ifdef DEBUG c1->cd(ch+1); TGraph* och = wave->NewGraphForChan(0, kTRUE); const Int_t ochnp = och->GetN(); Double_t* ochy = och->GetY(); for (Int_t k=0; k<ochnp; ++k, ++ochy) { *ochy *= norm; } graphs.Add(och); och->SetLineColor(kBlack); och->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); och->SetMarkerStyle(7); och->Draw("apl"); #endif // first calculate the shift between chans due to the angle // ch0 is always unshifted; other chans shifted w.r.t. ch0 // jitter the shift by the specified timing resolution const Double_t shift = rnd.Gaus( (ch==0) ? 0.0 : -pwdt.At( TSnRecoChanOffsets::IndexFor(ch, 0) ), timereso); // get a graph of the waveform // data only in channel 0 of the template TGraph* gch = wave->NewGraphForChan(0, kTRUE); // "fit" the graph with an spline interpolation TSpline3* gsp = new TSpline3("stmp", gch); // evaluate the spline at the new sample positions // (shifted, but NOT wrapped) // and save that into the event data waveform Float_t* d = evdat->GetData(ch); const Float_t tstep = 1.0 / NSnConstants::kSampRate; const Float_t tlast = static_cast<Float_t>(NSnConstants::kNsamps-1) / NSnConstants::kSampRate; Float_t xloc = shift; for (UChar_t s=0; s<NSnConstants::kNsamps; ++s, ++d, xloc+=tstep) { if ( (xloc<0.0) || (xloc>=tlast) ) { *d = 0.0; } else { *d = gsp->Eval( xloc ); } } #ifdef DEBUG Printf("ch%hhu: shift=%g, dt=%g", ch, shift, (ch==0) ? 0.0 : pwdt.At( TSnRecoChanOffsets::IndexFor(ch, 0) )); TGraph* fch = evdat->NewGraphForChan(ch, kTRUE); Double_t* y = gch->GetY(); Double_t* fy = fch->GetY(); for (UChar_t s=0; s<NSnConstants::kNsamps; ++s, ++y, ++fy) { *y *= norm; *fy *= norm; } gch->SetLineColor(kRed+1); gch->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1); gch->SetMarkerStyle(7); gch->Draw("pl"); delete gsp; gsp = new TSpline3("stmp",gch); gsp->SetLineColor(kAzure-6); gsp->SetMarkerColor(kAzure-6); gsp->SetMarkerStyle(7); gsp->Draw("pl same"); graphs.Add(fch); fch->SetLineColor(kOrange+7); fch->SetMarkerColor(kOrange+7); fch->SetMarkerStyle(7); fch->Draw("pl"); #endif d = evdat->GetData(ch); // finally add noise to the waveform for (UChar_t s=0; s<NSnConstants::kNsamps; ++s, ++d) { *d = rnd.Gaus( (*d) * norm, noise ); } #ifdef DEBUG TGraph* nch = evdat->NewGraphForChan(ch, kTRUE); graphs.Add(nch); nch->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); nch->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+2); nch->SetMarkerStyle(7); nch->Draw("pl"); #endif // cleanup #ifdef DEBUG graphs.Add(gch); graphs.Add(gsp); #else delete gch; delete gsp; #endif } } // end channel loop #ifdef DEBUG TObject* o(0); while ( (o=c1->WaitPrimitive())!=0 ) { gSystem->ProcessEvents(); } delete c1; #endif // save this event ot->Fill(); } // end event loop fprintf(stderr,"\n"); timer.Stop(); Printf("Finished generating events in:"); timer.Print(); outf->Write(); Printf("Wrote [%s]",outf->GetName()); delete outf; outf=0; // close file }
void makeMuVMassPlot(bool iUseWWType = false) { SetStyle(); TCanvas *lCan = new TCanvas("A","A",600,600); // lCan->SetGridx(1); //lCan->SetGridy(1); lCan->SetRightMargin(0.14); double *lTX1 = new double[2]; double *lTX2 = new double[2]; double lMinNLL = 1000; double lVMin = 0; double *lMin = new double[36]; if(!iUseWWType) for(int i0 = 0; i0 < 36; i0++) { lMin[i0] = getMinNLL(110+i0*1.); if(lMin[i0] < lVMin) {lVMin = lMin[i0]; lTX1[0] = 110+i0*1.;}} //lMin[17] = (lMin[16]+lMin[18])/2.; //lMin[21] = (lMin[20]+lMin[22])/2.; //lMin[29] = (lMin[28]+lMin[30])/2.; //lMin[34] = (lMin[33]+lMin[35])/2.; TFile *lFile = new TFile("/afs/"); TTree *lTree = lFile->FindObjectAny("limit"); TH2F *lH = new TH2F("2D","2D",36,109.5,145.5,50,-2.,3.); float lNLL = 0; lTree->SetBranchAddress("nll" ,&lNLL); float lMNLL = 0; lTree->SetBranchAddress("deltaNLL",&lMNLL); double