Пример #1
void CoreNode::look(const Vector& target, const Vector& up) {
    Vector zaxis = (target - position_).unit();
    Vector xaxis = (up.cross(zaxis)).unit();
    Vector yaxis = (zaxis.cross(xaxis)).unit();
    rotation(Quaternion(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis));   
Пример #2
void Camera::SetPOVLookAt( const Vector& vCameraPosition, const Vector& vTarget, Vector vUp )
  Vector vZBasis = (vCameraPosition - vTarget).normalized();

  // if the zero vector was passed try to preserve the current camera up as much as possible
  if ( vUp == Vector::zero() )
    vUp = m_mtxPOV.yBasis;
    vUp = vUp.normalized();

  // if the z direction is parallel to the desired up direction
  // we need to pick another up.
  if ( IsNearZero(1.0f - fabs(vZBasis.dot(vUp))) )
    // make the new up perpendicular to the plane of the new z axis and the old right direction.
    // it's a decent guess.
    vUp = vZBasis.cross( m_mtxPOV.xBasis ).normalized();

  Vector vXBasis = vUp.cross(vZBasis).normalized();
  Vector vYBasis = vZBasis.cross( vXBasis ).normalized();

  m_mtxPOV.xBasis = vXBasis;
  m_mtxPOV.yBasis = vYBasis;
  m_mtxPOV.zBasis = vZBasis;
  m_mtxPOV.origin = vCameraPosition;

Пример #3
void Player::Wheel::constrainDirection(const Vector& z) {
  if (!friction()) {
    angle += angleStep;
    return; // no normal force, no friction

  /* Don't let upwards-moving platforms launch us into the air. */
  Vector cv = contactVelocity;
  if (cv.y > 0) {
    cv.y = 0.f;

  /* Cancel the sideways component of the velocity. */
  Vector v = position - previousPosition - cv;
  v -= z * z.dot(v);
  previousPosition = position - v - cv;

  /* Rotate the wheel. */
  Vector forward = z.cross(contactNormal);
  Vector vForward = forward * forward.dot(v);
  float l = vForward.length();
  if (vForward.cross(contactNormal).dot(z) > 0) {
    l *= -1;
  angleStep = 360.f * l / (M_PI * 2 * wheelRadius);
  angle += angleStep;
Пример #4
// Pulled from Parallax
void Matrix::lookAt(const Vector & eye, const Vector & center, const Vector & upi) {
	Vector forward = (center - eye).normalize();

	// Side = forward x up
	Vector side = (forward.cross(upi)).normalize();

	// Recompute up as: up = side x forward
	Vector up = side.cross(forward);

	// Put the initial transformation in a tmp matrix
	Matrix mult; mult.identity();

	mult.matrix[0][0] = side.x;
	mult.matrix[1][0] = side.y;
	mult.matrix[2][0] = side.z;

	mult.matrix[0][1] = up.x;
	mult.matrix[1][1] = up.y;
	mult.matrix[2][1] = up.z;

	mult.matrix[0][2] = -forward.x;
	mult.matrix[1][2] = -forward.y;
	mult.matrix[2][2] = -forward.z;

	// Translate us

	// And finish recomputing
	*this = (*this) * mult;
Пример #5
Color Ray::glossyReflectionShade(Ray& reflectedRay, const Vector& normal, const ObjektConstPtr& object, const double glossy, const int glossySamples, const std::vector<ObjektConstPtr>& objects, const std::vector<LightConstPtr>& lights, const Color& background, const Color& globalAmbient)
	static std::default_random_engine generator;
	static uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0, 1);
	static auto random = std::bind(distribution, generator);

	// glossy reflection
	const Vector reflZ = reflectedRay.getDirection();
	const Vector reflX = reflZ.cross(normal).normalize();
	const Vector reflY = reflZ.cross(reflX).normalize();

