Пример #1
bool CacheTileHandler::hasData( const TileKey& key ) const
    TileSource* ts = _layer->getTileSource();
    if (ts)
        return ts->hasData(key);
    return true;
Пример #2
ImageLayer::createImageFromTileSource(const TileKey&    key,
                                      ProgressCallback* progress)
    TileSource* source = getTileSource();
    if ( !source )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // If the profiles are different, use a compositing method to assemble the tile.
    if ( !key.getProfile()->isHorizEquivalentTo( getProfile() ) )
        return assembleImageFromTileSource( key, progress );

    // Good to go, ask the tile source for an image:
    osg::ref_ptr<TileSource::ImageOperation> op = getOrCreatePreCacheOp();

    // Fail is the image is blacklisted.
    if ( source->getBlacklist()->contains(key) )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "createImageFromTileSource: blacklisted(" << key.str() << ")" << std::endl;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;
    if ( !source->hasData( key ) )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "createImageFromTileSource: hasData(" << key.str() << ") == false" << std::endl;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // create an image from the tile source.
    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> result = source->createImage( key, op.get(), progress );   

    // Process images with full alpha to properly support MP blending.    
    if ( result.valid() && *_runtimeOptions.featherPixels())
        ImageUtils::featherAlphaRegions( result.get() );
    // If image creation failed (but was not intentionally canceled and 
    // didn't time out or end for any other recoverable reason), then
    // blacklist this tile for future requests.
    if (result == 0L)
        if ( progress == 0L ||
             ( !progress->isCanceled() && !progress->needsRetry() ) )
            source->getBlacklist()->add( key );

    return GeoImage(result.get(), key.getExtent());
Пример #3
CompositeTileSource::createImage( const TileKey& key, ProgressCallback* progress )
    ImageMixVector images;
    images.reserve( _options._components.size() );

    for(CompositeTileSourceOptions::ComponentVector::const_iterator i = _options._components.begin();
        i != _options._components.end();
        ++i )
        if ( progress && progress->isCanceled() )
            return 0L;

        // check that this source is within the level bounds:
        if (i->_imageLayerOptions->minLevel().value() > key.getLevelOfDetail() ||
            i->_imageLayerOptions->maxLevel().value() < key.getLevelOfDetail() )

        TileSource* source = i->_tileSourceInstance->get();
        if ( source )
            if ( !source->getBlacklist()->contains( key.getTileId() ) )
                //Only try to get data if the source actually has data
                if ( source->hasData( key ) )
                    ImageOpacityPair imagePair(
                        source->createImage( key, _preCacheOp.get(), progress ),
                        1.0f );

                    //If the image is not valid and the progress was not cancelled, blacklist
                    if (!imagePair.first.valid() && (!progress || !progress->isCanceled()))
                        //Add the tile to the blacklist
                        OE_DEBUG << LC << "Adding tile " << key.str() << " to the blacklist" << std::endl;
                        source->getBlacklist()->add( key.getTileId() );

                    if ( imagePair.first.valid() )
                        // check for opacity:
                        imagePair.second = i->_imageLayerOptions.isSet() ? i->_imageLayerOptions->opacity().value() : 1.0f;

                        images.push_back( imagePair );
                    OE_DEBUG << LC << "Source has no data at " << key.str() << std::endl;
                OE_DEBUG << LC << "Tile " << key.str() << " is blacklisted, not checking" << std::endl;

    if ( progress && progress->isCanceled() )
        return 0L;
    else if ( images.size() == 0 )
        return 0L;
    else if ( images.size() == 1 )
        return images[0].first.release();
        osg::Image* result = new osg::Image( *images[0].first.get() );
        for( unsigned int i=1; i<images.size(); ++i )
            ImageOpacityPair& pair = images[i];
            if ( pair.first.valid() )
                ImageUtils::mix( result, pair.first.get(), pair.second );
        return result;
Пример #4
ImageLayer::createImageFromTileSource(const TileKey&    key,
                                      ProgressCallback* progress,
                                      bool              forceFallback,
                                      bool&             out_isFallback)
    // Results:
    // * return an osg::Image matching the key extent is all goes well;
    // * return NULL to indicate that the key exceeds the maximum LOD of the source data,
    //   and that the engine may need to generate a "fallback" tile if necessary;
    // deprecated:
    // * return an "empty image" if the LOD is valid BUT the key does not intersect the
    //   source's data extents.

