Пример #1
ModResult ModuleSpanningTree::HandleVersion(const CommandBase::Params& parameters, User* user)
	// We've already confirmed that !parameters.empty(), so this is safe
	TreeServer* found = Utils->FindServerMask(parameters[0]);
	if (found)
		if (found == Utils->TreeRoot)
			// Pass to default VERSION handler.

		// If an oper wants to see the version then show the full version string instead of the normal,
		// but only if it is non-empty.
		// If it's empty it might be that the server is still syncing (full version hasn't arrived yet)
		// or the server is a 2.0 server and does not send a full version.
		bool showfull = ((user->IsOper()) && (!found->GetFullVersion().empty()));

		Numeric::Numeric numeric(RPL_VERSION);
		irc::tokenstream tokens(showfull ? found->GetFullVersion() : found->GetVersion());
		for (std::string token; tokens.GetTrailing(token); )
		user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOSUCHSERVER, parameters[0], "No such server");
	return MOD_RES_DENY;
Пример #2
ModResult ModuleSpanningTree::HandleVersion(const std::vector<std::string>& parameters, User* user)
	// we've already checked if pcnt > 0, so this is safe
	TreeServer* found = Utils->FindServerMask(parameters[0]);
	if (found)
		if (found == Utils->TreeRoot)
			// Pass to default VERSION handler.

		// If an oper wants to see the version then show the full version string instead of the normal,
		// but only if it is non-empty.
		// If it's empty it might be that the server is still syncing (full version hasn't arrived yet)
		// or the server is a 2.0 server and does not send a full version.
		bool showfull = ((user->IsOper()) && (!found->GetFullVersion().empty()));
		const std::string& Version = (showfull ? found->GetFullVersion() : found->GetVersion());
		user->WriteNumeric(RPL_VERSION, ":%s", Version.c_str());
		user->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOSUCHSERVER, "%s :No such server", parameters[0].c_str());
	return MOD_RES_DENY;