int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Starting\n"); double dens=atof(argv[3]); int offset=atoi(argv[4]); printf("infile:%s\noutfile:%s\n\nDensity:%f\nofffset:%d\n",argv[1],argv[2],dens,offset);[1]); if (!inFile) { printf("Unable to open file"); return 0; // terminate with error } else { printf("file loaded successfull\r\n"); } ofstream outfile (argv[2]); //ofstream velfile ("vel.out"); stringstream part2 (stringstream::in | stringstream::out); if (!outfile.is_open()) { printf("could not open outfile"); return 0; } char line[512]; //increase to get more chars ! double pos[3]; pos[0]=pos[1]=pos[2]=0; double velx,vely,velz,omx,omy,omz=0; double D=0; double mass=0; float xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi; float ts=0; int atoms=0; int l = sizeof(line); inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z1=ITEM: TIMESTEP inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z2=1000 ts=atof(line); cout<<"timestep:"<<ts<<endl; //inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z3=ITEM: LABEL //inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z4=rem_0.6_0.2_0_1e-06 inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z5=ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z6={N} atoms=atoi(line); cout<<"Atoms:"<<atoms<<endl; inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z7 inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z8 for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (line[i] == ' ') { line[i] = '\0'; } } char* startp = line; xlo=atof(startp); startp += strlen(startp) + 1; xhi=atof(startp); inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z7 for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (line[i] == ' ') { line[i] = '\0'; } } startp = line; ylo=atof(startp); startp += strlen(startp) + 1; yhi=atof(startp); inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z8 for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (line[i] == ' ') { line[i] = '\0'; } } startp = line; zlo=atof(startp); startp += strlen(startp) + 1; zhi=atof(startp); inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)); //z9 cout<<"Line:"<<line<<endl; //header double d=0; int lc=0; int ac=offset; outfile <<"LIGGGHTS data file from restart file: timestep = "<<ts<<", procs = 12\r\n\r\n"; outfile << atoms <<" atoms\r\n\r\n"; outfile << "2 atom types\r\n\r\n"; outfile << "20 extra bond per atom\r\n\r\n"; outfile << xlo << " " << xhi << " xlo xhi\r\n"; outfile << ylo << " " << yhi << " ylo yhi\r\n"; outfile << zlo << " " << zhi << " zlo zhi\r\n"; outfile<<"\r\n"; outfile<<"Atoms\r\n"; outfile<<"\r\n"; int type=0; while ( inFile.getline(line,sizeof(line)) ) { lc++; //cout<<"Line:"<<lc<<endl; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (line[i] == ' ') { line[i] = '\0'; } } startp = line; //id type x y z vx vy vz fx fy fz omegax omegay omegaz radius //id int id = atoi(startp); id+=offset; startp += strlen(startp) + 1; //type type = atof(startp); startp += strlen(startp) + 1; //startp += strlen(startp) + 1; //type is 2x in dumpfile (don't know why) //position for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) { d = atof(startp); pos[i]=d; startp += strlen(startp) + 1; } //velocity d = atof(startp); velx=d; startp += strlen(startp) + 1; d = atof(startp); vely=d; startp += strlen(startp) + 1; d = atof(startp); velz=d; startp += strlen(startp) + 1; //forces for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { startp += strlen(startp) + 1; } //omega d = atof(startp); omx=d; startp += strlen(startp) + 1; d = atof(startp); omy=d; startp += strlen(startp) + 1; d = atof(startp); omz=d; startp += strlen(startp) + 1; //radius D = 2*atof(startp); startp += strlen(startp) + 1; //calc mass mass+=(1./6.)*M_PI*D*D*D*dens; //printf("D=%f,m=%f\n",D,mass); ac++; velx=vely=velz=omx=omy=omz=0; //for hybrid pair styles: id type x y z dens rad outfile << ac << " " << type << " " << pos[0] << " " << pos[1] << " " << pos[2] << " " << D << " " << dens << " " << "0" << endl; //part2 << ac <<" "<<velx<<" "<<vely<<" "<<velz<<" "<<omx<<" "<<omy<<" "<<omz<< endl; } //endwhile //outfile << endl << "Velocities" << endl<<endl; //outfile << part2.str(); inFile.close(); outfile.close(); //velfile.close(); printf("particle mass=%f\n",mass); printf("done (%d)\n",ac); return 0; }
void GrowRect::open( ifstream& fp) { int type; int end_found = 0; char dummy[40]; int tmp; int j; char c; for (;;) { fp >> type; switch( type) { case glow_eSave_GrowRect: break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_n_name: fp.get(); fp.getline( n_name, sizeof(n_name)); break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_x_right: fp >> x_right; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_x_left: fp >> x_left; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_y_high: fp >> y_high; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_y_low: fp >> y_low; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_original_border_drawtype: fp >> tmp; original_border_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_original_fill_drawtype: fp >> tmp; original_fill_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_fill_drawtype: fp >> tmp; fill_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_border: fp >> border; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_shadow_width: fp >> shadow_width; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_shadow_contrast: fp >> shadow_contrast; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_shadow: fp >> shadow; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_relief: fp >> tmp; relief = (glow_eRelief)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_disable_shadow: fp >> disable_shadow; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_invisible: fp >> invisible; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_fixcolor: fp >> fixcolor; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_fixposition: fp >> fixposition; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_gradient: fp >> tmp; gradient = (glow_eGradient)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_gradient_contrast: fp >> gradient_contrast; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_disable_gradient: fp >> disable_gradient; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_dynamicsize: fp >> dynamicsize; break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_dynamic: fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if ( dynamicsize) { dynamic = (char *) calloc( 1, dynamicsize); fp.get(); for ( j = 0; j < dynamicsize; j++) { if ((c = fp.get()) == '"') { if ( dynamic[j-1] == '\\') j--; else { dynamic[j] = 0; break; } } dynamic[j] = c; } fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_rect_part: GlowRect::open( fp); break; case glow_eSave_GrowRect_trf: fp); break; case glow_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break; default: cout << "GrowRect:open syntax error" << endl; fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } if ( end_found) break; if ( { cout << "GrowRect:open syntax error (" << type << ")" << endl; fp.clear(); fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } } }
void GrowText::open( ifstream& fp) { int type; int end_found = 0; char dummy[40]; int tmp; int j; char c; char *new_text; for (;;) { if ( !fp.good()) { fp.clear(); fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); printf( "** Read error GrowText: \"%d %s\"\n", type, dummy); } fp >> type; switch( type) { case glow_eSave_GrowText: break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_n_name: fp.get(); fp.getline( n_name, sizeof(n_name)); break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_x_right: fp >> x_right; break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_x_left: fp >> x_left; break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_y_high: fp >> y_high; break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_y_low: fp >> y_low; break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_original_color_drawtype: fp >> tmp; original_color_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_font: fp >> tmp; font = (glow_eFont)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_adjustment: fp >> tmp; adjustment = (glow_eAdjustment)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_dynamicsize: fp >> dynamicsize; break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_dynamic: fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if ( dynamicsize) { dynamic = (char *) calloc( 1, dynamicsize); fp.get(); for ( j = 0; j < dynamicsize; j++) { if ((c = fp.get()) == '"') { if ( dynamic[j-1] == '\\') j--; else { dynamic[j] = 0; break; } } dynamic[j] = c; } fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_text_part: GlowText::open( fp); break; case glow_eSave_GrowText_trf: fp); break; case glow_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break; default: cout << "GrowText:open syntax error" << endl; fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } if ( end_found) break; } // Translate the text to current language if ( ctx->translate_on && ctx->event_callback[glow_eEvent_Translate]) { if ( ctx->translate_cb( this, text, &new_text)) strcpy( text, new_text); get_node_borders(); } }
