int getWorldFrameLoop(const UndirectedTree & undirected_tree, const KDL::CoDyCo::GeneralizedJntPositions &q, const Traversal & traversal, const int distal_link_index, Frame & frame_world_link) { LinkMap::const_iterator distal_it = undirected_tree.getLink(distal_link_index); LinkMap::const_iterator proximal_it = traversal.getBaseLink(); Frame currentFrame; Frame resultFrame = Frame::Identity(); for(LinkMap::const_iterator link=distal_it; link != proximal_it; link = traversal.getParentLink(link) ) { LinkMap::const_iterator parent_link = traversal.getParentLink(link); assert( parent_link != undirected_tree.getInvalidLinkIterator() ); double joint_position; if( link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getJoint().getType() != Joint::None ) { joint_position = q.jnt_pos((link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link))->getDOFIndex()); } else { joint_position =0; } currentFrame = link->pose(parent_link, joint_position); resultFrame = currentFrame*resultFrame; } frame_world_link = q.base_pos*resultFrame; return 0; }
void NistXmlDocument::annotateSentence(uint sentno, const std::string &annot) { typedef Arabica::DOM::Traversal::DocumentTraversal<std::string> Traversal; typedef Arabica::DOM::Comment<std::string> Comment; Traversal dt = outnode_.getOwnerDocument().createDocumentTraversal(); SegNodeFilter filter; Traversal::TreeWalkerT it = dt.createTreeWalker(outnode_, static_cast<unsigned long>(Arabica::DOM::Traversal::SHOW_TEXT), filter, true); for(uint i = 0; i < sentno; i++) assert(it.nextNode() != 0); Traversal::NodeT n = it.nextNode(); // the filter finds the next node inside the <seg> element assert(n != 0); n = n.getParentNode(); // get the <seg> Comment comm = n.getOwnerDocument().createComment(" SEG " + annot + " "); Traversal::NodeT p = n.getPreviousSibling(); Traversal::NodeT txt; if(p != 0 && p.getNodeType() == Arabica::DOM::Node<std::string>::TEXT_NODE) { txt = p; p = p.getPreviousSibling(); } if(p != 0 && p.getNodeType() == Arabica::DOM::Node<std::string>::COMMENT_NODE && boost::starts_with(p.getNodeValue(), " SEG ")) p.getParentNode().replaceChild(comm, p); else { n.getParentNode().insertBefore(comm, n); if(txt != 0) n.getParentNode().insertBefore(txt.cloneNode(false), n); } }
int getFramesLoop(const UndirectedTree & undirected_tree, const KDL::JntArray &q, const Traversal & traversal, std::vector<Frame> & X_base, KDL::Frame world2base) { for(int i=0; i < (int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks(); i++) { double joint_pos; LinkMap::const_iterator link_it = traversal.getOrderedLink(i); int link_nmbr = link_it->getLinkIndex(); if( i == 0 ) { assert( traversal.getParentLink(link_nmbr) == undirected_tree.getInvalidLinkIterator() ); X_base[link_nmbr] = world2base; } else { LinkMap::const_iterator parent_it = traversal.getParentLink(link_it); int parent_nmbr = parent_it->getLinkIndex(); if( link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getJoint().getType() != Joint::None ) { int dof_nr = link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getDOFIndex(); joint_pos = q(dof_nr); } else { joint_pos = 0.0; } KDL::Frame X_parent_son = link_it->pose(parent_it,joint_pos); X_base[link_nmbr] = X_base[parent_nmbr]*X_parent_son; } } return 0; }
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // Build the abstract syntax tree SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv); ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL); // Build the inherited attribute InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute; // Define the traversal Traversal myTraversal; // Call the traversal starting at the project (root) node of the AST myTraversal.traverseInputFiles(project,inheritedAttribute); // Demonstrate the the transformation will pass the AST tests. AstTests::runAllTests (project); // Output an optional graph of the AST (just the tree, when active) generateDOT ( *project ); // Output an optional graph of the AST (the whole graph, of bounded complexity, when active) const int MAX_NUMBER_OF_IR_NODES_TO_GRAPH_FOR_WHOLE_GRAPH = 10000; generateAstGraph(project,MAX_NUMBER_OF_IR_NODES_TO_GRAPH_FOR_WHOLE_GRAPH,""); return backend (project); // only backend error code is reported }
