visualization_msgs::Marker SatDetector3DMonitor::getMarker(int marker_id, Eigen::Vector4f centroid, Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix){ //------- Compute Principal Componets for Marker publishing //Get the principal components and the quaternion Eigen::Matrix3f evecs; Eigen::Vector3f evals; //pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, evecs, evals); Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3f> es(covariance_matrix); evecs = es.eigenvectors().real(); evals = es.eigenvalues().real(); Eigen::Matrix3f rotation; rotation.row (0) = evecs.col (0); rotation.row (1) = evecs.col (1); rotation.row (2) = rotation.row (0).cross (rotation.row (1)); rotation.transposeInPlace (); Eigen::Quaternion<float> qt (rotation); qt.normalize (); //Publish Marker for cluster visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = base_frame_; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time().now(); marker.ns = "Perception"; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; = marker_id; marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(1); //centroid position marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; marker.pose.position.x = centroid[0]; marker.pose.position.y = centroid[1]; marker.pose.position.z = centroid[2]; marker.pose.orientation.x = qt.x(); marker.pose.orientation.y = qt.y(); marker.pose.orientation.z = qt.z(); marker.pose.orientation.w = qt.w(); //std::cout << "e1: " << evals(0) << " e2: " << evals(1) << " e3: " << evals(2) << std::endl; marker.scale.x = sqrt(evals(0)) * 4; marker.scale.y = sqrt(evals(1)) * 4; marker.scale.z = sqrt(evals(2)) * 4; //give it some color! marker.color.a = 0.75; satToRGB(marker.color.r, marker.color.g, marker.color.b); //std::cout << "marker being published" << std::endl; return marker; }
// returns the local R,t in nd0 that produces nd1 // NOTE: returns a postfix rotation; should return a prefix void transformN2N(Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1> &trans, Eigen::Quaternion<double> &qr, Node &nd0, Node &nd1) { Matrix<double,3,4> tfm; Quaterniond q0,q1; q0 = nd0.qrot; transformW2F(tfm,nd0.trans,q0); trans.head(3) = tfm*nd1.trans; trans(3) = 1.0; q1 = nd1.qrot; qr = q0.inverse()*q1; qr.normalize(); if (qr.w() < 0) qr.coeffs() = -qr.coeffs(); }
bool checkRange(const Eigen::Quaternion<DerivedA>& qq, double minVal, double maxVal) { assert(minVal < maxVal); if (std::isnan(qq.w()) || std::isnan(qq.x()) || std::isnan(qq.y()) || std::isnan(qq.z())) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Quaternion [" << qq.w() << ", " << qq.x() << ", " << qq.y() << ", " << qq.z() << "] contains NaN values!\n"; ROS_WARN_STREAM(ss.str()); return false; } if (qq.w() > maxVal || qq.w() < minVal || qq.x() > maxVal || qq.x() < minVal || qq.y() > maxVal || qq.y() < minVal || qq.z() > maxVal || qq.z() < minVal) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Quaternion contains terms out of range:\n" << " - w: [" << qq.w() << ", " << qq.x() << ", " << qq.y() << ", " << qq.z() << "]\n" << " - minVal: " << minVal << "\n" << " - maxVel: " << maxVal; ROS_WARN_STREAM(ss.str()); } return true; }
void computeEr(const Eigen::Quaternion<double>& q, Eigen::MatrixXd& Er) { Er.resize(4, 3); Er << -q.x(), -q.y(), -q.z(), q.w(), q.z(), -q.y(), -q.z(), q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), -q.x(), q.w(); Er = 0.5 * Er; }
Eigen::Matrix3f motion_controller::qToRotation(Eigen::Quaternion<float> q) { Eigen::Matrix3f temp; temp << 1-2*(q.y()*q.y()+q.z()*q.z()), 2*(q.x()*q.y()-q.w()*q.z()) , 2*(q.w()*q.y()+q.x()*q.z()) , 2*(q.x()*q.y()+q.w()*q.z()) , 1-2*(q.x()*q.x()+q.z()*q.z()), 2*(q.y()*q.z()-q.w()*q.x()) , 2*(q.x()*q.z()-q.w()*q.y()) , 2*(q.y()*q.z()+q.w()*q.x()) , 1-2*(q.x()*q.x()+q.y()*q.y()); return temp; }
void HLManager::start() { ros::Rate rate(10); while (nh.ok()) { if (fixValidated) { tf::Transform transform; transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(originLon, originLat, 0)); transform.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(0,0,0)); broadcaster.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "/worldLatLon", "/world")); transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(0, 0, 0)); Eigen::Quaternion<float> q; labust::tools::quaternionFromEulerZYX(M_PI,0,M_PI/2,q); transform.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(q.x(),q.y(),q.z(),q.w())); broadcaster.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "/world", "local")); } this->safetyTest(); this->step(); hlMessagePub.publish(hlDiagnostics); rate.sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); } }
void HLManager::onVTTwist(const geometry_msgs::TwistStamped::ConstPtr& twist) { if (mode == circle || mode == vtManual) { //\todo Generalize this 0.1 with Ts. s +=twist->twist.linear.x*0.1; //Circle if (s>=2*circleRadius*M_PI) s=s-2*circleRadius*M_PI; else if (s<0) s=2*circleRadius*M_PI-s; double xRabbit = point.point.x + circleRadius*cos(s/circleRadius); double yRabbit = point.point.y + circleRadius*sin(s/circleRadius); double gammaRabbit=labust::math::wrapRad(s/circleRadius)+M_PI/2; tf::Transform transform; transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(xRabbit, yRabbit, 0)); Eigen::Quaternion<float> q; labust::tools::quaternionFromEulerZYX(0,0,gammaRabbit, q); transform.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(q.x(),q.y(),q.z(),q.w())); broadcaster.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "local", "serret_frenet_frame")); auv_msgs::NavStsPtr msg(new auv_msgs::NavSts()); msg->position.north = xRabbit; msg->position.east = yRabbit; msg->body_velocity.x = twist->twist.linear.x; msg->orientation.yaw = gammaRabbit; sfPub.publish(msg); } }
