Пример #1
Block::BlockPtr SialOpsParallel::wait_and_check(Block::BlockPtr b, int line) {
	if (b->state().pending()) {
		if (sialx_timers_){
			sialx_timers_->start_timer(line, SialxTimer::BLOCKWAITTIME);
	        sialx_timers_->pause_timer(line, SialxTimer::BLOCKWAITTIME);
		else b->state().wait(b->size());
	return b;
Пример #2
//TODO optimize this.  Can reduce searches in block map.
void SialOpsParallel::get(BlockId& block_id) {

	//check for "data race"
	check_and_set_mode(block_id, READ);

	//if block already exists, or has pending request, just return
	Block::BlockPtr block = block_manager_.block(block_id);
	if (block != NULL)

	//send get message to block's server, and post receive
	int server_rank = data_distribution_.get_server_rank(block_id);
	int get_tag;
	get_tag = barrier_support_.make_mpi_tag_for_GET();

    sip::check(server_rank>=0&&server_rank<sip_mpi_attr_.global_size(), "invalid server rank",current_line()); 

    SIP_LOG(std::cout<<"W " << sip_mpi_attr_.global_rank()
    		<< " : sending GET for block " << block_id
    		<< " to server "<< server_rank << std::endl);

    // Construct int array to send to server.
    const int to_send_size = BlockId::MPI_BLOCK_ID_COUNT + 2;
    const int line_num_offset = BlockId::MPI_BLOCK_ID_COUNT;
    const int section_num_offset = line_num_offset + 1;
    int to_send[to_send_size]; // BlockId & line number
    int *serialized_block_id = block_id.to_mpi_array();
    std::copy(serialized_block_id + 0, serialized_block_id + BlockId::MPI_BLOCK_ID_COUNT, to_send);
    to_send[line_num_offset] = current_line();
    to_send[section_num_offset] = barrier_support_.section_number();

			MPI_Send(to_send, to_send_size, MPI_INT,
					server_rank, get_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD));

	//allocate block, and insert in block map, using block data as buffer
	block = block_manager_.get_block_for_writing(block_id, true);

	//post an asynchronous receive and store the request in the
	//block's state
	MPI_Request request;
			MPI_Irecv(block->get_data(), block->size(), MPI_DOUBLE, server_rank,
					get_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &request));
	block->state().mpi_request_ = request;