	AccumulatedColor accMirrColor;
	for (int i = 0; i < glossySamples; i++)
		const double angle = random() * 2 * M_PI;
		const double radius = random() * glossy;
		const Vector r = reflZ

		// if reflected ray intersects with object, skip it
		if (normal.dot(r) < 0)

		const Color clr = reflectedRay.shade(objects, lights, background, globalAmbient);


	return accMirrColor.getColor();
Пример #6
void Camera::rotate( float x, float y )
    Vector po = getVSpherePos((float) m_LastMouseX, m_LastMouseY);
    Vector pn = getVSpherePos(x, y);
    if((po-pn).lengthSquared() < 0.0001f )
    float cosangle = po.dot(pn);
    if(cosangle>1.0f) cosangle=1.0f;
    if(cosangle<-1.0f) cosangle=-1.0f;
    const float angle = acos(cosangle);
    Vector RotAxis = pn.cross(po);
    //Vector Diff = m_Position-m_Target;
    Vector Diff(0,0,(m_Position-m_Target).length());
    Vector RotDiff = rotateAxisAngle(Diff, RotAxis, angle);
    Vector cdir = m_Target-m_Position;
    Vector cup = m_Up;
    Vector cright = cdir.cross(cup);
    cup = cright.cross(cdir);

    Vector RotDiffW;
    RotDiffW.X = cright.X * RotDiff.X + cup.X * RotDiff.Y +  -cdir.X * RotDiff.Z;
    RotDiffW.Y = cright.Y * RotDiff.X + cup.Y * RotDiff.Y +  -cdir.Y * RotDiff.Z;
    RotDiffW.Z = cright.Z * RotDiff.X + cup.Z * RotDiff.Y +  -cdir.Z * RotDiff.Z;
    m_Rotation = RotDiffW - (m_Position-m_Target);
Пример #7
Matrix Scene::getPerspectiveMatrix(float x, float y, float z, Vector direction, Vector up, float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far) 
	// first we set camera params
	direction = direction.normalized();
	Vector normal = direction.cross(up).normalized();
	Vector u = normal.cross(direction).normalized();
	direction = Vector(-direction.getX(), -direction.getY(), -direction.getZ());
	Vector eye(x,y,z);
	Matrix camera(
		normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ(), -normal.dot(eye),
		u.getX(), u.getY(), u.getZ(), -u.dot(eye), 
		direction.getX(), direction.getY(), direction.getZ(), -direction.dot(eye),
		0, 0, 0, 1
	float f = 1.0 / tan(fovy / 2);
	float d = far - near;
	Matrix perspective(
		f/aspect, 0.0, 0, 0, 
		0.0, f, 0.0, 0.0,
		0.0, 0.0, -(near + far)/d, -2*near*far/d, 
		0.0, 0.0, -1, 0.0
	Matrix result = perspective.mult(camera);
	return result;
Пример #8
    // Source: gluLookAt
    Matrix Matrix::lookAt(const Vector &eye, const Vector &front, const Vector &up) {
        Vector s = front.cross(up);
        Vector u = s.cross(front);

        Matrix result;
        Float32 *dest = result.data;

        dest[0] = s.x;
        dest[4] = s.y;
        dest[8] = s.z;
        dest[12] = 0.0f;

        dest[1] = u.x;
        dest[5] = u.y;
        dest[9] = u.z;
        dest[13] = 0.0f;

        dest[2] = -front.x;
        dest[6] = -front.y;
        dest[10] = -front.z;
        dest[14] = 0.0f;

        dest[3] = 0.0f;
        dest[7] = 0.0f;
        dest[11] = 0.0f;
        dest[15] = 1.0f;

        return result * translate(-eye);
Пример #9
void Camera::generateRay(Sample& sample, Ray* ray){

