void IIR_LPF::MakeFilter(uint fc, uint samplingrate, uint _order) { order = Limit(_order, maxorder, 1); double wa = tan(M_PI * fc / samplingrate); double wa2 = wa*wa; if (fc > samplingrate / 2) fc = samplingrate / 2 - 1000; uint j; int n = 1; for (j=0; j<order; j++) { double zt = cos(n * M_PI / 4 / order); double ia0j = 1. / (1. + 2. * wa * zt + wa2); fn[j][0] = FX(-2. * (wa2 - 1.) * ia0j); fn[j][1] = FX(-(1. - 2. * wa * zt + wa2) * ia0j); fn[j][2] = FX(wa2 * ia0j); fn[j][3] = FX(2. * wa2 * ia0j); n += 2; } for (int ch=0; ch<nchs; ch++) { for (j=0; j<order; j++) { b[ch][j][0] = b[ch][j][1] = 0; } } }
static void twin_pixmap_read_xform_32 (twin_xform_t *xform, twin_coord_t line) { twin_fixed_t dx, dy, sx, sy; unsigned int wx, wy; twin_a8_t pts[4][4]; twin_a8_t *dst = xform->span.a8; twin_pixmap_t *pix = xform->pixmap; twin_matrix_t *tfm = &xform->pixmap->transform; /* for each row in the dest line */ dy = twin_int_to_fixed(line); for (dx = 0; dx < twin_int_to_fixed(xform->width); dx += TWIN_FIXED_ONE) { sx = _twin_matrix_fx(tfm, dx, dy) + FX(xform->src_x); sy = _twin_matrix_fy(tfm, dx, dy) + FX(xform->src_y); _get_pix_32(pts[0], pix, sx, sy); _get_pix_32(pts[1], pix, sx + TWIN_FIXED_ONE, sy); _get_pix_32(pts[2], pix, sx, sy + TWIN_FIXED_ONE); _get_pix_32(pts[3], pix, sx + TWIN_FIXED_ONE, sy + TWIN_FIXED_ONE); wx = sx & 0xffff; wy = sy & 0xffff; *(dst++) = _pix_saucemix(pts[0][0], pts[1][0], pts[2][0], pts[3][0], wx, wy); *(dst++) = _pix_saucemix(pts[0][1], pts[1][1], pts[2][1], pts[3][1], wx, wy); *(dst++) = _pix_saucemix(pts[0][2], pts[1][2], pts[2][2], pts[3][2], wx, wy); *(dst++) = _pix_saucemix(pts[0][3], pts[1][3], pts[2][3], pts[3][3], wx, wy); } }
void pascal near draw_track(unsigned char sel, unsigned char color) { unsigned char other_page = 1 - music_page; graph_accesspage(other_page); graph_putsa_fx(16, (sel + 6) * 16, FX(color, 2, 0), MUSIC_TITLES[sel]); graph_accesspage(music_page); graph_putsa_fx(16, (sel + 6) * 16, FX(color, 2, 0), MUSIC_TITLES[sel]); }
void pascal near draw_cmt(int track) { int line; int p; music_cmt_load(track); screen_back_B_put(); cmt_back_put(); graph_putsa_fx(160, 64, FX(15, 1, 0), music_cmt[0]); for(line = 1; line < MUSIC_CMT_LINE_COUNT; line++) { graph_putsa_fx(304, (line + 4) * 16, FX(13, 1, 0), music_cmt[line]); } PLANE_DWORD_BLIT(screen_back_B, VRAM_PLANE_B); }
Vector3<Real> ImplicitSurface<Real>::GetGradient (const Vector3<Real>& pos) const { Real fx = FX(pos); Real fy = FY(pos); Real fz = FZ(pos); return Vector3<Real>(fx, fy, fz); }
Vector3<Real> ImplicitSurface<Real>::GetGradient (const Vector3<Real>& rkP) const { Real fFX = FX(rkP); Real fFY = FY(rkP); Real fFZ = FZ(rkP); return Vector3<Real>(fFX,fFY,fFZ); }
double probability_x_less_than_y(const std::valarray<double>& x, const std::valarray<double>& y) { vector<double> x2(x.size()); for(int i=0;i<x2.size();i++) x2[i] = x[i]; sort(x2.begin(),x2.end()); vector<double> y2(y.size()); for(int i=0;i<y2.size();i++) y2[i] = y[i]; sort(y2.begin(),y2.end()); valarray<double> FX(y.size()); int dx=0; for(int dy=0;dy<FX.size();dy++) { while((dx<x2.size()) and (x2[dx]<y2[dy])) dx++; FX[dy] = double(dx)/x2.size(); } return FX.sum()/FX.size(); }
FX ParallelizerInternal::getJacobian(int iind, int oind, bool compact, bool symmetric){ // Number of tasks int ntask = inind_.size()-1; // Find out which task corresponds to the iind int task; for(task=0; task<ntask && iind>=inind_[task+1]; ++task); // Check if the output index is also in this task if(oind>=outind_[task] && oind<outind_[task+1]){ // Get the Jacobian index int iind_f = iind-inind_[task]; int oind_f = oind-outind_[task]; // Get the local jacobian return funcs_.at(task).jacobian(iind_f,oind_f, compact, symmetric); } else { // All-zero jacobian return FX(); } }
NLPSolverInternal::NLPSolverInternal(const FX& F, const FX& G, const FX& H, const FX& J) : F_(F), G_(G), H_(H), J_(J){ // set default options setOption("name", "unnamed NLP solver"); // name of the function addOption("expand_f", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "Expand the objective function in terms of scalar operations, i.e. MX->SX"); addOption("expand_g", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "Expand the constraint function in terms of scalar operations, i.e. MX->SX"); addOption("generate_hessian", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "Generate an exact Hessian of the Lagrangian if not supplied"); addOption("generate_jacobian", OT_BOOLEAN, true, "Generate an exact Jacobian of the constraints if not supplied"); addOption("iteration_callback", OT_FX, FX(), "A function that will be called at each iteration. Input scheme is the same as NLPSolver's output scheme. Output is scalar."); addOption("iteration_callback_step", OT_INTEGER, 1, "Only call the callback function every few iterations."); addOption("iteration_callback_ignore_errors", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "If set to true, errors thrown by iteration_callback will be ignored."); addOption("ignore_check_vec", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "If set to true, the input shape of F will not be checked."); addOption("warn_initial_bounds", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "Warn if the initial guess does not satisfy LBX and UBX"); addOption("parametric", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "Expect F, G, H, J to have an additional input argument appended at the end, denoting fixed parameters."); addOption("gauss_newton", OT_BOOLEAN, false, "Use Gauss Newton Hessian approximation"); n_ = 0; m_ = 0; inputScheme = SCHEME_NLPInput; outputScheme = SCHEME_NLPOutput; }