void GrowFolder::open( ifstream& fp) { int type; int end_found = 0; char dummy[40]; int tmp; for (;;) { fp >> type; switch( type) { case glow_eSave_GrowFolder: break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folders: fp >> folders; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_text_size: fp >> text_size; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_text_drawtype: fp >> tmp; text_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_text_color_drawtype: fp >> tmp; text_color_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_header_height: fp >> header_height; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_color_selected: fp >> tmp; color_selected = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_color_unselected: fp >> tmp; color_unselected = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names1: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[0], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text1: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[0], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale1: fp >> folder_scale[0]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar1: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[0]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar1: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[0]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names2: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[1], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text2: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[1], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale2: fp >> folder_scale[1]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar2: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[1]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar2: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[1]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names3: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[2], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text3: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[2], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale3: fp >> folder_scale[2]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar3: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[2]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar3: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[2]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names4: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[3], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text4: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[3], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale4: fp >> folder_scale[3]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar4: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[3]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar4: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[3]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names5: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[4], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text5: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[4], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale5: fp >> folder_scale[4]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar5: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[4]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar5: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[4]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names6: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[5], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text6: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[5], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale6: fp >> folder_scale[5]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar6: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[5]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar6: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[5]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names7: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[6], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text7: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[6], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale7: fp >> folder_scale[6]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar7: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[6]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar7: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[6]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names8: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[7], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text8: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[7], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale8: fp >> folder_scale[7]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar8: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[7]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar8: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[7]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names9: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[8], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text9: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[8], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale9: fp >> folder_scale[8]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar9: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[8]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar9: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[8]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names10: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[9], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text10: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[9], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale10: fp >> folder_scale[9]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar10: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[9]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar10: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[9]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names11: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[10], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text11: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[10], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale11: fp >> folder_scale[10]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar11: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[10]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar11: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[10]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_file_names12: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_file_names[11], sizeof(folder_file_names[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_text12: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_text[11], sizeof(folder_text[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_scale12: fp >> folder_scale[11]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_v_scrollbar12: fp >> folder_v_scrollbar[11]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_h_scrollbar12: fp >> folder_h_scrollbar[11]; break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner1: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[0], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner2: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[1], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner3: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[2], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner4: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[3], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner5: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[4], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner6: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[5], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner7: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[6], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner8: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[7], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner9: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[8], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner10: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[9], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner11: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[10], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_folder_owner12: fp.get(); fp.getline( folder_owner[11], sizeof(folder_owner[0])); break; case glow_eSave_GrowFolder_window_part: GrowWindow::open( fp); break; case glow_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break; default: cout << "GrowFolder:open syntax error" << endl; fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } if ( end_found) break; } y_low_offs = header_height; strcpy( input_file_name, folder_file_names[0]); window_scale = folder_scale[0]; vertical_scrollbar = folder_v_scrollbar[0]; horizontal_scrollbar = folder_h_scrollbar[0]; strcpy( owner, folder_owner[0]); GrowWindow::update_attributes(); }