lMH = 0; lTree->SetBranchAddress("mh" ,&lMH); float lR = 0; lTree->SetBranchAddress("r" ,&lR); if(iUseWWType) { for(int i0 = 0; i0 < lTree->GetEntries(); i0++) { lTree->GetEntry(i0); if(lR < 0.1 && lR > 0) lMin[int(lMH-110)] = -lMNLL; } lVMin = 10000; for(int i0 = 0; i0 < lTree->GetEntries(); i0++) { lTree->GetEntry(i0); double pMin = lMin[int(lMH-110)] + lMNLL; if(pMin < lVMin) lVMin = pMin; } } for(int i0 = 0; i0 < lTree->GetEntries(); i0++) { lTree->GetEntry(i0); //if(lMH == 125) continue; lNLL = 0.; //lMin = 0.; lH->SetBinContent(lH->GetXaxis()->FindBin(lMH),lH->GetYaxis()->FindBin(lR),(lMNLL+lMin[lH->GetXaxis()->FindBin(lMH)-1]-lVMin)); if(lMH == lTX1[0] && lMNLL < lMinNLL) {lMinNLL = lMNLL; lTX2[0] = lR;} } TH2F* lHC = lH->Clone("2D_v2"); double lCont[3]; lCont[0] = 1.17; lCont[1] = 3.0; lCont[2] = 9.0; lHC->SetContour(2,lCont); //lCan->SetLogz(); lHC->Draw("cont z list"); lCan->Update(); lHC->Draw("colz"); TObjArray *lContours = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->FindObject("contours"); int lTotalConts = lContours->GetSize(); double *lTX = new double[2]; lTX[0] = 110; lTX[1] = 145; double *lTY = new double[2]; lTY[0] = -0.5; lTY[1] = 2.5; TGraph *lFirst = new TGraph(2,lTX,lTY); lFirst->SetLineColor(kWhite); lFirst->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(110,148); lFirst->Draw("al"); lFirst->SetTitle(""); lH->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5,2.5); lFirst->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{H}[GeV]"); lFirst->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); lFirst->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#mu_{best-fit}"); lFirst->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); lH->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{H}[GeV]"); lH->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.0); lH->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#mu_{best-fit}"); lH->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2); lTX1[1] = lTX1[0]; lTX2[1] = lTX2[1]+0.001; TGraph *lSecond = new TGraph(1,lTX1,lTX2); lSecond->SetMarkerStyle(34); lSecond->SetMarkerSize(3.5); //lSecond->Draw("p"); TLegend *lL = new TLegend(0.65,0.15,0.85,0.35); lL->SetBorderSize(0); lL->SetFillColor(0); lL->SetFillStyle(0); for(i0 = 0; i0 < lTotalConts; i0++){ pContLevel = (TList*)lContours->At(lTotalConts-1.-i0); // Get first graph from list on curves on this level std::vector<double> lX; std::vector<double> lY; pCurv = (TGraph*)pContLevel->First(); for(int i1 = 0; i1 < pContLevel->GetSize(); i1++){ for(int i2 = 0; i2 < pCurv->GetN(); i2++) {lX.push_back(pCurv->GetX()[i2]); lY.push_back(pCurv->GetY()[i2]);} //pCurv->GetPoint(0, x0, y0); pCurv->SetLineColor(kBlack);//kGreen+i0); pCCurv = (TGraph*)pCurv->Clone(); if(i0 == 0) pCCurv->SetFillColor(0); if(i0 == 1) pCCurv->SetFillColor(0); //if(i0 == 1) pCCurv->SetLineStyle(kDashed); pCCurv->SetLineWidth(3); pCCurv->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,3.0); //if(i0 == 0) pCCurv->Draw("AL"); //if(i0 != -10) pCCurv->Draw("LC"); //l.DrawLatex(x0,y0,val); pCurv = (TGraph*)pContLevel->After(pCurv); // Get Next graph } TGraph *lTotal = new TGraph(lX.size(),&lX[0],&lY[0]); lTotal->SetLineWidth(3); lTotal->SetFillColor(kGreen+i0*2); lTotal->SetFillStyle(3001); //lTotal->Draw("lf"); //if(i0 == 0) lTotal->Draw("alf"); //if(i0 == 0) lTotal->Draw("alf"); //for(int iX = 0; iX < lTotal->GetN(); iX++) cout << "===> " << lTotal->GetX()[iX] << " -- " << lTotal->GetY()[iX] << endl; //if(i0 != -10) lTotal->Draw("lfC"); bool pSwitch = false; int pSign = -1.; if(lTotal->GetX()[0] > lTotal->GetX()[1]) pSign = 1; double pXOld = lTotal->GetX()[lTotal->GetN()-1]; std::vector<double> pXLeft; std::vector<double> pXRight; std::vector<double> pYLeft; std::vector<double> pYRight; for(int