bool ImplicitSurface<Real>::ComputePrincipalCurvatureInfo ( const Vector3<Real>& pos, Real& curv0, Real& curv1, Vector3<Real>& dir0, Vector3<Real>& dir1) { // Principal curvatures and directions for implicitly defined surfaces // F(x,y,z) = 0. // // DF = (Fx,Fy,Fz), L = Length(DF) // // D^2 F = +- -+ // | Fxx Fxy Fxz | // | Fxy Fyy Fyz | // | Fxz Fyz Fzz | // +- -+ // // adj(D^2 F) = +- -+ // | Fyy*Fzz-Fyz*Fyz Fyz*Fxz-Fxy*Fzz Fxy*Fyz-Fxz*Fyy | // | Fyz*Fxz-Fxy*Fzz Fxx*Fzz-Fxz*Fxz Fxy*Fxz-Fxx*Fyz | // | Fxy*Fyz-Fxz*Fyy Fxy*Fxz-Fxx*Fyz Fxx*Fyy-Fxy*Fxy | // +- -+ // // Gaussian curvature = [DF^t adj(D^2 F) DF]/L^4 // // Mean curvature = 0.5*[trace(D^2 F)/L - (DF^t D^2 F DF)/L^3] // first derivatives Real fx = FX(pos); Real fy = FY(pos); Real fz = FZ(pos); Real fLength = Math<Real>::Sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy + fz*fz); if (fLength <= Math<Real>::ZERO_TOLERANCE) { return false; } Real fxfx = fx*fx; Real fxfy = fx*fy; Real fxfz = fx*fz; Real fyfy = fy*fy; Real fyfz = fy*fz; Real fzfz = fz*fz; Real invLength = ((Real)1)/fLength; Real invLength2 = invLength*invLength; Real invLength3 = invLength*invLength2; Real invLength4 = invLength2*invLength2; // second derivatives Real fxx = FXX(pos); Real fxy = FXY(pos); Real fxz = FXZ(pos); Real fyy = FYY(pos); Real fyz = FYZ(pos); Real fzz = FZZ(pos); // mean curvature Real meanCurv = ((Real)0.5)*invLength3*(fxx*(fyfy + fzfz) + fyy*(fxfx + fzfz) + fzz*(fxfx + fyfy) - ((Real)2)*(fxy*fxfy + fxz*fxfz + fyz*fyfz)); // Gaussian curvature Real gaussCurv = invLength4*(fxfx*(fyy*fzz - fyz*fyz) + fyfy*(fxx*fzz - fxz*fxz) + fzfz*(fxx*fyy - fxy*fxy) + ((Real)2)*(fxfy*(fxz*fyz - fxy*fzz) + fxfz*(fxy*fyz - fxz*fyy) + fyfz*(fxy*fxz - fxx*fyz))); // solve for principal curvatures Real discr = Math<Real>::Sqrt(Math<Real>::FAbs(meanCurv*meanCurv-gaussCurv)); curv0 = meanCurv - discr; curv1 = meanCurv + discr; Real m00 = ((-(Real)1 + fxfx*invLength2)*fxx)*invLength + (fxfy*fxy)*invLength3 + (fxfz*fxz)*invLength3; Real m01 = ((-(Real)1 + fxfx*invLength2)*fxy)*invLength + (fxfy*fyy)*invLength3 + (fxfz*fyz)*invLength3; Real m02 = ((-(Real)1 + fxfx*invLength2)*fxz)*invLength + (fxfy*fyz)*invLength3 + (fxfz*fzz)*invLength3; Real m10 = (fxfy*fxx)*invLength3 + ((-(Real)1 + fyfy*invLength2)*fxy)*invLength + (fyfz*fxz)*invLength3; Real m11 = (fxfy*fxy)*invLength3 + ((-(Real)1 + fyfy*invLength2)*fyy)*invLength + (fyfz*fyz)*invLength3; Real m12 = (fxfy*fxz)*invLength3 + ((-(Real)1 + fyfy*invLength2)*fyz)*invLength + (fyfz*fzz)*invLength3; Real m20 = (fxfz*fxx)*invLength3 + (fyfz*fxy)*invLength3 + ((-(Real)1 + fzfz*invLength2)*fxz)*invLength; Real m21 = (fxfz*fxy)*invLength3 + (fyfz*fyy)*invLength3 + ((-(Real)1 + fzfz*invLength2)*fyz)*invLength; Real m22 = (fxfz*fxz)*invLength3 + (fyfz*fyz)*invLength3 + ((-(Real)1 + fzfz*invLength2)*fzz)*invLength; // solve for principal directions Real tmp1 = m00 + curv0; Real tmp2 = m11 + curv0; Real tmp3 = m22 + curv0; Vector3<Real> U[3]; Real lengths[3]; U[0].X() = m01*m12-m02*tmp2; U[0].Y() = m02*m10-m12*tmp1; U[0].Z() = tmp1*tmp2-m01*m10; lengths[0] = U[0].Length(); U[1].X() = m01*tmp3-m02*m21; U[1].Y() = m02*m20-tmp1*tmp3; U[1].Z() = tmp1*m21-m01*m20; lengths[1] = U[1].Length(); U[2].X() = tmp2*tmp3-m12*m21; U[2].Y() = m12*m20-m10*tmp3; U[2].Z() = m10*m21-m20*tmp2; lengths[2] = U[2].Length(); int maxIndex = 0; Real maxValue = lengths[0]; if (lengths[1] > maxValue) { maxIndex = 1; maxValue = lengths[1]; } if (lengths[2] > maxValue) { maxIndex = 2; } invLength = ((Real)1)/lengths[maxIndex]; U[maxIndex] *= invLength; dir1 = U[maxIndex]; dir0 = dir1.UnitCross(Vector3<Real>(fx, fy, fz)); return true; }
static void tidy_texture_frame_paint (ClutterActor *self) { TidyTextureFramePrivate *priv; ClutterActor *parent_texture; guint width, height; gint pwidth, pheight, ex, ey; ClutterFixed tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, tw, th; GLenum target_type; ClutterColor col = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; priv = TIDY_TEXTURE_FRAME (self)->priv; /* no need to paint stuff if we don't have a texture to reflect */ if (!clutter_clone_texture_get_parent_texture (CLUTTER_CLONE_TEXTURE(self))) return; /* parent texture may have been hidden, there for need to make sure its * realised with resources available. */ parent_texture = CLUTTER_ACTOR (clutter_clone_texture_get_parent_texture(CLUTTER_CLONE_TEXTURE(self))); if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (parent_texture)) clutter_actor_realize (parent_texture); if (clutter_texture_is_tiled (CLUTTER_TEXTURE (parent_texture))) { g_warning("tiled textures not yet supported..."); return; } cogl_push_matrix (); #define FX(x) CLUTTER_INT_TO_FIXED(x) clutter_texture_get_base_size (CLUTTER_TEXTURE(parent_texture), &pwidth, &pheight); clutter_actor_get_size (self, &width, &height); tx1 = FX (priv->left); tx2 = FX (pwidth - priv->right); ty1 = FX (priv->top); ty2 = FX (pheight - priv->bottom); tw = FX (pwidth); th = FX (pheight); if (clutter_feature_available (CLUTTER_FEATURE_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE)) { target_type = CGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB; cogl_enable (CGL_ENABLE_TEXTURE_RECT|CGL_ENABLE_BLEND); } else { target_type = CGL_TEXTURE_2D; cogl_enable (CGL_ENABLE_TEXTURE_2D|CGL_ENABLE_BLEND); tw = clutter_util_next_p2 (pwidth); th = clutter_util_next_p2 (pheight); tx1 = tx1/tw; tx2 = tx2/tw; ty1 = ty1/th; ty2 = ty2/th; tw = FX(pwidth)/tw; th = FX(pheight)/th; } col.alpha = clutter_actor_get_opacity (self); cogl_color (&col); clutter_texture_bind_tile (CLUTTER_TEXTURE(parent_texture), 0); ex = width - priv->right; if (ex < 0) ex = priv->right; /* FIXME */ ey = height - priv->bottom; if (ey < 0) ey = priv->bottom; /* FIXME */ /* top left corner */ cogl_texture_quad (0, priv->left, /* FIXME: clip if smaller */ 0, priv->top, 0, 0, tx1, ty1); /* top middle */ cogl_texture_quad (priv->left, ex, 0, priv->top, tx1, 0, tx2, ty1); /* top right */ cogl_texture_quad (ex, width, 0, priv->top, tx2, 0, tw, ty1); /* mid left */ cogl_texture_quad (0, priv->left, priv->top, ey, 0, ty1, tx1, ty2); /* center */ cogl_texture_quad (priv->left, ex, priv->top, ey, tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2); /* mid right */ cogl_texture_quad (ex, width, priv->top, ey, tx2, ty1, tw, ty2); /* bottom left */ cogl_texture_quad (0, priv->left, ey, height, 0, ty2, tx1, th); /* bottom center */ cogl_texture_quad (priv->left, ex, ey, height, tx1, ty2, tx2, th); /* bottom right */ cogl_texture_quad (ex, width, ey, height, tx2, ty2, tw, th); cogl_pop_matrix (); #undef FX }
#define ROT13_SpC 201373 #else #include <math.h> #define FX(x) ( (int)floor((x)*(1<<FIX) + .5 ) ) static const double c1 = cos(1.*M_PI/16); static const double c2 = cos(2.*M_PI/16); static const double c3 = cos(3.*M_PI/16); static const double c4 = cos(4.*M_PI/16); static const double c5 = cos(5.*M_PI/16); static const double c6 = cos(6.*M_PI/16); static const double c7 = cos(7.*M_PI/16); static const int ROT6_C = FX(c2-c6); // 0.541 static const int ROT6_SmC = FX(2*c6); // 0.765 static const int ROT6_SpC = FX(2*c2); // 1.847 static const int ROT17_C = FX(c1+c7); // 1.175 static const int ROT17_SmC = FX(2*c7); // 0.390 static const int ROT17_SpC = FX(2*c1); // 1.961 static const int ROT37_C = FX((c3-c7)/c4); // 0.899 static const int ROT37_SmC = FX(2*(c5+c7)); // 1.501 static const int ROT37_SpC = FX(2*(c1-c3)); // 0.298 static const int ROT13_C = FX((c1+c3)/c4); // 2.562 static const int ROT13_SmC = FX(2*(c3+c7)); // 2.053 static const int ROT13_SpC = FX(2*(c1+c5)); // 3.072