    out_isFallback = false;

    TileSource* source = getTileSource();
    if ( !source )
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    // If the profiles are different, use a compositing method to assemble the tile.
    if ( !key.getProfile()->isEquivalentTo( getProfile() ) )
        return assembleImageFromTileSource( key, progress, out_isFallback );

    // Good to go, ask the tile source for an image:
    osg::ref_ptr<TileSource::ImageOperation> op = _preCacheOp;

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> result;

    if ( forceFallback )
        // check if the tile source has any data coverage for the requested key.
        // the LOD is ignore here and checked later
        if ( !source->hasDataInExtent( key.getExtent() ) )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "createImageFromTileSource: hasDataInExtent(" << key.str() << ") == false" << std::endl;
            return GeoImage::INVALID;

        TileKey finalKey = key;
        while( !result.valid() && finalKey.valid() )
            if ( !source->getBlacklist()->contains( finalKey.getTileId() ) &&
                result = source->createImage( finalKey, op.get(), progress );
                if ( result.valid() )
                    if ( finalKey.getLevelOfDetail() != key.getLevelOfDetail() )
                        // crop the fallback image to match the input key, and ensure that it remains the
                        // same pixel size; because chances are if we're requesting a fallback that we're
                        // planning to mosaic it later, and the mosaicer requires same-size images.
                        GeoImage raw( result.get(), finalKey.getExtent() );
                        GeoImage cropped = raw.crop( key.getExtent(), true, raw.getImage()->s(), raw.getImage()->t(), *_runtimeOptions.driver()->bilinearReprojection() );
                        result = cropped.takeImage();
            if ( !result.valid() )
                finalKey = finalKey.createParentKey();
                out_isFallback = true;

        if ( !result.valid() )
            result = 0L;
            //result = _emptyImage.get();
            finalKey = key;
        // Fail is the image is blacklisted.
        if ( source->getBlacklist()->contains( key.getTileId() ) )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "createImageFromTileSource: blacklisted(" << key.str() << ")" << std::endl;
            return GeoImage::INVALID;
        if ( !source->hasData( key ) )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "createImageFromTileSource: hasData(" << key.str() << ") == false" << std::endl;
            return GeoImage::INVALID;
        result = source->createImage( key, op.get(), progress );

    // Process images with full alpha to properly support MP blending.    
    if ( result != 0L && *_runtimeOptions.featherPixels())
        ImageUtils::featherAlphaRegions( result.get() );
    // If image creation failed (but was not intentionally canceled),
    // blacklist this tile for future requests.
    if ( result == 0L && (!progress || !progress->isCanceled()) )
        source->getBlacklist()->add( key.getTileId() );

    return GeoImage(result.get(), key.getExtent());
Пример #5
CompositeTileSource::createImage( const TileKey& key, ProgressCallback* progress )
    ImageMixVector images;
    images.reserve( _options._components.size() );

    for(CompositeTileSourceOptions::ComponentVector::const_iterator i = _options._components.begin();
            i != _options._components.end();
            ++i )
        if ( progress && progress->isCanceled() )
            return 0L;

        TileSource* source = i->_tileSourceInstance->get();
        if ( source )

            //TODO:  This duplicates code in ImageLayer::isKeyValid.  Maybe should move that to TileSource::isKeyValid instead
            int minLevel = 0;
            int maxLevel = INT_MAX;
            if (i->_imageLayerOptions->minLevel().isSet())
                minLevel = i->_imageLayerOptions->minLevel().value();
            else if (i->_imageLayerOptions->minLevelResolution().isSet())
                minLevel = source->getProfile()->getLevelOfDetailForHorizResolution( i->_imageLayerOptions->minLevelResolution().value(), source->getPixelsPerTile());

            if (i->_imageLayerOptions->maxLevel().isSet())
                maxLevel = i->_imageLayerOptions->maxLevel().value();
            else if (i->_imageLayerOptions->maxLevelResolution().isSet())
                maxLevel = source->getProfile()->getLevelOfDetailForHorizResolution( i->_imageLayerOptions->maxLevelResolution().value(), source->getPixelsPerTile());