iX = 0; iX < lTotal->GetN(); iX++) { double pX = lTotal->GetX()[iX]; if(pSign*pX > pSign*pXOld ) {pSwitch = !pSwitch; pSign *= -1;} if(!pSwitch) {pXLeft.push_back(lTotal->GetX()[iX]); pYLeft.push_back(lTotal->GetY()[iX]); } if(pSwitch) {pXRight.push_back(lTotal->GetX()[iX]); pYRight.push_back(lTotal->GetY()[iX]); } pXOld = pX; } TGraph *lLeftTotal = new TGraph(pXLeft.size() ,&pXLeft[0],&pYLeft[0]); TGraph *lRightTotal = new TGraph(pXRight.size(),&pXRight[0],&pYRight[0]); lLeftTotal->SetLineColor(kRed); lRightTotal->SetLineColor(kBlue); lLeftTotal->SetLineStyle(kDashed); lRightTotal->SetLineStyle(kDashed); //lLeftTotal->Draw("l"); //lRightTotal->Draw("l"); TGraphSmooth *lGS0 = new TGraphSmooth("normal"); TGraphSmooth *lGS1 = new TGraphSmooth("normal"); TGraph *lSmooth0 = lGS0->SmoothSuper(lRightTotal,"",0.,0.); TGraph *lSmooth1 = lGS1->SmoothSuper(lLeftTotal,"",0.,0.) ; lSmooth0->Draw("l"); lSmooth1->Draw("l"); std::vector<double> pXSmooth; std::vector<double> pYSmooth; std::vector<double> pXSmooth1; std::vector<double> pYSmooth1; cout << "==" << lSmooth0->GetN() << " -- " <<lSmooth1->GetN() << endl; for(int iX = 0; iX < lSmooth0->GetN(); iX++) {pXSmooth.push_back(lSmooth0->GetX()[iX]); pYSmooth.push_back(lSmooth0->GetY()[iX]);} for(int iX = 0; iX < lSmooth1->GetN(); iX++) {pXSmooth.push_back(lSmooth1->GetX()[lSmooth1->GetN()-iX-1]); pYSmooth.push_back(lSmooth1->GetY()[lSmooth1->GetN()-iX-1]);} for(int iX = 0; iX < lSmooth0->GetN(); iX++) {pXSmooth1.push_back(lSmooth0->GetX()[iX]); pYSmooth1.push_back(lSmooth0->GetY()[iX]);} for(int iX = 0; iX < lSmooth1->GetN(); iX++) {pXSmooth1.push_back(lSmooth1->GetX()[lSmooth1->GetN()-iX-1]); pYSmooth1.push_back(lSmooth1->GetY()[lSmooth1->GetN()-iX-1]);} //if(i0 == 1) {pXSmooth1.push_back(lSmooth1->GetX()[0]); pYSmooth1.push_back(lSmooth1->GetY()[0]);} TGraph *pSmoothShape = new TGraph(pXSmooth.size() ,&pXSmooth [0],&pYSmooth [0]); TGraph *pSmoothShape1 = new TGraph(pXSmooth1.size(),&pXSmooth1[0],&pYSmooth1[0]); if(i0 == 1) {TLine *lLine = new TLine(pXSmooth1[0],pYSmooth1[0],pXSmooth1[pXSmooth1.size()-1],pYSmooth1[pYSmooth1.size()-1]); lLine->Draw();} pSmoothShape1->SetLineColor(kBlack); pSmoothShape1->SetLineWidth(2); pSmoothShape->SetFillColor(kGreen+i0*2); pSmoothShape->SetFillStyle(3001); pSmoothShape->Draw("lf"); pSmoothShape1->Draw("l"); if(i0 == 0) lL->AddEntry(lTotal,"95% CL","lf"); if(i0 == 1) lL->AddEntry(lTotal,"68% CL","lf"); } lL->AddEntry(lSecond,"BestFit","p"); lSecond->Draw("lp"); lL->Draw(); std::string masslabel = "m_{H}"; double mass = 125; TString label = TString::Format("%s = 135 GeV", masslabel.c_str());//, 125.); TPaveText* textlabel = new TPaveText(0.18, 0.81, 0.50, 0.90, "NDC"); textlabel->SetBorderSize( 0 ); textlabel->SetFillStyle ( 0 ); textlabel->SetTextAlign ( 12 ); textlabel->SetTextSize (0.04 ); textlabel->SetTextColor ( 1 ); textlabel->SetTextFont ( 62 ); textlabel->AddText(label); //textlabel->Draw(); CMSPrelim("Preliminary, H#rightarrow#tau#tau,L = 24.3 fb^{-1}", "", 0.145, 0.835); gPad->RedrawAxis(); lCan->Update(); lCan->SaveAs("cmb+_muvmass.png"); lCan->SaveAs("cmb+_muvmass.pdf"); lCan->SaveAs("cmb+_muvmass.eps"); }
bool check(int n = 2) { TFile *file = TFile::Open(TString::Format("merged%d.root",n)); bool result = true; TH1F *h; file->GetObject("h1",h); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","h1 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(2) != n || h->GetBinContent(3) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","h1 not added properly"); result = false; } THnSparseF *sparse; file->GetObject("sparse",sparse); if (!sparse) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse is missing\n"); result = false; } else { Int_t