	/*float normalX = sample.x / myWidth;
	float normalY = sample.y / myHeight;

	float remapX = 2 * normalX - 1;
	float remapY = 2 * normalY - 1;*/

	//account for aspect ratio and dof; not sure if needed
	float ar = myWidth / myHeight;
	float alpha = 2 * atan(abs(myUL.y) / abs(myUL.z));

	float cameraX = (2 * remapX - 1) * ar * tan(alpha/2);
	float cameraY = (1 - 2 * remapY) * tan(alpha/2);

	// Calculate ray with camera data given by input file, not four corners /////////////////////
	Vector dir = lookat-pos;
    //cout << n.x << " " << n.y << " " << n.z << endl; //0 0 -1
    Vector u = dir.cross(up);
    //cout << u.x << " " << u.y << " " << u.z << endl; //1 0 0
    Vector v = u.cross(dir);
    //cout << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z << endl; //0 1 0
	Vector xinc = u*2*tan(fov*M_PI/180/2)/pixWidth * pixWidth/pixHeight;
    //cout << xinc.x << " " << xinc.y << " " << xinc.z << endl;
    Vector yinc = v*2*tan(fov*M_PI/180/2)/pixHeight;
    //cout << yinc.x << " " << yinc.y << " " << yinc.z << endl;

    Vector vec = dir + yinc*0.5*(2*sample.y+1-pixHeight) + xinc*0.5*(2*sample.x+1-pixWidth);
    //cout << vec.x << " " << vec.y << " " << vec.z << endl;
    /*if (pixWidth > pixHeight)
            vec.x = vec.x*((float)pixWidth/pixHeight);
	else if(pixHeight > pixWidth)
            vec.y = vec.y*((float)pixHeight/pixWidth);
	//vec.x = vec.x*pixWidth/pixHeight;
    //cout << vec.x << " " << vec.y << " " << vec.z << endl;
    *ray = Ray(pos, vec, 1, 100);

	/*Point camSpace = Point(remapX, remapY, -3);
	Vector dir = camSpace - myPos;

	*ray = Ray(myPos, dir, 1, 100);*/
Пример #10
Matrix Matrix::buildRotation( const Vector & rkFrom, const Vector & rkTo )
	// compute dot product between From and To
	Real fCosAngle = rkFrom.dot( rkTo );

	Real fEpsilon = 10e-4;
	if ( Abs( fCosAngle - 1 ) < fEpsilon ) 	/// dot product close to 1.0
		// rotate by an angle of zero with an arbitrary direction
		return buildRotation( 0.0, 1 );	// use y axis
		if ( Abs( fCosAngle + 1.0 ) < fEpsilon ) 	// dot product close to 0.0
			// find an orthogonal direction to create axis
			Vector kOrtho;

			if ( Abs( rkFrom.x() ) < Abs( rkFrom.y() ) )
				if ( Abs( rkFrom.x() ) < Abs( rkFrom.z() ) )
					kOrtho = Vector( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );	// use x axis.
					kOrtho = Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );	// use z axis
				if ( Abs( rkFrom.y() ) < Abs( rkFrom.z() ) )
					kOrtho = Vector( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );	// use y axis
					kOrtho = Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );	// use z axis

			// find orthogonal axis to use for rotation
			Vector kAxis( rkFrom.cross( kOrtho ) );	// Axis = From x Ortho (cross prod)

			Real fAngle = ArcCosine( fCosAngle );	// find rotation angle

			// create new rotation matrix about new axis
			return buildRotation( fAngle, kAxis );
			// find orthogonal axis to use for rotation
			Vector kAxis( rkFrom.cross( rkTo ) );	// Axis = From x To (cross prod)
			Real fAngle = ArcCosine( fCosAngle );	// find rotation angle