bool MlOperatorList::readOperatorList(ifstream& ifs) { char buffer[1024]; while (ifs.good() && ifs.getline(buffer,1024)) if (ifs.gcount()>0 && buffer[0] != '#') break; size_t n=0; if (sscanf(buffer,"%d",&n) != 1) error("expected line with number of operaotrs"); executionOrder_.clear(); executionOrder_.reserve(n); drops_.clear(); indicators_.clear(); normalizations_.clear(); functions_.clear(); splits_.clear(); conditionals_.clear(); for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++) { if (! ifs.good()) return false; ifs.getline(buffer,1024); if (ifs.gcount()<=0) return false; istringstream iss(buffer); char type=' '; iss >> type; switch (type) { case 'D': { size_t dropIdx=0; iss >> dropIdx; if ( error("Error reading line:",buffer); executionOrder_.push_back(IdxPair(OT_DROP,drops_.size())); drops_.push_back(dropIdx); } break; case 'I': { IndicatorOperator iop; iss >> iop.sourceIdx >> iop.targetIdx; if ( error("Error reading line:",buffer); executionOrder_.push_back(IdxPair(OT_INDICATOR,indicators_.size())); indicators_.push_back(iop); break; } case 'F': { FunctionOperator fop; iss >> fop.sourceIdx >> fop.targetIdx; string typeStr; iss >> typeStr; size_t i; for (i=0; i<numConditionalValueLabels; i++) if (! strcmp(typeStr.c_str(),conditionalValueLabels[i])) break; if (i == numConditionalValueLabels) error("Error reading line:",buffer); fop.type = i; executionOrder_.push_back(IdxPair(OT_FUNCTION,functions_.size())); functions_.push_back(fop); } case 'N': { NormalizationOperator nop; iss >> nop.sourceIdx >> nop.targetIdx >> >> nop.sigma; if ( error("Error reading line:",buffer); executionOrder_.push_back(IdxPair(OT_NORMALIZATION,normalizations_.size())); normalizations_.push_back(nop); } break; case 'S': { SplitOperator sop; iss >> sop.sourceIdx; size_t n; iss >> n; if ( error("Error reading line:",buffer); sop.thresholds.resize(n); sop.indexesForBinValues.resize(n+1); sop.indexesForBinIndicators.resize(n+1); for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++) iss >> sop.thresholds[i]; for (size_t i=0; i<=n; i++) { // a fix so the model file can use -1 for MAX_UINT (so it won't hurt my eyes...) int index; iss >> index; sop.indexesForBinValues[i] = (index>=0 ? static_cast<size_t>(index) : MAX_UINT); } for (size_t i=0; i<=n; i++) { // a fix so the model file can use -1 for MAX_UINT (so it won't hurt my eyes...) int index; iss >> index; sop.indexesForBinIndicators[i] = (index>=0 ? static_cast<size_t>(index) : MAX_UINT); } if ( error("Error reading line:",buffer); executionOrder_.push_back(IdxPair(OT_SPLIT,splits_.size())); splits_.push_back(sop); } break; case 'C': { ConditionalOperator cod; size_t n; iss >> n; cod.sourceIdxs.resize(n); for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++) iss >> cod.sourceIdxs[i]; iss >> cod.targetIdx; // a fix so the model file can use -1 for MAX_UINT (so it won't hurt my eyes...) int indexForBool; iss >> indexForBool; cod.indexForBool = (indexForBool>=0 ? static_cast<size_t>(indexForBool) : MAX_UINT); string resultStr, conditionStr; iss >> conditionStr >> resultStr; if ( error("Error reading line:",buffer); size_t idxType, idxResult; for (idxType=0; idxType<numConditionalOperatorLabels; idxType++) if (! strcmp(conditionStr.c_str(),conditionalOperatorLabels[idxType])) break; if (idxType == numConditionalOperatorLabels) error("Error reading line:",buffer); for (idxResult=0; idxResult<numConditionalValueLabels; idxResult++) if (! strcmp(resultStr.c_str(),conditionalValueLabels[idxResult])) break; if (idxResult == numConditionalValueLabels) error("Error reading line:",buffer); cod.conditionType = idxType; cod.resultType = idxResult; executionOrder_.push_back(IdxPair(OT_CONDITIONAL,conditionals_.size())); conditionals_.push_back(cod); } break; }; } return true; }
BOOL bIsModeMismatch( ifstream& omInReplayFile, BOOL bReplayHexON, WORD wLogReplayTimeMode) { BOOL bFlag = FALSE; BOOL bLine = TRUE; CHAR Line[500] = { NULL }; CString omStrLine; BOOL bLogModeChecked = FALSE; BOOL bReplayMsgTypeChecked = FALSE; if(omInReplayFile != NULL) { while( bLine && ! omInReplayFile.eof()) { omInReplayFile.getline( Line, sizeof(Line)); omStrLine = Line; if( omStrLine.Find(HEX_MODE) == 0) { bLogModeChecked = TRUE; if(bReplayHexON != TRUE) { bFlag = TRUE; } } else if (omStrLine.Find(DEC_MODE) == 0) { bLogModeChecked = TRUE; if(bReplayHexON != FALSE) { bFlag = TRUE; } } if( omStrLine.Find(SYSTEM_MODE) == 0) { bReplayMsgTypeChecked = TRUE; if( wLogReplayTimeMode != eSYSTEM_MODE) { bFlag = TRUE; bLine = FALSE; } } else if( omStrLine.Find(ABSOLUTE_MODE) == 0) { bReplayMsgTypeChecked = TRUE; if( wLogReplayTimeMode != eABSOLUTE_MODE) { bFlag = TRUE; bLine = FALSE; } } else if( omStrLine.Find(RELATIVE_MODE) == 0) { bReplayMsgTypeChecked = TRUE; if( wLogReplayTimeMode != eRELATIVE_MODE) { bFlag = TRUE; bLine = FALSE; } } if(bLogModeChecked == TRUE && bReplayMsgTypeChecked == TRUE) { bLine = FALSE; } } } return bFlag; }
void GlowNodeClass::open( ifstream& fp) { int type; int end_found = 0; char dummy[40]; int tmp; int i, j; char c; int sts; for (;;) { if ( !fp.good()) { fp.clear(); fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); printf( "** Read error GlowNodeClass: \"%d %s\"\n", type, dummy); } fp >> type; switch( type) { case glow_eSave_NodeClass: break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_nc_name: fp.get(); fp.getline( nc_name, sizeof(nc_name)); break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_a: ctx, fp); break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_group: fp >> tmp; group = (glow_eNodeGroup)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dynamicsize: fp >> dynamicsize; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dynamic: fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if ( dynamicsize) { dynamic = (char *) calloc( 1, dynamicsize); fp.get(); for ( j = 0; j < dynamicsize; j++) { if ((c = fp.get()) == '"') { if ( dynamic[j-1] == '\\') j--; else { dynamic[j] = 0; break; } } dynamic[j] = c; } fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_arg_cnt: fp >> arg_cnt; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_argname: fp.get(); for ( i = 0; i < arg_cnt; i++) { fp.getline( argname[i], sizeof(argname[0])); } break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_argtype: for ( i = 0; i < arg_cnt; i++) fp >> argtype[i]; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_type1: fp >> dyn_type1; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_type2: fp >> dyn_type2; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_action_type1: fp >> dyn_action_type1; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_action_type2: fp >> dyn_action_type2; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_color1: fp >> tmp; dyn_color[0] = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_color2: fp >> tmp; dyn_color[1] = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_color3: fp >> tmp; dyn_color[2] = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_color4: fp >> tmp; dyn_color[3] = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_attr1: fp >> dyn_attr[0]; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_attr2: fp >> dyn_attr[1]; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_attr3: fp >> dyn_attr[2]; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_dyn_attr4: fp >> dyn_attr[3]; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_no_con_obstacle: fp >> no_con_obstacle; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_slider: fp >> slider; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_java_name: fp.get(); fp.getline( java_name, sizeof(java_name)); break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_next_nodeclass: fp.get(); fp.getline( next_nodeclass, sizeof(next_nodeclass)); break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_animation_count: fp >> animation_count; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_cycle: fp >> tmp; cycle = (glow_eCycle)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_y0: fp >> y0; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_y1: fp >> y1; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_x0: fp >> x0; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_x1: fp >> x1; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_input_focus_mark: fp >> tmp; input_focus_mark = (glow_eInputFocusMark)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_recursive_trace: fp >> recursive_trace; break; case glow_eSave_NodeClass_userdata_cb: if ( ctx->userdata_open_callback) (ctx->userdata_open_callback)(&fp, this, glow_eUserdataCbType_NodeClass); break; case glow_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break; default: cout << "GlowNodeClass:open syntax error" << endl; fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } if ( end_found) break; } if ( strcmp( next_nodeclass, "") != 0) { next_nc = ctx->get_nodeclass_from_name( next_nodeclass); if ( !next_nc) { sts = ctx->open_subgraph_from_name( next_nodeclass, glow_eSaveMode_SubGraph); if ( ODD(sts)) { next_nc = ctx->get_nodeclass_from_name( next_nodeclass); if ( next_nc) ((GlowNodeClass *)next_nc)->nc_extern = nc_extern; } } if ( !next_nc) cout << "GlowNode:next_nodeclass not found: " << nc_name << " " << next_nodeclass << endl; else if ( ((GlowNodeClass *)next_nc)->prev_nc) { next_nc = 0; cout << "GlowNode:next_nodeclass already chained: " << nc_name << " " << next_nodeclass << endl; } else ((GlowNodeClass *)next_nc)->prev_nc = (GlowArrayElem *) this; } }
void getData(){ char line[500]; string s; pair<long long, long long> pr; long long timestamp, user, item, rating; //getting the user-item-rating matrix"dataset/ua.base.txt"); while(!fin.eof()){ fin>>user; fin>>item; fin>>rating; fin>>timestamp; inputMatrix[user][item] = rating; pr = make_pair(item, rating); ratings[user].push_back(pr); dummy[item]++; } fin.close(); for(int i=0; i<2000; i++) mostRated.push_back(make_pair( dummy[i], i )); //cout<<"Matrix built\n"; /*cout<<"No of users = "<<ratings.size()<<endl; for(int i=0; i<5; i++){ cout<<"User "<<i<<endl; for(int j=0; j<ratings[i].size(); j++){ cout<<"\t"<<"item= "<<ratings[i][j].first<<", rating = "<<ratings[i][j].second; } }*/ //getting the item-itemName mapping"dataset/u.item.txt"); while(fin.getline(line, 500)){ stringstream ss(line); getline(ss, s, '|'); char str[100]; for(int i=0; s[i]!='\0'; i++) str[i] = s[i]; item = atoi(str); getline(ss, s, '|'); itemDetails[item] = s; //Skipping over other values as not using them } fin.close(); /*cout<<"No of items="<<itemDetails.size(); for(int i=0; i<15; i++) cout<<i<<":"<<itemDetails[i]<<endl;*/ //getting the top 30 user similarities"topNeighbours.txt"); int user1, user2; float rat; while(!fin.eof()){ fin>>user1; for(int i=0; i<300; i++){ fin>>rat>>user2; if(user2<=1 || user2>944) continue; topNeighbours[user1].push_back(user2); userSimilarity[user1][user2] = rat; } cout<<user1<<" "; } fin.close(); //cout<<"Similarity taken\n"; }
int main() { int nr,i,n; char c; in.getline(s,1100); nr=-1; while(s[p]) { if(s[p]==' ') { ++p; continue; } if(s[p]=='T' && s[p+1]=='R' && s[p+2]=='U' && s[p+3]=='E') { z[++nr]='1'; p+=4; continue; } if(s[p]=='F' && s[p+1]=='A' && s[p+2]=='L' && s[p+3]=='S' && s[p+4]=='E') { z[++nr]='0'; p+=5; continue; } if(s[p]=='(' || s[p]==')') { z[++nr]=s[p]; ++p; continue; } if(s[p]=='A' && s[p+1]=='N' && s[p+2]=='D') { z[++nr]='&'; p+=3; continue; } if(s[p]=='N' && s[p+1]=='O' && s[p+2]=='T') { z[++nr]='~'; p+=3; continue; } if(s[p]=='O' && s[p+1]=='R') { z[++nr]='|'; p+=2; continue; } if(s[p]>='A' && s[p]<='Z') { z[++nr]=s[p]-'A'+'a'; p++; continue; } } //for(i=0;z[i];++i) // out<<z[i]; p=0; in>>n; in.getline(s,1000); for(i=1;i<=n;++i) { p=0; in>>c; v[c-'A']=(v[c-'A']+1)%2; out<<expresie(); } return 0; }
void ReadlnString(ifstream& f, CString& s) { char buf[256]; f.getline(buf,255,'\n'); s = buf; }
CurveToken avtCurve2DFileFormat::GetPoint(ifstream &ifile, double &x, double &y, string &ln) { char line[256]; ifile.getline(line, 256, '\n'); // Do an ASCII check. We only support text files. if (GetStrictMode() && !StringHelpers::IsPureASCII(line,256)) EXCEPTION2(InvalidFilesException, filename, "Not ASCII."); // // Parenthesis are special characters for variables names, etc, so just // change them to square brackets to "go with the flow"... // size_t i, nchars = strlen(line); for (i = 0 ; i < nchars ; i++) { if (line[i] == '(') line[i] = '<'; else if (line[i] == ')') line[i] = '>'; } ln = line; // // Pick out some of the harder to parse cases. // if (strstr(line, "#") != NULL) { return HEADER; } bool allSpace = true; size_t len = strlen(line); for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { if (!isspace(line[i])) { allSpace = false; } } if (allSpace) { return WHITESPACE; } if (strncmp(line, "end", strlen("end")) == 0) { // We will infer that we have hit the end when we find a new token. // Just treat this as white space to make our parsing rules easier. return WHITESPACE; } // // We are assuming that we a number. Fortran-style scientific notation // uses 'D' when we are used to seeing 'E'. So just switch them out. // for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { if (line[i] == 'D' || line[i] == 'd') line[i] = 'E'; if (line[i] == '\t') line[i] = ' '; } char *ystr = NULL; errno = 0; x = strtod(line, &ystr); if (((x == 0.0) && (ystr == line)) || (errno == ERANGE)) { return INVALID_POINT; } if (ystr == NULL) { return VALID_XVALUE; } ystr = strstr(ystr, " "); if (ystr == NULL || ystr == line) { return VALID_XVALUE; } // Get past the space. ystr++; char *tmpstr; errno = 0; y = strtod(ystr, &tmpstr); if (((y == 0.0) && (tmpstr == ystr)) || (errno == ERANGE)) { return INVALID_POINT; } ln = ""; return VALID_POINT; }
/************************************************************************ * * * Load ROI polygon. File format is described in "save" routine. * The name line in the file ("polygon") has already been read by the * routine that calls this one. * */ void Polygon::load(ifstream &infile) { const int buflen=128; char buf[buflen]; int ndata=0; int isclosed; Fpoint *temp; // Read the number of points to expect while ( infile.getline(buf, buflen) ){ if (buf[0] == '#'){ continue; }else if (strspn(buf, "\t ") == strlen(buf)){ // Ignore blank lines continue; }else{ if (sscanf(buf,"%d", &ndata) != 1){ msgerr_print("ROI polygon: Missing number of vertices"); return; }else{ break; } } } if (ndata < 3){ msgerr_print("ROI polygon. Number vertices must be at least 3"); return; } temp = new Fpoint[ndata]; // Read in the data int i = 0; while ((i != ndata) && infile.getline(buf, buflen)){ if (buf[0] == '#'){ continue; }else if (strspn(buf, "\t ") == strlen(buf)){ // Ignore blank lines continue; }else{ if (sscanf(buf,"%f %f", &(temp[i].x), &(temp[i].y)) != 2){ msgerr_print("ROI polygon: Missing data input"); return; } i++; } } if (ndata != i){ msgerr_print("ROI polygon: Incomplete input data points"); return; } // Check if polygon is closed if (temp[0].x == temp[ndata-1].x && temp[0].y == temp[ndata-1].y){ ndata--; isclosed = TRUE; }else{ isclosed = FALSE; } // Put new ROIs in the appropriate frames Gframe *gframe; Roitool *tool; i = 1; for (gframe=Frame_select::get_selected_frame(i); gframe; gframe = Frame_select::get_selected_frame(++i)) { if (gframe->imginfo){ tool = new Polygon(ndata, temp, gframe, isclosed); tool->select(ROI_NOREFRESH, TRUE); //gframe->display_data(); } } delete [] temp; }
void FlowArray::open( void *ctx, ifstream& fp) { int type; int end_found = 0; char dummy[40]; for (;;) { fp >> type; switch( type) { case flow_eSave_Array: break; case flow_eSave_Rect: { FlowRect *n = new FlowRect( (FlowCtx *) ctx); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Line: { FlowLine *n = new FlowLine( (FlowCtx *) ctx); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Arc: { FlowArc *n = new FlowArc( (FlowCtx *) ctx); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Text: { FlowText *n = new FlowText( (FlowCtx *) ctx, ""); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Pixmap: { FlowPixmap *n = new FlowPixmap( (FlowCtx *) ctx, (flow_sPixmapData *) NULL); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_AnnotPixmap: { FlowAnnotPixmap *n = new FlowAnnotPixmap( (FlowCtx *) ctx, 0); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_AnnotPixmapButton: { FlowAnnotPixmapButton *n = new FlowAnnotPixmapButton( (FlowCtx *) ctx, 0); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Radiobutton: { FlowRadiobutton *n = new FlowRadiobutton( (FlowCtx *) ctx); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_NodeClass: { FlowNodeClass *n = new FlowNodeClass( (FlowCtx *) ctx, ""); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_ConClass: { FlowConClass *n = new FlowConClass( (FlowCtx *) ctx, "", flow_eConType_Straight, flow_eCorner_Right, flow_eDrawType_Line, 1); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_ConPoint: { FlowConPoint *n = new FlowConPoint( (FlowCtx *) ctx); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Annot: { FlowAnnot *n = new FlowAnnot( (FlowCtx *) ctx); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Arrow: { FlowArrow *n = new FlowArrow( (FlowCtx *) ctx,0,0,0,0,0,0,flow_eDrawType_Line); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Node: { FlowNode *n = new FlowNode( (FlowCtx *) ctx, "", 0, 0, 0); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Con: { int sts; FlowCon *n = new FlowCon( (FlowCtx *) ctx, "", (FlowConClass *)0, (FlowNode *)0, (FlowNode *)0, 0, 0, &sts); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_Point: { FlowPoint *n = new FlowPoint( (FlowCtx *) ctx); n->open( fp); insert( n); break; } case flow_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break; default: cout << "FlowArray:open syntax error" << endl; fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } if ( end_found) break; } }