coordIdx[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Double_t cont = sparse->GetBinContent(coordIdx); if (cont > n + 0.4 || cont < n - 0.4) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse merge failed: expected bin content %g, read %g\n", (Double_t)n, cont); result = false; } Double_t entries = sparse->GetEntries(); if (entries > n + 0.4 || entries < n - 0.4) { Error("execFileMerger","sparse merge failed: expected %g entries, read %g\n", (Double_t)n, entries); result = false; } } THStack *stack; file->GetObject("stack",stack); if (!stack) { Error("execFileMerger","stack is missing\n"); result = false; } h = (TH1F*)stack->GetHists()->FindObject("hs_1"); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_1 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(2) != n || h->GetBinContent(3) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_1 not added properly"); result = false; } h = (TH1F*)stack->GetHists()->FindObject("hs_2"); if (!h) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_2 is missing\n"); result = false; } if (h->GetBinContent(4) != n || h->GetBinContent(5) != n) { Error("execFileMerger","hs_2 not added properly"); result = false; } TGraph *gr; file->GetObject("exgraph",gr); if (!gr) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph is missing\n"); result = false; } if (gr->GetN() != ( n * 3)) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph not added properly n=%d rather than %d",gr->GetN(),n*3); result = false; } else { for(Int_t k = 0; k < gr->GetN(); ++k) { double x,y; gr->GetPoint(k,x,y); if ( x != ( (k%3)+1 ) || y != ( (k%3)+1 ) ) { Error("execFileMerger","exgraph not added properly"); result = false; } } } TTree *tree; file->GetObject("tree",tree); if (!tree) { Error("execFileMerger","tree is missing\n"); result = false; } if (tree->GetEntries() != n*2) { Error("execFileMerger","tree does not have the expected number of entries: %lld rather than %d",tree->GetEntries(),n*2); result = false; } else { if ( tree->GetEntries("data==1") != n ) { Error("execFileMerger","tree does not have the expected data. We got %lld entries with 'data==1' rather than %d",tree->GetEntries("data==1"),n); tree->Scan(); result = false; } } return result; }
vector< pair <double,double> > getMinMaxOfGraphs (vector<GraphInfo> inputGraphs) { cout << "-----------------Inside minMax -------------------" << endl; pair<double,double> yValMinMax; pair<double,double> xValMinMax; yValMinMax.first = 1000.0; //min yValMinMax.second = -1000.0; //max xValMinMax.first = 1000.0; //min xValMinMax.second = -1000.0; //max for (unsigned iGraph =0; iGraph < inputGraphs.size(); iGraph++){ TGraph * thisGraph = inputGraphs[iGraph].theGraph; double iMinY = 1000.0; double iMaxY = -1000.0; double iMinX = 1000.0; double iMaxX = -1000.0; for (int iPoint =0; iPoint < thisGraph->GetN(); iPoint++){ double xVal, yVal; thisGraph->GetPoint(iPoint, xVal, yVal); cout <<"n = " << iPoint << "x= " << xVal << "y = " << yVal << endl; if (yVal < iMinY ) iMinY = yVal; if (yVal > iMaxY) iMaxY = yVal; if (xVal < iMinX ) iMinX = xVal; if (xVal > iMaxX) iMaxX = xVal; } cout << "New plot minY = " << iMinY << ", maxY = " << iMaxY << endl << " minX = " << iMinX << ", maxX = " << iMaxX << endl ; if (iMinY < yValMinMax.first) yValMinMax.first = iMinY; if (iMaxY > yValMinMax.second) yValMinMax.second = iMaxY; if (iMinX < xValMinMax.first) xValMinMax.first = iMinX; if (iMaxX > xValMinMax.second) xValMinMax.second = iMaxX; } //------------------------ cout << "found min = " << yValMinMax.first << " found max = " << yValMinMax.second << endl; if (yValMinMax.first > 0 ) yValMinMax.first = 0; vector<pair<double,double> > returnValMinMax; returnValMinMax.push_back(xValMinMax); returnValMinMax.push_back(yValMinMax); return returnValMinMax; }