void checkComputeTraversal(const Model & model) { Traversal traversal; bool ok = model.computeFullTreeTraversal(traversal); ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE(ok,true); ASSERT_EQUAL_DOUBLE(traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks(),model.getNrOfLinks()); }
bool Model::computeFullTreeTraversal(Traversal & traversal, const LinkIndex traversalBase) const { if( traversalBase < 0 || traversalBase >= (LinkIndex)this->getNrOfLinks() ) { reportError("Model","computeFullTreeTraversal","requested traversalBase is out of bounds"); return false; } // Resetting the traversal for populating it traversal.reset(*this); // A link is considered visit when all its child (given the traversalBase) // have been added to the traversal std::deque<stackEl> linkToVisit; // We add as first link the requested traversalBase addBaseLinkToTraversal(*this,traversal,traversalBase,linkToVisit); // while there is some link still to visit while( linkToVisit.size() > 0 ) { assert(linkToVisit.size() <= this->getNrOfLinks()); // DPS : we use linkToVisit as a stack LinkConstPtr visitedLink = linkToVisit.back().link; LinkConstPtr visitedLinkParent = linkToVisit.back().parent; LinkIndex visitedLinkIndex = visitedLink->getIndex(); linkToVisit.pop_back(); for(unsigned int neigh_i=0; neigh_i < this->getNrOfNeighbors(visitedLinkIndex); neigh_i++ ) { // add to the stack all the neighbors, except for parent link // (if the visited link is the base one, add all the neighbors) // the visited link is already in the Traversal, so we can use it // to check for its parent Neighbor neighb = this->getNeighbor(visitedLinkIndex,neigh_i); if( visitedLinkParent == 0 || neighb.neighborLink != visitedLinkParent->getIndex() ) { addLinkToTraversal(*this,traversal,neighb.neighborLink, neighb.neighborJoint,visitedLink->getIndex(),linkToVisit); } } } // At this point the traversal should contain all the links // of the model assert(traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks() == this->getNrOfLinks()); return true; }
void getFloatingBaseJacobianLoop(const UndirectedTree & undirected_tree, const GeneralizedJntPositions &q, const Traversal & traversal, const int link_index, Jacobian & jac) { Frame T_total = Frame::Identity(); //The transformation between link_index frame and current_link frame assert(link_index < (int)undirected_tree.getNrOfLinks()); KDL::CoDyCo::LinkMap::const_iterator current_link; current_link = undirected_tree.getLink(link_index); //All the columns not modified are zero SetToZero(jac); KDL::CoDyCo::LinkMap::const_iterator parent_link=traversal.getParentLink(current_link); while(current_link != traversal.getBaseLink()) { double joint_pos = 0.0; if( current_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { KDL::Twist jac_col; int dof_index = current_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getDOFIndex(); joint_pos = q.jnt_pos(dof_index); KDL::Twist S_current_parent = parent_link->S(current_link,joint_pos); jac_col = T_total*S_current_parent; assert(6+dof_index < (int)jac.columns()); assert( dof_index < (int)undirected_tree.getNrOfDOFs() ); jac.setColumn(6+dof_index,jac_col); } KDL::Frame X_current_parent = parent_link->pose(current_link,joint_pos); T_total = T_total*X_current_parent; current_link = parent_link; parent_link = traversal.getParentLink(current_link); } //Setting the floating part of the Jacobian T_total = T_total*KDL::Frame(q.base_pos.M.Inverse());,0,6,6) = TwistTransformationMatrix(T_total); jac.changeBase(T_total.M.Inverse()); }
