bool NativeLangSpeaker::getMsgBoxLang(const char *msgBoxTagName, generic_string & title, generic_string & message)
	title = TEXT("");
	message = TEXT("");

	if (!_nativeLangA) return false;

	TiXmlNodeA *msgBoxNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("MessageBox");
	if (!msgBoxNode) return false;

	msgBoxNode = searchDlgNode(msgBoxNode, msgBoxTagName);
	if (!msgBoxNode) return false;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	// Set Title
	const char *titre = (msgBoxNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
	const char *msg = (msgBoxNode->ToElement())->Attribute("message");
	if ((titre && titre[0]) && (msg && msg[0]))
		title = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		message = wmc->char2wchar(msg, _nativeLangEncoding);
		return true;
	return false;
Пример #2
void TiXmlElementA::StreamOut( TIXMLA_OSTREAM * stream ) const
	(*stream) << "<" << value;

	TiXmlAttributeA* attrib;
	for ( attrib = attributeSet.First(); attrib; attrib = attrib->Next() )
		(*stream) << " ";
		attrib->StreamOut( stream );

	// If this node has children, give it a closing tag. Else
	// make it an empty tag.
	TiXmlNodeA* node;
	if ( firstChild )
		(*stream) << ">";

		for ( node = firstChild; node; node=node->NextSibling() )
			node->StreamOut( stream );
		(*stream) << "</" << value << ">";
		(*stream) << " />";
Пример #3
const char* TiXmlElementA::ReadValue( const char* p, TiXmlParsingDataA* data )
	TiXmlDocumentA* document = GetDocument();

	// Read in text and elements in any order.
	p = SkipWhiteSpace( p );
	while ( p && *p )
		if ( *p != '<' )
			// Take what we have, make a text element.
			TiXmlTextA* textNode = new TiXmlTextA( "" );

			if ( !textNode )
				if ( document )
					document->SetError( TIXMLA_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, 0, 0 );
				return 0;

			p = textNode->Parse( p, data );

			if ( !textNode->Blank() )
				LinkEndChild( textNode );
				delete textNode;
			// We hit a '<'
			// Have we hit a new element or an end tag?
			if ( StringEqual( p, "</", false ) )
				return p;
				TiXmlNodeA* node = Identify( p );
				if ( node )
					p = node->Parse( p, data );
					LinkEndChild( node );
					return 0;
		p = SkipWhiteSpace( p );

	if ( !p )
		if ( document ) document->SetError( TIXMLA_ERROR_READING_ELEMENT_VALUE, 0, 0 );
	return p;
Пример #4
void TiXmlDocumentA::Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const
	TiXmlNodeA* node;
	for ( node=FirstChild(); node; node=node->NextSibling() )
		node->Print( cfile, depth );
		fprintf( cfile, "\n" );
Пример #5
TiXmlNodeA* TiXmlNodeA::FirstChild( const char * _value ) const
	TiXmlNodeA* node;
	for ( node = firstChild; node; node = node->next )
		if ( node->SValue() == TIXMLA_STRING( _value ))
			return node;
	return 0;
Пример #6
TiXmlNodeA* TiXmlNodeA::NextSibling( const char * _value ) const
	TiXmlNodeA* node;
	for ( node = next; node; node = node->next )
		if ( node->SValue() == TIXMLA_STRING (_value))
			return node;
	return 0;
Пример #7
TiXmlNodeA* TiXmlNodeA::PreviousSibling( const char * _value ) const
	TiXmlNodeA* node;
	for ( node = prev; node; node = node->prev )
		if ( node->SValue() == TIXMLA_STRING (_value))
			return node;
	return 0;
Пример #8
TiXmlNodeA* TiXmlNodeA::LastChild( const char * _value ) const
	TiXmlNodeA* node;
	for ( node = lastChild; node; node = node->prev )
		if ( node->SValue() == TIXMLA_STRING (_value))
			return node;
	return 0;
Пример #9
const char* TiXmlDocumentA::Parse( const char* p, TiXmlParsingDataA* prevData )

	// Parse away, at the document level. Since a document
	// contains nothing but other tags, most of what happens
	// here is skipping white space.
	if ( !p || !*p )
		return 0;

