void XAP_UnixDialog_FileOpenSaveAs::fileTypeChanged(GtkWidget * w)
    if (!m_bSave)

    UT_sint32 nFileType = XAP_comboBoxGetActiveInt(GTK_COMBO_BOX(w));
    UT_DEBUGMSG(("File type widget is %p filetype number is %d \n",w,nFileType));
    // I have no idea for 0, but XAP_DIALOG_FILEOPENSAVEAS_FILE_TYPE_AUTO
    // definitely means "skip this"
    if((nFileType == 0) || (nFileType == XAP_DIALOG_FILEOPENSAVEAS_FILE_TYPE_AUTO))

    gchar * filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(m_FC);
    UT_String sFileName = filename;

    UT_String sSuffix = m_szSuffixes[nFileType-1];
    sSuffix = sSuffix.substr(1,sSuffix.length()-1);
    UT_sint32 i = 0;
    bool bFoundComma = false;
    for(i=0; i< static_cast<UT_sint32>(sSuffix.length()); i++)
        if(sSuffix[i] == ';')
            bFoundComma = true;
        sSuffix = sSuffix.substr(0,i);

// Hard code a suffix
    if(strstr(sSuffix.c_str(),"gz") != NULL)
        sSuffix = ".zabw";
    bool bFoundSuffix = false;
    for(i= sFileName.length()-1; i> 0; i--)
        if(sFileName[i] == '.')
            bFoundSuffix = true;
    sFileName = sFileName.substr(0,i);
    sFileName += sSuffix;

    gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name(m_FC, UT_basename(sFileName.c_str()));
Пример #2
int UT_Compare( const UT_String& rhs, const UT_String& lhs )
#if defined(TARGET_IOS) || defined(TARGET_MACOS)
  CFStringRef	theString1 = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy( 0, rhs.data(), rhs.length(), kCFAllocatorNull );
  CFStringRef	theString2 = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy( 0, lhs.data(), lhs.length(), kCFAllocatorNull );
  CFComparisonResult	result = CFStringCompare( theString1, theString2, kCFCompareLocalized );
  CFRelease( theString1 );
  CFRelease( theString2 );
  return result;
   return rhs.compare(lhs);
Пример #3
//========================  METHOD DECLARATION  =======================
/// \param src 
/// \param dst 
/// \return 
/// Convert a 'wstring' to a string.
void UT_W2S( const UT_String &src, string &dst )
#if defined(TARGET_IOS) || defined(TARGET_MACOS)
  CFStringRef	strref = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy( 0, src.data(), src.length(), kCFAllocatorNull );
  CFIndex	usedBufLen;
  CFStringGetBytes( strref, CFRangeMake( 0, src.length() ), CFStringGetSystemEncoding(), '?', false, NULL, 0, &usedBufLen );
  char *buffer = (char*)MEM_ALLOC(usedBufLen * sizeof(char));
  CFStringGetBytes( strref, CFRangeMake( 0, src.length() ), CFStringGetSystemEncoding(), '?', false, (UInt8 *) buffer, usedBufLen, &usedBufLen );
  CFRelease( strref );
  dst.assign( buffer, usedBufLen );
  if ( ! dst.empty() )
    dst.erase(dst.begin(), dst.end());
  copy( src.begin(), src.end(), back_inserter( dst ));
#ifndef TARGET_WIN32
  dst = string();
  if (src.length() < 1)
  unsigned char *dstC = (unsigned char*)MEM_ALLOC(6 * src.length() * sizeof(unsigned char));
  unsigned char *initial = dstC;
  UTF16 *srcC = const_cast<UTF16*>(src.c_str());
  ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&srcC, srcC + src.length(), &dstC, dstC + 6 * src.length());
  dst.append((const char *)dstC);
#else // TARGET_WIN32
Пример #4
 * Takes a string like "./ObjectReplacements/Object 1" and split it into
 * subdirectory name ("ObjectReplacements") and file name ("Object 1").
void ODi_Abi_Data::_splitDirectoryAndFileName(const gchar* pHRef, UT_String& dirName, UT_String& fileName) const {
    UT_String href;
    UT_String str;
    int iStart, nChars, i, len;
    href = pHRef;
    // Get the directory name
    str = href.substr(0, 2);
    if (str == "./") {
        iStart = 2;
    } else {
        iStart = 0;

    len = href.length();
    for (i=iStart, nChars=0; i<len; i++) {
        if (href[i] == '/') {
            i=len; // exit loop
        } else {
    UT_ASSERT (nChars > 0 && nChars < len);
    dirName = href.substr(iStart, nChars);
    // Get the file name
    iStart = iStart + nChars + 1;
    nChars = len - iStart;
    UT_ASSERT (nChars); // The file name must have at least one char.
    fileName = href.substr(iStart, nChars);
bool XAP_Win32AppImpl::openURL(const char * szURL)
	// NOTE: could get finer control over browser window via DDE 
	// NOTE: may need to fallback to WinExec for old NSCP versions