			// create new rotation matrix about new axis
			return buildRotation( fAngle, kAxis );
Пример #11
void Camera::pan( float dx, float dy)
    // calculate panning-plane
    Vector aDir = m_Target-m_Position;
    Vector aRight = aDir.cross(m_Up);
    Vector aUp = aDir.cross(aRight);
    m_Panning = aRight * dx + aUp * dy;
Пример #12
bool Tracer::scatterDiffuse(const IntersectDescr& node, Ray& ray) const
	const Material& material = node.shape_->getMaterial();

	const double max_comp = std::max(
		material.getColor()[ 0 ],
		std::max( material.getColor()[ 1 ], material.getColor()[ 2 ] ) );

	if( max_comp <= 1e-4 )
		return false;

	const Vector w_vec = node.normal_;
	Vector u_vec = std::abs( w_vec[ 0 ] ) > .1 ? Vector( 0., 1., 0. )
											   : Vector( 1., 0., 0. );
	u_vec = u_vec.cross( w_vec ).normalized();
	const Vector v_vec = w_vec.cross( u_vec ).normalized();

	const double theta = 2. * ::PI * uniform_distrib_( rand_gen_ );
	const double radius = uniform_distrib_( rand_gen_ );
	const double radius_sqr = std::sqrt( radius );

	ray = Ray( node.point_,
			   ( u_vec * std::cos( theta ) * radius_sqr +
				 v_vec * std::sin( theta ) * radius_sqr +
				 w_vec * std::sqrt( 1. - radius ) )
				   .normalized() );
	return true;
Пример #13
Matrix Matrix::look(Vector const& pos, Vector const& at, Vector const& sky) {
    Vector forward = (pos - at).unit();
    Vector right = sky.unit().cross(forward);
    Vector up = forward.cross(right);

    return Matrix::translate(pos) * Matrix::rotate(right, up, forward);
    Vector forward = (pos - at).unit();
    Vector right = sky.unit().cross(forward);
    Vector up = forward.cross(right);

    Matrix data;
    data[0] = right.x;
    data[1] = up.x;
    data[2] = forward.x;
    data[3] = 0;
    data[4] = right.y;
    data[5] = up.y;
    data[6] = forward.y;
    data[7] = 0;

    data[8] = right.z;
    data[9] = up.z;
    data[10] = forward.z;
    data[11] = 0;

    return data * Matrix::translate(-pos);*/

Пример #14
Matrix Matrix::look(Vector const& direction) {
    Vector forward = direction.unit();
    Vector up = forward.orthogonal();
    Vector right = up.cross(forward);

    return Matrix::rotate(right, up, forward);
Пример #15
	Computes intersection between the Tube and the ray, and returns itself if 
	it is hit or NULL if it is not along with the point of intersection
SceneObject* Tube::intersect(Ray* r, Point &intersect) {
	Vector dist = this->origin - r->start;


	//double a = dot3(r->dir,r->dir);
	//double b = 2 * dot3(r->start - this->origin,r->dir);
	//double c = dot3(r->start - this->origin,r->start - this->origin) - this->radius * this->radius;

	//double disc = discrim(a,b,c);

	////Parallel to tube, does not intersect
	//if(dot3(r->dir,this->up) == 0) return false;
	//else if(disc >= 0) { //Find closest intersection
	//	double discSqrt = sqrt(disc);
	//	double quad;
	//	if (b < 0)	quad = (-b - discSqrt)/2.f;
	//	else quad = (-b + discSqrt)/2.f;

	//	double t0 = quad/a;
	//	double t1 = c/quad;
	//	if(t0 > t1) swap(t0,t1);

	//	double t;
	//	if(t0 < 0 && t1 < 0) return false;
	//	if(t0 < 0) t = t1;
	//	else t = t0;

	//	intersect = r->start + t * r->dir;
	//	return this;
	//return NULL;
	Ray: O + V * t
	Cylinder: [this->origin,this->up,this->radius]
	A = this->origin
	O = r->start
	V = r->dir