	// Note that, for a document, this needs to come
	// before the while space skip, so that parsing
	// starts from the pointer we are given.
	if ( prevData )
		location.row = prevData->cursor.row;
		location.col = prevData->cursor.col;
		location.row = 0;
		location.col = 0;
	TiXmlParsingDataA data( p, TabSize(), location.row, location.col );
	location = data.Cursor();

    p = SkipWhiteSpace( p );
	if ( !p )
		return 0;

	while ( p && *p )
		TiXmlNodeA* node = Identify( p );
		if ( node )
			p = node->Parse( p, &data );
			LinkEndChild( node );
		p = SkipWhiteSpace( p );

	// All is well.
	return p;
Пример #10
void TiXmlDocumentA::StreamIn( TIXMLA_ISTREAM * in, TIXMLA_STRING * tag )
	// The basic issue with a document is that we don't know what we're
	// streaming. Read something presumed to be a tag (and hope), then
	// identify it, and call the appropriate stream method on the tag.
	// This "pre-streaming" will never read the closing ">" so the
	// sub-tag can orient itself.

	if ( !StreamTo( in, '<', tag ) ) 

	while ( in->good() )
		int tagIndex = tag->length();
		while ( in->good() && in->peek() != '>' )
			int c = in->get();
			(*tag) += (char) c;

		if ( in->good() )
			// We now have something we presume to be a node of 
			// some sort. Identify it, and call the node to
			// continue streaming.
			TiXmlNodeA* node = Identify( tag->c_str() + tagIndex );

			if ( node )
				node->StreamIn( in, tag );
				bool isElement = node->ToElement() != 0;
				delete node;
				node = 0;

				// If this is the root element, we're done. Parsing will be
				// done by the >> operator.
				if ( isElement )
				SetError( TIXMLA_ERROR, 0, 0 );
	// We should have returned sooner.
	SetError( TIXMLA_ERROR, 0, 0 );
Пример #11
void NativeLangSpeaker::changePluginsAdminDlgLang(PluginsAdminDlg & pluginsAdminDlg)
	if (_nativeLangA)
		TiXmlNodeA *dlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
		if (dlgNode)
			dlgNode = searchDlgNode(dlgNode, "PluginsAdminDlg");
			if (dlgNode)
				WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

				TiXmlNodeA *ColumnPluginNode = dlgNode->FirstChild("ColumnPlugin");
				if (ColumnPluginNode)
					const char *name = (ColumnPluginNode->ToElement())->Attribute("name");
					if (name && name[0])
						basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
						pluginsAdminDlg.changeColumnName(COLUMN_PLUGIN, nameW.c_str());

				TiXmlNodeA *ColumnVersionNode = dlgNode->FirstChild("ColumnVersion");
				if (ColumnVersionNode)
					const char *name = (ColumnVersionNode->ToElement())->Attribute("name");
					if (name && name[0])
						basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
						pluginsAdminDlg.changeColumnName(COLUMN_VERSION, nameW.c_str());

				const char *titre1 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleAvailable");
				const char *titre2 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleUpdates");
				const char *titre3 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleInstalled");

				if (titre1 && titre1[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre1, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pluginsAdminDlg.changeTabName(AVAILABLE_LIST, nameW.c_str());
				if (titre2  && titre2[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre2, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pluginsAdminDlg.changeTabName(UPDATES_LIST, nameW.c_str());
				if (titre3 && titre3[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre3, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pluginsAdminDlg.changeTabName(INSTALLED_LIST, nameW.c_str());

			changeDlgLang(pluginsAdminDlg.getHSelf(), "PluginsAdminDlg");
Пример #12
TiXmlElementA* TiXmlNodeA::NextSiblingElement( const char * _value ) const
	TiXmlNodeA* node;

	for (	node = NextSibling( _value );
	node = node->NextSibling( _value ) )
		if ( node->ToElement() )
			return node->ToElement();
	return 0;
Пример #13
TiXmlElementA* TiXmlNodeA::FirstChildElement() const
	TiXmlNodeA* node;

	for (	node = FirstChild();
	node = node->NextSibling() )
		if ( node->ToElement() )
			return node->ToElement();
	return 0;
Пример #14
TiXmlNodeA * NativeLangSpeaker::searchDlgNode(TiXmlNodeA *node, const char *dlgTagName)
	TiXmlNodeA *dlgNode = node->FirstChild(dlgTagName);
	if (dlgNode) return dlgNode;
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = node->FirstChildElement();
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling() )
		dlgNode = searchDlgNode(childNode, dlgTagName);
		if (dlgNode) return dlgNode;
	return NULL;
Пример #15
void TiXmlElementA::Print( FILE* cfile, int depth ) const
	int i;
	for ( i=0; i<depth; i++ )
		fprintf( cfile, "    " );

	fprintf( cfile, "<%s", value.c_str() );

