char bibfile_parser::get_very_next_character(void) { char c = char(bibfile.get()); if (bibfile.eof()) { reached_end_of_file = true; return 0; } if (!bibfile.good()) { cerr << endl << "error reading input bibfile" << endl; exit(0); } return c; }
string readdata_ouput() // read data from file {"output.txt"); var_int_loop_i = 0; if (var_read.eof()) { return 0; } while (!var_read.eof()) { var_read >> var_char_read; if (var_char_read >= 'A' && var_char_read <= 'Z') { var_char_read += 32; } if (var_char_read >= 'a' && var_char_read <= 'z') { encrypted1[var_int_loop_i] = var_char_read; var_int_loop_i++; } } encrypted1[var_int_loop_i - 1] = '\0'; var_read.close(); return encrypted1; }
void getPrice(ifstream& file, int prices[], int entry) //Get the individual component prices { int temp = 0; int count = 0; GotoLine(file, entry); while (!file.eof()) { file >> temp; prices[count] = temp; count++; } }
Piece::Piece(ifstream &in) : width_(0), height_(0), sin_(0), cos_(1), flip_(1) { string line; while (!in.eof()) { getline(in, line); size_t occ = line.find_last_of('#'); if (!line.length() || string::npos==occ) break; width_ = max(width_, (int)occ+1); for (int i=0; i<(int)line.length(); i++) { if (line[i]=='#') coords_.push_back(Vec2i(i, height_)); } height_++; } }
float ComputePctScore(ifstream& input, int numScores) { int total=0, possible=0; int score, high; float pct; while (!input.eof()) { input >> score >> high; total += score; possible += high; } pct = 100.0 * total/possible; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { setArgs(argc, argv);, ios::in | ios::binary); while(!hintFile.eof()) { EvictionRecord *er = new EvictionRecord(); (char *)er,sizeof(EvictionRecord)); er->print(); } hintFile.close(); }
/*POT_LJ_SPLINE ReadInput: READS AND STORES POTENTIAL PARAMETER VALUES*/ string POT_LJ_SPLINE::ReadInput(ifstream &Input) { string str; while(!Input.eof()) { str = Read_Next(Input); if(, 7, "epsilon", 7)==0) {Fill(epsilon, Input);} else if(, 5, "sigma" , 5)==0) {Fill(sigma , Input);} else if(, 3, "cutoff" , 3)==0) {Fill(cutoff , Input);} else if(, 3, "Acutoff", 3)==0) {Fill(Acutoff, Input);} else if(, 3, "rspline", 3)==0) {Fill(rspline, Input);} else {break;} } return(str); }
void insertNext(PQ & pq, ifstream & fin, int limit) { if (limit == 0) limit = numeric_limits<int>::max(); string word; int ct; while (!fin.eof() && pq.size < limit) { pq.size++; fin >> word >> ct; pq.insert(ItemType(word, ct)); } }
void CDictionary::ReadTranslations(ifstream & input) { string phrase, key, translation; while (!input.eof()) { getline(input, phrase); translation = "oormveienrovenive"; if (ParseTranslation(phrase, key, translation)) { m_dictionary[key] = translation; } } }
int main() { #ifdef _PARSARE_ freopen(nume ".in","r",stdin); cit(n); #endif vector<int> v; while(!fin.eof()) { fin>>n; if(fin.eof()) break; v.clear(); for(int i=0;i<n;++i) fin>>x,v.push_back(x); fout<<mergesort(v).second<<'\n'; } fout.close(); return 0; }
void ValueTable::ReturnValueTable(ifstream& f) { m_str = ""; char ch; while(!f.eof() && f.get(ch)) { ++m_TableMap[ch]; m_str += ch; } return; }
ref_loc_t RefSeq::LoadNextSeq(ifstream &fin) { char ch[1000]; char c; string s; if(param.gz_ref) return 0; fin>>c; if(fin.eof()) return 0; string::iterator z=_seq.begin(); _length=0; fin>>_name; fin.getline(ch, 1000); while(!fin.eof()) { fin>>c; if(fin.eof()) break; fin.unget(); if(c=='>') break; fin>>s; if(_length+s.size()>=param.max_dbseq_size) { param.max_dbseq_size+=param.append_dbseq_size; _seq.resize(param.max_dbseq_size); z=_seq.begin()+_length; //cout<<"_seq size: "<<param.max_dbseq_size<<endl; } copy(s.begin(), s.end(), z); z+=s.size(); _length+=s.size(); } return _length; }
bool readPoints(ifstream &fin) { int state=0; char line[255]; int nPointsC2; while (!fin.eof()) { fin.getline(line,sizeof(line),'\n'); Bottle b(line); Value firstItem=b.get(0); bool isNumber=firstItem.isInt() || firstItem.isDouble(); if (state==0) { string tmp=firstItem.asString().c_str(); std::transform(tmp.begin(),tmp.end(),tmp.begin(),::toupper); if (tmp=="OFF") state++; } else if (state==1) { if (isNumber) { nPointsC2=nPointsC=firstItem.asInt();; state++; } } else if (state==2) { if (isNumber && (b.size()>=3)) { Vector point; point.resize(3,0.0); point[0]=b.get(0).asDouble(); point[1]=b.get(1).asDouble(); point[2]=b.get(2).asDouble(); point_cloud.push_back(point); if (--nPointsC2<=0) return true; } } } return false; }
