vec3_t projectPointOnEdge(const vec3_t& M,const vec3_t& A, const vec3_t& u) { checkVector(u); if(u.abs2()==0) EG_BUG; double k = ((M-A)*u)/u.abs2(); return A + k*u; }
static vec3_t RotateZ(K rot_sin, K rot_cos, const vec3_t& v) { return vec3_t { rot_cos*v.x() - rot_sin*v.y(), rot_sin*v.x() + rot_cos*v.y(), v.z() }; }
mat3_t vecs2rot(const vec3_t &a_B, const vec3_t &g) { // Create Quaternion from two vectors const double cos_theta = a_B.normalized().transpose() * g.normalized(); const double half_cos = sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 + cos_theta)); const double half_sin = sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 - cos_theta)); const vec3_t w = a_B.cross(g).normalized(); const double qw = half_cos; const double qx = half_sin * w(0); const double qy = half_sin * w(1); const double qz = half_sin * w(2); // Convert Quaternion to rotation matrix const double qx2 = qx * qx; const double qy2 = qy * qy; const double qz2 = qz * qz; const double qw2 = qw * qw; const double R11 = qw2 + qx2 - qy2 - qz2; const double R12 = 2 * (qx * qy - qw * qz); const double R13 = 2 * (qx * qz + qw * qy); const double R21 = 2 * (qx * qy + qw * qz); const double R22 = qw2 - qx2 + qy2 - qz2; const double R23 = 2 * (qy * qz - qw * qx); const double R31 = 2 * (qx * qz - qw * qy); const double R32 = 2 * (qy * qz + qw * qx); const double R33 = qw2 - qx2 - qy2 + qz2; mat3_t R; R << R11, R12, R13, R21, R22, R23, R31, R32, R33; return R; }
bool vec3_t::RayCylinderIntersect(const vec3_t& pStart, const vec3_t& pDir, const vec3_t& edgeStart, const vec3_t& edgeEnd, const float radius, float* f) { // math. for 3d game programming 2nd ed. page 270 // assert(edgeStart != edgeEnd); // sloppy level design const vec3_t pa = edgeEnd - edgeStart; const vec3_t s0 = pStart - edgeStart; const float pa_squared = pa.AbsSquared(); const float pa_isquared = 1.0f/pa_squared; // a const float pva = pDir * pa; const float a = pDir.AbsSquared() - pva*pva*pa_isquared; // b const float b = s0*pDir - (s0*pa)*(pva)*pa_isquared; // c const float ps0a = s0*pa; const float c = s0.AbsSquared() - radius*radius - ps0a*ps0a*pa_isquared; const float dis = b*b - a*c; if(dis < 0) return false; *f = (-b - lynxmath::Sqrt(dis))/a; const float collision = (pStart + *f*pDir - edgeStart)*pa; return collision >= 0 && collision <= pa_squared; }
vec2_t projectVectorOnPlane(vec3_t V,vec3_t i,vec3_t j) { if(i.abs2()==0) EG_BUG; if(j.abs2()==0) EG_BUG; double x = V*i/i.abs2(); double y = V*j/j.abs2(); return vec2_t(x,y); }
void CHudHealth::CalcDamageDirection(vec3_t vecFrom) { vec3_t forward, right, up; float side, front; vec3_t vecOrigin, vecAngles; if (!vecFrom[0] && !vecFrom[1] && !vecFrom[2]) { m_fAttackFront = m_fAttackRear = m_fAttackRight = m_fAttackLeft = 0; return; } memcpy(vecOrigin, gHUD.m_vecOrigin, sizeof(vec3_t)); memcpy(vecAngles, gHUD.m_vecAngles, sizeof(vec3_t)); VectorSubtract (vecFrom, vecOrigin, vecFrom); float flDistToTarget = vecFrom.Length(); vecFrom = vecFrom.Normalize(); AngleVectors (vecAngles, forward, right, up); front = DotProduct (vecFrom, right); side = DotProduct (vecFrom, forward); if (flDistToTarget <= 50) { m_fAttackFront = m_fAttackRear = m_fAttackRight = m_fAttackLeft = 1; } else { if (side > 0) { if (side > 0.3) m_fAttackFront = max(m_fAttackFront, side); } else { float f = fabs(side); if (f > 0.3) m_fAttackRear = max(m_fAttackRear, f); } if (front > 0) { if (front > 0.3) m_fAttackRight = max(m_fAttackRight, front); } else { float f = fabs(front); if (f > 0.3) m_fAttackLeft = max(m_fAttackLeft, f); } } }