	TiXmlAttributeA* attrib;
	for ( attrib = attributeSet.First(); attrib; attrib = attrib->Next() )
		fprintf( cfile, " " );
		attrib->Print( cfile, depth );

	// There are 3 different formatting approaches:
	// 1) An element without children is printed as a <foo /> node
	// 2) An element with only a text child is printed as <foo> text </foo>
	// 3) An element with children is printed on multiple lines.
	TiXmlNodeA* node;
	if ( !firstChild )
		fprintf( cfile, " />" );
	else if ( firstChild == lastChild && firstChild->ToText() )
		fprintf( cfile, ">" );
		firstChild->Print( cfile, depth + 1 );
		fprintf( cfile, "</%s>", value.c_str() );
		fprintf( cfile, ">" );

		for ( node = firstChild; node; node=node->NextSibling() )
			if ( !node->ToText() )
				fprintf( cfile, "\n" );
			node->Print( cfile, depth+1 );
		fprintf( cfile, "\n" );
		for( i=0; i<depth; ++i )
		fprintf( cfile, "    " );
		fprintf( cfile, "</%s>", value.c_str() );
Пример #16
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getSpecialMenuEntryName(const char *entryName) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return TEXT("");
	TiXmlNodeA *mainMenu = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Menu");
	if (!mainMenu) return TEXT("");
	mainMenu = mainMenu->FirstChild("Main");
	if (!mainMenu) return TEXT("");
	TiXmlNodeA *entriesRoot = mainMenu->FirstChild("Entries");
	if (!entriesRoot) return TEXT("");

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = entriesRoot->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();

		const char *idName = element->Attribute("idName");
		if (idName)
			const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
			if (!strcmp(idName, entryName))
				return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
	return TEXT("");
Пример #17
void TiXmlDocumentA::StreamOut( TIXMLA_OSTREAM * out ) const
	TiXmlNodeA* node;
	for ( node=FirstChild(); node; node=node->NextSibling() )
		node->StreamOut( out );

		// Special rule for streams: stop after the root element.
		// The stream in code will only read one element, so don't
		// write more than one.
		if ( node->ToElement() )
Пример #18
TiXmlNodeA* TiXmlDocumentA::Clone() const
	TiXmlDocumentA* clone = new TiXmlDocumentA();
	if ( !clone )
		return 0;

	CopyToClone( clone );
	clone->error = error;
	clone->errorDesc = errorDesc.c_str ();

	for ( TiXmlNodeA* node = firstChild; node; node = node->NextSibling() )
		clone->LinkEndChild( node->Clone() );
	return clone;
Пример #19
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeFindReplaceDlgLang(FindReplaceDlg & findReplaceDlg)
	if (_nativeLangA)
		TiXmlNodeA *dlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
		if (dlgNode)
			NppParameters *pNppParam = NppParameters::getInstance();
			dlgNode = searchDlgNode(dlgNode, "Find");
			if (dlgNode)
				const char *titre1 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleFind");
				const char *titre2 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleReplace");
				const char *titre3 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleFindInFiles");
				const char *titre4 = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("titleMark");

				WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

				if (titre1 && titre1[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre1, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._find = nameW;
					findReplaceDlg.changeTabName(FIND_DLG, pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._find.c_str());
				if (titre2  && titre2[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre2, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._replace = nameW;
					findReplaceDlg.changeTabName(REPLACE_DLG, pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._replace.c_str());
				if (titre3 && titre3[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre3, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._findInFiles = nameW;
					findReplaceDlg.changeTabName(FINDINFILES_DLG, pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._findInFiles.c_str());
				if (titre4 && titre4[0])
					basic_string<wchar_t> nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre4, _nativeLangEncoding);
					pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._mark = nameW;
					findReplaceDlg.changeTabName(MARK_DLG, pNppParam->getFindDlgTabTitiles()._mark.c_str());
	changeDlgLang(findReplaceDlg.getHSelf(), "Find");
Пример #20
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getNativeLangMenuString(int itemID) const
	if (!_nativeLangA)
		return TEXT("");