SE3<> IMU2camWorldfromQuat(Eigen::Quaternion<double> atti){// use ini attitude info from EKF node to ini ptam pose Vector<4> attivec = makeVector(atti.w(), atti.x(), atti.y(), atti.z());//Rw1i Matrix<3> iniOrientationEKF; iniOrientationEKF = tag::quaternionToMatrix(attivec); Matrix<3> roll = TooN::Data(1.0, 0, 0,//Rww1, because the roll and pitch angles are in 0, -1, 0, // a world frame which pointing downward. 0, 0, -1); SE3<> camWorld = SE3<>(); Matrix<3> rotation; if (tracker_->attitude_get) rotation = iniOrientationEKF; // else rotation = roll * iniOrientationEKF;//Rwi = Rww1*Rw1i camWorld.get_rotation() = rotation*se3IMUfromcam.get_rotation().get_matrix();//Rwc = (Rwi * Ric) Vector<3> twr = makeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.198);// twc = twr + Rwr * trc Vector<3> twc = twr + rotation * se3IMUfromcam.get_translation(); camWorld.get_translation()[0] = 0.0;//twc[0]; //twc camWorld.get_translation()[1] = 0.0;//twc[1]; camWorld.get_translation()[2] = twc[2]; camWorld = camWorld.inverse();//Tcw cout<< "TCW INITIALIZED. TWC: " << twc[0]<< ", " << twc[1]<< ", " << twc[2]<<endl; // cout<< camWorld.get_rotation().get_matrix()(2,2)<<endl; return camWorld; }
bool CloudMatcher::match(modular_cloud_matcher::MatchClouds::Request& req, modular_cloud_matcher::MatchClouds::Response& res) { // get and check reference size_t referenceGoodCount; DP referenceCloud(rosMsgToPointMatcherCloud(req.reference, referenceGoodCount)); const unsigned referencePointCount(req.reference.width * req.reference.height); const double referenceGoodRatio(double(referenceGoodCount) / double(referencePointCount)); if (referenceGoodCount == 0) { ROS_ERROR("I found no good points in the reference cloud"); return false; } if (referenceGoodRatio < 0.5) { ROS_WARN_STREAM("Partial reference cloud! Missing " << 100 - referenceGoodRatio*100.0 << "% of the cloud (received " << referenceGoodCount << ")"); } // get and check reading size_t readingGoodCount; DP readingCloud(rosMsgToPointMatcherCloud(req.readings, readingGoodCount)); const unsigned readingPointCount(req.readings.width * req.readings.height); const double readingGoodRatio(double(readingGoodCount) / double(readingPointCount)); if (readingGoodCount == 0) { ROS_ERROR("I found no good points in the reading cloud"); return false; } if (readingGoodRatio < 0.5) { ROS_WARN_STREAM("Partial reference cloud! Missing " << 100 - readingGoodRatio*100.0 << "% of the cloud (received " << readingGoodCount << ")"); } // call icp TP transform; try { transform = icp(readingCloud, referenceCloud); ROS_INFO_STREAM("match ratio: " << icp.errorMinimizer->getWeightedPointUsedRatio() << endl); } catch (PM::ConvergenceError error) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ICP failed to converge: " << error.what()); return false; } // fill return value res.transform.translation.x = transform.coeff(0,3); res.transform.translation.y = transform.coeff(1,3); res.transform.translation.z = transform.coeff(2,3); const Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> quat(Matrix3(transform.block(0,0,3,3))); res.transform.rotation.x = quat.x(); res.transform.rotation.y = quat.y(); res.transform.rotation.z = quat.z(); res.transform.rotation.w = quat.w(); return true; }
void quaternion2vector(const Eigen::Quaternion<T_qt> &quat_In, std::vector<T_vec> &quat_Vec ) { quat_Vec.resize(4,T_vec(0.0)); quat_Vec[0] = T_vec( quat_In.w() ); quat_Vec[1] = T_vec( quat_In.x() ); quat_Vec[2] = T_vec( quat_In.y() ); quat_Vec[3] = T_vec( quat_In.z() ); };
void YouBot::updateWheels(const ros::TimerEvent& e) { try { if(q_base_.rows() != robot_->getMacroManipulatorDOF()) return; if(tau_base_.rows() != robot_->getMacroManipulatorDOF()) return; if(!gazebo_interface_wheel_->subscribed()) return; Eigen::VectorXd q = gazebo_interface_wheel_->getJointStates(); robot_->updateWheel(q); Eigen::Vector3d base_pos; base_pos << q_base_[0], q_base_[1], 0.0; Eigen::Quaternion<double> base_ori; base_ori.x() = 0.0; base_ori.y() = 0.0; base_ori.z() = sin(0.5 * q_base_[2]); base_ori.w() = cos(0.5 * q_base_[2]); robot_->updateBase(base_pos, base_ori); Eigen::VectorXd v_base; controller_->computeBaseVelocityFromTorque(tau_base_, v_base, 3); Eigen::VectorXd v_wheel; controller_->computeWheelVelocityFromBaseVelocity(v_base, v_wheel); Eigen::VectorXd q_wheel_d = robot_->getMobility()->update_rate * v_wheel; std::vector<Eigen::Quaternion<double> > quat_d; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < q_wheel_d.rows(); ++i) { double rad = q_wheel_d[i]; Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat; quat.x() = 0.0; quat.y() = sin(0.5 * rad); quat.z() = 0.0; quat.w() = cos(0.5 * rad); quat_d.push_back(quat); } gazebo_interface_wheel_->rotateLink(quat_d); } catch(ahl_robot::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } catch(ahl_ctrl::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } }
void rpyToQuaternion(const Eigen::Vector3d& rpy, Eigen::Quaternion<double>& q) { double a = rpy.coeff(0); double b = rpy.coeff(1); double g = rpy.coeff(2); double sin_b_half = sin(0.5 * b); double cos_b_half = cos(0.5 * b); double diff_a_g_half = 0.5 * (a - g); double sum_a_g_half = 0.5 * (a + g); q.x() = sin_b_half * cos(diff_a_g_half); q.y() = sin_b_half * sin(diff_a_g_half); q.z() = cos_b_half * sin(sum_a_g_half); q.w() = cos_b_half * cos(sum_a_g_half); }
base::Vector6d AuvMotion::gravity_buoyancy(const Eigen::Quaternion<double> q) { base::Vector6d gravitybuoyancy; double mass; control->nodes->getNodeMass(vehicle_id ,&mass); double buoyancy = _buoyancy_force; base::Vector3d pos = control->nodes->getPosition(vehicle_id); // In Quaternion form float e1 = q.x(); float e2 = q.y(); float e3 = q.z(); float e4 = q.w(); float xg = 0.0; float yg = 0.0; float zg = 0.0; float xb = centerOfBuoyancy[0]; float yb = centerOfBuoyancy[1]; float zb = centerOfBuoyancy[2];; gravitybuoyancy(0) = 0.0; gravitybuoyancy(1) = 0.0; if(pos[2] + centerOfBuoyancy[2] < 0.0){ //The vehicle is completly under water gravitybuoyancy(2) = buoyancy - mass; }else if(pos[2] < 0.0 && centerOfBuoyancy[2] != 0){ //The vehicle is partwise underwater -> apply buoyancy partwise gravitybuoyancy(2) = (buoyancy * (-pos[2]/ centerOfBuoyancy[2] ) ) - mass; }else{ //The vehicle is over the surface -> no buoyancy gravitybuoyancy(2) = -mass; } //Angular buoancy forces gravitybuoyancy(3) = ((-(e4 * e4)+(e1 * e1)+(e2 * e2)-(e3 * e3))*((yg*mass)-(yb*buoyancy)))+(2*((e4*e1)+(e2*e3))*((zg*mass)-(zb*buoyancy))); gravitybuoyancy(4) =-((-(e4 * e4)+(e1 * e1)+(e2 * e2)-(e3 * e3))*((xg*mass)-(xb*buoyancy)))+(2*((e4*e2)-(e1*e3))*((zg*mass)-(zb*buoyancy))); gravitybuoyancy(5) =-(2*((e4*e1)+(e2*e3))*((xg*mass)-(xb*buoyancy)))-(2*((e4*e2)-(e1*e3))*((yg*mass)-(yb*buoyancy))); //Convert angular forces to world frame gravitybuoyancy.block<3,1>(3,0) = q * gravitybuoyancy.block<3,1>(3,0); return gravitybuoyancy; }
