func FxFireDashStop(object target, proplist effect, int reason, bool temporary) { if(temporary) return; target->Unstuck(); target->SetObjectLayer(nil); target->SetAction("Jump"); ExplosionEffect(effect.Size2, target->GetX(), target->GetY(),0,0,0); for(var o in FindObjects(Find_Distance(effect.Size2, target->GetX(), target->GetY()), Find_Func("CanBeHit", target))) { if(o->GetOwner() == target->GetOwner()) continue; var angle = Angle(target->GetX(), target->GetY(), o->GetX(), o->GetY()); o->AddFireHitEffect(); o->Fling(Sin(angle, 8), -Cos(angle, 8) - 2); target->WeaponDamage(o, effect.SpellDamage2); } target->CastObjects(Flame, RandomX(6,8), RandomX(10,25)); //effect.marker->RemoveObject(); //effect.clonk->MakeHitable(true); }
func Dlg_Pyrit_Init(object clonk) { // Clonk moves slowly. clonk.ActMap = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap, Walk = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap.Walk } }; clonk.ActMap.Walk.Speed /= 3; clonk->SetAction("Walk"); // Hammering animation AddEffect("PyritHammering", clonk, 1, Pyrit_Hammer_SwingTime+5, this); return true; }
func Dlg_Lara_Init(object clonk) { // Clonk movement speed adjustment. clonk.ActMap = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap, Walk = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap.Walk } }; clonk.ActMap.Walk.Speed /= 2; clonk->SetAction("Walk"); // Carrying stuff around AddEffect("LaraWalking", clonk, 1, 12, this); return true; }
func Dlg_Pyrit_Init(object clonk) { // Pyit has a red hat! clonk->AttachMesh(Hat, "skeleton_head", "main", Trans_Translate(5500, 0, 0)); // Clonk moves slowly. clonk.ActMap = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap, Walk = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap.Walk } }; clonk.ActMap.Walk.Speed /= 3; clonk->SetAction("Walk"); // Hammering animation AddEffect("PyritHammering", clonk, 1, Pyrit_Hammer_SwingTime+5, this); return true; }
func FxAttack_PanicStart(object c, proplist fx, int temp) { if (temp) return; // high walk speed c.ActMap = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap, Walk = { Prototype = Clonk.ActMap.Walk } }; c.ActMap.Walk.Speed = c.ActMap.Walk.Speed * 3 / 2; c->SetAction("Walk"); // drop heavy stuff var item = c->Contents(); if (item && item->~IsBarrel()) item->Exit(); // start running FxAttack_PanicTimer(c, fx, 0); return FX_OK; }
public func ControlUse(object clonk, int x, int y) { x = LandscapeWidth() / 2 + 100; y = baseHeight - 20; DrawParticleLine("Flash", 0,0,-GetX()+x,-GetY()+y, 3, 0, 0, 8, {Prototype = Particles_Flash(), Size = 20, R = 50, G = 50, B = 255}); // Make sure the clonk loses the attach procedure. var action = clonk->GetAction(); if (action && clonk.ActMap[action].Procedure == DFA_ATTACH) clonk->SetAction("Jump"); clonk->SetPosition(x, y); clonk->SetXDir(0); clonk->SetYDir(-5); RemoveObject(); return 1; }