BtBool BtStrCompare( const BtChar* pString1, const BtChar* pString2 )
	BtU32 maxString = MtMax( BtStrLength( pString1 ), BtStrLength( pString2 ) );
	if( BtMemory::Compare( (void*)pString1, (void*)pString2, maxString ) == BtTrue )
		return BtTrue;
	return BtFalse;
void LBtStrTrimSpaces( BtChar* szSource, BtU32 nSize )
	BtU32 length = BtStrLength( szSource );

	for( BtS32 i=length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		BtChar& myChar = szSource[i];

		switch( myChar )
			case ' ' :
			case '\n' :
			case '\r' :
			case '\0' :

				if( myChar == ' ' )
					myChar = '\0';

				i = -1;
// virtual
MtVector2 RsFontWin32GL::GetDimension( const BtChar* szText )
	MtVector2 v2LastPosition = MtVector2( 0, 0 );

	// Set the start position
	MtVector2 v2Position = MtVector2( 0, 0 );

	// Cache the string length
	BtU32 length = BtStrLength(szText);

	// Loop through the string
	for( BtU32 nCharacterIndex=0; nCharacterIndex<length; nCharacterIndex++ )
		// Cache each character
		BtUChar Character = szText[nCharacterIndex];

		if( Character == '\n' )
			// Cache the font character
			LBaFontChar& fontChar = m_pFileData->m_characters['A'];	
			v2Position.x = 0;
			v2Position.y += fontChar.m_fHeight * 1.50f;

		// Cache the font character
		LBaFontChar& fontChar = m_pFileData->m_characters[Character];

		// Set the dimension from the width and height of the texture
		MtVector2 v2Dimension = MtVector2( fontChar.m_fWidth, fontChar.m_fHeight );

		// Increment the last position
		v2LastPosition.x = MtMax( v2LastPosition.x, v2Position.x + v2Dimension.x );
		v2LastPosition.y = MtMax( v2LastPosition.y, v2Position.y + v2Dimension.y );

		// Increment the position
		v2Position.x += fontChar.m_nXAdvance;

	MtVector2 v2Dimension = v2LastPosition;

	return v2Dimension;
void HlDebug::Render()
	if( !ApConfig::IsDebug() )

	BtU32 numItems = m_items.GetNumItems();
	MtVector2 v2Position( 0, 0 );
    MtVector2 v2Dimension( 0, 0 );

	for( BtU32 i=0; i<numItems; i++ )
		HlItem &item = m_items[i];

		if( !IsHidden(item) )
			RsColour textColour = RsColour::WhiteColour();
			if( item.m_isReadOnly )
				textColour = RsColour( 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f );

			BtChar text[2048];
			sprintf( text, "" );

			for(BtU32 j = 0; j < GetNumParents(&item) * 4; j++)
				sprintf( text + strlen(text), " ");

			if(item.m_type == HlDebugEnum )
				BtU32 current = *item.m_pEnum;

				sprintf( text + strlen(text), "%s ", item.m_name );

				BtU32 index = 0;

				BtChar *pStr = item.m_pEnumString;
				while( pStr )
					BtChar temp[32];
					BtStrCopy( temp, 32, pStr, BtStrLength( pStr ) );
					BtChar *eol = BtStrStr(temp, ";");
					if( eol )
						*eol = 0;
						pStr = BtStrStr(pStr, ";") + 1;
						pStr = 0;
					if(current == index)
						sprintf(text + strlen(text), "%s", temp);
			else if(item.m_type == HlDebugSave )
				sprintf(text + strlen(text), "Save");
			else if( item.m_type == HlDebugNode )
				sprintf( text + strlen(text), "%s", item.m_name);

				if( item.m_isCollapsed )
					sprintf( text + strlen(text), "+" );
					sprintf(text + strlen(text), "-" );
			else if( item.m_type == HlDebugFloat )
				BtFloat value = *item.m_pFloat;
				// Do the conversion
				if( item.m_unitsSystem == HLDebugKnots )
					value = MtMetersPerSecondToKnots( value );
					sprintf(text + strlen(text), "%s %.2fKnts", item.m_name, value);
					sprintf( text + strlen(text), "%s %.2f", item.m_name, value );
			else if( item.m_type == HlDebugInteger )
				sprintf( text + strlen(text), "%s %d", item.m_name, *item.m_pInteger );
			else if(item.m_type == HlDebugBool )
				if( *item.m_pBool )
					sprintf(text + strlen(text), "%s True", item.m_name );
					sprintf(text + strlen(text), "%s False", item.m_name );
			else if( item.m_type == HlDebugVector )
				sprintf(text + strlen(text), "%s %.2f %.2f %.2f", item.m_name, item.m_pVector->x, item.m_pVector->y, item.m_pVector->z );
			else if( item.m_type == HlDebugColour )
				sprintf(text + strlen(text), "%s %.2f %.2f %.2f", item.m_name, item.m_pColour->Red(), item.m_pColour->Green(), item.m_pColour->Blue() );
			else if( item.m_type == HlDebugFPS )
				sprintf( text + strlen(text), "FPS %.2f", RsUtil::GetFPS() );

			if( DebugIndex == i )
				sprintf( text + strlen(text), "*" );
			MtVector2 v2FontDimension = HlFont::GetDimension( text );

			v2Dimension.x = MtMax( v2Dimension.x, v2Position.x + v2FontDimension.x + 15.0f );
			v2Dimension.y = MtMax( v2Dimension.y, v2Position.y + v2FontDimension.y + 15.0f );

			HlFont::Render(v2Position, text, textColour, MaxSortOrders - 1);
			v2Position.y += 15.0f;
	// Display the list of archives
	BtLinkedList<BaArchiveNode> archives = BaArchive::GetArchives();
	BaArchiveNode *pCurrent = archives.pHead();
	while( pCurrent )
		BtChar text[2048];
		sprintf(text, pCurrent->m_pArchive->GetFilename());
		MtVector2 v2FontDimension = HlFont::GetDimension(text);
		v2Dimension.x = MtMax(v2Dimension.x, v2Position.x + v2FontDimension.x + 30.0f);
		v2Dimension.y = MtMax(v2Dimension.y, v2Position.y + v2FontDimension.y + 30.0f);
		HlFont::Render(v2Position, text, RsColour(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f), MaxSortOrders - 1);
		v2Position.y += 15.0f;
		pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext();
	HlDraw::RenderQuad( MtVector2( 0, 0 ), v2Dimension, RsColour( 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f ), MaxSortOrders-1 );