void publishNode(unsigned int index, Eigen::Matrix<double,4,1> trans, Eigen::Quaternion<double> fq, const frame_common::CamParams &cp, bool isFixed, sba::CameraNode &msg) { msg.index = index; msg.transform.translation.x = trans.x(); msg.transform.translation.y = trans.y(); msg.transform.translation.z = trans.z(); msg.transform.rotation.x = fq.x(); msg.transform.rotation.y = fq.y(); msg.transform.rotation.z = fq.z(); msg.transform.rotation.w = fq.w(); msg.fx = cp.fx; msg.fy = cp.fy; =; =; msg.baseline = cp.tx; msg.fixed = isFixed; }
bool operator()(T const* const* parameters, T* residuals) const { // Map spline UniformSpline<T> spline(spline_dt_, spline_offset_); for (size_t i=0; i < num_knots_; ++i) { spline.add_knot((T*) ¶meters[i][0]); } Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> landmark(T(5.0), T(1.0), T(3.0)); Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> expected(T(0.0), T(0.0), T(1.0)); // Distance to center Sophus::SE3Group<T> P; Eigen::Matrix<T, 4, 4> dP, d2P; for (size_t i=0; i < eval_times_.size(); ++i) { spline.evaluate(T(eval_times_[i]), P, dP, d2P); Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> X_spline = P.inverse() * landmark; Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> diff = X_spline - expected; residuals[3*i + 0] = diff(0); residuals[3*i + 1] = diff(1); residuals[3*i + 2] = diff(2); } const size_t poff = 3 * eval_times_.size(); // Constant angular difference for (size_t i=1; i < eval_times_.size(); ++i) { SE3Group<T> P0, P1, delta; spline.evaluate(T(eval_times_[i-1]), P0, dP, d2P); spline.evaluate(T(eval_times_[i]), P1, dP, d2P); delta = P0.inverse() * P1; Eigen::Quaternion<T> q = delta.unit_quaternion(); residuals[poff + 4*(i - 1) + 0] = T(5.0) * (q.w() - T(cos(0.5 * expected_angular_difference_))); residuals[poff + 4*(i - 1) + 1] = T(5.0) * (q.x() - T(sin(0.5 * expected_angular_difference_))); residuals[poff + 4*(i - 1) + 2] = T(5.0) * q.y(); //- 0; residuals[poff + 4*(i - 1) + 3] = T(5.0) * q.z(); //- 0; } return true; }
bool base_sot_to_urdf(Eigen::ConstRefVector q_sot, Eigen::RefVector q_urdf) { assert(q_urdf.size()==7); assert(q_sot.size()==6); // ********* RPY to Quat ********* const double r = q_sot[3]; const double p = q_sot[4]; const double y = q_sot[5]; const Eigen::AngleAxisd rollAngle(r, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()); const Eigen::AngleAxisd pitchAngle(p, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY()); const Eigen::AngleAxisd yawAngle(y, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()); const Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat = yawAngle * pitchAngle * rollAngle; q_urdf[0 ]=q_sot[0 ]; //BASE q_urdf[1 ]=q_sot[1 ]; q_urdf[2 ]=q_sot[2 ]; q_urdf[3 ]=quat.x(); q_urdf[4 ]=quat.y(); q_urdf[5 ]=quat.z(); q_urdf[6 ]=quat.w(); return true; }
lwr_impedance_controller::CartImpTrajectoryPoint sampleInterpolation() { lwr_impedance_controller::CartImpTrajectoryPoint next_point; double timeFromStart = (double) (now() - trajectory_.header.stamp).toSec(); double segStartTime = last_point_.time_from_start.toSec(); double segEndTime = trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].time_from_start.toSec(); next_point = setpoint_; // interpolate position // x next_point.pose.position.x = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.pose.position.x, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.position.x); // y next_point.pose.position.y = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.pose.position.y, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.position.y); // z next_point.pose.position.z = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.pose.position.z, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.position.z); // interpolate orientation Eigen::Quaternion<double> start = Eigen::Quaternion<double>(last_point_.pose.orientation.w, last_point_.pose.orientation.x, last_point_.pose.orientation.y, last_point_.pose.orientation.z); Eigen::Quaternion<double> end = Eigen::Quaternion<double>( trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.orientation.w, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.orientation.x, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.orientation.y, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.orientation.z); double t = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, 0, 1); Eigen::Quaternion<double> rot = start.slerp(t, end); next_point.pose.orientation.x = rot.x(); next_point.pose.orientation.y = rot.y(); next_point.pose.orientation.z = rot.z(); next_point.pose.orientation.w = rot.w(); /* // x next_point.pose.orientation.x = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.pose.orientation.x, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.orientation.x); // y next_point.pose.orientation.y = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.pose.orientation.y, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.orientation.y); // z next_point.pose.orientation.z = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.pose.orientation.z, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.orientation.z); // w next_point.pose.orientation.w = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.pose.orientation.w, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].pose.orientation.w); */ //interpolate stiffness // x next_point.impedance.stiffness.force.x = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.impedance.stiffness.force.x, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].impedance.stiffness.force.x); next_point.impedance.stiffness.force.y = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.impedance.stiffness.force.y, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].impedance.stiffness.force.y); next_point.impedance.stiffness.force.z = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.impedance.stiffness.force.z, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].impedance.stiffness.force.z); next_point.impedance.stiffness.torque.x = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.impedance.stiffness.torque.x, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].impedance.stiffness.torque.x); next_point.impedance.stiffness.torque.y = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.impedance.stiffness.torque.y, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].impedance.stiffness.torque.y); next_point.impedance.stiffness.torque.z = linearlyInterpolate(timeFromStart, segStartTime, segEndTime, last_point_.impedance.stiffness.torque.z, trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].impedance.stiffness.torque.z); next_point.impedance.damping = trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].impedance.damping; next_point.wrench = trajectory_.trajectory[trajectory_index_].wrench; return next_point; }