void GrowWindow::open( ifstream& fp) { int type; int end_found = 0; char dummy[40]; int tmp; for (;;) { if ( !fp.good()) { fp.clear(); fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); printf( "** Read error GrowWindow: \"%d %s\"\n", type, dummy); } fp >> type; switch( type) { case glow_eSave_GrowWindow: break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_file_name: fp >> file_name; break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_scrollbar_width: fp >> scrollbar_width; break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_scrollbar_color: fp >> tmp; scrollbar_color = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_scrollbar_bg_color: fp >> tmp; scrollbar_bg_color = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_vertical_scrollbar: fp >> vertical_scrollbar; break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_horizontal_scrollbar: fp >> horizontal_scrollbar; break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_window_scale: fp >> window_scale; break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_owner: fp.get(); fp.getline( owner, sizeof(owner)); break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_rect_part: GrowRect::open( fp); break; case glow_eSave_GrowWindow_userdata_cb: if ( ctx->userdata_open_callback) (ctx->userdata_open_callback)(&fp, this, glow_eUserdataCbType_Node); break; case glow_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break; default: cout << "GrowWindow:open syntax error" << endl; fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } if ( end_found) break; } if ( strcmp( file_name, "") != 0) new_ctx(); configure_scrollbars(); }
bool readAssoQua(ifstream & fin, deque<dtdclass *>&d_class, char * name, associate & basAsso, associate& toAsso){ char filedetail[256];/*record the each line of file from the compiler*/ char * tempChar; string temp, qualiClass; bool finishQualiAssoClass = false; bool haveQualification = false; bool haveAssociation = false;/*check the association have detail or not*/ attribute tempattribute; deque<attribute *> tempQualification; deque<dtdclass*>::iterator first;/*recond the first position of the deque*/ deque<dtdclass*>::iterator last;/*recond the last position of the deque*/ do{ fin.getline(filedetail,255); if(strcmp(filedetail, "")==0){continue;}/*if the line is empty, continue*/ tempChar = strtok(filedetail,"<>");//cut front of "<" tempChar = strtok(NULL, "<>");/*get the detail between <> */ temp = tempChar; if(temp=="/association_class" || temp =="/Link"){//check if is end of one association class finishQualiAssoClass=true;//is control while loop } else if(temp == "nameOfAssociationClass"){ haveAssociation=true; tempChar = strtok(NULL, "<>"); strcpy(name, tempChar); qualiClass = tempChar; if(!d_class.empty()){//check the deque is not empty first = d_class.begin();//get the begin of the deque last = d_class.end();//get the end of the deque for (deque<dtdclass *>::iterator i=first; i !=last;i++){ if(qualiClass ==(*i)->getname()){//add association into class (*i)->setlevel(1); int tempMulti; tempMulti = basAsso.to_multi; basAsso.to_multi = 1;/*change the multi link of the association*/ (*i)->setassociation(basAsso);//add association basAsso.to_multi = tempMulti;;/*get back the original multi link number of the association*/ tempMulti = toAsso.to_multi; toAsso.to_multi =1;/*change the multi link of the association*/ (*i)->setassociation(toAsso);//add association toAsso.to_multi = tempMulti;/*get back the original multi link number of the association*/ if(haveQualification == true){ if(!tempQualification.empty()){/*get the qualification attribute from the deque and add it into the class*/ deque<attribute *>::iterator firstAttribute = tempQualification.begin(); deque<attribute *>::iterator lastAttribute = tempQualification.end(); for(deque<attribute * >::iterator attributeI = firstAttribute; attributeI != lastAttribute; attributeI++){ strcpy(tempattribute.att_name, (*attributeI)->att_name); tempattribute.isId = (*attributeI)->isId; tempattribute.ismulti= (*attributeI)->ismulti; (*i)->setattribute(tempattribute);//add the attribute into the class } } }/*finish add all qualification into the class*/ } } } } else if(temp == "qualification"){ haveAssociation = true; tempChar = strtok(NULL, "/<"); temp = tempChar; if(temp !="<"){ attribute * tempAttri = new attribute; strcpy(tempAttri->att_name,tempChar); tempAttri->isId = true; tempAttri->ismulti = false; haveQualification =true; tempQualification.push_back(tempAttri); } } }while(finishQualiAssoClass !=true); return haveAssociation; }
int Index::deserialize(ifstream& ifs, map<string, SNode>& metadata, const Address* addr) { vector<string> dirs; dirs.resize(1024); map<string, SNode>* currdir = &metadata; int currlevel = 1; while (!ifs.eof()) { char tmp[4096]; tmp[4095] = 0; char* buf = tmp; ifs.getline(buf, 4096); int len = strlen(buf); if ((len <= 0) || (len >= 4095)) continue; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { if (buf[i] == ' ') { buf[i] = '\0'; break; } } int level = atoi(buf); SNode sn; sn.deserialize(buf + strlen(buf) + 1); if ((!sn.m_bIsDir) && (NULL != addr)) { sn.m_sLocation.clear(); sn.m_sLocation.insert(*addr); } if (level == currlevel) { (*currdir)[sn.m_strName] = sn; dirs[level] = sn.m_strName; } else if (level == currlevel + 1) { map<string, SNode>::iterator s = currdir->find(dirs[currlevel]); currdir = &(s->second.m_mDirectory); currlevel = level; (*currdir)[sn.m_strName] = sn; dirs[level] = sn.m_strName; } else if (level < currlevel) { currdir = &metadata; for (int i = 1; i < level; ++ i) { map<string, SNode>::iterator s = currdir->find(dirs[i]); currdir = &(s->second.m_mDirectory); } currlevel = level; (*currdir)[sn.m_strName] = sn; dirs[level] = sn.m_strName; } } return 0; }
string readline(ifstream &f) { char buf[1024]; f.getline(buf, 1024); return buf; }
int main(int argv,char*argc[]) { int w,h; fin >> w >> h; vector<vector<char> > map; char tmp[200]; fin.getline(tmp,200); for(int i=0;i<=2*h;++i) { vector<char> row; fin.getline(tmp,200); for(int j=0;j<=2*w;++j) { row.push_back(tmp[j]); } map.push_back(row); } int x,y; vector<int> node(w*h); vector< vector<int> > edge(w*h); vector<int> st; for(int i=0;i<=h;++i) { y=2*i; for(int j=0; j<w;++j) { x=2*j+1; if(map[y][x]==' ') { if(i==0) { node[i*w+j] = 1; st.push_back(i*w+j); } else if(i==h) { node[(i-1)*w+j] = 1; st.push_back(i*w-w+j); } else { edge[i*w+j].push_back((i-1)*w+j); edge[(i-1)*w+j].push_back(i*w+j); } } } } for(int i=0;i<h;++i) { y=2*i+1; for(int j=0;j<=w;++j) { x=2*j; if(map[y][x]==' ') { if(j==0) { node[i*w+j] = 1; st.push_back(i*w+j); } else if(j==w) { node[i*w+j-1] = 1; st.push_back(i*w+j-1); } else { edge[i*w+j].push_back(i*w+j-1); edge[i*w+j-1].push_back(i*w+j); } } } } int max=0; vector<int> vv[2]; for(int ss=0;ss < 2;++ss) { int s=st[ss]; vv[ss].resize(w*h); vector<int> abl(w*h); abl[s]=1; vv[ss][s] = 1; queue<pair<int,int> > que; que.push(make_pair(s,1)); pair<int,int> top; int dist,num; while(!que.empty()) { top = que.front(); que.pop(); num = top.first; dist = top.second; for(vector<int>::iterator it=edge[num].begin(); it != edge[num].end();++it) { if(abl[*it]==0) { abl[*it]=1; que.push(make_pair(*it,dist+1)); vv[ss][*it] = dist+1; } } } } int tmpp; for(int i=0;i<w*h;++i) { tmpp = min(vv[0][i],vv[1][i]); if(tmpp > max) max = tmpp; } fout << max<< endl; fin.close(); fout.close(); return 0; }
// Calcula y Retorna el entero de la formula (info) int BuscarValorEc(ifstream&lectura, ofstream &fina,char*info,int hoja) { info++; char *suma [70]; char * ptr ; char * formula= new char [500]; char * col = new char [200]; char * fil; int fila,j,columnaa,val=0,sum[70]; ptr = strtok(info,"+"); int i=0; while(ptr != NULL) { suma[i] = ptr; ptr = strtok(NULL, "+"); i++; } for(int m=0; m<i; m++) { posicion(lectura,hoja); lectura.getline(formula,200); j=0; fil=col= suma[m]; while(58< *(fil) ||*(fil)< 47) { fil++; } while( *(fil+j)!= '\0') { *(formula+j)= *(fil+j); j++; } *(formula+j)='\0'; *fil='\0'; fil=formula; fila=numero(fil); columnaa=columna(col); for(int k=1; k<fila; k++) { lectura.getline(formula,200); } for(int p=1; p<columnaa; p++) { lectura>>formula; } lectura>>formula; if(*formula!='=') { sum[m]=numero(formula); } else { sum[m]=BuscarValorEc(lectura,fina,formula,hoja); } } for(int o=0; o<i; o++) { val =val +sum[o]; } delete []suma; delete []formula; delete []col; delete []ptr ; return val; }