// size_t getLocalScopeNum ( SgFunctionDefinition* func_def, const SgScopeStatement* target) size_t getLocalScopeNum (const SgFunctionDefinition* func_def, const SgScopeStatement* target) { #if SKIP_BLOCK_NUMBER_CACHING // DQ (10/4/2006): This takes too long and stalls the compilation of // some large codes (plum hall e.g. cvs06a/conform/ch7_22.c). It is // rewritten below to use a cache mechanisk link to a cache invalidation // mechanism. // Preorder traversal to count the number of basic blocks preceeding 'target' class Traversal : public AstSimpleProcessing { public: Traversal (const SgScopeStatement* target) : target_ (target), count_ (0), found_ (false) {} void visit (SgNode* node) { if (!found_) { const SgScopeStatement* stmt = isSgScopeStatement (node); if (stmt) { count_++; found_ = (stmt == target_); } } } size_t count (void) const { return found_ ? count_ : 0; } private: const SgScopeStatement* target_; // Target scope statement size_t count_; // found_ ? number of target : number of last block seen bool found_; // true <==> target_ has been found }; Traversal counter (target); counter.traverse (const_cast<SgFunctionDefinition *> (func_def), preorder); return counter.count (); #else // DQ (10/6/2006): Implemented caching of computed lables for scopes in // functions to avoid quadratic behavior of previous implementation. The model // for this is the same a s what will be done to support caching of mangled names. // printf ("getLocalScopeNum calling func_def->get_scope_number(target)! \n"); return func_def->get_scope_number(target); #endif }
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // Build the abstract syntax tree SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv); ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL); // Build the inherited attribute InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute = false; // Define the traversal Traversal myTraversal; // Call the traversal starting at the project (root) node of the AST myTraversal.traverseInputFiles(project,inheritedAttribute); // This program only does analysis, so it need not call the backend to generate code. return 0; }
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { // Initialize and check compatibility. See rose::initialize ROSE_INITIALIZE; SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv); ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL); // Build the inherited attribute InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute; Traversal myTraversal; // Call the traversal starting at the sageProject node of the AST myTraversal.traverseInputFiles(project,inheritedAttribute); return 0; }
void addBaseLinkToTraversal(const Model & model, Traversal & traversal, LinkIndex linkToAdd, std::deque<stackEl> & linkToVisit) { traversal.addTraversalBase(model.getLink(linkToAdd)); stackEl el; = model.getLink(linkToAdd); el.parent = 0; linkToVisit.push_back(el); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int arr1[] = { 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6 }; int len1 = sizeof(arr1) / sizeof(arr1[0]); vector<int> pre(arr1, arr1+len1); int arr2[] = { 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3 }; int len2 = sizeof(arr2) / sizeof(arr2[0]); vector<int> in(arr2, arr2+len2); Solution s; print(pre); print(in); TreeNode *tree = s.buildTree(pre, in); cout << tree->val << endl; cout << tree->right << endl; Traversal tra; print(tra.preorder(tree)); print(tra.inorder(tree)); return 0; }
void check(Traversal &t) { Ans got(t.event(), t.vertex(), t.edge()); if (!isGood_ || current_>=ans_.size() || got!=ans_[current_]) { if (isGood_) { for (size_t i=0; i<current_; ++i) { std::cout <<" correct: " <<std::setw(3) <<i <<toString(ans_[i]) <<"\n"; } } if (current_ >= ans_.size()) { std::cout <<" FAILED: past end of answer\n"; std::cout <<" got: " <<toString(got) <<"\n"; } else if (got!=ans_[current_]) { std::cout <<" FAILED: " <<std::setw(3) <<current_ <<toString(ans_[current_]) <<"\n"; std::cout <<" got: " <<toString(got) <<"\n"; } else { std::cout <<" correct: " <<std::setw(3) <<current_ <<toString(ans_[current_]) <<"\n"; } isGood_ = false; } ++current_; }
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { SgProject* project = frontend(argc,argv); ROSE_ASSERT (project != NULL); // Call function to declare function to be called to recode use of all functions in the AST beforeWrite.buildDeclaration(project); beforeRead.buildDeclaration(project); // Build the inherited attribute InheritedAttribute inheritedAttribute; Traversal myTraversal; // Call the traversal starting at the sageProject node of the AST myTraversal.traverseInputFiles(project,inheritedAttribute); // Generate Code and compile it with backend (vendor) compiler to generate object code // or executable (as specified on commandline using vendor compiler's command line). // Returns error code form compilation using vendor's compiler. return backend(project); }