void get3DMoments(vector<Point> feature_points, int feat_index, int index) { // for(int i=0; i<feature_points.size(); i++) // ROS_INFO("%d --> %d,%d",i,feature_points[i].x,feature_points[i].y); //ROS_INFO("Getting 3D Moments : %d --> %d,%d", feature_points.size(), width, height); //Extract the indices for the points in the point cloud data pcl::PointIndices point_indices; for(int i=0; i<feature_points.size(); i++) { //ROS_INFO("Feature Index : %d, %d",feature_points[i].x, feature_points[i].y); point_indices.indices.push_back(feature_points[i].y * width + feature_points[i].x); } //ROS_INFO("Computing 3D Centroid : %d",point_indices.indices.size()); Eigen::Vector4f centroid; Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix; // Estimate the XYZ centroid pcl::compute3DCentroid (pcl_in, point_indices, centroid); #ifdef DEBUG ROS_INFO("Centroid %d: %f, %f, %f, %f",index,centroid(0),centroid(1),centroid(2),centroid(3)); #endif //ROS_INFO("Computing Covariance "); //Compute the centroid and the covariance of the points computeCovarianceMatrix(pcl_in, point_indices.indices, centroid, covariance_matrix); //Print the 3D Moments //ROS_INFO("Centroid : %f, %f, %f, %f",centroid(0),centroid(1),centroid(2),centroid(3)); #ifdef DEBUG std::cout<<"Covariance : "<<std::endl<<covariance_matrix <<std::endl; #endif for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { feedback_.features[feat_index].moments[index].mean[i] = centroid(i); for(int j=0; j<3; j++) { feedback_.features[feat_index].moments[index].covariance[i*3+j] = covariance_matrix(i,j); } } //Get the principal components and the quaternion Eigen::Matrix3f evecs; Eigen::Vector3f evals; pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, evecs, evals); Eigen::Matrix3f rotation; rotation.row (0) = evecs.col (0); rotation.row (1) = evecs.col (1); //rotation.row (2) = evecs.col (2); rotation.row (2) = rotation.row (0).cross (rotation.row (1)); //rotation.transposeInPlace (); #ifdef DEBUG std::cerr << "Rotation matrix: " << endl; std::cerr << rotation << endl; std::cout<<"Eigen vals : "<<evals<<std::endl; #endif rotation.transposeInPlace (); Eigen::Quaternion<float> qt (rotation); qt.normalize (); //Publish Marker visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = "/openni_rgb_optical_frame"; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time().now(); marker.ns = "Triangulation"; = index+1; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(5); //centroid position marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; marker.pose.position.x = centroid(0); marker.pose.position.y = centroid(1); marker.pose.position.z = centroid(2); marker.pose.orientation.x = qt.x(); marker.pose.orientation.y = qt.y(); marker.pose.orientation.z = qt.z(); marker.pose.orientation.w = qt.w(); marker.scale.x = sqrt(evals(0)) *2; marker.scale.y = sqrt(evals(1)) *2; marker.scale.z = sqrt(evals(2)) *2; //red marker.color.a = 0.5; marker.color.r = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1); marker.color.g = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1); marker.color.b = rand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1); object_pose_marker_pub_.publish(marker); }
void motion_controller::running(void) { cycle_start = ros::Time::now(); // receive path and when received block path receiver until mission completed if (m_path && !block_path_receiver) { nav_msgs::Path temp_path = *m_path; std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> temp_path_vector; extracted_path.clear(); for( std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>::iterator itr = temp_path.poses.begin() ; itr != temp_path.poses.end(); ++itr) { temp_path_vector.push_back(*itr); } if(!temp_path_vector.empty()) { ROS_INFO("Path Received!"); } p_count++; while(!temp_path_vector.empty()) { extracted_path.push_back(temp_path_vector.back()); temp_path_vector.pop_back(); } block_path_receiver = true; } // switch status according to the command switch (m_move) { // move forward case FORWARD: { // v is linear speed and gain is angular velocity v = sqrt(dist)*v_max/(1 + gamma*k*k)*10000/PI; gain = 0.3265*v*k; if (fabs(gain) > 600) { gain = boost::math::sign(gain) * 600; } if(fabs(v)>2000) { v = boost::math::sign(v)*2000; } // set motor rotation velocity locomotor->set_vel(floor(v)+floor(gain),-floor(v)+floor(gain)); // when the euler distance is less than 100mm, achieved waypoint if (distance2d(m_state, m_cmd) < 0.09 && indicator(m_state[2],m_cmd[2],0.5)) { m_move = IDLE; } break; } case BACKWARD: { v = sqrt(dist) * 0.75/(1+0.2*k_back*k_back) *10000/3.1415926; gain = 0.3265*v*k_back; if (fabs(gain) > 600) { gain = boost::math::sign(gain) * 600; } if(fabs(v)>2000) { v = boost::math::sign(v)*2000; } locomotor->set_vel(-floor(v)+floor(gain),floor(v)+floor(gain)); if (distance2d(m_state, m_cmd) < 0.09 && indicator(m_state[2],m_cmd[2],0.5)) { m_move = IDLE; } break; } case LIFTFORK: { // TODO: Lift height should be determined, fork stroke should be determined printf("Lift and fork!\n"); locomotor->set_vel(0, 0); sleep(3); // locomotor->shut_down(); lift_motor->power_on(); if ((fork_count%2) == 1) // change -243720 to be -223720, wants to liftfork a little bit lower lift_motor->set_pos(-223720); else lift_motor->set_pos(-293720); sleep(10); printf("Start Test\n"); // pose correction code inserted here first make sure tag is attached vertically, second camera has no pitch angle relative to the vehicle if ((fork_count%2) == 1) { printf("Start Correction!