void AdvectionManager::advance(double dt, const TimeLevelIndex<2> &newTimeIdx, const VelocityField &velocity) { TimeLevelIndex<2> oldTimeIdx = newTimeIdx-1; TimeLevelIndex<2> halfTimeIdx = newTimeIdx-0.5; const double eps = 1.0e-80; const double R = domain->getRadius(); for (int s = 0; s < Q.size(); ++s) { ScalarField &q = *Q[s]; double dQ; int J; //#define ONLY_LAX_WENDROFF //#define ONLY_UPWIND #ifndef ONLY_UPWIND // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lax-Wendroff pass for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, HALF); ++i) { double f1 = dt/(R*dlon[i]); double f2 = f1/cosLatFull[j]; double u = velocity(0)(halfTimeIdx, i, j); double q1 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j); double q2 = q(oldTimeIdx, i+1, j); FX(i, j) = 0.5*f1*(u*(q2+q1)-u*u*f2*(q2-q1)); } } FX.applyBndCond(); for (int j = 0; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, HALF); ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { double f1 = dt/(R*dlat[j]); double f2 = f1/cosLatHalf[j]; double v = velocity(1)(halfTimeIdx, i, j)*cosLatHalf[j]; double q1 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j ); double q2 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1); FY(i, j) = 0.5*f1*(v*(q2+q1)-v*v*f2*(q2-q1)); } } FY.applyBndCond(); #endif #if (!defined ONLY_LAX_WENDROFF && !defined ONLY_UPWIND) // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate intermediate Qstar for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { double fx1 = dt/(R*dlon[i]*cosLatFull[i]); // TODO: Should we support irregular lon grids? double fx2 = dt/(R*dlon[i]*cosLatFull[i]); double fy1 = dt/(R*dlat[j-1]*cosLatHalf[j-1]); double fy2 = dt/(R*dlat[j ]*cosLatHalf[j ]); double u1 = velocity(0)(halfTimeIdx, i-1, j); double u2 = velocity(0)(halfTimeIdx, i, j); double v1 = velocity(1)(halfTimeIdx, i, j-1); double v2 = velocity(1)(halfTimeIdx, i, j ); double tmp1 = fabs(u1*fx1)*(1-fabs(u1*fx1)); double tmp2 = fabs(u2*fx2)*(1-fabs(u2*fx2)); double tmp3 = fabs(v1*fy1)*(1-fabs(v1*fy1)); double tmp4 = fabs(v2*fy2)*(1-fabs(v2*fy2)); double gamma = fmax(fmax(tmp1, tmp2), fmax(tmp3, tmp4)); B(i, j) = 2/(2-2*gamma); } } for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { Qstar(i, j) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j)-B(i, j)/cosLatFull[j]* (FX(i, j)-FX(i-1, j)+FY(i, j)-FY(i, j-1)); } } // handle poles // south pole dQ = 0; J = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { dQ += B(i, J+1)*FY(i, J); } dQ *= 4.0/mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL)/cosLatHalf[J]; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { Qstar(i, J) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, J)-dQ; } // north pole dQ = 0; J = mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { dQ += B(i, J-1)*FY(i, J-1); } dQ *= 4.0/mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL)/cosLatHalf[J-1]; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { Qstar(i, J) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, J)+dQ; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // shape-preserving rule (A <= 0 is good) for (int j = 0; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL); ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { double Qmin = 1.0e+15; double Qmax = -1.0e+15; if (j == 0) { Qmin = fmin(fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1)), Qmin); Qmax = fmax(fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1)), Qmax); } else if (j == mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1) { Qmin = fmin(fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j-1)), Qmin); Qmax = fmax(fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j-1)), Qmax); } else { Qmin = fmin(fmin(fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i-1, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i+1, j)), fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j-1), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1))), fmin(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), Qmin)); Qmax = fmax(fmax(fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i-1, j), q(oldTimeIdx, i+1, j)), fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j-1), q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1))), fmax(q(oldTimeIdx, i, j), Qmax)); } A(i, j) = (Qstar(i, j)-Qmax)*(Qstar(i, j)-Qmin); } } A.applyBndCond(); #endif #ifndef ONLY_LAX_WENDROFF // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // upwind pass for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, HALF); ++i) { #ifndef ONLY_UPWIND double tmp1 = (fabs(A(i, j))+A(i, j))/(fabs(A(i, j))+eps); double tmp2 = (fabs(A(i+1, j))+A(i+1, j))/(fabs(A(i+1, j))+eps); double tmp3 = (fabs(A(i+1, j))+A(i+1, j))*(fabs(A(i, j))+A(i, j)); double tmp4 = fabs(A(i, j))*fabs(A(i+1, j))+eps; double cxstar = 0.5*(tmp1+tmp2)-0.25*tmp3/tmp4; #else double cxstar = 1; #endif double f = dt/(R*dlon[i]); double u = velocity(0)(halfTimeIdx, i, j); double q1 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j); double q2 = q(oldTimeIdx, i+1, j); double cx = cxstar+(1-cxstar)*fabs(u*f/cosLatFull[j]); FX(i, j) = 0.5*f*(u*(q2+q1)-fabs(cx*u)*(q2-q1)); } } FX.applyBndCond(); for (int j = 0; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, HALF); ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { #ifndef ONLY_UPWIND double tmp1 = (fabs(A(i, j ))+A(i, j ))/(fabs(A(i, j ))+eps); double tmp2 = (fabs(A(i, j+1))+A(i, j+1))/(fabs(A(i, j+1))+eps); double tmp3 = (fabs(A(i, j+1))+A(i, j+1))*(fabs(A(i, j))+A(i, j)); double tmp4 = fabs(A(i, j))*fabs(A(i, j+1))+eps; double cystar = 0.5*(tmp1+tmp2)-0.25*tmp3/tmp4; #else double cystar = 1; #endif double f = dt/(R*dlat[j]); double v = velocity(1)(halfTimeIdx, i, j)*cosLatHalf[j]; double q1 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j ); double q2 = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j+1); double cy = cystar+(1-cystar)*fabs(v*f/cosLatHalf[j]); FY(i, j) = 0.5*f*(v*(q2+q1)-fabs(cy*v)*(q2-q1)); } } FY.applyBndCond(); #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate final Q for (int j = 1; j < mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { q(newTimeIdx, i, j) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, j)- (FX(i, j)-FX(i-1, j)+FY(i, j)-FY(i, j-1))/cosLatFull[j]; } } // handle poles // south pole dQ = 0; J = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { dQ += FY(i, J); } dQ *= 4.0/mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL)/cosLatHalf[J]; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { q(newTimeIdx, i, J) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, J)-dQ; } // north pole dQ = 0; J = mesh->getNumGrid(1, FULL)-1; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { dQ += FY(i, J-1); } dQ *= 4.0/mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL)/cosLatHalf[J-1]; for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getNumGrid(0, FULL); ++i) { q(newTimeIdx, i, J) = q(oldTimeIdx, i, J)+dQ; } q.applyBndCond(newTimeIdx); } diagnose(newTimeIdx); }