void testAST( SgProject* project ) { class Traversal : public SgSimpleProcessing { public: Traversal() {} void visit ( SgNode* n ) { SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n); if (locatedNode != NULL) { AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo(); if (comments != NULL) { printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->sage_class_name()); AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i; for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++) { ROSE_ASSERT ( (*i) != NULL ); printf (" Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s): %s\n", ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after", (*i)->getString().c_str()); #if 1 // This does not appear to be a valid object when read in from an AST file. printf ("Comment/Directive getNumberOfLines = %d getColumnNumberOfEndOfString = %d \n",(*i)->getNumberOfLines(),(*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString()); #endif #if 1 // This does not appear to be a valid object when read in from an AST file. (*i)->get_file_info()->display("comment/directive location"); #endif } } } } }; Traversal counter; counter.traverse(project,preorder); }
void getRelativeJacobianLoop(const UndirectedTree & undirected_tree, const KDL::JntArray &q, const Traversal & traversal, const int link_index, Jacobian & jac) { Frame T_total = Frame::Identity(); //The transformation between link_index frame and current_link frame KDL::CoDyCo::LinkMap::const_iterator current_link; current_link = undirected_tree.getLink(link_index); //All the columns not modified are zero SetToZero(jac); KDL::CoDyCo::LinkMap::const_iterator parent_link=traversal.getParentLink(current_link); while(current_link != traversal.getBaseLink()) { double joint_pos = 0.0; if( current_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { KDL::Twist jac_col; int dof_index = current_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getDOFIndex(); joint_pos = q(dof_index); KDL::Twist S_current_parent = parent_link->S(current_link,joint_pos); jac_col = T_total*S_current_parent; jac.setColumn(dof_index,jac_col); } KDL::Frame X_current_parent = parent_link->pose(current_link,joint_pos); T_total = T_total*X_current_parent; current_link = parent_link; parent_link = traversal.getParentLink(current_link); } }
void NistXmlDocument::setTranslation(const PlainTextDocument &doc) { typedef Arabica::DOM::Traversal::DocumentTraversal<std::string> Traversal; Traversal dt = outnode_.getOwnerDocument().createDocumentTraversal(); SegNodeFilter filter; Traversal::TreeWalkerT it = dt.createTreeWalker(outnode_, static_cast<unsigned long>(Arabica::DOM::Traversal::SHOW_TEXT), filter, true); uint i = 0; for(;;) { Traversal::NodeT n = it.nextNode(); if(n == 0) break; std::ostringstream os; std::copy(doc.sentence_begin(i), doc.sentence_end(i), std::ostream_iterator<Word>(os, " ")); i++; std::string str = os.str(); str.erase(str.end() - 1); n.setNodeValue(str); } }
int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { // We retrieve the traversal kind from the command line TraversalKind traversalKind = getTraversalKind (argc, argv); //! [snippet1_traversal] const char* seqs[] = { "CGCTACAGCAGCTAGTTCATCATTGTTTATCAATGATAAAATATAATAAGCTAAAAGGAAACTATAAATA", "CGCTACAGCAGCTAGTTCATCATTGTTTATCGATGATAAAATATAATAAGCTAAAAGGAAACTATAAATA" // SNP HERE at pos 31 x }; // We create a fake bank with a SNP IBank* bank = new BankStrings (seqs, ARRAY_SIZE(seqs)); // We load the graph Graph graph = Graph::create (bank, "-abundance-min 1 -kmer-size 15 -verbose 0"); // We create a Terminator object BranchingTerminator terminator (graph); // We create a Traversal instance according to the chosen traversal kind Traversal* traversal = Traversal::create (traversalKind, graph, terminator); LOCAL (traversal); // We create a node from the start of the first sequence Node node = graph.buildNode (seqs[0]); Path path; int len = traversal->traverse (node, DIR_OUTCOMING, path); // We dump the length, the starting node and the path cout << "length=" << len << " " << graph.toString (node) << path << endl; //! [snippet1_traversal] return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