	UT_String sURL = szURL;

	// If this is a file:// URL, strip off file:// and make it backslashed
	if (sURL.substr(0, 7) == "file://")
		sURL = sURL.substr(7, sURL.size() - 7);

		// View as WebPage likes to throw in an extra /\ just for fun, strip it off
		if (sURL.substr(0, 2) == "/\\")
			sURL = sURL.substr(2, sURL.size() - 2);

		if (sURL.substr(0, 1) == "/")
			sURL = sURL.substr(1, sURL.size() - 1);
		// Convert all forwardslashes to backslashes
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<sURL.length();i++)	
			if (sURL[i]=='/')	

		// Convert from longpath to 8.3 shortpath, in case of spaces in the path
		char* longpath = NULL;
		char* shortpath = NULL;
		longpath = new char[PATH_MAX];
		shortpath = new char[PATH_MAX];
		strcpy(longpath, sURL.c_str());
		DWORD retval = GetShortPathName(longpath, shortpath, PATH_MAX);
		if((retval == 0) || (retval > PATH_MAX))
			return false;
		sURL = shortpath;

	// Query the registry for the default browser so we can directly invoke it
	UT_String sBrowser;
	HKEY hKey;
	unsigned long lType;
	DWORD dwSize;
	unsigned char* szValue = NULL;

	if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "http\\shell\\open\\command", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		if(RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, &lType, NULL, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			szValue = new unsigned char[dwSize + 1];
			RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, NULL, &lType, szValue, &dwSize);
			sBrowser = (char*) szValue;

	/* Now that we have sBrowser from the registry, we need to parse it out.
	 * If the first character is a double-quote, everything up to and including
	 * the next double-quote is the sBrowser command. Everything after the
	 * double-quote is appended to the parameters.
	 * If the first character is NOT a double-quote, we assume
	 * everything up to the first whitespace is the command and anything after
	 * is appended to the parameters.

	int iDelimiter;
	if (sBrowser.substr(0, 1) == "\"")
		iDelimiter = UT_String_findCh(sBrowser.substr(1, sBrowser.length()-1), '"')+2;
		iDelimiter = UT_String_findCh(sBrowser.substr(0, sBrowser.length()), ' ');

	// Store params into a separate UT_String before we butcher sBrowser
	UT_String sParams = sBrowser.substr(iDelimiter+1, sBrowser.length()-iDelimiter+1);
	// Cut params off of sBrowser so all we're left with is the broweser path & executable
	sBrowser = sBrowser.substr(0, iDelimiter);

	// Check for a %1 passed in from the registry.  If we find it,
	// substitute our URL for %1.  Otherwise, just append sURL to params.
	const char *pdest = strstr(sParams.c_str(), "%1");
	if (pdest != NULL)
		int i = pdest - sParams.c_str() + 1;
		sParams = sParams.substr(0, i-1) + sURL + sParams.substr(i+1, sParams.length()-i+1);
		sParams = sParams + " " + sURL;

	// Win95 doesn't like the Browser command to be quoted, so strip em off.
	if (sBrowser.substr(0, 1) == "\"")
		sBrowser = sBrowser.substr(1, sBrowser.length() - 1);
	if (sBrowser.substr(sBrowser.length()-1, 1) == "\"")
		sBrowser = sBrowser.substr(0, sBrowser.length() - 1);

	XAP_Frame * pFrame = XAP_App::getApp()->getLastFocussedFrame();
	UT_return_val_if_fail(pFrame, false);
	XAP_Win32FrameImpl *pFImp =  (XAP_Win32FrameImpl *) pFrame->getFrameImpl();
	UT_return_val_if_fail(pFImp, false);

	intptr_t res = (intptr_t) ShellExecuteA(pFImp->getTopLevelWindow() /*(HWND)*/,
								 "open", sBrowser.c_str(), sParams.c_str(), NULL, SW_SHOW );