\n"); int count_detect = 0; while(ros::ok()) { if(abs_pose1) { Eigen::Quaternion<float> quat; quat.w() = abs_pose1->pose.pose.orientation.w; quat.x() = abs_pose1->pose.pose.orientation.x; quat.y() = abs_pose1->pose.pose.orientation.y; quat.z() = abs_pose1->pose.pose.orientation.z; Eigen::Matrix3f Rotation; Rotation = qToRotation(quat); Eigen::Matrix3f FixTF; FixTF << 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0; Rotation = FixTF * Rotation.inverse(); float yaw_error; yaw_error = getYawFromMat(Rotation); gain = -3265*(k_angle*yaw_error)/3.1415926; if(fabs(gain)>150) { gain = boost::math::sign(gain) * 150; } locomotor->set_vel(floor(gain), floor(gain)); if (fabs(yaw_error*180/3.1415926) < 0.5) { locomotor->set_vel(0,0); printf("Yaw %f corrected!\n", yaw_error*180/3.1415926); break; } } else { locomotor->set_vel(0, 0); usleep(10000); count_detect++; } ros::spinOnce(); if (count_detect>1000) { ROS_WARN("No Tag detected when stoped"); ros::shutdown(); exit(1); } } count_detect = 0; while(ros::ok()) { if(abs_pose1) { Eigen::Quaternion<float> quat; quat.w() = abs_pose1->pose.pose.orientation.w; quat.x() = abs_pose1->pose.pose.orientation.x; quat.y() = abs_pose1->pose.pose.orientation.y; quat.z() = abs_pose1->pose.pose.orientation.z; Eigen::Matrix3f Rotation; Eigen::Vector3f translation; translation << abs_pose1->pose.pose.position.x, abs_pose1->pose.pose.position.y, abs_pose1->pose.pose.position.z; Rotation = qToRotation(quat); translation = translation; float x_error; x_error = translation[0]; v = 0.25*(x_error-0.003)*10000/3.1415926; // printf("x is %f\n", x_error); // printf("v is %f\n\n", floor(v)); if(fabs(v)>150) { v = boost::math::sign(v) * 150; } locomotor->set_vel(floor(v), -floor(v)); if (fabs(x_error-0.003) < 0.003) { locomotor->set_vel(0, 0); printf("x %f corrected!\n", (x_error-0.006)); break; } } else { locomotor->set_vel(0, 0); usleep(10000); count_detect++; } ros::spinOnce(); if (count_detect>1000) { ROS_WARN("No Tag detected when stoped"); ros::shutdown(); exit(1); } } } if ((fork_count%2) == 0) { int count_detect = 0; while(ros::ok()) { if (abs_pose) { Eigen::Quaternion<float> quat; quat.w() = abs_pose->pose.pose.orientation.w; quat.x() = abs_pose->pose.pose.orientation.x; quat.y() = abs_pose->pose.pose.orientation.y; quat.z() = abs_pose->pose.pose.orientation.z; Eigen::Matrix3f Rotation; Rotation = qToRotation(quat); Eigen::Matrix3f fixTF; fixTF << 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1; Rotation = Rotation.inverse()*fixTF; m_state[2] = getYawFromMat(Rotation); gain = 3265*(k_angle*angle(m_cmd[2],m_state[2]))/PI; if (fabs(gain) > 100) { gain = boost::math::sign(gain) * 100; } if (fabs(gain) >100) { ros::shutdown(); exit(1); } locomotor->set_vel(floor(gain),floor(gain)); if (indicator(m_cmd[2], m_state[2], 0.008)) { locomotor->set_vel(0, 0); printf("Corrected!\n"); break; } } else { locomotor->set_vel(0, 0); usleep(10000); count_detect++; } ros::spinOnce(); if (count_detect>1000) { locomotor->set_vel(0, 0); ROS_WARN("No Tag detected when stoped"); //ros::shutdown(); //exit(1); } } } // if we carry out hand hold barcode test, after correction, stop // ros::shutdown(); // exit(1); locomotor->shut_down(); sleep(0.5); // comment following two lines can set make telefork not strech out telefork_motor->set_pos( boost::math::sign(lift_param)*(-386000) ); sleep(15); if ((fork_count%2) == 1) lift_motor->set_pos(-293720); else lift_motor->set_pos(-223720); sleep(3); telefork_motor->set_pos(0); sleep(15); // ros::shutdown(); // exit(1); lift_motor->shut_down(); locomotor->power_on(); sleep(0.5); m_move = IDLE; break; } case TURN: { v = cos(alpha) * dist* k_dist *10000/PI; if(fabs(v)>300) { v = boost::math::sign(v)*300; } gain = 3265*(k_angle*angle(m_cmd[2],m_state[2]))/PI; if (fabs(gain) > 400) { gain = boost::math::sign(gain) * 400; } locomotor->set_vel(floor(v)+floor(gain),-floor(v)+floor(gain)); if (indicator(m_state[2],m_cmd[2],0.01)) { m_move = IDLE; } break; } case IDLE: { locomotor->set_vel(0,0); if (extracted_path.size()!=0) { geometry_msgs::PoseStamped temp_pose = extracted_path.back(); float yaw_ = 2*atan2(temp_pose.pose.orientation.z,temp_pose.pose.orientation.w); m_cmd << temp_pose.pose.position.x * m_resolution, temp_pose.pose.position.y * m_resolution, angle(yaw_,0); printf("Next Commanded Pose is (%f, %f, %f)\n", m_cmd[0], m_cmd[1], m_cmd[2]); if ( (fabs(m_cmd[0] - m_state[0])>0.5) && (fabs(m_cmd[1] - m_state[1])>0.5) ) { printf("Invalid commanded position received!\n"); locomotor->shut_down(); ros::shutdown(); exit(1); } if ( (fabs(m_cmd[0] - m_state[0])>0.5) || (fabs(m_cmd[1] - m_state[1])>0.5) ) { if (fabs(angle(m_cmd[2],m_state[2]))>0.5) { printf("Invalid commanded pose orientation received!\n"); locomotor->shut_down(); ros::shutdown(); exit(1); } if (fabs(m_cmd[0] - m_state[0])>0.5) { if (cos(m_state[2]) * (m_cmd[0] - m_state[0]) > 0) m_move = FORWARD; else m_move = BACKWARD; } else { if (sin(m_state[2]) * (m_cmd[1] - m_state[1]) > 0) m_move = FORWARD; else m_move = BACKWARD; } if (m_move == FORWARD) printf("Move Forward!\n"); else printf("Move Backward!\n"); } else if (fabs(m_cmd[2] - m_state[2])>0.5) { m_move = TURN; printf("Turn Around!\n"); } else if (temp_pose.pose.position.z!=0) { m_move = LIFTFORK; fork_count++; lift_param = temp_pose.pose.position.z; } else m_move = IDLE; extracted_path.pop_back(); } else { if (p_count == 2) { lift_motor->power_on(); lift_motor->set_pos(0); sleep(12); lift_motor->shut_down(); sleep(0.5); } block_path_receiver = false; geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose_msg; pose_msg.header.frame_id = "world"; pose_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pose_msg.pose.position.x = m_state[0]; pose_msg.pose.position.y = m_state[1]; if (block_path_receiver) pose_msg.pose.position.z = 1; else pose_msg.pose.position.z = 0; pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = cos(m_state[2]/2); pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = 0; pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = 0; pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = sin(m_state[2]/2); m_posePub.publish(pose_msg); printf("IDLE!