	Vector AB = this->up;
	Vector AO = r->start - this->origin;
	Vector AOxAB = AO.cross(AB);
	Vector VxAB = r->dir.cross(AB);
	double ab2 = AB.dot(AB);

	double a = VxAB.dot(VxAB);
	double b = 2 * VxAB.dot(AOxAB);
	double c = AOxAB.dot(AOxAB) - this->radius*this->radius * ab2;

	double t = quadratic(a,b,c);
	if(t < 0) return NULL;

	intersect = r->start + t * r->dir;
	return this;
Пример #16
// Function to compute the unit normal vector
// Remember to output a normalised vector!
Vector Plane::normal(Vector pos, Vector src)
    Vector bMinusA = b - a;
    Vector cMinusA = c - a;
    Vector n = bMinusA.cross(cMinusA);
    return n;
Пример #17
const AxisAngle AxisAngle::fromTwoVectors(const Vector& u, const Vector& v)
  AxisAngle a = u.cross(v);
  float norm = sqrt(u.normSquare() * v.normSquare());
  if(norm != 0.0) a /= norm; // Avoid singularity if u or v is null
  float sinAngle = a.norm();
  float ratio = asin(sinAngle) / sinAngle;
  if(ratio != ratio) ratio = 0.0; // Avoid ratio singularity
  return a * ratio;
dmz::StarfighterPluginTargets::_new_ori (
      const Float64 DeltaTime,
      const Vector &Dir,
      TargetStruct &obj,
      Matrix &ori) {

   Vector hvec (Dir);

   hvec.set_y (0.0);
   hvec.normalize_in_place ();

   Float64 heading = Forward.get_angle (hvec);

   Vector hcross = Forward.cross (hvec).normalize ();

   if (hcross.get_y () < 0.0) { heading = TwoPi64 - heading; }

   if (heading > Pi64) { heading = heading - TwoPi64; }
   else if (heading < -Pi64) { heading = heading + TwoPi64; }

   Float64 pitch = Dir.get_angle (hvec);
   Vector pcross = Dir.cross (hvec).normalize ();
   Vector ncross = hvec.cross (pcross);

   if (ncross.get_y () < 0.0) { pitch = TwoPi64 - pitch; }

   obj.heading = _rotate (DeltaTime, obj.heading, heading);

   obj.pitch = _rotate (DeltaTime, obj.pitch, pitch);

   if (is_zero64 (pitch - obj.pitch) && is_zero64 (heading - obj.heading)) {

      obj.onTarget = true;

   Matrix hm (Up, obj.heading);

   Matrix pm (Right, obj.pitch);

   ori = hm * pm;
Пример #19
Matrix Matrix::fromForwardVector(Vector const& forward) {
    Vector const zaxis = forward.unit();
    Vector const xaxis = forward.orthogonal().cross(zaxis).unit();
    Vector const yaxis = zaxis.cross(xaxis).unit();

    return Matrix(
        xaxis.x, xaxis.y, xaxis.z, 0,
        yaxis.x, yaxis.y, yaxis.z, 0,
        zaxis.x, zaxis.y, zaxis.z, 0,
        0,       0,       0,       1
Пример #20
void GetOrthonormalBasisFromNormal(const Vector<float>& normal,
                                   Vector<float>& u, Vector<float>& v,
                                   Vector<float>& w) {
    // u-v-w - Coordinate system - w is along normal
    // determine major direction:
    w = normal;
    int axis = 0;
    float mag = fabs(w.x());
    if (fabs(w.y()) > mag) {
        axis = 1;
        mag = fabs(w.y());
    if (fabs(w.z()) > mag) {
        axis = 2;
        mag = fabs(w.z());


