int lua_PhysicsCollisionShapeDefinition_isEmpty(lua_State* state) { // Get the number of parameters. int paramCount = lua_gettop(state); // Attempt to match the parameters to a valid binding. switch (paramCount) { case 1: { if ((lua_type(state, 1) == LUA_TUSERDATA)) { PhysicsCollisionShape::Definition* instance = getInstance(state); bool result = instance->isEmpty(); // Push the return value onto the stack. lua_pushboolean(state, result); return 1; } lua_pushstring(state, "lua_PhysicsCollisionShapeDefinition_isEmpty - Failed to match the given parameters to a valid function signature."); lua_error(state); break; } default: { lua_pushstring(state, "Invalid number of parameters (expected 1)."); lua_error(state); break; } } return 0; }
PhysicsRigidBody* PhysicsRigidBody::create(Node* node, Properties* properties, const char* nspace) { // Check if the properties is valid and has a valid namespace. if (!properties || !(strcmp(properties->getNamespace(), "collisionObject") == 0)) { GP_ERROR("Failed to load rigid body from properties object: must be non-null object and have namespace equal to 'collisionObject'."); return NULL; } // Check that the type is specified and correct. const char* type = properties->getString("type"); if (!type) { GP_ERROR("Failed to load physics rigid body from properties object; required attribute 'type' is missing."); return NULL; } if (strcmp(type, nspace) != 0) { GP_ERROR("Failed to load physics rigid body from properties object; attribute 'type' must be equal to '%s'.", nspace); return NULL; } // Load the physics collision shape definition. PhysicsCollisionShape::Definition shape = PhysicsCollisionShape::Definition::create(node, properties); if (shape.isEmpty()) { GP_ERROR("Failed to create collision shape during rigid body creation."); return NULL; } // Set the rigid body parameters to their defaults. Parameters parameters; kmVec3* gravity = NULL; // Load the defined rigid body parameters. properties->rewind(); const char* name; while ((name = properties->getNextProperty()) != NULL) { if (strcmp(name, "mass") == 0) { parameters.mass = properties->getFloat(); } else if (strcmp(name, "friction") == 0) { parameters.friction = properties->getFloat(); } else if (strcmp(name, "restitution") == 0) { parameters.restitution = properties->getFloat(); } else if (strcmp(name, "linearDamping") == 0) { parameters.linearDamping = properties->getFloat(); } else if (strcmp(name, "angularDamping") == 0) { parameters.angularDamping = properties->getFloat(); } else if (strcmp(name, "kinematic") == 0) { parameters.kinematic = properties->getBool(); } else if (strcmp(name, "anisotropicFriction") == 0) { properties->getVector3(NULL, ¶meters.anisotropicFriction); } else if (strcmp(name, "gravity") == 0) { gravity = new kmVec3; properties->getVector3(NULL, gravity); } else if (strcmp(name, "angularFactor") == 0) { properties->getVector3(NULL, ¶meters.angularFactor); } else if (strcmp(name, "linearFactor") == 0) { properties->getVector3(NULL, ¶meters.linearFactor); } else { // Ignore this case (the attributes for the rigid body's collision shape would end up here). } } // Create the rigid body. PhysicsRigidBody* body = new PhysicsRigidBody(node, shape, parameters); if (gravity) { body->setGravity(*gravity); SAFE_DELETE(gravity); } return body; }