//========================setData===================================== // Sets this Object's description to the line of characters extracted // from the infile stream. If the description is longer than // MAX_SIZE the trailing data will be omitted. // // Preconditions: The give ifstream is open. // // Postconditions: my_desc is set to the first MAX_SIZE of chars in // the infile. //==================================================================== void Object::setData (ifstream &infile) { if (infile.is_open()) infile.getline (my_desc, MAX_SIZE + 1); }
int main() { cin.getline(s, 100002); for(int i=0; s[i] ; ) { if(isdigit(s[i])) { fac[++vf]=s[i]-'0'; while(isdigit(s[++i])) fac[vf]=fac[vf]*10+s[i]-'0'; continue; } if(s[i]=='(') { op[++kp]=s[i]; i++; continue; } if(s[i]=='*') { //equal priority if(op[kp]=='*') { kp--; op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]*=op1; } if(op[kp]=='/') { kp--; op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]/=op1; } else op[kp]=s[i]; } if(s[i]=='/') { if(op[kp]=='*') { kp--; op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]*=op1; } if(op[kp]=='/') { kp--; op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]/=op1; } else op[kp]=s[i]; } if(s[i]=='+') { if(op[kp]=='+') { kp--; op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]+=op1; } if(op[kp]=='-') { kp--; op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]-=op1; } if(op[kp]=='*') { op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]*=op1; } else if(op[kp]=='/') { op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]/=op1; } else op[kp]=s[i]; i++ ;continue; } if(s[i]=='-') { if(op[kp]=='+') { kp--; op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]+=op1; } if(op[kp]=='-') { kp--; op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]-=op1; } if(op[kp]=='*') { op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]*=op1; } else if(op[kp]=='/') { op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]/=op1; } else op[kp]=s[i]; i++ ;continue; } if(s[i]==')') { if(op[kp]=='(') { kp--; ++i; continue; } else if(op[kp]=='*') { op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]*=op1; --kp; } else if(op[kp]=='/') { op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]/=op1; --kp; } else if(op[kp]=='+') { op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]+=op1; --kp; } else if(op[kp]=='-') { op1=fac[vf--]; fac[vf]-=op1; --kp; } } ++i; } // for(int i=1;i<=kp;++i) // cout<<op[i]; cout<<fac[1]; cin.close(); cout.close(); return 0; }
/*readFile: reads in the maze and stores it inside of a 2D array to be accessed for further use Parameters: the file that contains the maze and a double pointer mazeArray(2D array) returns: nothing */ void readFile(ifstream& input, char **mazeArray, int rows, int columns){ for (int i = 0; i<rows; i++){ input.getline(mazeArray[i], columns); cout << mazeArray[i] << endl; } }
void GrowArc::open( ifstream& fp) { int type; int end_found = 0; char dummy[40]; int tmp; int j; char c; for (;;) { if ( !fp.good()) { fp.clear(); fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); printf( "** Read error GrowArc: \"%d %s\"\n", type, dummy); } fp >> type; switch( type) { case glow_eSave_GrowArc: break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_n_name: fp.get(); fp.getline( n_name, sizeof(n_name)); break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_x_right: fp >> x_right; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_x_left: fp >> x_left; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_y_high: fp >> y_high; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_y_low: fp >> y_low; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_original_border_drawtype: fp >> tmp; original_border_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_original_fill_drawtype: fp >> tmp; original_fill_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_fill_drawtype: fp >> tmp; fill_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_background_drawtype: fp >> tmp; background_drawtype = (glow_eDrawType)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_border: fp >> border; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_shadow: fp >> shadow; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_shadow_width: fp >> shadow_width; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_shadow_contrast: fp >> shadow_contrast; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_relief: fp >> tmp; relief = (glow_eRelief)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_disable_shadow: fp >> disable_shadow; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_fixcolor: fp >> fixcolor; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_gradient: fp >> tmp; gradient = (glow_eGradient)tmp; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_gradient_contrast: fp >> gradient_contrast; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_disable_gradient: fp >> disable_gradient; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_fixposition: fp >> fixposition; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_fill_eq_background: fp >> fill_eq_background; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_dynamicsize: fp >> dynamicsize; break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_dynamic: fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); if ( dynamicsize) { dynamic = (char *) calloc( 1, dynamicsize); fp.get(); for ( j = 0; j < dynamicsize; j++) { if ((c = fp.get()) == '"') { if ( dynamic[j-1] == '\\') j--; else { dynamic[j] = 0; break; } } dynamic[j] = c; } fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_arc_part: GlowArc::open( fp); break; case glow_eSave_GrowArc_trf: fp); break; case glow_eSave_End: end_found = 1; break; default: cout << "GrowArc:open syntax error" << endl; fp.getline( dummy, sizeof(dummy)); } if ( end_found) break; } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TemplateFileParsor::Tokenize //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TemplateFileParsor::Tokenize(ifstream &fs, int &iLine, TemplateToken::Type eEndBlockToken) { while( !fs.eof() ) { iLine++; fs.getline(g_acScratchBuf, g_iScratchLen); String strLine = g_acScratchBuf; Trim(&strLine); // Merge splitted lines (with '\') while( EndWith(strLine, '\\') ) { iLine++; strLine.erase(strLine.size()-1); fs.getline(g_acScratchBuf, g_iScratchLen); String strPartLine = g_acScratchBuf; Trim(&strPartLine); strLine += strPartLine; } // Replace tabs with spaces strLine.Replace('\t', ' '); if( strLine.size() == 0 || strLine.StartWith("//") || strLine.StartWith("#") ) // Empty line continue; int iTokenType = (int)GetLineToken(strLine); switch( iTokenType ) { case TemplateToken::PRINT: ParsePrintData(&strLine, iLine); break; case TemplateToken::LOOP: { int iPos = ParseLoop(&strLine, iLine); Tokenize(fs, iLine, TemplateToken::END_LOOP); // Store end block position in token vector m_vecToken[iPos]->m_iEndBlockPos = m_vecToken.size() - 1; break; } case TemplateToken::IF: { int iPos = ParseIf(&strLine, iLine); Tokenize(fs, iLine, TemplateToken::END_IF); // Store end block position in token vector m_vecToken[iPos]->m_iEndBlockPos = m_vecToken.size() - 1; break; } case TemplateToken::BLOCK_START: { int iPos = ParseBlockStart(&strLine); Tokenize(fs, iLine, TemplateToken::BLOCK_END); // Store end block position in token vector m_vecToken[iPos]->m_iEndBlockPos = m_vecToken.size() - 1; break; } case TemplateToken::END_LOOP: ParseEndBlock(eEndBlockToken, TemplateToken::END_LOOP, iLine); return; case TemplateToken::END_IF: ParseEndBlock(eEndBlockToken, TemplateToken::END_IF, iLine); return; case TemplateToken::BLOCK_END: ParseEndBlock(eEndBlockToken, TemplateToken::BLOCK_END, iLine); return; case TemplateToken::SET: ParseSet(&strLine, iLine); break; case TemplateToken::OUTPUT: ParseOutput(&strLine, iLine, false); break; case TemplateToken::BINARY_OUTPUT: ParseOutput(&strLine, iLine, true); break; case TemplateToken::BINARY: ParseBinary(&strLine, iLine); break; case TemplateToken::PADDING: ParsePadding(&strLine, iLine); break; case TemplateToken::INCLUDE: ParsePreprocessorInclude(&strLine); break; default: cerr << "Error: Bad syntax at line " << iLine << " in file " << m_strCurrentTemplateFile << "." << endl; exit(1); } } if( eEndBlockToken != TemplateToken::NO_TYPE ) { // End of file reached while parsing a 'loop' or 'if' block cerr << "Error : Unexpected end of template file (" << m_strCurrentTemplateFile << ")." << endl; exit(1); } }
