Пример #1
unsigned int __stdcall ThreadBase::ThreadRoutine( void* param ) 
	ThreadBase *pTB = (ThreadBase *)param;

	// anything not caught in the derived thread will eventually end up here.
	// this is the bottom of our threads execution stack
	int aRet = 0;
		aRet = pTB->threadProcess();
	catch (WONCommon::WONException& ex)
		WDBG_AH("WONException caught in ThreadRoutine!");

		// set error code
		// WONException may set this to zero if undefined, so reset to -1 in that case
		pTB->mLastError = (ex.GetCode() != 0 ? ex.GetCode() : -1); 
		ex.GetStream() << "Exception caught in Thread main.  Thread terminated!";

		// Set the exception event if needed
		if (pTB->hExceptionNotify) SetEvent(pTB->hExceptionNotify);
		aRet = pTB->mLastError;

	catch (...)
		WDBG_AH("Unhandled exception caught in ThreadRoutine!");

		// Error code is unknown, set to (-1)
		if(! pTB->mLastError) pTB->mLastError = -1;

		// Log an error to event log
		WONCommon::EventLog aLog;
		aLog.Log("Unhandled Exception propogated to Thread main.  Thread terminated!");

		// Set the exception event if needed
		if (pTB->hExceptionNotify) SetEvent(pTB->hExceptionNotify);
		aRet = pTB->mLastError;

	return aRet;