PlainTextDocument NistXmlDocument::asPlainTextDocument() const { std::vector<std::vector<Word> > txt; typedef Arabica::DOM::Traversal::DocumentTraversal<std::string> Traversal; Traversal dt = topnode_.getOwnerDocument().createDocumentTraversal(); SegNodeFilter filter; Traversal::TreeWalkerT it = dt.createTreeWalker(topnode_, static_cast<unsigned long>(Arabica::DOM::Traversal::SHOW_TEXT), filter, true); for(;;) { Traversal::NodeT n = it.nextNode(); if(n == 0) break; std::string seg = n.getNodeValue(); boost::trim(seg); txt.push_back(std::vector<Word>()); boost::split(txt.back(), seg, boost::is_any_of(" ")); } return PlainTextDocument(txt); }
boost::shared_ptr<const MMAXDocument> NistXmlDocument::asMMAXDocument() const { typedef Arabica::DOM::Traversal::DocumentTraversal<std::string> Traversal; Traversal dt = topnode_.getOwnerDocument().createDocumentTraversal(); SegNodeFilter filter; Traversal::TreeWalkerT it = dt.createTreeWalker(topnode_, static_cast<unsigned long>(Arabica::DOM::Traversal::SHOW_TEXT), filter, true); boost::shared_ptr<MMAXDocument> mmax = boost::make_shared<MMAXDocument>(); for(;;) { Traversal::NodeT n = it.nextNode(); if(n == 0) break; std::string seg = n.getNodeValue(); boost::trim(seg); std::vector<Word> snt; boost::split(snt, seg, boost::is_any_of(" ")); mmax->addSentence(snt.begin(), snt.end()); } return mmax; }
void addLinkToTraversal(const Model & model, Traversal & traversal, LinkIndex linkToAdd, JointIndex parentJointToAdd, LinkIndex parentLinkToAdd, std::deque<stackEl> & linkToVisit) { traversal.addTraversalElement(model.getLink(linkToAdd), model.getJoint(parentJointToAdd), model.getLink(parentLinkToAdd)); stackEl el; = model.getLink(linkToAdd); el.parent = model.getLink(parentLinkToAdd); linkToVisit.push_back(el); }
bool FreeFloatingJacobianUsingLinkPos(const Model& model, const Traversal& traversal, const JointPosDoubleArray& jointPositions, const LinkPositions& world_H_links, const LinkIndex jacobianLinkIndex, const Transform& jacobFrame_X_world, const Transform& baseFrame_X_jacobBaseFrame, MatrixDynSize& jacobian) { // We zero the jacobian; // Compute base part const Transform & world_H_base = world_H_links(traversal.getBaseLink()->getIndex()); toEigen(jacobian).block(0,0,6,6) = toEigen((jacobFrame_X_world*world_H_base*baseFrame_X_jacobBaseFrame).asAdjointTransform()); // Compute joint part // We iterate from the link up in the traveral until we reach the base LinkIndex visitedLinkIdx = jacobianLinkIndex; while (visitedLinkIdx != traversal.getBaseLink()->getIndex()) { LinkIndex parentLinkIdx = traversal.getParentLinkFromLinkIndex(visitedLinkIdx)->getIndex(); IJointConstPtr joint = traversal.getParentJointFromLinkIndex(visitedLinkIdx); size_t dofOffset = joint->getDOFsOffset(); for(int i=0; i < joint->getNrOfDOFs(); i++) { toEigen(jacobian).block(0,6+dofOffset+i,6,1) = toEigen(jacobFrame_X_world*(world_H_links(visitedLinkIdx)*joint->getMotionSubspaceVector(i,visitedLinkIdx,parentLinkIdx))); } visitedLinkIdx = parentLinkIdx; } return true; }
void dynamicsRegressorFixedBaseLoop(const UndirectedTree & , const KDL::JntArray &q, const Traversal & traversal, const std::vector<Frame>& X_b, const std::vector<Twist>& v, const std::vector<Twist>& a, Eigen::MatrixXd & dynamics_regressor) { dynamics_regressor.setZero(); Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 10> netWrenchRegressor_i; for(int l =(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks()-1; l >= 0; l-- ) { LinkMap::const_iterator link = traversal.getOrderedLink(l); int i = link->getLinkIndex(); //Each link affects the dynamics of the joints from itself to the base netWrenchRegressor_i = netWrenchRegressor(v[i],a[i]); //dynamics_regressor.block(0,(int)(10*i),6,10) = WrenchTransformationMatrix(X_b[i])*netWrenchRegressor_i; LinkMap::const_iterator child_link = link; LinkMap::const_iterator parent_link=traversal.getParentLink(link); while( child_link != traversal.getOrderedLink(0) ) { if( child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { int dof_index = child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getDOFIndex(); int child_index = child_link->getLinkIndex(); Frame X_j_i = X_b[child_index].Inverse()*X_b[i]; dynamics_regressor.block(dof_index,10*i,1,10) = toEigen(parent_link->S(child_link,q(dof_index))).transpose()*WrenchTransformationMatrix(X_j_i)*netWrenchRegressor_i; } child_link = parent_link; parent_link = traversal.getParentLink(child_link); } } }