	TiXmlNodeA *node = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Menu");
	if (!node) return TEXT("");

	node = node->FirstChild("Main");
	if (!node) return TEXT("");

	node = node->FirstChild("Commands");
	if (!node) return TEXT("");

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = node->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		if (element->Attribute("id", &id) && (id == itemID))
			const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
			if (name)
				return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
	return TEXT("");
Пример #21
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getAttrNameStr(const TCHAR *defaultStr, const char *nodeL1Name, const char *nodeL2Name) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return defaultStr;

	TiXmlNodeA *targetNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild(nodeL1Name);
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;
	if (nodeL2Name)
		targetNode = targetNode->FirstChild(nodeL2Name);

	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	const char *name = (targetNode->ToElement())->Attribute("name");
	if (name && name[0])
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
	return defaultStr;
bool WindowsDlg::changeDlgLang()
	if (!_dlgNode) return false;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
	int nativeLangEncoding = CP_ACP;
	TiXmlDeclarationA *declaration =  _dlgNode->GetDocument()->FirstChild()->ToDeclaration();
	if (declaration)
		const char * encodingStr = declaration->Encoding();
		EncodingMapper *em = EncodingMapper::getInstance();
		nativeLangEncoding = em->getEncodingFromString(encodingStr);

	// Set Title
	const char *titre = (_dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
	if (titre && titre[0])
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, nativeLangEncoding);
		::SetWindowText(_hSelf, nameW);

	// Set the text of child control
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = _dlgNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
		if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
			HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(_hSelf, id);
			if (hItem)
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, nativeLangEncoding);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
	return true;
Пример #23
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getFileBrowserLangMenuStr(int cmdID, const TCHAR *defaultStr) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return defaultStr;

	TiXmlNodeA *targetNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("FolderAsWorkspace");
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	targetNode = targetNode->FirstChild("Menus");
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	const char *name = NULL;
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = targetNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item"))
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *idStr = element->Attribute("id", &id);

		if (idStr && id == cmdID)
			name = element->Attribute("name");

	if (name && name[0])
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
	return defaultStr;
Пример #24
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeShortcutmapperLang(ShortcutMapper * sm)
	if (!_nativeLangA) return;

	TiXmlNodeA *shortcuts = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
	if (!shortcuts) return;

	shortcuts = shortcuts->FirstChild("ShortcutMapper");
	if (!shortcuts) return;

	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = shortcuts->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int index;
		if (element->Attribute("index", &index))
			if (index > -1 && index < 5)  //valid index only
				const char *name = element->Attribute("name");

				WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
				const wchar_t * nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
				sm->translateTab(index, nameW);
Пример #25
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getLocalizedStrFromID(const char *strID, const generic_string& defaultString) const
	if (not _nativeLangA)
		return defaultString;

	if (not strID)
		return defaultString;

	TiXmlNodeA *node = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("MiscStrings");
	if (not node) return defaultString;

	node = node->FirstChild(strID);
	if (not node) return defaultString;

	TiXmlElementA *element = node->ToElement();

	const char *value = element->Attribute("value");
	if (not value) return defaultString;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
	return wmc->char2wchar(value, _nativeLangEncoding);
Пример #26
TiXmlNodeA* TiXmlElementA::Clone() const
	TiXmlElementA* clone = new TiXmlElementA( Value() );
	if ( !clone )
		return 0;

	CopyToClone( clone );

	// Clone the attributes, then clone the children.
	for(TiXmlAttributeA* attribute = attributeSet.First();
		attribute = attribute->Next() )
		clone->SetAttribute( attribute->Name(), attribute->Value() );

	for ( TiXmlNodeA* node = firstChild; node; node = node->NextSibling() )
		clone->LinkEndChild( node->Clone() );
	return clone;
Пример #27
generic_string NativeLangSpeaker::getProjectPanelLangStr(const char *nodeName, const TCHAR *defaultStr) const
	if (!_nativeLangA) return defaultStr;

	TiXmlNodeA *targetNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("ProjectManager");
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;
	targetNode = targetNode->FirstChild(nodeName);
	if (!targetNode) return defaultStr;

	// Set Title
	const char *name = (targetNode->ToElement())->Attribute("name");
	if (name && name[0])
#ifdef UNICODE
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		return wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
		return name;
	return defaultStr;
Пример #28
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeUserDefineLangPopupDlg(HWND hDlg)
	if (!_nativeLangA) return;

