Пример #1
Sky::Sky( DBCFile::Iterator data )
	pos = Vec3D( data->getFloat( LightDB::PositionX ) / skymul, data->getFloat( LightDB::PositionY ) / skymul, data->getFloat( LightDB::PositionZ ) / skymul );
	r1 = data->getFloat( LightDB::RadiusInner ) / skymul;
	r2 = data->getFloat( LightDB::RadiusOuter ) / skymul;
	//gLog( "New sky (%i) at (%f,%f,%f) with (%f > %f).\n", data->getInt( LightDB::ID ), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, r1, r2 );

	for (int i=0; i<36; i++) 
		mmin[i] = -2;

	global = ( pos.x == 0.0f && pos.y == 0.0f && pos.z == 0.0f );

	int FirstId = data->getInt( LightDB::DataIDs ) * 18;

	for( int i = 0; i < 18; i++ ) 
		try {
			DBCFile::Record rec = gLightIntBandDB.getByID( FirstId + i );
			int entries = rec.getInt( LightIntBandDB::Entries );

			if ( entries == 0 ) 
				mmin[i] = -1;
				mmin[i] = rec.getInt( LightIntBandDB::Times );
				for( int l = 0; l < entries; l++ ) 
					SkyColor sc( rec.getInt( LightIntBandDB::Times + l ), rec.getInt( LightIntBandDB::Values + l ) );
					colorRows[i].push_back( sc );
		} catch (LightIntBandDB::NotFound) {
Пример #2
Sky::Sky(DBCFile::Iterator data)
    pos = Vec3D(data->getFloat(LightDB::PositionX) / skymul, data->getFloat(LightDB::PositionY) / skymul, data->getFloat(LightDB::PositionZ) / skymul);
    r1 = data->getFloat(LightDB::RadiusInner) / skymul;
    r2 = data->getFloat(LightDB::RadiusOuter) / skymul;

    for (int i = 0; i<36; ++i)
        mmin[i] = -2;

    global = (pos.x == 0.0f && pos.y == 0.0f && pos.z == 0.0f);

    int FirstId = data->getInt(LightDB::DataIDs) * 18 - 17; // cromons light fix ;) Thanks

    for (int i = 0; i < 18; ++i)
            DBCFile::Record rec = gLightIntBandDB.getByID(FirstId + i);
            int entries = rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Entries);

            if (entries == 0)
                mmin[i] = -1;
                mmin[i] = rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Times);
                for (int l = 0; l < entries; l++)
                    SkyColor sc(rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Times + l), rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Values + l));
        catch (...)
            LogError << "When trying to intialize sky " << data->getInt(LightDB::ID) << ", there was an error with getting an entry in a DBC (" << i << "). Sorry." << std::endl;
            DBCFile::Record rec = gLightIntBandDB.getByID(i);
            int entries = rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Entries);

            if (entries == 0)
                mmin[i] = -1;
                mmin[i] = rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Times);
                for (int l = 0; l < entries; l++)
                    SkyColor sc(rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Times + l), rec.getInt(LightIntBandDB::Values + l));

    unsigned int SKYFOG = data->getInt( LightDB::DataIDs );
    unsigned int ID = data->getInt( LightDB::ID );
    DBCFile::Record rec = gLightParamsDB.getByID( SKYFOG );
    unsigned int skybox = rec.getInt( LightParamsDB::skybox);

    if ( skybox == 0 )
    DBCFile::Record rec = gLightSkyboxDB.getByID(skybox);
    std::string skyname= rec.getString(LightSkyboxDB::filename);
    alt_sky=new Model(skyname); // if this is ever uncommented, use ModelManager::
    Log << "Loaded sky " << skyname << std::endl;


Пример #3
int main()
    FILE* fo = fopen("display_bounding_boxes.sql", "w");
    DBCFile displayInfo("DBFilesClient\\CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc");
    DBCFile modelInfo("DBFilesClient\\CreatureModelData.dbc");

    std::map<uint32, DBCFile::Record> modelInfoEntries;
    std::map<std::string, ModelCache> modelCache;

    for (DBCFile::Iterator itr = modelInfo.begin(); itr != modelInfo.end(); ++itr)
        unsigned int entry = itr->getInt(0);
        modelInfoEntries.insert(std::make_pair(entry, *itr));

    for (DBCFile::Iterator itr = displayInfo.begin(); itr != displayInfo.end(); ++itr)
        unsigned int displayid = itr->getInt(0);
        unsigned int modelentry = itr->getInt(1);
        float modelscale = itr->getFloat(4);

        std::map<uint32, DBCFile::Record>::iterator  modelitr = modelInfoEntries.find(modelentry);

        if (modelitr == modelInfoEntries.end())
            printf("Cannot find model entry for display %u (entry %u)\n", displayid, modelentry);