BOOL static getField(ifstream& fin, CString& marker, CString& contents) { static BOOL bNextLineIsBlank=FALSE; if(bNextLineIsBlank) { bNextLineIsBlank=FALSE; marker = "BLANKLINE"; contents =""; return TRUE; } ASSERTX(fin.is_open()); const int kBuffSize = 5000; // CURRENTLY MAX FIELD SIZE TOO! CString sField; LPTSTR buff = sField.GetBuffer(kBuffSize+2); LPTSTR start_buff = buff; fin.eatwhite(); char* b = buff; BOOL bFoundBlank = FALSE; do { fin.getline(b, kBuffSize - (b-buff), '\n'); b += fin.gcount(); if(fin.gcount()) { *(b-1) = '\n'; // put a carriage return in place of the null terminator *b = '\0'; // null terminate in case the next getline fails } while(fin.peek() == '\n') // keep swallowing blank lines until we see what's at the end of them { fin.get(); // swallow the \n; if(fin.peek() == '\\') // if the blanks are followed by a record, then this constitutes a true blank line { bFoundBlank=TRUE; break; } } } while (!bFoundBlank && fin.good() && fin.gcount() && fin.peek() != '\\'); bNextLineIsBlank = bFoundBlank; // will be used on the next call if( (kBuffSize-1) <= (b-buff)) // to long (and thus fin.gcount() == 0) { CString s; s.Format("The interlinear file appears to have a line which is longer than the maximum of %d characters which csCleanITX can handle.\n", kBuffSize); throw(s); } if(!buff[0]) // end of file { sField.ReleaseBuffer(-1); return FALSE; } // eat white space before the SFM Code (will always be there after a \dis) while(*buff && _ismbcspace(*buff)) { *buff='~'; // a hack so that iSpaceLoc, below, isn't set to the space between the "\dis" and marker ++buff; } int iSpaceLoc ; // figure out where the marker ends and field contents begin iSpaceLoc = sField.FindOneOf(" \t\n"); if(iSpaceLoc <= 1)// [0] should be the slash, [1] at least one char { sField.ReleaseBuffer(-1); return FALSE; } start_buff[iSpaceLoc] = '\0'; marker = buff + 1; // +1 to skip the slash marker.TrimRight(); contents = start_buff + iSpaceLoc+1; contents.TrimLeft(); contents.TrimRight(); sField.ReleaseBuffer(-1); return TRUE; }
void readSingleClass(ifstream & fin, dtdclass * tempclass){/*read a single class detail*/ bool classFinish=false, IDexist=false; char filedetail[256];/*record the each line of file from the compiler*/ char * tempChar; string temp; do{ fin.getline(filedetail,255); if(strcmp(filedetail, "")==0){continue;}/*if the line is empty, continue*/ tempChar = strtok(filedetail,"<>");/*cut front of "<"*/ temp = tempChar; if(temp=="/class"){/*check if is end of one class*/ classFinish=true;/*is control while loop*/ } else { tempChar = strtok(NULL, ">");/*get detail between < >*/ temp = tempChar; } if(temp=="/class"){/*check if is end of one class*/ classFinish=true;/*is control while loop*/ } else if(temp == "class_name"){ tempChar = strtok(NULL,"<>");//get the name of the class*/ tempclass->setname(tempChar); } else if(temp=="attribute"){ /*if it is attribute, get detail of the new attribute*/ attribute tempattribute; do{ fin.getline(filedetail,255); if(strcmp(filedetail, "")==0){continue;}/*if the line is empty, continue*/ tempChar = strtok(filedetail,"<>");/*cut front of "<"*/ tempChar = strtok(NULL, ">");/*get detail between < >*/ temp = tempChar; if(temp=="attribute_name"){ tempChar=strtok(NULL,"<>"); strcpy(tempattribute.att_name, tempChar); } else if(temp=="identifier"){/*check the attribute is ID or not*/ tempChar = strtok(NULL,"<>"); temp = tempChar; if(temp =="ID" || temp =="ID1"){/*check if the attribute is ID or not*/ if(IDexist == false){//if the class do not have ID exist, set ID. IDexist =true; tempattribute.isId = true; } else{tempattribute.isId= false;}//if the class have ID exist, do not set ID }else{tempattribute.isId= false;} } else if(temp=="multiplicity"){ tempChar=strtok(NULL,"]<"); string tetemp = tempChar; if(("["))>0){/*the attribute is multi*/ tempattribute.ismulti = true; findMaxMin(tetemp, tempattribute.max, tempattribute.min);//call the function to find the max and min if(tempattribute.min <0){tempattribute.min=0;} }else{tempattribute.ismulti = false;} } }while(temp !="/attribute"); tempclass->setattribute(tempattribute);/*put attribute into the class*/ } }while(classFinish != true ); }
void load(ifstream &f,mint &elementos, mdouble &nodos, mdouble &contorno){ nodos.clear(); elementos.clear(); contorno.clear(); /// VARIABLES int n,o,p; char t[100]; double x; /// CARGAMOS LAS VARIABLES GENERALES DEL PROBLEMA f.getline(t,100); e = atof(t); /// TOLERANCIA f.getline(t,100); iteraciones = atoi(t); /// ITERACIONES MAXIMAS f.getline(t,100); dt = atof(t); /// PASO DE TIEMPO f.getline(t,100); Re = atof(t); /// NUMERO DE REYNOLDS /// LEEMOS LA CANTIDAD DE NODOS f.getline(t,100); n = atoi(t); /// ASIGNAMOS LOS NODOS for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ vector<double> nod; /// COORDENADA X f.getline(t,100); x = atof(t); nod.push_back(x); /// COORDENADA Y f.getline(t,100); x = atof(t); nod.push_back(x); nodos.push_back(nod); } /// LEEMOS LA CANTIDAD DE ELEMENTOS f.getline(t,100); n = atoi(t); /// LEEMOS LA CANTIDAD DE NODOS POR ELEMENTO f.getline(t,100); o = atoi(t); /// LEEMOS LOS INDICES DE LOS ELEMENTOS for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ vector<int> e; f.getline(t,100); char *ptr; /// LOS NUMEROS DE LOS NODOS ESTAN SEPARADOS POR UN ESPACIO ptr = strtok(t," "); p = atoi(ptr); e.push_back(p-1); for(int j=0;j<o-1;j++){ // mandarle un null parece que hace que continue con el puntero del anterior strtok ptr = strtok(NULL," "); p = atoi(ptr); e.push_back(p-1); } elementos.push_back(e); } /// LEEMOS LAS CONDICIONES DE CONTORNO /// LA ORGANIZACION DEL CONTORNO ES /// NumNodo TipoFront Valores /// LEEMOS LA CANTIDAD DE NODOS CON WALL f.getline(t,100); n = atoi(t); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ vector<double> nContorno; /// NODO 1 f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atoi(t)-1); /// NODO 2 f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atoi(t)-1); /// TIPO DE CONTORNO nContorno.push_back(1.0); /// ASIGNAMOS u = v = 0 porque es wall nContorno.push_back(.0); nContorno.push_back(.0); contorno.push_back(nContorno); } /// LEEMOS LA CANTIDAD DE NODOS CON VELOCIDAD IMPUESTA f.getline(t,100); n = atoi(t); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ vector<double> nContorno; /// NODO 1 f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atoi(t)-1); /// NODO 2 f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atoi(t)-1); /// TIPO DE CONTORNO nContorno.push_back(1.0); /// LEEMOS u f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atof(t)); /// LEEMOS v f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atof(t)); contorno.push_back(nContorno); } /// LEEMOS LA CANTIDAD DE NODOS CON PRESION IMPUESTA f.getline(t,100); n = atoi(t); for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ vector<double> nContorno; /// NODO 1 f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atof(t)-1); /// NODO 2 f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atof(t)-1); /// TIPO DE CONTORNO nContorno.push_back(2.0); /// LEEMOS LA PRESION f.getline(t,100); nContorno.push_back(atof(t)); contorno.push_back(nContorno); } f.close(); }
void readSingleAssociation(ifstream &fin, deque<dtdclass *>&d_class){ bool associationFinish=false; bool firstclass = true; string base_name, to_name;/*save the name and two class name of the association*/ int baseLevel, toLevel;/*to save the level of both class of the association*/ deque<attribute * > baseQualification, toQualification; /*save the list of qualification*/ attribute basequali, toquali;/*save the name of the qualification*/ associate basAsso, toAsso; bool haveBasequali = false;/*check if there have qualification in first class*/ bool haveToquali = false;/*check if there have qualification in second class*/ bool haveLink=false;/*check the association have link or not*/ char filedetail[256];/*record the each line of file from the compiler*/ char linker_name[64]; string Slinker_name; char * tempChar; string temp; deque<dtdclass*>::iterator first;/*recond the first position of the deque*/ deque<dtdclass*>::iterator last;/*recond the last position of the deque*/ do{ fin.getline(filedetail,255); if(strcmp(filedetail, "")==0){continue;}/*if the line is empty, continue*/ tempChar = strtok(filedetail,"<>");//cut front of "<" temp = tempChar; if(temp=="/association"){//check if is end of one association associationFinish=true;//is control while loop } else { tempChar = strtok(NULL, ">");//get detail between < > temp = tempChar; if(temp=="/association"){//check if is end of one association associationFinish=true;//is control while loop } else if(temp == "nameOfAssociation"){ tempChar = strtok(NULL,"<>");//get the name of the association strcpy(basAsso.ass_name, tempChar); strcpy(toAsso.ass_name , tempChar); } else if(temp =="class_name"){/*find