void dynamicsRegressorLoop(const UndirectedTree & , const KDL::JntArray &q, const Traversal & traversal, const std::vector<Frame>& X_b, const std::vector<Twist>& v, const std::vector<Twist>& a, Eigen::MatrixXd & dynamics_regressor) { dynamics_regressor.setZero(); Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 10> netWrenchRegressor_i; // Store the base_world translational transform in world orientation KDL::Frame world_base_X_world_world = KDL::Frame(-(X_b[traversal.getBaseLink()->getLinkIndex()].p)); for(int l =(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks()-1; l >= 0; l-- ) { LinkMap::const_iterator link = traversal.getOrderedLink(l); int i = link->getLinkIndex(); //Each link affects the dynamics of the joints from itself to the base netWrenchRegressor_i = netWrenchRegressor(v[i],a[i]); //Base dynamics // The base dynamics is expressed with the orientation of the world but // with respect to the base origin dynamics_regressor.block(0,(int)(10*i),6,10) = WrenchTransformationMatrix(world_base_X_world_world*X_b[i])*netWrenchRegressor_i; //dynamics_regressor.block(0,(int)(10*i),6,10) = WrenchTransformationMatrix(X_b[i])*netWrenchRegressor_i; LinkMap::const_iterator child_link = link; LinkMap::const_iterator parent_link=traversal.getParentLink(link); while( child_link != traversal.getOrderedLink(0) ) { if( child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { #ifndef NDEBUG //std::cerr << "Calculating regressor columns for link " << link->getName() << " and joint " << child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getName() << std::endl; #endif int dof_index = child_link->getAdjacentJoint(parent_link)->getDOFIndex(); int child_index = child_link->getLinkIndex(); Frame X_j_i = X_b[child_index].Inverse()*X_b[i]; dynamics_regressor.block(6+dof_index,10*i,1,10) = toEigen(parent_link->S(child_link,q(dof_index))).transpose()*WrenchTransformationMatrix(X_j_i)*netWrenchRegressor_i; } child_link = parent_link; #ifndef NDEBUG //std::cout << "Getting parent link of link of index " << child_link->getName() << " " << child_link->getLinkIndex() << std::endl; //std::cout << "Current base " << traversal.order[0]->getName() << " " << traversal.order[0]->getLinkIndex() << std::endl; #endif parent_link = traversal.getParentLink(child_link); } } }
/* * Update the floodfill map based on the current recorded maze * Input: Traversal - trav * Return: None */ void Navigation::updateFloodfill(Traversal trav) { bool foundFlag; int temp; for(int i=0; i<CELL_MAX-1; i++) { foundFlag = false; for(int j=0; j<CELL_MAX; j++) // y-coordinates { for( int k=0; k<CELL_MAX; k++) // x-coordinates { if(floodfill[k][j]==i) { foundFlag = true; temp = trav.getTraversalVal(k, j); // Check North if(j > 0) if((floodfill[j-1][k]==CELL_MAX)&&((temp&0x01) != 0x01)) floodfill[j-1][k] = floodfill[j][k]+1; // Check East if(k < BOARD_MAX-1) if((floodfill[j][k+1]==CELL_MAX) && ((temp&0x02) != 0x02)) floodfill[j][k+1] = floodfill[j][k]+1; // Check South if(j < BOARD_MAX-1) if((floodfill[j+1][k]==CELL_MAX) && ((temp&0x04) != 0x04)) floodfill[j+1][k] = floodfill[j][k]+1; // Check West if(k > 0) if((floodfill[j][k-1]==CELL_MAX)&&((temp&0x08) != 0x08)) floodfill[j][k-1] = floodfill[j][k]+1; } } } if(!foundFlag){ break; } } }