bool ImplicitSurface<Real>::ComputePrincipalCurvatureInfo ( const Vector3<Real>& rkP, Real& rfCurv0, Real& rfCurv1, Vector3<Real>& rkDir0, Vector3<Real>& rkDir1) { // Principal curvatures and directions for implicitly defined surfaces // F(x,y,z) = 0. // // DF = (Fx,Fy,Fz), L = Length(DF) // // D^2 F = +- -+ // | Fxx Fxy Fxz | // | Fxy Fyy Fyz | // | Fxz Fyz Fzz | // +- -+ // // adj(D^2 F) = +- -+ // | Fyy*Fzz-Fyz*Fyz Fyz*Fxz-Fxy*Fzz Fxy*Fyz-Fxz*Fyy | // | Fyz*Fxz-Fxy*Fzz Fxx*Fzz-Fxz*Fxz Fxy*Fxz-Fxx*Fyz | // | Fxy*Fyz-Fxz*Fyy Fxy*Fxz-Fxx*Fyz Fxx*Fyy-Fxy*Fxy | // +- -+ // // Gaussian curvature = [DF^t adj(D^2 F) DF]/L^4 // // Mean curvature = 0.5*[trace(D^2 F)/L - (DF^t D^2 F DF)/L^3] // first derivatives Real fFX = FX(rkP); Real fFY = FY(rkP); Real fFZ = FZ(rkP); Real fL = Math<Real>::Sqrt(fFX*fFX + fFY*fFY + fFZ*fFZ); if (fL <= Math<Real>::ZERO_TOLERANCE) { return false; } Real fFXFX = fFX*fFX; Real fFXFY = fFX*fFY; Real fFXFZ = fFX*fFZ; Real fFYFY = fFY*fFY; Real fFYFZ = fFY*fFZ; Real fFZFZ = fFZ*fFZ; Real fInvL = ((Real)1.0)/fL; Real fInvL2 = fInvL*fInvL; Real fInvL3 = fInvL*fInvL2; Real fInvL4 = fInvL2*fInvL2; // second derivatives Real fFXX = FXX(rkP); Real fFXY = FXY(rkP); Real fFXZ = FXZ(rkP); Real fFYY = FYY(rkP); Real fFYZ = FYZ(rkP); Real fFZZ = FZZ(rkP); // mean curvature Real fMCurv = ((Real)0.5)*fInvL3*(fFXX*(fFYFY+fFZFZ) + fFYY*(fFXFX+fFZFZ) + fFZZ*(fFXFX+fFYFY) - ((Real)2.0)*(fFXY*fFXFY+fFXZ*fFXFZ+fFYZ*fFYFZ)); // Gaussian curvature Real fGCurv = fInvL4*(fFXFX*(fFYY*fFZZ-fFYZ*fFYZ) + fFYFY*(fFXX*fFZZ-fFXZ*fFXZ) + fFZFZ*(fFXX*fFYY-fFXY*fFXY) + ((Real)2.0)*(fFXFY*(fFXZ*fFYZ-fFXY*fFZZ) + fFXFZ*(fFXY*fFYZ-fFXZ*fFYY) + fFYFZ*(fFXY*fFXZ-fFXX*fFYZ))); // solve for principal curvatures Real fDiscr = Math<Real>::Sqrt(Math<Real>::FAbs(fMCurv*fMCurv-fGCurv)); rfCurv0 = fMCurv - fDiscr; rfCurv1 = fMCurv + fDiscr; Real fM00 = ((-(Real)1.0 + fFXFX*fInvL2)*fFXX)*fInvL + (fFXFY*fFXY)*fInvL3 + (fFXFZ*fFXZ)*fInvL3; Real fM01 = ((-(Real)1.0 + fFXFX*fInvL2)*fFXY)*fInvL + (fFXFY*fFYY)*fInvL3 + (fFXFZ*fFYZ)*fInvL3; Real fM02 = ((-(Real)1.0 + fFXFX*fInvL2)*fFXZ)*fInvL + (fFXFY*fFYZ)*fInvL3 + (fFXFZ*fFZZ)*fInvL3; Real fM10 = (fFXFY*fFXX)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFYFY*fInvL2)*fFXY)*fInvL + (fFYFZ*fFXZ)*fInvL3; Real fM11 = (fFXFY*fFXY)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFYFY*fInvL2)*fFYY)*fInvL + (fFYFZ*fFYZ)*fInvL3; Real fM12 = (fFXFY*fFXZ)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFYFY*fInvL2)*fFYZ)*fInvL + (fFYFZ*fFZZ)*fInvL3; Real fM20 = (fFXFZ*fFXX)*fInvL3 + (fFYFZ*fFXY)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFZFZ*fInvL2)*fFXZ)*fInvL; Real fM21 = (fFXFZ*fFXY)*fInvL3 + (fFYFZ*fFYY)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFZFZ*fInvL2)*fFYZ)*fInvL; Real fM22 = (fFXFZ*fFXZ)*fInvL3 + (fFYFZ*fFYZ)*fInvL3 + ((-(Real)1.0 + fFZFZ*fInvL2)*fFZZ)*fInvL; // solve for principal directions Real fTmp1 = fM00 + rfCurv0; Real fTmp2 = fM11 + rfCurv0; Real fTmp3 = fM22 + rfCurv0; Vector3<Real> akU[3]; Real afLength[3]; akU[0].X() = fM01*fM12-fM02*fTmp2; akU[0].Y() = fM02*fM10-fM12*fTmp1; akU[0].Z() = fTmp1*fTmp2-fM01*fM10; afLength[0] = akU[0].Length(); akU[1].X() = fM01*fTmp3-fM02*fM21; akU[1].Y() = fM02*fM20-fTmp1*fTmp3; akU[1].Z() = fTmp1*fM21-fM01*fM20; afLength[1] = akU[1].Length(); akU[2].X() = fTmp2*fTmp3-fM12*fM21; akU[2].Y() = fM12*fM20-fM10*fTmp3; akU[2].Z() = fM10*fM21-fM20*fTmp2; afLength[2] = akU[2].Length(); int iMaxIndex = 0; Real fMax = afLength[0]; if (afLength[1] > fMax) { iMaxIndex = 1; fMax = afLength[1]; } if (afLength[2] > fMax) { iMaxIndex = 2; } Real fInvLength = ((Real)1.0)/afLength[iMaxIndex]; akU[iMaxIndex] *= fInvLength; rkDir1 = akU[iMaxIndex]; rkDir0 = rkDir1.UnitCross(Vector3<Real>(fFX,fFY,fFZ)); return true; }
void DirectSingleShootingInternal::init(){ // Initialize the base classes OCPSolverInternal::init(); // Create an integrator instance integratorCreator integrator_creator = getOption("integrator"); integrator_ = integrator_creator(ffcn_,FX()); if(hasSetOption("integrator_options")){ integrator_.setOption(getOption("integrator_options")); } // Set t0 and tf integrator_.setOption("t0",0); integrator_.setOption("tf",tf_/nk_); integrator_.init(); // Path constraints present? bool path_constraints = nh_>0; // Count the total number of NLP variables int NV = np_ + // global parameters nx_ + // initial state nu_*nk_; // local control // Declare variable vector for the NLP // The structure is as follows: // np x 1 (parameters) // ------ // nx x 1 (states at time i=0) // ------ // nu x 1 (controls in interval i=0) // ..... // nx x 1 (controls in interval i=nk-1) MX V = msym("V",NV); int offset = 0; // Global parameters MX P = V[Slice(0,np_)]; offset += np_; // Initial state MX X0 = V[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)]; offset += nx_; // Control for each shooting interval vector<MX> U(nk_); for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ // interior nodes U[k] = V[range(offset,offset+nu_)]; offset += nu_; } // Make sure that the size of the variable vector is consistent with the number of variables that we have referenced casadi_assert(offset==NV); // Current state MX X = X0; // Objective MX nlp_j = 0; // Constraints vector<MX> nlp_g; nlp_g.reserve(nk_*(path_constraints ? 2 : 1)); // For all shooting nodes for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ // Integrate vector<MX> int_out = integrator_.call(integratorIn("x0",X,"p",vertcat(P,U[k]))); // Store expression for state trajectory X = int_out[INTEGRATOR_XF]; // Add constraints on the state nlp_g.push_back(X); // Add path constraints if(path_constraints){ vector<MX> cfcn_out = cfcn_.call(daeIn("x",X,"p",U[k])); // TODO: Change signature of cfcn_: remove algebraic variable, add control nlp_g.push_back(cfcn_out.at(0)); } } // Terminal constraints G_ = MXFunction(V,vertcat(nlp_g)); G_.setOption("name","nlp_g"); G_.init(); // Objective function MX jk = mfcn_.call(mayerIn("x",X,"p",P)).at(0); nlp_j += jk; F_ = MXFunction(V,nlp_j); F_.setOption("name","nlp_j"); // Get the NLP creator function NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver"); // Allocate an NLP solver nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(F_,G_,FX(),FX()); // Pass options if(hasSetOption("nlp_solver_options")){ const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options"); nlp_solver_.setOption(nlp_solver_options); } // Initialize the solver nlp_solver_.init(); }
