Пример #1
CompositeTileSource::initialize( const std::string& referenceURI, const Profile* overrideProfile )
    osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> profile = overrideProfile;

    for(CompositeTileSourceOptions::ComponentVector::iterator i = _options._components.begin();
        i != _options._components.end();
        TileSource* source = i->_tileSourceInstance.get();
        if ( source )
            osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> localOverrideProfile = overrideProfile;

            const TileSourceOptions& opt = source->getOptions();
            if ( opt.profile().isSet() )
                localOverrideProfile = Profile::create( opt.profile().value() );

            source->initialize( referenceURI, localOverrideProfile.get() );

            if ( !profile.valid() )
                // assume the profile of the first source to be the overall profile.
                profile = source->getProfile();
            else if ( !profile->isEquivalentTo( source->getProfile() ) )
                // if sub-sources have different profiles, print a warning because this is
                // not supported!
                OE_WARN << LC << "Components with differing profiles are not supported. " 
                    << "Visual anomalies may result." << std::endl;
            _dynamic = _dynamic || source->isDynamic();

            // gather extents
            const DataExtentList& extents = source->getDataExtents();
            for( DataExtentList::const_iterator j = extents.begin(); j != extents.end(); ++j )
                getDataExtents().push_back( *j );

    setProfile( profile.get() );

    _initialized = true;
Пример #2
TerrainLayer::getCacheBin( const Profile* profile, const std::string& binId )
    // make sure we've initialized the tile source first.
    TileSource* tileSource = getTileSource();

    // in no-cache mode, there are no cache bins.
    if ( getCachePolicy() == CachePolicy::NO_CACHE )
        return 0L;

    // if cache is not setted, return NULL
    if (_cache == NULL)
        return 0L;

    // see if the cache bin already exists and return it if so
        Threading::ScopedReadLock shared(_cacheBinsMutex);
        CacheBinInfoMap::iterator i = _cacheBins.find( binId );
        if ( i != _cacheBins.end() )
            return i->second._bin.get();

    // create/open the cache bin.
        Threading::ScopedWriteLock exclusive(_cacheBinsMutex);

        // double-check:
        CacheBinInfoMap::iterator i = _cacheBins.find( binId );
        if ( i != _cacheBins.end() )
            return i->second._bin.get();

        // add the new bin:
        osg::ref_ptr<CacheBin> newBin = _cache->addBin( binId );

        // and configure:
        if ( newBin.valid() )
            // attempt to read the cache metadata:
            CacheBinMetadata meta( newBin->readMetadata() );

            if ( meta.isValid() ) // cache exists and is valid.
                // verify that the cache if compatible with the tile source:
                if ( tileSource && getProfile() )
                    //todo: check the profile too
                    if ( *meta._sourceDriver != tileSource->getOptions().getDriver() )
                        OE_WARN << LC << "Cache has an incompatible driver or profile... disabling"
                            << std::endl;
                        setCachePolicy( CachePolicy::NO_CACHE );
                        return 0L;

                else if ( isCacheOnly() && !_profile.valid() )
                    // in cacheonly mode, create a profile from the first cache bin accessed
                    // (they SHOULD all be the same...)
                    _profile = Profile::create( *meta._sourceProfile );
                    _tileSize = *meta._sourceTileSize;

                // cache does not exist, so try to create it. A valid TileSource is necessary
                // for this.
                if ( tileSource && getProfile() )
                    // no existing metadata; create some.
                    meta._cacheBinId      = binId;
                    meta._sourceName      = this->getName();
                    meta._sourceDriver    = tileSource->getOptions().getDriver();
                    meta._sourceTileSize  = getTileSize();
                    meta._sourceProfile   = getProfile()->toProfileOptions();
                    meta._cacheProfile    = profile->toProfileOptions();
                    meta._cacheCreateTime = DateTime().asTimeStamp();

                    // store it in the cache bin.
                    newBin->writeMetadata( meta.getConfig() );
                else if ( isCacheOnly() )
                    OE_WARN << LC <<
                        "Failed to open a cache for layer "
                        "because cache_only policy is in effect and bin [" << binId << "] "
                        "could not be located."
                        << std::endl;
                    return 0L;
                    OE_WARN << LC <<
                        "Failed to create cache bin [" << binId << "] "
                        "because there is no valid tile source."
                        << std::endl;
                    return 0L;

            // store the bin.
            CacheBinInfo& newInfo = _cacheBins[binId];
            newInfo._metadata = meta;
            newInfo._bin      = newBin.get();