\n"); sleep(1); m_move = IDLE; } break; } } vel.first = (vel.first + locomotor->get_vel().first)/2; vel.second = (vel.second + locomotor->get_vel().second)/2; cycle_period = (ros::Time::now() - cycle_start).toSec(); m_state[0] = m_state[0] + (-vel.second+vel.first)/2 * cos(m_state[2]) * 0.018849555 * cycle_period/60; m_state[1] = m_state[1] + (-vel.second+vel.first)/2 * sin(m_state[2]) * 0.018849555 * cycle_period/60; m_state[2] = m_state[2] + (vel.first + vel.second)/0.653 * 0.018849555 * cycle_period/60; if (abs_pose) { int id; id = abs_pose->id - 3; Eigen::Quaternion<float> quat; quat.w() = abs_pose->pose.pose.orientation.w; quat.x() = abs_pose->pose.pose.orientation.x; quat.y() = abs_pose->pose.pose.orientation.y; quat.z() = abs_pose->pose.pose.orientation.z; Eigen::Matrix3f Rotation; Eigen::Vector3f translation; translation << abs_pose->pose.pose.position.x, abs_pose->pose.pose.position.y, abs_pose->pose.pose.position.z; Rotation = qToRotation(quat); translation = -Rotation.inverse()*translation; Eigen::Matrix3f fixTF; fixTF << 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1; Rotation = Rotation.inverse()*fixTF; m_state[0] = translation[0] + m_resolution * (id%10); m_state[1] = translation[1] + m_resolution * floor(id/10.0); m_state[2] = getYawFromMat(Rotation) + 0.04; } geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose_msg; pose_msg.header.frame_id = "world"; pose_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pose_msg.pose.position.x = m_state[0]; pose_msg.pose.position.y = m_state[1]; if (block_path_receiver) pose_msg.pose.position.z = 1; else pose_msg.pose.position.z = 0; pose_msg.pose.orientation.w = cos(m_state[2]/2); pose_msg.pose.orientation.x = 0; pose_msg.pose.orientation.y = 0; pose_msg.pose.orientation.z = sin(m_state[2]/2); m_posePub.publish(pose_msg); delta_y = m_cmd[1]-m_state[1]; if(fabs(m_cmd[1]-m_state[1]) > 1.6) { delta_y = boost::math::sign(m_cmd[1]-m_state[1]) * 1.6; } delta_x = m_cmd[0]-m_state[0]; if(fabs(m_cmd[0]-m_state[0]) > 1.6) { delta_x = boost::math::sign(m_cmd[0]-m_state[0]) * 1.6; } beta = angle(m_cmd[2], atan2(delta_y, delta_x)); alpha = angle(m_state[2], atan2(delta_y, delta_x)); beta1 = angle(m_cmd[2]+PI, atan2(delta_y, delta_x)); alpha1 = angle(m_state[2]+3.1415926, atan2(delta_y, delta_x)); dist = sqrt(delta_x*delta_x + delta_y* delta_y); k = -1/dist * (k2*(alpha-atan(-k1*beta)) + sin(alpha)*(1 + k1/(1+(k1*beta) * (k1*beta)))); k_back = -1/dist * (k2*(alpha1-atan2(-k1*beta1,1)) + sin(alpha1)*(1 + k1/(1+(k1*beta1) * (k1*beta1)))); }
void SurfelMapPublisher::publishSurfelMarkers(const boost::shared_ptr<MapType>& map) { if (m_markerPublisher.getNumSubscribers() == 0) return; unsigned int markerId = 0; std::vector<float> cellSizes; typename MapType::AlignedCellVectorVector occupiedCells; std::vector<std::vector<pcl::PointXYZ>> occupiedCellsCenters; int levels = map->getLevels(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_lastSurfelMarkerCount; ++i) { for (unsigned int l = 0; l < levels; l++) { visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = map->getFrameId(); marker.header.stamp = map->getLastUpdateTimestamp(); marker.ns = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(l); = i; marker.type = marker.SPHERE; marker.action = marker.DELETE; m_markerPublisher.publish(marker); } } for (unsigned int l = 0; l < levels; l++) { cellSizes.push_back(map->getCellSize(l)); typename MapType::AlignedCellVector occupiedCellsTemp; std::vector<pcl::PointXYZ> occupiedCellsCentersTemp; map->getOccupiedCells(occupiedCellsTemp, l); map->getOccupiedCells(occupiedCellsCentersTemp, l); occupiedCells.push_back(occupiedCellsTemp); occupiedCellsCenters.push_back(occupiedCellsCentersTemp); } for (unsigned int l = 0; l < cellSizes.size(); l++) { float cellSize = cellSizes[l]; for (size_t i = 0; i < occupiedCells[l].size(); i++) { const mrs_laser_maps::Surfel& surfel = occupiedCells[l][i].surfel_; // if (surfel.num_points_ < 15 ) // continue; // // if ( surfel.unevaluated_ ) { // ROS_ERROR("not unevaluated surfel"); // continue; // } Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> cov = surfel.cov_.block(0, 0, 3, 3); Eigen::EigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> solver(cov); Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> eigenvectors = solver.eigenvectors().real(); // double eigenvalues[3]; Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1> eigenvalues = solver.eigenvalues().real(); // for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { // Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1> mult = cov * eigenvectors.col(j); // eigenvalues[j] = mult(0,0) / eigenvectors.col(j)(0); // } if (eigenvectors.determinant() < 0) { eigenvectors.col(0)(0) = -eigenvectors.col(0)(0); eigenvectors.col(0)(1) = -eigenvectors.col(0)(1); eigenvectors.col(0)(2) = -eigenvectors.col(0)(2); } Eigen::Quaternion<double> q = Eigen::Quaternion<double>(eigenvectors); visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = map->getFrameId(); marker.header.stamp = map->getLastUpdateTimestamp(); marker.ns = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(l); = markerId++; marker.type = marker.SPHERE; marker.action = marker.ADD; marker.pose.position.x = occupiedCellsCenters[l][i].x - cellSize / 2 + surfel.mean_(0); marker.pose.position.y = occupiedCellsCenters[l][i].y - cellSize / 2 + surfel.mean_(1); marker.pose.position.z = occupiedCellsCenters[l][i].z - cellSize / 2 + surfel.mean_(2); marker.pose.orientation.w = q.w(); marker.pose.orientation.x = q.x(); marker.pose.orientation.y = q.y(); marker.pose.orientation.z = q.z(); marker.scale.x = std::max(sqrt(eigenvalues[0]) * 3, 0.01); marker.scale.y = std::max(sqrt(eigenvalues[1]) * 3, 0.01); marker.scale.z = std::max(sqrt(eigenvalues[2]) * 3, 0.01); marker.color.a = 1.0; double dot =, 0., 1.)); if (surfel.normal_.norm() > 1e-10) dot /= surfel.normal_.norm(); double angle = acos(fabs(dot)); double angle_normalized = 2. * angle / M_PI; marker.color.r = ColorMapJet::red(angle_normalized); // fabs(surfel.normal_(0)); marker.color.g = ColorMapJet::green(angle_normalized); marker.color.b = ColorMapJet::blue(angle_normalized); m_markerPublisher.publish(marker); } } m_lastSurfelMarkerCount = markerId; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // initialize the node and various publishers ros::init(argc, argv, "fovis_odom"); ros::NodeHandle n; ros::Publisher odom_pub = n.