static void bloops_synth(int length, float* buffer) { int bi, t, i, si; while (length--) { int samplecount = 0; float allsample = 0.0f; for (bi = 0; bi < BLOOPS_MAX_CHANNELS; bi++) { int moreframes = 0; bloops *B = MIXER->B[bi]; if (B == NULL) continue; for (t = 0; t < BLOOPS_MAX_TRACKS; t++) { bloopsavoice *A = &B->voices[t]; bloopsatrack *track = A->track; if (track == NULL) continue; if (track->notes) { if (A->frames == A->nextnote[0]) { if (A->nextnote[1] < track->nlen) { bloopsanote *note = &track->notes[A->nextnote[1]]; float freq = A->params.freq; if (note->tone != 'n') freq = bloops_note_freq(note->tone, (int)note->octave); if (freq == 0.0f) { A->period = 0.0f; A->state = BLOOPS_STOP; } else { bloopsanote *note = &track->notes[A->nextnote[1]]; bloopsafx *fx = note->FX; while (fx) { switch (fx->cmd) { case BLOOPS_FX_VOLUME: FX(fx, A->params.volume); break; case BLOOPS_FX_PUNCH: FX(fx, A->params.punch); break; case BLOOPS_FX_ATTACK: FX(fx, A->params.attack); break; case BLOOPS_FX_SUSTAIN: FX(fx, A->params.sustain); break; case BLOOPS_FX_DECAY: FX(fx, A->params.decay); break; case BLOOPS_FX_SQUARE: FX(fx, A->params.square); break; case BLOOPS_FX_SWEEP: FX(fx, A->params.sweep); break; case BLOOPS_FX_VIBE: FX(fx, A->params.vibe); break; case BLOOPS_FX_VSPEED: FX(fx, A->params.vspeed); break; case BLOOPS_FX_VDELAY: FX(fx, A->params.vdelay); break; case BLOOPS_FX_LPF: FX(fx, A->params.lpf); break; case BLOOPS_FX_LSWEEP: FX(fx, A->params.lsweep); break; case BLOOPS_FX_RESONANCE: FX(fx, A->params.resonance); break; case BLOOPS_FX_HPF: FX(fx, A->params.hpf); break; case BLOOPS_FX_HSWEEP: FX(fx, A->params.hsweep); break; case BLOOPS_FX_ARP: FX(fx, A->params.arp); break; case BLOOPS_FX_ASPEED: FX(fx, A->params.aspeed); break; case BLOOPS_FX_PHASE: FX(fx, A->params.phase); break; case BLOOPS_FX_PSWEEP: FX(fx, A->params.psweep); break; case BLOOPS_FX_REPEAT: FX(fx, A->params.repeat); break; } fx = fx->next; } bloops_reset_voice(A); bloops_start_voice(A); A->period = 100.0 / (freq * freq + 0.001); } float length = 4.0f / note->duration; A->nextnote[0] += (int)(tempo2frames(B->tempo) * (length + length * (1 - 1.0f / (1 << note->dotted)))); } A->nextnote[1]++; } if (A->nextnote[1] <= track->nlen) moreframes++; } else { moreframes++; } A->frames++; if (A->state == BLOOPS_STOP) continue; samplecount++; A->repeat++; if (A->limit != 0 && A->repeat >= A->limit) { A->repeat = 0; bloops_reset_voice(A); } A->atime++; if (A->alimit != 0 && A->atime >= A->alimit) { A->alimit = 0; A->period *= A->arp; } A->slide += A->dslide; A->period *= A->slide; if (A->period > A->maxperiod) { A->period = A->maxperiod; if (A->params.limit > 0.0f) A->state = BLOOPS_STOP; } float rfperiod = A->period; if (A->vdelay > 0.0f) { A->vibe += A->vspeed; rfperiod = A->period * (1.0 + sin(A->vibe) * A->vdelay); } int period = (int)rfperiod; if (period < 8) period = 8; A->square += A->sweep; if(A->square < 0.0f) A->square = 0.0f; if(A->square > 0.5f) A->square = 0.5f; A->time++; while (A->time >= A->length[A->stage]) { A->time = 0; A->stage++; if (A->stage == 3) A->state = BLOOPS_STOP; } switch (A->stage) { case 0: A->volume = (float)A->time / A->length[0]; break; case 1: A->volume = 1.0f + (1.0f - (float)A->time / A->length[1]) * 2.0f * A->params.punch; break; case 2: A->volume = 1.0f - (float)A->time / A->length[2]; break; } A->fphase += A->dphase; A->iphase = abs((int)A->fphase); if (A->iphase > 1023) A->iphase = 1023; if (A->filter[7] != 0.0f) { A->filter[6] *= A->filter[7]; if (A->filter[6] < 0.00001f) A->filter[6] = 0.00001f; if (A->filter[6] > 0.1f) A->filter[6] = 0.1f; } float ssample = 0.0f; for (si = 0; si < 8; si++) { float sample = 0.0f; A->phase++; if (A->phase >= period) { A->phase %= period; if (A->params.type == BLOOPS_NOISE) for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) A->noise[i] = frnd(2.0f) - 1.0f; } float fp = (float)A->phase / period; switch (A->params.type) { case BLOOPS_SQUARE: if (fp < A->square) sample = 0.5f; else sample = -0.5f; break; case BLOOPS_SAWTOOTH: sample = 1.0f - fp * 2; break; case BLOOPS_SINE: sample = (float)sin(fp * 2 * PI); break; case BLOOPS_NOISE: sample = A->noise[A->phase * 32 / period]; break; } float pp = A->filter[0]; A->filter[2] *= A->filter[3]; if (A->filter[2] < 0.0f) A->filter[2] = 0.0f; if (A->filter[2] > 0.1f) A->filter[2] = 0.1f; if (A->params.lpf != 1.0f) { A->filter[1] += (sample - A->filter[0]) * A->filter[2]; A->filter[1] -= A->filter[1] * A->filter[4]; } else { A->filter[0] = sample; A->filter[1] = 0.0f; } A->filter[0] += A->filter[1]; A->filter[5] += A->filter[0] - pp; A->filter[5] -= A->filter[5] * A->filter[6]; sample = A->filter[5]; A->phaser[A->phasex & 1023] = sample; sample += A->phaser[(A->phasex - A->iphase + 1024) & 1023]; A->phasex = (A->phasex + 1) & 1023; ssample += sample * A->volume; } ssample = ssample / 8 * B->volume; ssample *= 2.0f * A->params.volume; if (ssample > 1.0f) ssample = 1.0f; if (ssample < -1.0f) ssample = -1.0f; allsample += ssample; } if (moreframes == 0) B->state = BLOOPS_STOP; } *buffer++ = allsample; } }