void Wavefront::Transform(vec3_t& v, const LLXform* x) //recursive { LLMatrix4 m; x->getLocalMat4(m); for (vec3_t::iterator iterv = v.begin(); iterv != v.end(); ++iterv) { *iterv = *iterv * m; } if (const LLXform* xp = x->getParent()) Transform(v, xp); }
float vec3_t::GetAngleDeg(const vec3_t& a, const vec3_t& b) { float d = a.Abs() * b.Abs(); #ifdef _DEBUG if(fabsf(d) < lynxmath::EPSILON) { assert(0); return 0.0f; } #endif return acosf((a * b) / d) * lynxmath::RADTODEG; }
double angle(const vec3_t & u, const vec3_t & v) { // return the angle w.r.t. another 3-vector double ptot2 = u.abs2()*v.abs2(); if(ptot2 <= 0) { return 0.0; } else { double arg = (u*v)/sqrt(ptot2); if(arg > 1.0) arg = 1.0; if(arg < -1.0) arg = -1.0; return acos(arg); } }
vec3_t CPartEffects::RandomRoundVec( vec3_t vMin, vec3_t vMax ) { float flMin, flMax; flMin = vMin.Length( ); flMax = vMax.Length( ); vec3_t vVec( gEngfuncs.pfnRandomFloat( vMin.x, vMax.x ), gEngfuncs.pfnRandomFloat( vMin.y, vMax.y ), gEngfuncs.pfnRandomFloat( vMin.z, vMax.z ) ); vVec = vVec.Normalize( ) * gEngfuncs.pfnRandomFloat( flMin, flMax ); return vVec; }
void CParticleSystem::Render(const vec3_t& side, const vec3_t& up, const vec3_t& dir) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_texture); glBegin(GL_QUADS); // use vbos instead of this std::vector<particle_t>::const_iterator iter; for(iter = m_particles.begin();iter != m_particles.end(); ++iter) { if(iter->lifetime < 0.0f) continue; const vec3_t X = iter->size*0.5f*side; const vec3_t Y = iter->size*0.5f*up; const vec3_t Q1 = X + Y + iter->origin; const vec3_t Q2 = -X + Y + iter->origin; const vec3_t Q3 = -X - Y + iter->origin; const vec3_t Q4 = X - Y + iter->origin; glColor4f(iter->color.x, iter->color.y, iter->color.z, iter->alpha); glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3fv(Q1.GetPointer()); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3fv(Q2.GetPointer()); glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3fv(Q3.GetPointer()); glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3fv(Q4.GetPointer()); } glEnd(); }
void V_GetDeathCam(cl_entity_t * ent1, cl_entity_t * ent2, float * angle, float * origin) { float newAngle[3]; float newOrigin[3]; static vec3_t nonDestructedOrigin; float distance = 168.0f; v_lastDistance += v_frametime * 96.0f; // move unit per seconds back if ( v_resetCamera ) v_lastDistance = 64.0f; if ( distance > v_lastDistance ) distance = v_lastDistance; if (ent1->origin.x == 0 && ent1->origin.y == 0 && ent1->origin.z == 0) nonDestructedOrigin.CopyToArray(newOrigin); else { nonDestructedOrigin = ent1->origin; VectorCopy(ent1->origin, newOrigin); } if ( ent1->player ) newOrigin[2]+= 17; // head level of living player // get new angle towards second target if ( ent2 ) { VectorSubtract(ent2->origin, nonDestructedOrigin, newAngle); VectorAngles( newAngle, newAngle ); newAngle[0] = -newAngle[0]; } else { // if no second target is given, look down to dead player newAngle[0] = 90.0f; newAngle[1] = 0.0f; newAngle[2] = 0; } // and smooth view V_SmoothInterpolateAngles( v_lastAngles, newAngle, angle, 120.0f ); V_GetChaseOrigin( angle, newOrigin, distance, origin ); VectorCopy(angle, v_lastAngles); }