	// TODO: localized error messages
	// added more specific error messages as documented in http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/debug/base/system_error_codes.asp
	if (res <= 32)
		UT_String errMsg;
		switch (res)
					errMsg = "Error ("; 
					errMsg += UT_String_sprintf("%d", res);
					errMsg += ") displaying URL: The system cannot find the file specified.\n";
					errMsg += " [ ";  errMsg += sURL;  errMsg += " ] ";
					MessageBoxA(pFImp->getTopLevelWindow(), errMsg.c_str(), "Error displaying URL", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

					errMsg = "Error ("; 
					errMsg += UT_String_sprintf("%d", res);
					errMsg += ") displaying URL: The system cannot find the path specified.\n";
					errMsg += " [ ";  errMsg += sURL;  errMsg += " ] ";
					MessageBoxA(pFImp->getTopLevelWindow(), errMsg.c_str(), "Error displaying URL", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

					errMsg = "Error ("; 
					errMsg += UT_String_sprintf("%d", res);
					errMsg += ") displaying URL: Access is denied.\n";
					errMsg += " [ ";  errMsg += sURL;  errMsg += " ] ";
					MessageBoxA(pFImp->getTopLevelWindow(), errMsg.c_str(), "Error displaying URL", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

					errMsg = "Error ("; 
					errMsg += UT_String_sprintf("%d", res);
					errMsg += ") displaying URL: \n";
					errMsg += " [ ";  errMsg += sURL;  errMsg += " ] ";
					MessageBoxA(pFImp->getTopLevelWindow(), errMsg.c_str(), "Error displaying URL", MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
		} /* switch (res) */
	} /* if (res <= 32) */

	return (res>32);
Пример #6
#include "tf_test.h"
#include "ut_string_class.h"

#define TFSUITE "core.af.util.stringclass"

	UT_String s("foobar");

	TFPASS(s.size() == 6);
	TFPASS(s.length() == 6);


	TFPASS(s == "foobar");
	TFPASS(s == UT_String("foobar"));

	s += "baz";
	TFPASS(s.size() == 9);
	TFPASS(s == "foobarbaz");

	s += UT_String("42");
	TFPASS(s.size() == 11);
	TFPASS(s == "foobarbaz42");

	s += '!';
	TFPASS(s.size() == 12);
	TFPASS(s == "foobarbaz42!");

	TFPASS(s[3] == 'b');
Пример #7
SOP_IdBlast::cookMySop(OP_Context &context)
    fpreal 		        now;
    exint                       id; 

    GA_Offset                   start, end;

    GA_PointGroup               *group;

    GA_ROAttributeRef           id_gah;
    GA_ROPageHandleI            id_ph;

    UT_String                   pattern;
    UT_WorkArgs                 tokens;

    IdOffsetMap                 id_map, srcid_map;
    GroupIdMapPair              pair;

    now = context.getTime();

    if (lockInputs(context) >= UT_ERROR_ABORT)
        return error();

    // Duplicate the incoming geometry.
    duplicateSource(0, context);

    // Get the id pattern.
    IDS(pattern, now);
    // If it's emptry, don't do anything.
    if (pattern.length() == 0)
        return error();

    // Tokenize the range so we can handle multiple blocks.
    pattern.tokenize(tokens, " ");

    // Try to find the 'id' point attribute on the 1st input geometry.
    id_gah = gdp->findPointAttribute(GA_SCOPE_PUBLIC, "id");
    // If it doesn't exist, display a node error message and exit.
    if (id_gah.isInvalid())
        addError(SOP_MESSAGE, "Input geometry has no 'id' attribute.");
        return error();
    // Bind the page handles to the attributes.

    // Iterate over all the points we selected.
    for (GA_Iterator it(gdp->getPointRange()); it.blockAdvance(start, end); )
        // Set the page handle to the start of this block.
        // Iterate over all the points in the block.
        for (GA_Offset pt = start; pt < end; ++pt)
            // Get the 'id' value for the point.
            id = id_ph.get(pt);
            id_map[id] = pt;

    // Create the group.
    group = createAdhocPointGroup(*gdp);

    //  Add the group and the id map to the pair.
    pair.first = group;
    pair.second = &id_map;

    // Iterate over each block in the tokens and add any ids to the group.
    for (int i=0; i < tokens.getArgc(); ++i)
        UT_String id_range(tokens[i]);
        id_range.traversePattern(-1, &pair, addOffsetToGroup);