the class name of the association of the class*/ tempChar = strtok(NULL, "<>");/*get the class name*/ if(firstclass ==true){ /*call function to read detail of the association of the first class*/ readAssoClass(fin, basAsso, toAsso, baseLevel,haveToquali,toQualification); firstclass = !firstclass; strcpy(toAsso.tclass_name, tempChar);/*record the relation class*/ base_name = tempChar; Slinker_name = base_name;/*record the name of first class*/ } else{ /*call function to read detail of the association of the second class*/ readAssoClass(fin, toAsso, basAsso, toLevel,haveBasequali, baseQualification ); strcpy(basAsso.tclass_name , tempChar);/*record the relation class name */ to_name = tempChar; Slinker_name = Slinker_name + to_name;/*record the name of the second class*/ } } else if(temp =="Link"){ fin.getline(filedetail,255); if(strcmp(filedetail, "")==0){continue;}/*if the line is empty, continue*/ tempChar = strtok(filedetail,"<>");//cut front of "<" tempChar = strtok(NULL,"<>");/*get the detail in "<>" */ temp = tempChar; if(temp=="/association"|| temp =="/Link"){//check if is end of one association associationFinish=true;//is control while loop } else if(temp == "link_attribute"){ fin.getline(filedetail, 255); if(strcmp(filedetail, "")==0){continue;}/*if the line is empty, continue*/ tempChar = strtok(filedetail,"<>");//cut front of "<" tempChar = strtok(NULL, ">");//get detail between < > tempChar = strtok(NULL, "<>"); temp = tempChar; if(strcmp(toAsso.tclass_name, basAsso.tclass_name)!=0){//the two class name is not the same haveLink = true;/*record the two class have link class*/ if(temp !="<"){ dtdclass * linkClass = new dtdclass();/*creast a linker class*/ linkClass->setname(Slinker_name); linkClass->setlevel(1); int tempMulti; tempMulti = basAsso.to_multi;/*change the multi link of the association*/ basAsso.to_multi =1; linkClass->setassociation(basAsso);/*set the association of the link class*/ /*get back the original multi link number of the association*/ basAsso.to_multi = tempMulti; tempMulti = toAsso.to_multi; toAsso.to_multi = 1; linkClass->setassociation(toAsso); toAsso.to_multi = tempMulti; readLinkAttribute(tempChar, linkClass, fin);/*call the read attribute name*/ strcpy(linker_name, Slinker_name.c_str()); strcpy(basAsso.tclass_name, linker_name);/*change the relation class name*/ basAsso.base_multi =1; strcpy(toAsso.tclass_name, linker_name); toAsso.base_multi =1; d_class.push_back(linkClass);//add link class into deque } } else{ attribute base; strcpy(base.att_name, tempChar); base.isId = false; base.ismulti = false; base.max=1; base.min=1; first = d_class.begin();//get the begin of the deque last = d_class.end();//get the end of the deque for (deque<dtdclass *>::iterator i=first; i !=last;i++){ if(base_name ==(*i)->getname()){ (*i)->setattribute(base); } } } } else if(temp == "association_class"){ bool haveAssociation;/*record the true or false have association class*/ //call read association qualification function haveAssociation = readAssoQua(fin, d_class, linker_name, basAsso, toAsso); if(haveAssociation == true){ haveLink = true;/*record the two class have link class*/ strcpy(basAsso.tclass_name, linker_name);/*change the relation class name*/ basAsso.base_multi =1; strcpy(toAsso.tclass_name, linker_name); toAsso.base_multi =1; } } } } }while(associationFinish != true); //end of read the association //search correct class in the deque and put the association in it if(!d_class.empty()){//check the deque is not empty first = d_class.begin();//get the begin of the deque last = d_class.end();//get the end of the deque if(baseLevel==1 && toLevel ==3){baseLevel =2;}//if the relate is 1...* if(haveLink == true){//set the class level being 3, as a reference in DTD baseLevel =3; toLevel =3; } for (deque<dtdclass *>::iterator i=first; i !=last;i++){ if(base_name ==(*i)->getname()){//add association into class (*i)->setassociation(basAsso);//add association (*i)->setlevel(baseLevel); if(haveBasequali == true){ if(!baseQualification.empty()){/*get the qualification attribute from the deque and add it into the class*/ deque<attribute *>::iterator firstAttribute = baseQualification.begin(); deque<attribute *>::iterator lastAttribute = baseQualification.end(); for(deque<attribute * >::iterator attributeI = firstAttribute; attributeI != lastAttribute; attributeI++){ strcpy(basequali.att_name, (*attributeI)->att_name); basequali.isId = (*attributeI)->isId; basequali.ismulti= (*attributeI)->ismulti; (*i)->setattribute(basequali); } } }//add attribute if there any } else if(to_name==(*i)->getname()){ (*i)->setassociation(toAsso); (*i)->setlevel(toLevel); if(haveToquali ==true){ if(!toQualification.empty()){/*get the qualification attribute from the deque and add it into the class*/ deque<attribute *>::iterator firstToAttribute = toQualification.begin(); deque<attribute *>::iterator lastToAttribute = toQualification.end(); for(deque<attribute * >::iterator attributeI = firstToAttribute; attributeI != lastToAttribute; attributeI++){ strcpy(toquali.att_name, (*attributeI)->att_name); toquali.isId = (*attributeI)->isId; toquali.ismulti= (*attributeI)->ismulti; (*i)->setattribute(toquali); } } } } }//finish add association } }
main() { int i, j, g; int a, b; char c, d; char S[100]; infile >> H >> W; infile.getline(S, 100); N = 0; for (i = 0; i < 255; i++) { id[i] = -1; up[i] = -1; down[i] = -1; } for (i = 0; i < H; i++) { infile.getline(S, 100); for (j = 0; j < W; j++) { matrix[i][j] = S[j]; if (S[j] != '.') { if (id[S[j]] == -1) { id[S[j]] = N; letter[N] = S[j]; left[N] = j; right[N] = j; up[N] = i; N++; } else if (up[id[S[j]]] == i) { if (j > right[id[S[j]]]) right[id[S[j]]] = j; if (j < left[id[S[j]]]) left[id[S[j]]] = j; } else if (up[id[S[j]]] != i && up[id[S[j]]] != -1) { if (j > right[id[S[j]]]) right[id[S[j]]] = j; if (j < left[id[S[j]]]) left[id[S[j]]] = j; down[id[S[j]]] = i; } } } } for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { perm[i] =i; in[i] = 0; done[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < H; i++) for (j = 0; j < W; j++) { a = id[matrix[i][j]]; for (b = 0; b < N; b++) if (a == b) top[a][a] = 0; else if (top[a][b] == 0) { if ( ((j == left[b] || j == right[b]) && (up[b] <= i && down[b] >= i)) || ((i == up[b] || i == down[b]) && (left[b] <= j && right[b] >= j)) ) { top[a][b] = 1; in[a]++; } else top[a][b] = 0; } } qsort(perm, N, sizeof(int), cmp); explore(0); return 0; }
int ReadMifOneElement(ifstream& fMifFile, vector<pair<double, double> >& vCoorXYLst) { int iLineLoop, iPntLoop; int iLineNum = 0; int iPntNum = 0; string strTok = " "; string strPline = "Pline"; string strLine = "Line"; string strMultiple = "Multiple"; double dX, dY; char acLine[1024]; vector<string> vFirstLineOfEle; vCoorXYLst.clear(); do { memset(acLine, 0, 1024 ); fMifFile.getline(acLine, 1024); } while( strcmp(acLine,"") == 0); vFirstLineOfEle.clear(); vFirstLineOfEle = SplitString(acLine, strTok, ""); if( 0 == vFirstLineOfEle.size()) { //log return RET_FAILED; } // 修改适应不同的mif样式表述 gaojian 2014-01-17 while (vFirstLineOfEle[0] != strPline && vFirstLineOfEle[0] != strLine) { if (fMifFile.eof()) { return RET_FAILED; } do { memset(acLine, 0, 1024 ); fMifFile.getline(acLine, 1024); if (fMifFile.eof()) { return RET_FAILED; } } while( strcmp(acLine,"") == 0); vFirstLineOfEle.clear(); vFirstLineOfEle = SplitString(acLine, strTok, ""); if( 0 == vFirstLineOfEle.size()) { //log return RET_FAILED; } } if( vFirstLineOfEle[0] == strPline ) { if( vFirstLineOfEle[1] == strMultiple) { iLineNum = StringToInt(vFirstLineOfEle[2]); for( iLineLoop = 0; iLineLoop < iLineNum; iLineLoop++ ) { memset(acLine, 0, 1024 ); fMifFile.getline(acLine, 1024); vFirstLineOfEle.clear(); vFirstLineOfEle = SplitString(acLine, strTok, ""); iPntNum = StringToInt(vFirstLineOfEle[0]); for( iPntLoop = 0; iPntLoop < iPntNum; iPntLoop++ ) { memset(acLine, 0, 1024 ); fMifFile.getline(acLine, 1024); vFirstLineOfEle.clear(); vFirstLineOfEle = SplitString(acLine, strTok, ""); dX = StringToDouble(vFirstLineOfEle[0]); dY = StringToDouble(vFirstLineOfEle[1]); vCoorXYLst.push_back(make_pair(dX,dY)); } } } else { iPntNum = StringToInt(vFirstLineOfEle[1]); for( iPntLoop = 0; iPntLoop < iPntNum; iPntLoop++ ) { memset(acLine, 0, 1024 ); fMifFile.getline(acLine, 1024); vFirstLineOfEle.clear(); vFirstLineOfEle = SplitString(acLine, strTok, ""); dX = StringToDouble(vFirstLineOfEle[0]); dY = StringToDouble(vFirstLineOfEle[1]); vCoorXYLst.push_back(make_pair(dX,dY)); } } } else if( vFirstLineOfEle[0] == strLine ) { dX = StringToDouble(vFirstLineOfEle[1]); dY = StringToDouble(vFirstLineOfEle[2]); vCoorXYLst.push_back(make_pair(dX,dY)); dX = StringToDouble(vFirstLineOfEle[3]); dY = StringToDouble(vFirstLineOfEle[4]); vCoorXYLst.push_back(make_pair(dX,dY)); } else { //log return RET_FAILED; } fMifFile.getline(acLine, 1024); return RET_SUCCESS; }