int crba_momentum_jacobian_loop(const UndirectedTree & undirected_tree, const Traversal & traversal, const JntArray & q, std::vector<RigidBodyInertia> & Ic, MomentumJacobian & H, RigidBodyInertia & InertiaCOM ) { #ifndef NDEBUG if( undirected_tree.getNrOfLinks() != traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks() || undirected_tree.getNrOfDOFs() != q.rows() || Ic.size() != undirected_tree.getNrOfLinks() || H.columns() != (undirected_tree.getNrOfDOFs() + 6) ) { std::cerr << "crba_momentum_jacobian_loop: input data error" << std::endl; return -1; } #endif double q_; Wrench F = Wrench::Zero(); //Sweep from root to leaf for(int i=0; i<(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks(); i++) { LinkMap::const_iterator link_it = traversal.getOrderedLink(i); int link_index = link_it->getLinkIndex(); //Collect RigidBodyInertia Ic[link_index]=link_it->getInertia(); } for(int i=(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks()-1; i >= 1; i-- ) { int dof_id; LinkMap::const_iterator link_it = traversal.getOrderedLink(i); int link_index = link_it->getLinkIndex(); LinkMap::const_iterator parent_it = traversal.getParentLink(link_index); int parent_index = parent_it->getLinkIndex(); if( link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { dof_id = link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getDOFIndex(); q_ = q(dof_id); } else { q_ = 0.0; dof_id = -1; } Ic[parent_index] = Ic[parent_index]+link_it->pose(parent_it,q_)*Ic[link_index]; if( link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { KDL::Twist S_link_parent = parent_it->S(link_it,q_); F = Ic[link_index]*S_link_parent; if( traversal.getParentLink(link_it) != undirected_tree.getInvalidLinkIterator() ) { double q__; int dof_id_; LinkMap::const_iterator predecessor_it = traversal.getParentLink(link_it); LinkMap::const_iterator successor_it = link_it; while(true) { if( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { q__ = q( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getDOFIndex()); } else { q__ = 0.0; } F = successor_it->pose(predecessor_it,q__)*F; successor_it = predecessor_it; predecessor_it = traversal.getParentLink(predecessor_it); if( predecessor_it == undirected_tree.getInvalidLinkIterator() ) { break; } if( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { dof_id_ = predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getDOFIndex(); q__ = q(dof_id_); } else { q__ = 0.0; dof_id_ = -1; } } if( dof_id >= 0 ) {,6+dof_id,6,1) = toEigen(F); } //The first 6x6 submatrix of the Momentum Jacobian are simply the spatial inertia //of all the structure expressed in the base reference frame,0,6,6) = toEigen(Ic[traversal.getBaseLink()->getLinkIndex()]); } } } //We have then to translate the reference point of the obtained jacobian to the com //The Ic[traversal.order[0]->getLink(index)] contain the spatial inertial of all the tree //expressed in link coordite frames Vector com = Ic[traversal.getBaseLink()->getLinkIndex()].getCOG(); H.changeRefPoint(com); InertiaCOM = Frame(com)*Ic[traversal.getBaseLink()->getLinkIndex()]; return 0; }
int crba_fixed_base_loop(const UndirectedTree & undirected_tree, const Traversal & traversal, const JntArray & q, std::vector<RigidBodyInertia> & Ic, JntSpaceInertiaMatrix & H) { double q_; Wrench F; //Sweep from root to leaf for(int i=0; i<(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks(); i++) { LinkMap::const_iterator link_it = traversal.getOrderedLink(i); int link_index = link_it->getLinkIndex(); //Collect RigidBodyInertia Ic[link_index] = link_it->getInertia(); } for(int i=(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks()-1; i >= 1; i-- ) { int dof_id; LinkMap::const_iterator link_it = traversal.getOrderedLink(i); int link_index = link_it->getLinkIndex(); LinkMap::const_iterator parent_it = traversal.getParentLink(link_index); int parent_index = parent_it->getLinkIndex(); if( link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { dof_id = link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getDOFIndex(); q_ = q(dof_id); } else { q_ = 0.0; dof_id = -1; } Ic[parent_index] = Ic[parent_index]+link_it->pose(parent_it,q_)*Ic[link_index]; if( link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { KDL::Twist S_link_parent = parent_it->S(link_it,q_); F = Ic[link_index]*S_link_parent; H(dof_id,dof_id) = dot(S_link_parent,F); { assert(parent_it != undirected_tree.getInvalidLinkIterator()); double q__; int