            OE_INFO << LC <<
                "Opened cache bin [" << binId << "]" << std::endl;
            // bin creation failed, so disable caching for this layer.
            setCachePolicy( CachePolicy::NO_CACHE );
            OE_WARN << LC << "Failed to create a cache bin; cache disabled." << std::endl;

        return newBin.get(); // not release()
CompositeTileSource::initialize(const osgDB::Options* dbOptions)
    _dbOptions = Registry::instance()->cloneOrCreateOptions(dbOptions);

    osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> profile = getProfile();

    for(CompositeTileSourceOptions::ComponentVector::iterator i = _options._components.begin();
        i != _options._components.end(); )
        if ( i->_imageLayerOptions.isSet() )
            if ( !i->_tileSourceInstance.valid() )
                i->_tileSourceInstance = TileSourceFactory::create( i->_imageLayerOptions->driver().value() );
                if ( !i->_tileSourceInstance.valid() )
                    OE_WARN << LC << "Could not find a TileSource for driver [" << i->_imageLayerOptions->driver()->getDriver() << "]" << std::endl;

        if ( !i->_tileSourceInstance.valid() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "A component has no valid TileSource ... removing." << std::endl;
            i = _options._components.erase( i );
            TileSource* source = i->_tileSourceInstance.get();
            if ( source )
                osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> localOverrideProfile = profile.get();

                const TileSourceOptions& opt = source->getOptions();
                if ( opt.profile().isSet() )
                    localOverrideProfile = Profile::create( opt.profile().value() );
                    source->setProfile( localOverrideProfile.get() );

                // initialize the component tile source:
                TileSource::Status compStatus = source->startup( _dbOptions.get() );

                if ( compStatus == TileSource::STATUS_OK )
                    if ( !profile.valid() )
                        // assume the profile of the first source to be the overall profile.
                        profile = source->getProfile();
                    else if ( !profile->isEquivalentTo( source->getProfile() ) )
                        // if sub-sources have different profiles, print a warning because this is
                        // not supported!
                        OE_WARN << LC << "Components with differing profiles are not supported. " 
                            << "Visual anomalies may result." << std::endl;
                    _dynamic = _dynamic || source->isDynamic();

                    // gather extents
                    const DataExtentList& extents = source->getDataExtents();
                    for( DataExtentList::const_iterator j = extents.begin(); j != extents.end(); ++j )
                        getDataExtents().push_back( *j );

                    // if even one of the components fails to initialize, the entire
                    // composite tile source is invalid.
                    return Status::Error("At least one component is invalid");


    // set the new profile that was derived from the components
    setProfile( profile.get() );

    _initialized = true;
    return STATUS_OK;
Пример #4
CompositeTileSource::initialize(const osgDB::Options* dbOptions, 
                                const Profile*        overrideProfile )
    _dbOptions = dbOptions;
    osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> profile = overrideProfile;

    for(CompositeTileSourceOptions::ComponentVector::iterator i = _options._components.begin();
        i != _options._components.end(); )
        if ( i->_imageLayerOptions.isSet() )
            if ( !i->_tileSourceInstance.valid() )
                i->_tileSourceInstance = TileSourceFactory::create( i->_imageLayerOptions->driver().value() );
                if ( !i->_tileSourceInstance.valid() )
                    OE_WARN << LC << "Could not find a TileSource for driver [" << i->_imageLayerOptions->driver()->getDriver() << "]" << std::endl;

        if ( !i->_tileSourceInstance.valid() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "A component has no valid TileSource ... removing." << std::endl;
            i = _options._components.erase( i );
            TileSource* source = i->_tileSourceInstance.get();
            if ( source )
                osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> localOverrideProfile = overrideProfile;

                const TileSourceOptions& opt = source->getOptions();
                if ( opt.profile().isSet() )
                    localOverrideProfile = Profile::create( opt.profile().value() );

                source->initialize( dbOptions, localOverrideProfile.get() );

                if ( !profile.valid() )
                    // assume the profile of the first source to be the overall profile.
                    profile = source->getProfile();
                else if ( !profile->isEquivalentTo( source->getProfile() ) )
                    // if sub-sources have different profiles, print a warning because this is
                    // not supported!
                    OE_WARN << LC << "Components with differing profiles are not supported. " 
                        << "Visual anomalies may result." << std::endl;
                _dynamic = _dynamic || source->isDynamic();

                // gather extents
                const DataExtentList& extents = source->getDataExtents();
                for( DataExtentList::const_iterator j = extents.begin(); j != extents.end(); ++j )
                    getDataExtents().push_back( *j );


    setProfile( profile.get() );

    _initialized = true;