void DirectMultipleShootingInternal::init(){ // Initialize the base classes OCPSolverInternal::init(); // Create an integrator instance integratorCreator integrator_creator = getOption("integrator"); integrator_ = integrator_creator(ffcn_,FX()); if(hasSetOption("integrator_options")){ integrator_.setOption(getOption("integrator_options")); } // Set t0 and tf integrator_.setOption("t0",0); integrator_.setOption("tf",tf_/nk_); integrator_.init(); // Path constraints present? bool path_constraints = nh_>0; // Count the total number of NLP variables int NV = np_ + // global parameters nx_*(nk_+1) + // local state nu_*nk_; // local control // Declare variable vector for the NLP // The structure is as follows: // np x 1 (parameters) // ------ // nx x 1 (states at time i=0) // nu x 1 (controls in interval i=0) // ------ // nx x 1 (states at time i=1) // nu x 1 (controls in interval i=1) // ------ // ..... // ------ // nx x 1 (states at time i=nk) MX V("V",NV); // Global parameters MX P = V(Slice(0,np_)); // offset in the variable vector int v_offset=np_; // Disretized variables for each shooting node vector<MX> X(nk_+1), U(nk_); for(int k=0; k<=nk_; ++k){ // interior nodes // Local state X[k] = V[Slice(v_offset,v_offset+nx_)]; v_offset += nx_; // Variables below do not appear at the end point if(k==nk_) break; // Local control U[k] = V[Slice(v_offset,v_offset+nu_)]; v_offset += nu_; } // Make sure that the size of the variable vector is consistent with the number of variables that we have referenced casadi_assert(v_offset==NV); // Input to the parallel integrator evaluation vector<vector<MX> > int_in(nk_); for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ int_in[k].resize(INTEGRATOR_NUM_IN); int_in[k][INTEGRATOR_P] = vertcat(P,U[k]); int_in[k][INTEGRATOR_X0] = X[k]; } // Input to the parallel function evaluation vector<vector<MX> > fcn_in(nk_); for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ fcn_in[k].resize(DAE_NUM_IN); fcn_in[k][DAE_T] = (k*tf_)/nk_; fcn_in[k][DAE_P] = vertcat(P,U.at(k)); fcn_in[k][DAE_X] = X[k]; } // Options for the parallelizer Dictionary paropt; // Transmit parallelization mode if(hasSetOption("parallelization")) paropt["parallelization"] = getOption("parallelization"); // Evaluate function in parallel vector<vector<MX> > pI_out = integrator_.call(int_in,paropt); // Evaluate path constraints in parallel vector<vector<MX> > pC_out; if(path_constraints) pC_out = cfcn_.call(fcn_in,paropt); //Constraint function vector<MX> gg(2*nk_); // Collect the outputs for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ //append continuity constraints gg[2*k] = pI_out[k][INTEGRATOR_XF] - X[k+1]; // append the path constraints if(path_constraints) gg[2*k+1] = pC_out[k][0]; } // Terminal constraints MX g = vertcat(gg); // Objective function MX f; if (mfcn_.getNumInputs()==1) { f = mfcn_.call(X.back()).front(); } else { vector<MX> mfcn_argin(MAYER_NUM_IN); mfcn_argin[MAYER_X] = X.back(); mfcn_argin[MAYER_P] = P; f = mfcn_.call(mfcn_argin).front(); } // NLP nlp_ = MXFunction(nlpIn("x",V),nlpOut("f",f,"g",g)); nlp_.setOption("ad_mode","forward"); nlp_.init(); // Get the NLP creator function NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver"); // Allocate an NLP solver nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(nlp_); // Pass user options if(hasSetOption("nlp_solver_options")){ const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options"); nlp_solver_.setOption(nlp_solver_options); } // Initialize the solver nlp_solver_.init(); }
FX GslInternal::getJacobian() {return FX();}
void DirectCollocationInternal::init(){ // Initialize the base classes OCPSolverInternal::init(); // Free parameters currently not supported casadi_assert_message(np_==0, "Not implemented"); // Legendre collocation points double legendre_points[][6] = { {0}, {0,0.500000}, {0,0.211325,0.788675}, {0,0.112702,0.500000,0.887298}, {0,0.069432,0.330009,0.669991,0.930568}, {0,0.046910,0.230765,0.500000,0.769235,0.953090}}; // Radau collocation points double radau_points[][6] = { {0}, {0,1.000000}, {0,0.333333,1.000000}, {0,0.155051,0.644949,1.000000}, {0,0.088588,0.409467,0.787659,1.000000}, {0,0.057104,0.276843,0.583590,0.860240,1.000000}}; // Read options bool use_radau; if(getOption("collocation_scheme")=="radau"){ use_radau = true; } else if(getOption("collocation_scheme")=="legendre"){ use_radau = false; } // Interpolation order deg_ = getOption("interpolation_order"); // All collocation time points double* tau_root = use_radau ? radau_points[deg_] : legendre_points[deg_]; // Size of the finite elements double h = tf_/nk_; // Coefficients of the collocation equation vector<vector<MX> > C(deg_+1,vector<MX>(deg_+1)); // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix DMatrix C_num = DMatrix(deg_+1,deg_+1,0); // Coefficients of the continuity equation vector<MX> D(deg_+1); // Coefficients of the collocation equation as DMatrix DMatrix D_num = DMatrix(deg_+1,1,0); // Collocation point SXMatrix tau = ssym("tau"); // For all collocation points for(int j=0; j<deg_+1; ++j){ // Construct Lagrange polynomials to get the polynomial basis at the collocation point SXMatrix L = 1; for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){ if(j2 != j){ L *= (tau-tau_root[j2])/(tau_root[j]-tau_root[j2]); } } SXFunction lfcn(tau,L); lfcn.init(); // Evaluate the polynomial at the final time to get the coefficients of the continuity equation lfcn.setInput(1.0); lfcn.evaluate(); D[j] = lfcn.output(); D_num(j) = lfcn.output(); // Evaluate the time derivative of the polynomial at all collocation points to get the coefficients of the continuity equation for(int j2=0; j2<deg_+1; ++j2){ lfcn.setInput(tau_root[j2]); lfcn.setFwdSeed(1.0); lfcn.evaluate(1,0); C[j][j2] = lfcn.fwdSens(); C_num(j,j2) = lfcn.fwdSens(); } } C_num(std::vector<int>(1,0),ALL) = 0; C_num(0,0) = 1; // All collocation time points vector<vector<double> > T(nk_); for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ T[k].resize(deg_+1); for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){ T[k][j] = h*(k + tau_root[j]); } } // Total number of variables int nlp_nx = 0; nlp_nx += nk_*(deg_+1)*nx_; // Collocated states nlp_nx += nk_*nu_; // Parametrized controls nlp_nx += nx_; // Final state // NLP variable vector MX nlp_x = msym("x",nlp_nx); int offset = 0; // Get collocated states and parametrized control vector<vector<MX> > X(nk_+1); vector<MX> U(nk_); for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ // Collocated states X[k].resize(deg_+1); for(int j=0; j<=deg_; ++j){ // Get the expression for the state vector X[k][j] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)]; offset += nx_; } // Parametrized controls U[k] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nu_)]; offset += nu_; } // State at end time X[nk_].resize(1); X[nk_][0] = nlp_x[Slice(offset,offset+nx_)]; offset += nx_; casadi_assert(offset==nlp_nx); // Constraint function for the NLP vector<MX> nlp_g; // Objective function MX nlp_j = 0; // For all finite elements for(int k=0; k<nk_; ++k){ // For all collocation points for(int j=1; j<=deg_; ++j){ // Get an expression for the state derivative at the collocation point MX xp_jk = 0; for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){ xp_jk += C[r][j]*X[k][r]; } // Add collocation equations to the NLP MX fk = ffcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k][j],"p",U[k]))[DAE_ODE]; nlp_g.push_back(h*fk - xp_jk); } // Get an expression for the state at the end of the finite element MX xf_k = 0; for(int r=0; r<=deg_; ++r){ xf_k += D[r]*X[k][r]; } // Add continuity equation to NLP nlp_g.push_back(X[k+1][0] - xf_k); // Add path constraints if(nh_>0){ MX pk = cfcn_.call(daeIn("x",X[k+1][0],"p",U[k])).at(0); nlp_g.push_back(pk); } // Add integral objective function term // [Jk] = lfcn.call([X[k+1,0], U[k]]) // nlp_j += Jk } // Add end cost MX Jk = mfcn_.call(mayerIn("x",X[nk_][0])).at(0); nlp_j += Jk; // Objective function of the NLP F_ = MXFunction(nlp_x, nlp_j); // Nonlinear constraint function G_ = MXFunction(nlp_x, vertcat(nlp_g)); // Get the NLP creator function NLPSolverCreator nlp_solver_creator = getOption("nlp_solver"); // Allocate an NLP solver nlp_solver_ = nlp_solver_creator(F_,G_,FX(),FX()); // Pass options if(hasSetOption("nlp_solver_options")){ const Dictionary& nlp_solver_options = getOption("nlp_solver_options"); nlp_solver_.setOption(nlp_solver_options); } // Initialize the solver nlp_solver_.init(); }
static void clutter_reflect_texture_paint (ClutterActor *actor) { ClutterReflectTexturePrivate *priv; ClutterReflectTexture *texture; ClutterClone *clone; ClutterTexture *parent; guint width, height; gfloat fwidth, fheight; gint r_height; gint opacity; gint bottom; CoglHandle cogl_texture; CoglTextureVertex tvert[4]; CoglFixed rty; texture = CLUTTER_REFLECT_TEXTURE (actor); clone = CLUTTER_CLONE (actor); parent = (ClutterTexture*) clutter_clone_get_source (clone); if (!parent) return; if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_REALIZED (parent)) clutter_actor_realize (CLUTTER_ACTOR (parent)); cogl_texture = clutter_texture_get_cogl_texture (parent); if (cogl_texture == COGL_INVALID_HANDLE) return; priv = texture->priv; clutter_actor_get_size (CLUTTER_ACTOR(parent), &fwidth, &fheight); width = fwidth; height = fheight; if (!height) // probably won't happen, but just in case, to avoid divide by zero. return; r_height = priv->reflection_height; bottom = priv->reflect_bottom; opacity = clutter_actor_get_opacity(actor); if (r_height < 0 || r_height > height) r_height = height; #define FX(x) COGL_FIXED_FROM_INT(x) rty = COGL_FIXED_FAST_DIV(FX(bottom ? height-r_height : r_height),FX(height)); /* clockise vertices and tex coords and colors! */ tvert[0].x = tvert[0].y = tvert[0].z = 0; tvert[0].tx = 0; tvert[0].ty = bottom ? COGL_FIXED_1 : rty; tvert[0].color.red = tvert[0].color.green = tvert[0].color.blue = 0xff; tvert[0].color.alpha = bottom ? opacity : 0; tvert[1].x = FX(width); tvert[1].y = tvert[1].z = 0; tvert[1].tx = COGL_FIXED_1; tvert[1].ty = bottom ? COGL_FIXED_1 : rty; tvert[1].color.red = tvert[1].color.green = tvert[1].color.blue = 0xff; tvert[1].color.alpha = bottom ? opacity : 0; tvert[2].x = FX(width); tvert[2].y = FX(r_height); tvert[2].z = 0; tvert[2].tx = COGL_FIXED_1; tvert[2].ty = bottom ? rty : 0; tvert[2].color.red = tvert[2].color.green = tvert[2].color.blue = 0xff; tvert[2].color.alpha = bottom ? 0 : opacity; tvert[3].x = 0; tvert[3].y = FX(r_height); tvert[3].z = 0; tvert[3].tx = 0; tvert[3].ty = bottom ? rty : 0; tvert[3].color.red = tvert[3].color.green = tvert[3].color.blue = 0xff; tvert[3].color.alpha = bottom ? 0 : opacity; cogl_push_matrix (); cogl_set_source_texture(cogl_texture); /* FIXME: this does not work as expected */ /* cogl_polygon(tvert, 4, TRUE); */ cogl_pop_matrix (); }
FX OCPSolver::getRfcn() const { return isNull() ? FX(): (*this)->rfcn_; }
void restore_mc (int enlarge_factor, image_t *image, const image_t *past, const image_t *future, const wfa_t *wfa) /* * Restore motion compensated prediction of 'image' represented by 'wfa'. * If 'enlarge_factor' != 0 then enlarge image by given amount. * Reference frames are given by 'past' and 'future'. * * No return values. */ { unsigned state, label; unsigned root_state; word_t *mcblock1, *mcblock2; /* MC blocks */ #define FX(v) ((image->format == FORMAT_4_2_0) && band != Y ? ((v) / 2) : v) mcblock1 = Calloc (size_of_level (max ((int) wfa->wfainfo->p_max_level + 2 * enlarge_factor, 0)), sizeof (word_t)); mcblock2 = Calloc (size_of_level (max ((int) wfa->wfainfo->p_max_level + 2 * enlarge_factor, 0)), sizeof (word_t)); if (!image->color) root_state = wfa->root_state; else root_state = wfa->tree [wfa->tree [wfa->root_state][0]][0]; for (state = wfa->basis_states; state <= root_state; state++) for (label = 0; label < MAXLABELS; label++) if (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].type != NONE) { color_e band; unsigned level = wfa->level_of_state [state] - 1; unsigned width = width_of_level (level); unsigned height = height_of_level (level); unsigned offset = image->width - width; switch (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].type) { case FORWARD: for (band = first_band (image->color); band <= last_band (image->color); band++) { extract_mc_block (mcblock1, FX (width), FX (height), past->pixels [band], FX (past->width), wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel, FX (wfa->x [state][label]), FX (wfa->y [state][label]), FX (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fx), FX (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].fy)); { word_t *mc1; /* current pixel in MC block */ word_t *orig; /* current pixel in original image */ unsigned x, y; /* pixel coordinates */ mc1 = mcblock1; orig = (word_t *) image->pixels [band] + FX (wfa->x[state][label]) + FX (wfa->y[state][label]) * FX (image->width); for (y = FX (height); y; y--) { for (x = FX (width); x; x--) *orig++ += *mc1++; orig += FX (offset); } } } break; case BACKWARD: for (band = first_band (image->color); band <= last_band (image->color); band++) { extract_mc_block (mcblock1, FX (width), FX (height), future->pixels [band], FX (future->width), wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel, FX (wfa->x [state][label]), FX (wfa->y [state][label]), FX (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].bx), FX (wfa->mv_tree [state][label].by)); { word_t *mc1; /* current pixel in MC block 1 */ word_t *orig; /* current pixel in original image */ unsigned x, y; /* pixel coordinates */ mc1 = mcblock1; orig = (word_t *) image->pixels [band] + FX (wfa->x[state][label]) + FX (wfa->y[state][label]) * FX (image->width); for (y = FX (height); y; y--) { for (x = FX (width); x; x--) *orig++ += *mc1++; orig += FX (offset); } } } break; case INTERPOLATED: for (band = first_band (image->color); band <= last_band (image->color); band++) { extract_mc_block (mcblock1, FX (width), FX (height), past->pixels [band], FX (past->width), wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel, FX (wfa->x[state][label]), FX (wfa->y[state][label]), FX (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].fx), FX (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].fy)); extract_mc_block (mcblock2, FX (width), FX (height), future->pixels [band], FX (future->width), wfa->wfainfo->half_pixel, FX (wfa->x[state][label]), FX (wfa->y[state][label]), FX (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].bx), FX (wfa->mv_tree[state][label].by)); { word_t *mc1; /* current pixel in MC block 1 */ word_t *mc2; /* current pixel in MC block 1 */ word_t *orig; /* current pixel in original image */ unsigned x, y; /* pixel coordinates */ mc1 = mcblock1; mc2 = mcblock2; orig = (word_t *) image->pixels [band] + FX (wfa->x[state][label]) + FX (wfa->y[state][label]) * FX (image->width); for (y = FX (height); y; y--) { for (x = FX (width); x; x--) #ifdef HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT *orig++ += (*mc1++ + *mc2++) >> 1; #else /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */ *orig++ += (*mc1++ + *mc2++) / 2; #endif /* not HAVE_SIGNED_SHIFT */ orig += FX (offset); } } } break; default: break; } }
static cairo_status_t twin_scaled_font_render_glyph (cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font, unsigned long glyph, cairo_t *cr, cairo_text_extents_t *metrics) { double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; const int8_t *b = _cairo_twin_outlines + _cairo_twin_charmap[glyph >= ARRAY_LENGTH (_cairo_twin_charmap) ? 0 : glyph]; const int8_t *g = twin_glyph_draw(b); struct { cairo_bool_t snap; int snap_x; int snap_y; int n_snap_x; int n_snap_y; } info = {FALSE}; cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.06); cairo_set_line_join (cr, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND); cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); for (;;) { switch (*g++) { case 'M': cairo_close_path (cr); /* fall through */ case 'm': x1 = FX(*g++); y1 = FY(*g++); if (info.snap) { x1 = SNAPX (x1); y1 = SNAPY (y1); } cairo_move_to (cr, x1, y1); continue; case 'L': cairo_close_path (cr); /* fall through */ case 'l': x1 = FX(*g++); y1 = FY(*g++); if (info.snap) { x1 = SNAPX (x1); y1 = SNAPY (y1); } cairo_line_to (cr, x1, y1); continue; case 'C': cairo_close_path (cr); /* fall through */ case 'c': x1 = FX(*g++); y1 = FY(*g++); x2 = FX(*g++); y2 = FY(*g++); x3 = FX(*g++); y3 = FY(*g++); if (info.snap) { x1 = SNAPX (x1); y1 = SNAPY (y1); x2 = SNAPX (x2); y2 = SNAPY (y2); x3 = SNAPX (x3); y3 = SNAPY (y3); } cairo_curve_to (cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); continue; case 'E': cairo_close_path (cr); /* fall through */ case 'e': cairo_stroke (cr); break; case 'X': /* filler */ continue; } break; } metrics->x_advance = FX(twin_glyph_right(b)) + cairo_get_line_width (cr); metrics->x_advance += cairo_get_line_width (cr)/* XXX 2*x.margin */; if (info.snap) metrics->x_advance = SNAPI (SNAPX (metrics->x_advance)); return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::List fitData(Rcpp::DataFrame ds) { const size_t ncoeffs = NCOEFFS; const size_t nbreak = NBREAK; const size_t n = N; size_t i, j; Rcpp::DataFrame D(ds); // construct the data.frame object RcppGSL::vector<double> y = D["y"]; // access columns by name, RcppGSL::vector<double> x = D["x"]; // assigning to GSL vectors RcppGSL::vector<double> w = D["w"]; gsl_bspline_workspace *bw; gsl_vector *B; gsl_vector *c; gsl_matrix *X, *cov; gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *mw; double chisq, Rsq, dof, tss; bw = gsl_bspline_alloc(4, nbreak); // allocate a cubic bspline workspace (k = 4) B = gsl_vector_alloc(ncoeffs); X = gsl_matrix_alloc(n, ncoeffs); c = gsl_vector_alloc(ncoeffs); cov = gsl_matrix_alloc(ncoeffs, ncoeffs); mw = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc(n, ncoeffs); gsl_bspline_knots_uniform(0.0, 15.0, bw); // use uniform breakpoints on [0, 15] for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // construct the fit matrix X double xi = gsl_vector_get(x, i); gsl_bspline_eval(xi, B, bw); // compute B_j(xi) for all j for (j = 0; j < ncoeffs; ++j) { // fill in row i of X double Bj = gsl_vector_get(B, j); gsl_matrix_set(X, i, j, Bj); } } gsl_multifit_wlinear(X, w, y, c, cov, &chisq, mw); // do the fit dof = n - ncoeffs; tss = gsl_stats_wtss(w->data, 1, y->data, 1, y->size); Rsq = 1.0 - chisq / tss; Rcpp::NumericVector FX(151), FY(151); // output the smoothed curve double xi, yi, yerr; for (xi = 0.0, i=0; xi < 15.0; xi += 0.1, i++) { gsl_bspline_eval(xi, B, bw); gsl_multifit_linear_est(B, c, cov, &yi, &yerr); FX[i] = xi; FY[i] = yi; } Rcpp::List res = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("X")=FX, Rcpp::Named("Y")=FY, Rcpp::Named("chisqdof")=Rcpp::wrap(chisq/dof), Rcpp::Named("rsq")=Rcpp::wrap(Rsq)); gsl_bspline_free(bw); gsl_vector_free(B); gsl_matrix_free(X); gsl_vector_free(c); gsl_matrix_free(cov); gsl_multifit_linear_free(mw); y.free(); x.free(); w.free(); return(res); }
-1, X (o[0]), X (o[1]), X (o[2]), X (o[3]), X (o[4]), X (o[5]), X (o[6]), /* sp */ X (o[7]), /* ra */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* l0 -> l7 */ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, /* i0 -> i7 */ FX (f.fregs[0]), /* f0 */ FX (f.fregs[1]), FX (f.fregs[2]), FX (f.fregs[3]), FX (f.fregs[4]), FX (f.fregs[5]), FX (f.fregs[6]), FX (f.fregs[7]), FX (f.fregs[8]), FX (f.fregs[9]), FX (f.fregs[10]), FX (f.fregs[11]), FX (f.fregs[12]), FX (f.fregs[13]), FX (f.fregs[14]), FX (f.fregs[15]),
static void flowgrad(float *y, float *flow, int w, int h) { float (*gradient)[w][4] = (void*)y; getsample_operator p = getsample_1; #define FX(i,j) p(flow,w,h,2,(i),(j),0) #define FY(i,j) p(flow,w,h,2,(i),(j),1) for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { // sobel float ux = -FX(i-1,j-1)-2*FX(i-1,j)-FX(i-1,j+1) +FX(i+1,j-1)+2*FX(i+1,j)+FX(i+1,j+1); float uy = -FX(i-1,j-1)-2*FX(i,j-1)-FX(i+1,j-1) +FX(i-1,j+1)+2*FX(i,j+1)+FX(i+1,j+1); float vx = -FY(i-1,j-1)-2*FY(i-1,j)-FY(i-1,j+1) +FY(i+1,j-1)+2*FY(i+1,j)+FY(i+1,j+1); float vy = -FY(i-1,j-1)-2*FY(i,j-1)-FY(i+1,j-1) +FY(i-1,j+1)+2*FY(i,j+1)+FY(i+1,j+1); gradient[j][i][0] = ux; gradient[j][i][1] = uy; gradient[j][i][2] = vx; gradient[j][i][3] = vy; } #undef FX #undef FY }