bool LaplaceSmoother::setNewPosition(vtkIdType id_node, vec3_t x_new) { using namespace GeometryTools; vec3_t x_old; m_Grid->GetPoint(id_node,; EG_VTKDCN(vtkCharArray, node_type, m_Grid, "node_type"); bool move = true; if(m_NoCheck) { return move; } QVector<vec3_t> old_cell_normals(m_Part.n2cGSize(id_node)); EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_code, m_Grid, "cell_code"); for (int i = 0; i < m_Part.n2cGSize(id_node); ++i) { old_cell_normals[i] = GeometryTools::cellNormal(m_Grid, m_Part.n2cGG(id_node, i)); } m_Grid->GetPoints()->SetPoint(id_node,; for (int i = 0; i < m_Part.n2cGSize(id_node); ++i) { vec3_t n = GeometryTools::cellNormal(m_Grid, m_Part.n2cGG(id_node, i)); if (n*old_cell_normals[i] < 0.2*old_cell_normals[i].abs2()) { move = false; break; } } if (!move) { m_Grid->GetPoints()->SetPoint(id_node,; } return move; }
BrlCadInterface::HitType BrlCadInterface::shootRay(vec3_t x, vec3_t v, vec3_t &x_hit, vec3_t &n_hit, double &r) { HitType hit_type = Miss; v.normalise(); vec3_t x_in, x_out, n_in, n_out; double r_in, r_out; if (brlCadShootRay(x, v, x_in, x_out, n_in, n_out, r_in, r_out)) { double d_in = (x_in - x)*v; if (d_in > 0) { x_hit = x_in; n_hit = n_in; r = r_in; hit_type = HitIn; } double d_out = (x_out - x)*v; if (d_out > 0) { if (hit_type == Miss || d_out < d_in) { x_hit = x_out; n_hit = n_out; hit_type = HitOut; r = r_out; } } } return hit_type; }
bool is_touching_button(vec2_t screen_pos) { vec2_t pos = vec2_sub( screen_pos , vec2_scale(_screen_size, 0.5f)); pos.y = -pos.y; const vec2_t diff = vec2_sub(pos, ATTACK_POSITION.get_xy()); return fabs(diff.x) < ATTACK_SIZE.x * 0.5f && fabs(diff.y) < ATTACK_SIZE.y * 0.5f; }
void CMixer::Update(const float dt, const uint32_t ticks) { OBJITER iter; CObj* obj; bool success; for(iter=m_world->ObjBegin();iter!=m_world->ObjEnd();iter++) { obj = (*iter).second; if(obj->GetSound() && !obj->GetSoundState()->is_playing) { success = obj->GetSound()->Play(obj->GetSoundState()); CObj* localplayer = m_world->GetLocalObj(); if(success && localplayer) { // Distance to sound source const vec3_t diff = localplayer->GetOrigin() - obj->GetOrigin(); const float dist = std::min(diff.Abs(), SOUND_MAX_DIST); int volume = (int)(dist*255/SOUND_MAX_DIST); if(volume > 255) volume = 255; uint16_t angle; // 0-360 deg. for Mix_SetPosition vec3_t playerlook; // player is looking in this direction float fAlpha; // riwi to sound source float fBeta; // riwi look dir m_world->GetLocalController()->GetDir(&playerlook, NULL, NULL); fAlpha = atan2(diff.x, -diff.z); fBeta = atan2(playerlook.x, -playerlook.z); angle = (uint16_t)((fAlpha - fBeta)*180/lynxmath::PI); Mix_SetPosition(obj->GetSoundState()->cur_channel, angle, (uint8_t)volume); } } } }
vec3_t rotate(vec3_t v, vec3_t axis, double theta) { axis.normalise(); // transposed base of rotate system mat3_t g_t; // compute projection of v in axis direction vec3_t v_axis = (axis*v)*axis; // compute first orthogonal vector (first base vector) g_t[0] = v-v_axis; //In case of points on the rotation axis, do nothing if(g_t[0].abs()==0) return v; g_t[0].normalise(); // second base vector is the normalised axis g_t[1] = axis; // compute second orthogonal vector (third base vector) g_t[2] = g_t[0].cross(g_t[1]); // base of rotate system mat3_t g = g_t.transp(); // matrix for rotation around g_t[1]; mat3_t rot = mat3_t::identity(); rot[0][0] = cos(theta); rot[0][2] = sin(theta); rot[2][0] = -sin(theta); rot[2][2] = cos(theta); // transfer v to rotate system vec3_t v_r = g_t*v; // rotate the vector and transfer it back v_r = rot*v_r; v = g*v_r; return v; }