    // Destroy the points.

    return error();
Пример #8
void HoudiniScene::readTags( NameList &tags, bool includeChildren ) const
	const OP_Node *node = retrieveNode();
	if ( !node )
	// add user supplied tags if we're not inside a SOP
	if ( !m_contentIndex && node->hasParm( pTags.getToken() ) )
		UT_String parmTagStr;
		node->evalString( parmTagStr, pTags.getToken(), 0, 0 );
		if ( !parmTagStr.equal( UT_String::getEmptyString() ) )
			UT_WorkArgs tokens;
			parmTagStr.tokenize( tokens, " " );
			for ( int i = 0; i < tokens.getArgc(); ++i )
				tags.push_back( tokens[i] );
	// add tags from the registered tag readers
	std::vector<CustomTagReader> &tagReaders = customTagReaders();
	for ( std::vector<CustomTagReader>::const_iterator it = tagReaders.begin(); it != tagReaders.end(); ++it )
		NameList values;
		it->m_read( node, values, includeChildren );
		tags.insert( tags.end(), values.begin(), values.end() );
	// add tags based on primitive groups
	OBJ_Node *contentNode = retrieveNode( true )->castToOBJNode();
	if ( contentNode && contentNode->getObjectType() == OBJ_GEOMETRY && m_splitter )
		GU_DetailHandle newHandle = m_splitter->split( contentPathValue() );
		if ( !newHandle.isNull() )
			GU_DetailHandleAutoReadLock readHandle( newHandle );
			if ( const GU_Detail *geo = readHandle.getGdp() )
				GA_Range prims = geo->getPrimitiveRange();
				for ( GA_GroupTable::iterator<GA_ElementGroup> it=geo->primitiveGroups().beginTraverse(); !it.atEnd(); ++it )
					GA_PrimitiveGroup *group = static_cast<GA_PrimitiveGroup*>( it.group() );
					if ( group->getInternal() || group->isEmpty() )
					const UT_String &groupName = group->getName();
					if ( groupName.startsWith( tagGroupPrefix ) && group->containsAny( prims ) )
						UT_String tag;
						groupName.substr( tag, tagGroupPrefix.length() );
						tag.substitute( "_", ":" );
						tags.push_back( tag.buffer() );
Пример #9
bool HoudiniScene::hasTag( const Name &name, bool includeChildren ) const
	const OP_Node *node = retrieveNode();
	if ( !node )
		return false;
	// check for user supplied tags if we're not inside a SOP
	if ( !m_contentIndex && node->hasParm( pTags.getToken() ) )
		UT_String parmTags;
		node->evalString( parmTags, pTags.getToken(), 0, 0 );
		if ( UT_String( name.c_str() ).multiMatch( parmTags ) )
			return true;
	// check with the registered tag readers
	std::vector<CustomTagReader> &tagReaders = customTagReaders();
	for ( std::vector<CustomTagReader>::const_iterator it = tagReaders.begin(); it != tagReaders.end(); ++it )
		if ( it->m_has( node, name ) )
			return true;
	// check tags based on primitive groups
	OBJ_Node *contentNode = retrieveNode( true )->castToOBJNode();
	if ( contentNode && contentNode->getObjectType() == OBJ_GEOMETRY && m_splitter )
		GU_DetailHandle newHandle = m_splitter->split( contentPathValue() );
		if ( !newHandle.isNull() )
			GU_DetailHandleAutoReadLock readHandle( newHandle );
			if ( const GU_Detail *geo = readHandle.getGdp() )
				GA_Range prims = geo->getPrimitiveRange();
				for ( GA_GroupTable::iterator<GA_ElementGroup> it=geo->primitiveGroups().beginTraverse(); !it.atEnd(); ++it )
					GA_PrimitiveGroup *group = static_cast<GA_PrimitiveGroup*>( it.group() );
					if ( group->getInternal() || group->isEmpty() )
					const UT_String &groupName = group->getName();
					if ( groupName.startsWith( tagGroupPrefix ) && group->containsAny( prims ) )
						UT_String tag;
						groupName.substr( tag, tagGroupPrefix.length() );
						tag.substitute( "_", ":" );
						if ( tag.equal( name.c_str() ) )
							return true;
	return false;
Пример #10
 * Fill the GUI tree with the styles as defined in the XP tree.
void AP_Win32Dialog_Stylist::_fillTree(void)
	Stylist_tree * pStyleTree = getStyleTree();
	if(pStyleTree == NULL)
		pStyleTree = getStyleTree();
	if(pStyleTree->getNumRows() == 0)
		pStyleTree = getStyleTree();
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("Number of rows of styles in document %d \n",pStyleTree->getNumRows()));