void ReadDataFile(){ cout << "Opening data file 'data_" << FileNumber << ".txt'..." << endl; string file = "data_" + FileNumber + ".txt";; if (!DataFile){ TerminateError("Unable to open data file."); } ListNode<ListNodeData> *node = NULL; //Find the last node to append the list, if the list is already with items. TheList.Rewind(); while (TheList.Current() != NULL){ node = TheList.Current(); TheList.Next(); } string text, dummy; int number; //Read data file into list while (!DataFile.eof()){ GetLine(DataFile, text); //GetLine gets rid of newline character. if (DataFile.eof()){ //EOF was reached before a number is read!? Means file is malformed. Ignoring final node. cout << "Unexpected end of file for data file. Finishing read." << endl; break; } DataFile >> number; getline(DataFile, dummy); //Use GetLine to clear the newline character. //The default behaviour of inserting new nodes to the list is by inserting it at the first node. //So we need a "workaround" to build the list as it was defined in the data file. cout << "Appending Node " << text << " " << number << endl; if (node == NULL){ node = TheList.InsertNewNode(ListNodeData(number, text)); //This is the first node. } else{ node = TheList.AppendNode(node, ListNodeData(number, text)); //Append additional node behind the first node } } DataFile.close(); }
void add_plus_plus(ifstream& in_stream, ofstream& out_stream) { char next; in_stream.get(next); while (! in_stream.eof( )) { if (next == 'C') out_stream << "C++"; else out_stream << next; in_stream.get(next); } }
void moveInsideFile(ifstream &f,int moveStep) { //Use this function to move inside the file //per line number int i=0; string line; f.clear(); f.seekg(0,ios::beg); while(i<moveStep && f.eof()!=true) { getline(f,line); i++; } }
void getLineCoordVt(ifstream &myFile){ double nombrex; double nombrey; std::string myString; while (!myFile.eof()) { getline(myFile, myString); if ((myString[0] == 'v') && (myString[1] == 't') && (myString[2] == ' ')) { myString.erase(myString.begin(),myString.begin()+3); int i = 0; while (myString[i] == ' ') { i++; } while (myString[i] != ' ') { char c = myString[i]; tabvtx.push_back(c); i++; } while (myString[i] == ' ') { i++; } while (myString[i] != ' ') { char c = myString[i]; tabvty.push_back(c); i++; } std::string strx(tabvtx.begin(), tabvtx.end()); std::string stry(tabvty.begin(), tabvty.end()); nombrex = atof(strx.c_str()); nombrey = atof(stry.c_str()); tabvt.push_back(nombrex); tabvt.push_back(nombrey); taballvt.push_back(tabvt); tabvt.pop_back(); tabvt.pop_back(); tabvtx.clear(); tabvty.clear(); } } myFile.close(); }
void skipDelimiter(ifstream& ifile) { while(!ifile.eof()) { char ch=ifile.peek(); if(ch=='\n'){ lastLineOffset = offset; offset=1; lineNum++; ifile.get(); } else if(ch==' '||ch=='\t') { offset++; ifile.get(); } else break; } }
void start_thread(int num) { cerr << "starting worker " << num << endl; char buffer[mem_each*1024]; //cerr << "stream good: " << input.good() << endl; input.get(buffer, mem_each*1024, EOF); //cerr << "Buffer: " << string(buffer) << endl; maps[num] = unordered_map<string, int>(); //cerr << "Map clean: " << maps[num].empty() << endl; workers[num] = thread(wc, string(buffer), ref(maps[num])); if (input.eof()) { done = true; cerr << "End of file" << endl; } }
void readDict() { ifstream f("dictionary"); string g; for(;!f.eof();) { getline(f,g); string pre; for(int i=0; i<=55 && i<g.size(); ++i) { pre+=g[i]; dictp[i+1].insert(pre); dictp[i+1].insert(""); } dict.insert(g); } }
void convertToFail(ifstream &in_stream) { string oneline; string outputline; getline(in_stream, oneline); outputline = ":-" + oneline.substr(0, stringSearch(oneline) + 1) + "_)."; writeToFile(outputline, 1); while(!in_stream.eof()) { getline(in_stream, oneline); if(oneline.size() < 4) return; outputline = ":-" + oneline.substr(0, stringSearch(oneline) + 1) + "_)."; writeToFile(outputline, 0); } }