dof_id_; LinkMap::const_iterator predecessor_it = traversal.getParentLink(link_it); LinkMap::const_iterator successor_it = link_it; while( true ) { if( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { q__ = q( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getDOFIndex()); } else { q__ = 0.0; } F = successor_it->pose(predecessor_it,q__)*F; successor_it = predecessor_it; predecessor_it = traversal.getParentLink(predecessor_it); if( predecessor_it == undirected_tree.getInvalidLinkIterator() ) { break; } if( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { dof_id_ = predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getDOFIndex(); q__ = q(dof_id_); } else { q__ = 0.0; dof_id_ = -1; } Twist S_successor_predecessor = predecessor_it->S(successor_it,q__); if( dof_id_ >= 0 ) { H(dof_id_,dof_id) = dot(S_successor_predecessor,F); H(dof_id,dof_id_) = H(dof_id_,dof_id); } } } } } return 0; }
int crba_floating_base_loop(const UndirectedTree & undirected_tree, const Traversal & traversal, const GeneralizedJntPositions & q, std::vector<RigidBodyInertia> & Ic, FloatingJntSpaceInertiaMatrix & H) { Wrench F = Wrench::Zero(); Wrench buffer_F = F; //Sweep from root to leaf for(int i=0; i<(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks(); i++) { LinkMap::const_iterator link_it = traversal.getOrderedLink(i); int link_index = link_it->getLinkIndex(); //Collect RigidBodyInertia Ic[link_index]=link_it->getInertia(); } for(int i=(int)traversal.getNrOfVisitedLinks()-1; i >= 1; i-- ) { double row_dof_position; int row_dof_id; LinkMap::const_iterator link_it = traversal.getOrderedLink(i); int link_index = link_it->getLinkIndex(); LinkMap::const_iterator parent_it = traversal.getParentLink(link_index); int parent_index = parent_it->getLinkIndex(); if( link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { row_dof_id = link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getDOFIndex(); row_dof_position = q.jnt_pos(row_dof_id); } else { row_dof_position = 0.0; row_dof_id = -1; } RigidBodyInertia buf; buf = Ic[parent_index]+link_it->pose(parent_it,row_dof_position)*Ic[link_index]; Ic[parent_index] = buf; if( link_it->getAdjacentJoint(parent_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { KDL::Twist S_link_parent = parent_it->S(link_it,row_dof_position); F = Ic[link_index]*S_link_parent; H(6+row_dof_id,6+row_dof_id) = dot(S_link_parent,F); if( traversal.getParentLink(link_it) != undirected_tree.getInvalidLinkIterator() ) { double column_dof_position; int column_dof_id; LinkMap::const_iterator predecessor_it = traversal.getParentLink(link_it); LinkMap::const_iterator successor_it = link_it; while(true) { if( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { column_dof_position = q.jnt_pos( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getDOFIndex()); } else { column_dof_position = 0.0; } #ifndef NDEBUG //std::cout << "F migrated from frame " << successor_it->getLinkIndex() << " to frame " << successor_it->getLinkIndex() << std::endl; #endif buffer_F = successor_it->pose(predecessor_it,column_dof_position)*F; F = buffer_F; successor_it = predecessor_it; predecessor_it = traversal.getParentLink(predecessor_it); if( predecessor_it == undirected_tree.getInvalidLinkIterator() ) { break; } if( predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getNrOfDOFs() == 1 ) { column_dof_id = predecessor_it->getAdjacentJoint(successor_it)->getDOFIndex(); column_dof_position = q.jnt_pos(column_dof_id); } else { column_dof_position = 0.0; column_dof_id = -1; } Twist S_successor_predecessor = predecessor_it->S(successor_it,column_dof_position); if( column_dof_id >= 0 ) { H(6+column_dof_id,6+row_dof_id) = dot(S_successor_predecessor,F); H(6+row_dof_id,6+column_dof_id) = H(6+column_dof_id,6+row_dof_id); } } if( row_dof_id >= 0 ) { buffer_F = q.base_pos.M*F; F = buffer_F;,6+row_dof_id,6,1) = toEigen(F);,0,1,6) = toEigen(F).transpose(); } } } } //The first 6x6 submatrix of the FlotingBase Inertia Matrix are simply the spatial inertia //of all the structure expressed in the base reference frame,0,6,6) = toEigen(q.base_pos.M*Ic[traversal.getBaseLink()->getLinkIndex()]); return 0; }