Пример #1
// size_t getLocalScopeNum ( SgFunctionDefinition* func_def, const SgScopeStatement* target)
getLocalScopeNum (const SgFunctionDefinition* func_def, const SgScopeStatement* target)
  // DQ (10/4/2006): This takes too long and stalls the compilation of 
  // some large codes (plum hall e.g. cvs06a/conform/ch7_22.c).  It is 
  // rewritten below to use a cache mechanisk link to a cache invalidation 
  // mechanism.

  // Preorder traversal to count the number of basic blocks preceeding 'target'
  class Traversal : public AstSimpleProcessing
    Traversal (const SgScopeStatement* target)
      : target_ (target), count_ (0), found_ (false)
    void visit (SgNode* node)
      if (!found_)
          const SgScopeStatement* stmt = isSgScopeStatement (node);
          if (stmt)
              found_ = (stmt == target_);
    size_t count (void) const { return found_ ? count_ : 0; }
    const SgScopeStatement* target_; // Target scope statement
    size_t count_; // found_ ? number of target : number of last block seen
    bool found_; // true <==> target_ has been found

  Traversal counter (target);
  counter.traverse (const_cast<SgFunctionDefinition *> (func_def), preorder);
  return counter.count ();
  // DQ (10/6/2006): Implemented caching of computed lables for scopes in 
  // functions to avoid quadratic behavior of previous implementation.  The model
  // for this is the same a s what will be done to support caching of mangled names.
  // printf ("getLocalScopeNum calling func_def->get_scope_number(target)! \n");

     return func_def->get_scope_number(target);
Пример #2
void testAST( SgProject* project )
     class Traversal : public SgSimpleProcessing
               Traversal() {}
               void visit ( SgNode* n )
                    SgLocatedNode* locatedNode = isSgLocatedNode(n); 
                    if (locatedNode != NULL)
                         AttachedPreprocessingInfoType* comments = locatedNode->getAttachedPreprocessingInfo();

                         if (comments != NULL)
                              printf ("Found attached comments (at %p of type: %s): \n",locatedNode,locatedNode->sage_class_name());
                              AttachedPreprocessingInfoType::iterator i;
                              for (i = comments->begin(); i != comments->end(); i++)
                                   ROSE_ASSERT ( (*i) != NULL );
                                   printf ("          Attached Comment (relativePosition=%s): %s\n",
                                        ((*i)->getRelativePosition() == PreprocessingInfo::before) ? "before" : "after",
#if 1
                                // This does not appear to be a valid object when read in from an AST file.
                                   printf ("Comment/Directive getNumberOfLines = %d getColumnNumberOfEndOfString = %d \n",(*i)->getNumberOfLines(),(*i)->getColumnNumberOfEndOfString());
#if 1
                                // This does not appear to be a valid object when read in from an AST file.
                                   (*i)->get_file_info()->display("comment/directive location");

     Traversal counter;
Пример #3
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    // We retrieve the traversal kind from the command line
    TraversalKind traversalKind = getTraversalKind (argc, argv);

//! [snippet1_traversal]
    const char* seqs[] =
        //      SNP HERE at pos 31      x

    // We create a fake bank with a SNP
    IBank* bank = new BankStrings (seqs, ARRAY_SIZE(seqs));

    // We load the graph
    Graph graph = Graph::create (bank, "-abundance-min 1  -kmer-size 15  -verbose 0");

    // We create a Terminator object
    BranchingTerminator terminator (graph);

    // We create a Traversal instance according to the chosen traversal kind
    Traversal* traversal = Traversal::create (traversalKind, graph, terminator);
    LOCAL (traversal);

    // We create a node from the start of the first sequence
    Node node = graph.buildNode (seqs[0]);

    Path path;
    int len = traversal->traverse (node, DIR_OUTCOMING, path);

    // We dump the length, the starting node and the path
    cout << "length=" << len << " " << graph.toString (node) << path << endl;
//! [snippet1_traversal]

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;