bool DataSourceProducerRGBDDataset::parseFrameLine(ifstream& file ,double& timeStamp,string& path) { if(file.eof())return false; string line; getline(file,line); path=_sourcefilename; stringstream ss(line); ss>>timeStamp; string temp_path; ss>>temp_path; path+=temp_path; return true; }
/* * Function to count the number of vertices in GML file. * Scans the file for "node" entries and updates the counter. * Returns the number of vertices. */ int count_vertices(ifstream &fin) { string line; int result = 0; while (!fin.eof()) { getline(fin, line); if (string::npos != line.find("node")) result++; if (string::npos != line.find("edge")) break; } reset_pointer(fin); return result; }
/*POT_SW3 ReadInput: READS AND STORES POTENTIAL PARAMETER VALUES*/ string POT_SW3::ReadInput(ifstream &Input) { int n_e=0, n_l=0; string str; while(!Input.eof()) { str = Read_Next(Input); if(, 7, "epsilon", 7)==0) {Fill(epsilon[n_e], Input);n_e++;} else if(, 5, "sigma" , 5)==0) {Fill(sigma , Input);} else if(, 1, "a" , 1)==0) {Fill(a , Input);} else if(, 5, "gamma" , 5)==0) {Fill(gamma , Input);} else if(, 6, "lambda" , 6)==0) {Fill(lambda[n_l], Input);n_l++;} else {break;} } return(str); }
uint Train(ifstream& cpg_file, shared_ptr< HMM<double> > hmm_sptr) { cerr << "Start training" << endl; string observed; string line; while (!cpg_file.eof()) { cpg_file >> line; observed += line; } return Process_Observed(observed, hmm_sptr, train); }
int HMeTiS2Bin::computeNumPins(ifstream &in_stream) { int loc = in_stream.tellg(); int numPins = 0; int numHedgesRead = 0; while (!in_stream.eof() && numHedgesRead < numHedges) { getLine(in_stream); numHedgesRead += countPinsInLine(, numPins); } in_stream.seekg(loc, ios::beg); return numPins; }
int main(){"tree.txt");"treeC.txt"); while(1){ fin >> node; if(fin.eof()) break; fin >> node; fout << node <<endl; } fin.close(); fout.close(); return 0; }
int lineCount (ifstream& in) { string line_in; in.clear(); in.seekg(0); int count = 0; while (!in.eof()) { getline(in, line_in); count++; } return count; }
void readData(ifstream& attributeFile, LabelProps& slippCount) { int numberOfReads; float winner, second, numOfRepeats; string temp, nextLine; Marker marker; while (!attributeFile.eof()) { attributeFile >> marker.chrom; attributeFile >> marker.start; attributeFile >> marker.end; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> numberOfReads; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> winner; attributeFile >> second; if (numberOfReads >= 10) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfReads; ++i) { attributeFile >> numOfRepeats; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; attributeFile >> temp; if (numOfRepeats == winner || numOfRepeats == second) slippCount.p1 += 0.95; else { float diff1 = fabs(numOfRepeats - winner), diff2 = fabs(numOfRepeats - second); if (std::min(diff1,diff2)>=0.9) slippCount.p2 += 0.95; else slippCount.p3 += 0.95; } } } else { for (unsigned i = 0; i <= numberOfReads; ++i) getline (attributeFile,nextLine); } }
//Account Functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int read_accts(BankAccount account[], int max_accounts){ //start counter int count = 0; //temporary variables string fname, lname, type; int SSN; double acctbalance; //count how moany entries are in the file. while(!File.eof() && count < max_accounts){ File >> fname >> lname >> SSN >> type >> acctbalance; count++; } //loop back to top of file. File.clear(); File.seekg(0, ios::beg); //counter for our current account int i = 0; //create pointer for changing the values at the direct address in memory BankAccount * b; //loop trhough file and save and set values while(!File.eof() && i < count){ //set our current account into our pointer variable b = &account[i]; //define our file format File >> fname >> lname >> SSN >> type >> acctbalance; //set all of our values b->setFirstName(fname); b->setLastName(lname); b->setSSN(SSN); b->setAccountNumber(i); b->setAccountType(type); b->setAccountBalance(acctbalance); i++; } return count; }