	// Purge any existing TreeView items

	TV_ITEM tvi;
    HTREEITEM hParentItem; // Parent handle to link Styles to their Heading

	tvi.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_CHILDREN;               
	tvi.stateMask =0;

	UT_sint32 row, col;
	UT_UTF8String sTmp(""), str_loc;
	UT_String str;		   		 

	//int iter = 0; // Unique key for each item in the treeview
	for(row= 0; row < pStyleTree->getNumRows(); row++)
		pt_PieceTable::s_getLocalisedStyleName (sTmp.utf8_str(), str_loc);
		str = AP_Win32App::s_fromUTF8ToWinLocale (str_loc.utf8_str());

		xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("Adding Heading %s at row %d \n",sTmp.utf8_str(),row));

		// Insert the item into the treeview
		tvi.pszText = (LPTSTR)str.c_str();
		tvi.cchTextMax = str.length() + 1;
		tvi.lParam = row;
		if (pStyleTree->getNumCols(row) > 0)
			tvi.cChildren = 1;
			tvi.cChildren = 0;

		tvins.item = tvi;
		tvins.hParent = TVI_ROOT;
		tvins.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;
		hParentItem = TreeView_InsertItem(hTree, &tvins);

		// Add any children (columns) this row contains to be added
		if (pStyleTree->getNumCols(row) > 0)
			for(col = 0; col < pStyleTree->getNumCols(row); col++)
				xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("Adding style %s at row %d col %d \n",sTmp.utf8_str(),row,col+1));

				pt_PieceTable::s_getLocalisedStyleName (sTmp.utf8_str(), str_loc);
				str = AP_Win32App::s_fromUTF8ToWinLocale (str_loc.utf8_str());

				// Insert the item into the treeview
				tvi.pszText = (LPTSTR)str.c_str();
				tvi.cchTextMax = str.length() + 1;
				tvi.cChildren = 0;
				tvi.lParam = col;

				tvins.item = tvi;
				tvins.hParent = hParentItem;
				tvins.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST;

				TreeView_InsertItem(hTree, &tvins);

void AP_Dialog_Options::_storeWindowData(void)
	XAP_Prefs *pPrefs = m_pApp->getPrefs();
	UT_return_if_fail (pPrefs);

	AP_FrameData *pFrameData = NULL;
	if(m_pFrame) {
		pFrameData = (AP_FrameData *)m_pFrame->getFrameData();
		UT_return_if_fail (pFrameData);

	XAP_PrefsScheme *pPrefsScheme = pPrefs->getCurrentScheme();
	UT_return_if_fail (pPrefsScheme);

	// turn off all notification to PrefListeners via XAP_Prefs

	// before we continue to remember all the changed values, check to see if
	// we have turned OFF PrefsAutoSave.  If so, toggle that value, then force
	// a prefs save, then update everything else
	//			[email protected]
	if ( pPrefs->getAutoSavePrefs() == true && _gatherPrefsAutoSave() == false ) {

		pPrefs->setAutoSavePrefs( false );
		pPrefs->savePrefsFile();				// TODO: check the results
	else {	// otherwise, just set the value
		pPrefs->setAutoSavePrefs( _gatherPrefsAutoSave() );

	// try again to make sure we've got an updatable scheme
	pPrefsScheme = pPrefs->getCurrentScheme(true);
	UT_return_if_fail (pPrefsScheme);

	// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	// save the values to the Prefs classes
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_AutoSpellCheck, _gatherSpellCheckAsType() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_AutoGrammarCheck, _gatherGrammarCheck() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, XAP_PREF_KEY_SmartQuotesEnable, _gatherSmartQuotes() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, XAP_PREF_KEY_CustomSmartQuotes, _gatherCustomSmartQuotes() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_SpellCheckCaps, _gatherSpellUppercase() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_SpellCheckNumbers, _gatherSpellNumbers() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_CursorBlink, _gatherViewCursorBlink() );
// Not implemented for UNIX or Win32. No need for it.
#if !defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) && !defined(TOOLKIT_COCOA) && !defined (TOOLKIT_WIN) 
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_RulerVisible, _gatherViewShowRuler() );
	UT_uint32 i;
	for (i = 0; i < m_pApp->getToolbarFactory()->countToolbars(); i++) {
		Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, m_pApp->getToolbarFactory()->prefKeyForToolbar(i), _gatherViewShowToolbar(i));

