Пример #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  srand (getpid());
  Common_SetDebug (TRUE);

  get_args(argc, argv);

  JHMM		*synthesis_hmm = NULL, *hmm[10];
  Behavior	*beh = NULL;

  tl_message ("Loading hmm factor for synthesis");
  hmm[0] = new JHMM;
  hmm[1] = new JHMM;
  hmm[2] = new JHMM;

  WorkSpace *work = NULL;
  work = new WorkSpace();
  work->LoadMotionDB ("../../script/learning_scriptfile_2");
  //work->LoadHTKUnits ("../../script/htkunit_scriptfile_2");
  work->SetHTKUnitsFromMotionDB ();
  work->SpaceLoad    ("../../script/symbol_data/tmp_dim.spc");
  cerr << "num of htk_units = " << work->NumOfHTKUnits() << endl;

#if 0
  work->SpaceFileOut ("./tmp_space_output.txt");

  tl_message ("KL distance from 0 to 1 (by new algo.) = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(0)->CalcKLDistance ( work->GetNthHTKUnit(1) ) );
  tl_message ("KL distance from 1 to 0 (by new algo.) = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(1)->CalcKLDistance ( work->GetNthHTKUnit(0) ) );
  tl_message ("KL distance from 0 to 2 (by new algo.) = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(0)->CalcKLDistance ( work->GetNthHTKUnit(2) ) );
  tl_message ("KL distance from 2 to 0 (by new algo.) = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(2)->CalcKLDistance ( work->GetNthHTKUnit(0) ) );
  tl_message ("KL distance from 1 to 2 (by new algo.) = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(1)->CalcKLDistance ( work->GetNthHTKUnit(2) ) );
  tl_message ("KL distance from 2 to 1 (by new algo.) = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(2)->CalcKLDistance ( work->GetNthHTKUnit(1) ) );
  work->SpaceFileOut ("./tmp_space_output.txt");

  tl_message ("Hellinger Distance from 0 to 1 = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(0)->CalcHellingerDistance ( *(work->GetNthHTKUnit(1)) ) );
  tl_message ("Hellinger Distance from 1 to 0 = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(1)->CalcHellingerDistance ( *(work->GetNthHTKUnit(0)) ) );
  tl_message ("Hellinger Distance from 0 to 2 = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(0)->CalcHellingerDistance ( *(work->GetNthHTKUnit(2)) ) );
  //tl_message ("Hellinger Distance from 2 to 0 = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(2)->CalcHellingerDistance ( work->GetNthHTKUnit(0) ) );
  tl_message ("Hellinger Distance from 1 to 2 = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(1)->CalcHellingerDistance ( *(work->GetNthHTKUnit(2)) ) );
  //tl_message ("Hellinger Distance from 2 to 1 = %g", work->GetNthHTKUnit(2)->CalcHellingerDistance ( work->GetNthHTKUnit(1) ) );

  vector<double>	tmp_dis, tmp_cord;
  tl_message ("Now generate a general synthesised HMM");
  ofstream fout("./result.dat");
  fout << "weight[0], weight[1], pseudo_distance to [0], pseudo_distance to [1], position_1, position_2" << endl;
  for (int i=-20; i<=20; i++)
      synthesis_hmm = new JHMM;
      weight[0] = 0.1 * i;
      weight[1] = 1.0 - 0.1 * i;
      synthesis_hmm->InterpolationAny (hmm, weight, 2);
      beh = synthesis_hmm->GenerateBehavior(100, 30);
      delete synthesis_hmm;

      work->CalcDistanceOfInputBehavior(beh, tmp_dis);
      work->GetPsymbolSpace()->CoordinateFromDistanceData(tmp_dis, tmp_cord);
      fout << weight[0] << "," << weight[1] << ",";

      for (int i=0; i<(int)(tmp_dis.size()); i++)
	fout << tmp_dis[i] << ",";
      for (int i=0; i<(int)(tmp_cord.size()); i++)
	fout << tmp_cord[i] << ",";
      fout << endl;
      cerr << "size of distance vector = " << tmp_dis.size() << ", and size of coordinate = " << tmp_cord.size() << endl;

  delete beh;
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
    delete hmm[i];
  return TRUE;
  return TRUE;