Пример #1
FFoliageInstanceBaseId FFoliageInstanceBaseCache::AddInstanceBaseId(UActorComponent* InComponent)
	FFoliageInstanceBaseId BaseId = FFoliageInstanceBaseCache::InvalidBaseId;
	if (InComponent && !InComponent->IsCreatedByConstructionScript())
		BaseId = GetInstanceBaseId(InComponent);
		if (BaseId == FFoliageInstanceBaseCache::InvalidBaseId)
			BaseId = NextBaseId++;

			FFoliageInstanceBaseInfo BaseInfo(InComponent);
			InstanceBaseMap.Add(BaseId, BaseInfo);
			InstanceBaseInvMap.Add(BaseInfo.BasePtr, BaseId);

			check(InstanceBaseMap.Num() == InstanceBaseInvMap.Num());

			ULevel* ComponentLevel = InComponent->GetComponentLevel();
			if (ComponentLevel)
				UWorld* ComponentWorld = Cast<UWorld>(ComponentLevel->GetOuter());
				if (ComponentWorld)
					auto WorldKey = TAssetPtr<UWorld>(ComponentWorld);

	return BaseId;
Пример #2
* Assembles the set of all referenced worlds.
* @param	OutWorlds			[out] The set of referenced worlds.
* @param	bIncludeGWorld		If true, include GWorld in the output list.
* @param	bOnlyEditorVisible	If true, only sub-levels that should be visible in-editor are included
void GetWorlds(UWorld* InWorld, TArray<UWorld*>& OutWorlds, bool bIncludeInWorld, bool bOnlyEditorVisible)
    if ( bIncludeInWorld )
        OutWorlds.AddUnique( InWorld );

    // Iterate over the world's level array to find referenced levels ("worlds"). We don't
    for ( int32 LevelIndex = 0 ; LevelIndex < InWorld->StreamingLevels.Num() ; ++LevelIndex )
        ULevelStreaming* StreamingLevel = InWorld->StreamingLevels[LevelIndex];
        if ( StreamingLevel )
            // If we asked for only sub-levels that are editor-visible, then limit our results appropriately
            bool bShouldAlwaysBeLoaded = false; // Cast< ULevelStreamingAlwaysLoaded >( StreamingLevel ) != NULL;
            if( !bOnlyEditorVisible || bShouldAlwaysBeLoaded || StreamingLevel->bShouldBeVisibleInEditor )
                const ULevel* Level = StreamingLevel->GetLoadedLevel();

                // This should always be the case for valid level names as the Editor preloads all packages.
                if ( Level != NULL )
                    // Newer levels have their packages' world as the outer.
                    UWorld* World = Cast<UWorld>( Level->GetOuter() );
                    if ( World != NULL )
                        OutWorlds.AddUnique( World );

    // Levels can be loaded directly without StreamingLevel facilities
    for ( int32 LevelIndex = 0 ; LevelIndex < InWorld->GetLevels().Num() ; ++LevelIndex )
        ULevel* Level = InWorld->GetLevel(LevelIndex);
        if ( Level )
            // Newer levels have their packages' world as the outer.
            UWorld* World = Cast<UWorld>( Level->GetOuter() );
            if ( World != NULL )
                OutWorlds.AddUnique( World );
Пример #3
void FWorldTileModel::OnStreamingLevelsPropertyChanged()
	ULevel* Level = GetLevelObject();
	if (Level == NULL)
	// Delete all streaming levels from the world objects

	// Recreate streaming levels using settings stored in the tile details
	for (auto It = TileDetails->StreamingLevels.CreateIterator(); It; ++It)
		FTileStreamingLevelDetails& StreamingLevelDetails = (*It);
		FName PackageName = StreamingLevelDetails.PackageName;
		if (PackageName != NAME_None && FPackageName::DoesPackageExist(PackageName.ToString()))
			UClass* StreamingClass = FTileStreamingLevelDetails::StreamingMode2Class(StreamingLevelDetails.StreamingMode);
			AddStreamingLevel(StreamingClass, PackageName);
Пример #4
ULevel* AddLevelToWorld( UWorld* InWorld, const TCHAR* LevelPackageName, UClass* LevelStreamingClass)
    ULevel* NewLevel = NULL;
    bool bIsPersistentLevel = (InWorld->PersistentLevel->GetOutermost()->GetName() == FString(LevelPackageName));

    if ( bIsPersistentLevel || FLevelUtils::FindStreamingLevel( InWorld, LevelPackageName ) )
        // Do nothing if the level already exists in the world.
        FMessageDialog::Open( EAppMsgType::Ok, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "LevelAlreadyExistsInWorld", "A level with that name already exists in the world.") );
        // If the selected class is still NULL, abort the operation.
        if ( LevelStreamingClass == NULL )
            return NULL;

        const FScopedBusyCursor BusyCursor;

        ULevelStreaming* StreamingLevel = static_cast<ULevelStreaming*>( StaticConstructObject( LevelStreamingClass, InWorld, NAME_None, RF_NoFlags, NULL) );

        // Associate a package name.
        StreamingLevel->PackageName = LevelPackageName;

        // Seed the level's draw color.
        StreamingLevel->DrawColor = FColor::MakeRandomColor();

        // Add the new level to world.
        InWorld->StreamingLevels.Add( StreamingLevel );

        // Refresh just the newly created level.
        TArray<ULevelStreaming*> LevelsForRefresh;
        LevelsForRefresh.Add( StreamingLevel );
        InWorld->RefreshStreamingLevels( LevelsForRefresh );

        NewLevel = StreamingLevel->GetLoadedLevel();
        if ( NewLevel != NULL )
            EditorLevelUtils::SetLevelVisibility( NewLevel, true, true );

        // Levels migrated from other projects may fail to load their world settings
        // If so we create a new AWorldSettings actor here.
        if ( NewLevel->Actors[0] == NULL )
            UWorld *SubLevelWorld = CastChecked<UWorld>(NewLevel->GetOuter());
            if (SubLevelWorld != NULL)
                FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
                SpawnInfo.bNoCollisionFail = true;
                SpawnInfo.Name = GEngine->WorldSettingsClass->GetFName();
                AWorldSettings* NewWorldSettings = SubLevelWorld->SpawnActor<AWorldSettings>( GEngine->WorldSettingsClass, SpawnInfo );
                NewLevel->Actors[0] = NewWorldSettings;
                FMessageDialog::Open( EAppMsgType::Ok, NSLOCTEXT("UnrealEd", "LevelHasNoWorldSettings", "AddLevelToWorld: The level has no World Settings.") );

    return NewLevel;