Пример #1
bool ALevelScriptActor::RemoteEvent(FName EventName)
	bool bFoundEvent = false;

	// Iterate over all levels, and try to find a matching function on the level's script actor
	for( TArray<ULevel*>::TConstIterator it = GetWorld()->GetLevels().CreateConstIterator(); it; ++it )
		ULevel* CurLevel = *it;
		if( CurLevel )
			ALevelScriptActor* LSA = CurLevel->GetLevelScriptActor();
			if( LSA )
				// Find an event with no parameters
				UFunction* EventTarget = LSA->FindFunction(EventName);
				if( EventTarget && EventTarget->NumParms == 0)
					LSA->ProcessEvent(EventTarget, NULL);
					bFoundEvent = true;

	return bFoundEvent;