bool LaplaceSmoother::setNewPosition(vtkIdType id_node, vec3_t x_new) { using namespace GeometryTools; vec3_t x_old; m_Grid->GetPoint(id_node,; EG_VTKDCN(vtkCharArray, node_type, m_Grid, "node_type"); bool move = true; if(m_NoCheck) { return move; } QVector<vec3_t> old_cell_normals(m_Part.n2cGSize(id_node)); EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_code, m_Grid, "cell_code"); for (int i = 0; i < m_Part.n2cGSize(id_node); ++i) { old_cell_normals[i] = GeometryTools::cellNormal(m_Grid, m_Part.n2cGG(id_node, i)); } m_Grid->GetPoints()->SetPoint(id_node,; for (int i = 0; i < m_Part.n2cGSize(id_node); ++i) { vec3_t n = GeometryTools::cellNormal(m_Grid, m_Part.n2cGG(id_node, i)); if (n*old_cell_normals[i] < 0.2*old_cell_normals[i].abs2()) { move = false; break; } } if (!move) { m_Grid->GetPoints()->SetPoint(id_node,; } return move; }
//x_new = GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getCadInterface(bc)->correctCurvature(GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getCadInterface(bc)->lastProjTriangle(), x_new); x_new = GuiMainWindow::pointer()->getCadInterface(bc)->correctCurvature(x_new); } } } } } // compute the minimal length of any edge adjacent to this node // .. This will be used to limit the node movement. // .. Hopefully jammed topologies can be avoided this way. // EG_VTKDCN(vtkDoubleArray, cl, m_Grid, "node_meshdensity_desired"); vec3_t x_old; m_Grid->GetPoint(id_node,; double L_min = cl->GetValue(id_node); for (int i = 0; i < m_Part.n2nGSize(id_node); ++i) { vtkIdType id_neigh = m_Part.n2nGG(id_node, i); vec3_t x_neigh; m_Grid->GetPoint(id_neigh,; L_min = min(L_min, (x_old - x_neigh).abs()); } // limit node displacement vec3_t dx = x_new - x_old; if (dx.abs() > m_Limit*L_min) { x_new -= dx; dx.normalise(); x_new += m_Limit*L_min*dx; }