    if (axis != 0) {
        v = w.cross(Vector<float>(1, 0, 0));
        u = v.cross(w);
    } else if (axis != 1) {
        v = w.cross(Vector<float>(0, 1, 0));
        u = v.cross(w);
    } else {
        v = w.cross(Vector<float>(0, 0, 1));
        u = v.cross(w);
Пример #21
Quaternion Vector::quat_to(const Vector r) const{
	const double dot = r.normalise().dot(this->normalise());
	if(dot >= 1){
		return Quaternion(1,0,0,0);
	} else if(dot <= -1){
		return Quaternion(0,0,0,1);
	} else {
		const Vector axis = r.cross(*this).normalise();
		const a_t theta = acos(dot);
		const float sinv = sin(theta/2);
		return Quaternion(cos(theta/2),sinv*axis.x,sinv*axis.y,sinv*axis.z);
Пример #22
void Camera<Scalar>::orbitDown(Scalar rad)
    //first update camera position
    Vector<Scalar,3> camera_direction = focus_position_ - camera_position_;
    Vector<Scalar,3> axis = camera_direction.cross(camera_up_);
    Quaternion<Scalar> quat(axis,rad);
    camera_position_ = quat.rotate(camera_position_);
    //then update up direction
    camera_direction = focus_position_ - camera_position_;
    camera_up_ = axis.cross(camera_direction);
Пример #23
Vector Ant::getSteepestDown()
    Vector normal = GridManager::interpolateNormal(AgentManager::getFace(agentID), position);
	if(normal.x == 0 && normal.x == 0) // tangent plane is a horizontal plane
		return Vector(0,0,0);
	if(normal.y == 0)
		Vector tangent = Vector(0,1,0)
		float a = -(normal.x/normal.y);
		Vector tangent = Vector(1,a,0);
	Vector steepest = normal.cross(tangent) / normal.cross(tangent).magnitude();
	// z component must be between -1 and 1
	if(steepest.z > 0)
		steepest = steepest * -1;
	return steepest;
Пример #24
//Function to test if an input point is within the quad.
bool Plane::isInside(Vector q)
	Vector n = normal(q);
	Vector ua = b-a,  ub = c-b, uc = d-c, ud = a-d;
	Vector va = q-a,  vb = q-b, vc = q-c, vd = q-d;
	if (((ua.cross(va)).dot(n) >0) &&
	    ((ub.cross(vb)).dot(n) >0) &&
	    ((uc.cross(vc)).dot(n) >0) &&
	    ((ud.cross(vd)).dot(n) >0)) return true;
	return false;
	//Complete this function
Пример #25
// determine the transform from view coordinates to world coordinates.
void Transform::view(const Point& eye, const Point&at, const Vector& up){
	Vector ncoor = eye - at;
	Vector ucoor = up.cross(ncoor);
	Vector vcoor = ncoor.cross(ucoor);


	Vector tmp = eye - Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0f);

	float dx = -tmp.dot(ucoor);
	float dy = -tmp.dot(vcoor);
	float dz = -tmp.dot(ncoor);

	mat_[0][0] = ucoor.x();
	mat_[0][1] = ucoor.y();
	mat_[0][2] = ucoor.z();
	mat_[0][3] = dx;

	mat_[1][0] = vcoor.x();
	mat_[1][1] = vcoor.y();
	mat_[1][2] = vcoor.z();
	mat_[1][3] = dy;

	mat_[2][0] = ncoor.x();
	mat_[2][1] = ncoor.y();
	mat_[2][2] = ncoor.z();
	mat_[2][3] = dz;

	mat_[3][0] = 0.0;
	mat_[3][1] = 0.0;
	mat_[3][2] = 0.0;
	mat_[3][3] = 1.0f;
Пример #26
void Matrix4x4::makeViewRotation(const Vector& ahead)
	static Vector worldUp(0, 1, 0);
	Vector backward = -ahead.normalize();
	Vector right = backward.cross(worldUp).normalize();
	Vector up = right.cross(backward);