	TiXmlNodeA *userDefineDlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
	if (!userDefineDlgNode) return;	
	userDefineDlgNode = userDefineDlgNode->FirstChild("UserDefine");
	if (!userDefineDlgNode) return;

	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	TiXmlNodeA *stylerDialogNode = userDefineDlgNode->FirstChild("StylerDialog");
	if (!stylerDialogNode) return;

	const char *titre = (stylerDialogNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
	if (titre &&titre[0])
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		::SetWindowText(hDlg, nameW);
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = stylerDialogNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
		if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
			HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, id);
			if (hItem)
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);

Пример #29
bool NativeLangSpeaker::changeDlgLang(HWND hDlg, const char *dlgTagName, char *title)
	if (title)
		title[0] = '\0';

	if (!_nativeLangA) return false;

	TiXmlNodeA *dlgNode = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Dialog");
	if (!dlgNode) return false;

	dlgNode = searchDlgNode(dlgNode, dlgTagName);
	if (!dlgNode) return false;

#ifdef UNICODE
	WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();

	// Set Title
	const char *titre = (dlgNode->ToElement())->Attribute("title");
	if ((titre && titre[0]) && hDlg)
#ifdef UNICODE
		const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(titre, _nativeLangEncoding);
		::SetWindowText(hDlg, nameW);
		::SetWindowText(hDlg, titre);
		if (title)
			strcpy(title, titre);

	// Set the text of child control
	for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = dlgNode->FirstChildElement("Item");
		childNode ;
		childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
		TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
		int id;
		const char *sentinel = element->Attribute("id", &id);
		const char *name = element->Attribute("name");
		if (sentinel && (name && name[0]))
			HWND hItem = ::GetDlgItem(hDlg, id);
			if (hItem)
#ifdef UNICODE
				const wchar_t *nameW = wmc->char2wchar(name, _nativeLangEncoding);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, nameW);
				::SetWindowText(hItem, name);
	return true;
Пример #30
void NativeLangSpeaker::changeLangTabDrapContextMenu(HMENU hCM)
	const int POS_GO2VIEW = 0;
	const int POS_CLONE2VIEW = 1;
	const char *goToViewA = NULL;
	const char *cloneToViewA = NULL;

	if (_nativeLangA)
		TiXmlNodeA *tabBarMenu = _nativeLangA->FirstChild("Menu");
		if (tabBarMenu)
			tabBarMenu = tabBarMenu->FirstChild("TabBar");
		if (tabBarMenu)
			for (TiXmlNodeA *childNode = tabBarMenu->FirstChildElement("Item");
				childNode ;
				childNode = childNode->NextSibling("Item") )
				TiXmlElementA *element = childNode->ToElement();
				int ordre;
				element->Attribute("order", &ordre);
				if (ordre == 5)
					goToViewA = element->Attribute("name");
				else if (ordre == 6)
					cloneToViewA = element->Attribute("name");
		//HMENU hCM = _tabPopupDropMenu.getMenuHandle();
#ifdef UNICODE
		WcharMbcsConvertor *wmc = WcharMbcsConvertor::getInstance();
		if (goToViewA && goToViewA[0])
			const wchar_t *goToViewG = wmc->char2wchar(goToViewA, _nativeLangEncoding);
			int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, POS_GO2VIEW);
			::ModifyMenu(hCM, POS_GO2VIEW, MF_BYPOSITION|MF_STRING, cmdID, goToViewG);
		if (cloneToViewA && cloneToViewA[0])
			const wchar_t *cloneToViewG = wmc->char2wchar(cloneToViewA, _nativeLangEncoding);
			int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, POS_CLONE2VIEW);
			::ModifyMenu(hCM, POS_CLONE2VIEW, MF_BYPOSITION|MF_STRING, cmdID, cloneToViewG);
		if (goToViewA && goToViewA[0])
			int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, POS_GO2VIEW);
			::ModifyMenu(hCM, POS_GO2VIEW, MF_BYPOSITION, cmdID, goToViewA);
		if (cloneToViewA && cloneToViewA[0])
			int cmdID = ::GetMenuItemID(hCM, POS_CLONE2VIEW);
			::ModifyMenu(hCM, POS_CLONE2VIEW, MF_BYPOSITION, cmdID, cloneToViewA);