            // check that this source is within the level bounds:
            if (minLevel > key.getLevelOfDetail() ||
                    maxLevel < key.getLevelOfDetail() )

            if ( !source->getBlacklist()->contains( key.getTileId() ) )
                //Only try to get data if the source actually has data
                if ( source->hasData( key ) )
                    osg::ref_ptr< ImageLayerPreCacheOperation > preCacheOp;
                    if ( i->_imageLayerOptions.isSet() )
                        preCacheOp = new ImageLayerPreCacheOperation();
                        preCacheOp->_processor.init( i->_imageLayerOptions.value(), true );

                    ImageOpacityPair imagePair(
                        source->createImage( key, preCacheOp.get(), progress ),
                        1.0f );

                    //If the image is not valid and the progress was not cancelled, blacklist
                    if (!imagePair.first.valid() && (!progress || !progress->isCanceled()))
                        //Add the tile to the blacklist
                        OE_DEBUG << LC << "Adding tile " << key.str() << " to the blacklist" << std::endl;
                        source->getBlacklist()->add( key.getTileId() );

                    if ( imagePair.first.valid() )
                        // check for opacity:
                        imagePair.second = i->_imageLayerOptions.isSet() ? i->_imageLayerOptions->opacity().value() : 1.0f;

                        images.push_back( imagePair );
                    OE_DEBUG << LC << "Source has no data at " << key.str() << std::endl;
                OE_DEBUG << LC << "Tile " << key.str() << " is blacklisted, not checking" << std::endl;

    if ( progress && progress->isCanceled() )
        return 0L;
    else if ( images.size() == 0 )
        return 0L;
    else if ( images.size() == 1 )
        return images[0].first.release();
        osg::Image* result = new osg::Image( *images[0].first.get() );
        for( unsigned int i=1; i<images.size(); ++i )
            ImageOpacityPair& pair = images[i];
            if ( pair.first.valid() )
                ImageUtils::mix( result, pair.first.get(), pair.second );
        return result;
Пример #6
ElevationLayer::createHeightFieldFromTileSource(const TileKey&    key,
                                                ProgressCallback* progress)
    osg::HeightField* result = 0L;

    TileSource* source = getTileSource();
    if ( !source )
        return 0L;

    // If the key is blacklisted, fail.
    if ( source->getBlacklist()->contains( key.getTileId() ) )
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "Tile " << key.str() << " is blacklisted " << std::endl;
        return 0L;

    // If the profiles are horizontally equivalent (different vdatums is OK), take the
    // quick route:
    if ( key.getProfile()->isHorizEquivalentTo( getProfile() ) )
        // Only try to get data if the source actually has data
        if ( !source->hasData(key) )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Source for layer has no data at " << key.str() << std::endl;
            return 0L;

        // Make it from the source:
        result = source->createHeightField( key, _preCacheOp.get(), progress );

        // If the result is good, we how have a heightfield but it's vertical values
        // are still relative to the tile source's vertical datum. Convert them.
        if ( result )
            if ( ! key.getExtent().getSRS()->isVertEquivalentTo( getProfile()->getSRS() ) )
                    getProfile()->getSRS()->getVerticalDatum(),    // from
                    key.getExtent().getSRS()->getVerticalDatum(),  // to
                    result );
        // Blacklist the tile if it is the same projection as the source and we can't get it and it wasn't cancelled
        if ( !result && (!progress || !progress->isCanceled()))
            source->getBlacklist()->add( key.getTileId() );

    // Otherwise, profiles don't match so we need to composite:
        // note: this method takes care of the vertical datum shift internally.
        result = assembleHeightFieldFromTileSource( key, progress );

#if 0
    // If the profiles don't match, use a more complicated technique to assemble the tile:
    if ( !key.getProfile()->isEquivalentTo( getProfile() ) )
        result = assembleHeightFieldFromTileSource( key, progress );
        // Only try to get data if the source actually has data
        if ( !source->hasData( key ) )
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Source for layer has no data at " << key.str() << std::endl;
            return 0L;

        // Make it from the source:
        result = source->createHeightField( key, _preCacheOp.get(), progress );

    return result;