        DBCFile::Record modelrec = modelitr->second;

        const char* modelname = modelrec.getString(2);

        std::string strmodelname(modelname);

        replace(strmodelname, ".mdx", ".m2", 0);
        replace(strmodelname, ".MDX", ".m2", 0);

        M2Header* header;
        M2Attachment* attachments;
        M2Bone* bones;
        uint16* bonelookups;

        std::map<std::string, ModelCache>::iterator cacheitr = modelCache.find(modelname);

        if (cacheitr == modelCache.end())

            MPQFile modelf(strmodelname.c_str());

            if (modelf.isEof())
                printf("Error: cannot open %s\n", strmodelname.c_str());

            printf("Processing %u", displayid);

            header = (M2Header*)malloc(sizeof(M2Header));
            modelf.read(header, sizeof(M2Header));

            printf(" %u attachments %u bone lookups %u bones\n", header->nAttachments, header->nBoneLookupTable, header->nBones);

            attachments = (M2Attachment*)malloc(header->nAttachments * sizeof(M2Attachment));
            modelf.read(attachments, header->nAttachments * sizeof(M2Attachment));

            bonelookups = (uint16*)malloc(header->nBoneLookupTable * sizeof(uint16));
            modelf.read(bonelookups, header->nBoneLookupTable * sizeof(uint16));

            bones = (M2Bone*)malloc(header->nBones * sizeof(M2Bone));
            modelf.read(bones, header->nBones * sizeof(M2Bone));

            ModelCache cacheentry;
            cacheentry.attachments = attachments;
            cacheentry.bones = bones;
            cacheentry.bonelookups = bonelookups;
            cacheentry.header = header;
            modelCache.insert(std::make_pair(modelname, cacheentry));
            header = cacheitr->second.header;
            bones = cacheitr->second.bones;
            bonelookups = cacheitr->second.bonelookups;
            attachments = cacheitr->second.attachments;

        //try and get the bone
        for (uint32 i = 0; i < header->nAttachments; ++i)
            if (attachments[i].bone > header->nBoneLookupTable)
                printf("Attachment %u requests bonelookup %u (too large, bonelookup table is only %u entries)\n", i, attachments[i].bone, header->nBoneLookupTable);
            uint16 boneindex = bonelookups[attachments[i].bone];
            if (boneindex > header->nBones)
                printf("Attachment %u requests bone %u (too large, bone table is only %u entries)\n", i, boneindex, header->nBones);
            M2Bone & bone = bones[boneindex];
            //printf("Attachment %u (bone pivot %f %f %f offset %f %f %f)\n", attachments[i].id, bone.pivotpoint[0], bone.pivotpoint[1], bone.pivotpoint[2], attachments[i].pos[0],  attachments[i].pos[1],  attachments[i].pos[2]);

            float realpos[3];
            realpos[0] = (/*bone.pivotpoint[0] +*/ attachments[i].pos[0]) * modelscale;
            realpos[1] = (/*bone.pivotpoint[1] +*/ attachments[i].pos[1]) * modelscale;
            realpos[2] = (/*bone.pivotpoint[2] +*/ attachments[i].pos[2]) * modelscale;

            //fix coord system
            //             float tmp = realpos[2];
            //             realpos[2] = realpos[1];
            //             realpos[1] = -tmp;
            //fprintf(fo, "insert into `display_attachment_points` VALUES (%u, %u, %f, %f, %f);\n", displayid, attachments[i].id, attachments[i].pos[0], attachments[i].pos[1], attachments[i].pos[2]);
            //printf("Attachmnent %u point %f %f %f pivot %f %f %f\n", attachments[i].id, realpos[0], realpos[1], realpos[2], bone.pivotpoint[0], bone.pivotpoint[1], bone.pivotpoint[2]);

        float boundlow[3];
        boundlow[0] = header->boundingbox1[0] * modelscale;
        boundlow[1] = header->boundingbox1[1] * modelscale;
        boundlow[2] = header->boundingbox1[2] * modelscale;
        float boundhigh[3];
        boundhigh[0] = header->boundingbox2[0] * modelscale;
        boundhigh[1] = header->boundingbox2[1] * modelscale;
        boundhigh[2] = header->boundingbox2[2] * modelscale;
        float boundradius = header->boundingradius * modelscale;
        fprintf(fo, "insert into `display_bounding_boxes` VALUES (%u, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f);\n", displayid, boundlow[0], boundlow[1], boundlow[2], boundhigh[0], boundhigh[1], boundhigh[2], boundradius);
    return 0;