	m[0][0] = right.x;
	m[0][1] = right.y;
	m[0][2] = right.z;
	m[0][3] = 0;
	m[1][0] = up.x;
	m[1][1] = up.y;
	m[1][2] = up.z;
	m[1][3] = 0;
	m[2][0] = backward.x;
	m[2][1] = backward.y;
	m[2][2] = backward.z;
	m[2][3] = 0;
	m[3][0] = 0;
	m[3][1] = 0;
	m[3][2] = 0;
	m[3][3] = 1;
Пример #27
void Matrix4x4::makeView(const Vector& eye, const Vector& ahead)
	static Vector worldUp(0, 1, 0);
	Vector unitAhead = ahead.normalize();
	Vector right = unitAhead.cross(worldUp).normalize();
	Vector up = right.cross(unitAhead);

	m[0][0] = right.x;
	m[0][1] = right.y;
	m[0][2] = right.z;
	m[0][3] = eye.dot(Vector(right.x, up.x, unitAhead.x));
	m[1][0] = up.x;
	m[1][1] = up.y;
	m[1][2] = up.z;
	m[1][3] = eye.dot(Vector(right.y, up.y, unitAhead.y));
	m[2][0] = unitAhead.x;
	m[2][1] = unitAhead.y;
	m[2][2] = unitAhead.z;
	m[2][3] = eye.dot(Vector(right.y, up.y, unitAhead.y));
	m[3][0] = 0;
	m[3][1] = 0;
	m[3][2] = 0;
	m[3][3] = 1;
Пример #28
Vector Ant::getClimbMountainForce(){

    Vector normal = GridManager::interpolateNormal(AgentManager::getFace(agentID), position);
	if(normal.x==0 && normal.y==0) // tangent plane is a horizontal plane
		return Vector(0,0,0);
	if(normal.y == 0)
		Vector tangent = Vector(0,1,0)
		float a = -(normal.x/normal.y);
		Vector tangent = Vector(1,a,0);
	Vector steepest = normal.cross(tangent) / normal.cross(tangent).magnitude();
	// z component must be between -1 and 1
	if(steepest.z < 0)
		steepest = steepest * -1;
	// z component between 0 and 1, the closer to 1, the harder it should be to get up
	steepest = steepest * 5* pow(steepest.z -1,2);
	return steepest;
Пример #29
 double angleBetween(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, Vector *axis) {
   double squared_length1 = v1.squaredNorm();
   double squared_length2 = v2.squaredNorm();
   double tmp = sqrt(squared_length1 * squared_length2);
   double angle = acos(v1.dot(v2) / tmp);
   if (axis != NULL) {
     // special case 0 and 180 degrees where the axis is ambiguous
     // Note that acos returns a value in [0, M_PI] so angle is in that range
     if ((angle <= EPSILON) || (M_PI - angle <= EPSILON)) {
       // find an axis that isn't zero and switch it with another one 
       // make sure to keep the length intact
       Vector dummy;
       if (v1(0) > EPSILON) {
         dummy = Vector(v1.y(), -v1.x(), v1.z());
       } else {
         dummy = Vector(v1.x(), v1.z(), -v1.y());
       *axis = dummy.cross(v2) / tmp;
     } else {
       *axis = v1.cross(v2) / tmp;
   return angle;
Пример #30
void Transform::reorthonormalize(void)
    Vector k = getLocalFrameK_p();
    Vector j = getLocalFrameJ_p();

    if (!k.normalize())
        DEBUG_FATAL(true, ("could not normalize frame k"));
        k = Vector::unitZ; //lint !e527 // Unreachable

    if (!j.normalize())
        DEBUG_FATAL(true, ("could not normalize frame j"));
        j = Vector::unitY; //lint !e527 // Unreachable

    // build the remaining vector with the cross product
    Vector i = j.cross(k);

    // use that result to rebuild the
    j = k.cross(i);

    // copy the results back into the transform
    matrix[0][0] = i.x;
    matrix[1][0] = i.y;
    matrix[2][0] = i.z;

    matrix[0][1] = j.x;
    matrix[1][1] = j.y;
    matrix[2][1] = j.z;

    matrix[0][2] = k.x;
    matrix[1][2] = k.y;
    matrix[2][2] = k.z;