void cart2spherical(vec3_t x, double &alpha, double &beta, double &r) { r = x.abs(); static const vec3_t ex(1,0,0); vec3_t xy(x[0],x[1],0); if (x[1] >= 0) { alpha = angle(ex, xy); } else { alpha = 2*M_PI - angle(xy, ex); } if (xy.abs2() > 0) { if (x[2] >= 0) { beta = angle(xy, x); } else { beta = -angle(xy, x); } } else { beta = 0.5*M_PI; } }
bool CreateCadTesselation::shootRay(vec3_t x, vec3_t v, vec3_t &x_in, vec3_t &x_out, vec3_t &n_in, vec3_t &n_out) { v.normalise(); double r_hit; vec3_t x_hit, n_hit; CadInterface::HitType hit_type = m_CadInterface->shootRay(x, v, x_hit, n_hit, r_hit); if (hit_type == CadInterface::Miss || hit_type == CadInterface::HitOut) { return false; } x_in = x_hit; n_in = n_hit; x = x_in; do { x += 1e-10*v; hit_type = m_CadInterface->shootRay(x, v, x_hit, n_hit, r_hit); if (hit_type == CadInterface::HitOut) { x_out = x_hit; n_out = n_hit; } x = x_hit; } while (hit_type == CadInterface::HitIn); return true; }
vec3_t intersectionOnPlane(vec3_t v, vec3_t A, vec3_t nA, vec3_t B, vec3_t nB) { vec3_t u = B-A; // u.normalise(); v.normalise(); v = u.abs()*v; //cout<<"u="<<u<<" v="<<v<<endl; vec2_t p_A(0,0); vec2_t p_B(1,0); vec2_t p_nA = projectVectorOnPlane(nA,u,v); vec2_t p_nB = projectVectorOnPlane(nB,u,v); vec2_t p_tA = turnRight(p_nA); vec2_t p_tB = turnRight(p_nB); double k1, k2; vec2_t p_K; if(!intersection(k1, k2, p_A, p_tA, p_B, p_tB)) { //qDebug()<<"WARNING: No intersection found!!!"; p_K = 0.5*(p_A + p_B); } else { p_K = p_A + k1*p_tA; } //cout<<"nA="<<nA<<endl; //cout<<"p_nA="<<p_nA<<endl; //cout<<"p_tA="<<p_tA<<endl; //cout<<"p_K="<<p_K<<endl; if(p_K[0]<0) p_K[0] = 0; if(p_K[0]>1) p_K[0] = 1; vec3_t K = A + p_K[0]*u + p_K[1]*v; //cout<<"K="<<K<<endl; return K; }
vec3_t projectPointOnPlane(const vec3_t& M, const vec3_t& A, const vec3_t& N) { double k = ((M-A)*N)/N.abs2(); return( M - k*N ); }
/** Checks if a point in camera coordinates is visible by the retina */ bool isVisible(const vec3_t& pos) const { const int ix = static_cast<int>(pos.x() / pos.z() * retina_proj_param_); const int iy = static_cast<int>(pos.y() / pos.z() * retina_proj_param_); return -RETINA_SIZE/2 <= ix && ix <= RETINA_SIZE/2 && -RETINA_SIZE/2 <= iy && iy <= RETINA_SIZE/2; }
vec2_t projectCameraOnRetina(const vec3_t& x_cam) const { const float q = retina_proj_param_ / x_cam.z(); return q * vec2_t(x_cam.x(), x_cam.y()); }
double intersection(vec3_t x_straight, vec3_t v_straight, vec3_t x_plane, vec3_t u_plane, vec3_t v_plane) { vec3_t n = u_plane.cross(v_plane); return intersection(x_straight,v_straight,x_plane,n); }
foreach (vec3_t nf, m_Faces) { nf.normalise(); double h = nf*n0; hf = min(h, hf); }
foreach (int bc, m_NodeToBc[i_nodes]) { //x_new = GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getCadInterface(bc)->correctCurvature(GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getCadInterface(bc)->lastProjTriangle(), x_new); x_new = GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getCadInterface(bc)->correctCurvature(x_new); } } } } } // compute the minimal length of any edge adjacent to this node // .. This will be used to limit the node movement. // .. Hopefully jammed topologies can be avoided this way. // EG_VTKDCN(vtkDoubleArray, cl, m_Grid, "node_meshdensity_desired"); vec3_t x_old; m_Grid->GetPoint(id_node,; double L_min = cl->GetValue(id_node); for (int i = 0; i < m_Part.n2nGSize(id_node); ++i) { vtkIdType id_neigh = m_Part.n2nGG(id_node, i); vec3_t x_neigh; m_Grid->GetPoint(id_neigh,; L_min = min(L_min, (x_old - x_neigh).abs()); } // limit node displacement vec3_t dx = x_new - x_old; if (dx.abs() > m_Limit*L_min) { x_new -= dx; dx.normalise(); x_new += m_Limit*L_min*dx;