	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_StatusBarVisible, _gatherViewShowStatusBar() );

	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_ParaVisible, _gatherViewUnprintable() );
#if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK)
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, XAP_PREF_KEY_EnableSmoothScrolling, _gatherEnableSmoothScrolling() );
    Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_InsertModeToggle, _gatherEnableOverwrite() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, XAP_PREF_KEY_AutoLoadPlugins, _gatherAutoLoadPlugins() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, AP_PREF_KEY_DefaultDirectionRtl, _gatherOtherDirectionRtl() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, XAP_PREF_KEY_ChangeLanguageWithKeyboard, _gatherLanguageWithKeyboard() );
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, XAP_PREF_KEY_DirMarkerAfterClosingParenthesis, _gatherDirMarkerAfterClosingParenthesis());
	// JOAQUIN - fix this: Dom
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("Saving Auto Save File [%i]\n", _gatherAutoSaveFile()));
	Save_Pref_Bool( pPrefsScheme, XAP_PREF_KEY_AutoSaveFile, _gatherAutoSaveFile() );

	UT_String stVal;

	UT_DEBUGMSG(("Saving Auto Save File Ext [%s]\n", stVal.c_str()));
	pPrefsScheme->setValue(XAP_PREF_KEY_AutoSaveFileExt, stVal.c_str());
	UT_DEBUGMSG(("Saving Auto Save File with a period of [%s]\n", stVal.c_str()));
	pPrefsScheme->setValue(XAP_PREF_KEY_AutoSaveFilePeriod, stVal.c_str());
	// Jordi: win32 specific for now
	if (stVal.length())
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("Setting default UI language to [%s]\n", stVal.c_str()));
		pPrefsScheme->setValue(AP_PREF_KEY_StringSet, stVal.c_str());
	// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	// If we changed whether the ruler is to be visible
	// or hidden, then update the current window:
	// (If we didn't change anything, leave it alone)
#if !defined(TOOLKIT_GTK) && !defined(TOOLKIT_COCOA) && !defined (TOOLKIT_WIN) 
	if (pFrameData && _gatherViewShowRuler() != pFrameData->m_bShowRuler )
		pFrameData->m_bShowRuler = _gatherViewShowRuler() ;
		if (!pFrameData->m_bIsFullScreen)

	// Same for status bar
	if (pFrameData && _gatherViewShowStatusBar() != pFrameData->m_bShowStatusBar)
		pFrameData->m_bShowStatusBar = _gatherViewShowStatusBar();
		if (!pFrameData->m_bIsFullScreen)

	if(pFrameData) {
		for (i = 0; i < m_pApp->getToolbarFactory()->countToolbars(); i++) {
			if (_gatherViewShowToolbar(i) != pFrameData->m_bShowBar[i])
				pFrameData->m_bShowBar[i] = _gatherViewShowToolbar(i);
				if (!pFrameData->m_bIsFullScreen)
					m_pFrame->toggleBar(i, pFrameData->m_bShowBar[i]);
	if (pFrameData &&  _gatherViewUnprintable() != pFrameData->m_bShowPara )
		pFrameData->m_bShowPara = _gatherViewUnprintable() ;
		AV_View * pAVView = m_pFrame->getCurrentView();
		UT_return_if_fail (pAVView);

		FV_View * pView = static_cast<FV_View *> (pAVView);


#if defined(TOOLKIT_GTK)
	if ( _gatherEnableSmoothScrolling() != XAP_App::getApp()->isSmoothScrollingEnabled() )
	// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	// save ruler units value
				   (gchar*)UT_dimensionName( _gatherViewRulerUnits()) );

	// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	// save screen color
				   _gatherColorForTransparent() );

	// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	// allow XAP_Prefs to notify all the listeners of changes

	// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	// TODO: change to snprintf
	gchar szBuffer[40];
	sprintf( szBuffer, "%i", _gatherNotebookPageNum() );
				   (gchar*)szBuffer );

	// allow the prefListeners to receive their calls

	// if we hit the Save button, then force a save after the gather
	if ( m_answer == a_SAVE ) {
		pPrefs->savePrefsFile();				// TODO: check the results