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("odom", 50); tf::TransformBroadcaster odom_broadcaster; // initialize the device fovis_example::DataCapture* cap = new fovis_example::DataCapture(); if(!cap->initialize()) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize OpenNI sensor\n"); return 1; } if(!cap->startDataCapture()) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to start data capture\n"); return 1; } // get the RGB camera parameters of our device fovis::Rectification rect(cap->getRgbParameters()); fovis::VisualOdometryOptions options = fovis::VisualOdometry::getDefaultOptions(); // If we wanted to play around with the different VO parameters, we could set // them here in the "options" variable. // setup the visual odometry fovis::VisualOdometry* odom = new fovis::VisualOdometry(&rect, options); // exit cleanly on CTL-C struct sigaction new_action; new_action.sa_sigaction = sig_action; sigemptyset(&new_action.sa_mask); new_action.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &new_action, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &new_action, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &new_action, NULL); while(!shutdown_flag) { if(!cap->captureOne()) { fprintf(stderr, "Capture failed\n"); break; } odom->processFrame(cap->getGrayImage(), cap->getDepthImage()); // get the integrated pose estimate. Eigen::Isometry3d cam_to_local = odom->getPose(); Eigen::Quaternion<double> quat = Eigen::Quaternion<double>(cam_to_local.rotation()); double w = quat.w(); double qx = quat.z(); double qy = -quat.x(); double qz = -quat.y(); Eigen::Vector3d xyz = cam_to_local.translation(); double x = xyz(2); double y = -xyz(0); double z = -xyz(1); tf::Quaternion tf_odom_quat = tf::Quaternion(qx,qy,qz,w); geometry_msgs::Quaternion gm_odom_quat; tf::quaternionTFToMsg(tf_odom_quat, gm_odom_quat); //first, we'll publish the transform over tf std::string odomName = "odom"; std::string baseName = "base_link"; geometry_msgs::TransformStamped odom_trans; odom_trans.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();; odom_trans.header.frame_id = odomName; odom_trans.child_frame_id = baseName; odom_trans.transform.translation.x = x; odom_trans.transform.translation.y = y; odom_trans.transform.translation.z = z; odom_trans.transform.rotation = gm_odom_quat; //send the transform odom_broadcaster.sendTransform(odom_trans); //next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS nav_msgs::Odometry odom_msg; odom_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); odom_msg.header.frame_id = odomName; //set the position odom_msg.pose.pose.position.x = x; odom_msg.pose.pose.position.y = y; odom_msg.pose.pose.position.z = z; odom_msg.pose.pose.orientation = gm_odom_quat; //set the velocity odom_msg.child_frame_id = baseName; //odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.x = vx; //odom_msg.twist.twist.linear.y = vy; //odom_msg.twist.twist.angular.z = vth; //publish the message odom_pub.publish(odom_msg); // get the motion estimate for this frame to the previous frame. Eigen::Isometry3d motion_estimate = odom->getMotionEstimate(); // display the motion estimate. These values are all given in the RGB // camera frame, where +Z is forward, +X points right, +Y points down, and // the origin is located at the focal point of the RGB camera. std::cout << isometryToString(cam_to_local) << " " << isometryToString(motion_estimate) << "\n"; } printf("Shutting down\n"); cap->stopDataCapture(); delete odom; delete cap; return 0; }
void quaternion2eigen(const Eigen::Quaternion<T_qt> &quat_In, Eigen::Matrix<T_evec,4,1> &quat_Vec ) { quat_Vec = Eigen::Matrix<T_evec,4,1>( T_evec(quat_In.w()), T_evec(quat_In.x()), T_evec(quat_In.y()), T_evec(quat_In.z()) ); };
btQuaternion ToBullet(const Eigen::Quaternion<float>& q) { return btQuaternion((btScalar)q.x(), (btScalar)q.y(), (btScalar)q.z(), (btScalar)q.w()); }
void ConP2::setJacobians(std::vector<Node,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Node> > &nodes) { // node references Node &nr = nodes[ndr]; Matrix<double,4,1> &tr = nr.trans; Quaternion<double> &qr = nr.qrot; Node &n1 = nodes[nd1]; Matrix<double,4,1> &t1 = n1.trans; Quaternion<double> &q1 = n1.qrot; // first get the second frame in first frame coords Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> pc = nr.w2n * t1; // Jacobians wrt first frame parameters // translational part of 0p1 wrt translational vars of p0 // this is just -R0' [from 0t1 = R0'(t1 - t0)] J0.block<3,3>(0,0) = -nr.w2n.block<3,3>(0,0); // translational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0 // dR'/dq * [pw - t] Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> pwt; pwt = (t1-tr).head(3); // transform translations // dx Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> dp = nr.dRdx * pwt; // dR'/dq * [pw - t] J0.block<3,1>(0,3) = dp; // dy dp = nr.dRdy * pwt; // dR'/dq * [pw - t] J0.block<3,1>(0,4) = dp; // dz dp = nr.dRdz * pwt; // dR'/dq * [pw - t] J0.block<3,1>(0,5) = dp; // rotational part of 0p1 wrt translation vars of p0 => zero J0.block<3,3>(3,0).setZero(); // rotational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0 // from 0q1 = qpmean * s0' * q0' * q1 // dqdx Eigen::Quaternion<double> qr0, qr1, qrn, qrd; qr1.coeffs() = q1.coeffs(); qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(-qpmean.w(),-qpmean.z(),qpmean.y(),qpmean.x()); // qpmean * ds0'/dx qr0.coeffs() = Vector4d(-qr.x(),-qr.y(),-qr.z(),qr.w()); qr0 = qr0*qr1; // rotate to zero mean qrd = qpmean*qr0; // for normalization check qrn = qrn*qr0; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrd.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J0.block<3,1>(3,3) = qrn.vec(); // dqdy qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(qpmean.z(),-qpmean.w(),-qpmean.x(),qpmean.y()); // qpmean * ds0'/dy qrn = qrn*qr0; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrd.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J0.block<3,1>(3,4) = qrn.vec(); // dqdz qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(-qpmean.y(),qpmean.x(),-qpmean.w(),qpmean.z()); // qpmean * ds0'/dz qrn = qrn*qr0; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrd.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J0.block<3,1>(3,5) = qrn.vec(); // transpose J0t = J0.transpose(); // cout << endl << "J0 " << ndr << endl << J0 << endl; // Jacobians wrt second frame parameters // translational part of 0p1 wrt translational vars of p1 // this is just R0' [from 0t1 = R0'(t1 - t0)] J1.block<3,3>(0,0) = nr.w2n.block<3,3>(0,0); // translational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p1: zero J1.block<3,3>(0,3).setZero(); // rotational part of 0p1 wrt translation vars of p0 => zero J1.block<3,3>(3,0).setZero(); // rotational part of 0p1 wrt rotational vars of p0 // from 0q1 = q0'*s1*q1 Eigen::Quaternion<double> qrc; qrc.coeffs() = Vector4d(-qr.x(),-qr.y(),-qr.z(),qr.w()); qrc = qpmean*qrc*qr1; // mean' * qr0' * qr1 qrc.normalize(); // cout << endl << "QRC : " << qrc.coeffs().transpose() << endl; double dq = 1.0e-8; double wdq = 1.0 - dq*dq; qr1.coeffs() = Vector4d(dq,0,0,wdq); // cout << "QRC+x: " << (qrc*qr1).coeffs().transpose() << endl; // cout << "QRdx: " << ((qrc*qr1).coeffs().transpose() - qrc.coeffs().transpose())/dq << endl; // dqdx qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(1,0,0,0); qrn = qrc*qrn; // cout << "J1dx: " << qrn.coeffs().transpose() << endl; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrc.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J1.block<3,1>(3,3) = qrn.vec(); // dqdy qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(0,1,0,0); qrn = qrc*qrn; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrc.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J1.block<3,1>(3,4) = qrn.vec(); // dqdz qrn.coeffs() = Vector4d(0,0,1,0); qrn = qrc*qrn; #ifdef NORMALIZE_Q if (qrc.w() < 0.0) qrn.vec() = -qrn.vec(); #endif J1.block<3,1>(3,5) = qrn.vec(); // transpose J1t = J1.transpose(); // cout << endl << "J1 " << nd1 << endl << J1 << endl; };
visualization_msgs::Marker rviz_arrow(const Eigen::Vector3d & arrow, const Eigen::Vector3d & arrow_origin, int id, std::string name_space ) { Eigen::Quaternion<double> rotation; if(arrow.norm()<0.0001) { rotation=Eigen::Quaternion<double>(1,0,0,0); } else { double rotation_angle=acos(arrow.normalized().dot(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX())); Eigen::Vector3d rotation_axis=arrow.normalized().cross(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX()).normalized(); rotation=Eigen::AngleAxisd(-rotation_angle+PI,rotation_axis); } visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = "/base_link"; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time(); = id; if(id==0) { marker.color.r = 0.0; marker.color.g = 0.0; marker.color.b = 1.0; marker.ns = name_space; } else { marker.color.r = 1.0; marker.color.g = 0.0; marker.color.b = 0.0; marker.ns = name_space; } marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker.pose.position.x = arrow_origin.x(); marker.pose.position.y = arrow_origin.y(); marker.pose.position.z = arrow_origin.z(); marker.pose.orientation.x = rotation.x(); marker.pose.orientation.y = rotation.y(); marker.pose.orientation.z = rotation.z(); marker.pose.orientation.w = rotation.w(); //std::cout <<"position:" <<marker.pose.position << std::endl; //std::cout <<"orientation:" <<marker.pose.orientation << std::endl; //marker.pose.orientation.x = 0; //marker.pose.orientation.y = 0; //marker.pose.orientation.z = 0; //marker.pose.orientation.w = 1; if(arrow.norm()<0.0001) { marker.scale.x = 0.001; marker.scale.y = 0.001; marker.scale.z = 0.001; } else { marker.scale.x = arrow.norm(); marker.scale.y = 0.1; marker.scale.z = 0.1; } marker.color.a = 1.0; return marker; }
void NavQuestSocketNode::publishDvlData(const NQRes& data) { geometry_msgs::TwistStamped::Ptr twist(new geometry_msgs::TwistStamped()); bool testDVL = data.velo_instrument[0] == data.velo_instrument[1]; testDVL = testDVL && (data.velo_instrument[1] == data.velo_instrument[2]); testDVL = testDVL && (data.velo_instrument[2] == 0); //Data validity bool beamValidity = true; for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) { beamValidity = beamValidity && (data.beam_status[i] == 1); //ROS_INFO("Beam validity %d: %d", i, data.beam_status[i]); //ROS_INFO("Water vel credit %d: %f", i, data.wvelo_credit[i]); } if (testDVL) { ROS_INFO("All zero dvl. Ignore measurement."); return; } if (!beamValidity) { //ROS_INFO("One or more beams are invalid. Ignore measurement: %f %f", data.velo_instrument[0]/1000, data.velo_instrument[1]/1000); return; } else { ROS_INFO("Beams are valid. Accept measurement: %f %f", data.velo_instrument[0]/1000, data.velo_instrument[1]/1000); } (*beam_pub["velo_rad"])(data.velo_rad); (*beam_pub["wvelo_rad"])(data.wvelo_rad); (*speed_pub["velo_instrument"])(data.velo_instrument); (*speed_pub["velo_earth"])(data.velo_earth); (*speed_pub["water_velo_instrument"])(data.water_velo_instrument); (*speed_pub["water_velo_earth"])(data.water_velo_earth); enum{valid_flag=3}; bool water_lock= (data.velo_instrument[valid_flag]==2) || (data.velo_earth[valid_flag]==2); bool valid=data.velo_instrument[valid_flag] && data.velo_earth[valid_flag]; std_msgs::Bool bottom_lock; = !water_lock && valid; lock.publish(bottom_lock); //Altitude if (data.altitude_estimate > 0) { std_msgs::Float32Ptr alt(new std_msgs::Float32()); alt->data = data.altitude_estimate; altitude.publish(alt); } //TF frame //Either use a fixed rotation here or the DVL measurements enum {roll=0, pitch, yaw}; tf::Transform transform; //Moved 1.4m from the rotation origin. transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(1.4,0,0)); //transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(0,0,0)); if (useFixed) { transform.setRotation(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(0,0, base_orientation)); broadcast.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "base_link", "dvl_frame")); } else { Eigen::Quaternion<float> quat; labust::tools::quaternionFromEulerZYX(labust::math::wrapRad(data.rph[roll]/180*M_PI), labust::math::wrapRad(data.rph[pitch]/180*M_PI), labust::math::wrapRad(data.rph[yaw]/180*M_PI + magnetic_declination), quat); transform.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(quat.x(), quat.y(), quat.z(), quat.w())); broadcast.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "local", "dvl_frame")); } //RPY auv_msgs::RPY::Ptr rpy(new auv_msgs::RPY()); rpy->roll = labust::math::wrapRad(data.rph[roll]/180*M_PI); rpy->pitch = labust::math::wrapRad(data.rph[pitch]/180*M_PI); rpy->yaw = labust::math::wrapRad(data.rph[yaw]/180*M_PI); imuPub.publish(rpy); }